Example #1
void base_free() {
Example #2
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  int ret; 
  srslte_cell_t cell;
  srslte_ue_mib_t ue_mib; 
#ifndef DISABLE_RF
  srslte_rf_t rf; 
  int n; 
  uint8_t bch_payload[SRSLTE_BCH_PAYLOAD_LEN];
  int sfn_offset;
  uint32_t sfn_target = 0;
  uint32_t sf_target = 0;
  uint32_t ncce_target = 0;
  uint32_t L_target = 0;
  uint32_t cfi_target = 0;
  FILE *fid;
  uint16_t rnti_tmp;

  parse_args(&prog_args, argc, argv);
  /* If reading from file, go straight to PDSCH decoding. Otherwise, decode MIB first */
  if (prog_args.input_file_name) {
    /* preset cell configuration */
    cell.id = prog_args.file_cell_id; 
    cell.cp = SRSLTE_CP_NORM; 
    cell.phich_length = SRSLTE_PHICH_NORM;
    cell.phich_resources = SRSLTE_PHICH_R_1;
    cell.nof_ports = prog_args.file_nof_ports; 
    cell.nof_prb = prog_args.file_nof_prb; 

    if (srslte_ue_sync_init_file(&ue_sync, prog_args.file_nof_prb, 
      prog_args.input_file_name, prog_args.file_offset_time, prog_args.file_offset_freq)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error initiating ue_sync\n");


  if (srslte_ue_mib_init(&ue_mib, cell)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error initaiting UE MIB decoder\n");

  if (srslte_ue_dl_init(&ue_dl, cell)) {  // This is the User RNTI
    fprintf(stderr, "Error initiating UE downlink processing module\n");
  /* Configure downlink receiver for the SI-RNTI since will be the only one we'll use */
  srslte_ue_dl_set_rnti(&ue_dl, prog_args.rnti);

  /* Initialize subframe counter */

  if (prog_args.rnti_to_fix != NULL) {
  	  fid = fopen(prog_args.rnti_to_fix,"r");
  	  for (int i=0;i<65536;i++) {
  	  	if (fscanf(fid,"%d",&rnti_tmp) != EOF) {
  //		  if (rnti_tmp) printf("rnti %d val %d\n", i, rnti_tmp);
  	  		srslte_ue_dl_reset_rnti_user_to(&ue_dl, i, rnti_tmp); // check this
  		  //printf("is rnti in the list? %d\n",rnti_in_list(&ue_dl, rnti_tmp));

  ue_sync.correct_cfo = !prog_args.disable_cfo;


  INFO("\nEntering main loop...\n\n", 0);
  /* Main loop */
  ret = srslte_ue_sync_get_buffer(&ue_sync, &sf_buffer);
  if (ret < 0) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error calling srslte_ue_sync_work()\n");
  if (ret == 7) {
	  go_exit = true;
  if (ret == 1) {
	if (srslte_ue_sync_get_sfidx(&ue_sync) == 0) {
    	n = srslte_ue_mib_decode(&ue_mib, sf_buffer, bch_payload, NULL, &sfn_offset);
        if (n < 0) {
        	fprintf(stderr, "Error decoding UE MIB\n");
        } else if (n == SRSLTE_UE_MIB_FOUND) {
        	srslte_pbch_mib_unpack(bch_payload, &cell, &sfn);
        	//srslte_cell_fprint(stdout, &cell, sfn);
        	//printf("Decoded MIB. SFN: %d, offset: %d\n", sfn, sfn_offset);
        	sfn = (sfn + sfn_offset)%1024;
  } // Main loop
#define M_OFF 500
  float tprob[M_OFF];
  float bprob = 0;
  int b_offset = 0, b_offset2 = 0;
  int i, j, k;
  int t_offset, l_offset, m_offset = 30*ue_sync.sf_len/11520;
  uint16_t rnti_cand[M_OFF];
  uint16_t rnti_cnt[M_OFF][2];
  int rnti_off[M_OFF];
  uint16_t bcnt = 0;
  float rnti_bprob[M_OFF];
  int found = 0;

  fid = fopen(prog_args.to_fix,"r");
  bzero(tprob, sizeof(tprob));

