Example #1
struct slName *segSecSpeciesList(struct segBlock *sb, struct segComp *refComp,
    char sepChar)
/* Return a name list containing the species possibly followed by sepChar
of all components other than refComp on the block. */
struct segComp *sc;
char *p;
struct slName *speciesList = NULL;

for (sc = sb->components; sc != NULL; sc = sc->next)
	if (sc == refComp)

	if ((p = strchr(sc->src, '.')) != NULL)
		*p = '\0';

	slNameStore(&speciesList, sc->src);

	if (p != NULL)
		*p = '.';

Example #2
void rqlParseVarsUsed(struct rqlParse *p, struct slName **pVarList)
/* Put variables used by self and children onto varList. */
if (p->op == rqlOpSymbol)
    slNameStore(pVarList, p->val.s);
struct rqlParse *child;
for (child = p->children; child != NULL; child = child->next)
    rqlParseVarsUsed(child, pVarList);
struct slName *jsAllDb(struct joinerSet *js)
/* Get list of all databases referred to by set. */
    struct slName *list = NULL, *db;
    struct joinerField *jf;
    for (jf = js->fieldList; jf != NULL; jf = jf->next)
        for (db = jf->dbList; db != NULL; db = db->next)
            slNameStore(&list, db->name);
    return list;
Example #4
struct slName *tdbListGetGroups(struct trackDb *tdbList)
// Returns a list of groups found in the tdbList
// FIXME: Should be moved to trackDbCustom and shared
struct slName *groupList = NULL;
char *lastGroup = "[]";
struct trackDb *tdb = tdbList;
for (;tdb!=NULL;tdb=tdb->next)
    if (differentString(lastGroup,tdb->grp))
        lastGroup = slNameStore(&groupList, tdb->grp);
return groupList;
Example #5
struct slName *getReplicateNames(struct fullExperiment *expList)
/* Return list of all replicate names */
struct slName *repList = NULL;
struct fullExperiment *exp;
for (exp = expList; exp != NULL; exp = exp->next)
    struct replicate *rep;
    for (rep = exp->repList; rep != NULL; rep = rep->next)
	char *name = rep->name;
	if (isEmpty(name))
	    name = "pooled";
	slNameStore(&repList, name);
slSort(&repList, slNameCmpStringsWithEmbeddedNumbers);
return repList;
Example #6
struct slName *slNameListOfUniqueWords(char *text,boolean respectQuotes)
/* Return list of unique words found by parsing string delimited by whitespace.
 * If respectQuotes then ["Lucy and Ricky" 'Fred and Ethyl'] will yield 2 slNames no quotes */
struct slName *list = NULL;
char *word = NULL;
while (text != NULL)
    if (respectQuotes)
        word = nextQuotedWord(&text);
        word = nextWord(&text);
    if (word)
        slNameStore(&list, word);
return list;
Example #7
File: joiner.c Project: bowhan/kent
static struct joinerSet *parseIdentifierSet(struct lineFile *lf, 
	char *line, struct hash *symHash, struct dyString *dyBuf)
/* Parse out one joiner record - keep going until blank line or
 * end of file. */
struct joinerSet *js;
struct joinerField *jf;
char *word, *e;
char *parts[3];
int partCount;

/* Parse through first line - first word is name. */
word = nextWord(&line);
if (word == NULL || strchr(word, '=') != NULL)
    errAbort("joiner without name line %d of %s\n", lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
js->name = cloneString(word);
js->lineIx = lf->lineIx;

while ((word = nextWord(&line)) != NULL)
    char *e = strchr(word, '=');
    if (e != NULL)
	*e++ = 0;
    if (sameString(word, "typeOf"))
	js->typeOf = cloneSpecified(lf, word, e);
    else if (sameString(word, "external"))
	js->external = cloneSpecified(lf, word, e);
    else if (sameString(word, "fuzzy"))
	js->isFuzzy = TRUE;
    else if (sameString(word, "dependency"))
	js->isDependency = TRUE;
        errAbort("Unknown attribute %s line %d of %s", word, 
		lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);

/* Parse second line, make sure it is quoted, and save as description. */
line = nextSubbedLine(lf, symHash, dyBuf);
if (line == NULL)
line = trimSpaces(line);
if (line[0] != '"' || lastChar(line) != '"')
    errAbort("Expecting quoted line, line %d of %s\n", 
    	lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
line[strlen(line)-1] = 0;
js->description = cloneString(line+1);

