static BOOST_FORCEINLINE Vector sincos( Vector const & input, Vector & cosine ) { return sincosd( input, cosine ); }
int sphs2x( const double eul[5], int nlng, int nlat, int sll, int spt, const double lng[], const double lat[], double phi[], double theta[]) { int jlng, mlat, mlng, rowlen, rowoff; double coslat, coslat3, coslat4, coslng, dlng, dphi, sinlat, sinlat3, sinlat4, sinlng, x, y, z; register int ilat, ilng; register const double *latp, *lngp; register double *phip, *thetap; if (nlat > 0) { mlng = nlng; mlat = nlat; } else { mlng = 1; mlat = 1; nlat = nlng; } /* Check for special-case rotations. */ if (eul[4] == 0.0) { if (eul[1] == 0.0) { /* Simple change in origin of longitude. */ dphi = fmod(eul[2] - 180.0 - eul[0], 360.0); jlng = 0; latp = lat; phip = phi; thetap = theta; for (ilat = 0; ilat < nlat; ilat++, latp += sll) { lngp = lng + (jlng%nlng)*sll; for (ilng = 0; ilng < mlng; ilng++, lngp += sll, jlng++) { *phip = fmod(*lngp + dphi, 360.0); *thetap = *latp; /* Normalize the native longitude. */ if (*phip > 180.0) { *phip -= 360.0; } else if (*phip < -180.0) { *phip += 360.0; } phip += spt; thetap += spt; } } } else { /* Pole-flip with change in origin of longitude. */ dphi = fmod(eul[2] + eul[0], 360.0); jlng = 0; latp = lat; phip = phi; thetap = theta; for (ilat = 0; ilat < nlat; ilat++, latp += sll) { lngp = lng + (jlng%nlng)*sll; for (ilng = 0; ilng < mlng; ilng++, lngp += sll, jlng++) { *phip = fmod(dphi - *lngp, 360.0); *thetap = -(*latp); /* Normalize the native longitude. */ if (*phip > 180.0) { *phip -= 360.0; } else if (*phip < -180.0) { *phip += 360.0; } phip += spt; thetap += spt; } } } return 0; } /* Do lng dependency. */ lngp = lng; rowoff = 0; rowlen = nlng*spt; for (ilng = 0; ilng < nlng; ilng++, rowoff += spt, lngp += sll) { dlng = *lngp - eul[0]; phip = phi + rowoff; thetap = theta; for (ilat = 0; ilat < mlat; ilat++) { *phip = dlng; phip += rowlen; } } /* Do lat dependency. */ latp = lat; phip = phi; thetap = theta; for (ilat = 0; ilat < nlat; ilat++, latp += sll) { sincosd(*latp, &sinlat, &coslat); coslat3 = coslat*eul[3]; coslat4 = coslat*eul[4]; sinlat3 = sinlat*eul[3]; sinlat4 = sinlat*eul[4]; for (ilng = 0; ilng < mlng; ilng++, phip += spt, thetap += spt) { dlng = *phip; sincosd(dlng, &sinlng, &coslng); /* Compute the native longitude. */ x = sinlat4 - coslat3*coslng; if (fabs(x) < tol) { /* Rearrange formula to reduce roundoff errors. */ x = -cosd(*latp+eul[1]) + coslat3*(1.0 - coslng); } y = -coslat*sinlng; if (x != 0.0 || y != 0.0) { dphi = atan2d(y, x); } else { /* Change of origin of longitude. */ if (eul[1] < 90.0) { dphi = dlng - 180.0; } else { dphi = -dlng; } } *phip = fmod(eul[2] + dphi, 360.0); /* Normalize the native longitude. */ if (*phip > 180.0) { *phip -= 360.0; } else if (*phip < -180.0) { *phip += 360.0; } /* Compute the native latitude. */ if (fmod(dlng,180.0) == 0.0) { *thetap = *latp + coslng*eul[1]; if (*thetap > 90.0) *thetap = 180.0 - *thetap; if (*thetap < -90.0) *thetap = -180.0 - *thetap; } else { z = sinlat3 + coslat4*coslng; if (fabs(z) > 0.99) { /* Use an alternative formula for greater accuracy. */ *thetap = copysign(acosd(sqrt(x*x+y*y)), z); } else { *thetap = asind(z); } } } } return 0; }