  while (fscanf(fid,"%d %d %d %d %d",&sfn_target, &sf_target, &ncce_target, &L_target, &cfi_target) != EOF) {
//	  printf("checking sfn %d sf %d, ncce %d, L %d \n",sfn_target,sf_target, ncce_target, L_target);
	  bprob = 0;
	  b_offset = 0;
	  b_offset2 = 0;
	  bcnt = 0;
	  found = 0;
	  if (sfn == sfn_target && sf_target == 0) {
		  l_offset = 0;
	  } else {
		  srslte_filesource_seek(&ue_sync.file_source, ((sfn_target-sfn)*10+sf_target)*ue_sync.sf_len-m_offset);
		  srslte_ue_sync_get_buffer(&ue_sync, &sf_buffer);
		  l_offset = -m_offset;
	  for (i=0; i<m_offset+1; i++) {
		  for (k=0; k<2 && !found; k++) {
			  if ((i==0 && k==1) || (l_offset==0 && k==1)) {
			  } else {
				  if (k==0) t_offset = i;
				  if (k==1) t_offset = -i;
				  //printf("checking offset %d for sfn %d sf %d (%d.%d)\n",t_offset,sfn_target,sf_target,i,k);
				  tprob[t_offset-l_offset] = srslte_ue_dl_fix_control_ra(&ue_dl, &sf_buffer[t_offset-l_offset], data, sf_target, 0, sfn_target, ncce_target, L_target, cfi_target, 0);
				  rnti_cand[t_offset-l_offset] = ue_dl.current_rnti;
				  rnti_cnt[t_offset-l_offset][0] = rnti_cand[t_offset-l_offset];
				  rnti_cnt[t_offset-l_offset][1] = 1;
				  rnti_off[t_offset-l_offset] = t_offset;
				  rnti_bprob[t_offset-l_offset] = tprob[t_offset-l_offset];

				  if ((tprob[t_offset-l_offset] >= 97 && tprob[t_offset-l_offset] <=101) || tprob[t_offset-l_offset] >= 197) {
					  //printf("Early winner...\n");
					  srslte_ue_dl_fix_control_ra(&ue_dl, &sf_buffer[t_offset-l_offset], data, sf_target, 0, sfn_target, ncce_target, L_target, cfi_target, 1);
					  found = 1;

