Example #1
// Function:Table is or not exist
// Input:	inTabName: Table's name
// Output:
// Return:  ErrorCode
int CSQLite::TableExists( const char * inTabName )
    char szSQL[128] = "";
    sprintf( szSQL,"select count(*) from sqlite_master where type='table' and name='%s'",inTabName );

    for( unsigned int m = 0; m < m_nLimitNum; m++ )
        m_nState =  sqlite3_prepare( m_pDb, szSQL, -1, &m_pStmt, NULL );
        if ( SQLITE_OK == m_nState )
        else if( SQLITE_BUSY == m_nState )
           if ( m_nLimitNum == m+1 )
               m_strErrInfo = sqlite3_errmsg( m_pDb );
               goto __Exit;
           sqlite3_busy_handler( m_pDb, NULL,NULL );
           Sleep( SLEEPTIME );
           m_strErrInfo = sqlite3_errmsg( m_pDb );
           goto __Exit;

    for( unsigned int m = 0; m < m_nLimitNum; m++ )
        m_nState = sqlite3_step( m_pStmt );
        if ( SQLITE_ROW == m_nState )
            if ( sqlite3_column_int( m_pStmt, 0 ) > 0 )
                m_nState = DEF_TABLEEXIST;
                m_nState = DEF_TABLENOTEXIST;
        else if ( SQLITE_BUSY == m_nState )
            if ( m_nLimitNum == m+1 )
                m_strErrInfo = sqlite3_errmsg( m_pDb );
                goto __Exit;
            sqlite3_busy_handler( m_pDb, NULL,NULL );
            Sleep( SLEEPTIME );
            m_strErrInfo = sqlite3_errmsg( m_pDb );
            goto __Exit;

    if ( NULL != m_pStmt )
        sqlite3_finalize( m_pStmt );
        m_pStmt = NULL;
    return m_nState;
Example #2
// Function: Execute transaction
// Input:    inTransaction 输入的事务
// Output:
// Return:  ErrorCode
int CSQLite::ExecDML(const vector<string> &inTransaction)
    unsigned int nStrNum = (unsigned int)inTransaction.size();
    if ( 0 ==  nStrNum )
        return SQLITE_OK;

    for( unsigned int m = 0; m < m_nLimitNum; m++ )
        m_nState = sqlite3_exec( m_pDb, STRBEGINTRANS, NULL, NULL, NULL );
        if ( SQLITE_OK == m_nState )
        else if ( SQLITE_BUSY == m_nState )
            if ( m_nLimitNum == m+1 )
                m_strErrInfo = sqlite3_errmsg( m_pDb );
                return m_nState;
            sqlite3_busy_handler( m_pDb, NULL,NULL );
            Sleep( SLEEPTIME );
            m_strErrInfo = sqlite3_errmsg(m_pDb);
            return m_nState;

    for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < nStrNum; i++ )
        for( unsigned int m = 0; m < m_nLimitNum; m++ )
            m_nState = sqlite3_exec( m_pDb, inTransaction[i].c_str(), NULL, NULL, NULL );
            if ( SQLITE_OK == m_nState )
            else if( SQLITE_BUSY == m_nState )
                if ( m_nLimitNum == m+1 )
                    m_strErrInfo = sqlite3_errmsg( m_pDb );
                    sqlite3_exec( m_pDb, STRROLLBACK, NULL, NULL, NULL );
                    return m_nState;
                sqlite3_busy_handler( m_pDb, NULL,NULL );
                Sleep( SLEEPTIME );
                m_strErrInfo = sqlite3_errmsg( m_pDb );
                sqlite3_exec( m_pDb, STRROLLBACK, NULL, NULL, NULL );
                return m_nState;