/* Go through subsequent lines. */
while ((line = nextSubbedLine(lf, symHash, dyBuf)) != NULL)
     /* Keep grabbing until we get a blank line. */
     line = skipLeadingSpaces(line);
     if (line[0] == 0)

     /* First word in line should be database.tabe.field. */
     word = nextWord(&line);
     partCount = chopString(word, ".", parts, ArraySize(parts));
     if (partCount != 3)
         errAbort("Expecting database.table.field line %d of %s",
	 	lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);

     /* Allocate struct and save table and field. */
     jf->lineIx = lf->lineIx;
     jf->table = cloneString(parts[1]);
     jf->field = cloneString(parts[2]);
     if (js->fieldList == NULL && !js->isFuzzy)
         jf->isPrimary = TRUE;
	 jf->unique = TRUE;
	 jf->full = TRUE;
     jf->minCheck = 1.0;
     slAddHead(&js->fieldList, jf);

     /* Database may be a comma-separated list.  Parse it here. */
     jf->dbList = parseDatabaseList(lf, parts[0]);

     /* Look for other fields in subsequent space-separated words. */
     while ((word = nextWord(&line)) != NULL)
	 if ((e = strchr(word, '=')) != NULL)
	     *e++ = 0;
	 if (sameString("comma", word))
	     jf->separator = cloneString(",");
	 else if (sameString("separator", word))
	     jf->separator = cloneSpecified(lf, word, e);
	 else if (sameString("chopBefore", word))
	     if (e == NULL) 
	     	unspecifiedVar(lf, word);
	     slNameStore(&jf->chopBefore, e);
	 else if (sameString("chopAfter", word))
	     if (e == NULL) 
	     	unspecifiedVar(lf, word);
	     slNameStore(&jf->chopAfter, e);
	 else if (sameString("indexOf", word))
	     jf->indexOf = TRUE;
	 else if (sameString("dupeOk", word))
	     if (!jf->isPrimary)
	         warn("dupeOk outsite primary key line %d of %s",
		 	lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
	     jf->unique = FALSE;
	 else if (sameString("minCheck", word))
	     if (e == NULL)
	         unspecifiedVar(lf, word);
	     jf->minCheck = atof(e);
	 else if (sameString("unique", word))
	     jf->unique = TRUE;
	 else if (sameString("full", word))
	     jf->full = TRUE;
	 else if (sameString("splitPrefix", word))
	     jf->splitPrefix = cloneSpecified(lf, word, e);
	 else if (sameString("splitSuffix", word))
	     jf->splitSuffix = cloneSpecified(lf, word, e);
	 else if (sameString("exclude", word))
	     if (e == NULL) 
	     	unspecifiedVar(lf, word);
	     slNameStore(&jf->exclude, e);
	     errAbort("Unrecognized attribute %s line %d of %s",
	     	word, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
     if (jf->indexOf && jf->separator == NULL)
         errAbort("indexOf without comma or separator line %d of %s",
	 	lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
     if (jf->isPrimary && jf->separator != NULL)
         errAbort("Error line %d of %s\n"
	          "Primary key can't be a list (comma or separator)." 
		  , lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
return js;
void bedListExpRecordAverage(struct bed **pBedList, struct expRecord **pERList, int extrasIndex)
/* This is a mildy complicated function to make the details page have the */
/* same data as the track when the UI option "Tissue averages" is selected. */
/* This is done by hacking the bed and expRecord lists in place and keeping */
/* the original code for the most part. */
struct bed *bed = NULL;
struct expRecord *er, *newERList = NULL;
struct slName *extras = NULL, *oneSlName;
int M, N, i, columns;
int *mapping;
if (!pBedList || !pERList || !*pBedList || !*pERList)
er = *pERList;
if ((extrasIndex < 0) || (extrasIndex >= er->numExtras))
/* Build up a unique list of words from the specific "extras" column. */
for (er = *pERList; er != NULL; er = er->next)
    slNameStore(&extras, er->extras[extrasIndex]);
M = slCount(extras);
N = slCount(*pERList);
columns = N + 1;
/* M rows, reserve first column for counts. */
mapping = needMem(sizeof(int) * M * columns);
/* Create the mapping array: */
/*   each row corresponds to one of the groupings.  The first column is the number of */
/*   things in the original list in the group (k things), and the next k elements  on */
/*   that row are indeces. */
for (er = *pERList, i = 0; er != NULL && i < N; er = er->next, i++)
    int ix = slNameFindIx(extras, er->extras[extrasIndex]) * columns;
    mapping[ix + ++mapping[ix]] = er->id; 
/* Make a new expRecord list. */
for (oneSlName = extras, i = 0; oneSlName != NULL && i < M; oneSlName = oneSlName->next, i++)
    struct expRecord *newER = basicExpRecord(oneSlName->name, i, extrasIndex);
    slAddHead(&newERList, newER);
*pERList = newERList;
/* Go through each bed and change it. */
for (bed = *pBedList; bed != NULL; bed = bed->next)
    float *newExpScores = needMem(sizeof(float) * M);
    int *newExpIds = needMem(sizeof(int) * M);
    /* Calculate averages. */
    for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
	int ix = i * columns;
	int size = mapping[ix];
	int j;
	double sum = 0;
	for (j = 1; j < size + 1; j++)
	    sum += (double)bed->expScores[mapping[ix + j]];
	newExpScores[i] = (float)(sum/size);
	newExpIds[i] = i;
    bed->expCount = M;
    bed->expIds = newExpIds;
    bed->expScores = newExpScores;    
/* Free stuff. */
Example #9
void hgFlyBase(char *database, char *genesFile)
/* hgFlyBase - Parse FlyBase genes.txt file and turn it into a couple of 
 * tables. */
char *tGene = "fbGene";
char *tSynonym = "fbSynonym";
char *tAllele = "fbAllele";
char *tRef = "fbRef";
char *tRole = "fbRole";
char *tPhenotype = "fbPhenotype";
char *tTranscript = "fbTranscript";
char *tGo = "fbGo";
char *tUniProt = "fbUniProt";
FILE *fGene = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir, tGene);
FILE *fSynonym = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir, tSynonym);
FILE *fAllele = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir, tAllele);
FILE *fRef = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir, tRef);
FILE *fRole = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir, tRole);
FILE *fPhenotype = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir, tPhenotype);
FILE *fTranscript = NULL;
FILE *fGo = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir, tGo);
FILE *fUniProt = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir, tUniProt);
struct lineFile *lf = lineFileOpen(genesFile, TRUE);
struct hash *refHash = newHash(19);
int nextRefId = 0;
int nextAlleleId = 0;
char *line, sub, type, *rest, *s;
char *geneSym = NULL, *geneName = NULL, *geneId = NULL;
int recordCount = 0;
struct slName *synList = NULL, *syn;
int curAllele = 0, curRef = 0;
struct ref *ref = NULL;
struct sqlConnection *conn;
struct hash *goUniqHash = newHash(18);

