Example #1
 * Make a new trap of the given type.  Return TRUE if successful.
 * We choose a player trap at random if the index is not legal. This means that
 * things which are not player traps must be picked by passing a valid index.
 * This should be the only function that places traps in the dungeon
 * except the savefile loading code.
void place_trap(struct chunk *c, int y, int x, int t_idx, int trap_level)
	struct trap *new_trap;

    /* We've been called with an illegal index; choose a random trap */
    if ((t_idx <= 0) || (t_idx >= z_info->trap_max)) {
		/* Require the correct terrain */
		if (!square_player_trap_allowed(c, y, x)) return;

		t_idx = pick_trap(c->squares[y][x].feat, trap_level);

    /* Failure */
    if (t_idx < 0) return;

	/* Allocate a new trap for this grid (at the front of the list) */
	new_trap = mem_zalloc(sizeof(*new_trap));
	new_trap->next = c->squares[y][x].trap;
	c->squares[y][x].trap = new_trap;

	/* Set the details */
	new_trap->t_idx = t_idx;
	new_trap->kind = &trap_info[t_idx];
	new_trap->fy = y;
	new_trap->fx = x;
	trf_copy(new_trap->flags, trap_info[t_idx].flags);

	/* Toggle on the trap marker */
	sqinfo_on(c->squares[y][x].info, SQUARE_TRAP);

	/* Redraw the grid */
	square_light_spot(c, y, x);
Example #2
 * This routine will "darken" all grids in the set passed in.
 * In addition, some of these grids will be "unmarked".
 * This routine is used (only) by "light_room()"
static void cave_unlight(struct point_set *ps)
	int i;

	/* Apply flag changes */
	for (i = 0; i < ps->n; i++)
		int y = ps->pts[i].y;
		int x = ps->pts[i].x;

		/* Darken the grid */
		sqinfo_off(cave->squares[y][x].info, SQUARE_GLOW);

		/* Hack -- Forget "boring" grids */
		if (square_isfloor(cave, y, x))
			sqinfo_off(cave->squares[y][x].info, SQUARE_MARK);

	/* Fully update the visuals */
	player->upkeep->update |= (PU_FORGET_VIEW | PU_UPDATE_VIEW | PU_MONSTERS);

	/* Update stuff */

	/* Process the grids */
	for (i = 0; i < ps->n; i++)
		int y = ps->pts[i].y;
		int x = ps->pts[i].x;

		/* Redraw the grid */
		square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
 * Set the terrain type for a square.
 * This should be the only function that sets terrain, apart from the savefile
 * loading code.
void square_set_feat(struct chunk *c, int y, int x, int feat)
	int current_feat = c->squares[y][x].feat;

	assert(y >= 0 && y < c->height);
	assert(x >= 0 && x < c->width);

	/* Track changes */
	if (current_feat) c->feat_count[current_feat]--;
	if (feat) c->feat_count[feat]++;

	/* Make the change */
	c->squares[y][x].feat = feat;

	/* Make the new terrain feel at home */
	if (character_dungeon) {
		/* Remove traps if necessary */
		if (!square_player_trap_allowed(c, y, x))
			square_destroy_trap(c, y, x);

		square_note_spot(c, y, x);
		square_light_spot(c, y, x);
	} else {
		/* Make sure no incorrect wall flags set for dungeon generation */
		sqinfo_off(c->squares[y][x].info, SQUARE_WALL_INNER);
		sqinfo_off(c->squares[y][x].info, SQUARE_WALL_OUTER);
		sqinfo_off(c->squares[y][x].info, SQUARE_WALL_SOLID);
Example #4
 * This routine will "darken" all grids in the set passed in.
 * In addition, some of these grids will be "unmarked".
 * This routine is used (only) by "light_room()"
static void cave_unlight(struct point_set *ps)
	int i;

	/* Apply flag changes */
	for (i = 0; i < ps->n; i++)	{
		int y = ps->pts[i].y;
		int x = ps->pts[i].x;

		/* Darken the grid */
		if (!square_isbright(cave, y, x)) {
			sqinfo_off(cave->squares[y][x].info, SQUARE_GLOW);

		/* Hack -- Forget "boring" grids */
		if (square_isfloor(cave, y, x))
			square_forget(cave, y, x);

	/* Process the grids */
	for (i = 0; i < ps->n; i++)	{
		int y = ps->pts[i].y;
		int x = ps->pts[i].x;

		/* Redraw the grid */
		square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
Example #5
 * Remove traps.
 * If called with t_idx < 0, will remove all traps in the location given.
 * Otherwise, will remove all traps with the given kind.
 * Return TRUE if no traps now exist in this grid.
bool square_remove_trap(struct chunk *c, int y, int x, bool domsg, int t_idx)
    bool trap_exists;
	struct trap **trap_slot = &c->squares[y][x].trap;
	struct trap *next_trap;

	/* Look at the traps in this grid */
	while (*trap_slot) {
		/* Get the next trap (may be NULL) */
		next_trap = (*trap_slot)->next;

		/* If called with a specific index, skip others */
		if ((t_idx >= 0) && (t_idx != (*trap_slot)->t_idx)) {
			if (!next_trap) break;
			trap_slot = &next_trap;

		/* Remove it */
		remove_trap_aux(c, *trap_slot, y, x, domsg);

