Example #1
N-dimensional multiclass Fisher LDA

Subroutine finds coefficients of linear combinations which optimally separates
training set on classes. It returns N-dimensional basis whose vector are sorted
by quality of training set separation (in descending order).

    XY          -   training set, array[0..NPoints-1,0..NVars].
                    First NVars columns store values of independent
                    variables, next column stores number of class (from 0
                    to NClasses-1) which dataset element belongs to. Fractional
                    values are rounded to nearest integer.
    NPoints     -   training set size, NPoints>=0
    NVars       -   number of independent variables, NVars>=1
    NClasses    -   number of classes, NClasses>=2

    Info        -   return code:
                    * -4, if internal EVD subroutine hasn't converged
                    * -2, if there is a point with class number
                          outside of [0..NClasses-1].
                    * -1, if incorrect parameters was passed (NPoints<0,
                          NVars<1, NClasses<2)
                    *  1, if task has been solved
                    *  2, if there was a multicollinearity in training set,
                          but task has been solved.
    W           -   basis, array[0..NVars-1,0..NVars-1]
                    columns of matrix stores basis vectors, sorted by
                    quality of training set separation (in descending order)

  -- ALGLIB --
     Copyright 31.05.2008 by Bochkanov Sergey
void fisherldan(const ap::real_2d_array& xy,
     int npoints,
     int nvars,
     int nclasses,
     int& info,
     ap::real_2d_array& w)
    int i;
    int j;
    int k;
    int m;
    double v;
    ap::integer_1d_array c;
    ap::real_1d_array mu;
    ap::real_2d_array muc;
    ap::integer_1d_array nc;
    ap::real_2d_array sw;
    ap::real_2d_array st;
    ap::real_2d_array z;
    ap::real_2d_array z2;
    ap::real_2d_array tm;
    ap::real_2d_array sbroot;
    ap::real_2d_array a;
    ap::real_2d_array xyproj;
    ap::real_2d_array wproj;
    ap::real_1d_array tf;
    ap::real_1d_array d;
    ap::real_1d_array d2;
    ap::real_1d_array work;

