Example #1
** Execute zSql on database db.
** If zSql returns rows, then each row will have exactly one
** column.  (This will only happen if zSql begins with "SELECT".)
** Take each row of result and call execSql() again recursively.
** The execSqlF() routine does the same thing, except it accepts
** a format string as its third argument
static int execSql(sqlite3 *db, char **pzErrMsg, const char *zSql){
  sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
  int rc;

  /* printf("SQL: [%s]\n", zSql); fflush(stdout); */
  rc = sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, zSql, -1, &pStmt, 0);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;
  while( SQLITE_ROW==(rc = sqlite3_step(pStmt)) ){
    const char *zSubSql = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt,0);
    assert( sqlite3_strnicmp(zSql,"SELECT",6)==0 );
    /* The secondary SQL must be one of CREATE TABLE, CREATE INDEX,
    ** or INSERT.  Historically there have been attacks that first
    ** corrupt the sqlite_master.sql field with other kinds of statements
    ** then run VACUUM to get those statements to execute at inappropriate
    ** times. */
    if( zSubSql
     && (strncmp(zSubSql,"CRE",3)==0 || strncmp(zSubSql,"INS",3)==0)
      rc = execSql(db, pzErrMsg, zSubSql);
      if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) break;
  assert( rc!=SQLITE_ROW );
  if( rc==SQLITE_DONE ) rc = SQLITE_OK;
  if( rc ){
    sqlite3SetString(pzErrMsg, db, sqlite3_errmsg(db));
  return rc;
Example #2
** Case insensitive string comparison.
int fossil_strnicmp(const char *zA, const char *zB, int nByte){
  if( zA==0 ){
    if( zB==0 ) return 0;
    return -1;
  }else if( zB==0 ){
    return +1;
  if( nByte<0 ) nByte = strlen(zB);
  return sqlite3_strnicmp(zA, zB, nByte);
Example #3
** This is the callback routine for the code that initializes the
** database.  See sqlite3Init() below for additional information.
** This routine is also called from the OP_ParseSchema opcode of the VDBE.
** Each callback contains the following information:
**     argv[0] = name of thing being created
**     argv[1] = root page number for table or index. 0 for trigger or view.
**     argv[2] = SQL text for the CREATE statement.
int sqlite3InitCallback(void *pInit, int argc, char **argv, char **NotUsed){
  InitData *pData = (InitData*)pInit;
  sqlite3 *db = pData->db;
  int iDb = pData->iDb;

  assert( argc==3 );
  UNUSED_PARAMETER2(NotUsed, argc);
  assert( sqlite3_mutex_held(db->mutex) );
  DbClearProperty(db, iDb, DB_Empty);
  if( db->mallocFailed ){
    corruptSchema(pData, argv[0], 0);
    return 1;

  assert( iDb>=0 && iDb<db->nDb );
  if( argv==0 ) return 0;   /* Might happen if EMPTY_RESULT_CALLBACKS are on */
  if( argv[1]==0 ){
    corruptSchema(pData, argv[0], 0);
  }else if( sqlite3_strnicmp(argv[2],"create ",7)==0 ){
    /* Call the parser to process a CREATE TABLE, INDEX or VIEW.
    ** But because db->init.busy is set to 1, no VDBE code is generated
    ** or executed.  All the parser does is build the internal data
    ** structures that describe the table, index, or view.
    int rc;
    u8 saved_iDb = db->init.iDb;
    sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;
    TESTONLY(int rcp);            /* Return code from sqlite3_prepare() */

    assert( db->init.busy );
    db->init.iDb = iDb;
    db->init.newTnum = sqlite3Atoi(argv[1]);
    db->init.orphanTrigger = 0;
    TESTONLY(rcp = ) sqlite3_prepare(db, argv[2], -1, &pStmt, 0);
    rc = db->errCode;
    assert( (rc&0xFF)==(rcp&0xFF) );
    db->init.iDb = saved_iDb;
    assert( saved_iDb==0 || (db->flags & SQLITE_Vacuum)!=0 );
    if( SQLITE_OK!=rc ){
      if( db->init.orphanTrigger ){
        assert( iDb==1 );
        pData->rc = rc;
        if( rc==SQLITE_NOMEM ){
        }else if( rc!=SQLITE_INTERRUPT && (rc&0xFF)!=SQLITE_LOCKED ){
          corruptSchema(pData, argv[0], sqlite3_errmsg(db));
  }else if( argv[0]==0 || (argv[2]!=0 && argv[2][0]!=0) ){
Example #4
int fossil_stricmp(const char *zA, const char *zB){
  int nByte;
  int rc;
  if( zA==0 ){
    if( zB==0 ) return 0;
    return -1;
  }else if( zB==0 ){
    return +1;
  nByte = strlen(zB);
  rc = sqlite3_strnicmp(zA, zB, nByte);
  if( rc==0 && zA[nByte] ) rc = 1;
  return rc;
Example #5
** This function is used to determine if the main database file for 
** connection db is open in WAL mode or not. If no error occurs and the
** database file is in WAL mode, set *pbWal to true and return SQLITE_OK.
** If it is not in WAL mode, set *pbWal to false.
** If an error occurs, return an SQLite error code. The value of *pbWal
** is undefined in this case.
static int superlockIsWal(Superlock *pLock){
  int rc;                         /* Return Code */
  sqlite3_stmt *pStmt;            /* Compiled PRAGMA journal_mode statement */