		/* Replace with the next trap */
		*trap_slot = next_trap;

    /* Refresh grids that the character can see */
    if (square_isseen(c, y, x))
		square_light_spot(c, y, x);
    /* Verify traps (remove marker if appropriate) */
    trap_exists = square_verify_trap(c, y, x, 0);

    /* Report whether any traps exist in this grid */
    return (!trap_exists);
Example #6
 * Let the floor carry an object, deleting old ignored items if necessary.
 * The calling function must deal with the dropped object on failure.
 * Optionally put the object at the top or bottom of the pile
bool floor_carry(struct chunk *c, int y, int x, struct object *drop, bool last)
	int n = 0;
	struct object *obj, *ignore = floor_get_oldest_ignored(y, x);

	/* Fail if the square can't hold objects */
	if (!square_isobjectholding(c, y, x))
		return false;

	/* Scan objects in that grid for combination */
	for (obj = square_object(c, y, x); obj; obj = obj->next) {
		/* Check for combination */
		if (object_similar(obj, drop, OSTACK_FLOOR)) {
			/* Combine the items */
			object_absorb(obj, drop);

			/* Result */
			return true;

		/* Count objects */

	/* The stack is already too large */
	if (n >= z_info->floor_size || (!OPT(player, birth_stacking) && n)) {
		/* Delete the oldest ignored object */
		if (ignore) {
			square_excise_object(c, y, x, ignore);
			delist_object(c, ignore);
		} else
			return false;

	/* Location */
	drop->iy = y;
	drop->ix = x;

	/* Forget monster */
	drop->held_m_idx = 0;

	/* Link to the first or last object in the pile */
	if (last)
		pile_insert_end(&c->squares[y][x].obj, drop);
		pile_insert(&c->squares[y][x].obj, drop);

	/* Record in the level list */
	list_object(c, drop);

	/* Redraw */
	square_note_spot(c, y, x);
	square_light_spot(c, y, x);

	/* Result */
	return true;
Example #7
 * Reveal some of the player traps in a square
bool square_reveal_trap(struct chunk *c, int y, int x, bool always, bool domsg)
    int found_trap = 0;
	struct trap *trap = square_trap(c, y, x);
    /* Check there is a player trap */
    if (!square_isplayertrap(c, y, x))
		return false;

	/* Scan the grid */
	while (trap) {
		/* Skip non-player traps */
		if (!trf_has(trap->flags, TRF_TRAP)) {
			trap = trap->next;
		/* Skip traps the player doesn't notice */
		if (!always && player->state.skills[SKILL_SEARCH] < trap->power) {
			trap = trap->next;

		/* Trap is invisible */
		if (!trf_has(trap->flags, TRF_VISIBLE)) {
			/* See the trap */
			trf_on(trap->flags, TRF_VISIBLE);
			square_memorize(c, y, x);

			/* We found a trap */
		trap = trap->next;

    /* We found at least one trap */
    if (found_trap) {
		/* We want to talk about it */
		if (domsg) {
			if (found_trap == 1)
				msg("You have found a trap.");
				msg("You have found %d traps.", found_trap);

		/* Memorize */
		square_memorize(c, y, x);

		/* Redraw */
		square_light_spot(c, y, x);

    /* Return true if we found any traps */
    return (found_trap != 0);
Example #8
 * Housekeeping after the processing of a player command
static void process_player_cleanup(void)
	int i;

	/* Significant */
	if (player->upkeep->energy_use) {
		/* Use some energy */
		player->energy -= player->upkeep->energy_use;

		/* Increment the total energy counter */
		player->total_energy += player->upkeep->energy_use;

		/* Do nothing else if player has auto-dropped stuff */
		if (!player->upkeep->dropping) {
			/* Hack -- constant hallucination */
			if (player->timed[TMD_IMAGE])
				player->upkeep->redraw |= (PR_MAP);

			/* Shimmer multi-hued monsters */
			for (i = 1; i < cave_monster_max(cave); i++) {
				struct monster *mon = cave_monster(cave, i);
				if (!mon->race)
				if (!rf_has(mon->race->flags, RF_ATTR_MULTI))
				square_light_spot(cave, mon->fy, mon->fx);

			/* Clear NICE flag, and show marked monsters */
			for (i = 1; i < cave_monster_max(cave); i++) {
				struct monster *mon = cave_monster(cave, i);
				mflag_off(mon->mflag, MFLAG_NICE);
				if (mflag_has(mon->mflag, MFLAG_MARK)) {
					if (!mflag_has(mon->mflag, MFLAG_SHOW)) {
						mflag_off(mon->mflag, MFLAG_MARK);
						update_mon(mon, cave, false);

	/* Clear SHOW flag and player drop status */
	for (i = 1; i < cave_monster_max(cave); i++) {
		struct monster *mon = cave_monster(cave, i);
		mflag_off(mon->mflag, MFLAG_SHOW);
	player->upkeep->dropping = false;

	/* Hack - update needed first because inventory may have changed */
Example #9
 * This routine will Perma-Light all grids in the set passed in.
 * This routine is used (only) by "light_room()"
 * Dark grids are illuminated.
 * Also, process all affected monsters.
 * SMART monsters always wake up when illuminated
 * NORMAL monsters wake up 1/4 the time when illuminated
 * STUPID monsters wake up 1/10 the time when illuminated
static void cave_light(struct point_set *ps)
	int i;

