Example #1
int sphdpa(
  int nfield,
  double lng0,
  double lat0,
  const double lng[],
  const double lat[],
  double dist[],
  double pa[])

  int i;
  double eul[5];

  /* Set the Euler angles for the coordinate transformation. */
  eul[0] = lng0;
  eul[1] = 90.0 - lat0;
  eul[2] = 0.0;
  eul[3] = cosd(eul[1]);
  eul[4] = sind(eul[1]);

  /* Transform field points to the new system. */
  sphs2x(eul, nfield, 0, 1, 1, lng, lat, pa, dist);

  for (i = 0; i < nfield; i++) {
    /* Angular distance is obtained from latitude in the new frame. */
    dist[i] = 90.0 - dist[i];

    /* Position angle is obtained from longitude in the new frame. */
    pa[i] = -pa[i];
    if (pa[i] < -180.0) pa[i] += 360.0;

  return 0;
Example #2
int sphs2x_(
  const double eul[5],
  const int *nlng,
  const int *nlat,
  const int *sll,
  const int *spt,
  const double lng[],
  const double lat[],
  double phi[],
  double theta[])

  return sphs2x(eul, *nlng, *nlat, *sll, *spt, lng, lat, phi, theta);
Example #3
File: wcsfix.c Project: MQQ/astropy
int cylfix(const int naxis[], struct wcsprm *wcs)

  static const char *function = "cylfix";

  unsigned short icnr, indx[NMAX], ncnr;
  int    j, k, stat[4], status;
  double img[4][NMAX], lat, lng, phi[4], phi0, phimax, phimin, pix[4][NMAX],
         *pixj, theta[4], theta0, world[4][NMAX], x, y;
  struct wcserr **err;

  if (naxis == 0x0) return FIXERR_NO_CHANGE;
  if (wcs == 0x0) return FIXERR_NULL_POINTER;
  err = &(wcs->err);

  /* Initialize if required. */
  if (wcs->flag != WCSSET) {
    if ((status = wcsset(wcs))) return status;

  /* Check that we have a cylindrical projection. */
  if (wcs->cel.prj.category != CYLINDRICAL) return FIXERR_NO_CHANGE;
  if (wcs->naxis < 2) return FIXERR_NO_CHANGE;

  /* Compute the native longitude in each corner of the image. */
  ncnr = 1 << wcs->naxis;

  for (k = 0; k < NMAX; k++) {
    indx[k] = 1 << k;

  phimin =  1.0e99;
  phimax = -1.0e99;
  for (icnr = 0; icnr < ncnr;) {
    /* Do four corners at a time. */
    for (j = 0; j < 4; j++, icnr++) {
      pixj = pix[j];

      for (k = 0; k < wcs->naxis; k++) {
        if (icnr & indx[k]) {
          *(pixj++) = naxis[k] + 0.5;
        } else {
          *(pixj++) = 0.5;

    if (!(status = wcsp2s(wcs, 4, NMAX, pix[0], img[0], phi, theta, world[0],
                          stat))) {
      for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
        if (phi[j] < phimin) phimin = phi[j];
        if (phi[j] > phimax) phimax = phi[j];

  if (phimin > phimax) return status;

  /* Any changes needed? */
  if (phimin >= -180.0 && phimax <= 180.0) return FIXERR_NO_CHANGE;

  /* Compute the new reference pixel coordinates. */
  phi0 = (phimin + phimax) / 2.0;
  theta0 = 0.0;

  if ((status = prjs2x(&(wcs->cel.prj), 1, 1, 1, 1, &phi0, &theta0, &x, &y,
                       stat))) {
    if (status == PRJERR_BAD_PARAM) {
      return wcserr_set(WCSFIX_ERRMSG(FIXERR_BAD_PARAM));
    return wcserr_set(WCSFIX_ERRMSG(FIXERR_NO_REF_PIX_COORD));

  for (k = 0; k < wcs->naxis; k++) {
    img[0][k] = 0.0;
  img[0][wcs->lng] = x;
  img[0][wcs->lat] = y;

  if ((status = linx2p(&(wcs->lin), 1, 0, img[0], pix[0]))) {
    return wcserr_set(WCSFIX_ERRMSG(status));

