Example #1
 * Create a spoiler file for monsters (-SHAWN-)
static void spoil_mon_info(void)
	int n, x, y;
	bool breath, magic;
	u32b flags1, flags2, flags3, flags4, flags5, flags6;

	const bool old_spoil_mon = spoil_mon;

	byte a;
	char c, c2;
	byte old_moncol[MAX_MONCOL];

	/* Give full information. */
	spoil_mon = TRUE;

	for (n = 0; n < MAX_MONCOL; n++) old_moncol[n] = moncol[n].gfx.xa;

	/* Hack - hide some information. */
	moncol[0].gfx.xa = moncol[8].gfx.xa = moncol[18].gfx.xa = TERM_DARK;

	/* Dump the header */
	spoil_out("Monster Spoilers for %s Version %s\n",

	 * List all monsters in order (except the ghost).
	for (n = 1; n < MAX_R_IDX; n++)

		monster_race *r_ptr = &r_info[n];

		/* Skip "fake" monsters. */
		if (is_fake_monster(r_ptr)) continue;

		/* Extract the flags */
		flags1 = r_ptr->flags1;
		flags2 = r_ptr->flags2;
		flags3 = r_ptr->flags3;
		flags4 = r_ptr->flags4;
		flags5 = r_ptr->flags5;
		flags6 = r_ptr->flags6;
		breath = FALSE;
		magic = FALSE;

		/* Prefix */
		if (flags1 & (RF1_GUARDIAN))
			spoil_out("[G] ");
		else if (flags1 & (RF1_UNIQUE))
			spoil_out("[U] ");
			spoil_out("The ");

		/* Name */
		spoil_out("%v  (", monster_desc_aux_f3, r_ptr, 1, 0);

		/* Color */

		/* Symbol --(-- */
		spoil_out(" '%c')\n", r_ptr->gfx.dc);

		/* Indent */
		spoil_out("=== ");

		/* Number */
		spoil_out("Num:%d  ", n);

		/* Level */
		spoil_out("Lev:%d  ", r_ptr->level);

		/* Rarity */
		spoil_out("Rar:%d  ", r_ptr->rarity);

		/* Speed */
		spoil_out("Spd:%+d  ", (r_ptr->speed - 110));

		/* Hitpoints */
		if ((flags1 & (RF1_FORCE_MAXHP)) || (r_ptr->hside == 1))
			spoil_out("Hp:%d  ", r_ptr->hdice * r_ptr->hside);
			spoil_out("Hp:%dd%d  ", r_ptr->hdice, r_ptr->hside);

		/* Armor Class */
		spoil_out("Ac:%d  ", r_ptr->ac);

		/* Power */
		spoil_out("Power:%ld\n", (long)(r_ptr->mexp));

		/* Clear the screen before every monster. */

		/* Display the monster on screen. */

		/* Dump the on-screen display (excluding the title). */
		for (c2 = 0, y = 1; y < Term->hgt; y++)
			for (x = 0; x < Term->wid; x++)
				/* Check the character. */
				Term_what(x, y, &a, &c);

				/* Ignore blanked text. */
				if (a == TERM_DARK) continue;

				/* Ignore repeated spaces. */
				if (c == ' ' && c2 == ' ') continue;

				/* Dump the character. */
				spoil_out("%c", c);

				/* Remember the character. */
				c2 = c;

			/* Put a space at the end of every line. */
			if (c2 != ' ') spoil_out(" ");


	/* Restore spoil_mon. */
	spoil_mon = old_spoil_mon;

	/* Restore moncol[]. */
	for (n = 0; n < MAX_MONCOL; n++) moncol[n].gfx.xa = old_moncol[n];

	/* Don't leave a monster display lying around. */
Example #2
 * Print monsters' evolution information to file
static void spoil_mon_evol(cptr fname)
    char buf[1024];
    monster_race *r_ptr;
    int **evol_tree, i, j, n, r_idx;
    int *evol_tree_zero; /* For C_KILL() */

    /* Build the filename */
    path_build(buf, sizeof buf, ANGBAND_DIR_USER, fname);

    /* File type is "TEXT" */

    /* Open the file */
    fff = my_fopen(buf, "w");

    /* Oops */
    if (!fff)
        msg_print("Cannot create spoiler file.");

    /* Dump the header */
    sprintf(buf, "Monster Spoilers for PosChengband Version %d.%d.%d\n",


    /* Allocate the "evol_tree" array (2-dimension) */
    C_MAKE(evol_tree, max_r_idx, int *);
    C_MAKE(*evol_tree, max_r_idx * (MAX_EVOL_DEPTH + 1), int);
    for (i = 1; i < max_r_idx; i++) evol_tree[i] = *evol_tree + i * (MAX_EVOL_DEPTH + 1);
    evol_tree_zero = *evol_tree;

    /* Step 1: Build the evolution tree */
    for (i = 1; i < max_r_idx; i++)
        r_ptr = &r_info[i];

        /* No evolution */
        if (!r_ptr->next_exp) continue;

        /* Trace evolution */
        n = 0;
        evol_tree[i][n++] = i;
            evol_tree[i][n++] = r_ptr->next_r_idx;
            r_ptr = &r_info[r_ptr->next_r_idx];
        while (r_ptr->next_exp && (n < MAX_EVOL_DEPTH));

    /* Step 2: Scan the evolution trees and remove "partial tree" */
    for (i = 1; i < max_r_idx; i++)
        /* Not evolution tree */
        if (!evol_tree[i][0]) continue;

        for (j = 1; j < max_r_idx; j++)
            /* Same tree */
            if (i == j) continue;

            /* Not evolution tree */
            if (!evol_tree[j][0]) continue;

            /* Is evolution tree[i] is part of [j]? */
            if (is_partial_tree(evol_tree[j], evol_tree[i]))
                /* Remove this evolution tree */
                evol_tree[i][0] = 0;

    /* Step 3: Sort the evolution trees */

    /* Select the sort method */
    ang_sort_comp = ang_sort_comp_evol_tree;
    ang_sort_swap = ang_sort_swap_evol_tree;

    /* Sort the array */
    ang_sort(evol_tree, NULL, max_r_idx);

    /* Step 4: Print the evolution trees */
    for (i = 0; i < max_r_idx; i++)
        r_idx = evol_tree[i][0];

        /* No evolution or removed evolution tree */
        if (!r_idx) continue;

        /* Trace the evolution tree */
        r_ptr = &r_info[r_idx];
        fprintf(fff, "[%d]: %s (Level %d, '%c')\n", r_idx,
            r_name + r_ptr->name, r_ptr->level, r_ptr->d_char);
        for (n = 1; r_ptr->next_exp; n++)
            fprintf(fff, "%*s-(%d)-> ", n * 2, "", r_ptr->next_exp);
            fprintf(fff, "[%d]: ", r_ptr->next_r_idx);
            r_ptr = &r_info[r_ptr->next_r_idx];
            fprintf(fff, "%s (Level %d, '%c')\n",
                r_name + r_ptr->name, r_ptr->level, r_ptr->d_char);

        /* End of evolution tree */
        fputc('\n', fff);

    /* Free the "evol_tree" array (2-dimension) */
    C_KILL(evol_tree_zero, max_r_idx * (MAX_EVOL_DEPTH + 1), int);
    C_KILL(evol_tree, max_r_idx, int *);

    /* Check for errors */
    if (ferror(fff) || my_fclose(fff))
        msg_print("Cannot close spoiler file.");

    /* Message */
    msg_print("Successfully created a spoiler file.");