Example #1
void spindle_run(uint8_t state, float rpm)
  if (sys.state == STATE_CHECK_MODE) { return; }
  protocol_buffer_synchronize(); // Empty planner buffer to ensure spindle is set when programmed.  
  spindle_set_state(state, rpm);
Example #2
// Executes run-time commands, when required. This is called from various check points in the main
// program, primarily where there may be a while loop waiting for a buffer to clear space or any
// point where the execution time from the last check point may be more than a fraction of a second.
// This is a way to execute realtime commands asynchronously (aka multitasking) with grbl's g-code
// parsing and planning functions. This function also serves as an interface for the interrupts to 
// set the system realtime flags, where only the main program handles them, removing the need to
// define more computationally-expensive volatile variables. This also provides a controlled way to 
// execute certain tasks without having two or more instances of the same task, such as the planner
// recalculating the buffer upon a feedhold or override.
// NOTE: The sys_rt_exec_state variable flags are set by any process, step or serial interrupts, pinouts,
// limit switches, or the main program.
void protocol_execute_realtime()
  uint8_t rt_exec; // Temp variable to avoid calling volatile multiple times.

  do { // If system is suspended, suspend loop restarts here.
  // Check and execute alarms. 
  rt_exec = sys_rt_exec_alarm; // Copy volatile sys_rt_exec_alarm.
  if (rt_exec) { // Enter only if any bit flag is true
    // System alarm. Everything has shutdown by something that has gone severely wrong. Report
    // the source of the error to the user. If critical, Grbl disables by entering an infinite
    // loop until system reset/abort.
    sys.state = STATE_ALARM; // Set system alarm state
    if (rt_exec & EXEC_ALARM_HARD_LIMIT) {
    } else if (rt_exec & EXEC_ALARM_SOFT_LIMIT) {
    } else if (rt_exec & EXEC_ALARM_ABORT_CYCLE) {      
    } else if (rt_exec & EXEC_ALARM_PROBE_FAIL) {
    } else if (rt_exec & EXEC_ALARM_HOMING_FAIL) {
    // Halt everything upon a critical event flag. Currently hard and soft limits flag this.
    if (rt_exec & EXEC_CRITICAL_EVENT) {
      bit_false_atomic(sys_rt_exec_state,EXEC_RESET); // Disable any existing reset
      do { 
        // Nothing. Block EVERYTHING until user issues reset or power cycles. Hard limits
        // typically occur while unattended or not paying attention. Gives the user time
        // to do what is needed before resetting, like killing the incoming stream. The 
        // same could be said about soft limits. While the position is not lost, the incoming
        // stream could be still engaged and cause a serious crash if it continues afterwards.
        // TODO: Allow status reports during a critical alarm. Still need to think about implications of this.
//         if (sys_rt_exec_state & EXEC_STATUS_REPORT) { 
//           report_realtime_status();
//           bit_false_atomic(sys_rt_exec_state,EXEC_STATUS_REPORT); 
//         }
      } while (bit_isfalse(sys_rt_exec_state,EXEC_RESET));
    bit_false_atomic(sys_rt_exec_alarm,0xFF); // Clear all alarm flags
  // Check amd execute realtime commands
  rt_exec = sys_rt_exec_state; // Copy volatile sys_rt_exec_state.
  if (rt_exec) { // Enter only if any bit flag is true
    // Execute system abort. 
    if (rt_exec & EXEC_RESET) {
      sys.abort = true;  // Only place this is set true.
      return; // Nothing else to do but exit.
    // Execute and serial print status
    if (rt_exec & EXEC_STATUS_REPORT) { 
    // Execute hold states.
    // NOTE: The math involved to calculate the hold should be low enough for most, if not all, 
    // operational scenarios. Once hold is initiated, the system enters a suspend state to block
    // all main program processes until either reset or resumed.
      // TODO: CHECK MODE? How to handle this? Likely nothing, since it only works when IDLE and then resets Grbl.
      // State check for allowable states for hold methods.

