static int check_tcl_pubm(char *nick, char *from, char *chname, char *msg) { struct flag_record fr = { FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; int x; char buf[1024], host[161]; struct userrec *u; simple_sprintf(buf, "%s %s", chname, msg); simple_sprintf(host, "%s!%s", nick, from); u = get_user_by_host(host); get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, chname); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_pubm1", nick, 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_pubm2", from, 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_pubm3", u ? u->handle : "*", 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_pubm4", chname, 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_pubm5", msg, 0); x = check_tcl_bind(H_pubm, buf, &fr, " $_pubm1 $_pubm2 $_pubm3 $_pubm4 $_pubm5", MATCH_MASK | BIND_USE_ATTR | BIND_STACKABLE | BIND_STACKRET); /* * 0 - no match * 1 - match, log * 2 - match, don't log */ if (x == BIND_NOMATCH) return 0; if (x == BIND_EXEC_LOG) return 2; return 1; }
static void remote_filereq(int idx, char *from, char *file) { char *p, what[256], dir[256], s[256], s1[256], *reject; FILE *f; filedb fdb; long i = 0; strcpy(what, file); p = strrchr(what, '/'); if (p == NULL) dir[0] = 0; else { *p = 0; strcpy(dir, what); strcpy(what, p + 1); } f = filedb_open(dir, 0); reject = NULL; if (f == NULL) { reject = FILES_DIRDNE; } else { if (!findmatch(f, what, &i, &fdb)) { reject = FILES_FILEDNE; filedb_close(f); } else { if ((!(fdb.stat & FILE_SHARE)) || (fdb.stat & (FILE_HIDDEN | FILE_DIR))) { reject = FILES_NOSHARE; filedb_close(f); } else { filedb_close(f); /* copy to /tmp if needed */ sprintf(s1, "%s%s%s%s", dccdir, dir, dir[0] ? "/" : "", what); if (copy_to_tmp) { sprintf(s, "%s%s", tempdir, what); copyfile(s1, s); } else strcpy(s, s1); i = raw_dcc_send(s, "*remote", FILES_REMOTE, s); if (i > 0) { wipe_tmp_filename(s, -1); reject = FILES_SENDERR; } } } } simple_sprintf(s1, "%s:%s/%s", botnetnick, dir, what); if (reject) { botnet_send_filereject(idx, s1, from, reject); return; } /* grab info from dcc struct and bounce real request across net */ i = dcc_total - 1; simple_sprintf(s, "%d %u %d", iptolong(getmyip()), dcc[i].port, dcc[i].u.xfer->length); botnet_send_filesend(idx, s1, from, s); putlog(LOG_FILES, "*", FILES_REMOTEREQ, dir, dir[0] ? "/" : "", what); }
/* once a minute, send 'ping' to each bot -- no exceptions */ void check_botnet_pings() { int i; Context; for (i = 0; i < dcc_total; i++) if (dcc[i].type == &DCC_BOT) if (dcc[i].status & STAT_PINGED) { char s[1024]; putlog(LOG_BOTS, "*", "%s: %s", BOT_PINGTIMEOUT, dcc[i].nick); simple_sprintf(s, "%s: %s", BOT_PINGTIMEOUT, dcc[i].nick); chatout("*** %s\n", s); botnet_send_unlinked(i, dcc[i].nick, s); killsock(dcc[i].sock); lostdcc(i); } Context; for (i = 0; i < dcc_total; i++) if (dcc[i].type == &DCC_BOT) { botnet_send_ping(i); dcc[i].status |= STAT_PINGED; } Context; for (i = 0; i < dcc_total; i++) if ((dcc[i].type == &DCC_BOT) && (dcc[i].status & STAT_LEAF)) { tand_t *bot, *via = findbot(dcc[i].nick); for (bot = tandbot; bot; bot = bot->next) { if ((via == bot->via) && (bot != via)) { /* not leaflike behavior */ if (dcc[i].status & STAT_WARNED) { char s[1024]; putlog(LOG_BOTS, "*", "%s %s (%s).", BOT_DISCONNECTED, dcc[i].nick, BOT_BOTNOTLEAFLIKE); dprintf(i, "bye\n"); simple_sprintf(s, "%s %s (%s)", BOT_DISCONNECTED, dcc[i].nick, BOT_BOTNOTLEAFLIKE); chatout("*** %s\n", s); botnet_send_unlinked(i, dcc[i].nick, s); killsock(dcc[i].sock); lostdcc(i); } else { botnet_send_reject(i, botnetnick, NULL, bot->bot, NULL, NULL); dcc[i].status |= STAT_WARNED; } } else dcc[i].status &= ~STAT_WARNED; } } Context; }
