Example #1
GrMSAAPathRenderer::onGetStencilSupport(const SkPath& path) const {
    if (single_pass_path(path, SkStrokeRec(SkStrokeRec::kFill_InitStyle))) {
        return GrPathRenderer::kNoRestriction_StencilSupport;
    } else {
        return GrPathRenderer::kStencilOnly_StencilSupport;
GrPathRenderer::StencilSupport GrDefaultPathRenderer::onGetStencilSupport(
                                                            const SkPath& path,
                                                            const SkStrokeRec& stroke,
                                                            const GrDrawTarget*) const {
    if (single_pass_path(path, stroke)) {
        return GrPathRenderer::kNoRestriction_StencilSupport;
    } else {
        return GrPathRenderer::kStencilOnly_StencilSupport;
GrDefaultPathRenderer::onGetStencilSupport(const GrDrawTarget*,
                                           const GrPipelineBuilder*,
                                           const SkPath& path,
                                           const GrStrokeInfo& stroke) const {
    if (single_pass_path(path, stroke.getStrokeRec())) {
        return GrPathRenderer::kNoRestriction_StencilSupport;
    } else {
        return GrPathRenderer::kStencilOnly_StencilSupport;
void GrDefaultPathRenderer::onDrawPath(GrDrawTarget::StageBitfield stages,
                                       bool stencilOnly) {

    GrMatrix viewM = fTarget->getViewMatrix();
    GrScalar tol = GR_Scalar1;
    tol = GrPathUtils::scaleToleranceToSrc(tol, viewM, fPath->getBounds());

    // FIXME: It's really dumb that we recreate the verts for a new vertex
    // layout. We only do that because the GrDrawTarget API doesn't allow
    // us to change the vertex layout after reserveVertexSpace(). We won't
    // actually change the vertex data when the layout changes since all the
    // stages reference the positions (rather than having separate tex coords)
    // and we don't ever have per-vert colors. In practice our call sites
    // won't change the stages in use inside a setPath / removePath pair. But
    // it is a silly limitation of the GrDrawTarget design that should be fixed.
    if (tol != fPreviousSrcTol ||
        stages != fPreviousStages) {
        if (!this->createGeom(tol, stages)) {

    GrAssert(NULL != fTarget);
    GrDrawTarget::AutoStateRestore asr(fTarget);
    bool colorWritesWereDisabled = fTarget->isColorWriteDisabled();
    // face culling doesn't make sense here
    GrAssert(GrDrawTarget::kBoth_DrawFace == fTarget->getDrawFace());

    int                         passCount = 0;
    const GrStencilSettings*    passes[3];
    GrDrawTarget::DrawFace      drawFace[3];
    bool                        reverse = false;
    bool                        lastPassIsBounds;

    if (kHairLine_PathFill == fFill) {
        passCount = 1;
        if (stencilOnly) {
            passes[0] = &gDirectToStencil;
        } else {
            passes[0] = NULL;
        lastPassIsBounds = false;
        drawFace[0] = GrDrawTarget::kBoth_DrawFace;
    } else {
        if (single_pass_path(*fTarget, *fPath, fFill)) {
            passCount = 1;
            if (stencilOnly) {
                passes[0] = &gDirectToStencil;
            } else {
                passes[0] = NULL;
            drawFace[0] = GrDrawTarget::kBoth_DrawFace;
            lastPassIsBounds = false;
        } else {
            switch (fFill) {
                case kInverseEvenOdd_PathFill:
                    reverse = true;
                    // fallthrough
                case kEvenOdd_PathFill:
                    passes[0] = &gEOStencilPass;
                    if (stencilOnly) {
                        passCount = 1;
                        lastPassIsBounds = false;
                    } else {
                        passCount = 2;
                        lastPassIsBounds = true;
                        if (reverse) {
                            passes[1] = &gInvEOColorPass;
                        } else {
                            passes[1] = &gEOColorPass;
                    drawFace[0] = drawFace[1] = GrDrawTarget::kBoth_DrawFace;

