Example #1
QList<Skin> SkinFactory::installedSkins() const {
  QList<Skin> skins;
  bool skin_load_ok;
  const QStringList skin_directories = QDir(APP_SKIN_PATH).entryList(QDir::Dirs |
                                                                     QDir::NoDotAndDotDot |
                                                                     QDir::NoSymLinks |

  foreach (const QString &base_directory, skin_directories) {
    // Check skins installed in this base directory.
    const QStringList skin_files = QDir(APP_SKIN_PATH + QDir::separator() + base_directory).entryList(QStringList() << QSL("*.xml"),
                                                                                                      QDir::Files | QDir::Readable | QDir::NoDotAndDotDot | QDir::NoSymLinks);

    foreach (const QString &skin_file, skin_files) {
      // Check if skin file is valid and add it if it is valid.
      const Skin skin_info = skinInfo(base_directory + QDir::separator() + skin_file, &skin_load_ok);

      if (skin_load_ok) {

  return skins;
Example #2
void SkinFactory::loadCurrentSkin() {
  QList<QString> skin_names_to_try;


  bool skin_parsed;
  Skin skin_data;
  QString skin_name;

  while (!skin_names_to_try.isEmpty()) {
    skin_name = skin_names_to_try.takeFirst();
    skin_data = skinInfo(skin_name, &skin_parsed);

    if (skin_parsed) {

      // Set this 'Skin' object as active one.
      m_currentSkin = skin_data;

      qDebug("Skin '%s' loaded.", qPrintable(skin_name));
    else {
      qWarning("Failed to load skin '%s'.", qPrintable(skin_name));

  qCritical("Failed to load selected or default skin. Quitting!");
Example #3
BabylonMesh::BabylonMesh(BabylonNode* node) :

	auto fbxNode = node->fbxNode();
	std::string ansiName = fbxNode->GetName();
	name(std::wstring(ansiName.begin(), ansiName.end()));
	auto parent = fbxNode->GetParent();
	if (parent) {
	pivotMatrix = ConvertToBabylonCoordinateSystem( GetGeometryTransformation(fbxNode));

	auto animStack = fbxNode->GetScene()->GetSrcObject<FbxAnimStack>(0);
	FbxString animStackName = animStack->GetName();
	FbxTakeInfo* takeInfo = fbxNode->GetScene()->GetTakeInfo(animStackName);
	auto animTimeMode = GlobalSettings::Current().AnimationsTimeMode;
	auto animFrameRate = GlobalSettings::Current().AnimationsFrameRate();
	auto startFrame = takeInfo->mLocalTimeSpan.GetStart().GetFrameCount(animTimeMode);
	auto endFrame = takeInfo->mLocalTimeSpan.GetStop().GetFrameCount(animTimeMode);
	auto animLengthInFrame = endFrame - startFrame + 1;
	_visibility = static_cast<float>(node->fbxNode()->Visibility.Get());
	auto posAnim = std::make_shared<BabylonAnimation<babylon_vector3>>(BabylonAnimationBase::loopBehavior_Cycle, static_cast<int>(animFrameRate), L"position", L"position", true, 0, static_cast<int>(animLengthInFrame), true);
	auto rotAnim = std::make_shared<BabylonAnimation<babylon_vector4>>(BabylonAnimationBase::loopBehavior_Cycle, static_cast<int>(animFrameRate), L"rotationQuaternion", L"rotationQuaternion", true, 0, static_cast<int>(animLengthInFrame), true);
	auto scaleAnim = std::make_shared<BabylonAnimation<babylon_vector3>>(BabylonAnimationBase::loopBehavior_Cycle, static_cast<int>(animFrameRate), L"scaling", L"scaling", true, 0, static_cast<int>(animLengthInFrame), true);
	auto visibilityAnim = std::make_shared<BabylonAnimation<float>>(BabylonAnimationBase::loopBehavior_Cycle, static_cast<int>(animFrameRate), L"visibility", L"visibility", true, 0, static_cast<int>(animLengthInFrame), true);
	auto mesh = fbxNode->GetMesh();
	_isVisible = fbxNode->Show.Get();
	auto rotCurveNode = fbxNode->LclRotation.GetCurveNode();
	auto translateCurveNode = fbxNode->LclTranslation.GetCurveNode();
	auto scalingCurveNode = fbxNode->LclScaling.GetCurveNode();
	auto visibilityCurveNode = fbxNode->Visibility.GetCurveNode();
	if (rotCurveNode || translateCurveNode || scalingCurveNode) {
		for (auto ix = 0; ix < animLengthInFrame; ix++) {
			FbxTime currTime;
			currTime.SetFrame(startFrame + ix, animTimeMode);

