Example #1
AudioPlayer::AudioPlayer(Library* library, Backend backend, bool testing, QObject* parent)
    : QObject(parent)
    , library_(library)
    , mainWindow_(nullptr)
    , replaygain_(ReplayGainMode::None)
    , preamp_with_rg_(10)
    , playbackOrder_(PlaybackOrder::Default)
    , lengthHack_(false)
    , testing_(testing)
    if (backend == Backend::mpv)
        audioOutput_.reset(new MpvAudioOutput);
        audioOutput_.reset(new PhononAudioOutput);
    QObject::connect(audioOutput_.get(), SIGNAL(aboutToFinish()), this, SLOT(aboutToFinish()));
    QObject::connect(audioOutput_.get(), SIGNAL(currentSourceChanged()), this, SLOT(currentSourceChanged()));
    QObject::connect(audioOutput_.get(), SIGNAL(tick(qint64)), this, SLOT(slotTick(qint64)));
    QObject::connect(audioOutput_.get(), SIGNAL(stateChanged(AudioState)), this, SLOT(slotAudioStateChanged(AudioState)));
    QObject::connect(audioOutput_.get(), SIGNAL(finished()), this, SLOT(slotFinished()));
    QObject::connect(audioOutput_.get(), SIGNAL(durationChanged(double)), this, SLOT(durationChanged(double)));
    QObject::connect(audioOutput_.get(), SIGNAL(metadataChanged(QString, QString, int)), this, SLOT(metadataChanged(QString, QString, int)));
    // Not using Phono totalTimeChanged() signal because it returns 0 when used with enqueue()
    // TODO: report bug to phonon
//    QObject::connect(audioOutput_, SIGNAL(totalTimeChanged(qint64)), this, SLOT(totalTimeChanged(qint64)));
    instance = this;
Example #2
GlobalTimer::GlobalTimer() : QObject(nullptr), timer(new QTimer()), tickCount(0) {
    connect(timer.get(), SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(slotTick()));

    delete m_media;
    delete m_audio;
    delete m_preamp;

    PERF_LOG( "EngineController: loading phonon objects" )
    m_media = new Phonon::MediaObject( this );
    m_audio = new Phonon::AudioOutput( Phonon::MusicCategory, this );

    m_path = Phonon::createPath( m_media, m_audio );
    // HACK we turn off replaygain manually on OSX, until the phonon coreaudio backend is fixed.
    // as the default is specified in the .cfg file, we can't just tell it to be a different default on OSX
#ifdef Q_WS_MAC
    AmarokConfig::setReplayGainMode( AmarokConfig::EnumReplayGainMode::Off );

    // only create pre-amp if we have replaygain on, preamp can cause phonon issues
    if( AmarokConfig::replayGainMode() != AmarokConfig::EnumReplayGainMode::Off )
        m_preamp = new Phonon::VolumeFaderEffect( this );
        m_path.insertEffect( m_preamp );

    m_media->setTickInterval( 100 );
    debug() << "Tick Interval (actual): " << m_media->tickInterval();
    PERF_LOG( "EngineController: loaded phonon objects" )

    // Get the next track when there is 2 seconds left on the current one.
    m_media->setPrefinishMark( 2000 );

    connect( m_media, SIGNAL( finished() ), SLOT( slotQueueEnded() ) );
    connect( m_media, SIGNAL( aboutToFinish()), SLOT( slotAboutToFinish() ) );
    connect( m_media, SIGNAL( metaDataChanged() ), SLOT( slotMetaDataChanged() ) );
    connect( m_media, SIGNAL( stateChanged( Phonon::State, Phonon::State ) ), SLOT( slotStateChanged( Phonon::State, Phonon::State ) ) );
    connect( m_media, SIGNAL( tick( qint64 ) ), SLOT( slotTick( qint64 ) ) );
    connect( m_media, SIGNAL( totalTimeChanged( qint64 ) ), SLOT( slotTrackLengthChanged( qint64 ) ) );
    connect( m_media, SIGNAL( currentSourceChanged( const Phonon::MediaSource & ) ), SLOT( slotNewTrackPlaying( const Phonon::MediaSource & ) ) );

    //TODO: The xine engine does not support crossfading. Cannot get the gstreamer engine to work, will test this once I do.
#if 0
    if( AmarokConfig::trackDelayLength() > -1 )
        m_media->setTransitionTime( AmarokConfig::trackDelayLength() ); // Also Handles gapless.
    else if( AmarokConfig::crossfadeLength() > 0 )  // TODO: Handle the possible options on when to crossfade.. the values are not documented anywhere however
        m_media->setTransitionTime( -AmarokConfig::crossfadeLength() );