  rc = sqlite3_prepare(pLock->db, "PRAGMA main.journal_mode", -1, &pStmt, 0);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ) return rc;

  pLock->bWal = 0;
  if( SQLITE_ROW==sqlite3_step(pStmt) ){
    const char *zMode = (const char *)sqlite3_column_text(pStmt, 0);
    if( zMode && strlen(zMode)==3 && sqlite3_strnicmp("wal", zMode, 3)==0 ){
      pLock->bWal = 1;

  return sqlite3_finalize(pStmt);
Example #6
static int fts5ConfigSetEnum(
  const Fts5Enum *aEnum, 
  const char *zEnum, 
  int *peVal
  int nEnum = strlen(zEnum);
  int i;
  int iVal = -1;

  for(i=0; aEnum[i].zName; i++){
    if( sqlite3_strnicmp(aEnum[i].zName, zEnum, nEnum)==0 ){
      if( iVal>=0 ) return SQLITE_ERROR;
      iVal = aEnum[i].eVal;

  *peVal = iVal;
  return iVal<0 ? SQLITE_ERROR : SQLITE_OK;
Example #7
File: name.c Project: digsrc/fossil
** Convert a symbolic name into a RID.  Acceptable forms:
**   *  SHA1 hash
**   *  SHA1 hash prefix of at least 4 characters
**   *  Symbolic Name
**   *  "tag:" + symbolic name
**   *  Date or date-time
**   *  "date:" + Date or date-time
**   *  symbolic-name ":" date-time
**   *  "tip"
** The following additional forms are available in local checkouts:
**   *  "current"
**   *  "prev" or "previous"
**   *  "next"
** Return the RID of the matching artifact.  Or return 0 if the name does not
** match any known object.  Or return -1 if the name is ambiguous.
** The zType parameter specifies the type of artifact: ci, t, w, e, g.
** If zType is NULL or "" or "*" then any type of artifact will serve.
** If zType is "br" then find the first check-in of the named branch
** rather than the last.
** zType is "ci" in most use cases since we are usually searching for
** a check-in.
** Note that the input zTag for types "t" and "e" is the SHA1 hash of
** the ticket-change or event-change artifact, not the randomly generated
** hexadecimal identifier assigned to tickets and events.  Those identifiers
** live in a separate namespace.
int symbolic_name_to_rid(const char *zTag, const char *zType){
  int vid;
  int rid = 0;
  int nTag;
  int i;
  int startOfBranch = 0;

  if( zType==0 || zType[0]==0 ){
    zType = "*";
  }else if( zType[0]=='b' ){
    zType = "ci";
    startOfBranch = 1;
  if( zTag==0 || zTag[0]==0 ) return 0;

  /* special keyword: "tip" */
  if( fossil_strcmp(zTag, "tip")==0 && (zType[0]=='*' || zType[0]=='c') ){
    rid = db_int(0,
      "SELECT objid"
      "  FROM event"
      " WHERE type='ci'"
      " ORDER BY event.mtime DESC"
    if( rid ) return rid;

  /* special keywords: "prev", "previous", "current", and "next" */
  if( g.localOpen && (vid=db_lget_int("checkout",0))!=0 ){
    if( fossil_strcmp(zTag, "current")==0 ){
      rid = vid;
    }else if( fossil_strcmp(zTag, "prev")==0
              || fossil_strcmp(zTag, "previous")==0 ){
      rid = db_int(0, "SELECT pid FROM plink WHERE cid=%d AND isprim", vid);
    }else if( fossil_strcmp(zTag, "next")==0 ){
      rid = db_int(0, "SELECT cid FROM plink WHERE pid=%d"
                      "  ORDER BY isprim DESC, mtime DESC", vid);
    if( rid ) return rid;

  /* Date and times */
  if( memcmp(zTag, "date:", 5)==0 ){
    rid = db_int(0,
      "SELECT objid FROM event"
      " WHERE mtime<=julianday(%Q,'utc') AND type GLOB '%q'"
      " ORDER BY mtime DESC LIMIT 1",
      &zTag[5], zType);
    return rid;
  if( fossil_isdate(zTag) ){
    rid = db_int(0,
      "SELECT objid FROM event"
      " WHERE mtime<=julianday(%Q,'utc') AND type GLOB '%q'"
      " ORDER BY mtime DESC LIMIT 1",
      zTag, zType);
    if( rid) return rid;

