Example #1
int ftmod_ss7_deactivate2_mtplinkSet(uint32_t id)
	SnMngmt cntrl;
	Pst pst;

	/* initalize the post structure */

	/* insert the destination Entity */
	pst.dstEnt = ENTSN;

	/* initalize the control structure */
	memset(&cntrl, 0x0, sizeof(SnMngmt));

	/* initalize the control header */

	cntrl.hdr.msgType			= TCNTRL;	/* this is a control request */
	cntrl.hdr.entId.ent			= ENTSN;
	cntrl.hdr.entId.inst		= S_INST;
	cntrl.hdr.elmId.elmnt		= STLNKSET;
	cntrl.hdr.elmId.elmntInst1	= g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.mtpLinkSet[id].id;

	cntrl.t.cntrl.action		= ADEACTLNKSET_L2;	/* Activate */
	cntrl.t.cntrl.subAction		= SAELMNT;			/* specificed element */

	return (sng_cntrl_mtp3(&pst, &cntrl));
Example #2
int ftmod_ss7_uninhibit_mtp3link(uint32_t id)
	SnMngmt cntrl;
	Pst pst;

	/* initalize the post structure */

	/* insert the destination Entity */
	pst.dstEnt = ENTSN;

	/* initalize the control structure */
	memset(&cntrl, 0x0, sizeof(SnMngmt));

	/* initalize the control header */

	cntrl.hdr.msgType			= TCNTRL;	/* this is a control request */
	cntrl.hdr.entId.ent			= ENTSN;
	cntrl.hdr.entId.inst		= S_INST;
	cntrl.hdr.elmId.elmnt		= STDLSAP;
	cntrl.hdr.elmId.elmntInst1	= id;		/* the DSLAP to inhibit  */

	cntrl.t.cntrl.action		= AUNINH;		/* Inhibit */
	cntrl.t.cntrl.subAction		= SAELMNT;	/* specificed element */

	return (sng_cntrl_mtp3(&pst, &cntrl));
Example #3
int ftmod_ss7_unbind_mtp3link(uint32_t id)
	SnMngmt cntrl;
	Pst pst;

	/* initalize the post structure */

	/* insert the destination Entity */
	pst.dstEnt = ENTSN;

	/* initalize the control structure */
	memset(&cntrl, 0x0, sizeof(SnMngmt));

	/* initalize the control header */

	cntrl.hdr.msgType			= TCNTRL;	/* this is a control request */
	cntrl.hdr.entId.ent			= ENTSN;
	cntrl.hdr.entId.inst		= S_INST;
	cntrl.hdr.elmId.elmnt		= STDLSAP;
	cntrl.hdr.elmId.elmntInst1	= g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.mtp3Link[id].id;

	cntrl.t.cntrl.action		= AUBND_DIS;		/* unbind and disable */
	cntrl.t.cntrl.subAction		= SAELMNT;			/* specificed element */

	return (sng_cntrl_mtp3(&pst, &cntrl));
Example #4
static int ftmod_ss7_enable_nsap(int suId)
	SiMngmt cntrl;
	Pst pst;

	/* initalize the post structure */

	/* insert the destination Entity */
	pst.dstEnt = ENTSI;

	/* initalize the control structure */
	memset(&cntrl, 0x0, sizeof(SiMngmt));

	/* initalize the control header */

	cntrl.hdr.msgType			= TCNTRL;	   /* this is a control request */
	cntrl.hdr.entId.ent			= ENTSI;
	cntrl.hdr.entId.inst		= S_INST;
	cntrl.hdr.elmId.elmnt		= STNSAP;

	cntrl.t.cntrl.s.siElmnt.elmntId.sapId				= suId; 
	cntrl.t.cntrl.s.siElmnt.elmntParam.nsap.nsapType	= SAP_MTP; 

	cntrl.t.cntrl.action		= ABND_ENA;		/* bind and activate */
	cntrl.t.cntrl.subAction		= SAELMNT;		/* specificed element */

	return (sng_cntrl_isup(&pst, &cntrl));
Example #5
static int ftmod_ss7_enable_mtpLinkSet(int lnkSetId)
	SnMngmt cntrl;
	Pst pst;

	/* initalize the post structure */

	/* insert the destination Entity */
	pst.dstEnt = ENTSN;

	/* initalize the control structure */
	memset(&cntrl, 0x0, sizeof(SnMngmt));