static int ctcp_CHAT(char *nick, char *uhost, char *handle, char *object, char *keyword, char *text) { struct userrec *u = get_user_by_handle(userlist, handle); int atr = u ? u->flags : 0, i; char s[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN]; #ifdef TLS int ssl = 0; #endif if ((atr & (USER_PARTY | USER_XFER)) || ((atr & USER_OP) && !require_p)) { if (u_pass_match(u, "-")) { simple_sprintf(ctcp_reply, "%s\001ERROR no password set\001", ctcp_reply); return 1; } #ifdef TLS if (!egg_strcasecmp(keyword, "SCHAT")) ssl = 1; #endif for (i = 0; i < dcc_total; i++) { if ((dcc[i].type->flags & DCT_LISTEN) && #ifdef TLS (ssl == dcc[i].ssl) && #endif (!strcmp(dcc[i].nick, "(telnet)") || !strcmp(dcc[i].nick, "(users)")) && getdccaddr(&dcc[i].sockname, s, sizeof s)) { /* Do me a favour and don't change this back to a CTCP reply, * CTCP replies are NOTICE's this has to be a PRIVMSG * -poptix 5/1/1997 */ #ifdef TLS dprintf(DP_SERVER, ":%s PRIVMSG %s :\001DCC %sCHAT chat %s %u\001\n", botname, nick, (ssl ? "S" : ""), s, dcc[i].port); #else dprintf(DP_SERVER, ":%s PRIVMSG %s :\001DCC CHAT chat %s %u\001\n", botname, nick, s, dcc[i].port); #endif return 1; } } #ifdef TLS simple_sprintf(ctcp_reply, "%s\001ERROR no %stelnet port\001", ctcp_reply, (ssl ? "SSL enabled " : "")); #else simple_sprintf(ctcp_reply, "%s\001ERROR no telnet port\001", ctcp_reply); #endif } return 1; }
static int console_pack(struct userrec *u, struct user_entry *e) { char work[1024]; struct console_info *ci; int l; Assert(e); Assert(e->u.extra); Assert(!e->name); ci = (struct console_info *) e->u.extra; l = simple_sprintf(work, "%s %s %s %d %d %d", ci->channel, masktype(ci->conflags), stripmasktype(ci->stripflags), ci->echoflags, ci->page, ci->conchan); e->u.list = user_malloc(sizeof(struct list_type)); e->u.list->next = NULL; e->u.list->extra = user_malloc(l + 1); strcpy(e->u.list->extra, work); nfree(ci->channel); nfree(ci); return 1; }
static int ctcp_ECHOERR(char *nick, char *uhost, char *handle, char *object, char *keyword, char *text) { if (ctcp_mode != 1 && strlen(text) <= 80) simple_sprintf(ctcp_reply, "%s\001%s %s\001", ctcp_reply, keyword, text); return 1; }
static int ctcp_FINGER(char *nick, char *uhost, char *handle, char *object, char *keyword, char *text) { if (ctcp_mode != 1 && ctcp_finger[0]) simple_sprintf(ctcp_reply, "%s\001FINGER %s\001", ctcp_reply, ctcp_finger); return 1; }
static int check_tcl_msgm(char *cmd, char *nick, char *uhost, struct userrec *u, char *arg) { struct flag_record fr = { FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN | FR_ANYWH, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; int x; char args[1024]; if (arg[0]) simple_sprintf(args, "%s %s", cmd, arg); else strcpy(args, cmd); get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, NULL); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_msgm1", nick, 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_msgm2", uhost, 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_msgm3", u ? u->handle : "*", 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_msgm4", args, 0); x = check_tcl_bind(H_msgm, args, &fr, " $_msgm1 $_msgm2 $_msgm3 $_msgm4", MATCH_MASK | BIND_USE_ATTR | BIND_STACKABLE | BIND_STACKRET); /* * 0 - no match * 1 - match, log * 2 - match, don't log */ if (x == BIND_NOMATCH) return 0; if (x == BIND_EXEC_LOG) return 2; return 1; }