  /* Deprecated date & time formats:   "local:" + date-time and
  ** "utc:" + date-time */
  if( memcmp(zTag, "local:", 6)==0 ){
    rid = db_int(0,
      "SELECT objid FROM event"
      " WHERE mtime<=julianday(%Q) AND type GLOB '%q'"
      " ORDER BY mtime DESC LIMIT 1",
      &zTag[6], zType);
    return rid;
  if( memcmp(zTag, "utc:", 4)==0 ){
    rid = db_int(0,
      "SELECT objid FROM event"
      " WHERE mtime<=julianday('%qz') AND type GLOB '%q'"
      " ORDER BY mtime DESC LIMIT 1",
      &zTag[4], zType);
    return rid;

  /* "tag:" + symbolic-name */
  if( memcmp(zTag, "tag:", 4)==0 ){
    rid = db_int(0,
       "SELECT event.objid, max(event.mtime)"
       "  FROM tag, tagxref, event"
       " WHERE tag.tagname='sym-%q' "
       "   AND tagxref.tagid=tag.tagid AND tagxref.tagtype>0 "
       "   AND event.objid=tagxref.rid "
       "   AND event.type GLOB '%q'",
       &zTag[4], zType
    if( startOfBranch ) rid = start_of_branch(rid,1);
    return rid;

  /* root:TAG -> The origin of the branch */
  if( memcmp(zTag, "root:", 5)==0 ){
    rid = symbolic_name_to_rid(zTag+5, zType);
    return start_of_branch(rid, 0);

  /* symbolic-name ":" date-time */
  nTag = strlen(zTag);
  for(i=0; i<nTag-10 && zTag[i]!=':'; i++){}
  if( zTag[i]==':' && fossil_isdate(&zTag[i+1]) ){
    char *zDate = mprintf("%s", &zTag[i+1]);
    char *zTagBase = mprintf("%.*s", i, zTag);
    int nDate = strlen(zDate);
    if( sqlite3_strnicmp(&zDate[nDate-3],"utc",3)==0 ){
      zDate[nDate-3] = 'z';
      zDate[nDate-2] = 0;
    rid = db_int(0,
      "SELECT event.objid, max(event.mtime)"
      "  FROM tag, tagxref, event"
      " WHERE tag.tagname='sym-%q' "
      "   AND tagxref.tagid=tag.tagid AND tagxref.tagtype>0 "
      "   AND event.objid=tagxref.rid "
      "   AND event.mtime<=julianday(%Q)"
      "   AND event.type GLOB '%q'",
      zTagBase, zDate, zType
    return rid;

  /* SHA1 hash or prefix */
  if( nTag>=4 && nTag<=UUID_SIZE && validate16(zTag, nTag) ){
    Stmt q;
    char zUuid[UUID_SIZE+1];
    memcpy(zUuid, zTag, nTag+1);
    canonical16(zUuid, nTag);
    rid = 0;
    if( zType[0]=='*' ){
      db_prepare(&q, "SELECT rid FROM blob WHERE uuid GLOB '%q*'", zUuid);
        "SELECT blob.rid"
        "  FROM blob, event"
        " WHERE blob.uuid GLOB '%q*'"
        "   AND event.objid=blob.rid"
        "   AND event.type GLOB '%q'",
        zUuid, zType
    if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ){
      rid = db_column_int(&q, 0);
      if( db_step(&q)==SQLITE_ROW ) rid = -1;
    if( rid ) return rid;

  /* Symbolic name */
  rid = db_int(0,
    "SELECT event.objid, max(event.mtime)"
    "  FROM tag, tagxref, event"
    " WHERE tag.tagname='sym-%q' "
    "   AND tagxref.tagid=tag.tagid AND tagxref.tagtype>0 "
    "   AND event.objid=tagxref.rid "
    "   AND event.type GLOB '%q'",
    zTag, zType
  if( rid>0 ){
    if( startOfBranch ) rid = start_of_branch(rid,1);
    return rid;

