Example #1
/* Function: mdlInitializeSizes ===============================================
 * Abstract:
 *    The sizes information is used by Simulink to determine the S-function
 *    block's characteristics (number of inputs, outputs, states, etc.).
static void mdlInitializeSizes(SimStruct *S)
    ssSetNumSFcnParams(S, 0);  /* Number of expected parameters */
    if (ssGetNumSFcnParams(S) != ssGetSFcnParamsCount(S)) {
        /* Return if number of expected != number of actual parameters */

    ssSetNumContStates(S, 0);
    ssSetNumDiscStates(S, 0);

    if (!ssSetNumInputPorts(S, 1)) return;
    ssSetInputPortWidth(S, 0, 1);
    ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, 0, true); /*direct input signal access*/
     * Set direct feedthrough flag (1=yes, 0=no).
     * A port has direct feedthrough if the input is used in either
     * the mdlOutputs or mdlGetTimeOfNextVarHit functions.
     * See matlabroot/simulink/src/sfuntmpl_directfeed.txt.
   if (!ssSetNumOutputPorts(S, 1)) return;
    ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, 0, 2);


    ssSetNumSampleTimes(S, 1);
    ssSetNumRWork(S, 0);
    ssSetNumIWork(S, 0);
    ssSetNumPWork(S, 0);
    ssSetNumModes(S, 0);
    ssSetNumNonsampledZCs(S, 0);

    ssSetOptions(S, 0);
    ssFxpSetU32BitRegionCompliant(S, 1);
return ; } static void mdlInitializeSizes ( SimStruct * S ) {
ssSetNumSFcnParams ( S , 0 ) ; ssFxpSetU32BitRegionCompliant ( S , 1 ) ;
rt_InitInfAndNaN ( sizeof ( real_T ) ) ; if ( S -> mdlInfo -> genericFcn != (
NULL ) ) { _GenericFcn fcn = S -> mdlInfo -> genericFcn ; real_T lifeSpan =
rtInf ; real_T startTime = 0.0 ; real_T stopTime = rtInf ; int_T hwSettings [
15 ] ; int_T opSettings [ 1 ] ; boolean_T concurrTaskSupport = 0 ; boolean_T
hasDiscTs = 1 ; real_T fixedStep = 0.001 ; ( fcn ) ( S ,
GEN_FCN_MODELREF_RATE_GROUPED , 0 , ( NULL ) ) ; if ( ! ( fcn ) ( S ,
GEN_FCN_CHK_MODELREF_LIFE_SPAN , - 1 , & lifeSpan ) ) return ; if ( ! ( fcn )
( S , GEN_FCN_CHK_MODELREF_START_TIME , - 1 , & startTime ) ) return ; if ( !
( fcn ) ( S , GEN_FCN_CHK_MODELREF_STOP_TIME , - 1 , & stopTime ) ) return ;
hwSettings [ 0 ] = 16 ; hwSettings [ 1 ] = 16 ; hwSettings [ 2 ] = 16 ;
hwSettings [ 3 ] = 32 ; hwSettings [ 4 ] = 32 ; hwSettings [ 5 ] = 64 ;
hwSettings [ 6 ] = 16 ; hwSettings [ 7 ] = 0 ; hwSettings [ 8 ] = 1 ;
hwSettings [ 9 ] = 16 ; hwSettings [ 10 ] = 1 ; hwSettings [ 11 ] = 2 ;
hwSettings [ 12 ] = 2 ; hwSettings [ 13 ] = 64 ; hwSettings [ 14 ] = 0 ; if (
! ( fcn ) ( S , GEN_FCN_CHK_MODELREF_HARDWARE_SETTINGS , 15 , hwSettings ) )
return ; opSettings [ 0 ] = 0 ; if ( ! ( fcn ) ( S ,
GEN_FCN_CHK_MODELREF_OPTIM_SETTINGS , 1 , opSettings ) ) return ; if ( ! (
