void btRigidBody::debugLocalProperties(btIDebugDraw* glDebugDrawer){
    btTransform chassisTrans = getCenterOfMassTransform();

    btVector3 sideVector (

    btVector3 fwdVector (

    if(idDebug == 1){
        for(int i = 0; i < 4;i++){
            btVector3 angLinearVelocity = debugAngularVelocity[i].cross(debugRelVector[i]);
            btVector3 relativePosition = debugRelVector[i] + getCenterOfMassPosition();
            btVector3 toRelativePosition = relativePosition+angLinearVelocity*2;

            //angLinearVelocity = debugAngularVelocity.cross(4.9*-sideVector);
            relativePosition = getCenterOfMassPosition()-sideVector*6;
            toRelativePosition = relativePosition+angLinearVelocity*1000;

            relativePosition = getCenterOfMassPosition()+fwdVector*4+btVector3(0,3,0);
            toRelativePosition = relativePosition+debugLinearVelocity*1000;
Example #2
Entity get_side_entity_for_element_side_pair(BulkData &bulkData, const SideSetEntry &facet)
    const Entity * sides = bulkData.begin(facet.element, bulkData.mesh_meta_data().side_rank());
    ConnectivityOrdinal const * ordinals = bulkData.begin_ordinals(facet.element, bulkData.mesh_meta_data().side_rank());
    std::vector<Entity> sideVector(sides, sides+bulkData.num_sides(facet.element));
    return get_side_entity_from_ordinal(sideVector, ordinals, facet.side);
bool GeometryUtilities::placeRectAtLine(const QRectF &rect, const QLineF &line, double lineOffset, double distance,
                                        const QLineF &intersectionLine, QPointF *placement, Side *horizontalAlignedSide)

    QList<Candidate> candidates;
    candidates << Candidate(QVector2D(rect.topRight() - rect.topLeft()), QPointF(0.0, 0.0), SideTop)
               << Candidate(QVector2D(rect.topLeft() - rect.topRight()), rect.topRight() - rect.topLeft(), SideTop)
               << Candidate(QVector2D(rect.bottomLeft() - rect.topLeft()), QPointF(0.0, 0.0), SideLeft)
               << Candidate(QVector2D(rect.topLeft() - rect.bottomLeft()), rect.bottomLeft() - rect.topLeft(), SideLeft)
               << Candidate(QVector2D(rect.bottomRight() - rect.bottomLeft()), rect.bottomLeft() - rect.topLeft(), SideBottom)
               << Candidate(QVector2D(rect.bottomLeft() - rect.bottomRight()), rect.bottomRight() - rect.topLeft(), SideBottom)
               << Candidate(QVector2D(rect.bottomRight() - rect.topRight()), rect.topRight() - rect.topLeft(), SideRight)
               << Candidate(QVector2D(rect.topRight() - rect.bottomRight()), rect.bottomRight() - rect.topLeft(), SideRight);

    QVector<QVector2D> rectEdgeVectors;
    rectEdgeVectors << QVector2D(rect.topLeft() - rect.topLeft())
                    << QVector2D(rect.topRight() - rect.topLeft())
                    << QVector2D(rect.bottomLeft() - rect.topLeft())
                    << QVector2D(rect.bottomRight() -rect.topLeft());

    QVector2D directionVector(line.p2() - line.p1());

    QVector2D sideVector(directionVector.y(), -directionVector.x());

    QVector2D intersectionVector(intersectionLine.p2() - intersectionLine.p1());

    QVector2D outsideVector = QVector2D(intersectionVector.y(), -intersectionVector.x());
    double p = QVector2D::dotProduct(directionVector, outsideVector);
    if (p < 0.0)
        outsideVector = outsideVector * -1.0;

    double smallestA = -1.0;
    QPointF rectTranslation;
    Side side = SideUnspecified;
    int bestSign = 0;

    foreach (const Candidate &candidate, candidates) {
        // solve equation a * directionVector + candidate.first = b * intersectionVector to find smallest a
        double r = directionVector.x() * intersectionVector.y() - directionVector.y() * intersectionVector.x();
        if (r <= -1e-5 || r >= 1e-5) {
            double a = (candidate.first.y() * intersectionVector.x()
                        - candidate.first.x() * intersectionVector.y()) / r;
            if (a >= 0.0 && (smallestA < 0.0 || a < smallestA)) {
                // verify that all rectangle edges lay outside of shape (by checking for positiv projection to intersection)
                bool ok = true;
                int sign = 0;
                QVector2D rectOriginVector = directionVector * a - QVector2D(candidate.second);
                foreach (const QVector2D &rectEdgeVector, rectEdgeVectors) {
                    QVector2D edgeVector = rectOriginVector + rectEdgeVector;
                    double aa = QVector2D::dotProduct(outsideVector, edgeVector);
                    if (aa < 0.0) {
                        ok = false;
                    int s = sgn(QVector2D::dotProduct(sideVector, edgeVector));
                    if (s) {
                        if (sign) {
                            if (s != sign) {
                                ok = false;
                        } else {
                            sign = s;