  /* Undocumented:  numeric tags get translated directly into the RID */
  if( memcmp(zTag, "rid:", 4)==0 ){
    zTag += 4;
    for(i=0; fossil_isdigit(zTag[i]); i++){}
    if( zTag[i]==0 ){
      if( strcmp(zType,"*")==0 ){
        rid = atoi(zTag);
        rid = db_int(0,
          "SELECT event.objid"
          "  FROM event"
          " WHERE event.objid=%s"
          "   AND event.type GLOB '%q'", zTag /*safe-for-%s*/, zType);
  return rid;
 ** Attempt to load an SQLite extension library contained in the file
 ** zFile.  The entry point is zProc.  zProc may be 0 in which case a
 ** default entry point name (sqlite3_extension_init) is used.  Use
 ** of the default name is recommended.
 ** Return SQLITE_OK on success and SQLITE_ERROR if something goes wrong.
 ** If an error occurs and pzErrMsg is not 0, then fill *pzErrMsg with
 ** error message text.  The calling function should free this memory
 ** by calling sqlite3DbFree(db, ).
static int sqlite3LoadExtension(
                                sqlite3 *db,          /* Load the extension into this database connection */
                                const char *zFile,    /* Name of the shared library containing extension */
                                const char *zProc,    /* Entry point.  Use "sqlite3_extension_init" if 0 */
                                char **pzErrMsg       /* Put error message here if not 0 */
    sqlite3_vfs *pVfs = db->pVfs;
    void *handle;
    int (*xInit)(sqlite3*,char**,const sqlite3_api_routines*);
    char *zErrmsg = 0;
    const char *zEntry;
    char *zAltEntry = 0;
    void **aHandle;
    int nMsg = 300 + sqlite3Strlen30(zFile);
    int ii;
    /* Shared library endings to try if zFile cannot be loaded as written */
    static const char *azEndings[] = {
#elif defined(__APPLE__)
    if( pzErrMsg ) *pzErrMsg = 0;
    /* Ticket #1863.  To avoid a creating security problems for older
     ** applications that relink against newer versions of SQLite, the
     ** ability to run load_extension is turned off by default.  One
     ** must call sqlite3_enable_load_extension() to turn on extension
     ** loading.  Otherwise you get the following error.
    if( (db->flags & SQLITE_LoadExtension)==0 ){
        if( pzErrMsg ){
            *pzErrMsg = sqlite3_mprintf("not authorized");
        return SQLITE_ERROR;
    zEntry = zProc ? zProc : "sqlite3_extension_init";
    handle = sqlite3OsDlOpen(pVfs, zFile);
    for(ii=0; ii<ArraySize(azEndings) && handle==0; ii++){
        char *zAltFile = sqlite3_mprintf("%s.%s", zFile, azEndings[ii]);
        if( zAltFile==0 ) return SQLITE_NOMEM;
        handle = sqlite3OsDlOpen(pVfs, zAltFile);
    if( handle==0 ){
        if( pzErrMsg ){
            *pzErrMsg = zErrmsg = sqlite3_malloc(nMsg);
            if( zErrmsg ){
                sqlite3_snprintf(nMsg, zErrmsg,
                                 "unable to open shared library [%s]", zFile);
                sqlite3OsDlError(pVfs, nMsg-1, zErrmsg);
        return SQLITE_ERROR;
    xInit = (int(*)(sqlite3*,char**,const sqlite3_api_routines*))
    sqlite3OsDlSym(pVfs, handle, zEntry);
    /* If no entry point was specified and the default legacy
     ** entry point name "sqlite3_extension_init" was not found, then
     ** construct an entry point name "sqlite3_X_init" where the X is
     ** replaced by the lowercase value of every ASCII alphabetic
     ** character in the filename after the last "/" upto the first ".",
     ** and eliding the first three characters if they are "lib".
     ** Examples:
     **    /usr/local/lib/libExample5.4.3.so ==>  sqlite3_example_init
     **    C:/lib/mathfuncs.dll              ==>  sqlite3_mathfuncs_init
    if( xInit==0 && zProc==0 ){
        int iFile, iEntry, c;
        int ncFile = sqlite3Strlen30(zFile);
        zAltEntry = sqlite3_malloc(ncFile+30);
        if( zAltEntry==0 ){
            sqlite3OsDlClose(pVfs, handle);
            return SQLITE_NOMEM;
        memcpy(zAltEntry, "sqlite3_", 8);
        for(iFile=ncFile-1; iFile>=0 && zFile[iFile]!='/'; iFile--){}
        if( sqlite3_strnicmp(zFile+iFile, "lib", 3)==0 ) iFile += 3;
        for(iEntry=8; (c = zFile[iFile])!=0 && c!='.'; iFile++){
            if( sqlite3Isalpha(c) ){
                zAltEntry[iEntry++] = (char)sqlite3UpperToLower[(unsigned)c];
        memcpy(zAltEntry+iEntry, "_init", 6);
        zEntry = zAltEntry;
        xInit = (int(*)(sqlite3*,char**,const sqlite3_api_routines*))
        sqlite3OsDlSym(pVfs, handle, zEntry);
    if( xInit==0 ){
        if( pzErrMsg ){
            nMsg += sqlite3Strlen30(zEntry);
            *pzErrMsg = zErrmsg = sqlite3_malloc(nMsg);
            if( zErrmsg ){
                sqlite3_snprintf(nMsg, zErrmsg,
                                 "no entry point [%s] in shared library [%s]", zEntry, zFile);
                sqlite3OsDlError(pVfs, nMsg-1, zErrmsg);
        sqlite3OsDlClose(pVfs, handle);
        return SQLITE_ERROR;
    if( xInit(db, &zErrmsg, &sqlite3Apis) ){
        if( pzErrMsg ){
            *pzErrMsg = sqlite3_mprintf("error during initialization: %s", zErrmsg);
        sqlite3OsDlClose(pVfs, handle);
        return SQLITE_ERROR;
    /* Append the new shared library handle to the db->aExtension array. */
    aHandle = sqlite3DbMallocZero(db, sizeof(handle)*(db->nExtension+1));
    if( aHandle==0 ){
        return SQLITE_NOMEM;
    if( db->nExtension>0 ){
        memcpy(aHandle, db->aExtension, sizeof(handle)*db->nExtension);
    sqlite3DbFree(db, db->aExtension);
    db->aExtension = aHandle;
    db->aExtension[db->nExtension++] = handle;
    return SQLITE_OK;
Example #9
static const char *fts5ConfigSkipLiteral(const char *pIn){
  const char *p = pIn;
  switch( *p ){
    case 'n': case 'N':
      if( sqlite3_strnicmp("null", p, 4)==0 ){
        p = &p[4];
        p = 0;

