Example #1
  void LrDpleToDple::init() {
    // Initialize the base classes

    MX As = MX::sym("As", input(LR_DPLE_A).sparsity());
    MX Vs = MX::sym("Vs", input(LR_DPLE_V).sparsity());
    MX Cs = MX::sym("Cs", input(LR_DPLE_C).sparsity());
    MX Hs = MX::sym("Hs", input(LR_DPLE_H).sparsity());

    int n_ = A_[0].size1();

    // Chop-up the arguments
    std::vector<MX> As_ = horzsplit(As, n_);
    std::vector<MX> Vs_ = horzsplit(Vs, V_[0].size2());
    std::vector<MX> Cs_ = horzsplit(Cs, V_[0].size2());
    std::vector<MX> Hss_ = horzsplit(Hs, Hsi_);

    std::vector<MX> V_(Vs_.size());

    for (int k=0;k<V_.size();++k) {
      V_[k] = mul(Cs_[k], mul(Vs_[k], Cs_[k].T()));

    std::vector<Sparsity> Vsp(Vs_.size());
    for (int k=0;k<V_.size();++k) {
      Vsp[k] = V_[k].sparsity();

    // Solver options
    Dict options;
    if (hasSetOption(optionsname())) {
      options = getOption(optionsname());

    // Create an dplesolver instance
    std::map<std::string, std::vector<Sparsity> > tmp;
    tmp["a"] = A_;
    tmp["v"] = Vsp;
    solver_ = DpleSolver("solver", getOption(solvername()), tmp, options);

    MX P = solver_(make_map("a", horzcat(As_), "v", horzcat(V_))).at("p");
    std::vector<MX> Ps_ = horzsplit(P, n_);

    std::vector<MX> HPH(K_);

    for (int k=0;k<K_;++k) {
      std::vector<MX> hph = horzsplit(Hss_[k], cumsum0(Hs_[k]));

      for (int kk=0;kk<hph.size();++kk) {
        hph[kk] = mul(hph[kk].T(), mul(Ps_[k], hph[kk]));
      HPH[k] = diagcat(hph);

    f_ = MXFunction(name_, lrdpleIn("a", As, "v", Vs, "c", Cs, "h", Hs),
                    lrdpleOut("y", horzcat(HPH)));

Example #2
  void QpToNlp::
  eval(void* mem, const double** arg, double** res, int* iw, double* w) const {
    // Inputs
    const double *h_, *g_, *a_, *lba_, *uba_, *lbx_, *ubx_, *x0_;
    // Outputs
    double *x_, *f_, *lam_a_, *lam_x_;

    // Get input pointers
    h_ = arg[QPSOL_H];
    g_ = arg[QPSOL_G];
    a_ = arg[QPSOL_A];
    lba_ = arg[QPSOL_LBA];
    uba_ = arg[QPSOL_UBA];
    lbx_ = arg[QPSOL_LBX];
    ubx_ = arg[QPSOL_UBX];
    x0_ = arg[QPSOL_X0];

    // Get output pointers
    x_ = res[QPSOL_X];
    f_ = res[QPSOL_COST];
    lam_a_ = res[QPSOL_LAM_A];
    lam_x_ = res[QPSOL_LAM_X];

    // Buffers for calling the NLP solver
    const double** arg1 = arg + n_in();
    double** res1 = res + n_out();
    fill_n(arg1, static_cast<int>(NLPSOL_NUM_IN), nullptr);
    fill_n(res1, static_cast<int>(NLPSOL_NUM_OUT), nullptr);

    // NLP inputs
    arg1[NLPSOL_X0] = x0_;
    arg1[NLPSOL_LBG] = lba_;
    arg1[NLPSOL_UBG] = uba_;
    arg1[NLPSOL_LBX] = lbx_;
    arg1[NLPSOL_UBX] = ubx_;

    // NLP parameters
    arg1[NLPSOL_P] = w;

    // Quadratic term
    int nh = nnz_in(QPSOL_H);
    if (h_) {
      copy_n(h_, nh, w);
    } else {
      fill_n(w, nh, 0);
    w += nh;

    // Linear objective term
    int ng = nnz_in(QPSOL_G);
    if (g_) {
      copy_n(g_, ng, w);
    } else {
      fill_n(w, ng, 0);
    w += ng;