    for( unsigned int m = 0; m < m_nLimitNum; m++ )
        m_nState = sqlite3_exec( m_pDb, STRCOMMITTRANS, NULL, NULL, NULL );
        if ( SQLITE_OK == m_nState )
        else if( SQLITE_BUSY == m_nState )
            if ( m_nLimitNum == m+1 )
                m_strErrInfo = sqlite3_errmsg( m_pDb );
                return m_nState;
            sqlite3_busy_handler( m_pDb, NULL,NULL );
            Sleep( SLEEPTIME );
            m_strErrInfo = sqlite3_errmsg( m_pDb );                   //调整执行顺序    modified by yinyong 2007.7.17
            sqlite3_exec( m_pDb, STRROLLBACK, NULL, NULL, NULL );
            return m_nState;

    return m_nState;
Example #3
// Function:获取一行数据内容
// Input:	ioValue, 保存一行数据
//          ioNull,    保存空值的标志 0  为空, 1 非空
// Output:
// Return:	SQLITE_BUSY:   数据库被锁
//          SQLITE_ROW:    数据未取完, 需要继续读取数据
//          SQLITE_DONE:   数据已经读取完成
//          other:         读取数据库记录失败
int CSQLite::Fetch( vector<string> & ioValues, vector<int>& ioNull )
    bool bRelease = true; //是否释放游标

    for( unsigned int m = 0; m < m_nLimitNum; m++ )
        m_nState = sqlite3_step( m_pStmt );

        if ( SQLITE_DONE  == m_nState )
            // no rows
            m_strErrInfo = sqlite3_errmsg( m_pDb );
            goto __Exit;
        else if ( SQLITE_ROW == m_nState )
            for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < m_nCurFieldNum; i++ )
                const char* pTmp = NULL;   //防止空值, modified by yinyong 2007.12.27
                pTmp = (const char*)( sqlite3_column_text( m_pStmt, i ) );
                if ( NULL == pTmp )
                    ioValues.push_back( "" );
                    ioValues.push_back( pTmp );
            bRelease = false;
            goto __Exit;
        else if ( SQLITE_BUSY == m_nState )
           if ( m_nLimitNum == m+1 )
               m_strErrInfo = sqlite3_errmsg( m_pDb );
               goto __Exit;
           sqlite3_busy_handler( m_pDb,NULL,NULL);
           Sleep( SLEEPTIME );
            //other exceptions
            m_strErrInfo = sqlite3_errmsg( m_pDb );
            goto __Exit;
    if ( NULL != m_pStmt && bRelease )
        sqlite3_finalize( m_pStmt );
        m_pStmt = NULL;
    return m_nState;
Example #4
IDatabase *SqDriver::Connect(const DatabaseInfo *info, bool persistent, char *error, size_t maxlength)
	/* We wrap most of the open process in a mutex just to be safe */

	/* Format our path */
	char path[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
	size_t len = libsys->PathFormat(path, sizeof(path), "sqlite/%s", info->database);

	/* Chop any filename off */
	for (size_t i = len-1;
		 i <= len-1;
		if (IsPathSepChar(path[i]))
			path[i] = '\0';

	/* Test the full path */
	char fullpath[PLATFORM_MAX_PATH];
	g_pSM->BuildPath(Path_SM, fullpath, sizeof(fullpath), "data/%s", path);
	if (!libsys->IsPathDirectory(fullpath))
		/* Make sure the data folder exists */
		len = g_pSM->BuildPath(Path_SM, fullpath, sizeof(fullpath), "data");
		if (!libsys->IsPathDirectory(fullpath))
			if (!libsys->CreateFolder(fullpath))
				strncopy(error, "Could not create or open \"data\" folder\"", maxlength);
				return NULL;

		/* The data folder exists - create each subdir as needed! */
		char *cur_ptr = path;

			/* Find the next suitable path */
			char *next_ptr = cur_ptr;
			while (*next_ptr != '\0')
				if (IsPathSepChar(*next_ptr))
					*next_ptr = '\0';
			if (*next_ptr == '\0')
				next_ptr = NULL;
			len += libsys->PathFormat(&fullpath[len], sizeof(fullpath)-len, "/%s", cur_ptr);
			if (!libsys->IsPathDirectory(fullpath) && !libsys->CreateFolder(fullpath))
			cur_ptr = next_ptr;
		} while (cur_ptr);