/* Make table from flybase genes to BGDP transcripts. */
if (doTranscript)
    fTranscript = hgCreateTabFile(tabDir, tTranscript);
    getAllSplices(database, fTranscript);

/* Make dummy reference for flybase itself. */
fprintf(fRef, "0\tFlyBase\n");

/* Loop through parsing and writing tab files. */
while (lineFileNext(lf, &line, NULL))
    sub = line[0];
    if (sub == '#')
	/* End of record. */
	if (geneId == NULL)
	    errAbort("Record without *z line ending line %d of %s",
		lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);

	/* Write out synonyms. */
	s = naForNull(geneSym);
	geneSym = ungreek(s);
	s = naForNull(geneName);
	geneName = ungreek(s);
	if (! sameString(s, "n/a"))
	if (geneSym != NULL && !sameString(geneSym, "n/a"))
	    slNameStore(&synList, geneSym);
	if (geneName != NULL && !sameString(geneName, "n/a"))
	    slNameStore(&synList, geneName);
	for (syn = synList; syn != NULL; syn = syn->next)
	    s = ungreek(syn->name);
	    fprintf(fSynonym, "%s\t%s\n", geneId, s);

	/* Write out gene record. */
	fprintf(fGene, "%s\t%s\t%s\n", geneId, geneSym, geneName);