    case 'x': case 'X':
      if( *p=='\'' ){
        while( (*p>='a' && *p<='f') 
            || (*p>='A' && *p<='F') 
            || (*p>='0' && *p<='9') 
        if( *p=='\'' && 0==((p-pIn)%2) ){
          p = 0;
        p = 0;

    case '\'':
      while( p ){
        if( *p=='\'' ){
          if( *p!='\'' ) break;
        if( *p==0 ) p = 0;

      /* maybe a number */
      if( *p=='+' || *p=='-' ) p++;
      while( fts5_isdigit(*p) ) p++;

      /* At this point, if the literal was an integer, the parse is 
      ** finished. Or, if it is a floating point value, it may continue
      ** with either a decimal point or an 'E' character. */
      if( *p=='.' && fts5_isdigit(p[1]) ){
        p += 2;
        while( fts5_isdigit(*p) ) p++;
      if( p==pIn ) p = 0;


  return p;
Example #10
** Parse a "special" CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE directive and update
** configuration object pConfig as appropriate.
** If successful, object pConfig is updated and SQLITE_OK returned. If
** an error occurs, an SQLite error code is returned and an error message
** may be left in *pzErr. It is the responsibility of the caller to
** eventually free any such error message using sqlite3_free().
static int fts5ConfigParseSpecial(
  Fts5Global *pGlobal,
  Fts5Config *pConfig,            /* Configuration object to update */
  const char *zCmd,               /* Special command to parse */
  const char *zArg,               /* Argument to parse */
  char **pzErr                    /* OUT: Error message */
  int rc = SQLITE_OK;
  int nCmd = (int)strlen(zCmd);
  if( sqlite3_strnicmp("prefix", zCmd, nCmd)==0 ){
    const int nByte = sizeof(int) * FTS5_MAX_PREFIX_INDEXES;
    const char *p;
    int bFirst = 1;
    if( pConfig->aPrefix==0 ){
      pConfig->aPrefix = sqlite3Fts5MallocZero(&rc, nByte);
      if( rc ) return rc;

    p = zArg;
    while( 1 ){
      int nPre = 0;

      while( p[0]==' ' ) p++;
      if( bFirst==0 && p[0]==',' ){
        while( p[0]==' ' ) p++;
      }else if( p[0]=='\0' ){
      if( p[0]<'0' || p[0]>'9' ){
        *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("malformed prefix=... directive");
        rc = SQLITE_ERROR;

      if( pConfig->nPrefix==FTS5_MAX_PREFIX_INDEXES ){
        *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf(
            "too many prefix indexes (max %d)", FTS5_MAX_PREFIX_INDEXES
        rc = SQLITE_ERROR;

      while( p[0]>='0' && p[0]<='9' && nPre<1000 ){
        nPre = nPre*10 + (p[0] - '0');

      if( rc==SQLITE_OK && (nPre<=0 || nPre>=1000) ){
        *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("prefix length out of range (max 999)");
        rc = SQLITE_ERROR;

      pConfig->aPrefix[pConfig->nPrefix] = nPre;
      bFirst = 0;
    assert( pConfig->nPrefix<=FTS5_MAX_PREFIX_INDEXES );
    return rc;

  if( sqlite3_strnicmp("tokenize", zCmd, nCmd)==0 ){
    const char *p = (const char*)zArg;
    int nArg = (int)strlen(zArg) + 1;
    char **azArg = sqlite3Fts5MallocZero(&rc, sizeof(char*) * nArg);
    char *pDel = sqlite3Fts5MallocZero(&rc, nArg * 2);
    char *pSpace = pDel;

    if( azArg && pSpace ){
      if( pConfig->pTok ){
        *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("multiple tokenize=... directives");
        rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
        for(nArg=0; p && *p; nArg++){
          const char *p2 = fts5ConfigSkipWhitespace(p);
          if( *p2=='\'' ){
            p = fts5ConfigSkipLiteral(p2);
            p = fts5ConfigSkipBareword(p2);
          if( p ){
            memcpy(pSpace, p2, p-p2);
            azArg[nArg] = pSpace;
            pSpace += (p - p2) + 1;
            p = fts5ConfigSkipWhitespace(p);
        if( p==0 ){
          *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("parse error in tokenize directive");
          rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
          rc = sqlite3Fts5GetTokenizer(pGlobal, 
              (const char**)azArg, nArg, &pConfig->pTok, &pConfig->pTokApi,

    return rc;