			babylon_animation_key<babylon_vector3> poskey;
			babylon_animation_key<babylon_vector4> rotkey;
			babylon_animation_key<babylon_vector3> scalekey;
			poskey.frame = ix;
			rotkey.frame = ix;
			scalekey.frame = ix;
			auto currTransform = node->GetLocal(currTime);
			poskey.values = currTransform.translation();
			rotkey.values = currTransform.rotationQuaternion();
			scalekey.values = currTransform.scaling();

	if (visibilityCurveNode) {
		for (auto ix = 0; ix < animLengthInFrame; ix++) {
			FbxTime currTime;
			currTime.SetFrame(startFrame + ix, animTimeMode);

			babylon_animation_key<float> visibilityKey;

			visibilityKey.frame = ix;

			visibilityKey.values = static_cast<float>(node->fbxNode()->Visibility.EvaluateValue(currTime));


	if (!posAnim->isConstant()){
	if (!rotAnim->isConstant()){
	if (!scaleAnim->isConstant()){
	if (!visibilityAnim->isConstant()) {
	if (!mesh) {
	if (mesh->GetPolygonCount() == 0){

	_receiveShadows =  mesh->ReceiveShadow.Get();
	FbxGeometryConverter conv(mesh->GetFbxManager());
	if (!mesh->IsTriangleMesh()) {
		mesh = (FbxMesh*) conv.Triangulate(mesh, true);


	FbxStringList uvSetNameList;
	std::vector<std::string> uniqueUVSets;

