Example #1
spatialite_init (int verbose)
/* used when SQLite initializes as an ordinary lib 

   OBSOLETE - strongly discouraged !!!!!
   always using spatialite_init_ex() as a replacement
   is warmly reccomended
    spatialite_initialize ();

#ifndef OMIT_GEOS		/* initializing GEOS */
    initGEOS (geos_warning, geos_error);
#endif /* end GEOS  */

#ifdef POSTGIS_2_1		/* initializing liblwgeom from PostGIS 2.1.x (or later) */
    splite_lwgeom_init ();
#endif /* end POSTGIS_2_1 */

    sqlite3_auto_extension ((void (*)(void)) init_spatialite_extension);
    spatialite_splash_screen (verbose);
Example #2
spatialite_alloc_connection ()
/* allocating and initializing an empty internal cache */

#ifdef GEOS_REENTRANT		/* reentrant (thread-safe) initialization */
    return spatialite_alloc_reentrant ();
#else /* end GEOS_REENTRANT */
    gaiaOutBufferPtr out;
    int i;
    struct splite_internal_cache *cache = NULL;
    struct splite_geos_cache_item *p;
    struct splite_xmlSchema_cache_item *p_xmlSchema;
    int pool_index;

/* attempting to implicitly initialize the library */
    spatialite_initialize ();

/* locking the semaphore */
    splite_cache_semaphore_lock ();

    pool_index = find_free_connection ();

    if (pool_index < 0)
	goto done;

    cache = malloc (sizeof (struct splite_internal_cache));
    if (cache == NULL)
	  invalidate (pool_index);
	  goto done;
    cache->magic1 = SPATIALITE_CACHE_MAGIC1;
    cache->magic2 = SPATIALITE_CACHE_MAGIC2;
    cache->gpkg_mode = 0;
    cache->gpkg_amphibious_mode = 0;
    cache->decimal_precision = -1;
    cache->GEOS_handle = NULL;
    cache->PROJ_handle = NULL;
    cache->cutterMessage = NULL;
    cache->pool_index = pool_index;
    confirm (pool_index, cache);
    cache->gaia_geos_error_msg = NULL;
    cache->gaia_geos_warning_msg = NULL;
    cache->gaia_geosaux_error_msg = NULL;
/* initializing an empty linked list of Topologies */
    cache->firstTopology = NULL;
    cache->lastTopology = NULL;
    cache->next_topo_savepoint = 0;
    cache->topo_savepoint_name = NULL;
    cache->firstNetwork = NULL;
    cache->lastNetwork = NULL;
    cache->next_network_savepoint = 0;
    cache->network_savepoint_name = NULL;
/* initializing the XML error buffers */
    out = malloc (sizeof (gaiaOutBuffer));
    gaiaOutBufferInitialize (out);
    cache->xmlParsingErrors = out;
    out = malloc (sizeof (gaiaOutBuffer));
    gaiaOutBufferInitialize (out);
    cache->xmlSchemaValidationErrors = out;
    out = malloc (sizeof (gaiaOutBuffer));
    gaiaOutBufferInitialize (out);
    cache->xmlXPathErrors = out;
/* initializing the GEOS cache */
    p = &(cache->cacheItem1);
    memset (p->gaiaBlob, '\0', 64);
    p->gaiaBlobSize = 0;
    p->crc32 = 0;
    p->geosGeom = NULL;
    p->preparedGeosGeom = NULL;
    p = &(cache->cacheItem2);
    memset (p->gaiaBlob, '\0', 64);
    p->gaiaBlobSize = 0;
    p->crc32 = 0;
    p->geosGeom = NULL;
    p->preparedGeosGeom = NULL;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_XMLSCHEMA_CACHE; i++)
	  /* initializing the XmlSchema cache */
	  p_xmlSchema = &(cache->xmlSchemaCache[i]);
	  p_xmlSchema->timestamp = 0;
	  p_xmlSchema->schemaURI = NULL;
	  p_xmlSchema->schemaDoc = NULL;
	  p_xmlSchema->parserCtxt = NULL;
	  p_xmlSchema->schema = NULL;

#include "cache_aux_3.h"

/* initializing GEOS and PROJ.4 handles */

#ifndef OMIT_GEOS		/* initializing GEOS */
    cache->GEOS_handle = initGEOS_r (cache->geos_warning, cache->geos_error);
#endif /* end GEOS  */

