rb_audioscrobbler_entry_load_from_string (const char *string)
	AudioscrobblerEntry *entry;
	int i = 0;
	char **breaks;

	entry = g_new0 (AudioscrobblerEntry, 1);
	rb_audioscrobbler_entry_init (entry);

	breaks = g_strsplit (string, "&", 6);

	for (i = 0; breaks[i] != NULL; i++) {
		char **breaks2 = g_strsplit (breaks[i], "=", 2);

		if (breaks2[0] != NULL && breaks2[1] != NULL) {
			if (g_str_has_prefix (breaks2[0], "a")) {
				g_free (entry->artist);
				entry->artist = soup_uri_decode (breaks2[1]);
			if (g_str_has_prefix (breaks2[0], "t")) {
				g_free (entry->title);
				entry->title = soup_uri_decode (breaks2[1]);
			if (g_str_has_prefix (breaks2[0], "b")) {
				g_free (entry->album);
				entry->album = soup_uri_decode (breaks2[1]);
			if (g_str_has_prefix (breaks2[0], "m")) {
				g_free (entry->mbid);
				entry->mbid = soup_uri_decode (breaks2[1]);
			if (g_str_has_prefix (breaks2[0], "l")) {
				entry->length = atoi (breaks2[1]);
			/* 'I' here is for backwards compatibility with queue files
			 * saved while we were using the 1.1 protocol.  see bug 508895.
			if (g_str_has_prefix (breaks2[0], "i") ||
			    g_str_has_prefix (breaks2[0], "I")) {
				entry->play_time = strtol (breaks2[1], NULL, 10);

		g_strfreev (breaks2);

	g_strfreev (breaks);

	if (strcmp (entry->artist, "") == 0 || strcmp (entry->title, "") == 0) {
		rb_audioscrobbler_entry_free (entry);
		entry = NULL;

	return entry;
Example #2
static gboolean
soup_request_file_ensure_file (SoupRequestFile  *file,
			       GCancellable     *cancellable,
			       GError          **error)
	SoupURI *uri;
	char *decoded_path;

	if (file->priv->gfile)
		return TRUE;

	uri = soup_request_get_uri (SOUP_REQUEST (file));
	decoded_path = soup_uri_decode (uri->path);

#ifdef G_OS_WIN32
	windowsify_file_uri_path (decoded_path);

	if (uri->scheme == SOUP_URI_SCHEME_RESOURCE) {
		char *uri_str;

		uri_str = g_strdup_printf ("resource://%s", decoded_path);
		file->priv->gfile = g_file_new_for_uri (uri_str);
		g_free (uri_str);
	} else
		file->priv->gfile = g_file_new_for_path (decoded_path);

	g_free (decoded_path);
	return TRUE;
Example #3
/* open urls in external window. You don't want to navigate without a back
 * button nor url bar.
 * No clean way to handle this, so use global cur_url
static WebKitNavigationResponse wp_navigation_requested(WebKitWebView *web_view,
		WebKitWebFrame *frame, WebKitNetworkRequest *request,
		gpointer user_data)
    const gchar *uri;
    gchar *decoded_uri;
	GError *error = NULL;
	GdkScreen *screen;

	uri = webkit_network_request_get_uri(request);
	decoded_uri = soup_uri_decode(uri);
	if (g_str_has_prefix(decoded_uri, current_url)) {
		g_log(wikipedia_logdomain, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "Accepting %s\n", uri);

	g_log(wikipedia_logdomain, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "%s != %s\n", uri, current_url);

	screen = gtk_widget_get_screen(GTK_WIDGET(web_view));
	if (!screen)
		screen = gdk_screen_get_default ();

	gtk_show_uri(screen, uri, gtk_get_current_event_time(), &error);
	if (error) {
		g_log(wikipedia_logdomain, G_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG, "gtk_show_uri %s\n", error->message);
Example #4
static gboolean
soup_request_file_ensure_file (SoupRequestFile  *file,
			       GCancellable     *cancellable,
			       GError          **error)
	SoupURI *uri;

	if (file->priv->gfile)
		return TRUE;

	uri = soup_request_get_uri (SOUP_REQUEST (file));
	if (uri->scheme == SOUP_URI_SCHEME_FILE) {
		gchar *decoded_uri = soup_uri_decode (g_strdup (uri->path));

		if (decoded_uri) {
			file->priv->gfile = g_file_new_for_path (decoded_uri);
			g_free (decoded_uri);

		return TRUE;