	/* Apply flag changes */
	for (i = 0; i < ps->n; i++)
		int y = ps->pts[i].y;
		int x = ps->pts[i].x;

		/* Perma-Light */
		sqinfo_on(cave->squares[y][x].info, SQUARE_GLOW);

	/* Fully update the visuals */
	player->upkeep->update |= (PU_FORGET_VIEW | PU_UPDATE_VIEW | PU_MONSTERS);

	/* Update stuff */

	/* Process the grids */
	for (i = 0; i < ps->n; i++)
		int y = ps->pts[i].y;
		int x = ps->pts[i].x;

		/* Redraw the grid */
		square_light_spot(cave, y, x);

		/* Process affected monsters */
		if (cave->squares[y][x].mon > 0)
			int chance = 25;

			monster_type *m_ptr = square_monster(cave, y, x);

			/* Stupid monsters rarely wake up */
			if (rf_has(m_ptr->race->flags, RF_STUPID)) chance = 10;

			/* Smart monsters always wake up */
			if (rf_has(m_ptr->race->flags, RF_SMART)) chance = 100;

			/* Sometimes monsters wake up */
			if (m_ptr->m_timed[MON_TMD_SLEEP] && (randint0(100) < chance))
				/* Wake up! */
				mon_clear_timed(m_ptr, MON_TMD_SLEEP,

Example #10
 * Reveal some of the player traps in a square
bool square_reveal_trap(struct chunk *c, int y, int x, int chance, bool domsg)
    int found_trap = 0;
	struct trap *trap = c->squares[y][x].trap;
    /* Check there is a player trap */
    if (!square_isplayertrap(c, y, x))
		return FALSE;

	/* Scan the grid */
	while (trap) {
		/* Skip non-player traps */
		if (!trf_has(trap->flags, TRF_TRAP)) {
			trap = trap->next;
		/* Trap is invisible */
		if (!trf_has(trap->flags, TRF_VISIBLE)) {
			/* See the trap */
			trf_on(trap->flags, TRF_VISIBLE);
			sqinfo_on(c->squares[y][x].info, SQUARE_MARK);

			/* We found a trap */

			/* If chance is < 100, check for further looking */
			if ((chance < 100) && (randint1(100) > chance)) break;
		trap = trap->next;

    /* We found at least one trap */
    if (found_trap) {
		/* We want to talk about it */
		if (domsg) {
			if (found_trap == 1)
				msg("You have found a trap.");
				msg("You have found %d traps.", found_trap);

		/* Memorize */
		sqinfo_on(c->squares[y][x].info, SQUARE_MARK);

		/* Redraw */
		square_light_spot(c, y, x);

    /* Return TRUE if we found any traps */
    return (found_trap != 0);
Example #11
 * Remove traps.
 * If called with t_idx < 0, will remove all traps in the location given.
 * Otherwise, will remove all traps with the given kind.
 * Return true if no traps now exist in this grid.
bool square_set_trap_timeout(struct chunk *c, int y, int x, bool domsg,
							 int t_idx, int time)
    bool trap_exists;
	struct trap *current_trap = NULL;

	/* Bounds check */
	assert(square_in_bounds(c, y, x));

	/* Look at the traps in this grid */
	current_trap = c->squares[y][x].trap;
	while (current_trap) {
		/* Get the next trap (may be NULL) */
		struct trap *next_trap = current_trap->next;

		/* If called with a specific index, skip others */
		if ((t_idx >= 0) && (t_idx != current_trap->t_idx)) {
			if (!next_trap) break;
			current_trap = next_trap;

		/* Set the timer */
		current_trap->timeout = time;

		/* Message if requested */
		msg("You have disabled the %s.", current_trap->kind->name);

		/* Replace with the next trap */
		current_trap = next_trap;

    /* Refresh grids that the character can see */
    if (square_isseen(c, y, x))
		square_light_spot(c, y, x);

    /* Verify traps (remove marker if appropriate) */
    trap_exists = square_verify_trap(c, y, x, 0);

    /* Report whether any traps exist in this grid */
    return (!trap_exists);
Example #12
 * This routine will Perma-Light all grids in the set passed in.
 * This routine is used (only) by "light_room()"
 * Dark grids are illuminated.
 * Also, process all affected monsters.
 * SMART monsters always wake up when illuminated
 * NORMAL monsters wake up 1/4 the time when illuminated
 * STUPID monsters wake up 1/10 the time when illuminated
static void cave_light(struct point_set *ps)
	int i;

	/* Apply flag changes */
	for (i = 0; i < ps->n; i++)	{
		int y = ps->pts[i].y;
		int x = ps->pts[i].x;

		/* Perma-Light */
		sqinfo_on(cave->squares[y][x].info, SQUARE_GLOW);

	/* Process the grids */
	for (i = 0; i < ps->n; i++)	{
		int y = ps->pts[i].y;
		int x = ps->pts[i].x;

		/* Redraw the grid */
		square_light_spot(cave, y, x);

		/* Process affected monsters */
		if (cave->squares[y][x].mon > 0) {
			int chance = 25;

			struct monster *mon = square_monster(cave, y, x);

			/* Stupid monsters rarely wake up */
			if (monster_is_stupid(mon)) chance = 10;