				  for (j = 0; j < t_offset-l_offset; j++) {
					  if (rnti_cnt[j][0] == rnti_cnt[t_offset-l_offset][0] && rnti_bprob[t_offset-l_offset] > 90) {
						  //printf("at offset %d counting rnti %x cnt %d prob %.3f\n", t_offset, rnti_cnt[j][0], rnti_cnt[j][1], rnti_bprob[j]);
						  if (rnti_bprob[j] < rnti_bprob[t_offset-l_offset]) {
							  rnti_bprob[j] = rnti_bprob[t_offset-l_offset];
							  rnti_off[j] = t_offset;
							  //printf("at offset %d updating rnti %x cnt %d prob %.3f\n", t_offset, rnti_cnt[j][0], rnti_cnt[j][1], rnti_bprob[j]);
//	  for (t_offset = l_offset; t_offset < (m_offset+1); t_offset++) {
//		  //printf("checking offset %d for sfn %d sf %d\n",t_offset,sfn_target,sf_target);
//		  tprob[t_offset-l_offset] = srslte_ue_dl_fix_control_ra(&ue_dl, &sf_buffer[t_offset-l_offset], data, sf_target, 0, sfn_target, ncce_target, L_target, cfi_target, 0);
//		  rnti_cand[t_offset-l_offset] = ue_dl.current_rnti;
//		  rnti_cnt[t_offset-l_offset][0] = rnti_cand[t_offset-l_offset];
//		  rnti_cnt[t_offset-l_offset][1] = 1;
//		  rnti_off[t_offset-l_offset] = t_offset;
//		  rnti_bprob[t_offset-l_offset] = tprob[t_offset-l_offset];
//		  if ((tprob[t_offset-l_offset] >= 97 && tprob[t_offset-l_offset] <=101) || tprob[t_offset-l_offset] >= 197) {
//			  //printf("Early winner...\n");
//			  srslte_ue_dl_fix_control_ra(&ue_dl, &sf_buffer[t_offset-l_offset], data, sf_target, 0, sfn_target, ncce_target, L_target, cfi_target, 1);
//			  found = 1;
//			  break;
//		  }
//		  for (j = 0; j < t_offset-l_offset; j++) {
//			  if (rnti_cnt[j][0] == rnti_cnt[t_offset-l_offset][0] && rnti_bprob[t_offset-l_offset] > 90) {
//				  rnti_cnt[j][1]++;
//				  //printf("at offset %d counting rnti %x cnt %d prob %.3f\n", t_offset, rnti_cnt[j][0], rnti_cnt[j][1], rnti_bprob[j]);
//				  if (rnti_bprob[j] < rnti_bprob[t_offset-l_offset]) {
//					  rnti_bprob[j] = rnti_bprob[t_offset-l_offset];
//					  rnti_off[j] = t_offset;
//					  //printf("at offset %d updating rnti %x cnt %d prob %.3f\n", t_offset, rnti_cnt[j][0], rnti_cnt[j][1], rnti_bprob[j]);
//				  }
//			  }
//		  }
//	  }
	  if (found == 0) {
		  for (j = 0; j < (m_offset*2+1); j++) {
			  //if (rnti_cnt[j][1] > 1 && rnti_bprob[j] > 90) printf("entry %d, rnti %x cnt %d prob %.3f offset %d\n", j, rnti_cnt[j][0], rnti_cnt[j][1], rnti_bprob[j], rnti_off[j]);
			  if (rnti_cnt[j][1] > bcnt) {
				  bcnt = rnti_cnt[j][1];
				  b_offset = rnti_off[j];
			  if (rnti_cnt[j][1] > 1 && rnti_bprob[j] > bprob) {
				  bprob = rnti_bprob[j];
				  b_offset2 = rnti_off[j];
		  if (rnti_cand[b_offset-l_offset] == rnti_cand[b_offset2-l_offset]) {
			  if (rnti_bprob[b_offset-l_offset] >= rnti_bprob[b_offset2-l_offset] && rnti_bprob[b_offset-l_offset] >= 97) {
				  //printf("Most popular at offset %d...\n",b_offset);
				  //srslte_filesource_seek(&ue_sync.file_source, ((sfn_target-sfn)*10+sf_target)*ue_sync.sf_len+b_offset);
				  //srslte_ue_sync_get_buffer(&ue_sync, &sf_buffer);
				  srslte_ue_dl_fix_control_ra(&ue_dl, &sf_buffer[b_offset-l_offset], data, sf_target, 0, sfn_target, ncce_target, L_target, cfi_target, 1);
			  } else if (rnti_bprob[b_offset2-l_offset] >= 97) {
				  //printf("Most likely not unique at offset %d...\n",b_offset2);
				  //srslte_filesource_seek(&ue_sync.file_source, ((sfn_target-sfn)*10+sf_target)*ue_sync.sf_len+b_offset2);
				  //srslte_ue_sync_get_buffer(&ue_sync, &sf_buffer);
				  srslte_ue_dl_fix_control_ra(&ue_dl, &sf_buffer[b_offset2-l_offset], data, sf_target, 0, sfn_target, ncce_target, L_target, cfi_target, 1);
		  } else {
			  //printf("Most popular at offset %d...\n",b_offset);
			  //srslte_filesource_seek(&ue_sync.file_source, ((sfn_target-sfn)*10+sf_target)*ue_sync.sf_len+b_offset);
			  //srslte_ue_sync_get_buffer(&ue_sync, &sf_buffer);
			  if (rnti_bprob[b_offset-l_offset] >= 95) srslte_ue_dl_fix_control_ra(&ue_dl, &sf_buffer[b_offset-l_offset], data, sf_target, 0, sfn_target, ncce_target, L_target, cfi_target, 1);
			  //printf("Most likely not unique at offset %d...\n",b_offset2);
			  //srslte_filesource_seek(&ue_sync.file_source, ((sfn_target-sfn)*10+sf_target)*ue_sync.sf_len+b_offset2);
			  //srslte_ue_sync_get_buffer(&ue_sync, &sf_buffer);
			  if (rnti_bprob[b_offset2-l_offset] >= 95) srslte_ue_dl_fix_control_ra(&ue_dl, &sf_buffer[b_offset2-l_offset], data, sf_target, 0, sfn_target, ncce_target, L_target, cfi_target, 1);

			  //if (rnti_bprob[b_offset2-l_offset] < 98 && rnti_bprob[b_offset-l_offset] < 98) printf("nothing found in %d.%d L=%d,%d,%d\n",sfn_target,sf_target,ncce_target, L_target, cfi_target);
	  //if (sfn_target > 0) exit(0);
#ifndef DISABLE_RF
  if (!prog_args.input_file_name) {
Example #3
int srslte_ue_dl_init(srslte_ue_dl_t *q, 
               srslte_cell_t cell) 
  if (q                 != NULL &&
    ret = SRSLTE_ERROR;
    bzero(q, sizeof(srslte_ue_dl_t));
    q->cell = cell; 
    q->pkt_errors = 0;
    q->pkts_total = 0;
    q->pending_ul_dci_rnti = 0; 
    q->sample_offset = 0; 
    if (srslte_ofdm_rx_init(&q->fft, q->cell.cp, q->cell.nof_prb)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error initiating FFT\n");
      goto clean_exit;
    if (srslte_chest_dl_init(&q->chest, cell)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error initiating channel estimator\n");
      goto clean_exit;
    if (srslte_regs_init(&q->regs, q->cell)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error initiating REGs\n");
      goto clean_exit;
    if (srslte_pcfich_init(&q->pcfich, &q->regs, q->cell)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error creating PCFICH object\n");
      goto clean_exit;
    if (srslte_phich_init(&q->phich, &q->regs, q->cell)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error creating PHICH object\n");
      goto clean_exit;