	/* Build the FINAL path. */
	g_pSM->BuildPath(Path_SM, fullpath, sizeof(fullpath), "data/sqlite/%s.sq3", info->database);

	/* If we're requesting a persistent connection, see if something is already open */
	if (persistent)
		/* See if anything in the cache matches */
		List<SqDbInfo>::iterator iter;
		for (iter = m_Cache.begin(); iter != m_Cache.end(); iter++)
			if ((*iter).path.compare(fullpath) == 0)
				return (*iter).db;

	/* Try to open a new connection */
	sqlite3 *sql;
	int err = sqlite3_open(fullpath, &sql);
	if (err != SQLITE_OK)
		strncopy(error, sqlite3_errmsg(sql), maxlength);
		return NULL;

	sqlite3_busy_handler(sql, busy_handler, NULL);

	SqDatabase *pdb = new SqDatabase(sql, persistent);

	if (persistent)
		SqDbInfo pinfo;
		pinfo.path = fullpath;
		pinfo.db = pdb;


	return pdb;
Example #5
** Obtain a superlock on the database file identified by zPath, using the
** locking primitives provided by VFS zVfs. If successful, SQLITE_OK is
** returned and output variable *ppLock is populated with an opaque handle
** that may be used with sqlite3demo_superunlock() to release the lock.
** If an error occurs, *ppLock is set to 0 and an SQLite error code 
** (e.g. SQLITE_BUSY) is returned.
** If a required lock cannot be obtained immediately and the xBusy parameter
** to this function is not NULL, then xBusy is invoked in the same way
** as a busy-handler registered with SQLite (using sqlite3_busy_handler())
** until either the lock can be obtained or the busy-handler function returns
** 0 (indicating "give up").
int sqlite3demo_superlock(
  const char *zPath,              /* Path to database file to lock */
  const char *zVfs,               /* VFS to use to access database file */
  int (*xBusy)(void*,int),        /* Busy handler callback */
  void *pBusyArg,                 /* Context arg for busy handler */
  void **ppLock                   /* OUT: Context to pass to superunlock() */
  SuperlockBusy busy = {0, 0, 0}; /* Busy handler wrapper object */
  int rc;                         /* Return code */
  Superlock *pLock;

  pLock = sqlite3_malloc(sizeof(Superlock));
  if( !pLock ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
  memset(pLock, 0, sizeof(Superlock));

  /* Open a database handle on the file to superlock. */
  rc = sqlite3_open_v2(

  /* Install a busy-handler and execute a BEGIN EXCLUSIVE. If this is not
  ** a WAL database, this is all we need to do.  
  ** A wrapper function is used to invoke the busy-handler instead of
  ** registering the busy-handler function supplied by the user directly
  ** with SQLite. This is because the same busy-handler function may be
  ** invoked directly later on when attempting to obtain the extra locks
  ** required in WAL mode. By using the wrapper, we are able to guarantee
  ** that the "nBusy" integer parameter passed to the users busy-handler
  ** represents the total number of busy-handler invocations made within
  ** this call to sqlite3demo_superlock(), including any made during the
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    busy.xBusy = xBusy;
    busy.pBusyArg = pBusyArg;
    sqlite3_busy_handler(pLock->db, superlockBusyHandler, (void *)&busy);
    rc = sqlite3_exec(pLock->db, "BEGIN EXCLUSIVE", 0, 0, 0);

  /* If the BEGIN EXCLUSIVE was executed successfully and this is a WAL
  ** database, call superlockWalLock() to obtain the extra locks required
  ** to prevent readers, writers and/or checkpointers from accessing the
  ** db while this process is holding the superlock.
  ** Before attempting any WAL locks, commit the transaction started above
  ** to drop the WAL read and write locks currently held. Otherwise, the
  ** new WAL locks may conflict with the old.
  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    if( SQLITE_OK==(rc = superlockIsWal(pLock)) && pLock->bWal ){
      rc = sqlite3_exec(pLock->db, "COMMIT", 0, 0, 0);
      if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
        rc = superlockWalLock(pLock->db, &busy);