static int check_tcl_pub(char *nick, char *from, char *chname, char *msg) { struct flag_record fr = { FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; int x; char buf[512], *args = buf, *cmd, host[161], *hand; struct userrec *u; strcpy(args, msg); cmd = newsplit(&args); simple_sprintf(host, "%s!%s", nick, from); u = get_user_by_host(host); hand = u ? u->handle : "*"; get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, chname); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_pub1", nick, 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_pub2", from, 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_pub3", hand, 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_pub4", chname, 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_pub5", args, 0); x = check_tcl_bind(H_pub, cmd, &fr, " $_pub1 $_pub2 $_pub3 $_pub4 $_pub5", MATCH_EXACT | BIND_USE_ATTR | BIND_HAS_BUILTINS); if (x == BIND_NOMATCH) return 0; if (x == BIND_EXEC_LOG) putlog(LOG_CMDS, chname, "<<%s>> !%s! %s %s", nick, hand, cmd, args); return 1; }
static void got_invite(struct chanset_t *chan, char *nick, char *from, char *who, char *ch, struct userrec *u) { char s[UHOSTLEN]; simple_sprintf(s, "%s!%s", nick, from); newinvite(chan, who, s); check_tcl_mode(nick, from, u, chan->dname, "+I", who); if (!(chan = modebind_refresh(ch, from, &user, NULL, NULL))) return; if (channel_pending(chan) || HALFOP_CANTDOMODE('I')) return; if (!match_my_nick(nick)) { if (nick[0] && channel_nouserinvites(chan) && !glob_bot(user) && !glob_master(user) && !chan_master(user)) { add_mode(chan, '-', 'I', who); return; } if ((!nick[0]) && (bounce_modes)) reversing = 1; } if (reversing || (bounce_invites && (!nick[0]) && (!u_equals_mask(global_invites, who) || !u_equals_mask(chan->invites, who)))) add_mode(chan, '-', 'I', who); }
/* Converts old versions of the filedb to the newest. Returns 1 if all went * well and otherwise 0. The new db is first written to a temporary place * and then moved over to the original db's position. * * Note: Unfortunately there is a small time-frame where aren't locking the * DB, but want to replace it with a new one, using movefile(). * TODO: Copy old db to tmp file and then build the new db directly * in the original file. This solves the tiny locking problem. * * Also remember to check the returned *fdb_s on failure, as it could be * NULL. */ static int convert_old_db(FILE ** fdb_s, char *filedb) { filedb_top fdbt; FILE *fdb_t; int ret = 0; /* Default to 'failure' */ filedb_readtop(*fdb_s, &fdbt); /* Old DB version? */ if (fdbt.version > 0 && fdbt.version < FILEDB_VERSION3) { char *tempdb; putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "Converting old filedb %s to newest format.", filedb); /* Create temp DB name */ tempdb = nmalloc(strlen(filedb) + 5); simple_sprintf(tempdb, "%s-tmp", filedb); fdb_t = fopen(tempdb, "w+b"); /* Open temp DB */ if (fdb_t) { filedb_initdb(fdb_t); /* Initialise new DB */ /* Convert old database to new one, saving * in temporary db file */ if (fdbt.version == FILEDB_VERSION1) convert_version1(*fdb_s, fdb_t); /* v1 -> v3 */ else convert_version2(*fdb_s, fdb_t); /* v2 -> v3 */ unlockfile(*fdb_s); fclose(fdb_t); fclose(*fdb_s); /* Move over db to new location */ if (movefile(tempdb, filedb)) putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "(!) Moving file db from %s to %s failed.", tempdb, filedb); *fdb_s = fopen(filedb, "r+b"); /* Reopen new db */ if (*fdb_s) { lockfile(*fdb_s); /* Now we should have recreated the original situation, * with the file pointer just pointing to the new version * of the DB instead of the original one. */ ret = 1; } else putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "(!) Reopening db %s failed.", filedb); } my_free(tempdb); /* Database already at the newest version? */ } else if (fdbt.version == FILEDB_VERSION3) ret = 1; else putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "(!) Unknown db version: %d", fdbt.version); if (!ret) putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", "Conversion of filedb %s failed.", filedb); return ret; }