                case kInverseWinding_PathFill:
                    reverse = true;
                    // fallthrough
                case kWinding_PathFill:
                    if (fSeparateStencil) {
                        if (fStencilWrapOps) {
                            passes[0] = &gWindStencilSeparateWithWrap;
                        } else {
                            passes[0] = &gWindStencilSeparateNoWrap;
                        passCount = 2;
                        drawFace[0] = GrDrawTarget::kBoth_DrawFace;
                    } else {
                        if (fStencilWrapOps) {
                            passes[0] = &gWindSingleStencilWithWrapInc;
                            passes[1] = &gWindSingleStencilWithWrapDec;
                        } else {
                            passes[0] = &gWindSingleStencilNoWrapInc;
                            passes[1] = &gWindSingleStencilNoWrapDec;
                        // which is cw and which is ccw is arbitrary.
                        drawFace[0] = GrDrawTarget::kCW_DrawFace;
                        drawFace[1] = GrDrawTarget::kCCW_DrawFace;
                        passCount = 3;
                    if (stencilOnly) {
                        lastPassIsBounds = false;
                    } else {
                        lastPassIsBounds = true;
                        drawFace[passCount-1] = GrDrawTarget::kBoth_DrawFace;
                        if (reverse) {
                            passes[passCount-1] = &gInvWindColorPass;
                        } else {
                            passes[passCount-1] = &gWindColorPass;
                    GrAssert(!"Unknown path fFill!");

    for (int p = 0; p < passCount; ++p) {
        if (NULL != passes[p]) {

        if (lastPassIsBounds && (p == passCount-1)) {
            if (!colorWritesWereDisabled) {
            GrRect bounds;
            if (reverse) {
                GrAssert(NULL != fTarget->getRenderTarget());
                // draw over the whole world.
                bounds.setLTRB(0, 0,
                GrMatrix vmi;
                // mapRect through persp matrix may not be correct
                if (!fTarget->getViewMatrix().hasPerspective() &&
                    fTarget->getViewInverse(&vmi)) {
                } else {
                    if (stages) {
                        if (!fTarget->getViewInverse(&vmi)) {
                            GrPrintf("Could not invert matrix.");
                        fTarget->preConcatSamplerMatrices(stages, vmi);
            } else {
                bounds = fPath->getBounds();
            GrDrawTarget::AutoGeometryPush agp(fTarget);
            fTarget->drawSimpleRect(bounds, NULL, stages);
        } else {
            if (passCount > 1) {
            if (fUseIndexedDraw) {
                fTarget->drawIndexed(fPrimitiveType, 0, 0, 
                                     fVertexCnt, fIndexCnt);
            } else {
                int baseVertex = 0;
                for (int sp = 0; sp < fSubpathCount; ++sp) {
                    fTarget->drawNonIndexed(fPrimitiveType, baseVertex,
                    baseVertex += fSubpathVertCount[sp];
bool GrDefaultPathRenderer::requiresStencilPass(const GrDrawTarget* target,
                                                const GrPath& path, 
                                                GrPathFill fill) const {
    return !single_pass_path(*target, path, fill);
bool GrDefaultPathRenderer::internalDrawPath(GrDrawTarget* target,
                                             GrPipelineBuilder* pipelineBuilder,
                                             GrColor color,
                                             const SkMatrix& viewMatrix,
                                             const SkPath& path,
                                             const GrStrokeInfo& origStroke,
                                             bool stencilOnly) {
    SkTCopyOnFirstWrite<GrStrokeInfo> stroke(origStroke);

    SkScalar hairlineCoverage;
    uint8_t newCoverage = 0xff;
    if (IsStrokeHairlineOrEquivalent(*stroke, viewMatrix, &hairlineCoverage)) {
        newCoverage = SkScalarRoundToInt(hairlineCoverage * 0xff);

        if (!stroke->getStrokeRec().isHairlineStyle()) {

    const bool isHairline = stroke->getStrokeRec().isHairlineStyle();

