static void checkSignals(void) { // Check for UNIT IRQ if (signal_pending(SIGNAL_UNIT_IRQ) && signal_status(SIGNAL_UNIT_IRQ)) { // Notify only on transitionn to LOW value notifyFault(); } // Checking for BUTTON if (signal_pending(SIGNAL_PLAT_BUTTON)) { DB2(LOG_INFO("USR BUTTON [%d]\r\n\n", signal_status(SIGNAL_PLAT_BUTTON))); buttonHandler(); } }
// The task to process Console events static void btn_task(iptr_t timer) { ticks_t start = timer_clock(); ticks_t elapsed; (void)timer; DB2(LOG_INFO("Button timer...\r\n")); // LightUp all LEDS to notify calibration/reset pending LED_NOTIFY_ON(); // Wait for button release or reset timeout while (!signal_status(SIGNAL_PLAT_BUTTON)) { elapsed = timer_clock() - start; if ( ms_to_ticks(BTN_RESET_SEC*1000) <= elapsed ) { // Button pressed fot t > BTN_CHECK_SEC+BTN_RESET_SEC reset_board(); } DELAY(100); } // Button pressed BTN_CHECK_SEC < t < BTN_CHECK_SEC+BTN_RESET_SEC LED_NOTIFY_OFF(); ERR_OFF(); controlCalibration(); }
void NORETURN chsTesting(void) { LOG_INFO(".:: CHs Testing\r\n"); // Enabling all channels chEnabled = 0xFFFF; // Starting from CH[0] curCh = 0; while(1) { // Read power from ADE7753 meter readMeter(curCh); // Switch channel on Button push if (signal_pending(SIGNAL_PLAT_BUTTON) && signal_status(SIGNAL_PLAT_BUTTON)) { curCh++; if (curCh>15) curCh=0; switchAnalogMux(curCh); } } }
void interpret_status(int status) { if (WIFEXITED(status)) exit_status(WEXITSTATUS(status)); if (WIFSTOPPED(status)) stop_status(WSTOPSIG(status)); if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) signal_status(WTERMSIG(status)); }
void sigTesting() { LOG_INFO(".:: External Interrupt Testing\r\n"); while(1) { DELAY(1000); LOG_INFO("PINC: 0x%02X\r\n", PINC); if (signal_pending(SIGNAL_PLAT_BUTTON)) { LOG_INFO("EVT: Button [%hd]\r\n", signal_status(SIGNAL_PLAT_BUTTON)); } if (signal_pending(SIGNAL_UNIT_IRQ)) { LOG_INFO("EVT: RCT Unit Fault [%hd]\r\n", signal_status(SIGNAL_UNIT_IRQ)); } } }
static void buttonHandler(void) { // Button pressed if (!signal_status(SIGNAL_PLAT_BUTTON)) { // Schedule timer task synctimer_add(&btn_tmr, &timers_lst); return; } // Button released synctimer_abort(&btn_tmr); }
/* * put a line from host to parser * if info is recognized, a signal is sent, and, however, * the return type indicates the type of information */ InfoType Parser::put_line(const QString &txt, class NetworkConnection * connection, GSName gsName) { QString line = txt.trimmed(); int pos; class BoardDispatch * boarddispatch = 0; class RoomDispatch * roomdispatch = connection->getDefaultRoomDispatch(); class NetworkDispatch * dispatch = connection->getDefaultDispatch(); class ConsoleDispatch * console = connection->getConsoleDispatch(); qDebug(line.toLatin1().constData()); if (line.length() == 0) { // skip empty lines but write message if // a) not logged in // b) help files if ((gsName == GS_UNKNOWN) || (!memory_str.isEmpty() && memory_str.contains("File"))) { console->recvText(txt.toLatin1().constData()); return MESSAGE; } // white space only return WS; } // skip console commands if (line.indexOf(CONSOLECMDPREFIX,0) != -1) return NONE; // check for connection status if (line.indexOf("Connection closed",0,Qt::CaseInsensitive) != -1) { emit signal_connexionClosed(); console->recvText(txt.toLatin1().constData()); gsName = GS_UNKNOWN; return IT_OTHER; } else if (line.indexOf("IGS entry on",0) != -1) { connection->onReady(); return SERVERNAME; } // // LOGON MODE ---------------------- // // try to find out server and set mode #ifdef OLD // why would we not know the server type? if (gsName == GS_UNKNOWN) { if (line.indexOf("IGS entry on",0) != -1) { gsName = IGS; emit signal_svname(gsName); return SERVERNAME; } if (line.indexOf("LGS #",0) != -1) { gsName = LGS; emit signal_svname(gsName); return SERVERNAME; } if (line.indexOf("NNGS #",0) != -1) { gsName = NNGS; emit signal_svname(gsName); return SERVERNAME; } // suggested by Rod Assard for playing with NNGS version 1.1.14 if (line.indexOf("Server (NNGS)",0) != -1) { gsName = NNGS; emit signal_svname(gsName); return SERVERNAME; } if (line.indexOf("WING #",0) != -1) { gsName = WING; emit signal_svname(gsName); return SERVERNAME; } if (line.indexOf("CTN #",0) != -1) { gsName = CTN; emit signal_svname(gsName); return SERVERNAME; } // adapted from NNGS, chinese characters if (line.indexOf("CWS #",0) != -1 || line.indexOf("==CWS",0) != -1) { gsName = CWS; emit signal_svname(gsName); return