  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    *ppLock = 0;
    *ppLock = pLock;

  return rc;
Example #6
int QSQLiteDriver::busyHandler(int(*handler)(void*, int), void* pArg)
    return sqlite3_busy_handler(d->access, handler, pArg);
Example #7
int SQLITE_CDECL main(int argc, char **argv){
  const char *zClient;
  int iClient;
  int n, i;
  int openFlags = SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE;
  int rc;
  char *zScript;
  int taskId;
  const char *zTrace;
  const char *zCOption;
  const char *zJMode;
  const char *zNRep;
  int nRep = 1, iRep;
  int iTmout = 0;              /* Default: no timeout */
  const char *zTmout;

  g.argv0 = argv[0];
  g.iTrace = 1;
  if( argc<2 ) usage(argv[0]);
  g.zDbFile = argv[1];
  if( strglob("*.test", g.zDbFile) ) usage(argv[0]);
  if( strcmp(sqlite3_sourceid(), SQLITE_SOURCE_ID)!=0 ){
    fprintf(stderr, "SQLite library and header mismatch\n"
                    "Library: %s\n"
                    "Header:  %s\n",
                    sqlite3_sourceid(), SQLITE_SOURCE_ID);
  n = argc-2;
  sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(g.zName), g.zName, "%05d.mptest", GETPID());
  zJMode = findOption(argv+2, &n, "journalmode", 1);
  zNRep = findOption(argv+2, &n, "repeat", 1);
  if( zNRep ) nRep = atoi(zNRep);
  if( nRep<1 ) nRep = 1;
  g.zVfs = findOption(argv+2, &n, "vfs", 1);
  zClient = findOption(argv+2, &n, "client", 1);
  g.zErrLog = findOption(argv+2, &n, "errlog", 1);
  g.zLog = findOption(argv+2, &n, "log", 1);
  zTrace = findOption(argv+2, &n, "trace", 1);
  if( zTrace ) g.iTrace = atoi(zTrace);
  if( findOption(argv+2, &n, "quiet", 0)!=0 ) g.iTrace = 0;
  zTmout = findOption(argv+2, &n, "timeout", 1);
  if( zTmout ) iTmout = atoi(zTmout);
  g.bSqlTrace = findOption(argv+2, &n, "sqltrace", 0)!=0;
  g.bSync = findOption(argv+2, &n, "sync", 0)!=0;
  if( g.zErrLog ){
    g.pErrLog = fopen(g.zErrLog, "a");
    g.pErrLog = stderr;
  if( g.zLog ){
    g.pLog = fopen(g.zLog, "a");
    g.pLog = stdout;
  sqlite3_config(SQLITE_CONFIG_LOG, sqlErrorCallback, 0);
  if( zClient ){
    iClient = atoi(zClient);
    if( iClient<1 ) fatalError("illegal client number: %d\n", iClient);
    sqlite3_snprintf(sizeof(g.zName), g.zName, "%05d.client%02d",
                     GETPID(), iClient);
    int nTry = 0;
    if( g.iTrace>0 ){
      printf("BEGIN: %s", argv[0]);
      for(i=1; i<argc; i++) printf(" %s", argv[i]);
      printf("With SQLite " SQLITE_VERSION " " SQLITE_SOURCE_ID "\n" );
      for(i=0; (zCOption = sqlite3_compileoption_get(i))!=0; i++){
        printf("-DSQLITE_%s\n", zCOption);
    iClient =  0;
      if( (nTry%5)==4 ) printf("... %strying to unlink '%s'\n",
                               nTry>5 ? "still " : "", g.zDbFile);
      rc = unlink(g.zDbFile);
      if( rc && errno==ENOENT ) rc = 0;
    }while( rc!=0 && (++nTry)<60 && sqlite3_sleep(1000)>0 );
    if( rc!=0 ){
      fatalError("unable to unlink '%s' after %d attempts\n",
                 g.zDbFile, nTry);
    openFlags |= SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE;
  rc = sqlite3_open_v2(g.zDbFile, &g.db, openFlags, g.zVfs);
  if( rc ) fatalError("cannot open [%s]", g.zDbFile);
  if( iTmout>0 ) sqlite3_busy_timeout(g.db, iTmout);
  if( zJMode ){
#if defined(_WIN32)
    if( sqlite3_stricmp(zJMode,"persist")==0