    if (srslte_pdcch_init(&q->pdcch, &q->regs, q->cell)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error creating PDCCH object\n");
      goto clean_exit;

    if (srslte_pdsch_init(&q->pdsch, q->cell)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error creating PDSCH object\n");
      goto clean_exit;
    if (srslte_softbuffer_rx_init(&q->softbuffer, q->cell.nof_prb)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error initiating soft buffer\n");
      goto clean_exit;
    if (srslte_cfo_init(&q->sfo_correct, q->cell.nof_prb*SRSLTE_NRE)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error initiating SFO correct\n");
      goto clean_exit;
    srslte_cfo_set_tol(&q->sfo_correct, 1e-5/q->fft.symbol_sz);
    q->sf_symbols = srslte_vec_malloc(CURRENT_SFLEN_RE * sizeof(cf_t));
    if (!q->sf_symbols) {
      goto clean_exit; 
    for (uint32_t i=0;i<q->cell.nof_ports;i++) {
      q->ce[i] = srslte_vec_malloc(CURRENT_SFLEN_RE * sizeof(cf_t));
      if (!q->ce[i]) {
        goto clean_exit; 
  } else {
    fprintf(stderr, "Invalid cell properties: Id=%d, Ports=%d, PRBs=%d\n",
            cell.id, cell.nof_ports, cell.nof_prb);      

  if (ret == SRSLTE_ERROR) {
  return ret;
Example #4
int srslte_ue_dl_init(srslte_ue_dl_t* q, cf_t* in_buffer[SRSLTE_MAX_PORTS], uint32_t max_prb, uint32_t nof_rx_antennas)

  if (q != NULL && nof_rx_antennas <= SRSLTE_MAX_PORTS) {
    ret = SRSLTE_ERROR;

    bzero(q, sizeof(srslte_ue_dl_t));

    q->pending_ul_dci_count = 0;
    q->nof_rx_antennas      = nof_rx_antennas;
    q->mi_auto              = true;
    q->mi_manual_index      = 0;
    q->pregen_rnti          = 0;

    for (int j = 0; j < SRSLTE_MAX_PORTS; j++) {
      q->sf_symbols[j] = srslte_vec_malloc(MAX_SFLEN_RE * sizeof(cf_t));
      if (!q->sf_symbols[j]) {
        goto clean_exit;

    for (int i = 0; i < nof_rx_antennas; i++) {
      if (srslte_ofdm_rx_init(&q->fft[i], SRSLTE_CP_NORM, in_buffer[i], q->sf_symbols[i], max_prb)) {
        ERROR("Error initiating FFT\n");
        goto clean_exit;

    if (srslte_ofdm_rx_init_mbsfn(&q->fft_mbsfn, SRSLTE_CP_EXT, in_buffer[0], q->sf_symbols[0], max_prb)) {
      ERROR("Error initiating FFT for MBSFN subframes \n");
      goto clean_exit;
    srslte_ofdm_set_non_mbsfn_region(&q->fft_mbsfn, 2); // Set a default to init

    if (srslte_chest_dl_init(&q->chest, max_prb, nof_rx_antennas)) {
      ERROR("Error initiating channel estimator\n");
      goto clean_exit;
    if (srslte_chest_dl_res_init(&q->chest_res, max_prb)) {
      ERROR("Error initiating channel estimator\n");
      goto clean_exit;
    if (srslte_pcfich_init(&q->pcfich, nof_rx_antennas)) {
      ERROR("Error creating PCFICH object\n");
      goto clean_exit;
    if (srslte_phich_init(&q->phich, nof_rx_antennas)) {
      ERROR("Error creating PHICH object\n");
      goto clean_exit;

    if (srslte_pdcch_init_ue(&q->pdcch, max_prb, nof_rx_antennas)) {
      ERROR("Error creating PDCCH object\n");
      goto clean_exit;

    if (srslte_pdsch_init_ue(&q->pdsch, max_prb, nof_rx_antennas)) {
      ERROR("Error creating PDSCH object\n");
      goto clean_exit;

    if (srslte_pmch_init(&q->pmch, max_prb, nof_rx_antennas)) {
      ERROR("Error creating PMCH object\n");
      goto clean_exit;