    // Save the current xp on the draw state so we can reset it if needed
    SkAutoTUnref<const GrXPFactory> backupXPFactory(SkRef(pipelineBuilder->getXPFactory()));
    // face culling doesn't make sense here
    SkASSERT(GrPipelineBuilder::kBoth_DrawFace == pipelineBuilder->getDrawFace());

    int                         passCount = 0;
    const GrStencilSettings*    passes[3];
    GrPipelineBuilder::DrawFace drawFace[3];
    bool                        reverse = false;
    bool                        lastPassIsBounds;

    if (isHairline) {
        passCount = 1;
        if (stencilOnly) {
            passes[0] = &gDirectToStencil;
        } else {
            passes[0] = NULL;
        lastPassIsBounds = false;
        drawFace[0] = GrPipelineBuilder::kBoth_DrawFace;
    } else {
        if (single_pass_path(path, stroke->getStrokeRec())) {
            passCount = 1;
            if (stencilOnly) {
                passes[0] = &gDirectToStencil;
            } else {
                passes[0] = NULL;
            drawFace[0] = GrPipelineBuilder::kBoth_DrawFace;
            lastPassIsBounds = false;
        } else {
            switch (path.getFillType()) {
                case SkPath::kInverseEvenOdd_FillType:
                    reverse = true;
                    // fallthrough
                case SkPath::kEvenOdd_FillType:
                    passes[0] = &gEOStencilPass;
                    if (stencilOnly) {
                        passCount = 1;
                        lastPassIsBounds = false;
                    } else {
                        passCount = 2;
                        lastPassIsBounds = true;
                        if (reverse) {
                            passes[1] = &gInvEOColorPass;
                        } else {
                            passes[1] = &gEOColorPass;
                    drawFace[0] = drawFace[1] = GrPipelineBuilder::kBoth_DrawFace;

                case SkPath::kInverseWinding_FillType:
                    reverse = true;
                    // fallthrough
                case SkPath::kWinding_FillType:
                    if (fSeparateStencil) {
                        if (fStencilWrapOps) {
                            passes[0] = &gWindStencilSeparateWithWrap;
                        } else {
                            passes[0] = &gWindStencilSeparateNoWrap;
                        passCount = 2;
                        drawFace[0] = GrPipelineBuilder::kBoth_DrawFace;
                    } else {
                        if (fStencilWrapOps) {
                            passes[0] = &gWindSingleStencilWithWrapInc;
                            passes[1] = &gWindSingleStencilWithWrapDec;
                        } else {
                            passes[0] = &gWindSingleStencilNoWrapInc;
                            passes[1] = &gWindSingleStencilNoWrapDec;
                        // which is cw and which is ccw is arbitrary.
                        drawFace[0] = GrPipelineBuilder::kCW_DrawFace;
                        drawFace[1] = GrPipelineBuilder::kCCW_DrawFace;
                        passCount = 3;
                    if (stencilOnly) {
                        lastPassIsBounds = false;
                    } else {
                        lastPassIsBounds = true;
                        drawFace[passCount-1] = GrPipelineBuilder::kBoth_DrawFace;
                        if (reverse) {
                            passes[passCount-1] = &gInvWindColorPass;
                        } else {
                            passes[passCount-1] = &gWindColorPass;
                    SkDEBUGFAIL("Unknown path fFill!");
                    return false;

    SkScalar tol = GrPathUtils::kDefaultTolerance;
    SkScalar srcSpaceTol = GrPathUtils::scaleToleranceToSrc(tol, viewMatrix, path.getBounds());