			/* Smart monsters always wake up */
			if (monster_is_smart(mon)) chance = 100;

			/* Sometimes monsters wake up */
			if (mon->m_timed[MON_TMD_SLEEP] && (randint0(100) < chance)) {
				mon_clear_timed(mon, MON_TMD_SLEEP, MON_TMD_FLG_NOTIFY, false);
Example #13
 * Perform the basic "close" command
 * Assume there is no monster blocking the destination
 * Returns TRUE if repeated commands may continue
static bool do_cmd_close_aux(int y, int x)
	bool more = FALSE;

	/* Verify legality */
	if (!do_cmd_close_test(y, x)) return (FALSE);

	/* Broken door */
	if (square_isbrokendoor(cave, y, x))
		msg("The door appears to be broken.");
	} else {
		/* Close door */
		square_close_door(cave, y, x);
		sqinfo_on(cave->squares[y][x].info, SQUARE_MARK);
		square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
		player->upkeep->update |= (PU_UPDATE_VIEW | PU_MONSTERS);

	/* Result */
	return (more);
Example #14
 * Perform the basic "close" command
 * Assume there is no monster blocking the destination
 * Returns true if repeated commands may continue
static bool do_cmd_close_aux(int y, int x)
	bool more = false;

	/* Verify legality */
	if (!do_cmd_close_test(y, x)) return (false);

	/* Broken door */
	if (square_isbrokendoor(cave, y, x))
		msg("The door appears to be broken.");
	} else {
		/* Close door */
		square_close_door(cave, y, x);
		square_memorize(cave, y, x);
		square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
		player->upkeep->update |= (PU_UPDATE_VIEW | PU_MONSTERS);

	/* Result */
	return (more);
Example #15
 * Remove traps.
 * If called with t_idx < 0, will remove all traps in the location given.
 * Otherwise, will remove all traps with the given kind.
 * Return true if traps were removed.
bool square_remove_trap(struct chunk *c, int y, int x, int t_idx_remove)
	assert(square_in_bounds(c, y, x));

	bool removed = false;

	/* Look at the traps in this grid */
	struct trap *prev_trap = NULL;
	struct trap *trap = c->squares[y][x].trap;
	while (trap) {
		struct trap *next_trap = trap->next;

		if (t_idx_remove == trap->t_idx) {
			removed = true;

			if (prev_trap) {
				prev_trap->next = next_trap;
			} else {
				c->squares[y][x].trap = next_trap;


		prev_trap = trap;
		trap = next_trap;

	/* Refresh grids that the character can see */
	if (square_isseen(c, y, x))
		square_light_spot(c, y, x);

	(void)square_verify_trap(c, y, x, 0);

	return removed;
Example #16
 * Remove all traps from a grid.
 * Return true if traps were removed.
bool square_remove_all_traps(struct chunk *c, int y, int x)
	assert(square_in_bounds(c, y, x));

	struct trap *trap = c->squares[y][x].trap;
	bool were_there_traps = trap == NULL ? false : true;

	while (trap) {
		struct trap *next_trap = trap->next;
		trap = next_trap;

	c->squares[y][x].trap = NULL;

	/* Refresh grids that the character can see */
	if (square_isseen(c, y, x)) {
		square_light_spot(c, y, x);

	(void)square_verify_trap(c, y, x, 0);

	return were_there_traps;
Example #17
 * Called from project() to affect objects
 * Called for projections with the PROJECT_ITEM flag set, which includes
 * beam, ball and breath effects.
 * \param who is the monster list index of the caster
 * \param r is the distance from the centre of the effect
 * \param y the coordinates of the grid being handled
 * \param x the coordinates of the grid being handled
 * \param dam is the "damage" from the effect at distance r from the centre
 * \param typ is the projection (GF_) type
 * \param protected_obj is an object that should not be affected by the 
 *        projection, typically the object that created it
 * \return whether the effects were obvious
 * Note that this function determines if the player can see anything that
 * happens by taking into account: blindness, line-of-sight, and illumination.
 * Hack -- effects on objects which are memorized but not in view are also seen.
bool project_o(int who, int r, int y, int x, int dam, int typ,
			   const struct object *protected_obj)
	struct object *obj = square_object(cave, y, x);
	bool obvious = false;

	/* Scan all objects in the grid */
	while (obj) {
		bool ignore = false;
		bool do_kill = false;
		const char *note_kill = NULL;
		struct object *next = obj->next;
		project_object_handler_context_t context = {
		project_object_handler_f object_handler = object_handlers[typ];

		if (object_handler != NULL)

		obvious = context.obvious;
		do_kill = context.do_kill && (obj != protected_obj);
		ignore = context.ignore;
		note_kill = context.note_kill;

		/* Attempt to destroy the object */
		if (do_kill) {
			char o_name[80];

			/* Effect observed */
			if (obj->known && !ignore_item_ok(obj) &&
				square_isseen(cave, y, x)) {
				obvious = true;
				object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), obj, ODESC_BASE);