    // Linear constraints
    int na = nnz_in(QPSOL_A);
    if (a_) {
      copy_n(a_, na, w);
    } else {
      fill_n(w, na, 0);
    w += na;

    // Solution
    res1[NLPSOL_X] = x_;
    res1[NLPSOL_F] = f_;
    res1[NLPSOL_LAM_X] = lam_x_;
    res1[NLPSOL_LAM_G] = lam_a_;

    // Solve the NLP
    solver_(arg1, res1, iw, w, 0);
  void LiftingLrDpleInternal::init() {

    form_ = getOptionEnumValue("form");

    // Initialize the base classes

      "pos_def option set to True: Solver only handles the indefinite case.");
      "const_dim option set to False: Solver only handles the True case.");

    // We will construct an MXFunction to facilitate the calculation of derivatives

    MX As = MX::sym("As", input(LR_DLE_A).sparsity());
    MX Vs = MX::sym("Vs", input(LR_DLE_V).sparsity());
    MX Cs = MX::sym("Cs", input(LR_DLE_C).sparsity());
    MX Hs = MX::sym("Hs", input(LR_DLE_H).sparsity());

    n_ = A_[0].size1();

    // Chop-up the arguments
    std::vector<MX> As_ = horzsplit(As, n_);
    std::vector<MX> Vs_ = horzsplit(Vs, V_[0].size2());
    std::vector<MX> Cs_ = horzsplit(Cs, V_[0].size2());
    std::vector<MX> Hs_;
    if (with_H_) {
      Hs_ = horzsplit(Hs, Hsi_);

    MX A;
    if (K_==1) {
      A = As;
    } else {
      if (form_==0) {
        MX AL = diagcat(vector_slice(As_, range(As_.size()-1)));

        MX AL2 = horzcat(AL, MX(AL.size1(), As_[0].size2()));
        MX AT = horzcat(MX(As_[0].size1(), AL.size2()), As_.back());
        A = vertcat(AT, AL2);
      } else {
        MX AL = diagcat(reverse(vector_slice(As_, range(As_.size()-1))));

        MX AL2 = horzcat(MX(AL.size1(), As_[0].size2()), AL);
        MX AT = horzcat(As_.back(), MX(As_[0].size1(), AL.size2()));
        A = vertcat(AL2, AT);

    MX V;
    MX C;

    MX H;

    if (form_==0) {
      V = diagcat(Vs_.back(), diagcat(vector_slice(Vs_, range(Vs_.size()-1))));
      if (with_C_) {
        C = diagcat(Cs_.back(), diagcat(vector_slice(Cs_, range(Cs_.size()-1))));
    } else {
      V = diagcat(diagcat(reverse(vector_slice(Vs_, range(Vs_.size()-1)))), Vs_.back());
      if (with_C_) {
        C = diagcat(diagcat(reverse(vector_slice(Cs_, range(Cs_.size()-1)))), Cs_.back());

    if (with_H_) {
      H = diagcat(form_==0? Hs_ : reverse(Hs_));

    // QP solver options
    Dict options;
    if (hasSetOption(optionsname())) {
      options = getOption(optionsname());
    options["Hs"] = Hss_;

    // Create an LrDleSolver instance
    solver_ = LrDleSolver("solver", getOption(solvername()),
                          make_map("a", A.sparsity(),
                                   "v", V.sparsity(),
                                   "c", C.sparsity(),
                                   "h", H.sparsity()), options);

    std::vector<MX> v_in(LR_DPLE_NUM_IN);
    v_in[LR_DLE_A] = As;
    v_in[LR_DLE_V] = Vs;
    if (with_C_) {
      v_in[LR_DLE_C] = Cs;
    if (with_H_) {
      v_in[LR_DLE_H] = Hs;

    MX Pf = solver_(make_map("a", A, "v", V, "c", C, "h", H)).at(solver_.outputName(0));

    std::vector<MX> Ps = with_H_ ? diagsplit(Pf, Hsi_) : diagsplit(Pf, n_);

    if (form_==1) {
      Ps = reverse(Ps);

    f_ = MXFunction(name_, v_in, dpleOut("p", horzcat(Ps)),
                    make_dict("input_scheme", IOScheme(SCHEME_LR_DPLEInput),
                              "output_scheme", IOScheme(SCHEME_LR_DPLEOutput)));

