Example #1
void updateBackTrackKey(int index, vecPair &keyProb) {
    if (keyProb.size() != 0) {
        std::sort(keyProb.begin(), keyProb.end(), sort_pred());
        vecPair::iterator it = keyProb.begin();
        K[index + 3] = (int) (it->first);
void ShortestDistance::writeXML(map<int, Vertex *> &dataMap, map<int, string> &carrierNames)
    out << "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>" << endl;
    map<int,Vertex*>::const_iterator mt = dataMap.begin();
    for(; mt != dataMap.end(); ++mt)
        out << "<Vertex>" << endl;
        out << "\t<Source Airport ID>" << mt->second->airport_id << "</Source Airport ID>" << endl;
        out << "\t<Source Airport Name>" << mt->second->airport_name << "</<Source Airport Name>" << endl;
        out << "\t<Source Airport IATA>" << mt->second->airport_iata << "</Source Airport IATA>" << endl;
        out << "\t<Source Airport City>" << mt->second->airport_city << "</Source Airport City>" << endl;
        out << "\t<Source Airport Country>" << mt->second->airport_country << "</Source Airport Country>" << endl;
        out << "\t<Source Airport Latitude>" << mt->second->lat << "</Source Airport Latitude>" << endl;
        out << "\t<Source Airport Longitude>" << mt->second->longi << "</Source Airport Longitude>" << endl;
        out << "\t<Edges>" << endl;
        sort(mt->second->routes.begin(),mt->second->routes.end(), sort_pred());
        vector<Routes*>::const_iterator it = mt->second->routes.begin();
        for(; it != mt->second->routes.end(); ++it)
            out << "\t\t<Edge>" << endl;
            out << "\t\t\t<Destination Airport ID>" << (*it)->nextAirport << "</Destination Airport ID>" << endl;
            out << "\t\t\t<Destination Airport Name>" << (*it)->destination_airport_name << "</Destination Airport Name>" << endl;
            out << "\t\t\t<Destination Airport IATA>" << (*it)->destination_airport_iata << "</Destination Airport IATA>" << endl;
            out << "\t\t\t<Destination Airport City>" << (*it)->destination_airport_city << "</Destination Airport City>" << endl;
            out << "\t\t\t<Destination Airport Country>" << (*it)->destination_airport_country << "</Destination Airport Country>" << endl;
            out << "\t\t\t<Carrier>" << (*it)->airline_iata << "</Carrier>" << endl;
            out << "\t\t\t<Carrier Name>" << carrierNames[(*it)->airline_id] << "</Carrier Name>" << endl;
            out << "\t\t\t<Distance>" << (*it)->distance << "</Distance>" << endl;
            out << "\t\t\t<Carrier ID>" << (*it)->airline_id << "</Carrier ID>" << endl;
            out << "\t\t</Edge>" << endl;
        out << "\t</Edges>" << endl;
        out << "</Vertex>" << endl;
void data::parse(){
    cout << "parse" << endl;
    //prep the particiapnt xml file
    //iterate through all keywords in the XML file and generate a list of all the keywords used and their frequencies
    //add keyword to keyword list if it is not already in the list
    //go to first row with data in it
    // XML.pushTag("Worksheet");
    // XML.pushTag("Table");
    int numRows = XML.getNumTags("Row");
    for (int rCnt = 1;rCnt < numRows ;rCnt++){
        //now i need to iterate through all the cells of the row and look for the one with the correct index of 86
        //    int numCells = XML.getNumTags("Cell");
        //    bool collectKeywords = false;
        // for (int cCnt = 0;cCnt< numCells;cCnt++){
        //   if(XML.getAttribute("Cell", "ss:Index", 0, cCnt) == 86){
        //     collectKeywords = true;
        //get all keywords in cells starting at cell 86
        //  if(collectKeywords){
        //  XML.pushTag("Cell",cCnt);//col with keywords
        // string kws = XML.getValue("Field_85","");//this should return the keywords that need to be split at the return
        //  }
        //  }
        // XML.popTag();
    //keyword list has been generated, let's see it!
    /*cout << endl << endl << "KEYWORD LIST: " << endl;
     for (int kCnt = 0; kCnt<keywords.size(); kCnt++){
     //cout << keywords[kCnt].first << ", "<< keywords[kCnt].second << endl;
    //sort the list
    struct sort_pred {
        bool operator()(const std::pair<string,int> &left, const std::pair<string,int> &right) {
            return left.second > right.second;
    std::sort(keywords.begin(), keywords.end(), sort_pred());
    //std::sort(keywords.begin(), keywords.end(), boost::bind(&std::pair<string, int>::second, _1) < boost::bind(&std::pair<string, int>::second, _2));
    //now return the sorted list...
    cout << endl << endl << "KEYWORD LIST: " << endl;
    for (int kCnt = 0; kCnt<keywords.size(); kCnt++){
        cout << keywords[kCnt].first << ", "<< keywords[kCnt].second << endl;
 * Main function
 int main() {
     srand (time(NULL));
     Tree x;
     x.set(0,4); x.set(1,1); x.set(2,9); x.set(3,2); x.set(4,14);
     x.set(5,8); x.set(6,13); x.set(7,0); x.set(8,3); x.set(9,12);
     x.set(10,10); x.set(11,5); x.set(12,7); x.set(13,6); x.set(14,11);
     //getMax at 1 -> 14
     std::cout << x.getMax(0) << std::endl;
     std::cout << x.getMin(0) << std::endl;
     std::cout << x.fitness(0) << std::endl;
     std::cout << x.fitness(3) << std::endl;
     std::array<Tree, 200> population;
     //init population
     for(int i=0; i<100; i++) {
         Tree x;
         population[i] = x;
     int count = 0;
     //alter population
     double start = omp_get_wtime();
     while(population[0].fitness(0) > 0.000) {
         std::list<std::pair<int,double>> fitnesses;
         //create offspring
         for(int j=0; j<100; j++) {
             int p1 = rand() % 100;
             int p2 = rand() % 100;
             Tree kid = population[p1].combine(population[p2]);
             population[100+j] = kid;
         //calc fitness
         for(int k=0; k<200; k++) {
             auto x = std::make_pair(k, population[k].fitness(0));
         //sort by value
         //remove old population
         std::array<Tree, 100> newpop;
         for(int j=0; j<100; j++) {
             int newPos = fitnesses.back().first;
             newpop[j] = population[newPos];
         //clear old population and take the new ones
         if(count%10000==0) {
             double end = omp_get_wtime();
             std::cout << "Iteration count: " << count << " in " << (end-start) <<  std::endl;
             std::cout << "Best fitness: " << population[0].fitness(0) << std::endl;
             std::cout << "Weakest fitness: " << population[199].fitness(0) << std::endl;
             std::cout << "Mutation rate: " << MUTATION_RATE << std::endl;
             std::cout << "Mutation count: " << mc << std::endl;
             std::cout << std::endl;
             start = omp_get_wtime();
         for(int i=0; i<100; i++) {
             population[i] = newpop[i];
     std::cout << "found solution with " << count << " iterations.n";
     return 0;