    // Test data
    if( npoints<0||nvars<1||nclasses<2 )
        info = -1;
    for(i = 0; i <= npoints-1; i++)
        if( ap::round(xy(i,nvars))<0||ap::round(xy(i,nvars))>=nclasses )
            info = -2;
    info = 1;
    // Special case: NPoints<=1
    // Degenerate task.
    if( npoints<=1 )
        info = 2;
        w.setbounds(0, nvars-1, 0, nvars-1);
        for(i = 0; i <= nvars-1; i++)
            for(j = 0; j <= nvars-1; j++)
                if( i==j )
                    w(i,j) = 1;
                    w(i,j) = 0;
    // Prepare temporaries
    tf.setbounds(0, nvars-1);
    work.setbounds(1, ap::maxint(nvars, npoints));
    // Convert class labels from reals to integers (just for convenience)
    c.setbounds(0, npoints-1);
    for(i = 0; i <= npoints-1; i++)
        c(i) = ap::round(xy(i,nvars));
    // Calculate class sizes and means
    mu.setbounds(0, nvars-1);
    muc.setbounds(0, nclasses-1, 0, nvars-1);
    nc.setbounds(0, nclasses-1);
    for(j = 0; j <= nvars-1; j++)
        mu(j) = 0;
    for(i = 0; i <= nclasses-1; i++)
        nc(i) = 0;
        for(j = 0; j <= nvars-1; j++)
            muc(i,j) = 0;
    for(i = 0; i <= npoints-1; i++)
        ap::vadd(&mu(0), 1, &xy(i, 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nvars-1));
        ap::vadd(&muc(c(i), 0), 1, &xy(i, 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nvars-1));
        nc(c(i)) = nc(c(i))+1;
    for(i = 0; i <= nclasses-1; i++)
        v = double(1)/double(nc(i));
        ap::vmul(&muc(i, 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nvars-1), v);
    v = double(1)/double(npoints);
    ap::vmul(&mu(0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nvars-1), v);
    // Create ST matrix
    st.setbounds(0, nvars-1, 0, nvars-1);
    for(i = 0; i <= nvars-1; i++)
        for(j = 0; j <= nvars-1; j++)
            st(i,j) = 0;
    for(k = 0; k <= npoints-1; k++)
        ap::vmove(&tf(0), 1, &xy(k, 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nvars-1));
        ap::vsub(&tf(0), 1, &mu(0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nvars-1));
        for(i = 0; i <= nvars-1; i++)
            v = tf(i);
            ap::vadd(&st(i, 0), 1, &tf(0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nvars-1), v);
    // Create SW matrix
    sw.setbounds(0, nvars-1, 0, nvars-1);
    for(i = 0; i <= nvars-1; i++)
        for(j = 0; j <= nvars-1; j++)
            sw(i,j) = 0;
    for(k = 0; k <= npoints-1; k++)
        ap::vmove(&tf(0), 1, &xy(k, 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nvars-1));
        ap::vsub(&tf(0), 1, &muc(c(k), 0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nvars-1));
        for(i = 0; i <= nvars-1; i++)
            v = tf(i);
            ap::vadd(&sw(i, 0), 1, &tf(0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nvars-1), v);
    // Maximize ratio J=(w'*ST*w)/(w'*SW*w).
    // First, make transition from w to v such that w'*ST*w becomes v'*v:
    //    v  = root(ST)*w = R*w
    //    R  = root(D)*Z'
    //    w  = (root(ST)^-1)*v = RI*v
    //    RI = Z*inv(root(D))
    //    J  = (v'*v)/(v'*(RI'*SW*RI)*v)
    //    ST = Z*D*Z'
    //    so we have
    //    J = (v'*v) / (v'*(inv(root(D))*Z'*SW*Z*inv(root(D)))*v)  =
    //      = (v'*v) / (v'*A*v)
    if( !smatrixevd(st, nvars, 1, true, d, z) )
        info = -4;
    w.setbounds(0, nvars-1, 0, nvars-1);
    if( ap::fp_less_eq(d(nvars-1),0)||ap::fp_less_eq(d(0),1000*ap::machineepsilon*d(nvars-1)) )
        // Special case: D[NVars-1]<=0