  if( sqlite3_strnicmp("content", zCmd, nCmd)==0 ){
    if( pConfig->eContent!=FTS5_CONTENT_NORMAL ){
      *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("multiple content=... directives");
      rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
      if( zArg[0] ){
        pConfig->eContent = FTS5_CONTENT_EXTERNAL;
        pConfig->zContent = sqlite3Fts5Mprintf(&rc, "%Q.%Q", pConfig->zDb,zArg);
        pConfig->eContent = FTS5_CONTENT_NONE;
    return rc;

  if( sqlite3_strnicmp("content_rowid", zCmd, nCmd)==0 ){
    if( pConfig->zContentRowid ){
      *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("multiple content_rowid=... directives");
      rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
      pConfig->zContentRowid = sqlite3Fts5Strndup(&rc, zArg, -1);
    return rc;

  if( sqlite3_strnicmp("columnsize", zCmd, nCmd)==0 ){
    if( (zArg[0]!='0' && zArg[0]!='1') || zArg[1]!='\0' ){
      *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("malformed columnsize=... directive");
      rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
      pConfig->bColumnsize = (zArg[0]=='1');
    return rc;

  if( sqlite3_strnicmp("detail", zCmd, nCmd)==0 ){
    const Fts5Enum aDetail[] = {
      { "none", FTS5_DETAIL_NONE },
      { "full", FTS5_DETAIL_FULL },
      { "columns", FTS5_DETAIL_COLUMNS },
      { 0, 0 }

    if( (rc = fts5ConfigSetEnum(aDetail, zArg, &pConfig->eDetail)) ){
      *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("malformed detail=... directive");
    return rc;

  *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("unrecognized option: \"%.*s\"", nCmd, zCmd);
  return SQLITE_ERROR;
Example #11
int sqlite3Fts3InitTokenizer(
  Fts3Hash *pHash,                /* Tokenizer hash table */
  const char *zArg,               /* Possible tokenizer specification */
  sqlite3_tokenizer **ppTok,      /* OUT: Tokenizer (if applicable) */
  const char **pzTokenizer,       /* OUT: Set to zArg if is tokenizer */
  char **pzErr                    /* OUT: Set to malloced error message */
  int rc;
  char *z = (char *)zArg;
  int n;
  char *zCopy;
  char *zEnd;                     /* Pointer to nul-term of zCopy */
  sqlite3_tokenizer_module *m;

  if( !z ){
    zCopy = sqlite3_mprintf("simple");
    if( sqlite3_strnicmp(z, "tokenize", 8) || fts3IsIdChar(z[8])){
      return SQLITE_OK;
    zCopy = sqlite3_mprintf("%s", &z[8]);
    *pzTokenizer = zArg;
  if( !zCopy ){
    return SQLITE_NOMEM;

  zEnd = &zCopy[strlen(zCopy)];

  z = (char *)sqlite3Fts3NextToken(zCopy, &n);
  z[n] = '\0';

  m = (sqlite3_tokenizer_module *)sqlite3Fts3HashFind(pHash, z, (int)strlen(z)+1);
  if( !m ){
    *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("unknown tokenizer: %s", z);
    rc = SQLITE_ERROR;
    char const **aArg = 0;
    int iArg = 0;
    z = &z[n+1];
    while( z<zEnd && (NULL!=(z = (char *)sqlite3Fts3NextToken(z, &n))) ){
      int nNew = sizeof(char *)*(iArg+1);
      char const **aNew = (const char **)sqlite3_realloc((void *)aArg, nNew);
      if( !aNew ){
        sqlite3_free((void *)aArg);
        return SQLITE_NOMEM;
      aArg = aNew;
      aArg[iArg++] = z;
      z[n] = '\0';
      z = &z[n+1];
    rc = m->xCreate(iArg, aArg, ppTok);
    assert( rc!=SQLITE_OK || *ppTok );
    if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
      *pzErr = sqlite3_mprintf("unknown tokenizer");
      (*ppTok)->pModule = m; 
    sqlite3_free((void *)aArg);

  return rc;
Example #12
** The output variable *ppExpr is populated with an allocated Fts3Expr 
** structure, or set to 0 if the end of the input buffer is reached.
** Returns an SQLite error code. SQLITE_OK if everything works, SQLITE_NOMEM
** if a malloc failure occurs, or SQLITE_ERROR if a parse error is encountered.
** If SQLITE_ERROR is returned, pContext is populated with an error message.
static int getNextNode(
  ParseContext *pParse,                   /* fts3 query parse context */
  const char *z, int n,                   /* Input string */
  Fts3Expr **ppExpr,                      /* OUT: expression */
  int *pnConsumed                         /* OUT: Number of bytes consumed */
  static const struct Fts3Keyword {
    char *z;                              /* Keyword text */
    unsigned char n;                      /* Length of the keyword */
    unsigned char parenOnly;              /* Only valid in paren mode */
    unsigned char eType;                  /* Keyword code */
  } aKeyword[] = {
    { "OR" ,  2, 0, FTSQUERY_OR   },
    { "AND",  3, 1, FTSQUERY_AND  },
    { "NOT",  3, 1, FTSQUERY_NOT  },
    { "NEAR", 4, 0, FTSQUERY_NEAR }
  int ii;
  int iCol;
  int iColLen;
  int rc;
  Fts3Expr *pRet = 0;

  const char *zInput = z;
  int nInput = n;