concurrTaskSupport , ( NULL ) ) ) return ; if ( ! ( fcn ) ( S ,
GEN_FCN_CHK_MODELREF_SOLVER_TYPE , 0 , & hasDiscTs ) ) return ; if ( ! ( fcn
) ( S , GEN_FCN_CHK_MODELREF_SOLVER_NAME , 0 , ( void * ) "FixedStepDiscrete"
) ) return ; if ( ! ( fcn ) ( S , GEN_FCN_CHK_MODELREF_SOLVER_MODE ,
SOLVER_MODE_SINGLETASKING , ( NULL ) ) ) return ; if ( ! ( fcn ) ( S ,
GEN_FCN_CHK_MODELREF_FIXED_STEP , 0 , & fixedStep ) ) return ; ( fcn ) ( S ,
const char * globalVarList [ ] = { "Cntrl_Status" , "DT_PRECISION_HI" ,
"DT_PRECISION_LO" , "EV_Param" , "Motor_Cmds" , "Power_Lims" ,
"brake_cmd_table" , "ctrlConst" , "decel_cmd_vec" , "regen_pwr_vec" } ;
ssRegModelRefGlobalVarUsage ( S , 10 , ( void * ) globalVarList ) ; }
ssSetRTWGeneratedSFcn ( S , 2 ) ; ssSetNumContStates ( S , 0 ) ;
ssSetNumDiscStates ( S , 0 ) ; if ( ! ssSetNumInputPorts ( S , 8 ) ) return ;
if ( ! ssSetInputPortVectorDimension ( S , 0 , 1 ) ) return ;
ssSetInputPortDimensionsMode ( S , 0 , FIXED_DIMS_MODE ) ;
ssSetInputPortFrameData ( S , 0 , FRAME_NO ) ; if ( ssGetSimMode ( S ) !=
SS_SIMMODE_SIZES_CALL_ONLY ) { ssSetInputPortDataType ( S , 0 , SS_SINGLE ) ;
} ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough ( S , 0 , 1 ) ;
ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous ( S , 0 , 1 ) ; ssSetInputPortOptimOpts ( S
, 0 , SS_NOT_REUSABLE_AND_LOCAL ) ; ssSetInputPortOverWritable ( S , 0 ,
FALSE ) ; ssSetInputPortSampleTime ( S , 0 , 0.001 ) ;
ssSetInputPortOffsetTime ( S , 0 , 0.0 ) ; if ( !
ssSetInputPortVectorDimension ( S , 1 , 1 ) ) return ;
ssSetInputPortDimensionsMode ( S , 1 , FIXED_DIMS_MODE ) ;
ssSetInputPortFrameData ( S , 1 , FRAME_NO ) ; if ( ssGetSimMode ( S ) !=
SS_SIMMODE_SIZES_CALL_ONLY ) { ssSetInputPortDataType ( S , 1 , SS_SINGLE ) ;
} ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough ( S , 1 , 1 ) ;
ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous ( S , 1 , 1 ) ; ssSetInputPortOptimOpts ( S
, 1 , SS_NOT_REUSABLE_AND_LOCAL ) ; ssSetInputPortOverWritable ( S , 1 ,
FALSE ) ; ssSetInputPortSampleTime ( S , 1 , 0.001 ) ;
ssSetInputPortOffsetTime ( S , 1 , 0.0 ) ; if ( !
ssSetInputPortVectorDimension ( S , 2 , 1 ) ) return ;
ssSetInputPortDimensionsMode ( S , 2 , FIXED_DIMS_MODE ) ;
ssSetInputPortFrameData ( S , 2 , FRAME_NO ) ; if ( ssGetSimMode ( S ) !=
SS_SIMMODE_SIZES_CALL_ONLY ) { ssSetInputPortDataType ( S , 2 , SS_SINGLE ) ;
} ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough ( S , 2 , 0 ) ;
ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous ( S , 2 , 1 ) ; ssSetInputPortOptimOpts ( S
, 2 , SS_NOT_REUSABLE_AND_LOCAL ) ; ssSetInputPortOverWritable ( S , 2 ,
FALSE ) ; ssSetInputPortSampleTime ( S , 2 , 0.001 ) ;
ssSetInputPortOffsetTime ( S , 2 , 0.0 ) ; if ( !