	int uvCount = uvSetNameList.GetCount();
	for (int i = 0; i < uvCount; ++i) {
		std::string value = uvSetNameList.GetStringAt(i);
		if (std::find(uniqueUVSets.begin(), uniqueUVSets.end(), value) == uniqueUVSets.end()) {
	uvsets = uniqueUVSets;
	bool hasUv = uniqueUVSets.size() > 0;
	bool hasUv2 = uniqueUVSets.size() > 1;
	bool hasUv3 = uniqueUVSets.size() > 2;
	bool hasUv4 = uniqueUVSets.size() > 3;
	bool hasUv5 = uniqueUVSets.size() > 4;
	bool hasUv6 = uniqueUVSets.size() > 5;
	std::string uvSetName;
	std::string uv2SetName;
	std::string uv3SetName;
	std::string uv4SetName;
	std::string uv5SetName;
	std::string uv6SetName;
	if (hasUv) {
		uvSetName = uniqueUVSets[0];
	if (hasUv2) {
		uv2SetName = uniqueUVSets[1];
	if (hasUv3) {
		uv3SetName = uniqueUVSets[2];
	if (hasUv4) {
		uv4SetName = uniqueUVSets[3];
	if (hasUv5) {
		uv5SetName = uniqueUVSets[4];
	if (hasUv6) {
		uv6SetName = uniqueUVSets[5];
	auto colors = mesh->GetElementVertexColor();
	FbxLayerElement::EMappingMode colorMappingMode;
	FbxLayerElement::EReferenceMode colorReferenceMode;
	if (colors) {
		colorMappingMode = colors->GetMappingMode();
		colorReferenceMode = colors->GetReferenceMode();
	auto normals = mesh->GetElementNormal();
	FbxGeometryElementUV* uvs = nullptr;
	FbxGeometryElementUV* uvs2 = nullptr;
	FbxGeometryElementUV* uvs3 = nullptr;
	FbxGeometryElementUV* uvs4 = nullptr;
	FbxGeometryElementUV* uvs5 = nullptr;
	FbxGeometryElementUV* uvs6 = nullptr;
	FbxLayerElement::EMappingMode uvsMappingMode;
	FbxLayerElement::EReferenceMode uvsReferenceMode;
	FbxLayerElement::EMappingMode uvs2MappingMode;
	FbxLayerElement::EReferenceMode uvs2ReferenceMode;
	FbxLayerElement::EMappingMode uvs3MappingMode;
	FbxLayerElement::EReferenceMode uvs3ReferenceMode;
	FbxLayerElement::EMappingMode uvs4MappingMode;
	FbxLayerElement::EReferenceMode uvs4ReferenceMode;
	FbxLayerElement::EMappingMode uvs5MappingMode;
	FbxLayerElement::EReferenceMode uvs5ReferenceMode;
	FbxLayerElement::EMappingMode uvs6MappingMode;
	FbxLayerElement::EReferenceMode uvs6ReferenceMode;
	if (hasUv) {
		uvs = mesh->GetElementUV(uvSetName.c_str());
		uvsMappingMode = uvs->GetMappingMode();
		uvsReferenceMode = uvs->GetReferenceMode();
	if (hasUv2) {
		uvs2 = mesh->GetElementUV(uv2SetName.c_str());
		uvs2MappingMode = uvs2->GetMappingMode();
		uvs2ReferenceMode = uvs2->GetReferenceMode();
	if (hasUv3) {
		uvs3 = mesh->GetElementUV(uv3SetName.c_str());
		uvs3MappingMode = uvs3->GetMappingMode();
		uvs3ReferenceMode = uvs3->GetReferenceMode();
	if (hasUv4) {
		uvs4 = mesh->GetElementUV(uv4SetName.c_str());
		uvs4MappingMode = uvs4->GetMappingMode();
		uvs4ReferenceMode = uvs4->GetReferenceMode();
	if (hasUv5) {
		uvs5 = mesh->GetElementUV(uv5SetName.c_str());
		uvs5MappingMode = uvs5->GetMappingMode();
		uvs5ReferenceMode = uvs5->GetReferenceMode();
	if (hasUv6) {
		uvs6 = mesh->GetElementUV(uv6SetName.c_str());
		uvs6MappingMode = uvs6->GetMappingMode();
		uvs6ReferenceMode = uvs6->GetReferenceMode();

	auto normalMappingMode = normals->GetMappingMode();
	auto normalReferenceMode = normals->GetReferenceMode();
	std::vector<SubmeshData> submeshes;

	auto materialCount = node->fbxNode()->GetMaterialCount();
	if (materialCount == 0) {
		materialCount = 1;
	auto baseLayer = mesh->GetLayer(0);
	auto materials = baseLayer->GetMaterials();
	FbxLayerElement::EMappingMode materialMappingMode = materials ?
		materials->GetMappingMode() : FbxLayerElement::eByPolygon;

	// extract deformers
	SkinInfo skinInfo(fbxNode);
	if (skinInfo.hasSkin()){
		associatedSkeleton = std::make_shared<BabylonSkeleton>();

	auto triangleCount = mesh->GetPolygonCount();
	for (int triangleIndex = 0; triangleIndex < triangleCount; ++triangleIndex) {

		int materialIndex = 0;
		if (materialCount > 0 && materials) {
			switch (materialMappingMode) {
			case FbxLayerElement::eAllSame:
				materialIndex = materials->GetIndexArray().GetAt(0);
			case FbxLayerElement::eByPolygon:
				materialIndex = materials->GetIndexArray().GetAt(triangleIndex);

		auto& submesh = submeshes[materialIndex];
		triangle t;
		for (int cornerIndex = 0; cornerIndex < 3; ++cornerIndex) {
			auto controlPointIndex = mesh->GetPolygonVertex(triangleIndex, cornerIndex);
			auto vertexIndex = triangleIndex * 3 + cornerIndex;
			auto position = mesh->GetControlPoints()[controlPointIndex];
			position[2] = -position[2];