        // If in CYCLE state, all hold states immediately initiate a motion HOLD.
        if (sys.state == STATE_CYCLE) {
          st_update_plan_block_parameters(); // Notify stepper module to recompute for hold deceleration.
          sys.suspend = SUSPEND_ENABLE_HOLD; // Initiate holding cycle with flag.
        // If IDLE, Grbl is not in motion. Simply indicate suspend ready state.
        if (sys.state == STATE_IDLE) { sys.suspend = SUSPEND_ENABLE_READY; }
        // Execute and flag a motion cancel with deceleration and return to idle. Used primarily by probing cycle
        // to halt and cancel the remainder of the motion.
        if (rt_exec & EXEC_MOTION_CANCEL) {
          // MOTION_CANCEL only occurs during a CYCLE, but a HOLD and SAFETY_DOOR may been initiated beforehand
          // to hold the CYCLE. If so, only flag that motion cancel is complete.
          if (sys.state == STATE_CYCLE) { sys.state = STATE_MOTION_CANCEL; }
          sys.suspend |= SUSPEND_MOTION_CANCEL; // Indicate motion cancel when resuming. Special motion complete.
        // Execute a feed hold with deceleration, only during cycle.
        if (rt_exec & EXEC_FEED_HOLD) {
          // Block SAFETY_DOOR state from prematurely changing back to HOLD.
          if (bit_isfalse(sys.state,STATE_SAFETY_DOOR)) { sys.state = STATE_HOLD; }
        // Execute a safety door stop with a feed hold, only during a cycle, and disable spindle/coolant.
        // NOTE: Safety door differs from feed holds by stopping everything no matter state, disables powered
        // devices (spindle/coolant), and blocks resuming until switch is re-engaged. The power-down is 
        // executed here, if IDLE, or when the CYCLE completes via the EXEC_CYCLE_STOP flag.
        if (rt_exec & EXEC_SAFETY_DOOR) {
          // If already in active, ready-to-resume HOLD, set CYCLE_STOP flag to force de-energize.
          // NOTE: Only temporarily sets the 'rt_exec' variable, not the volatile 'rt_exec_state' variable.
          if (sys.suspend & SUSPEND_ENABLE_READY) { bit_true(rt_exec,EXEC_CYCLE_STOP); }
          sys.suspend |= SUSPEND_ENERGIZE;
          sys.state = STATE_SAFETY_DOOR;
      bit_false_atomic(sys_rt_exec_state,(EXEC_MOTION_CANCEL | EXEC_FEED_HOLD | EXEC_SAFETY_DOOR));      
    // Execute a cycle start by starting the stepper interrupt to begin executing the blocks in queue.
    if (rt_exec & EXEC_CYCLE_START) {
      // Block if called at same time as the hold commands: feed hold, motion cancel, and safety door.
      // Ensures auto-cycle-start doesn't resume a hold without an explicit user-input.
        // Cycle start only when IDLE or when a hold is complete and ready to resume.
        // NOTE: SAFETY_DOOR is implicitly blocked. It reverts to HOLD when the door is closed.
        if ((sys.state == STATE_IDLE) || ((sys.state & (STATE_HOLD | STATE_MOTION_CANCEL)) && (sys.suspend & SUSPEND_ENABLE_READY))) {
          // Re-energize powered components, if disabled by SAFETY_DOOR.
          if (sys.suspend & SUSPEND_ENERGIZE) { 
            // Delayed Tasks: Restart spindle and coolant, delay to power-up, then resume cycle.
            if (gc_state.modal.spindle != SPINDLE_DISABLE) { 
              spindle_set_state(gc_state.modal.spindle, gc_state.spindle_speed); 
              delay_ms(SAFETY_DOOR_SPINDLE_DELAY); // TODO: Blocking function call. Need a non-blocking one eventually.
            if (gc_state.modal.coolant != COOLANT_DISABLE) { 
              delay_ms(SAFETY_DOOR_COOLANT_DELAY); // TODO: Blocking function call. Need a non-blocking one eventually.
            // TODO: Install return to pre-park position.
          // Start cycle only if queued motions exist in planner buffer and the motion is not canceled.
          if (plan_get_current_block() && bit_isfalse(sys.suspend,SUSPEND_MOTION_CANCEL)) {
            sys.state = STATE_CYCLE;
            st_prep_buffer(); // Initialize step segment buffer before beginning cycle.
          } else { // Otherwise, do nothing. Set and resume IDLE state.
            sys.state = STATE_IDLE;
          sys.suspend = SUSPEND_DISABLE; // Break suspend state.
    // Reinitializes the cycle plan and stepper system after a feed hold for a resume. Called by 
    // realtime command execution in the main program, ensuring that the planner re-plans safely.
    // NOTE: Bresenham algorithm variables are still maintained through both the planner and stepper
    // cycle reinitializations. The stepper path should continue exactly as if nothing has happened.   
    // NOTE: EXEC_CYCLE_STOP is set by the stepper subsystem when a cycle or feed hold completes.
    if (rt_exec & EXEC_CYCLE_STOP) {
      if (sys.state & (STATE_HOLD | STATE_SAFETY_DOOR)) {
        // Hold complete. Set to indicate ready to resume.  Remain in HOLD or DOOR states until user
        // has issued a resume command or reset.
        if (sys.suspend & SUSPEND_ENERGIZE) { // De-energize system if safety door has been opened.
          // TODO: Install parking motion here.
      } else { // Motion is complete. Includes CYCLE, HOMING, and MOTION_CANCEL states.
        sys.suspend = SUSPEND_DISABLE;
        sys.state = STATE_IDLE;

  // Overrides flag byte (sys.override) and execution should be installed here, since they 
  // are realtime and require a direct and controlled interface to the main stepper program.

  // Reload step segment buffer
  if (sys.state & (STATE_CYCLE | STATE_HOLD | STATE_MOTION_CANCEL | STATE_SAFETY_DOOR | STATE_HOMING)) { st_prep_buffer(); }  
  // If safety door was opened, actively check when safety door is closed and ready to resume.
  // NOTE: This unlocks the SAFETY_DOOR state to a HOLD state, such that CYCLE_START can activate a resume.
  if (sys.state == STATE_SAFETY_DOOR) { 
    if (bit_istrue(sys.suspend,SUSPEND_ENABLE_READY)) { 
      if (!(system_check_safety_door_ajar())) {
        sys.state = STATE_HOLD; // Update to HOLD state to indicate door is closed and ready to resume.

  } while(sys.suspend); // Check for system suspend state before exiting.