void silc_client_free(SilcClient client) { if (client->schedule) silc_schedule_uninit(client->schedule); if (client->rng) silc_rng_free(client->rng); if (!client->internal->params->dont_register_crypto_library) { silc_cipher_unregister_all(); silc_pkcs_unregister_all(); silc_hash_unregister_all(); silc_hmac_unregister_all(); } if (client->internal->packet_engine) silc_packet_engine_stop(client->internal->packet_engine); if (client->internal->ftp_sessions) silc_dlist_uninit(client->internal->ftp_sessions); if (client->internal->lock) silc_mutex_free(client->internal->lock); silc_atomic_uninit32(&client->internal->conns); silc_free(client->username); silc_free(client->hostname); silc_free(client->realname); silc_free(client->internal->params); silc_free(client->internal->silc_client_version); silc_free(client->internal); silc_free(client); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { SilcBool success = FALSE; SilcSchedule schedule; SilcFSM fsm; Foo f; if (argc > 1 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-d")) { silc_log_debug(TRUE); silc_log_debug_hexdump(TRUE); silc_log_quick(TRUE); silc_log_set_debug_string("*fsm*,*async*"); } SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Allocating scheduler")); schedule = silc_schedule_init(0, NULL); f = silc_calloc(1, sizeof(*f)); if (!f) goto err; f->schedule = schedule; SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Allocating FSM context")); f->fsm = fsm = silc_fsm_alloc(f, destructor, f, schedule); if (!fsm) goto err; silc_fsm_start(fsm, test_st_start); SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Running scheduler")); silc_schedule(schedule); if (f->error) goto err; silc_schedule_uninit(schedule); silc_free(f); success = TRUE; err: SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Testing was %s", success ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILURE")); fprintf(stderr, "Testing was %s\n", success ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILURE"); return success; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { SilcFSM fsm; if (argc > 1 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-d")) { silc_log_debug(TRUE); silc_log_debug_hexdump(TRUE); silc_log_set_debug_string("*fdstream*"); } SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Allocating scheduler")); schedule = silc_schedule_init(0, NULL); if (!schedule) goto err; SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Allocating FSM")); fsm = silc_fsm_alloc(NULL, fsm_dest, NULL, schedule); if (!fsm) goto err; silc_fsm_start(fsm, st_write); SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Running scheduler")); silc_schedule(schedule); if (!success) goto err; silc_schedule_uninit(schedule); success = TRUE; err: SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Testing was %s", success ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILURE")); fprintf(stderr, "Testing was %s\n", success ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILURE"); return success; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { SilcFSM fsm; silc_runtime_init(); if (argc > 1 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-d")) { silc_log_debug(TRUE); silc_log_debug_hexdump(TRUE); silc_log_set_debug_string("*thread*"); } SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Allocating scheduler")); schedule = silc_schedule_init(0, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (!schedule) goto err; SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Allocating FSM context")); fsm = silc_fsm_alloc(NULL, destructor, NULL, schedule); if (!fsm) goto err; silc_fsm_start(fsm, test_st_start); SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Running scheduler")); silc_schedule(schedule); silc_schedule_uninit(schedule); err: SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Testing was %s", success ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILURE")); fprintf(stderr, "Testing was %s\n", success ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILURE"); silc_runtime_uninit(); return !success; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { SilcBool success = FALSE; SilcSchedule schedule; SilcSKR skr; SilcSKRFind find; SilcPublicKey pk; if (argc > 1 && !strcmp(argv[1], "-d")) { silc_log_debug(TRUE); silc_log_debug_hexdump(TRUE); silc_log_set_debug_string("*skr*"); } SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Allocating scheduler")); schedule = silc_schedule_init(0, NULL, NULL); SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Allocating SKR")); skr = silc_skr_alloc(); if (!skr) goto err; SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Adding public key to SKR")); pk = silc_calloc(1, sizeof(*pk)); pk->len = 1; pk->pk_type = SILC_PKCS_SILC; pk->name = strdup("rsa"); pk->pk = strdup(" "); pk->pk_len = 2; pk->identifier = silc_pkcs_encode_identifier("foo", "foo.com", "Foo T. Bar", "*****@*****.**", "ORG", "FI"); silc_skr_add_public_key(skr, pk, 0, NULL); SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Adding public key to SKR")); pk = silc_calloc(1, sizeof(*pk)); pk->len = 1; pk->pk_type = SILC_PKCS_SILC; pk->name = strdup("rsa"); pk->pk = strdup(" "); pk->pk_len = 2; pk->identifier = silc_pkcs_encode_identifier("bar", "bar.com", "Bar T. Bar", "*****@*****.**", "ORG", "FI"); silc_skr_add_public_key(skr, pk, SILC_SKR_USAGE_IDENTIFICATION | SILC_SKR_USAGE_AUTH, NULL); SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Attempting to add key twice")); if (silc_skr_add_public_key(skr, pk, 0, NULL) == SILC_SKR_OK) { SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Adding key twice not detected")); goto err; } SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Finding public key by email")); find = silc_skr_find_alloc(); silc_skr_find_set_email(find, "*****@*****.**"); silc_skr_find(skr, schedule, find, skr_found, NULL); silc_skr_find_free(find); if (!found) goto err; SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Finding public key by country")); find = silc_skr_find_alloc(); silc_skr_find_set_country(find, "FI"); silc_skr_find(skr, schedule, find, skr_found, NULL); silc_skr_find_free(find); if (!found) goto err; SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Finding public key by country, ORG and hostname")); find = silc_skr_find_alloc(); silc_skr_find_set_country(find, "FI"); silc_skr_find_set_org(find, "ORG"); silc_skr_find_set_host(find, "foo.com"); silc_skr_find(skr, schedule, find, skr_found, NULL); silc_skr_find_free(find); if (!found) goto err; SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Finding public key by SILC public key")); silc_skr_find_silc(skr, pk, skr_found, NULL); if (!found) goto err; SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Finding public key by country and usage (must not find)")); find = silc_skr_find_alloc(); silc_skr_find_set_country(find, "FI"); silc_skr_find_set_usage(find, SILC_SKR_USAGE_ENC); silc_skr_find(skr, schedule, find, skr_found, NULL); silc_skr_find_free(find); if (found) goto err; SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Finding public key by country and usage")); find = silc_skr_find_alloc(); silc_skr_find_set_country(find, "FI"); silc_skr_find_set_usage(find, SILC_SKR_USAGE_IDENTIFICATION); silc_skr_find(skr, schedule, find, skr_found, NULL); silc_skr_find_free(find); if (!found) goto err; silc_skr_free(skr); silc_schedule_uninit(schedule); success = TRUE; err: SILC_LOG_DEBUG(("Testing was %s", success ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILURE")); fprintf(stderr, "Testing was %s\n", success ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILURE"); return success; }