    SkRect devBounds;
    GetPathDevBounds(path, pipelineBuilder->getRenderTarget(), viewMatrix, &devBounds);

    for (int p = 0; p < passCount; ++p) {
        if (passes[p]) {
            *pipelineBuilder->stencil() = *passes[p];

        if (lastPassIsBounds && (p == passCount-1)) {
            // Reset the XP Factory on pipelineBuilder
            SkRect bounds;
            SkMatrix localMatrix = SkMatrix::I();
            if (reverse) {
                // draw over the dev bounds (which will be the whole dst surface for inv fill).
                bounds = devBounds;
                SkMatrix vmi;
                // mapRect through persp matrix may not be correct
                if (!viewMatrix.hasPerspective() && viewMatrix.invert(&vmi)) {
                } else {
                    if (!viewMatrix.invert(&localMatrix)) {
                        return false;
            } else {
                bounds = path.getBounds();
            const SkMatrix& viewM = (reverse && viewMatrix.hasPerspective()) ? SkMatrix::I() :
            target->drawRect(pipelineBuilder, color, viewM, bounds, NULL, &localMatrix);
        } else {
            if (passCount > 1) {

            DefaultPathBatch::Geometry geometry;
            geometry.fColor = color;
            geometry.fPath = path;
            geometry.fTolerance = srcSpaceTol;

            SkAutoTUnref<GrBatch> batch(DefaultPathBatch::Create(geometry, newCoverage, viewMatrix,
                                                                 isHairline, devBounds));

            target->drawBatch(pipelineBuilder, batch);
    return true;
bool GrDefaultPathRenderer::internalDrawPath(const SkPath& path,
                                             const SkStrokeRec& origStroke,
                                             GrDrawTarget* target,
                                             bool stencilOnly) {

    SkMatrix viewM = target->getDrawState().getViewMatrix();
    SkTCopyOnFirstWrite<SkStrokeRec> stroke(origStroke);

    SkScalar hairlineCoverage;
    if (IsStrokeHairlineOrEquivalent(*stroke, target->getDrawState().getViewMatrix(),
                                     &hairlineCoverage)) {
        uint8_t newCoverage = SkScalarRoundToInt(hairlineCoverage *

        if (!stroke->isHairlineStyle()) {

    SkScalar tol = SK_Scalar1;
    tol = GrPathUtils::scaleToleranceToSrc(tol, viewM, path.getBounds());

    int vertexCnt;
    int indexCnt;
    GrPrimitiveType primType;
    GrDrawTarget::AutoReleaseGeometry arg;
    if (!this->createGeom(path,
                          &arg)) {
        return false;

    SkASSERT(NULL != target);
    GrDrawTarget::AutoStateRestore asr(target, GrDrawTarget::kPreserve_ASRInit);
    GrDrawState* drawState = target->drawState();
    bool colorWritesWereDisabled = drawState->isColorWriteDisabled();
    // face culling doesn't make sense here
    SkASSERT(GrDrawState::kBoth_DrawFace == drawState->getDrawFace());

    int                         passCount = 0;
    const GrStencilSettings*    passes[3];
    GrDrawState::DrawFace       drawFace[3];
    bool                        reverse = false;
    bool                        lastPassIsBounds;

    if (stroke->isHairlineStyle()) {
        passCount = 1;
        if (stencilOnly) {
            passes[0] = &gDirectToStencil;
        } else {
            passes[0] = NULL;
        lastPassIsBounds = false;
        drawFace[0] = GrDrawState::kBoth_DrawFace;
    } else {
        if (single_pass_path(path, *stroke)) {
            passCount = 1;
            if (stencilOnly) {
                passes[0] = &gDirectToStencil;
            } else {
                passes[0] = NULL;
            drawFace[0] = GrDrawState::kBoth_DrawFace;
            lastPassIsBounds = false;
        } else {
            switch (path.getFillType()) {
                case SkPath::kInverseEvenOdd_FillType:
                    reverse = true;
                    // fallthrough
                case SkPath::kEvenOdd_FillType:
                    passes[0] = &gEOStencilPass;
                    if (stencilOnly) {
                        passCount = 1;
                        lastPassIsBounds = false;
                    } else {
                        passCount = 2;
                        lastPassIsBounds = true;
                        if (reverse) {
                            passes[1] = &gInvEOColorPass;
                        } else {
                            passes[1] = &gEOColorPass;
                    drawFace[0] = drawFace[1] = GrDrawState::kBoth_DrawFace;