			/* Artifacts, and other objects, get to resist */
			if (obj->artifact || ignore) {
				/* Observe the resist */
				if (obvious && obj->known && !ignore_item_ok(obj))
					msg("The %s %s unaffected!", o_name,
						VERB_AGREEMENT(obj->number, "is", "are"));
			} else if (obj->mimicking_m_idx) {
				/* Reveal mimics */
				if (obvious)
					become_aware(cave_monster(cave, obj->mimicking_m_idx));
			} else {
				/* Describe if needed */
				if (obvious && obj->known && note_kill && !ignore_item_ok(obj))
					msgt(MSG_DESTROY, "The %s %s!", o_name, note_kill);

				/* Delete the object */
				square_excise_object(cave, y, x, obj);
				delist_object(cave, obj);

				/* Redraw */
				square_note_spot(cave, y, x);
				square_light_spot(cave, y, x);

		/* Next object */
		obj = next;

	/* Return "Anything seen?" */
	return (obvious);
Example #18
 * Move player in the given direction.
 * This routine should only be called when energy has been expended.
 * Note that this routine handles monsters in the destination grid,
 * and also handles attempting to move into walls/doors/rubble/etc.
void move_player(int dir, bool disarm)
	int y = player->py + ddy[dir];
	int x = player->px + ddx[dir];

	int m_idx = cave->squares[y][x].mon;
	struct monster *mon = cave_monster(cave, m_idx);
	bool alterable = (square_isknowntrap(cave, y, x) ||
					  square_iscloseddoor(cave, y, x));

	/* Attack monsters, alter traps/doors on movement, hit obstacles or move */
	if (m_idx > 0) {
		/* Mimics surprise the player */
		if (is_mimicking(mon)) {

			/* Mimic wakes up */
			mon_clear_timed(mon, MON_TMD_SLEEP, MON_TMD_FLG_NOMESSAGE, false);

		} else {
			py_attack(y, x);
	} else if (disarm && square_isknown(cave, y, x) && alterable) {
		/* Auto-repeat if not already repeating */
		if (cmd_get_nrepeats() == 0)

	} else if (player->upkeep->running && square_isknowntrap(cave, y, x)) {
		/* Stop running before known traps */
		disturb(player, 0);
	} else if (!square_ispassable(cave, y, x)) {
		disturb(player, 0);

		/* Notice unknown obstacles, mention known obstacles */
		if (!square_isknown(cave, y, x)) {
			if (square_isrubble(cave, y, x)) {
					 "You feel a pile of rubble blocking your way.");
				square_memorize(cave, y, x);
				square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
			} else if (square_iscloseddoor(cave, y, x)) {
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "You feel a door blocking your way.");
				square_memorize(cave, y, x);
				square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
			} else {
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "You feel a wall blocking your way.");
				square_memorize(cave, y, x);
				square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
		} else {
			if (square_isrubble(cave, y, x))
					 "There is a pile of rubble blocking your way.");
			else if (square_iscloseddoor(cave, y, x))
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "There is a door blocking your way.");
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "There is a wall blocking your way.");
	} else {
		/* Move player */
		monster_swap(player->py, player->px, y, x);

		/* Handle store doors, or notice objects */
		if (square_isshop(cave, y, x)) {
			disturb(player, 0);
		} else {
			square_know_pile(cave, y, x);

		/* Discover invisible traps, set off visible ones */
		if (square_issecrettrap(cave, y, x)) {
			disturb(player, 0);
			hit_trap(y, x);
		} else if (square_isknowntrap(cave, y, x)) {
			disturb(player, 0);
			hit_trap(y, x);

		/* Update view and search */
		update_view(cave, player);

	player->upkeep->running_firststep = false;
Example #19
 * Perform the basic "open" command on doors
 * Assume there is no monster blocking the destination
 * Returns true if repeated commands may continue
static bool do_cmd_open_aux(int y, int x)
	int i, j;
	bool more = false;

	/* Verify legality */
	if (!do_cmd_open_test(y, x)) return (false);

	/* Locked door */
	if (square_islockeddoor(cave, y, x)) {
		/* Disarm factor */
		i = player->state.skills[SKILL_DISARM_PHYS];

		/* Penalize some conditions */
		if (player->timed[TMD_BLIND] || no_light())
			i = i / 10;
		if (player->timed[TMD_CONFUSED] || player->timed[TMD_IMAGE])
			i = i / 10;

		/* Extract the lock power */
		j = square_door_power(cave, y, x);

		/* Extract the difficulty XXX XXX XXX */
		j = i - (j * 4);

		/* Always have a small chance of success */
		if (j < 2) j = 2;

		if (randint0(100) < j) {
			/* Message */
			msgt(MSG_LOCKPICK, "You have picked the lock.");

			/* Open the door */
			square_open_door(cave, y, x);

			/* Update the visuals */
			square_memorize(cave, y, x);
			square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
			player->upkeep->update |= (PU_UPDATE_VIEW | PU_MONSTERS);

			/* Experience */
			/* Removed to avoid exploit by repeatedly locking and unlocking */
			/* player_exp_gain(player, 1); */
		} else {

			/* Message */
			msgt(MSG_LOCKPICK_FAIL, "You failed to pick the lock.");

			/* We may keep trying */
			more = true;
	} else {
		/* Closed door */
		square_open_door(cave, y, x);
		square_memorize(cave, y, x);
		square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
		player->upkeep->update |= (PU_UPDATE_VIEW | PU_MONSTERS);