			BabylonVertex v;
			v.position = position;
			if (normals) {
				int normalMapIndex = (normalMappingMode == FbxLayerElement::eByControlPoint) ?
				controlPointIndex : vertexIndex;
				int normalValueIndex = (normalReferenceMode == FbxLayerElement::eDirect) ?
				normalMapIndex : normals->GetIndexArray().GetAt(normalMapIndex);
				v.normal = normals->GetDirectArray().GetAt(normalValueIndex);
				v.normal.z = -v.normal.z;
			if (colors) {
				int mappingIndex = (colorMappingMode == FbxLayerElement::eByControlPoint) ?
				controlPointIndex : vertexIndex;
				int valueIndex = (colorReferenceMode == FbxLayerElement::eDirect) ?
				mappingIndex : colors->GetIndexArray().GetAt(mappingIndex);
				v.color = colors->GetDirectArray().GetAt(valueIndex);
			if (uvs) {
				int mappingIndex = (uvsMappingMode == FbxLayerElement::eByControlPoint) ?
				controlPointIndex : vertexIndex;
				int valueIndex = (uvsReferenceMode == FbxLayerElement::eDirect) ?
				mappingIndex : uvs->GetIndexArray().GetAt(mappingIndex);
				v.uv = uvs->GetDirectArray().GetAt(valueIndex);
				//v.uv.y = 1 - v.uv.y;

			if (uvs2) {
				int mappingIndex = (uvs2MappingMode == FbxLayerElement::eByControlPoint) ?
					controlPointIndex : vertexIndex;
				int valueIndex = (uvs2ReferenceMode == FbxLayerElement::eDirect) ?
					mappingIndex : uvs2->GetIndexArray().GetAt(mappingIndex);
				v.uv2 = uvs2->GetDirectArray().GetAt(valueIndex);
			if (uvs3) {
				int mappingIndex = (uvs3MappingMode == FbxLayerElement::eByControlPoint) ?
					controlPointIndex : vertexIndex;
				int valueIndex = (uvs3ReferenceMode == FbxLayerElement::eDirect) ?
					mappingIndex : uvs3->GetIndexArray().GetAt(mappingIndex);
				v.uv3 = uvs3->GetDirectArray().GetAt(valueIndex);
			if (uvs4) {
				int mappingIndex = (uvs4MappingMode == FbxLayerElement::eByControlPoint) ?
					controlPointIndex : vertexIndex;
				int valueIndex = (uvs4ReferenceMode == FbxLayerElement::eDirect) ?
					mappingIndex : uvs4->GetIndexArray().GetAt(mappingIndex);
				v.uv4 = uvs4->GetDirectArray().GetAt(valueIndex);
			if (uvs5) {
				int mappingIndex = (uvs5MappingMode == FbxLayerElement::eByControlPoint) ?
					controlPointIndex : vertexIndex;
				int valueIndex = (uvs5ReferenceMode == FbxLayerElement::eDirect) ?
					mappingIndex : uvs5->GetIndexArray().GetAt(mappingIndex);
				v.uv5 = uvs5->GetDirectArray().GetAt(valueIndex);
			if (uvs6) {
				int mappingIndex = (uvs6MappingMode == FbxLayerElement::eByControlPoint) ?
					controlPointIndex : vertexIndex;
				int valueIndex = (uvs6ReferenceMode == FbxLayerElement::eDirect) ?
					mappingIndex : uvs6->GetIndexArray().GetAt(mappingIndex);
				v.uv6 = uvs6->GetDirectArray().GetAt(valueIndex);
			if (skinInfo.hasSkin()){
				auto& skinData = skinInfo.controlPointBoneIndicesAndWeights(controlPointIndex);
				for (auto boneix = 0; boneix < skinData.size()&&boneix<4; ++boneix){
					v.boneIndices[boneix] = skinData[boneix].index;
					v.boneWeights[boneix] = static_cast<float>(skinData[boneix].weight);
				for (auto boneix = skinData.size(); boneix < 4; ++boneix){