ssSetInputPortVectorDimension ( S , 3 , 1 ) ) return ;
ssSetInputPortDimensionsMode ( S , 3 , FIXED_DIMS_MODE ) ;
ssSetInputPortFrameData ( S , 3 , FRAME_NO ) ; if ( ssGetSimMode ( S ) !=
SS_SIMMODE_SIZES_CALL_ONLY ) { ssSetInputPortDataType ( S , 3 , SS_SINGLE ) ;
} ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough ( S , 3 , 0 ) ;
ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous ( S , 3 , 1 ) ; ssSetInputPortOptimOpts ( S
, 3 , SS_NOT_REUSABLE_AND_LOCAL ) ; ssSetInputPortOverWritable ( S , 3 ,
FALSE ) ; ssSetInputPortSampleTime ( S , 3 , 0.001 ) ;
ssSetInputPortOffsetTime ( S , 3 , 0.0 ) ; if ( !
ssSetInputPortVectorDimension ( S , 4 , 1 ) ) return ;
ssSetInputPortDimensionsMode ( S , 4 , FIXED_DIMS_MODE ) ;
ssSetInputPortFrameData ( S , 4 , FRAME_NO ) ; if ( ssGetSimMode ( S ) !=
SS_SIMMODE_SIZES_CALL_ONLY ) { ssSetInputPortDataType ( S , 4 , SS_SINGLE ) ;
} ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough ( S , 4 , 1 ) ;
ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous ( S , 4 , 1 ) ; ssSetInputPortOptimOpts ( S
, 4 , SS_NOT_REUSABLE_AND_LOCAL ) ; ssSetInputPortOverWritable ( S , 4 ,
FALSE ) ; ssSetInputPortSampleTime ( S , 4 , 0.001 ) ;
ssSetInputPortOffsetTime ( S , 4 , 0.0 ) ; if ( !
ssSetInputPortVectorDimension ( S , 5 , 1 ) ) return ;
ssSetInputPortDimensionsMode ( S , 5 , FIXED_DIMS_MODE ) ;
ssSetInputPortFrameData ( S , 5 , FRAME_NO ) ; if ( ssGetSimMode ( S ) !=
SS_SIMMODE_SIZES_CALL_ONLY ) { ssSetInputPortDataType ( S , 5 , SS_SINGLE ) ;
} ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough ( S , 5 , 1 ) ;
ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous ( S , 5 , 1 ) ; ssSetInputPortOptimOpts ( S
, 5 , SS_NOT_REUSABLE_AND_LOCAL ) ; ssSetInputPortOverWritable ( S , 5 ,
FALSE ) ; ssSetInputPortSampleTime ( S , 5 , 0.001 ) ;
ssSetInputPortOffsetTime ( S , 5 , 0.0 ) ; if ( !
