/*! \reimp */
void IdentifiableContentItemInterface::emitPropertyChangeSignals(const QVariantMap &oldData, const QVariantMap &newData)
    // most derived types will do:
    // {
    //     foreach (key, propKeys) {
    //         if (newData.value(key) != oldData.value(key)) {
    //             emit thatPropertyChanged();
    //         }
    //     }
    //     SuperClass::emitPropertyChangeSignals(oldData, newData);
    // }
    // But this one is a bit special, since if the id changed, it's a terrible error.

    // check identifier - NOTE: derived types MUST fill out this field before calling this class' implementation of emitPropertyChangeSignals.
    QString oldId = oldData.value(NEMOQMLPLUGINS_SOCIAL_CONTENTITEMID).toString();
    QString newId = newData.value(NEMOQMLPLUGINS_SOCIAL_CONTENTITEMID).toString();
    if (newId.isEmpty() && oldId.isEmpty()) {
        // this will fall through to being reported as an error due to identifier change (to empty) below.
        qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "ERROR: derived types MUST set the NEMOQMLPLUGINS_SOCIAL_CONTENTITEMID field appropriately prior to calling the superclass emitPropertyChangeSignals() function!";

    if (oldId.isEmpty())
        oldId = d->identifier; // might have been set directly by client via icii.setIdentifier() which sets dd->identifier.

    if (oldId.isEmpty() && !newId.isEmpty()) {
        // this must be a new object created by the model.  We now have an identifier; set it and update.
        d->identifier = newId;
        emit identifierChanged();
    } else if (newId.isEmpty() || oldId != newId) {
        // the identifier changed.  This shouldn't happen in real life.  Must be an error.
        d->status = SocialNetworkInterface::Invalid;
        d->error = SocialNetworkInterface::DataUpdateError;
        d->errorMessage = QString(QLatin1String("identifier changed during data update from %1 to %2")).arg(oldId).arg(newId);
        d->s = 0;
        emit statusChanged();
        emit errorChanged();
        emit errorMessageChanged();
        emit socialNetworkChanged();

    // finally, as all derived classes must do, call super class implementation.
    ContentItemInterface::emitPropertyChangeSignals(oldData, newData);
void ContentItemInterface::setSocialNetwork(SocialNetworkInterface *socialNetwork)
    if (d->isInitialized) {
        qWarning() << Q_FUNC_INFO
                   << "Can't change social network after content item has been initialized!";

    if (d->socialNetworkInterface != socialNetwork) {
        if (d->socialNetworkInterface)
        if (socialNetwork && !socialNetwork->isInitialized()) {
            connect(socialNetwork, SIGNAL(initializedChanged()),
                    this, SLOT(socialNetworkInitializedChangedHandler()));
        d->socialNetworkInterface = socialNetwork;
        emit socialNetworkChanged();