  /* Skip over any whitespace before checking for a keyword, an open or
  ** close bracket, or a quoted string. 
  while( nInput>0 && fts3isspace(*zInput) ){
  if( nInput==0 ){
    return SQLITE_DONE;

  /* See if we are dealing with a keyword. */
  for(ii=0; ii<(int)(sizeof(aKeyword)/sizeof(struct Fts3Keyword)); ii++){
    const struct Fts3Keyword *pKey = &aKeyword[ii];

    if( (pKey->parenOnly & ~sqlite3_fts3_enable_parentheses)!=0 ){

    if( nInput>=pKey->n && 0==memcmp(zInput, pKey->z, pKey->n) ){
      int nKey = pKey->n;
      char cNext;

      /* If this is a "NEAR" keyword, check for an explicit nearness. */
      if( pKey->eType==FTSQUERY_NEAR ){
        assert( nKey==4 );
        if( zInput[4]=='/' && zInput[5]>='0' && zInput[5]<='9' ){
          nNear = 0;
          for(nKey=5; zInput[nKey]>='0' && zInput[nKey]<='9'; nKey++){
            nNear = nNear * 10 + (zInput[nKey] - '0');

      /* At this point this is probably a keyword. But for that to be true,
      ** the next byte must contain either whitespace, an open or close
      ** parenthesis, a quote character, or EOF. 
      cNext = zInput[nKey];
      if( fts3isspace(cNext) 
       || cNext=='"' || cNext=='(' || cNext==')' || cNext==0
        pRet = (Fts3Expr *)fts3MallocZero(sizeof(Fts3Expr));
        if( !pRet ){
          return SQLITE_NOMEM;
        pRet->eType = pKey->eType;
        pRet->nNear = nNear;
        *ppExpr = pRet;
        *pnConsumed = (int)((zInput - z) + nKey);
        return SQLITE_OK;

      /* Turns out that wasn't a keyword after all. This happens if the
      ** user has supplied a token such as "ORacle". Continue.

  /* Check for an open bracket. */
  if( sqlite3_fts3_enable_parentheses ){
    if( *zInput=='(' ){
      int nConsumed;
      rc = fts3ExprParse(pParse, &zInput[1], nInput-1, ppExpr, &nConsumed);
      if( rc==SQLITE_OK && !*ppExpr ){
        rc = SQLITE_DONE;
      *pnConsumed = (int)((zInput - z) + 1 + nConsumed);
      return rc;
    /* Check for a close bracket. */
    if( *zInput==')' ){
      *pnConsumed = (int)((zInput - z) + 1);
      return SQLITE_DONE;

  /* See if we are dealing with a quoted phrase. If this is the case, then
  ** search for the closing quote and pass the whole string to getNextString()
  ** for processing. This is easy to do, as fts3 has no syntax for escaping
  ** a quote character embedded in a string.
  if( *zInput=='"' ){
    for(ii=1; ii<nInput && zInput[ii]!='"'; ii++);
    *pnConsumed = (int)((zInput - z) + ii + 1);
    if( ii==nInput ){
      return SQLITE_ERROR;
    return getNextString(pParse, &zInput[1], ii-1, ppExpr);

  /* If control flows to this point, this must be a regular token, or 
  ** the end of the input. Read a regular token using the sqlite3_tokenizer
  ** interface. Before doing so, figure out if there is an explicit
  ** column specifier for the token. 
  ** TODO: Strangely, it is not possible to associate a column specifier
  ** with a quoted phrase, only with a single token. Not sure if this was
  ** an implementation artifact or an intentional decision when fts3 was
  ** first implemented. Whichever it was, this module duplicates the 
  ** limitation.
  iCol = pParse->iDefaultCol;
  iColLen = 0;
  for(ii=0; ii<pParse->nCol; ii++){
    const char *zStr = pParse->azCol[ii];
    int nStr = (int)strlen(zStr);
    if( nInput>nStr && zInput[nStr]==':' 
     && sqlite3_strnicmp(zStr, zInput, nStr)==0 
      iCol = ii;
      iColLen = (int)((zInput - z) + nStr + 1);
  rc = getNextToken(pParse, iCol, &z[iColLen], n-iColLen, ppExpr, pnConsumed);
  *pnConsumed += iColLen;
  return rc;
static void parse_command_line(
  int argc, 
  char **argv, 
  int iStart,
  CmdLineOption *aOpt,
  void *pStruct,
  const char *zHelp
  char *pOut = (char*)pStruct;
  int bVerbose = 0;
  int iArg;

  for(iArg=iStart; iArg<argc; iArg++){
    const char *zArg = argv[iArg];
    int nArg = strlen(zArg);
    int nMatch = 0;
    int iOpt;