#ifndef OMIT_PROJ		/* initializing the PROJ.4 context */
    cache->PROJ_handle = pj_ctx_alloc ();
#endif /* end PROJ.4  */

/* unlocking the semaphore */
    splite_cache_semaphore_unlock ();
    return cache;
Example #3
/* definitely releasing the slot */
    struct splite_connection *p = &(splite_connection_pool[i]);
    p->conn_ptr = NULL;
#endif /* END obsolete partially thread-safe mode */

#ifdef GEOS_REENTRANT		/* reentrant (thread-safe) initialization */
static void *
spatialite_alloc_reentrant ()
 * allocating and initializing an empty internal cache 
 * fully reentrant (thread-safe) version requiring GEOS >= 3.5.0
    struct splite_internal_cache *cache = NULL;
    gaiaOutBufferPtr out;
    int i;
    struct splite_geos_cache_item *p;
    struct splite_xmlSchema_cache_item *p_xmlSchema;

/* attempting to implicitly initialize the library */
    spatialite_initialize ();

    cache = malloc (sizeof (struct splite_internal_cache));
    if (cache == NULL)
	goto done;
    cache->magic1 = SPATIALITE_CACHE_MAGIC1;
    cache->magic2 = SPATIALITE_CACHE_MAGIC2;
    cache->gpkg_mode = 0;
    cache->gpkg_amphibious_mode = 0;
    cache->decimal_precision = -1;
    cache->GEOS_handle = NULL;
    cache->PROJ_handle = NULL;
    cache->cutterMessage = NULL;
    cache->pool_index = -1;
    cache->gaia_geos_error_msg = NULL;
    cache->gaia_geos_warning_msg = NULL;
    cache->gaia_geosaux_error_msg = NULL;
/* initializing an empty linked list of Topologies */
    cache->firstTopology = NULL;
    cache->lastTopology = NULL;
    cache->next_topo_savepoint = 0;
    cache->topo_savepoint_name = NULL;
    cache->firstNetwork = NULL;
    cache->lastNetwork = NULL;
    cache->next_network_savepoint = 0;
    cache->network_savepoint_name = NULL;
/* initializing the XML error buffers */
    out = malloc (sizeof (gaiaOutBuffer));
    gaiaOutBufferInitialize (out);
    cache->xmlParsingErrors = out;
    out = malloc (sizeof (gaiaOutBuffer));
    gaiaOutBufferInitialize (out);
    cache->xmlSchemaValidationErrors = out;
    out = malloc (sizeof (gaiaOutBuffer));
    gaiaOutBufferInitialize (out);
    cache->xmlXPathErrors = out;
/* initializing the GEOS cache */
    p = &(cache->cacheItem1);
    memset (p->gaiaBlob, '\0', 64);
    p->gaiaBlobSize = 0;
    p->crc32 = 0;
    p->geosGeom = NULL;
    p->preparedGeosGeom = NULL;
    p = &(cache->cacheItem2);
    memset (p->gaiaBlob, '\0', 64);
    p->gaiaBlobSize = 0;
    p->crc32 = 0;
    p->geosGeom = NULL;
    p->preparedGeosGeom = NULL;
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_XMLSCHEMA_CACHE; i++)
	  /* initializing the XmlSchema cache */
	  p_xmlSchema = &(cache->xmlSchemaCache[i]);
	  p_xmlSchema->timestamp = 0;
	  p_xmlSchema->schemaURI = NULL;
	  p_xmlSchema->schemaDoc = NULL;
	  p_xmlSchema->parserCtxt = NULL;
	  p_xmlSchema->schema = NULL;

/* initializing GEOS and PROJ.4 handles */

#ifndef OMIT_GEOS		/* initializing GEOS */
    cache->GEOS_handle = initGEOS_r (NULL, NULL);
    GEOSContext_setNoticeMessageHandler_r (cache->GEOS_handle,
					   conn_geos_warning, cache);
    GEOSContext_setErrorMessageHandler_r (cache->GEOS_handle, conn_geos_error,
#endif /* end GEOS  */

#ifndef OMIT_PROJ		/* initializing the PROJ.4 context */
    cache->PROJ_handle = pj_ctx_alloc ();
#endif /* end PROJ.4  */

    return cache;