                case SkPath::kInverseWinding_FillType:
                    reverse = true;
                    // fallthrough
                case SkPath::kWinding_FillType:
                    if (fSeparateStencil) {
                        if (fStencilWrapOps) {
                            passes[0] = &gWindStencilSeparateWithWrap;
                        } else {
                            passes[0] = &gWindStencilSeparateNoWrap;
                        passCount = 2;
                        drawFace[0] = GrDrawState::kBoth_DrawFace;
                    } else {
                        if (fStencilWrapOps) {
                            passes[0] = &gWindSingleStencilWithWrapInc;
                            passes[1] = &gWindSingleStencilWithWrapDec;
                        } else {
                            passes[0] = &gWindSingleStencilNoWrapInc;
                            passes[1] = &gWindSingleStencilNoWrapDec;
                        // which is cw and which is ccw is arbitrary.
                        drawFace[0] = GrDrawState::kCW_DrawFace;
                        drawFace[1] = GrDrawState::kCCW_DrawFace;
                        passCount = 3;
                    if (stencilOnly) {
                        lastPassIsBounds = false;
                    } else {
                        lastPassIsBounds = true;
                        drawFace[passCount-1] = GrDrawState::kBoth_DrawFace;
                        if (reverse) {
                            passes[passCount-1] = &gInvWindColorPass;
                        } else {
                            passes[passCount-1] = &gWindColorPass;
                    SkDEBUGFAIL("Unknown path fFill!");
                    return false;

    SkRect devBounds;
    GetPathDevBounds(path, drawState->getRenderTarget(), viewM, &devBounds);

    for (int p = 0; p < passCount; ++p) {
        if (NULL != passes[p]) {
            *drawState->stencil() = *passes[p];

        if (lastPassIsBounds && (p == passCount-1)) {
            if (!colorWritesWereDisabled) {
            SkRect bounds;
            GrDrawState::AutoViewMatrixRestore avmr;
            if (reverse) {
                SkASSERT(NULL != drawState->getRenderTarget());
                // draw over the dev bounds (which will be the whole dst surface for inv fill).
                bounds = devBounds;
                SkMatrix vmi;
                // mapRect through persp matrix may not be correct
                if (!drawState->getViewMatrix().hasPerspective() &&
                    drawState->getViewInverse(&vmi)) {
                } else {
            } else {
                bounds = path.getBounds();
            GrDrawTarget::AutoGeometryAndStatePush agasp(target, GrDrawTarget::kPreserve_ASRInit);
            target->drawSimpleRect(bounds, NULL);
        } else {
            if (passCount > 1) {
            if (indexCnt) {
                target->drawIndexed(primType, 0, 0,
                                    vertexCnt, indexCnt, &devBounds);
            } else {
                target->drawNonIndexed(primType, 0, vertexCnt, &devBounds);
    return true;
Example #8
void GrDefaultPathRenderer::onDrawPath(GrDrawTarget* target,
                                       GrDrawTarget::StageBitfield stages,
                                       const GrPath& path,
                                       GrPathFill fill,
                                       const GrPoint* translate,
                                       bool stencilOnly) {

    GrDrawTarget::AutoStateRestore asr(target);
    bool colorWritesWereDisabled = target->isColorWriteDisabled();
    // face culling doesn't make sense here
    GrAssert(GrDrawTarget::kBoth_DrawFace == target->getDrawFace());