static int ctcp_USERINFO(char *nick, char *uhost, char *handle, char *object, char *keyword, char *text) { if (ctcp_mode != 1 && ctcp_userinfo[0]) simple_sprintf(ctcp_reply, "%s\001USERINFO %s\001", ctcp_reply, ctcp_userinfo); return 1; }
static int ctcp_VERSION(char *nick, char *uhost, char *handle, char *object, char *keyword, char *text) { if (ctcp_mode != 1 && ctcp_version[0]) simple_sprintf(ctcp_reply, "%s\001VERSION %s\001", ctcp_reply, ctcp_version); return 1; }
static int cmd_onwire(struct userrec *u, int idx, char *par) { wire_list *w, *w2; char wiretmp[512], wirecmd[512], idxtmp[512]; char idle[20], *enctmp; time_t now2 = now; w = wirelist; while (w) { if (w->sock == dcc[idx].sock) break; w = w->next; } if (!w) { dprintf(idx, "%s\n", WIRE_NOTONWIRE); return 0; } dprintf(idx, "----- %s '%s':\n", WIRE_CURRENTLYON, w->key); dprintf(idx, "----- Nick Bot Host\n"); dprintf(idx, "----- ---------- ---------- ------------------------------\n"); enctmp = encrypt_string(w->key, "wire"); sprintf(wirecmd, "!wire%s", enctmp); nfree(enctmp); enctmp = encrypt_string(w->key, dcc[idx].nick); strcpy(wiretmp, enctmp); nfree(enctmp); simple_sprintf(idxtmp, "!wirereq %d %s", dcc[idx].sock, wiretmp); botnet_send_zapf_broad(-1, botnetnick, wirecmd, idxtmp); w2 = wirelist; while (w2) { if (!strcmp(w2->key, w->key)) { int idx2 = findanyidx(w2->sock); if (now2 - dcc[idx2].timeval > 300) { unsigned long Days, hrs, mins; Days = (now2 - dcc[idx2].timeval) / 86400; hrs = ((now2 - dcc[idx2].timeval) - (Days * 86400)) / 3600; mins = ((now2 - dcc[idx2].timeval) - (hrs * 3600)) / 60; if (Days > 0) sprintf(idle, " [%s %lud%luh]", WIRE_IDLE, Days, hrs); else if (hrs > 0) sprintf(idle, " [%s %luh%lum]", WIRE_IDLE, hrs, mins); else sprintf(idle, " [%s %lum]", WIRE_IDLE, mins); } else idle[0] = 0; dprintf(idx, "----- %c%-9s %-9s %s%s\n", geticon(idx2), dcc[idx2].nick, botnetnick, dcc[idx2].host, idle); if (dcc[idx2]>away) dprintf(idx, "----- %s: %s\n", WIRE_AWAY, dcc[idx2]>away); } w2 = w2->next; } return 0; }
static void check_tcl_need(char *chname, char *type) { char buf[1024]; simple_sprintf(buf, "%s %s", chname, type); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_need1", chname, 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_need2", type, 0); check_tcl_bind(H_need, buf, 0, " $_need1 $_need2", MATCH_MASK | BIND_STACKABLE); }
void zapfbot(int idx) { char s[1024]; simple_sprintf(s, "%s: %s", BOT_BOTDROPPED, dcc[idx].nick); chatout("*** %s\n", s); botnet_send_unlinked(idx, dcc[idx].nick, s); killsock(dcc[idx].sock); lostdcc(idx); }
static int ctcp_PING(char *nick, char *uhost, char *handle, char *object, char *keyword, char *text) { struct userrec *u = get_user_by_handle(userlist, handle); int atr = u ? u->flags : 0; if ((ctcp_mode != 1 || (atr & USER_OP)) && strlen(text) <= 80) simple_sprintf(ctcp_reply, "%s\001%s %s\001", ctcp_reply, keyword, text); return 1; }
static void check_tcl_signtopcnick(char *nick, char *uhost, struct userrec *u, char *chname, char *reason, p_tcl_bind_list table) { struct flag_record fr = { FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; char args[1024]; if (table == H_sign) simple_sprintf(args, "%s %s!%s", chname, nick, uhost); else simple_sprintf(args, "%s %s", chname, reason); get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, chname); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_stnm1", nick, 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_stnm2", uhost, 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_stnm3", u ? u->handle : "*", 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_stnm4", chname, 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_stnm5", reason, 0); check_tcl_bind(table, args, &fr, " $_stnm1 $_stnm2 $_stnm3 $_stnm4 $_stnm5", MATCH_MASK | BIND_USE_ATTR | BIND_STACKABLE); }
