// link this page to SimpleViewer to gain access to settings container.
FirstRunPage::FirstRunPage(KPWizardDialog* const dlg)
    : KPWizardPage(dlg, i18n("First Run")),
      d(new Private)
    KPVBox* const vbox   = new KPVBox(this);
    QLabel* const info1 = new QLabel(vbox);
    info1->setText( i18n("<p>SimpleViewer's plugins are Flash components which are free to use, "
                         "but use a license which comes into conflict with several distributions. "
                         "Due to the license it is not possible to ship it with this tool.</p>"
                         "<p>You can now download plugin from its homepage and point this tool "
                         "to the downloaded archive. The archive will be stored with the plugin configuration, "
                         "so it is available for further use.</p>"
                         "<p><b>Note: Please download the plugin that you selected on the first page.</b></p>"));

    QLabel* const info2   = new QLabel(vbox);
    info2->setText(i18n("<p>1.) Download plugin from the following url:</p>"));

    QLabel* const link = new QLabel(vbox);
    link->setText(QString::fromLatin1("<a href=\"%1\">%2</a>")

    QLabel* const info3   = new QLabel(vbox);
    info3->setText(i18n("<p>2.) Point this tool to the downloaded archive</p>"));

    d->urlRequester = new KPFileSelector(vbox);
    d->urlRequester->setFileDlgTitle(i18n("Select downloaded archive"));
    connect(d->urlRequester, SIGNAL(signalUrlSelected(QUrl)),
            this, SLOT(slotUrlSelected(QUrl)));

Example #2
// link this page to SimpleViewer to gain acess to settings container.
FirstRunPage::FirstRunPage(KAssistantDialog* const dlg)
    : KPWizardPage(dlg, i18n("First Run")),
      d(new FirstRunPagePriv)
    KVBox* vbox   = new KVBox(this);
//    QVBoxLayout* topLayout = new QVBoxLayout(vbox);
    QLabel* info1 = new QLabel(vbox);
    info1->setText( i18n("<p>SimpleViewer's plugins are Flash components which are free to use, "
                         "but use a license which comes into conflict with several distributions. "
                         "Due to the license it is not possible to ship it with this tool.</p>"
                         "<p>You can now download plugin from its homepage and point this tool "
                         "to the downloaded archive. The archive will be stored with the plugin configuration, "
                         "so it is available for further use.</p>"
                         "<p><b>Note: Please download the plugin that you selected on the first page.</b></p>"));

    QLabel* info2   = new QLabel(vbox);
    info2->setText(i18n("<p>1.) Download plugin from the following url:</p>"));

    KUrlLabel* link = new KUrlLabel(vbox);

    connect(link, SIGNAL(leftClickedUrl(QString)),
            this, SLOT(slotDownload(QString)));

    QLabel* info3   = new QLabel(vbox);
    info3->setText(i18n("<p>2.) Point this tool to the downloaded archive</p>"));

    d->urlRequester = new KUrlRequester(vbox);
    connect(d->urlRequester, SIGNAL(urlSelected(KUrl)),
            this, SLOT(slotUrlSelected(KUrl)));

    setLeftBottomPix(DesktopIcon("flash", 128));