Example #1
/* --------------------------------------------------------
 * PRIVATE: Given a binary filename, it will open a pipe to
 * `ldd', parse the output, and return a list of libraries
bool get_libs(strlist *list, const char *prog)
    FILE *ldd_in;
    char *buf, *start, *end;

    buf = sprintf_static("ldd %s", prog);
    ldd_in = popen(buf, "r");

    while ( (buf = fgets_static(ldd_in)) != NULL) {
	if (strstr(buf, "needs:")) continue;

	start = strrchr(buf, '>');
	if (!start++) start = buf;
	while (isspace(*start)) ++start;

	end = strrchr(buf, '(');
	if (!end) end = buf + strlen(buf);
	while (start < end && isspace(*(end - 1))) --end;
	*end = '\0';

	strlist_insert(list, start);

    return true;
Example #2
const char *reglist::getReason(char *s)
    vector< regrule_t * >::iterator i;

    if (only_rules.size() > 0) {
	for (i = only_rules.begin(); i != only_rules.end(); ++i) {
	    int retval = regexec(&((*i)->preg), s, 0, NULL, 0);

	    if (retval == 0) {
		if (!(*i)->show_reason) return NULL;
		return sprintf_static("Including '%s' because it matched regular expression '%s'", s, (*i)->pattern);

	    if (retval == REG_ENOSYS) {
		dlog(ERR, "Error while executing regular expression in reglist::check(): The function is not supported.\n");
		return NULL;
	return false;

    if (skip_rules.size() > 0) {
	for (i = skip_rules.begin(); i != skip_rules.end(); ++i) {
	    int retval = regexec(&((*i)->preg), s, 0, NULL, 0);

	    if (retval == 0 && (*i)->show_reason) {
		if (!(*i)->show_reason) return NULL;
		return sprintf_static("Skipping '%s' because it matched regular expression '%s'", s, (*i)->pattern);

	    if (retval == REG_ENOSYS) {
		dlog(ERR, "Error while executing regular expression in reglist::check(): The function is not supported.\n");
		return NULL;
    return NULL;
Example #3
bool record_search(record_t *newRecord)
    FILE *index_fd;
    char *index_filename;
    bool found = false, latest = true;

    index_filename = sprintf_static("%s/%s", config.record_dir, HISTORY_RECORD_INDEX_FILE);
    errno = 0;
    index_fd = fopen(index_filename, "r");

    if (errno && errno == ENOENT) {
	index_fd = fopen(index_filename, "w");
	if (!index_fd) {
	    fprintf(config.outfd, "*\n* Error opening history record index %s.  Disabling history record.\n*\n", index_filename);
	    newRecord->enabled = false;
	    return false;

    } else if (!index_fd) {
	fprintf(config.outfd, "*\n* Error opening history record index %s.  Disabling history record.\n*\n", index_filename);
        newRecord->enabled = false;
	return false;

    } else {
	// We should use C++ string instead to avoid buffer overflows.
	char *buf;
	while ( (buf = fgets_static(index_fd))) {
	    if (buf[0] == '\t' || buf[0] == '\n') continue;

	    strlist prog_line = char2strlist(buf);
	    if (strlist_cmp(&prog_line, &newRecord->prog_line)) {

		strlist diff_list = STRLIST_INITIALIZER;
		while (!found && (buf = fgets_static(index_fd)) && buf[0] == '\t') {
		    strlist lib_line = char2strlist(buf + 1);

		    strncpy(newRecord->filename, strlist_get(&lib_line, 0), sizeof(newRecord->filename));

		    if (strlist_cmp(&lib_line, &newRecord->lib_line)) {
			found = true;

		    } else {
			if (latest)
			    diff_list = libs_diff(&lib_line, &newRecord->lib_line);
			latest = false;

		if (!found) {
		    fprintf(config.outfd, "* Warning: Current library set unknown.  Differences from latest run include:\n");
		    fprintf(config.outfd, "*\n");
		    for (unsigned i = 0; i < diff_list.count; ++i)
			fprintf(config.outfd, "%s\n", strlist_get(&diff_list, i));

		} else if (!latest)
		    fprintf(config.outfd, "* Warning: Current library signature does not match latest run.\n");


    if (!found) {
	// Fill storage file information
	const char *prog_file = strlist_get(&newRecord->prog_line, 0);
	if (strrchr(prog_file, '/'))
	    prog_file = strrchr(prog_file, '/') + 1;

	snprintf(newRecord->filename, sizeof(newRecord->filename), "%s/%s-XXXXXX", config.record_dir, prog_file);
	int file_desc = mkstemp(newRecord->filename);
	newRecord->fd = fdopen(file_desc, "a");

    } else {
	newRecord->fd = fopen(newRecord->filename, "a");

    char timestr[STRING_MAX];
    time_t timestamp = time(NULL);

    strftime(timestr, sizeof(timestr), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z", localtime(&timestamp));
    fprintf(newRecord->fd, "Log start: %s\n", timestr);
    fprintf(newRecord->fd, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");

    char raw_filename[ PATH_MAX ];
    strncpy(raw_filename, newRecord->filename, sizeof(raw_filename));
    strncat(raw_filename, ".raw", sizeof(raw_filename) - strlen(raw_filename));
    newRecord->raw_fd = fopen(raw_filename, "a");

    fprintf(newRecord->raw_fd, "Raw transcript log start: %s\n", timestr);
    fprintf(newRecord->raw_fd, "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");

    return (found && latest);