	/* initalize the control header */

	cntrl.hdr.msgType			= TCNTRL;		/* this is a control request */
	cntrl.hdr.entId.ent			= ENTSN;
	cntrl.hdr.entId.inst		= S_INST;
	cntrl.hdr.elmId.elmnt		= STLNKSET;
	cntrl.hdr.elmId.elmntInst1	= lnkSetId;		/* this is the linkset to bind */

	cntrl.t.cntrl.action		= ABND_ENA;		/* bind and activate */
	cntrl.t.cntrl.subAction		= SAELMNT;		/* specificed element */

	return (sng_cntrl_mtp3(&pst, &cntrl));
Example #6
int ftmod_ss7_isup_intf_sta(uint32_t id, uint8_t *status)
	SiMngmt	sta;
	SiMngmt cfm;
	Pst		pst;
	int		ret;

	memset(&sta, 0x0, sizeof(sta));

	/* initalize the post structure */

	/* insert the destination Entity */
	pst.dstEnt = ENTSI;

	/* check the for the correct ProcId and make sure it goes to the right system */
	if (g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.procId != 1) {
		pst.dstProcId = 1;

	/* request the status of an inftId */
	sta.hdr.entId.ent			= ENTSI;
	sta.hdr.entId.inst			= S_INST;
	sta.hdr.msgType				= TSSTA;
	sta.hdr.elmId.elmnt 		= SI_STINTF;

	sta.t.ssta.elmntId.intfId = id;

	ret = sng_sta_isup(&pst, &sta, &cfm);

	*status = cfm.t.ssta.cfm.s.intf.state;

int ftmod_ss7_unblock_isup_ckt(uint32_t cktId)
	SiMngmt cntrl;
	Pst pst;

	/* initalize the post structure */

	/* insert the destination Entity */
	pst.dstEnt = ENTSI;

	/* initalize the control structure */
	memset(&cntrl, 0x0, sizeof(SiMngmt));

	/* initalize the control header */

	cntrl.hdr.msgType						= TCNTRL;		/* this is a control request */
	cntrl.hdr.entId.ent						= ENTSI;
	cntrl.hdr.entId.inst					= S_INST;
	cntrl.hdr.elmId.elmnt					= STICIR;

	cntrl.t.cntrl.s.siElmnt.elmntId.circuit		= cktId;
	cntrl.t.cntrl.s.siElmnt.elmntParam.cir.flag = LSI_CNTRL_CIR_FORCE;

	cntrl.t.cntrl.action					= AENA;			/* unblock via UBL */
	cntrl.t.cntrl.subAction					= SAELMNT;		/* specificed element */

	return (sng_cntrl_isup(&pst, &cntrl));
int ftmod_ss7_disable_grp_mtp2Link(uint32_t procId)
	SdMngmt cntrl;
	Pst pst;

	/* initalize the post structure */

	/* insert the destination Entity */
	pst.dstEnt = ENTSD;

	/* initalize the control structure */
	memset(&cntrl, 0x0, sizeof(cntrl));

	/* initalize the control header */

	cntrl.hdr.msgType			= TCNTRL;			/* this is a control request */
	cntrl.hdr.entId.ent			= ENTSD;
	cntrl.hdr.entId.inst		= S_INST;
	cntrl.hdr.elmId.elmnt		= STGRNSAP;			/* group NSAP */

	cntrl.t.cntrl.par.dstProcId = procId;			/* all SAPS to this ProcId */

	cntrl.t.cntrl.action		= AUBND_DIS;		/* disable and unbind */
	cntrl.t.cntrl.subAction		= SAGR_DSTPROCID;			/* specificed element */

	return (sng_cntrl_mtp2(&pst, &cntrl));

int ftmod_ss7_enable_grp_mtp3Link(uint32_t procId)
	SnMngmt cntrl;
	Pst pst;

	/* initalize the post structure */

	/* insert the destination Entity */
	pst.dstEnt = ENTSN;

	/* initalize the control structure */
	memset(&cntrl, 0x0, sizeof(SnMngmt));

	/* initalize the control header */

	cntrl.hdr.msgType			= TCNTRL;			/* this is a control request */
	cntrl.hdr.entId.ent			= ENTSN;
	cntrl.hdr.entId.inst		= S_INST;
	cntrl.hdr.elmId.elmnt		= STGRDLSAP;		/* group DLSAP */

	cntrl.t.cntrl.ctlType.groupKey.dstProcId = procId;	/* all SAPS to this ProcId */

	cntrl.t.cntrl.action		= ABND_ENA;			/* bind and enable */
	cntrl.t.cntrl.subAction		= SAGR_DSTPROCID;			/* specificed element */

	return (sng_cntrl_mtp3(&pst, &cntrl));

int ftmod_ss7_disable_relay_channel(uint32_t chanId)
	RyMngmt cntrl;
	Pst pst;

	/* initalize the post structure */

	/* insert the destination Entity */
	pst.dstEnt = ENTRY;

	/* initalize the control structure */
	memset(&cntrl, 0x0, sizeof(RyMngmt));

