Example #1
 * log_udp - Log UDP packet header in file. Function takes packet buffer, 
 * parses it and dumps parsed header information in file. First argument 
 * is  dump flag, if first argument is 1, function will hexdump packet 
 * payload in log file, otherwise it wont. Second argument buf is packet 
 * buffer recieved from socket and third argument size is packet size. 
void log_udp(short dump, unsigned char* buf, int size)
    /* Used variables */
    unsigned short iph_len;
    struct iphdr *iph = (struct iphdr *)buf;

    /* Get UDP packet heaer */
    iph_len = iph->ihl * 4;
    struct udphdr* udph = (struct udphdr*)(buf + iph_len);

    /* Log ip header */

    /* Log TCP packet header in file */
    slog_to_file("[LIVE] Captured UDP Packet");               
    slog_to_file("[UDP] Source Port          : %d", ntohs(udph->source));
    slog_to_file("[UDP] Destination Port     : %d", ntohs(udph->dest));
    slog_to_file("[UDP] Length               : %d", ntohs(udph->len));
    slog_to_file("[UDP] Checksum             : %d\n", ntohs(udph->check));

    /* Dump data if flag is enabled */
    if (dump) 
        /* Dump ip header in file */
        slog_to_file("[IP] Header");
        dump_data(buf, iph_len);

        /* Dump udp header in file */
        slog_to_file("[UDP] Header");
        dump_data(buf + iph_len , sizeof(udph));

        /* Dump data playload */
        slog_to_file("[DATA] Payload");  
        dump_data(buf + iph_len + sizeof(udph), (size - sizeof(udph) - iph->ihl * 4));
Example #2
 * log_ip - Log IP packet header in file. Function takes packet 
 * buffer, parses it and hexdumps parsed header information in 
 * file. Argument is is packet buffer recieved from socket. 
void log_ip(unsigned char* buf)
    /* Used variables */
    struct sockaddr_in name, dst;
    struct iphdr *iph = (struct iphdr *)buf;
    /* Get source and destination */
    memset(&name, 0, sizeof(name));
    name.sin_addr.s_addr = iph->saddr;
    memset(&dst, 0, sizeof(dst));
    dst.sin_addr.s_addr = iph->daddr;
    /* Log ip header */
    slog_to_file("[LIVE] Captured IP Header");       
    slog_to_file("[IP] Version               : %d", (unsigned int)iph->version);
    slog_to_file("[IP] Header Length         : %d DWORDS or %d Bytes", 
                            (unsigned int)iph->ihl,((unsigned int)(iph->ihl))*4);
    slog_to_file("[IP] Type Of Service       : %d", (unsigned int)iph->tos);
    slog_to_file("[IP] Total Length          : %d  Bytes(Size of Packet)", ntohs(iph->tot_len));
    slog_to_file("[IP] Identification        : %d", ntohs(iph->id));
    slog_to_file("[IP] TTL                   : %d", (unsigned int)iph->ttl);
    slog_to_file("[IP] Protocol              : %d", (unsigned int)iph->protocol);
    slog_to_file("[IP] Checksum              : %d", ntohs(iph->check));
    slog_to_file("[IP] Source IP             : %s", inet_ntoa(name.sin_addr));
    slog_to_file("[IP] Destination IP        : %s\n", inet_ntoa(dst.sin_addr));
Example #3
 * log_tcp - Log TCP packet header in file. Function takes packet buffer, 
 * parses it and dumps parsed header information in file. First argument 
 * is dump flag, if first argument is 1, function will dump packet 
 * payload in log file otherwise it wont. Second argument buf is packet 
 * buffer recieved from socket and third argument size is packet size. 
void log_tcp(short dump, unsigned char* buf, int size)
    /* Used variables */
    unsigned short iph_len;
    struct iphdr *iph = (struct iphdr *)buf;
    /* Get TCP packet header */
    iph_len = iph->ihl * 4;
    struct tcphdr* tcph= (struct tcphdr*)(buf + iph_len);