	/* Result */
	return (more);
Example #20
 * Grab all objects from the grid.
void process_monster_grab_objects(struct chunk *c, struct monster *mon, 
		const char *m_name, int nx, int ny)
	struct monster_lore *lore = get_lore(mon->race);
	struct object *obj;
	bool visible = mflag_has(mon->mflag, MFLAG_VISIBLE);

	/* Learn about item pickup behavior */
	for (obj = square_object(c, ny, nx); obj; obj = obj->next) {
		if (!tval_is_money(obj) && visible) {
			rf_on(lore->flags, RF_TAKE_ITEM);
			rf_on(lore->flags, RF_KILL_ITEM);

	/* Abort if can't pickup/kill */
	if (!rf_has(mon->race->flags, RF_TAKE_ITEM) &&
		!rf_has(mon->race->flags, RF_KILL_ITEM)) {

	/* Take or kill objects on the floor */
	obj = square_object(c, ny, nx);
	while (obj) {
		char o_name[80];
		bool safe = obj->artifact ? true : false;
		struct object *next = obj->next;

		/* Skip gold */
		if (tval_is_money(obj)) {
			obj = next;

		/* Skip mimicked objects */
		if (obj->mimicking_m_idx) {
			obj = next;

		/* Get the object name */
		object_desc(o_name, sizeof(o_name), obj, ODESC_PREFIX | ODESC_FULL);

		/* React to objects that hurt the monster */
		if (react_to_slay(obj, mon))
			safe = true;

		/* Try to pick up, or crush */
		if (safe) {
			/* Only give a message for "take_item" */
			if (rf_has(mon->race->flags, RF_TAKE_ITEM) && visible &&
				square_isview(c, ny, nx) && !ignore_item_ok(obj)) {
				/* Dump a message */
				msg("%s tries to pick up %s, but fails.", m_name, o_name);
		} else if (rf_has(mon->race->flags, RF_TAKE_ITEM)) {
			/* Describe observable situations */
			if (square_isseen(c, ny, nx) && !ignore_item_ok(obj))
				msg("%s picks up %s.", m_name, o_name);

			/* Carry the object */
			square_excise_object(c, ny, nx, obj);
			monster_carry(c, mon, obj);
			square_note_spot(c, ny, nx);
			square_light_spot(c, ny, nx);
		} else {
			/* Describe observable situations */
			if (square_isseen(c, ny, nx) && !ignore_item_ok(obj))
				msgt(MSG_DESTROY, "%s crushes %s.", m_name, o_name);

			/* Delete the object */
			square_excise_object(c, ny, nx, obj);
			delist_object(c, obj);
			square_note_spot(c, ny, nx);
			square_light_spot(c, ny, nx);

		/* Next object */
		obj = next;
Example #21
 * Attempt to open the given chest at the given location
 * Assume there is no monster blocking the destination
 * Returns TRUE if repeated commands may continue
bool do_cmd_open_chest(int y, int x, struct object *obj)
	int i, j;

	bool flag = TRUE;

	bool more = FALSE;

	/* Attempt to unlock it */
	if (obj->pval > 0) {
		/* Assume locked, and thus not open */
		flag = FALSE;

		/* Get the "disarm" factor */
		i = player->state.skills[SKILL_DISARM];

		/* Penalize some conditions */
		if (player->timed[TMD_BLIND] || no_light()) i = i / 10;
		if (player->timed[TMD_CONFUSED] || player->timed[TMD_IMAGE]) i = i / 10;

		/* Extract the difficulty */
		j = i - obj->pval;

		/* Always have a small chance of success */
		if (j < 2) j = 2;

		/* Success -- May still have traps */
		if (randint0(100) < j) {
			msgt(MSG_LOCKPICK, "You have picked the lock.");
			player_exp_gain(player, 1);
			flag = TRUE;
		} else {
			/* We may continue repeating */
			more = TRUE;
			msgt(MSG_LOCKPICK_FAIL, "You failed to pick the lock.");

	/* Allowed to open */
	if (flag) {
		/* Apply chest traps, if any */
		chest_trap(y, x, obj);

		/* Let the Chest drop items */
		chest_death(y, x, obj);

		/* Ignore chest if autoignore calls for it */
		player->upkeep->notice |= PN_IGNORE;

	/* Empty chests were always ignored in ignore_item_okay so we
	 * might as well ignore it here
	if (obj->pval == 0)
		obj->ignore = TRUE;

	/* Redraw chest, to be on the safe side (it may have been ignored) */
	square_light_spot(cave, y, x);

	/* Result */
	return (more);
Example #22
 * Move player in the given direction.
 * This routine should only be called when energy has been expended.
 * Note that this routine handles monsters in the destination grid,
 * and also handles attempting to move into walls/doors/rubble/etc.
void move_player(int dir, bool disarm)
	int py = player->py;
	int px = player->px;

	int y = py + ddy[dir];
	int x = px + ddx[dir];

	int m_idx = cave->squares[y][x].mon;
	struct monster *mon = cave_monster(cave, m_idx);
	bool alterable = (square_isknowntrap(cave, y, x) ||
					  square_iscloseddoor(cave, y, x));

	/* Attack monsters, alter traps/doors on movement, hit obstacles or move */
	if (m_idx > 0) {
		/* Mimics surprise the player */
		if (is_mimicking(mon)) {

