Example #1
 * Remove the source belonging to the specified channel.
 * @param session The session to use. Must not be NULL.
 * @param channel The channel for which the source should be removed.
 *                Must not be NULL.
 * @retval SR_OK Success.
 * @retval SR_ERR_ARG Invalid argument.
 * @return SR_ERR_BUG Internal error.
 * @since 0.2.0
 * @private
SR_PRIV int sr_session_source_remove_channel(struct sr_session *session,
		GIOChannel *channel)
	if (!channel) {
		sr_err("%s: channel was NULL", __func__);
		return SR_ERR_ARG;
	return sr_session_source_remove_internal(session, channel);
Example #2
 * Remove the source belonging to the specified poll descriptor.
 * @param session The session to use. Must not be NULL.
 * @param pollfd The poll descriptor for which the source should be removed.
 *               Must not be NULL.
 * @return SR_OK upon success, SR_ERR_ARG upon invalid arguments, or
 *         SR_ERR_MALLOC upon memory allocation errors, SR_ERR_BUG upon
 *         internal errors.
 * @since 0.2.0
 * @private
SR_PRIV int sr_session_source_remove_pollfd(struct sr_session *session,
		GPollFD *pollfd)
	if (!pollfd) {
		sr_err("%s: pollfd was NULL", __func__);
		return SR_ERR_ARG;
	return sr_session_source_remove_internal(session, pollfd);
Example #3
/** @private */
SR_PRIV int serial_source_remove(struct sr_session *session,
		struct sr_serial_dev_inst *serial)
	return sr_session_source_remove_internal(session, serial->data);
Example #4
 * Remove the source belonging to the specified file descriptor.
 * @param session The session to use. Must not be NULL.
 * @param fd The file descriptor for which the source should be removed.
 * @retval SR_OK Success
 * @retval SR_ERR_ARG Invalid argument
 * @retval SR_ERR_BUG Internal error.
 * @since 0.3.0
 * @private
SR_PRIV int sr_session_source_remove(struct sr_session *session, int fd)
	return sr_session_source_remove_internal(session, GINT_TO_POINTER(fd));
Example #5
SR_PRIV int usb_source_remove(struct sr_session *session, struct sr_context *ctx)
	return sr_session_source_remove_internal(session, ctx->libusb_ctx);