		     _("Unsupported URI scheme '%s'"), uri->scheme);
	return FALSE;
Example #5
char *
http_uri_get_basename (const char *uri_str)
  char *decoded;
  char *basename;

  basename = http_path_get_basename (uri_str);

  decoded = soup_uri_decode (basename);
  g_free (basename);

  return decoded;
Example #6
static GInputStream *
soup_request_data_send (SoupRequest   *request,
			GCancellable  *cancellable,
			GError       **error)
	SoupRequestData *data = SOUP_REQUEST_DATA (request);
	SoupURI *uri = soup_request_get_uri (request);
	GInputStream *memstream;
	const char *comma, *start, *end;
	gboolean base64 = FALSE;
	char *uristr;

	uristr = soup_uri_to_string (uri, FALSE);
	start = uristr + 5;
	comma = strchr (start, ',');
	if (comma && comma != start) {
		/* Deal with MIME type / params */
		if (comma > start + BASE64_INDICATOR_LEN && !g_ascii_strncasecmp (comma - BASE64_INDICATOR_LEN, BASE64_INDICATOR, BASE64_INDICATOR_LEN)) {
			end = comma - BASE64_INDICATOR_LEN;
			base64 = TRUE;
		} else
			end = comma;

		if (end != start)
			data->priv->content_type = uri_decoded_copy (start, end - start);

	memstream = g_memory_input_stream_new ();

	if (comma)
		start = comma + 1;

	if (*start) {
		guchar *buf = (guchar *) soup_uri_decode (start);

		if (base64)
			buf = g_base64_decode_inplace ((gchar*) buf, &data->priv->content_length);
			data->priv->content_length = strlen ((const char *) buf);

		g_memory_input_stream_add_data (G_MEMORY_INPUT_STREAM (memstream),
						buf, data->priv->content_length,
	g_free (uristr);

	return memstream;
Example #7
static void wp_set_url(char *wp)
	gchar *new_url;

	new_url = malloc(strlen(wp) + strlen(WP_SKINSTR) + 1);
	strcpy(new_url, wp);
	strcat(new_url, WP_SKINSTR);

	if (current_url)
	current_url = soup_uri_decode(new_url);

	webkit_web_view_open(WEBKIT_WEB_VIEW(moz), new_url);
Example #8
static gboolean
decode_rfc5987 (char *encoded_string)
	char *q, *decoded;
	gboolean iso_8859_1 = FALSE;

	q = strchr (encoded_string, '\'');
	if (!q)
		return FALSE;
	if (g_ascii_strncasecmp (encoded_string, "UTF-8",
				 q - encoded_string) == 0)
	else if (g_ascii_strncasecmp (encoded_string, "iso-8859-1",
				      q - encoded_string) == 0)
		iso_8859_1 = TRUE;
		return FALSE;

	q = strchr (q + 1, '\'');
	if (!q)
		return FALSE;

	decoded = soup_uri_decode (q + 1);
	if (iso_8859_1) {
		char *utf8 =  g_convert_with_fallback (decoded, -1, "UTF-8",
						       "iso-8859-1", "_",
						       NULL, NULL, NULL);
		g_free (decoded);
		if (!utf8)
			return FALSE;
		decoded = utf8;

	/* If encoded_string was UTF-8, then each 3-character %-escape
	 * will be converted to a single byte, and so decoded is
	 * shorter than encoded_string. If encoded_string was
	 * iso-8859-1, then each 3-character %-escape will be
	 * converted into at most 2 bytes in UTF-8, and so it's still
	 * shorter.
	strcpy (encoded_string, decoded);
	g_free (decoded);
	return TRUE;
Example #9
static void
got_headers (SoupMessage *req, SoupClientContext *client)
	SoupServer *server = client->server;
	SoupServerPrivate *priv = SOUP_SERVER_GET_PRIVATE (server);
	SoupURI *uri;
	SoupDate *date;
	char *date_string;
	SoupAuthDomain *domain;
	GSList *iter;
	gboolean rejected = FALSE;
	char *auth_user;

	if (!priv->raw_paths) {
		char *decoded_path;

		uri = soup_message_get_uri (req);
		decoded_path = soup_uri_decode (uri->path);
		soup_uri_set_path (uri, decoded_path);
		g_free (decoded_path);

	/* Add required response headers */
	date = soup_date_new_from_now (0);
	date_string = soup_date_to_string (date, SOUP_DATE_HTTP);
	soup_message_headers_replace (req->response_headers, "Date",
	g_free (date_string);
	soup_date_free (date);
	/* Now handle authentication. (We do this here so that if
	 * the request uses "Expect: 100-continue", we can reject it
	 * immediately rather than waiting for the request body to
	 * be sent.
	for (iter = priv->auth_domains; iter; iter = iter->next) {
		domain = iter->data;

		if (soup_auth_domain_covers (domain, req)) {
			auth_user = soup_auth_domain_accepts (domain, req);
			if (auth_user) {
				client->auth_domain = g_object_ref (domain);
				client->auth_user = auth_user;

			rejected = TRUE;

