Example #1
 * soup_form_encode:
 * @first_field: name of the first form field
 * @...: value of @first_field, followed by additional field names
 * and values, terminated by %NULL.
 * Encodes the given field names and values into a value of type
 * "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", as defined in the HTML 4.01
 * spec.
 * This method requires you to know the names of the form fields (or
 * at the very least, the total number of fields) at compile time; for
 * working with dynamic forms, use soup_form_encode_hash() or
 * soup_form_encode_datalist().
 * Return value: the encoded form
char *
soup_form_encode (const char *first_field, ...)
	va_list args;
	char *encoded;

	va_start (args, first_field);
	encoded = soup_form_encode_valist (first_field, args);
	va_end (args);

	return encoded;
Example #2
 * soup_uri_set_query_from_fields:
 * @uri: a #SoupURI
 * @first_field: name of the first form field to encode into query
 * @...: value of @first_field, followed by additional field names
 * and values, terminated by %NULL.
 * Sets @uri's query to the result of encoding the given form fields
 * and values according to the * HTML form rules. See
 * soup_form_encode() for more information.
soup_uri_set_query_from_fields (SoupURI    *uri,
				const char *first_field,
	va_list args;

	g_free (uri->query);
	va_start (args, first_field);
	uri->query = soup_form_encode_valist (first_field, args);
	va_end (args);
Example #3
 * soup_form_request_new:
 * @method: the HTTP method, either "GET" or "POST"
 * @uri: the URI to send the form data to
 * @first_field: name of the first form field
 * @...: value of @first_field, followed by additional field names
 * and values, terminated by %NULL.
 * Creates a new %SoupMessage and sets it up to send the given data
 * to @uri via @method. (That is, if @method is "GET", it will encode
 * the form data into @uri's query field, and if @method is "POST", it
 * will encode it into the %SoupMessage's request_body.)
 * Return value: (transfer full): the new %SoupMessage
SoupMessage *
soup_form_request_new (const char *method, const char *uri,
		       const char  *first_field, ...)
	va_list args;
	char *form_data;

	va_start (args, first_field);
	form_data = soup_form_encode_valist (first_field, args);
	va_end (args);

	return soup_form_request_for_data (method, uri, form_data);