ssSetInputPortVectorDimension ( S , 6 , 1 ) ) return ;
ssSetInputPortDimensionsMode ( S , 6 , FIXED_DIMS_MODE ) ;
ssSetInputPortFrameData ( S , 6 , FRAME_NO ) ; if ( ssGetSimMode ( S ) !=
SS_SIMMODE_SIZES_CALL_ONLY ) { ssSetInputPortDataType ( S , 6 , SS_SINGLE ) ;
} ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough ( S , 6 , 1 ) ;
ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous ( S , 6 , 1 ) ; ssSetInputPortOptimOpts ( S
, 6 , SS_REUSABLE_AND_LOCAL ) ; ssSetInputPortOverWritable ( S , 6 , FALSE )
; ssSetInputPortSampleTime ( S , 6 , 0.001 ) ; ssSetInputPortOffsetTime ( S ,
6 , 0.0 ) ; if ( ! ssSetInputPortVectorDimension ( S , 7 , 1 ) ) return ;
ssSetInputPortDimensionsMode ( S , 7 , FIXED_DIMS_MODE ) ;
ssSetInputPortFrameData ( S , 7 , FRAME_NO ) ; if ( ssGetSimMode ( S ) !=
SS_SIMMODE_SIZES_CALL_ONLY ) { ssSetInputPortDataType ( S , 7 , SS_SINGLE ) ;
} ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough ( S , 7 , 1 ) ;
ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous ( S , 7 , 1 ) ; ssSetInputPortOptimOpts ( S
, 7 , SS_REUSABLE_AND_LOCAL ) ; ssSetInputPortOverWritable ( S , 7 , FALSE )
; ssSetInputPortSampleTime ( S , 7 , 0.001 ) ; ssSetInputPortOffsetTime ( S ,
7 , 0.0 ) ; if ( ! ssSetNumOutputPorts ( S , 3 ) ) return ; if ( !
ssSetOutputPortVectorDimension ( S , 0 , 1 ) ) return ;
ssSetOutputPortDimensionsMode ( S , 0 , FIXED_DIMS_MODE ) ;
ssSetOutputPortFrameData ( S , 0 , FRAME_NO ) ; if ( ssGetSimMode ( S ) !=
#if defined (MATLAB_MEX_FILE)
{ DTypeId dataTypeIdReg ; ssRegisterTypeFromNamedObject ( S , "Cntrl_Status"
, & dataTypeIdReg ) ; if ( dataTypeIdReg == INVALID_DTYPE_ID ) return ;
ssSetOutputPortDataType ( S , 0 , dataTypeIdReg ) ; }
} ssSetOutputPortSampleTime ( S , 0 , 0.001 ) ; ssSetOutputPortOffsetTime ( S
, 0 , 0.0 ) ; ssSetOutputPortDiscreteValuedOutput ( S , 0 , 0 ) ;
ssSetOutputPortOkToMerge ( S , 0 , SS_OK_TO_MERGE ) ;
ssSetOutputPortOptimOpts ( S , 0 , SS_NOT_REUSABLE_AND_GLOBAL ) ; if ( !
ssSetOutputPortVectorDimension ( S , 1 , 1 ) ) return ;
ssSetOutputPortDimensionsMode ( S , 1 , FIXED_DIMS_MODE ) ;
ssSetOutputPortFrameData ( S , 1 , FRAME_NO ) ; if ( ssGetSimMode ( S ) !=
#if defined (MATLAB_MEX_FILE)
{ DTypeId dataTypeIdReg ; ssRegisterTypeFromNamedObject ( S , "Motor_Cmds" ,
& dataTypeIdReg ) ; if ( dataTypeIdReg == INVALID_DTYPE_ID ) return ;
ssSetOutputPortDataType ( S , 1 , dataTypeIdReg ) ; }
} ssSetOutputPortSampleTime ( S , 1 , 0.001 ) ; ssSetOutputPortOffsetTime ( S
, 1 , 0.0 ) ; ssSetOutputPortDiscreteValuedOutput ( S , 1 , 0 ) ;
ssSetOutputPortOkToMerge ( S , 1 , SS_OK_TO_MERGE ) ;
ssSetOutputPortOptimOpts ( S , 1 , SS_NOT_REUSABLE_AND_LOCAL ) ; if ( !