static int ctcp_CLIENTINFO(char *nick, char *uhosr, char *handle, char *object, char *keyword, char *msg) { char *p = NULL; if (ctcp_mode == 1) return 1; else if (!msg[0]) p = CLIENTINFO; else if (!egg_strcasecmp(msg, "sed")) p = CLIENTINFO_SED; else if (!egg_strcasecmp(msg, "version")) p = CLIENTINFO_VERSION; else if (!egg_strcasecmp(msg, "clientinfo")) p = CLIENTINFO_CLIENTINFO; else if (!egg_strcasecmp(msg, "userinfo")) p = CLIENTINFO_USERINFO; else if (!egg_strcasecmp(msg, "errmsg")) p = CLIENTINFO_ERRMSG; else if (!egg_strcasecmp(msg, "finger")) p = CLIENTINFO_FINGER; else if (!egg_strcasecmp(msg, "time")) p = CLIENTINFO_TIME; else if (!egg_strcasecmp(msg, "action")) p = CLIENTINFO_ACTION; else if (!egg_strcasecmp(msg, "dcc")) p = CLIENTINFO_DCC; else if (!egg_strcasecmp(msg, "utc")) p = CLIENTINFO_UTC; else if (!egg_strcasecmp(msg, "ping")) p = CLIENTINFO_PING; else if (!egg_strcasecmp(msg, "echo")) p = CLIENTINFO_ECHO; if (p == NULL) { simple_sprintf(ctcp_reply, "%s\001ERRMSG CLIENTINFO: %s is not a valid function\001", ctcp_reply, msg); } else simple_sprintf(ctcp_reply, "%s\001CLIENTINFO %s\001", ctcp_reply, p); return 1; }
/* trace <from@bot> <dest> <chain:chain..> */ static void bot_trace(int idx, char *par) { char *from, *dest; int i; from = newsplit(&par); dest = newsplit(&par); simple_sprintf(TBUF, "%s:%s", par, botnetnick); botnet_send_traced(idx, from, TBUF); if (egg_strcasecmp(dest, botnetnick) && ((i = nextbot(dest)) > 0)) botnet_send_trace(i, from, dest, par); }
static int ctcp_TIME(char *nick, char *uhost, char *handle, char *object, char *keyword, char *text) { char tms[25]; if (ctcp_mode == 1) return 1; strncpy(tms, ctime(&now), 24); tms[24] = 0; simple_sprintf(ctcp_reply, "%s\001TIME %s\001", ctcp_reply, tms); return 1; }
static void botnet_send_assoc(int idx, int chan, char *nick, char *buf) { char x[1024]; int idx2; simple_sprintf(x, "assoc %D %s %s", chan, nick, buf); for (idx2 = 0; idx2 < dcc_total; idx2++) if ((dcc[idx2].type == &DCC_BOT) && (idx2 != idx) && (b_numver(idx2) >= NEAT_BOTNET) && !(bot_flags(dcc[idx2].user) & BOT_ISOLATE)) botnet_send_zapf(idx2, botnetnick, dcc[idx2].nick, x); }
static int console_tcl_get(Tcl_Interp *irp, struct userrec *u, struct user_entry *e, int argc, char **argv) { char work[1024]; struct console_info *i = e->u.extra; simple_sprintf(work, "%s %s %s %d %d %d", i->channel, masktype(i->conflags), stripmasktype(i->stripflags), i->echoflags, i->page, i->conchan); Tcl_AppendResult(irp, work, NULL); return TCL_OK; }
static void check_tcl_joinspltrejn(char *nick, char *uhost, struct userrec *u, char *chname, p_tcl_bind_list table) { struct flag_record fr = { FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; char args[1024]; simple_sprintf(args, "%s %s!%s", chname, nick, uhost); get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, chname); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_jp1", nick, 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_jp2", uhost, 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_jp3", u ? u->handle : "*", 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_jp4", chname, 0); check_tcl_bind(table, args, &fr, " $_jp1 $_jp2 $_jp3 $_jp4", MATCH_MASK | BIND_USE_ATTR | BIND_STACKABLE); }