			/* Mimic wakes up */
			mon_clear_timed(mon, MON_TMD_SLEEP, MON_TMD_FLG_NOMESSAGE, false);

		} else {
			py_attack(y, x);
	} else if (disarm && square_isknown(cave, y, x) && alterable) {
		/* Auto-repeat if not already repeating */
		if (cmd_get_nrepeats() == 0)

	} else if (player->upkeep->running && square_isknowntrap(cave, y, x)) {
		/* Stop running before known traps */
		disturb(player, 0);
	} else if (!square_ispassable(cave, y, x)) {
		/* Disturb the player */
		disturb(player, 0);

		/* Notice unknown obstacles, mention known obstacles */
		if (!square_isknown(cave, y, x)) {
			if (square_isrubble(cave, y, x)) {
					 "You feel a pile of rubble blocking your way.");
				square_memorize(cave, y, x);
				square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
			} else if (square_iscloseddoor(cave, y, x)) {
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "You feel a door blocking your way.");
				square_memorize(cave, y, x);
				square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
			} else {
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "You feel a wall blocking your way.");
				square_memorize(cave, y, x);
				square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
		} else {
			if (square_isrubble(cave, y, x))
					 "There is a pile of rubble blocking your way.");
			else if (square_iscloseddoor(cave, y, x))
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "There is a door blocking your way.");
				msgt(MSG_HITWALL, "There is a wall blocking your way.");
	} else {
		/* See if trap detection status will change */
		bool old_dtrap = square_isdtrap(cave, py, px);
		bool new_dtrap = square_isdtrap(cave, y, x);

		/* Note the change in the detect status */
		if (old_dtrap != new_dtrap)
			player->upkeep->redraw |= (PR_DTRAP);

		/* Disturb player if the player is about to leave the area */
		if (player->upkeep->running && !player->upkeep->running_firststep && 
			old_dtrap && !new_dtrap) {
			disturb(player, 0);

		/* Move player */
		monster_swap(py, px, y, x);

		/* New location */
		y = py = player->py;
		x = px = player->px;

		/* Searching */
		if (player->searching ||
				(player->state.skills[SKILL_SEARCH_FREQUENCY] >= 50) ||
				one_in_(50 - player->state.skills[SKILL_SEARCH_FREQUENCY]))

		/* Handle store doors, or notice objects */
		if (square_isshop(cave, player->py, player->px)) {
			/* Disturb */
			disturb(player, 0);
		} else {
			/* Know objects, queue autopickup */
			floor_pile_know(cave, player->py, player->px);

		/* Discover invisible traps, set off visible ones */
		if (square_issecrettrap(cave, y, x)) {
			/* Disturb */
			disturb(player, 0);

			/* Hit the trap. */
			hit_trap(y, x);
		} else if (square_isknowntrap(cave, y, x)) {
			/* Disturb */
			disturb(player, 0);

			/* Hit the trap */
			hit_trap(y, x);

	player->upkeep->running_firststep = false;
Example #23
 * Deletes a monster by index.
 * When a monster is deleted, all of its objects are deleted.
void delete_monster_idx(int m_idx)
	assert(m_idx > 0);

	struct monster *mon = cave_monster(cave, m_idx);

	int y = mon->fy;
	int x = mon->fx;
	assert(square_in_bounds(cave, y, x));

	/* Hack -- Reduce the racial counter */

	/* Hack -- count the number of "reproducers" */
	if (rf_has(mon->race->flags, RF_MULTIPLY))

	/* Hack -- remove target monster */
	if (target_get_monster() == mon)

	/* Hack -- remove tracked monster */
	if (player->upkeep->health_who == mon)
		health_track(player->upkeep, NULL);

	/* Monster is gone */
	cave->squares[y][x].mon = 0;

	/* Delete objects */
	struct object *obj = mon->held_obj;
	while (obj) {
		struct object *next = obj->next;

		/* Preserve unseen artifacts (we assume they were created as this
		 * monster's drop) - this will cause unintended behaviour in preserve
		 * off mode if monsters can pick up artifacts */
		if (obj->artifact && !(obj->known && obj->known->artifact))
			obj->artifact->created = false;

		/* Delete the object */
		delist_object(cave, obj);
		obj = next;

	/* Delete mimicked objects */
	if (mon->mimicked_obj) {
		square_excise_object(cave, y, x, mon->mimicked_obj);
		delist_object(cave, mon->mimicked_obj);

	/* Wipe the Monster */
	memset(mon, 0, sizeof(struct monster));

	/* Count monsters */

	/* Visual update */
	square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
Example #24
 * Handle things that need updating once every 10 game turns
void process_world(struct chunk *c)
	int i, y, x;

	/* Compact the monster list if we're approaching the limit */
	if (cave_monster_count(cave) + 32 > z_info->level_monster_max)

	/* Too many holes in the monster list - compress */
	if (cave_monster_count(cave) + 32 < cave_monster_max(cave))

	/*** Check the Time ***/

	/* Play an ambient sound at regular intervals. */
	if (!(turn % ((10L * z_info->day_length) / 4)))

	/*** Handle stores and sunshine ***/

	if (!player->depth) {
		/* Daybreak/Nighfall in town */
		if (!(turn % ((10L * z_info->day_length) / 2))) {
			bool dawn;

			/* Check for dawn */
			dawn = (!(turn % (10L * z_info->day_length)));