    GrMatrix viewM = target->getViewMatrix();
    // In order to tesselate the path we get a bound on how much the matrix can
    // stretch when mapping to screen coordinates.
    GrScalar stretch = viewM.getMaxStretch();
    bool useStretch = stretch > 0;
    GrScalar tol = fCurveTolerance;

    if (!useStretch) {
        // TODO: deal with perspective in some better way.
        tol /= 10;
    } else {
        tol = GrScalarDiv(tol, stretch);
    GrScalar tolSqd = GrMul(tol, tol);

    int subpathCnt;
    int maxPts = GrPathUtils::worstCasePointCount(path, &subpathCnt, tol);

    GrVertexLayout layout = 0;
    for (int s = 0; s < GrDrawTarget::kNumStages; ++s) {
        if ((1 << s) & stages) {
            layout |= GrDrawTarget::StagePosAsTexCoordVertexLayoutBit(s);

    // add 4 to hold the bounding rect
    GrDrawTarget::AutoReleaseGeometry arg(target, layout, maxPts + 4, 0);

    GrPoint* base = (GrPoint*) arg.vertices();
    GrPoint* vert = base;
    GrPoint* subpathBase = base;

    GrAutoSTMalloc<8, uint16_t> subpathVertCount(subpathCnt);

    // TODO: use primitve restart if available rather than multiple draws
    GrPrimitiveType             type;
    int                         passCount = 0;
    const GrStencilSettings*    passes[3];
    GrDrawTarget::DrawFace      drawFace[3];
    bool                        reverse = false;
    bool                        lastPassIsBounds;

    if (kHairLine_PathFill == fill) {
        type = kLineStrip_PrimitiveType;
        passCount = 1;
        if (stencilOnly) {
            passes[0] = &gDirectToStencil;
        } else {
            passes[0] = NULL;
        lastPassIsBounds = false;
        drawFace[0] = GrDrawTarget::kBoth_DrawFace;
    } else {
        type = kTriangleFan_PrimitiveType;
        if (single_pass_path(*target, path, fill)) {
            passCount = 1;
            if (stencilOnly) {
                passes[0] = &gDirectToStencil;
            } else {
                passes[0] = NULL;
            drawFace[0] = GrDrawTarget::kBoth_DrawFace;
            lastPassIsBounds = false;
        } else {
            switch (fill) {
                case kInverseEvenOdd_PathFill:
                    reverse = true;
                    // fallthrough
                case kEvenOdd_PathFill:
                    passes[0] = &gEOStencilPass;
                    if (stencilOnly) {
                        passCount = 1;
                        lastPassIsBounds = false;
                    } else {
                        passCount = 2;
                        lastPassIsBounds = true;
                        if (reverse) {
                            passes[1] = &gInvEOColorPass;
                        } else {
                            passes[1] = &gEOColorPass;
                    drawFace[0] = drawFace[1] = GrDrawTarget::kBoth_DrawFace;

                case kInverseWinding_PathFill:
                    reverse = true;
                    // fallthrough
                case kWinding_PathFill:
                    if (fSeparateStencil) {
                        if (fStencilWrapOps) {
                            passes[0] = &gWindStencilSeparateWithWrap;
                        } else {
                            passes[0] = &gWindStencilSeparateNoWrap;
                        passCount = 2;
                        drawFace[0] = GrDrawTarget::kBoth_DrawFace;
                    } else {
                        if (fStencilWrapOps) {
                            passes[0] = &gWindSingleStencilWithWrapInc;
                            passes[1] = &gWindSingleStencilWithWrapDec;
                        } else {
                            passes[0] = &gWindSingleStencilNoWrapInc;
                            passes[1] = &gWindSingleStencilNoWrapDec;
                        // which is cw and which is ccw is arbitrary.
                        drawFace[0] = GrDrawTarget::kCW_DrawFace;
                        drawFace[1] = GrDrawTarget::kCCW_DrawFace;
                        passCount = 3;
                    if (stencilOnly) {
                        lastPassIsBounds = false;
                    } else {
                        lastPassIsBounds = true;
                        drawFace[passCount-1] = GrDrawTarget::kBoth_DrawFace;
                        if (reverse) {
                            passes[passCount-1] = &gInvWindColorPass;
                        } else {
                            passes[passCount-1] = &gWindColorPass;
                    GrAssert(!"Unknown path fill!");