	/* Clean up. */
	ref = NULL;
	curRef = curAllele = 0;
    else if (sub == 0)
       errAbort("blank line %d of %s, not allowed in gene.txt",
	    lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
    else if (isalnum(sub))
       errAbort("line %d of %s begins with %c, not allowed",
	    lf->lineIx, lf->fileName, sub);
    type = line[1];
    rest = trimSpaces(line+2);
    if (sub == '*' && type == 'a')
	geneSym = cloneString(rest);
    else if (sub == '*' && type == 'e')
        geneName = cloneString(rest);
    else if (sub == '*' && type == 'z')
        geneId = cloneString(rest); 
	if (!startsWith("FBgn", geneId))
	    errAbort("Bad FlyBase gene ID %s line %d of %s", geneId, 
		lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
    else if (type == 'i' && (sub == '*' || sub == '$'))
	if (strlen(rest) > 2)	/* Avoid short useless ones. */
	    slNameStore(&synList, rest);
    else if (sub == '*' && type == 'A')
	if (geneId == NULL)
	    errAbort("Allele before geneId line %d of %s", 
	    	lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
	curAllele = ++nextAlleleId;
	fprintf(fAllele, "%d\t%s\t%s\n", curAllele, geneId, rest);
	if (!sameString(rest, "classical") &&
	    !sameString(rest, "in vitro") &&
	    !sameString(rest, "wild-type") )
	    slNameStore(&synList, rest);
    else if (sub == '*' && type == 'm')
	if (geneId == NULL)
	    errAbort("*m protein ID before geneId line %d of %s", 
	    	lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
	if (startsWith("UniProt", rest))
	    char *ptr = strchr(rest, ':');
	    if (ptr != NULL)
		errAbort("Trouble parsing UniProt ID %s like %d of %s",
			 rest, lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
	    fprintf(fUniProt, "%s\t%s\n", geneId, ptr);
    else if (type == 'E')
	ref = hashFindVal(refHash, rest);
	if (ref == NULL)
	    ref->id = ++nextRefId;
	    hashAdd(refHash, rest, ref);
	    subChar(rest, '\t', ' ');
	    fprintf(fRef, "%d\t%s\n", ref->id, rest);
	curRef = ref->id;
    else if ((type == 'k' || type == 'r' || type == 'p') && sub != '@')
	FILE *f = (type == 'r' ? fRole : fPhenotype);
	struct dyString *dy = suckSameLines(lf, line);
	subChar(dy->string, '\t', ' ');
	if (geneId == NULL)
	    errAbort("Expecting *z in record before line %d of %s",
	    	lf->lineIx, lf->fileName);
	fprintf(f, "%s\t%d\t%d\t%s\n", geneId, curAllele, curRef, dy->string);
    else if (type == 'd' || type == 'f' || type == 'F')
	FILE *f = fGo;
	char aspect = (type == 'd') ? 'P' : (type == 'f') ? 'C' : 'F';
	char *goId = rest;
	char *p = strstr(goId, " ; ");
	char assoc[128];
	if (p == NULL)
	    goId = firstWordInLine(p + 3);
	safef(assoc, sizeof(assoc), "%s.%s", geneId, goId);
	if (hashLookup(goUniqHash, assoc) == NULL)
	    hashAddInt(goUniqHash, assoc, 1);
	    fprintf(f, "%s\t%s\t%c\n", geneId, goId, aspect);
printf("Processed %d records in %d lines\n", recordCount, lf->lineIx);

conn = sqlConnect(database);

if (doLoad)
    printf("Loading %s\n", tGene);
    hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, tGene, &fGene);
    if (doTranscript)
	printf("Loading %s\n", tTranscript);
	hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, tTranscript, &fTranscript);
    printf("Loading %s\n", tSynonym);
    hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, tSynonym, &fSynonym);
    printf("Loading %s\n", tAllele);
    hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, tAllele, &fAllele);
    printf("Loading %s\n", tRef);
    hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, tRef, &fRef);
    printf("Loading %s\n", tRole);
    hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, tRole, &fRole);
    printf("Loading %s\n", tPhenotype);
    hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, tPhenotype, &fPhenotype);
    printf("Loading %s\n", tGo);
    hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, tGo, &fGo);
    printf("Loading %s\n", tUniProt);
    hgLoadTabFile(conn, tabDir, tUniProt, &fUniProt);
    hgRemoveTabFile(tabDir, tGene);
    if (doTranscript)
	hgRemoveTabFile(tabDir, tTranscript);
    hgRemoveTabFile(tabDir, tSynonym);
    hgRemoveTabFile(tabDir, tAllele);
    hgRemoveTabFile(tabDir, tRef);
    hgRemoveTabFile(tabDir, tRole);
    hgRemoveTabFile(tabDir, tPhenotype);
    hgRemoveTabFile(tabDir, tGo);
    hgRemoveTabFile(tabDir, tUniProt);