Example #1
//static const Point3 MAX_POS(10, 5, 0);
void PlayerEntity::onSimulation(GameTime absoluteTime, GameTime deltaTime) {
    // Do not call Entity::onSimulation; that will override with spline animation

    m_previousFrame = m_frame;
    simulatePose(absoluteTime, deltaTime);

    //m_velocity = m_frame.vectorToWorldSpace(m_desiredOSVelocity);
    //m_frame.translation += m_velocity * (float)deltaTime;
    if (!isNaN(deltaTime)) {
        m_heading           += m_desiredYawVelocity * (float)deltaTime;
        m_frame.rotation     = Matrix3::fromAxisAngle(Vector3::unitY(), m_heading);

        m_headTilt = clamp(m_headTilt + m_desiredPitchVelocity, -pif()/2, pif()/2);

Example #2
void PlayerEntity::onSimulation(SimTime absoluteTime, SimTime deltaTime) {
    // Do not call Entity::onSimulation; that will override with spline animation

    if (! (isNaN(deltaTime) || (deltaTime == 0))) {
        m_previousFrame = m_frame;

    simulatePose(absoluteTime, deltaTime);

    if (deltaTime > 0) {
        // This particular game setup is like Afterburner, where the ship is locked
        // and math is simplified by not allowing true rotation. For free flight,
        // we'd have to actually compute the object to world transformations and
        // deal with the interaction between rotation and translation.

        Vector3 osVelocity = m_velocity;//m_frame.vectorToObjectSpace(m_velocity);

        // Clamp desire to what is allowed by this object's own forces, but allow
        // it to exceed "max velocity" due to external forces
        const Vector3& desiredOSImpulse = minMagnitude(m_desiredOSVelocity, m_maxOSVelocity) - osVelocity;

        // Clamp impulse in object space (work with impulses to avoid dividing and
        // then multiplying by deltaTime, which could be a small number and hurt precision).
        const Vector3& osImpulse = minMagnitude(desiredOSImpulse, m_maxOSAcceleration * float(deltaTime));
        // Accelerate in object space
        osVelocity += osImpulse;
        m_velocity = osVelocity;//m_frame.vectorToWorldSpace(osVelocity);
        m_frame.translation += m_velocity * (float)deltaTime;

        // Tilt based on object space velocity
        const float maxRoll = 50 * units::degrees();
        float osRoll = maxRoll * -m_velocity.x / m_maxOSVelocity.x;

        const float maxPitch = 45 * units::degrees();
        float osPitch = maxPitch * m_velocity.y / m_maxOSVelocity.y;
        m_frame.rotation = Matrix3::fromAxisAngle(Vector3::unitX(), osPitch) * Matrix3::fromAxisAngle(Vector3::unitZ(), osRoll);

        m_frame.translation = m_frame.translation.clamp(-MAX_POS, MAX_POS);
Example #3
void VisibleEntity::onSimulation(SimTime absoluteTime, SimTime deltaTime) {
    Entity::onSimulation(absoluteTime, deltaTime);
    simulatePose(absoluteTime, deltaTime);