    for(iOpt=0; aOpt[iOpt].zText; iOpt++){
      CmdLineOption *pOpt = &aOpt[iOpt];
      if( 0==sqlite3_strnicmp(pOpt->zText, zArg, nArg) ){
        if( nMatch ){
        if( pOpt->eType==CMDLINE_BARE ){
          *(int*)(&pOut[pOpt->iOff]) = 1;
          if( iArg==argc ){
          switch( pOpt->eType ){
            case CMDLINE_INTEGER:
              *(int*)(&pOut[pOpt->iOff]) = get_integer_option(pOpt, argv[iArg]);
            case CMDLINE_STRING:
              *(const char**)(&pOut[pOpt->iOff]) = argv[iArg];
            case CMDLINE_BOOLEAN:
              *(int*)(&pOut[pOpt->iOff]) = get_boolean_option(pOpt, argv[iArg]);

    if( nMatch==0 && 0==sqlite3_strnicmp("-cmdline:verbose", zArg, nArg) ){
      bVerbose = 1;
      nMatch = 1;

    if( nMatch==0 ){
      unknown_option_error(zArg, aOpt, zHelp);

  if( bVerbose ){
    int iOpt;
    fprintf(stdout, "Options are: ");
    for(iOpt=0; aOpt[iOpt].zText; iOpt++){
      CmdLineOption *pOpt = &aOpt[iOpt];
      if( pOpt->eType!=CMDLINE_BARE || *(int*)(&pOut[pOpt->iOff]) ){
        fprintf(stdout, "%s ", pOpt->zText);
      switch( pOpt->eType ){
        case CMDLINE_INTEGER:
          fprintf(stdout, "%d ", *(int*)(&pOut[pOpt->iOff]));
        case CMDLINE_BOOLEAN:
          fprintf(stdout, "%d ", *(int*)(&pOut[pOpt->iOff]));
        case CMDLINE_STRING:
          fprintf(stdout, "%s ", *(const char**)(&pOut[pOpt->iOff]));
    fprintf(stdout, "\n");
Example #14
int main(int argc, char **argv){
  const char *zDb;
  int rc = 0;
  char *zErr = 0;
  int i;
  int iVerbose = 1;               /* -verbose option */

  sqlite3 *db = 0;
  sqlite3expert *p = 0;

  if( argc<2 ) usage(argv);
  zDb = argv[argc-1];
  if( zDb[0]=='-' ) usage(argv);
  rc = sqlite3_open(zDb, &db);
  if( rc!=SQLITE_OK ){
    fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open db file: %s - %s\n", zDb, sqlite3_errmsg(db));

  p = sqlite3_expert_new(db, &zErr);
  if( p==0 ){
    fprintf(stderr, "Cannot run analysis: %s\n", zErr);
    rc = 1;
    for(i=1; i<(argc-1); i++){
      char *zArg = argv[i];
      int nArg;
      if( zArg[0]=='-' && zArg[1]=='-' && zArg[2]!=0 ) zArg++;
      nArg = (int)strlen(zArg);
      if( nArg>=2 && 0==sqlite3_strnicmp(zArg, "-file", nArg) ){
        if( ++i==(argc-1) ) option_requires_argument("-file");
        rc = readSqlFromFile(p, argv[i], &zErr);

      else if( nArg>=3 && 0==sqlite3_strnicmp(zArg, "-sql", nArg) ){
        if( ++i==(argc-1) ) option_requires_argument("-sql");
        rc = sqlite3_expert_sql(p, argv[i], &zErr);

      else if( nArg>=3 && 0==sqlite3_strnicmp(zArg, "-sample", nArg) ){
        int iSample;
        if( ++i==(argc-1) ) option_requires_argument("-sample");
        iSample = option_integer_arg(argv[i]);
        sqlite3_expert_config(p, EXPERT_CONFIG_SAMPLE, iSample);

      else if( nArg>=2 && 0==sqlite3_strnicmp(zArg, "-verbose", nArg) ){
        if( ++i==(argc-1) ) option_requires_argument("-verbose");
        iVerbose = option_integer_arg(argv[i]);


  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    rc = sqlite3_expert_analyze(p, &zErr);

  if( rc==SQLITE_OK ){
    int nQuery = sqlite3_expert_count(p);
    if( iVerbose>0 ){
      const char *zCand = sqlite3_expert_report(p,0,EXPERT_REPORT_CANDIDATES);
      fprintf(stdout, "-- Candidates -------------------------------\n");
      fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", zCand);
    for(i=0; i<nQuery; i++){
      const char *zSql = sqlite3_expert_report(p, i, EXPERT_REPORT_SQL);
      const char *zIdx = sqlite3_expert_report(p, i, EXPERT_REPORT_INDEXES);
      const char *zEQP = sqlite3_expert_report(p, i, EXPERT_REPORT_PLAN);
      if( zIdx==0 ) zIdx = "(no new indexes)\n";
      if( iVerbose>0 ){
        fprintf(stdout, "-- Query %d ----------------------------------\n",i+1);
        fprintf(stdout, "%s\n\n", zSql);
      fprintf(stdout, "%s\n%s\n", zIdx, zEQP);
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", zErr ? zErr : "?");

  return rc;