					v.boneIndices[boneix] = skinInfo.bonesCount();
					v.boneWeights[boneix] = 0;
			auto foundVertex = submesh.knownVertices.find(v);
			if (foundVertex != submesh.knownVertices.end()) {
				t.indices[cornerIndex] = foundVertex->second;
			else {
				auto index = static_cast<int>(submesh.vertices.size());
				submesh.knownVertices[v] = index;
				t.indices[cornerIndex] = index;
		if (submesh.knownTriangles.insert(t).second) {
		else {
			std::cout << "duplicate triangle found (and eliminated) in " << fbxNode->GetName() << std::endl;

	std::uint32_t vertexOffset = 0;

	for (auto matIndex = 0u; matIndex < submeshes.size(); ++matIndex) {
		auto& submesh = submeshes[matIndex];
		BabylonSubmesh babsubmesh;
		babsubmesh.indexCount = static_cast<int>(submesh.indices.size());
		babsubmesh.indexStart = static_cast<int>(_indices.size());
		babsubmesh.materialIndex = matIndex;
		babsubmesh.verticesCount = static_cast<int>(submesh.vertices.size());
		babsubmesh.verticesStart = static_cast<int>(_positions.size());
		for (auto& v : submesh.vertices) {
			if (normals) {
			if (colors) {
			if (uvs) {
			if (uvs2) {
			if (uvs3) {
			if (uvs4) {
			if (uvs5) {
			if (uvs6) {
			if (skinInfo.hasSkin()){
				 float weight0 = v.boneWeights[0];
				 float weight1 = v.boneWeights[1];
				 float weight2 = v.boneWeights[2];
				 int bone0 = v.boneIndices[0];
				 int bone1 = v.boneIndices[1];
				 int bone2 = v.boneIndices[2];
				 int bone3 = v.boneIndices[3];
				_boneWeights.push_back(babylon_vector4( weight0, weight1, weight2, 1.0f - weight0 - weight1 - weight2));
                _boneIndices.push_back((bone3 << 24) | (bone2 << 16) | (bone1 << 8) | bone0);
		for (auto i : submesh.indices) {
			_indices.push_back(i + vertexOffset);

		vertexOffset = static_cast<int>(_positions.size());

Example #4
void* Interface_GUIWindow::create(void* kodiBase, const char* xml_filename,
                                  const char* default_skin, bool as_dialog, bool is_media)
  CAddonDll* addon = static_cast<CAddonDll*>(kodiBase);
  if (!addon || !xml_filename || !default_skin)
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Interface_GUIWindow::%s - invalid handler data (xml_filename='%p', default_skin='%p') on addon '%s'",
                          __FUNCTION__, xml_filename, default_skin, addon ? addon->ID().c_str() : "unknown");
    return nullptr;

  if (as_dialog && is_media)
    CLog::Log(LOGWARNING, "Interface_GUIWindow::%s: %s/%s - addon tries to create dialog as media window who not allowed, contact Developer '%s' of this addon",
                __FUNCTION__, CAddonInfo::TranslateType(addon->Type()).c_str(), addon->Name().c_str(), addon->Author().c_str());

  std::string strSkinPath = g_SkinInfo->GetSkinPath(xml_filename, &res);

  if (!XFILE::CFile::Exists(strSkinPath))
    std::string str("none");
    ADDON::CAddonInfo addonInfo(str, ADDON::ADDON_SKIN);

    // Check for the matching folder for the skin in the fallback skins folder
    std::string fallbackPath = URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(addon->Path(), "resources", "skins");
    std::string basePath = URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(fallbackPath, g_SkinInfo->ID());

    strSkinPath = g_SkinInfo->GetSkinPath(xml_filename, &res, basePath);