SERVERNAME; } // critical: TO BE WATCHED.... if (line.indexOf("#>",0) != -1) { gsName = DEFAULT; emit signal_svname(gsName); return SERVERNAME; } // account name if (line.indexOf("Your account name is",0) != -1) { buffer = line.right(line.length() - 21); buffer.replace(QRegExp("[\".]"), ""); emit signal_accname(buffer); return ACCOUNT; } // account name as sent from telnet.cpp if (line.indexOf("...sending:") != -1) { if ((buffer = element(line, 0, "{", "}")) == NULL) return IT_OTHER; emit signal_accname(buffer); return ACCOUNT; } if ((line.indexOf("guest account",0) != -1) || line.contains("logged in as a guest")) { emit signal_status(GUEST); return STATUS; } if ( != '9' && !memory) { //emit signal_message(txt); console->recvText(txt.toLatin1().constData()); return MESSAGE; } } #endif //OLD // // LOGON HAS DONE, now parse: ---------------------- // // get command type: bool ok; int cmd_nr = element(line, 0, " ").toInt(&ok); if (!ok && !memory_str.isEmpty() && memory_str.contains("CHANNEL")) { connection->onReady(); // special case: channel info cmd_nr = 9; } else if (!ok || !memory_str.isEmpty() && memory_str.contains("File") && !line.contains("File")) { // memory_str == "File": This is a help message! // skip action if entering client mode if (line.indexOf("Set client to be True", 0, Qt::CaseInsensitive) != -1) return IT_OTHER; if (memory == 14) // you have message emit signal_msgBox(line); else console->recvText(txt.toLatin1().constData()); if (line.indexOf("#>") != -1 && !memory_str.isEmpty() && !memory_str.contains("File")) return NOCLIENTMODE; return MESSAGE; } else { // remove command number line = line.remove(0, 2).trimmed(); } //qDebug("%s", line.toLatin1().constData()); // correct cmd_nr for special case; if quiet is set to false a game may not end... if (cmd_nr == 9 && line.contains("{Game")) { qDebug("command changed: 9 -> 21 !!!"); cmd_nr = 21; } // case 42 is equal to 7 if (cmd_nr == 42 && gsName != IGS) { // treat as game info cmd_nr = 7; qDebug("command changed: 42 -> 7 !!!"); } // process for different servers has particular solutions // command mode -> expect result switch (cmd_nr) { // PROMPT // IGS:48 Game 354 qGoDev requests an adjournment case 48: // have a look at case 9 break; // 51 Say in game 583 case 51: // we could get the game id number here and store it // its weird that there's also a case 11 message break; // IGS review protocol // 56 CREATE 107 // 56 DATA 107 // 56 OWNER 107 eb5 3k // 56 BOARDSIZE 107 19 // 56 OPEN 107 1 // 56 KIBITZ 107 1 // 56 KOMI 107 0.50 // 56 TITLE 107 yfh22-eb5(B) IGS // 56 SGFNAME 107 yfh22-eb5-09-03-24 // 56 WHITENAME 107 yfh22 // 56 WHITERANK 107 1d? // 56 BLACKNAME 107 eb5 // 56 BLACKRANK 107 3k // 56 GAMERESULT 107 B+Resign // 56 NODE 107 1 0 0 0 // 56 NODE 107 2 1 16 4 // 56 NODE 107 3 2 16 16 // 56 NODE 107 4 1 4 4 // 56 NODE 107 5 2 4 16 // 56 NODE 107 1 0 0 0 // 56 CONTROL 107 eb5 // 56 DATAEND 107 // 56 ERROR That user's client does not support review. // 56 INVITED_PLAY 58 yfh2test case 56: #ifdef FIXME if (line.contains("CREATE")) aGame->number = element(line, 1, " ").toInt(); if (line.contains("OWNER")) aGame->player = element(line, 2, " "); if (line.contains("BOARDSIZE")) { aGame->board_size = element(line, 2, " ").toInt(); memory = aGame->board_size; } if (line.contains("KOMI")) aGame->K = element(line, 2, " "); if (line.contains("WHITENAME")) aGame->wname = element(line, 2, " "); if (line.contains("WHITERANK")) { aGame->white_rank = element(line, 2, " "); fixRankString(&(aGame->white_rank)); aGame->white_rank_score = rankToScore(aGame->white_rank); } if (line.contains("BLACKNAME")) aGame->black_name = element(line, 2, " "); if (line.contains("BLACKRANK")) { aGame->black_rank = element(line, 2, " "); fixRankString(&(aGame->black_rank)); aGame->black_rank_score = rankToScore(aGame->black_rank); } if (line.contains("GAMERESULT")) { aGame->res = element(line, 2, " "); emit signal_gameReview(aGame); break; } if (line.contains("INVITED_PLAY")) { emit signal_reviewInvite(element(line, 1, " "), element(line, 2, " ")); break ; } if (line.contains("NODE")) { StoneColor sc = stoneNone; int c = element(line, 3, " ").toInt(); if (c==1) sc = stoneBlack; else if(c==2) sc=stoneWhite; emit signal_reviewNode(element(line, 1, " ").toInt(), element(line, 2, " ").toInt(), sc, element(line, 4, " ", "EOL").toInt() ,element(line, 3, " ").toInt() ); break ; } #endif //FIXME break; } return IT_OTHER; }