int sphx2s( const double eul[5], int nphi, int ntheta, int spt, int sll, const double phi[], const double theta[], double lng[], double lat[]) { int mphi, mtheta, rowlen, rowoff; double cosphi, costhe, costhe3, costhe4, dlng, dphi, sinphi, sinthe, sinthe3, sinthe4, x, y, z; register int iphi, itheta; register const double *phip, *thetap; register double *latp, *lngp; if (ntheta > 0) { mphi = nphi; mtheta = ntheta; } else { mphi = 1; mtheta = 1; ntheta = nphi; } /* Check for a simple change in origin of longitude. */ if (eul[4] == 0.0) { if (eul[1] == 0.0) { dlng = fmod(eul[0] + 180.0 - eul[2], 360.0); lngp = lng; latp = lat; phip = phi; thetap = theta; for (itheta = 0; itheta < ntheta; itheta++) { for (iphi = 0; iphi < mphi; iphi++) { *lngp = *phip + dlng; *latp = *thetap; /* Normalize the celestial longitude. */ if (eul[0] >= 0.0) { if (*lngp < 0.0) *lngp += 360.0; } else { if (*lngp > 0.0) *lngp -= 360.0; } if (*lngp > 360.0) { *lngp -= 360.0; } else if (*lngp < -360.0) { *lngp += 360.0; } lngp += sll; latp += sll; phip += spt; thetap += spt; } } } else { dlng = fmod(eul[0] + eul[2], 360.0); lngp = lng; latp = lat; phip = phi; thetap = theta; for (itheta = 0; itheta < ntheta; itheta++) { for (iphi = 0; iphi < mphi; iphi++) { *lngp = dlng - *phip; *latp = -(*thetap); /* Normalize the celestial longitude. */ if (eul[0] >= 0.0) { if (*lngp < 0.0) *lngp += 360.0; } else { if (*lngp > 0.0) *lngp -= 360.0; } if (*lngp > 360.0) { *lngp -= 360.0; } else if (*lngp < -360.0) { *lngp += 360.0; } lngp += sll; latp += sll; phip += spt; thetap += spt; } } } return 0; } /* Do phi dependency. */ phip = phi; rowoff = 0; rowlen = nphi*sll; for (iphi = 0; iphi < nphi; iphi++, rowoff += sll, phip += spt) { dphi = *phip - eul[2]; lngp = lng + rowoff; for (itheta = 0; itheta < mtheta; itheta++) { *lngp = dphi; lngp += rowlen; } } /* Do theta dependency. */ thetap = theta; lngp = lng; latp = lat; for (itheta = 0; itheta < ntheta; itheta++, thetap += spt) { sincosd(*thetap, &sinthe, &costhe); costhe3 = costhe*eul[3]; costhe4 = costhe*eul[4]; sinthe3 = sinthe*eul[3]; sinthe4 = sinthe*eul[4]; for (iphi = 0; iphi < mphi; iphi++, lngp += sll, latp += sll) { dphi = *lngp; sincosd(dphi, &sinphi, &cosphi); /* Compute the celestial longitude. */ x = sinthe4 - costhe3*cosphi; if (fabs(x) < tol) { /* Rearrange formula to reduce roundoff errors. */ x = -cosd(*thetap + eul[1]) + costhe3*(1.0 - cosphi); } y = -costhe*sinphi; if (x != 0.0 || y != 0.0) { dlng = atan2d(y, x); } else { /* Change of origin of longitude. */ if (eul[1] < 90.0) { dlng = dphi + 180.0; } else { dlng = -dphi; } } *lngp = eul[0] + dlng; /* Normalize the celestial longitude. */ if (eul[0] >= 0.0) { if (*lngp < 0.0) *lngp += 360.0; } else { if (*lngp > 0.0) *lngp -= 360.0; } if (*lngp > 360.0) { *lngp -= 360.0; } else if (*lngp < -360.0) { *lngp += 360.0; } /* Compute the celestial latitude. */ if (fmod(dphi,180.0) == 0.0) { *latp = *thetap + cosphi*eul[1]; if (*latp > 90.0) *latp = 180.0 - *latp; if (*latp < -90.0) *latp = -180.0 - *latp; } else { z = sinthe3 + costhe4*cosphi; if (fabs(z) > 0.99) { /* Use an alternative formula for greater accuracy. */ *latp = copysign(acosd(sqrt(x*x+y*y)), z); } else { *latp = asind(z); } } } } return 0; }