STDMETHODIMP UIFrameBuffer::SetVisibleRegion(BYTE *pRectangles, ULONG uCount)
    LogRelFlow(("UIFrameBuffer::SetVisibleRegion: Rectangle count=%lu\n", (unsigned long)uCount));

    /* Make sure frame-buffer is not yet scheduled for removal: */
    if (m_fIsScheduledToDelete)
        return E_FAIL;

    /* Make sure rectangles were passed: */
    PRTRECT rects = (PRTRECT)pRectangles;
    if (!rects)
        return E_POINTER;

    /* Compose region: */
    QRegion region;
    for (ULONG ind = 0; ind < uCount; ++ind)
        /* Get current rectangle: */
        QRect rect;
        /* Which is inclusive: */
        rect.setRight(rects->xRight - 1);
        rect.setBottom(rects->yBottom - 1);
        /* Append region: */
        region += rect;

    /* See comment in setView(): */

    /* We are directly updating synchronous visible-region: */
    m_syncVisibleRegion = region;
    /* And send async signal to update asynchronous one: */
    if (m_pMachineView)
        emit sigSetVisibleRegion(region);

    /* Unlock thread finally: */

    /* Confirm SetVisibleRegion: */
    return S_OK;
STDMETHODIMP UIFrameBufferQuartz2D::SetVisibleRegion(BYTE *pRectangles, ULONG aCount)
    LogRel2(("UIFrameBufferQuartz2D::SetVisibleRegion: Rectangle count=%lu\n",
             (unsigned long)aCount));

    /* Make sure rectangles were passed: */
    if (!pRectangles)
        LogRel2(("UIFrameBufferQuartz2D::SetVisibleRegion: Invalid pRectangles pointer!\n"));

        return E_POINTER;

    /* Lock access to frame-buffer: */

    /* Make sure frame-buffer is used: */
    if (m_fIsMarkedAsUnused)
        LogRel2(("UIFrameBufferQuartz2D::SetVisibleRegion: Ignored!\n"));

        /* Unlock access to frame-buffer: */

        /* Ignore SetVisibleRegion: */
        return E_FAIL;

    /** @todo r=bird: Is this thread safe? If I remember the code flow correctly, the
     * GUI thread could be happily jogging along paintEvent now on another cpu core.
     * This function is called on the EMT (emulation thread). Which means, blocking
     * execution waiting for a lock is out of the question. A quick solution using
     * ASMAtomic(Cmp)XchgPtr and a struct { cAllocated; cRects; aRects[1]; }
     * *mRegion, *mUnusedRegion; should suffice (and permit you to reuse allocations). */
    RegionRects *rgnRcts = ASMAtomicXchgPtrT(&mRegionUnused, NULL, RegionRects *);
    if (rgnRcts && rgnRcts->allocated < aCount)
        RTMemFree (rgnRcts);
        rgnRcts = NULL;
    if (!rgnRcts)
        ULONG allocated = RT_ALIGN_32(aCount + 1, 32);
        allocated = RT_MAX (128, allocated);
        rgnRcts = (RegionRects *)RTMemAlloc(RT_OFFSETOF(RegionRects, rcts[allocated]));
        if (!rgnRcts)
            /* Unlock access to frame-buffer: */

            return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
        rgnRcts->allocated = allocated;
    rgnRcts->used = 0;

    /* Compose region: */
    QRegion reg;
    PRTRECT rects = (PRTRECT)pRectangles;
    QRect vmScreenRect(0, 0, width(), height());
    for (ULONG ind = 0; ind < aCount; ++ ind)
        /* Get current rectangle: */
        QRect rect;
        /* Which is inclusive: */
        rect.setRight(rects->xRight - 1);
        rect.setBottom(rects->yBottom - 1);

        /* The rect should intersect with the vm screen. */
        rect = vmScreenRect.intersect(rect);
        /* Make sure only valid rects are distributed: */
        if (rect.isValid() &&
           rect.width() > 0 && rect.height() > 0)
            reg += rect;

        /* That is some *magic* added by Knut in r27807: */
        CGRect *cgRct = &rgnRcts->rcts[rgnRcts->used];
        cgRct->origin.x = rect.x();
        cgRct->origin.y = height() - rect.y() - rect.height();
        cgRct->size.width = rect.width();
        cgRct->size.height = rect.height();

    RegionRects *pOld = ASMAtomicXchgPtrT(&mRegion, rgnRcts, RegionRects *);
    if (    pOld
        &&  !ASMAtomicCmpXchgPtr(&mRegionUnused, pOld, NULL))

    /* Send async signal to update asynchronous visible-region: */
    LogRel2(("UIFrameBufferQuartz2D::SetVisibleRegion: Sending to async-handler...\n"));
    emit sigSetVisibleRegion(reg);

    /* Unlock access to frame-buffer: */

    /* Confirm SetVisibleRegion: */
    return S_OK;
    if (m_pMachineView)

    /* Unlock thread finally: */

void UIFrameBuffer::prepareConnections()
    connect(this, SIGNAL(sigRequestResize(int, uchar*, int, int, int, int)),
            m_pMachineView, SLOT(sltHandleRequestResize(int, uchar*, int, int, int, int)),
    connect(this, SIGNAL(sigNotifyUpdate(int, int, int, int)),
            m_pMachineView, SLOT(sltHandleNotifyUpdate(int, int, int, int)),
    connect(this, SIGNAL(sigSetVisibleRegion(QRegion)),
            m_pMachineView, SLOT(sltHandleSetVisibleRegion(QRegion)),
    connect(this, SIGNAL(sigNotifyAbout3DOverlayVisibilityChange(bool)),
            m_pMachineView, SLOT(sltHandle3DOverlayVisibilityChange(bool)),

void UIFrameBuffer::cleanupConnections()
    disconnect(this, SIGNAL(sigRequestResize(int, uchar*, int, int, int, int)),
               m_pMachineView, SLOT(sltHandleRequestResize(int, uchar*, int, int, int, int)));
    disconnect(this, SIGNAL(sigNotifyUpdate(int, int, int, int)),
               m_pMachineView, SLOT(sltHandleNotifyUpdate(int, int, int, int)));
    disconnect(this, SIGNAL(sigSetVisibleRegion(QRegion)),
               m_pMachineView, SLOT(sltHandleSetVisibleRegion(QRegion)));