        // Degenerate task (all variables takes the same value).
        if( ap::fp_less_eq(d(nvars-1),0) )
            info = 2;
            for(i = 0; i <= nvars-1; i++)
                for(j = 0; j <= nvars-1; j++)
                    if( i==j )
                        w(i,j) = 1;
                        w(i,j) = 0;
        // Special case: degenerate ST matrix, multicollinearity found.
        // Since we know ST eigenvalues/vectors we can translate task to
        // non-degenerate form.
        // Let WG is orthogonal basis of the non zero variance subspace
        // of the ST and let WZ is orthogonal basis of the zero variance
        // subspace.
        // Projection on WG allows us to use LDA on reduced M-dimensional
        // subspace, N-M vectors of WZ allows us to update reduced LDA
        // factors to full N-dimensional subspace.
        m = 0;
        for(k = 0; k <= nvars-1; k++)
            if( ap::fp_less_eq(d(k),1000*ap::machineepsilon*d(nvars-1)) )
                m = k+1;
        ap::ap_error::make_assertion(m!=0, "FisherLDAN: internal error #1");
        xyproj.setbounds(0, npoints-1, 0, nvars-m);
        matrixmatrixmultiply(xy, 0, npoints-1, 0, nvars-1, false, z, 0, nvars-1, m, nvars-1, false, 1.0, xyproj, 0, npoints-1, 0, nvars-m-1, 0.0, work);
        for(i = 0; i <= npoints-1; i++)
            xyproj(i,nvars-m) = xy(i,nvars);
        fisherldan(xyproj, npoints, nvars-m, nclasses, info, wproj);
        if( info<0 )
        matrixmatrixmultiply(z, 0, nvars-1, m, nvars-1, false, wproj, 0, nvars-m-1, 0, nvars-m-1, false, 1.0, w, 0, nvars-1, 0, nvars-m-1, 0.0, work);
        for(k = nvars-m; k <= nvars-1; k++)
            ap::vmove(&w(0, k), w.getstride(), &z(0, k-(nvars-m)), z.getstride(), ap::vlen(0,nvars-1));
        info = 2;
        // General case: no multicollinearity
        tm.setbounds(0, nvars-1, 0, nvars-1);
        a.setbounds(0, nvars-1, 0, nvars-1);
        matrixmatrixmultiply(sw, 0, nvars-1, 0, nvars-1, false, z, 0, nvars-1, 0, nvars-1, false, 1.0, tm, 0, nvars-1, 0, nvars-1, 0.0, work);
        matrixmatrixmultiply(z, 0, nvars-1, 0, nvars-1, true, tm, 0, nvars-1, 0, nvars-1, false, 1.0, a, 0, nvars-1, 0, nvars-1, 0.0, work);
        for(i = 0; i <= nvars-1; i++)
            for(j = 0; j <= nvars-1; j++)
                a(i,j) = a(i,j)/sqrt(d(i)*d(j));
        if( !smatrixevd(a, nvars, 1, true, d2, z2) )
            info = -4;
        for(k = 0; k <= nvars-1; k++)
            for(i = 0; i <= nvars-1; i++)
                tf(i) = z2(i,k)/sqrt(d(i));
            for(i = 0; i <= nvars-1; i++)
                v = ap::vdotproduct(&z(i, 0), 1, &tf(0), 1, ap::vlen(0,nvars-1));
                w(i,k) = v;
    // Post-processing:
    // * normalization
    // * converting to non-negative form, if possible
    for(k = 0; k <= nvars-1; k++)
        v = ap::vdotproduct(&w(0, k), w.getstride(), &w(0, k), w.getstride(), ap::vlen(0,nvars-1));
        v = 1/sqrt(v);
        ap::vmul(&w(0, k), w.getstride(), ap::vlen(0,nvars-1), v);
        v = 0;
        for(i = 0; i <= nvars-1; i++)
            v = v+w(i,k);
        if( ap::fp_less(v,0) )
            ap::vmul(&w(0, k), w.getstride(), ap::vlen(0,nvars-1), -1);
Example #2
Algorithm for solving the following generalized symmetric positive-definite
    A*x = lambda*B*x (1) or
    A*B*x = lambda*x (2) or
    B*A*x = lambda*x (3).
where A is a symmetric matrix, B - symmetric positive-definite matrix.
The problem is solved by reducing it to an ordinary  symmetric  eigenvalue