static void check_tcl_part(char *nick, char *uhost, struct userrec *u, char *chname, char *text) { struct flag_record fr = { FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; char args[1024]; simple_sprintf(args, "%s %s!%s", chname, nick, uhost); get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, chname); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_p1", nick, 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_p2", uhost, 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_p3", u ? u->handle : "*", 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_p4", chname, 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_p5", text ? text : "", 0); check_tcl_bind(H_part, args, &fr, " $_p1 $_p2 $_p3 $_p4 $_p5", MATCH_MASK | BIND_USE_ATTR | BIND_STACKABLE); }
static void bot_linked(int idx, char *par) { char s[1024]; int bots, users; bots = bots_in_subtree(findbot(dcc[idx].nick)); users = users_in_subtree(findbot(dcc[idx].nick)); putlog(LOG_BOTS, "*", "%s", BOT_OLDBOT); simple_sprintf(s, "%s %s (%s) (lost %d bot%s and %d user%s", MISC_DISCONNECTED, dcc[idx].nick, MISC_OUTDATED, bots, (bots != 1) ? "s" : "", users, (users != 1) ? "s" : ""); chatout("*** %s\n", s); botnet_send_unlinked(idx, dcc[idx].nick, s); killsock(dcc[idx].sock); lostdcc(idx); }
static void link_assoc(char *bot, char *via) { char x[1024]; if (!egg_strcasecmp(via, botnetnick)) { int idx = nextbot(bot); assoc_t *a; if (!(bot_flags(dcc[idx].user) & BOT_ISOLATE)) { for (a = assoc; a && a->name[0]; a = a->next) { simple_sprintf(x, "assoc %D %s %s", (int) a->channel, botnetnick, a->name); botnet_send_zapf(idx, botnetnick, dcc[idx].nick, x); } } } }
static void channels_writeuserfile(void) { char s[1024]; FILE *f; int ret = 0; simple_sprintf(s, "%s~new", userfile); f = fopen(s, "a"); if (f) { ret = write_bans(f, -1); ret += write_exempts(f, -1); ret += write_invites(f, -1); fclose(f); } if (ret < 3) putlog(LOG_MISC, "*", USERF_ERRWRITE); write_channels(); }
static void check_tcl_mode(char *nick, char *uhost, struct userrec *u, char *chname, char *mode, char *target) { struct flag_record fr = { FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; char args[512]; get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, chname); simple_sprintf(args, "%s %s", chname, mode); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_mode1", nick, 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_mode2", uhost, 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_mode3", u ? u->handle : "*", 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_mode4", chname, 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_mode5", mode, 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_mode6", target, 0); check_tcl_bind(H_mode, args, &fr, " $_mode1 $_mode2 $_mode3 $_mode4 $_mode5 $_mode6", MATCH_MODE | BIND_USE_ATTR | BIND_STACKABLE); }
static void check_tcl_kick(char *nick, char *uhost, struct userrec *u, char *chname, char *dest, char *reason) { struct flag_record fr = { FR_GLOBAL | FR_CHAN, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; char args[512]; get_user_flagrec(u, &fr, chname); simple_sprintf(args, "%s %s %s", chname, dest, reason); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_kick1", nick, 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_kick2", uhost, 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_kick3", u ? u->handle : "*", 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_kick4", chname, 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_kick5", dest, 0); Tcl_SetVar(interp, "_kick6", reason, 0); check_tcl_bind(H_kick, args, &fr, " $_kick1 $_kick2 $_kick3 $_kick4 $_kick5 $_kick6", MATCH_MASK | BIND_USE_ATTR | BIND_STACKABLE); }