    GrPoint pts[4];

    bool first = true;
    int subpath = 0;

    SkPath::Iter iter(path, false);

    for (;;) {
        GrPathCmd cmd = (GrPathCmd)iter.next(pts);
        switch (cmd) {
            case kMove_PathCmd:
                if (!first) {
                    subpathVertCount[subpath] = vert-subpathBase;
                    subpathBase = vert;
                *vert = pts[0];
            case kLine_PathCmd:
                *vert = pts[1];
            case kQuadratic_PathCmd: {
                GrPathUtils::generateQuadraticPoints(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2],
                                                     tolSqd, &vert,
                                                     GrPathUtils::quadraticPointCount(pts, tol));
            case kCubic_PathCmd: {
                GrPathUtils::generateCubicPoints(pts[0], pts[1], pts[2], pts[3],
                                                 tolSqd, &vert,
                                                 GrPathUtils::cubicPointCount(pts, tol));
            case kClose_PathCmd:
            case kEnd_PathCmd:
                subpathVertCount[subpath] = vert-subpathBase;
                ++subpath; // this could be only in debug
                goto FINISHED;
        first = false;
    GrAssert(subpath == subpathCnt);
    GrAssert((vert - base) <= maxPts);

    if (translate) {
        int count = vert - base;
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            base[i].offset(translate->fX, translate->fY);

    // if we're stenciling we will follow with a pass that draws
    // a bounding rect to set the color. We're stenciling when
    // passCount > 1.
    const int& boundVertexStart = maxPts;
    GrPoint* boundsVerts = base + boundVertexStart;
    if (lastPassIsBounds) {
        GrRect bounds;
        if (reverse) {
            GrAssert(NULL != target->getRenderTarget());
            // draw over the whole world.
            bounds.setLTRB(0, 0,
            GrMatrix vmi;
            if (target->getViewInverse(&vmi)) {
        } else {
            bounds.setBounds((GrPoint*)base, vert - base);
        boundsVerts[0].setRectFan(bounds.fLeft, bounds.fTop, bounds.fRight,

    for (int p = 0; p < passCount; ++p) {
        if (NULL != passes[p]) {

        if (lastPassIsBounds && (p == passCount-1)) {
            if (!colorWritesWereDisabled) {
                                   boundVertexStart, 4);

        } else {
            if (passCount > 1) {
            int baseVertex = 0;
            for (int sp = 0; sp < subpathCnt; ++sp) {
                baseVertex += subpathVertCount[sp];
Example #9
bool GrDefaultPathRenderer::internalDrawPath(const SkPath& path,
                                             GrPathFill fill,
                                             GrDrawTarget* target,
                                             bool stencilOnly) {

    GrMatrix viewM = target->getDrawState().getViewMatrix();
    GrScalar tol = GR_Scalar1;
    tol = GrPathUtils::scaleToleranceToSrc(tol, viewM, path.getBounds());

    int vertexCnt;
    int indexCnt;
    GrPrimitiveType primType;
    GrDrawTarget::AutoReleaseGeometry arg;
    if (!this->createGeom(path,
                          &arg)) {
        return false;