ssSetOutputPortVectorDimension ( S , 2 , 1 ) ) return ;
ssSetOutputPortDimensionsMode ( S , 2 , FIXED_DIMS_MODE ) ;
ssSetOutputPortFrameData ( S , 2 , FRAME_NO ) ; if ( ssGetSimMode ( S ) !=
SS_SIMMODE_SIZES_CALL_ONLY ) { ssSetOutputPortDataType ( S , 2 , SS_SINGLE )
; } ssSetOutputPortSampleTime ( S , 2 , 0.001 ) ; ssSetOutputPortOffsetTime (
S , 2 , 0.0 ) ; ssSetOutputPortDiscreteValuedOutput ( S , 2 , 0 ) ;
ssSetOutputPortOkToMerge ( S , 2 , SS_OK_TO_MERGE ) ;
ssSetOutputPortOptimOpts ( S , 2 , SS_NOT_REUSABLE_AND_LOCAL ) ; { real_T
minValue = rtMinusInf ; real_T maxValue = rtInf ;
ssSetModelRefInputSignalDesignMin ( S , 0 , & minValue ) ;
ssSetModelRefInputSignalDesignMax ( S , 0 , & maxValue ) ; } { real_T
minValue = rtMinusInf ; real_T maxValue = rtInf ;
ssSetModelRefInputSignalDesignMin ( S , 1 , & minValue ) ;
ssSetModelRefInputSignalDesignMax ( S , 1 , & maxValue ) ; } { real_T
minValue = rtMinusInf ; real_T maxValue = rtInf ;
ssSetModelRefInputSignalDesignMin ( S , 2 , & minValue ) ;
ssSetModelRefInputSignalDesignMax ( S , 2 , & maxValue ) ; } { real_T
minValue = rtMinusInf ; real_T maxValue = rtInf ;
ssSetModelRefInputSignalDesignMin ( S , 3 , & minValue ) ;
ssSetModelRefInputSignalDesignMax ( S , 3 , & maxValue ) ; } { real_T
minValue = rtMinusInf ; real_T maxValue = rtInf ;
ssSetModelRefInputSignalDesignMin ( S , 4 , & minValue ) ;
ssSetModelRefInputSignalDesignMax ( S , 4 , & maxValue ) ; } { real_T
minValue = rtMinusInf ; real_T maxValue = rtInf ;
ssSetModelRefInputSignalDesignMin ( S , 5 , & minValue ) ;
ssSetModelRefInputSignalDesignMax ( S , 5 , & maxValue ) ; } { real_T
minValue = rtMinusInf ; real_T maxValue = rtInf ;
ssSetModelRefInputSignalDesignMin ( S , 6 , & minValue ) ;
ssSetModelRefInputSignalDesignMax ( S , 6 , & maxValue ) ; } { real_T
minValue = rtMinusInf ; real_T maxValue = rtInf ;
ssSetModelRefInputSignalDesignMin ( S , 7 , & minValue ) ;
ssSetModelRefInputSignalDesignMax ( S , 7 , & maxValue ) ; } { real_T
minValue = rtMinusInf ; real_T maxValue = rtInf ;
ssSetModelRefOutputSignalDesignMin ( S , 0 , & minValue ) ;
ssSetModelRefOutputSignalDesignMax ( S , 0 , & maxValue ) ; } { real_T
minValue = rtMinusInf ; real_T maxValue = rtInf ;
ssSetModelRefOutputSignalDesignMin ( S , 1 , & minValue ) ;
ssSetModelRefOutputSignalDesignMax ( S , 1 , & maxValue ) ; } { real_T
minValue = rtMinusInf ; real_T maxValue = rtInf ;
ssSetModelRefOutputSignalDesignMin ( S , 2 , & minValue ) ;
ssSetModelRefOutputSignalDesignMax ( S , 2 , & maxValue ) ; } { static