Input parameters:
    A           -   symmetric matrix which is given by its upper or lower
                    triangular part.
                    Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1].
    N           -   size of matrices A and B.
    IsUpperA    -   storage format of matrix A.
    B           -   symmetric positive-definite matrix which is given by
                    its upper or lower triangular part.
                    Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1].
    IsUpperB    -   storage format of matrix B.
    ZNeeded     -   if ZNeeded is equal to:
                     * 0, the eigenvectors are not returned;
                     * 1, the eigenvectors are returned.
    ProblemType -   if ProblemType is equal to:
                     * 1, the following problem is solved: A*x = lambda*B*x;
                     * 2, the following problem is solved: A*B*x = lambda*x;
                     * 3, the following problem is solved: B*A*x = lambda*x.

Output parameters:
    D           -   eigenvalues in ascending order.
                    Array whose index ranges within [0..N-1].
    Z           -   if ZNeeded is equal to:
                     * 0, Z hasn’t changed;
                     * 1, Z contains eigenvectors.
                    Array whose indexes range within [0..N-1, 0..N-1].
                    The eigenvectors are stored in matrix columns. It should
                    be noted that the eigenvectors in such problems do not
                    form an orthogonal system.

    True, if the problem was solved successfully.
    False, if the error occurred during the Cholesky decomposition of matrix
    B (the matrix isn’t positive-definite) or during the work of the iterative
    algorithm for solving the symmetric eigenproblem.

See also the GeneralizedSymmetricDefiniteEVDReduce subroutine.

  -- ALGLIB --
     Copyright 1.28.2006 by Bochkanov Sergey
bool smatrixgevd(ap::real_2d_array a,
                 int n,
                 bool isuppera,
                 const ap::real_2d_array& b,
                 bool isupperb,
                 int zneeded,
                 int problemtype,
                 ap::real_1d_array& d,
                 ap::real_2d_array& z)
    bool result;
    ap::real_2d_array r;
    ap::real_2d_array t;
    bool isupperr;
    int j1;
    int j2;
    int j1inc;
    int j2inc;
    int i;
    int j;
    double v;

    // Reduce and solve
    result = smatrixgevdreduce(a, n, isuppera, b, isupperb, problemtype, r, isupperr);
    if( !result )
        return result;
    result = smatrixevd(a, n, zneeded, isuppera, d, t);
    if( !result )
        return result;

    // Transform eigenvectors if needed
    if( zneeded!=0 )

        // fill Z with zeros
        z.setbounds(0, n-1, 0, n-1);
        for(j = 0; j <= n-1; j++)
            z(0,j) = 0.0;
        for(i = 1; i <= n-1; i++)
            ap::vmove(&z(i, 0), &z(0, 0), ap::vlen(0,n-1));

        // Setup R properties
        if( isupperr )
            j1 = 0;
            j2 = n-1;
            j1inc = +1;
            j2inc = 0;
            j1 = 0;
            j2 = 0;
            j1inc = 0;
            j2inc = +1;

        // Calculate R*Z
        for(i = 0; i <= n-1; i++)
            for(j = j1; j <= j2; j++)
                v = r(i,j);
                ap::vadd(&z(i, 0), &t(j, 0), ap::vlen(0,n-1), v);
            j1 = j1+j1inc;
            j2 = j2+j2inc;
    return result;
Tests EVD problem
static void testevdproblem(const ap::real_2d_array& a,
     const ap::real_2d_array& al,
     const ap::real_2d_array& au,
     int n,
     double& materr,
     double& valerr,
     double& orterr,
     bool& wnsorted,
     int& failc)
    ap::real_1d_array lambda;
    ap::real_1d_array lambdaref;
    ap::real_2d_array z;
    bool wsucc;
    int i;
    int j;
    double v;

    // Test simple EVD: values and full vectors, lower A
    wsucc = smatrixevd(al, n, 1, false, lambdaref, z);
    if( !wsucc )
        failc = failc+1;
    materr = ap::maxreal(materr, testproduct(a, n, z, lambdaref));
    orterr = ap::maxreal(orterr, testort(z, n));
    for(i = 0; i <= n-2; i++)
        if( lambdaref(i+1)<lambdaref(i) )
            wnsorted = true;
    // Test simple EVD: values and full vectors, upper A
    wsucc = smatrixevd(au, n, 1, true, lambda, z);
    if( !wsucc )
        failc = failc+1;
    materr = ap::maxreal(materr, testproduct(a, n, z, lambda));
    orterr = ap::maxreal(orterr, testort(z, n));
    for(i = 0; i <= n-2; i++)
        if( lambda(i+1)<lambda(i) )
            wnsorted = true;
    // Test simple EVD: values only, lower A
    wsucc = smatrixevd(al, n, 0, false, lambda, z);
    if( !wsucc )
        failc = failc+1;
    for(i = 0; i <= n-1; i++)
        valerr = ap::maxreal(valerr, fabs(lambda(i)-lambdaref(i)));
    // Test simple EVD: values only, upper A
    wsucc = smatrixevd(au, n, 0, true, lambda, z);
    if( !wsucc )
        failc = failc+1;
    for(i = 0; i <= n-1; i++)
        valerr = ap::maxreal(valerr, fabs(lambda(i)-lambdaref(i)));