     || sqlite3_stricmp(zJMode,"truncate")==0
      printf("Changing journal mode to DELETE from %s", zJMode);
      zJMode = "DELETE";
    runSql("PRAGMA journal_mode=%Q;", zJMode);
  if( !g.bSync ) trySql("PRAGMA synchronous=OFF");
  sqlite3_enable_load_extension(g.db, 1);
  sqlite3_busy_handler(g.db, busyHandler, 0);
  sqlite3_create_function(g.db, "vfsname", 0, SQLITE_UTF8, 0,
                          vfsNameFunc, 0, 0);
  sqlite3_create_function(g.db, "eval", 1, SQLITE_UTF8, 0,
                          evalFunc, 0, 0);
  g.iTimeout = DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
  if( g.bSqlTrace ) sqlite3_trace(g.db, sqlTraceCallback, 0);
  if( iClient>0 ){
    if( n>0 ) unrecognizedArguments(argv[0], n, argv+2);
    if( g.iTrace ) logMessage("start-client");
      char *zTaskName = 0;
      rc = startScript(iClient, &zScript, &taskId, &zTaskName);
      if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ) break;
      if( g.iTrace ) logMessage("begin %s (%d)", zTaskName, taskId);
      runScript(iClient, taskId, zScript, zTaskName);
      if( g.iTrace ) logMessage("end %s (%d)", zTaskName, taskId);
      finishScript(iClient, taskId, 0);
    if( g.iTrace ) logMessage("end-client");
    sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
    int iTimeout;
    if( n==0 ){
      fatalError("missing script filename");
    if( n>1 ) unrecognizedArguments(argv[0], n, argv+2);
      "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS task;\n"
      "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS counters;\n"
      "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS client;\n"
      "CREATE TABLE task(\n"
      "  id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,\n"
      "  name TEXT,\n"
      "  client INTEGER,\n"
      "  starttime DATE,\n"
      "  endtime DATE,\n"
      "  script TEXT\n"
      "CREATE INDEX task_i1 ON task(client, starttime);\n"
      "CREATE INDEX task_i2 ON task(client, endtime);\n"
      "CREATE TABLE counters(nError,nTest);\n"
      "INSERT INTO counters VALUES(0,0);\n"
      "CREATE TABLE client(id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, wantHalt);\n"
    zScript = readFile(argv[2]);
    for(iRep=1; iRep<=nRep; iRep++){
      if( g.iTrace ) logMessage("begin script [%s] cycle %d\n", argv[2], iRep);
      runScript(0, 0, zScript, argv[2]);
      if( g.iTrace ) logMessage("end script [%s] cycle %d\n", argv[2], iRep);
    waitForClient(0, 2000, "during shutdown...\n");
    trySql("UPDATE client SET wantHalt=1");
    g.iTimeout = 0;
    iTimeout = 1000;
    while( ((rc = trySql("SELECT 1 FROM client"))==SQLITE_BUSY
        || rc==SQLITE_ROW) && iTimeout>0 ){
      iTimeout -= 10;
    pStmt = prepareSql("SELECT nError, nTest FROM counters");
    iTimeout = 1000;
    while( (rc = sqlite3_step(pStmt))==SQLITE_BUSY && iTimeout>0 ){
      iTimeout -= 10;
    if( rc==SQLITE_ROW ){
      g.nError += sqlite3_column_int(pStmt, 0);
      g.nTest += sqlite3_column_int(pStmt, 1);
  if( iClient==0 ){
    printf("Summary: %d errors out of %d tests\n", g.nError, g.nTest);
    printf("END: %s", argv[0]);
    for(i=1; i<argc; i++) printf(" %s", argv[i]);
  return g.nError>0;
void SqliteDatabaseBackend::registerBusyHandler()
    sqlite3_busy_handler(sqliteDatabaseHandle(), &busyHandlerCallback, nullptr);