	/* If no auth domain rejected it, then it's ok. */
	if (!rejected)

	for (iter = priv->auth_domains; iter; iter = iter->next) {
		domain = iter->data;

		if (soup_auth_domain_covers (domain, req))
			soup_auth_domain_challenge (domain, req);
Example #10
static GInputStream *
soup_request_data_send (SoupRequest   *request,
			GCancellable  *cancellable,
			GError       **error)
	SoupRequestData *data = SOUP_REQUEST_DATA (request);
	SoupURI *uri = soup_request_get_uri (request);
	GInputStream *memstream;
	const char *comma, *start, *end;
	gboolean base64 = FALSE;
	char *uristr;

	uristr = soup_uri_to_string (uri, FALSE);
	start = uristr + 5;
	comma = strchr (start, ',');
	if (comma && comma != start) {
		/* Deal with MIME type / params */
		if (comma > start + BASE64_INDICATOR_LEN && !g_ascii_strncasecmp (comma - BASE64_INDICATOR_LEN, BASE64_INDICATOR, BASE64_INDICATOR_LEN)) {
			end = comma - BASE64_INDICATOR_LEN;
			base64 = TRUE;
		} else
			end = comma;

		if (end != start) {
			char *encoded_content_type = g_strndup (start, end - start);

			if (base64)
				data->priv->content_type = encoded_content_type;
			else {
				data->priv->content_type = soup_uri_decode (encoded_content_type);
				g_free (encoded_content_type);

	memstream = g_memory_input_stream_new ();

	if (comma)
		start = comma + 1;

	if (*start) {
		guchar *buf;

		if (base64) {
			int inlen, state = 0;
			guint save = 0;

			inlen = strlen (start);
			buf = g_malloc0 (inlen * 3 / 4 + 3);
			data->priv->content_length =
				g_base64_decode_step (start, inlen, buf,
						      &state, &save);
			if (state != 0) {
				g_free (buf);
				goto fail;
		} else {
			buf = (guchar *) soup_uri_decode (start);
			data->priv->content_length = strlen ((const char *) buf);

		g_memory_input_stream_add_data (G_MEMORY_INPUT_STREAM (memstream),
						buf, data->priv->content_length,
	g_free (uristr);

	return memstream;