	/* initalize the control header */

	cntrl.hdr.msgType			= TCNTRL;	/* this is a control request */
	cntrl.hdr.entId.ent			= ENTRY;
	cntrl.hdr.entId.inst		= S_INST;
	cntrl.hdr.elmId.elmnt		= STGEN;

	cntrl.hdr.elmId.elmntInst1	= chanId;

	cntrl.t.cntrl.action		= ADISIMM;			/* Deactivate */
	cntrl.t.cntrl.subAction		= SAELMNT;			/* specificed element */

	return (sng_cntrl_relay(&pst, &cntrl));
int ftmod_ss7_shutdown_mtp2(void)
	SdMngmt cntrl;
	Pst pst;

	/* initalize the post structure */

	/* insert the destination Entity */
	pst.dstEnt = ENTSD;

	/* initalize the control structure */
	memset(&cntrl, 0x0, sizeof(SdMngmt));

	/* initalize the control header */

	cntrl.hdr.msgType			= TCNTRL;	/* this is a control request */
	cntrl.hdr.entId.ent			= ENTSD;
	cntrl.hdr.entId.inst		= S_INST;
	cntrl.hdr.elmId.elmnt		= STGEN;

	cntrl.t.cntrl.action		= ASHUTDOWN;	/* Activate */
	cntrl.t.cntrl.subAction		= SAELMNT;			/* specificed element */

	return (sng_cntrl_mtp2(&pst, &cntrl));
Example #12
int ftmod_ss7_mtp2link_sta(uint32_t id, SdMngmt *cfm)
	SdMngmt	sta;
	Pst		pst;

	memset(&sta, 0x0, sizeof(sta));

	/* initalize the post structure */

	/* insert the destination Entity */
	pst.dstEnt = ENTSD;

	sta.hdr.elmId.elmnt 		= STDLSAP;
	sta.hdr.elmId.elmntInst1	= g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.mtp2Link[id].id;

	return(sng_sta_mtp2(&pst, &sta, cfm));
Example #13
int ftmod_ss7_relay_status(uint32_t id, RyMngmt *cfm)
	RyMngmt	sta;
	Pst		pst;

	memset(&sta, 0x0, sizeof(sta));

	/* initalize the post structure */

	/* insert the destination Entity */
	pst.dstEnt = ENTRY;

	sta.hdr.entId.ent			= ENTRY;
	sta.hdr.entId.inst			= S_INST;
	sta.hdr.msgType				= TSSTA;
	sta.hdr.elmId.elmnt 		= STCHSTA;
	sta.hdr.elmId.elmntInst1	= id;

	return(sng_sta_relay(&pst, &sta, cfm));
Example #14
int ftmod_ss7_mtp3link_sta(uint32_t id, SnMngmt *cfm)
	SnMngmt	sta;
	Pst		pst;

	memset(&sta, 0x0, sizeof(sta));

	/* initalize the post structure */

	/* insert the destination Entity */
	pst.dstEnt = ENTSN;

	/* check the for the correct ProcId and make sure it goes to the right system */
	if (g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.procId != 1) {
		pst.dstProcId = 1;

	sta.hdr.elmId.elmnt 		= STDLSAP;
	sta.hdr.elmId.elmntInst1	= g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.mtp3Link[id].id;

	return(sng_sta_mtp3(&pst, &sta, cfm));
int ftmod_ss7_enable_grp_mtp3Link(uint32_t procId)
	SnMngmt cntrl;
	Pst pst;

	/* initalize the post structure */

	/* insert the destination Entity */
	pst.dstEnt = ENTSN;

	/* initalize the control structure */
	memset(&cntrl, 0x0, sizeof(SnMngmt));

	/* initalize the control header */

	cntrl.hdr.msgType			= TCNTRL;			/* this is a control request */
	cntrl.hdr.entId.ent			= ENTSN;
	cntrl.hdr.entId.inst		= S_INST;
	cntrl.hdr.elmId.elmnt		= STGRDLSAP;		/* group DLSAP */

	cntrl.t.cntrl.ctlType.groupKey.dstProcId = procId;	/* all SAPS to this ProcId */

	cntrl.t.cntrl.action		= ABND_ENA;			/* bind and enable */
	cntrl.t.cntrl.subAction		= SAGR_DSTPROCID;			/* specificed element */

	if (g_ftdm_sngss7_data.cfg.procId == procId) {
		SS7_DEBUG("Executing MTP3 cntrl command local pid =%i\n",procId);
		return (sng_cntrl_mtp3(&pst, &cntrl));
	} else {
		SS7_WARN("Executing MTP3 cntrl command different local=%i target=%i\n",
		return (sng_cntrl_mtp3_nowait(&pst, &cntrl));