  } else {
    ERROR("Invalid parameters\n");

  if (ret == SRSLTE_ERROR) {
  return ret;
Example #5
int srslte_ue_dl_init(srslte_ue_dl_t *q,
                      cf_t *in_buffer[SRSLTE_MAX_PORTS],
                      uint32_t max_prb,
                      uint32_t nof_rx_antennas)
  if (q               != NULL             &&
      nof_rx_antennas <= SRSLTE_MAX_PORTS)
    ret = SRSLTE_ERROR;
    bzero(q, sizeof(srslte_ue_dl_t));
    q->pdsch_pkt_errors = 0;
    q->pdsch_pkts_total = 0;
    q->pmch_pkt_errors = 0;
    q->pmch_pkts_total = 0;
    q->pending_ul_dci_rnti = 0; 
    q->sample_offset = 0; 
    q->nof_rx_antennas = nof_rx_antennas;

    for (int j = 0; j < SRSLTE_MAX_PORTS; j++) {
      q->sf_symbols_m[j] = srslte_vec_malloc(MAX_SFLEN_RE * sizeof(cf_t));
      if (!q->sf_symbols_m[j]) {
        goto clean_exit;
      for (uint32_t i=0;i<SRSLTE_MAX_PORTS;i++) {
        q->ce_m[i][j] = srslte_vec_malloc(MAX_SFLEN_RE * sizeof(cf_t));
        if (!q->ce_m[i][j]) {
          goto clean_exit;
        bzero(q->ce_m[i][j], MAX_SFLEN_RE * sizeof(cf_t));

    q->sf_symbols = q->sf_symbols_m[0];
    for (int i=0;i<SRSLTE_MAX_PORTS;i++) {
      q->ce[i] = q->ce_m[i][0];

    for (int i = 0; i < nof_rx_antennas; i++) {
      if (srslte_ofdm_rx_init(&q->fft[i], SRSLTE_CP_NORM, in_buffer[i], q->sf_symbols_m[i], max_prb)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error initiating FFT\n");
        goto clean_exit;

    if (srslte_ofdm_rx_init_mbsfn(&q->fft_mbsfn, SRSLTE_CP_EXT, in_buffer[0], q->sf_symbols_m[0], max_prb)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error initiating FFT for MBSFN subframes \n");
      goto clean_exit;
    srslte_ofdm_set_non_mbsfn_region(&q->fft_mbsfn, 2); // Set a default to init
    if (srslte_chest_dl_init(&q->chest, max_prb)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error initiating channel estimator\n");
      goto clean_exit;
    if (srslte_pcfich_init(&q->pcfich, nof_rx_antennas)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error creating PCFICH object\n");
      goto clean_exit;
    if (srslte_phich_init(&q->phich, nof_rx_antennas)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error creating PHICH object\n");
      goto clean_exit;

    if (srslte_pdcch_init_ue(&q->pdcch, max_prb, nof_rx_antennas)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error creating PDCCH object\n");
      goto clean_exit;

    if (srslte_pdsch_init_ue(&q->pdsch, max_prb, nof_rx_antennas)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error creating PDSCH object\n");
      goto clean_exit;

    if (srslte_pmch_init_multi(&q->pmch, max_prb, nof_rx_antennas)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error creating PMCH object\n");
      goto clean_exit;
    for (int i = 0; i < SRSLTE_MAX_TB; i++) {
      q->softbuffers[i] = srslte_vec_malloc(sizeof(srslte_softbuffer_rx_t));
      if (!q->softbuffers[i]) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error allocating soft buffer\n");
        goto clean_exit;

      if (srslte_softbuffer_rx_init(q->softbuffers[i], max_prb)) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Error initiating soft buffer\n");
        goto clean_exit;
    if (srslte_cfo_init(&q->sfo_correct, max_prb*SRSLTE_NRE)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error initiating SFO correct\n");
      goto clean_exit;
    srslte_cfo_set_tol(&q->sfo_correct, 1e-5f/q->fft[0].symbol_sz);
  } else {
    fprintf(stderr, "Invalid parametres\n");

  if (ret == SRSLTE_ERROR) {
  return ret;