    // Check for the matching folder for the skin in the fallback skins folder (if it exists)
    if (XFILE::CFile::Exists(basePath))
      ADDON::CSkinInfo skinInfo(addonInfo, res);
      strSkinPath = skinInfo.GetSkinPath(xml_filename, &res);

    if (!XFILE::CFile::Exists(strSkinPath))
      // Finally fallback to the DefaultSkin as it didn't exist in either the Kodi Skin folder or the fallback skin folder
      addonInfo.SetPath(URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(fallbackPath, default_skin));
      ADDON::CSkinInfo skinInfo(addonInfo, res);

      strSkinPath = skinInfo.GetSkinPath(xml_filename, &res);
      if (!XFILE::CFile::Exists(strSkinPath))
        CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Interface_GUIWindow::%s: %s/%s - XML File '%s' for Window is missing, contact Developer '%s' of this addon",
                    __FUNCTION__, CAddonInfo::TranslateType(addon->Type()).c_str(), addon->Name().c_str(), strSkinPath.c_str(), addon->Author().c_str());
        return nullptr;

  int id = GetNextAvailableWindowId();
  if (id < 0)
    return nullptr;

  CGUIWindow *window;
  if (!as_dialog)
    window = new CGUIAddonWindow(id, strSkinPath, addon, is_media);
    window = new CGUIAddonWindowDialog(id, strSkinPath, addon);


  if (!dynamic_cast<CGUIWindow*>(g_windowManager.GetWindow(id)))
    CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "Interface_GUIWindow::%s - Requested window id '%i' does not exist for addon '%s'",
                          __FUNCTION__, id, addon->ID().c_str());
    delete window;
    return nullptr;
  return window;
Example #5
  PyObject* WindowXML_New(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
    WindowXML *self;

    self = (WindowXML*)type->tp_alloc(type, 0);
    if (!self) return NULL;

    new(&self->sXMLFileName) string();
    new(&self->sFallBackPath) string();
    new(&self->vecControls) std::vector<Control*>();

    self->iWindowId = -1;
    PyObject* pyOXMLname = NULL;
    PyObject* pyOname = NULL;
    PyObject* pyDName = NULL;
    PyObject* pyRes = NULL;

    string strXMLname, strFallbackPath;
    string strDefault = "Default";
    string resolution = "720p";

    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, (char*)"OO|OO", &pyOXMLname, &pyOname, &pyDName, &pyRes)) return NULL;

    PyXBMCGetUnicodeString(strXMLname, pyOXMLname);
    PyXBMCGetUnicodeString(strFallbackPath, pyOname);
    if (pyDName) PyXBMCGetUnicodeString(strDefault, pyDName);
    if (pyRes) PyXBMCGetUnicodeString(resolution, pyRes);

    // Check to see if the XML file exists in current skin. If not use fallback path to find a skin for the script
    CStdString strSkinPath = g_SkinInfo->GetSkinPath(strXMLname, &res);

    if (!XFILE::CFile::Exists(strSkinPath))
      // Check for the matching folder for the skin in the fallback skins folder
      CStdString fallbackPath = URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(strFallbackPath, "resources");
      fallbackPath = URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(fallbackPath, "skins");
      CStdString basePath = URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(fallbackPath, g_SkinInfo->ID());
      strSkinPath = g_SkinInfo->GetSkinPath(strXMLname, &res, basePath);
      if (!XFILE::CFile::Exists(strSkinPath))
        // Finally fallback to the DefaultSkin as it didn't exist in either the XBMC Skin folder or the fallback skin folder
        CStdString str("none");
        AddonProps props(str, ADDON_SKIN, "", "");
        props.path = URIUtils::AddFileToFolder(fallbackPath, strDefault);
        CSkinInfo::TranslateResolution(resolution, res);
        CSkinInfo skinInfo(props, res);

        strSkinPath = skinInfo.GetSkinPath(strXMLname, &res);
        if (!XFILE::CFile::Exists(strSkinPath))
          PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "XML File for Window is missing");
          return NULL;

    self->sFallBackPath = strFallbackPath;
    self->sXMLFileName = strSkinPath;
    self->bUsingXML = true;

    // create new GUIWindow
    if (!Window_CreateNewWindow((Window*)self, false))
      // error is already set by Window_CreateNewWindow, just release the memory
      return NULL;
    return (PyObject*)self;