  /* Compute celestial coordinates at the new reference pixel. */
  if ((status = wcsp2s(wcs, 1, 0, pix[0], img[0], phi, theta, world[0],
                       stat))) {
    if (wcs->err->status == WCSERR_BAD_PIX) {
      wcs->err->status = FIXERR_NO_REF_PIX_COORD;
    return wcs->err->status;

  /* Compute native coordinates of the celestial pole. */
  lng =  0.0;
  lat = 90.0;
  (void)sphs2x(wcs->cel.euler, 1, 1, 1, 1, &lng, &lat, phi, theta);

  wcs->crpix[wcs->lng] = pix[0][wcs->lng];
  wcs->crpix[wcs->lat] = pix[0][wcs->lat];
  wcs->crval[wcs->lng] = world[0][wcs->lng];
  wcs->crval[wcs->lat] = world[0][wcs->lat];
  wcs->lonpole = phi[0] - phi0;

  return wcsset(wcs);
Example #4
int main()

  int   j, k, lat, lng, nFail = 0;
  double cel1[181][2], cel2[181][2], coslat, dlat, dlatmx, dlng, dlngmx,
         eul[5], lng1[361], lng2[361], lat1, lat2[361], ntv[181][2], phi[361],
         theta[361], zeta;
  const double tol = 1.0e-12;

  "Testing closure of WCSLIB coordinate transformation routines (tsph.c)\n"

  printf ("Reporting tolerance:%8.1e degrees of arc.\n", tol);

  dlngmx = 0.0;
  dlatmx = 0.0;

  for (k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
    /* Set reference angles. */
    eul[0] =  90.0;
    eul[2] = -90.0;

    if (k < 2) {
      /* Special-case transformations. */
      eul[1] = (k==0) ? 0.0 : 180.0;
    } else {
      eul[1] =  30.0;

      "Celestial longitude and latitude of the native pole, and native",
      "longitude of the celestial pole (degrees):", eul[0], eul[1], eul[2]);

    eul[3] = cosd(eul[1]);
    eul[4] = sind(eul[1]);

    /* Test points at constant latitude. */
    for (lat = 90; lat >= -90; lat--) {
      lat1 = (double)lat;
      coslat = cosd(lat1);

      for (j = 0, lng = -180; lng <= 180; lng++, j++) {
        lng1[j] = (double)lng;

      sphs2x(eul, 361, 1, 1, 1, lng1, &lat1, phi, theta);
      sphx2s(eul, 361, 0, 1, 1, phi, theta, lng2, lat2);

      /* Exact results are expected for special-case transformations. */
      if (k == 0) {
        /* Identity transformation. */
        for (j = 0; j <= 360; j++) {
          if (phi[j] != lng1[j] || theta[j] != lat1) {
            printf("   Error: lng1 =%20.15f  lat1 =%20.15f\n",
                   lng1[j], lat1);
            printf("           phi =%20.15f theta =%20.15f\n",
                   phi[j], theta[j]);

      } else if (k == 1) {
        /* Antipodal transformation. */
        for (j = 0; j <= 360; j++) {
          if (phi[j] != -lng1[j] || theta[j] != -lat1) {
            printf("   Error: lng1 =%20.15f  lat1 =%20.15f\n",
                   lng1[j], lat1);
            printf("           phi =%20.15f theta =%20.15f\n",
                   phi[j], theta[j]);

      /* Do another round trip, just for good measure. */
      sphs2x(eul, 361, 0, 1, 1, lng2, lat2, phi, theta);
      sphx2s(eul, 361, 0, 1, 1, phi, theta, lng2, lat2);

      /* Check closure. */
      for (j = 0; j <= 360; j++) {
        dlng = fabs(lng2[j] - lng1[j]);
        if (dlng > 180.0) dlng = fabs(dlng-360.0);
        dlng *= coslat;
        dlat = fabs(lat2[j] - lat1);

        if (dlng > dlngmx) dlngmx = dlng;
        if (dlat > dlatmx) dlatmx = dlat;

        if (dlng > tol || dlat > tol) {
          printf("Unclosed: lng1 =%20.15f  lat1 =%20.15f\n", lng1[j], lat1);
          printf("           phi =%20.15f theta =%20.15f\n", phi[j], theta[j]);
          printf("          lng2 =%20.15f  lat2 =%20.15f\n", lng2[j], lat2[j]);