	g_free (uristr);
		     _("Unable to decode URI: %s"), start);
	g_object_unref (memstream);
	return NULL;
Example #11
RygelHTTPItemURI* rygel_http_item_uri_construct_from_string (GType object_type, const char* uri, RygelHTTPServer* http_server, GError** error) {
#line 233 "rygel-http-item-uri.c"
	GError * _inner_error_;
	RygelHTTPItemURI * self;
	char* _tmp0_;
	RygelHTTPServer* _tmp1_;
	char* request_uri;
	char** _tmp3_;
	gint _parts_size_;
	gint parts_length1;
	char** _tmp2_;
	char** parts;
	gboolean _tmp4_ = FALSE;
#line 45 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
	g_return_val_if_fail (uri != NULL, NULL);
#line 45 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
	g_return_val_if_fail (http_server != NULL, NULL);
#line 249 "rygel-http-item-uri.c"
	_inner_error_ = NULL;
#line 45 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
	self = (RygelHTTPItemURI*) g_object_new (object_type, NULL);
#line 49 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
	self->thumbnail_index = -1;
#line 50 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
	self->subtitle_index = -1;
#line 51 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
	self->transcode_target = (_tmp0_ = NULL, _g_free0 (self->transcode_target), _tmp0_);
#line 52 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
	self->http_server = (_tmp1_ = _g_object_ref0 (http_server), _g_object_unref0 (self->http_server), _tmp1_);
#line 54 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
	request_uri = string_replace (uri, rygel_http_server_get_path_root (http_server), "");
#line 263 "rygel-http-item-uri.c"
	parts = (_tmp3_ = _tmp2_ = g_strsplit (request_uri, "/", 0), parts_length1 = _vala_array_length (_tmp2_), _parts_size_ = parts_length1, _tmp3_);
#line 57 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
	if (parts_length1 < 2) {
#line 57 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
		_tmp4_ = TRUE;
#line 269 "rygel-http-item-uri.c"
	} else {
#line 57 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
		_tmp4_ = (parts_length1 % 2) == 0;
#line 273 "rygel-http-item-uri.c"
#line 57 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
	if (_tmp4_) {
#line 277 "rygel-http-item-uri.c"
		_inner_error_ = g_error_new (RYGEL_HTTP_REQUEST_ERROR, RYGEL_HTTP_REQUEST_ERROR_BAD_REQUEST, _ ("Invalid URI '%s'"), request_uri);
			if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_HTTP_REQUEST_ERROR) {
				g_propagate_error (error, _inner_error_);
				_g_free0 (request_uri);
				parts = (_vala_array_free (parts, parts_length1, (GDestroyNotify) g_free), NULL);
				g_object_unref (self);
				return NULL;
			} else {
				_g_free0 (request_uri);
				parts = (_vala_array_free (parts, parts_length1, (GDestroyNotify) g_free), NULL);
				g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
				g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
				return NULL;
		gint i;
#line 62 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
		i = 1;
#line 299 "rygel-http-item-uri.c"
			gboolean _tmp5_;
#line 62 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
			_tmp5_ = TRUE;
#line 62 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
			while (TRUE) {
#line 306 "rygel-http-item-uri.c"
				GQuark _tmp13_;
				const char* _tmp12_;
				static GQuark _tmp13__label0 = 0;
				static GQuark _tmp13__label1 = 0;
				static GQuark _tmp13__label2 = 0;
				static GQuark _tmp13__label3 = 0;
#line 62 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
				if (!_tmp5_) {
#line 62 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
					i = i + 2;
#line 317 "rygel-http-item-uri.c"
#line 62 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
				_tmp5_ = FALSE;
#line 62 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
				if (!(i < (parts_length1 - 1))) {
#line 62 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
#line 325 "rygel-http-item-uri.c"
				_tmp12_ = parts[i];
				_tmp13_ = (NULL == _tmp12_) ? 0 : g_quark_from_string (_tmp12_);
				if (_tmp13_ == ((0 != _tmp13__label0) ? _tmp13__label0 : (_tmp13__label0 = g_quark_from_static_string ("item"))))
				switch (0) {
						guchar* _tmp9_;
						gint _data_size_;
						gint data_length1;
						size_t _tmp7_;
						char* _tmp6_;
						guchar* _tmp8_;
						guchar* data;
						GString* builder;
						char* _tmp10_;
						data = (_tmp9_ = (_tmp8_ = g_base64_decode (_tmp6_ = soup_uri_decode (parts[i + 1]), &_tmp7_), _g_free0 (_tmp6_), _tmp8_), data_length1 = _tmp7_, _data_size_ = data_length1, _tmp9_);
#line 66 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
						builder = g_string_new ("");
#line 67 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
						g_string_append (builder, (const char*) data);
#line 68 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
						self->item_id = (_tmp10_ = g_strdup (builder->str), _g_free0 (self->item_id), _tmp10_);
#line 349 "rygel-http-item-uri.c"
						data = (g_free (data), NULL);
						_g_string_free0 (builder);
#line 70 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
#line 354 "rygel-http-item-uri.c"
				} else if (_tmp13_ == ((0 != _tmp13__label1) ? _tmp13__label1 : (_tmp13__label1 = g_quark_from_static_string ("transcoded"))))
				switch (0) {
						char* _tmp11_;
#line 72 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
						self->transcode_target = (_tmp11_ = soup_uri_decode (parts[i + 1]), _g_free0 (self->transcode_target), _tmp11_);
#line 74 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
#line 365 "rygel-http-item-uri.c"
				} else if (_tmp13_ == ((0 != _tmp13__label2) ? _tmp13__label2 : (_tmp13__label2 = g_quark_from_static_string ("thumbnail"))))
				switch (0) {
#line 76 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
						self->thumbnail_index = atoi (parts[i + 1]);
#line 78 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
#line 375 "rygel-http-item-uri.c"
				} else if (_tmp13_ == ((0 != _tmp13__label3) ? _tmp13__label3 : (_tmp13__label3 = g_quark_from_static_string ("subtitle"))))
				switch (0) {
#line 80 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
						self->subtitle_index = atoi (parts[i + 1]);
#line 82 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
#line 385 "rygel-http-item-uri.c"
				} else
				switch (0) {
#line 84 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
#line 393 "rygel-http-item-uri.c"
#line 88 "rygel-http-item-uri.vala"
	if (self->item_id == NULL) {
#line 401 "rygel-http-item-uri.c"
		_inner_error_ = g_error_new_literal (RYGEL_HTTP_REQUEST_ERROR, RYGEL_HTTP_REQUEST_ERROR_NOT_FOUND, _ ("Not Found"));
			if (_inner_error_->domain == RYGEL_HTTP_REQUEST_ERROR) {
				g_propagate_error (error, _inner_error_);
				_g_free0 (request_uri);
				parts = (_vala_array_free (parts, parts_length1, (GDestroyNotify) g_free), NULL);
				g_object_unref (self);
				return NULL;
			} else {
				_g_free0 (request_uri);
				parts = (_vala_array_free (parts, parts_length1, (GDestroyNotify) g_free), NULL);
				g_critical ("file %s: line %d: uncaught error: %s (%s, %d)", __FILE__, __LINE__, _inner_error_->message, g_quark_to_string (_inner_error_->domain), _inner_error_->code);
				g_clear_error (&_inner_error_);
				return NULL;
	_g_free0 (request_uri);
	parts = (_vala_array_free (parts, parts_length1, (GDestroyNotify) g_free), NULL);
	return self;