			/* Day breaks */
			if (dawn)
				msg("The sun has risen.");

			/* Night falls */
				msg("The sun has fallen.");

			/* Illuminate */
			cave_illuminate(c, dawn);
	} else {
		/* Update the stores once a day (while in the dungeon).
		   The changes are not actually made until return to town,
		   to avoid giving details away in the knowledge menu. */
		if (!(turn % (10L * z_info->store_turns))) daycount++;

	/* Check for creature generation */
	if (one_in_(z_info->alloc_monster_chance))
		(void)pick_and_place_distant_monster(cave, player,
											 z_info->max_sight + 5, true,

	/*** Damage over Time ***/

	/* Take damage from poison */
	if (player->timed[TMD_POISONED])
		take_hit(player, 1, "poison");

	/* Take damage from cuts */
	if (player->timed[TMD_CUT]) {
		/* Mortal wound or Deep Gash */
		if (player->timed[TMD_CUT] > TMD_CUT_SEVERE)
			i = 3;

		/* Severe cut */
		else if (player->timed[TMD_CUT] > TMD_CUT_NASTY)
			i = 2;

		/* Other cuts */
			i = 1;

		/* Take damage */
		take_hit(player, i, "a fatal wound");

	/*** Check the Food, and Regenerate ***/

	/* Digest normally */
	if (!(turn % 100)) {
		/* Basic digestion rate based on speed */
		i = turn_energy(player->state.speed) * 2;

		/* Regeneration takes more food */
		if (player_of_has(player, OF_REGEN)) i += 30;

		/* Slow digestion takes less food */
		if (player_of_has(player, OF_SLOW_DIGEST)) i /= 5;

		/* Minimal digestion */
		if (i < 1) i = 1;

		/* Digest some food */
		player_set_food(player, player->food - i);

	/* Getting Faint */
	if (player->food < PY_FOOD_FAINT) {
		/* Faint occasionally */
		if (!player->timed[TMD_PARALYZED] && one_in_(10)) {
			/* Message */
			msg("You faint from the lack of food.");
			disturb(player, 1);

			/* Faint (bypass free action) */
			(void)player_inc_timed(player, TMD_PARALYZED, 1 + randint0(5),
								   true, false);

	/* Starve to death (slowly) */
	if (player->food < PY_FOOD_STARVE) {
		/* Calculate damage */
		i = (PY_FOOD_STARVE - player->food) / 10;

		/* Take damage */
		take_hit(player, i, "starvation");

	/* Regenerate Hit Points if needed */
	if (player->chp < player->mhp)

	/* Regenerate mana if needed */
	if (player->csp < player->msp)

	/* Timeout various things */

	/* Process light */

	/*** Process Inventory ***/

	/* Handle experience draining */
	if (player_of_has(player, OF_DRAIN_EXP)) {
		if ((player->exp > 0) && one_in_(10)) {
			s32b d = damroll(10, 6) +
				(player->exp / 100) * z_info->life_drain_percent;
			player_exp_lose(player, d / 10, false);

		equip_learn_flag(player, OF_DRAIN_EXP);

	/* Recharge activatable objects and rods */

	/* Notice things after time */
	if (!(turn % 100))

	/* Decrease trap timeouts */
	for (y = 0; y < cave->height; y++) {
		for (x = 0; x < cave->width; x++) {
			struct trap *trap = cave->squares[y][x].trap;
			while (trap) {
				if (trap->timeout) {
					if (!trap->timeout)
						square_light_spot(cave, y, x);
				trap = trap->next;

	/*** Involuntary Movement ***/

	/* Delayed Word-of-Recall */
	if (player->word_recall) {
		/* Count down towards recall */

		/* Activate the recall */
		if (!player->word_recall) {
			/* Disturbing! */
			disturb(player, 0);

			/* Determine the level */
			if (player->depth) {
				msgt(MSG_TPLEVEL, "You feel yourself yanked upwards!");
				dungeon_change_level(player, 0);
			} else {
				msgt(MSG_TPLEVEL, "You feel yourself yanked downwards!");
                /* Force descent to a lower level if allowed */
                if (OPT(player, birth_force_descend) &&
					player->max_depth < z_info->max_depth - 1 &&
					!is_quest(player->max_depth)) {
                    player->max_depth = dungeon_get_next_level(player->max_depth, 1);

				/* New depth - back to max depth or 1, whichever is deeper */
				dungeon_change_level(player, player->max_depth < 1 ? 1: player->max_depth);

	/* Delayed Deep Descent */
	if (player->deep_descent) {
		/* Count down towards recall */

		/* Activate the recall */
		if (player->deep_descent == 0) {
			int target_increment;
			int target_depth = player->max_depth;

			/* Calculate target depth */
			target_increment = (4 / z_info->stair_skip) + 1;
			target_depth = dungeon_get_next_level(player->max_depth, target_increment);

			disturb(player, 0);

			/* Determine the level */
			if (target_depth > player->depth) {
				msgt(MSG_TPLEVEL, "The floor opens beneath you!");
				dungeon_change_level(player, target_depth);
			} else {
				/* Otherwise do something disastrous */
				msgt(MSG_TPLEVEL, "You are thrown back in an explosion!");
				effect_simple(EF_DESTRUCTION, "0", 0, 5, 0, NULL);