    /* Test vector strides using points in spirals from south to north. */
    for (lng = 0; lng <= 360; lng++) {
      for (j = 0, lat = -90; lat <= 90; j++, lat++) {
        cel1[j][0] = (double)((lng+j)%360 - 180);
        cel1[j][1] = (double)lat;

      sphs2x(eul, 181, 0, 2, 2, &(cel1[0][0]), &(cel1[0][1]),
             &(ntv[0][0]), &(ntv[0][1]));
      sphx2s(eul, 181, 0, 2, 2, &(ntv[0][0]), &(ntv[0][1]),
             &(cel2[0][0]), &(cel2[0][1]));

      /* Exact results are expected for special-case transformations. */
      if (k == 0) {
        /* Identity transformation. */
        for (j = 0; j <= 180; j++) {
          if (ntv[j][0] != cel1[j][0] || ntv[j][1] != cel1[j][1]) {
            printf("   Error: lng1 =%20.15f  lat1 =%20.15f\n",
                   cel1[j][0], cel1[j][1]);
            printf("           phi =%20.15f theta =%20.15f\n",
                   ntv[j][0], ntv[j][1]);

      } else if (k == 1) {
        /* Antipodal transformation. */
        for (j = 0; j <= 180; j++) {
          if (ntv[j][0] != -cel1[j][0] || ntv[j][1] != -cel1[j][1]) {
            printf("   Error: lng1 =%20.15f  lat1 =%20.15f\n",
                   cel1[j][0], cel1[j][1]);
            printf("           phi =%20.15f theta =%20.15f\n",
                   ntv[j][0], ntv[j][1]);

      /* Check closure. */
      for (j = 0; j <= 180; j++) {
        dlng = fabs(cel2[j][0] - cel1[j][0]);
        if (dlng > 180.0) dlng = fabs(dlng - 360.0);
        dlng *= cosd(cel1[j][1]);
        dlat = fabs(cel2[j][1] - cel1[j][1]);

        if (dlng > dlngmx) dlngmx = dlng;
        if (dlat > dlatmx) dlatmx = dlat;

        if (dlng > tol || dlat > tol) {
          printf("Unclosed: lng1 =%20.15f  lat1 =%20.15f\n",
            cel1[j][0], cel1[j][1]);
          printf("           phi =%20.15f theta =%20.15f\n",
            ntv[j][0], ntv[j][1]);
          printf("          lng2 =%20.15f  lat2 =%20.15f\n",
            cel2[j][0], cel2[j][1]);

  /* Test closure at points close to the pole. */
  for (j = -1; j <= 1; j += 2) {
    zeta = 1.0;
    lng1[0] = -180.0;

    for (lat = 0; lat < 12; lat++) {
      lat1 = (double)j*(90.0 - zeta);

      sphs2x(eul, 1, 1, 1, 1, lng1, &lat1, phi, theta);
      sphx2s(eul, 1, 1, 1, 1, phi, theta, lng2, lat2);

      dlng = fabs(lng2[0] - lng1[0]);
      if (dlng > 180.0) dlng = fabs(dlng - 360.0);
      dlng *= coslat;
      dlat = fabs(lat2[0] - lat1);

      if (dlng > dlngmx) dlngmx = dlng;
      if (dlat > dlatmx) dlatmx = dlat;

      if (dlng > tol || dlat > tol) {
        printf("Unclosed: lng1 =%20.15f  lat1 =%20.15f\n", lng1[0], lat1);
        printf("           phi =%20.15f theta =%20.15f\n", phi[0], theta[0]);
        printf("          lng2 =%20.15f  lat2 =%20.15f\n", lng2[0], lat2[0]);

      zeta /= 10.0;
      lng1[0] += 30.0;

  printf("\nsphs2x/sphx2s: Maximum closure residual = %.1e (lng), %.1e (lat) "
    "deg.\n", dlngmx, dlatmx);

  if (nFail) {
    printf("\nFAIL: %d closure residuals exceed reporting tolerance.\n",
  } else {
    printf("\nPASS: All closure residuals are within reporting tolerance.\n");

  return nFail;