    /* Log ip header */

    /* Log TCP packet header in file */
    slog_to_file("[LIVE] Captured TCP Packet");          
    slog_to_file("[TCP] Source Port          : %u", ntohs(tcph->source));
    slog_to_file("[TCP] Destination Port     : %u", ntohs(tcph->dest));
    slog_to_file("[TCP] Sequence Number      : %u", ntohl(tcph->seq));
    slog_to_file("[TCP] Acknowledge Number   : %u", ntohl(tcph->ack_seq));
    slog_to_file("[TCP] Header Length        : %d DWORDS or %d BYTES" , 
                        (unsigned int)tcph->doff,(unsigned int)tcph->doff*4);
    slog_to_file("[TCP] Urgent Flag          : %d", (unsigned int)tcph->urg);
    slog_to_file("[TCP] Acknowledgement Flag : %d", (unsigned int)tcph->ack);
    slog_to_file("[TCP] Push Flag            : %d", (unsigned int)tcph->psh);
    slog_to_file("[TCP] Reset Flag           : %d", (unsigned int)tcph->rst);
    slog_to_file("[TCP] Synchronise Flag     : %d", (unsigned int)tcph->syn);
    slog_to_file("[TCP] Finish Flag          : %d", (unsigned int)tcph->fin);
    slog_to_file("[TCP] Window               : %d", ntohs(tcph->window));
    slog_to_file("[TCP] Checksum             : %d", ntohs(tcph->check));
    slog_to_file("[TCP] Urgent Pointer       : %d\n", tcph->urg_ptr);

    /* Dump data if flag is enabled */
    if (dump) 
        /* Dump ip header in file */
        slog_to_file("[IP] Header");
        dump_data(buf, iph_len);
        /* Dump tcp header in file */
        slog_to_file("[TCP] Header");
        dump_data(buf + iph_len, tcph->doff * 4);
        /* Dump data playload */
        slog_to_file("[DATA] Payload"); 
        dump_data(buf + iph_len + tcph->doff * 4, (size - tcph->doff * 4 - iph->ihl * 4));
Example #4
 * slog - Log exiting process. Function takes arguments and saves
 * log in file if LOGTOFILE flag is enabled from config. Otherwise
 * it just prints log without saveing in file. Argument level is
 * logging level and flag is slog flags defined in slog.h header.
void slog(int level, int flag, const char *msg, ...)
    /* Lock for safe */
    if (slg.td_safe) 
        if (pthread_mutex_lock(&slog_mutex))
            printf("<%s:%d> %s: [ERROR] Can not lock mutex: %d\n", 
                __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, errno);

    /* Used variables */
    SlogDate mdate;
    char string[MAXMSG];
    char prints[MAXMSG];
    char color[32], alarm[32];
    char *output;

    bzero(string, sizeof(string));
    bzero(prints, sizeof(prints));
    bzero(color, sizeof(color));
    bzero(alarm, sizeof(alarm));

    /* Read args */
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, msg);
    vsprintf(string, msg, args);

    /* Check logging levels */
    if(!level || level <= slg.level || level <= slg.file_level)
        /* Handle flags */
            case SLOG_LIVE:
                strncpy(color, CLR_NORMAL, sizeof(color));
                strncpy(alarm, "LIVE", sizeof(alarm));
            case SLOG_INFO:
                strncpy(color, CLR_GREEN, sizeof(color));
                strncpy(alarm, "INFO", sizeof(alarm));
            case SLOG_WARN:
                strncpy(color, CLR_YELLOW, sizeof(color));
                strncpy(alarm, "WARN", sizeof(alarm));
            case SLOG_DEBUG:
                strncpy(color, CLR_BLUE, sizeof(color));
                strncpy(alarm, "DEBUG", sizeof(alarm));
            case SLOG_ERROR:
                strncpy(color, CLR_RED, sizeof(color));
                strncpy(alarm, "ERROR", sizeof(alarm));
            case SLOG_FATAL:
                strncpy(color, CLR_RED, sizeof(color));
                strncpy(alarm, "FATAL", sizeof(alarm));
            case SLOG_PANIC:
                strncpy(color, CLR_WHITE, sizeof(color));
                strncpy(alarm, "PANIC", sizeof(alarm));
            case SLOG_NONE:
                strncpy(prints, string, sizeof(string));
                strncpy(prints, string, sizeof(string));
                flag = SLOG_NONE;

        /* Print output */
        if (level <= slg.level || slg.pretty)
            if (flag != SLOG_NONE) sprintf(prints, "[%s] %s", strclr(color, alarm), string);
            if (level <= slg.level) printf("%s", slog_get(&mdate, "%s\n", prints));

        /* Save log in file */
        if (slg.to_file && level <= slg.file_level)
            if (slg.pretty) output = slog_get(&mdate, "%s\n", prints);
                if (flag != SLOG_NONE) sprintf(prints, "[%s] %s", alarm, string);
                output = slog_get(&mdate, "%s\n", prints);

            /* Add log line to file */
            slog_to_file(output, slg.fname, &mdate);

    /* Done, unlock mutex */
    if (slg.td_safe) 
        if (pthread_mutex_unlock(&slog_mutex)) 
            printf("<%s:%d> %s: [ERROR] Can not deinitialize mutex: %d\n", 
                __FILE__, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, errno);