    GrAssert(NULL != target);
    GrDrawTarget::AutoStateRestore asr(target, GrDrawTarget::kPreserve_ASRInit);
    GrDrawState* drawState = target->drawState();
    bool colorWritesWereDisabled = drawState->isColorWriteDisabled();
    // face culling doesn't make sense here
    GrAssert(GrDrawState::kBoth_DrawFace == drawState->getDrawFace());

    int                         passCount = 0;
    const GrStencilSettings*    passes[3];
    GrDrawState::DrawFace       drawFace[3];
    bool                        reverse = false;
    bool                        lastPassIsBounds;

    if (kHairLine_GrPathFill == fill) {
        passCount = 1;
        if (stencilOnly) {
            passes[0] = &gDirectToStencil;
        } else {
            passes[0] = NULL;
        lastPassIsBounds = false;
        drawFace[0] = GrDrawState::kBoth_DrawFace;
    } else {
        if (single_pass_path(path, fill)) {
            passCount = 1;
            if (stencilOnly) {
                passes[0] = &gDirectToStencil;
            } else {
                passes[0] = NULL;
            drawFace[0] = GrDrawState::kBoth_DrawFace;
            lastPassIsBounds = false;
        } else {
            switch (fill) {
                case kInverseEvenOdd_GrPathFill:
                    reverse = true;
                    // fallthrough
                case kEvenOdd_GrPathFill:
                    passes[0] = &gEOStencilPass;
                    if (stencilOnly) {
                        passCount = 1;
                        lastPassIsBounds = false;
                    } else {
                        passCount = 2;
                        lastPassIsBounds = true;
                        if (reverse) {
                            passes[1] = &gInvEOColorPass;
                        } else {
                            passes[1] = &gEOColorPass;
                    drawFace[0] = drawFace[1] = GrDrawState::kBoth_DrawFace;

                case kInverseWinding_GrPathFill:
                    reverse = true;
                    // fallthrough
                case kWinding_GrPathFill:
                    if (fSeparateStencil) {
                        if (fStencilWrapOps) {
                            passes[0] = &gWindStencilSeparateWithWrap;
                        } else {
                            passes[0] = &gWindStencilSeparateNoWrap;
                        passCount = 2;
                        drawFace[0] = GrDrawState::kBoth_DrawFace;
                    } else {
                        if (fStencilWrapOps) {
                            passes[0] = &gWindSingleStencilWithWrapInc;
                            passes[1] = &gWindSingleStencilWithWrapDec;
                        } else {
                            passes[0] = &gWindSingleStencilNoWrapInc;
                            passes[1] = &gWindSingleStencilNoWrapDec;
                        // which is cw and which is ccw is arbitrary.
                        drawFace[0] = GrDrawState::kCW_DrawFace;
                        drawFace[1] = GrDrawState::kCCW_DrawFace;
                        passCount = 3;
                    if (stencilOnly) {
                        lastPassIsBounds = false;
                    } else {
                        lastPassIsBounds = true;
                        drawFace[passCount-1] = GrDrawState::kBoth_DrawFace;
                        if (reverse) {
                            passes[passCount-1] = &gInvWindColorPass;
                        } else {
                            passes[passCount-1] = &gWindColorPass;
                    GrAssert(!"Unknown path fFill!");
                    return false;

    for (int p = 0; p < passCount; ++p) {
        if (NULL != passes[p]) {
            *drawState->stencil() = *passes[p];

        if (lastPassIsBounds && (p == passCount-1)) {
            if (!colorWritesWereDisabled) {
            GrRect bounds;
            GrDrawState::AutoDeviceCoordDraw adcd;
            if (reverse) {
                GrAssert(NULL != drawState->getRenderTarget());
                // draw over the whole world.
                bounds.setLTRB(0, 0,
                GrMatrix vmi;
                // mapRect through persp matrix may not be correct
                if (!drawState->getViewMatrix().hasPerspective() &&
                    drawState->getViewInverse(&vmi)) {
                } else {
            } else {
                bounds = path.getBounds();
            GrDrawTarget::AutoGeometryPush agp(target);
            target->drawSimpleRect(bounds, NULL);
        } else {
            if (passCount > 1) {
            if (indexCnt) {
                target->drawIndexed(primType, 0, 0,
                                    vertexCnt, indexCnt);
            } else {
                target->drawNonIndexed(primType, 0, vertexCnt);
    return true;