ssRTWStorageType storageClass [ 11 ] = { SS_RTW_STORAGE_AUTO ,
SS_RTW_STORAGE_AUTO } ; ssSetModelRefPortRTWStorageClasses ( S , storageClass
) ; } ssSetModelRefSignalLoggingSaveFormat ( S , SS_DATASET_FORMAT ) ;
ssSetNumSampleTimes ( S , PORT_BASED_SAMPLE_TIMES ) ; ssSetNumRWork ( S , 0 )
; ssSetNumIWork ( S , 0 ) ; ssSetNumPWork ( S , 0 ) ; ssSetNumModes ( S , 0 )
; { int_T zcsIdx = 0 ; } ssSetOutputPortIsNonContinuous ( S , 0 , 0 ) ;
ssSetOutputPortIsFedByBlockWithModesNoZCs ( S , 0 , 0 ) ;
ssSetOutputPortIsNonContinuous ( S , 1 , 0 ) ;
ssSetOutputPortIsFedByBlockWithModesNoZCs ( S , 1 , 0 ) ;
ssSetOutputPortIsNonContinuous ( S , 2 , 0 ) ;
ssSetOutputPortIsFedByBlockWithModesNoZCs ( S , 2 , 0 ) ;
ssSetInputPortIsNotDerivPort ( S , 0 , 1 ) ; ssSetInputPortIsNotDerivPort ( S
, 1 , 1 ) ; ssSetInputPortIsNotDerivPort ( S , 2 , 1 ) ;
ssSetInputPortIsNotDerivPort ( S , 3 , 1 ) ; ssSetInputPortIsNotDerivPort ( S
, 4 , 1 ) ; ssSetInputPortIsNotDerivPort ( S , 5 , 1 ) ;
ssSetInputPortIsNotDerivPort ( S , 6 , 1 ) ; ssSetInputPortIsNotDerivPort ( S
, 7 , 1 ) ; ssSetModelReferenceSampleTimeInheritanceRule ( S ,
DISALLOW_SAMPLE_TIME_INHERITANCE ) ; ssSetOptimizeModelRefInitCode ( S , 1 )
; ssSetAcceptsFcnCallInputs ( S ) ; { static const char * inlinedVars [ ] = {
"EV_Param" , "brake_cmd_table" , "ctrlConst" , "decel_cmd_vec" ,
"regen_pwr_vec" } ; ssSetModelRefInlinedVars ( S , 5 , ( void * ) inlinedVars
) ; } ssSetModelReferenceNormalModeSupport ( S ,
MDL_START_AND_MDL_PROCESS_PARAMS_OK ) ; ssSupportsMultipleExecInstances ( S ,
FALSE ) ; ssRegisterMsgForNotSupportingMultiExecInst ( S ,
 "<diag_root><diag id=\"Simulink:blocks:ImplicitIterSS_SigObjExpStorageClassNotSupportedInside\"><arguments><arg type=\"numeric\">1</arg><arg type=\"encoded\">RQBWAF8AUAB3AHIAXwBNAGEAbgBhAGcAZQByAC8AUABvAHcAZQByAF8AQwBvAG4AdAByAG8AbAAvAEUAcgByAG8AcgAgAFMAdQBtAAAA</arg><arg type=\"encoded\">cABvAHcAZQByAF8AZQByAHIAbwByAAAA</arg><arg type=\"encoded\">PABfAF8AaQBpAFMAUwBfAF8APgA8AC8AXwBfAGkAaQBTAFMAXwBfAD4AAAA=</arg><arg type=\"encoded\">PABfAF8AaQB0AGUAcgBCAGwAawBfAF8APgA8AC8AXwBfAGkAdABlAHIAQgBsAGsAXwBfAD4AAAA=</arg></arguments></diag>\n</diag_root>"
) ; ssHasStateInsideForEachSS ( S , FALSE ) ; ssSetModelRefHasParforForEachSS
( S , FALSE ) ; ssSetModelRefHasVariantModelOrSubsystem ( S , FALSE ) ;
ssSetNumAsyncTs ( S , 0 ) ; ssSetOptions ( S , SS_OPTION_EXCEPTION_FREE_CODE
( S -> mdlInfo -> genericFcn != ( NULL ) ) { ssRegModelRefChildModel ( S , 1
, childModels ) ; }
if ( S -> mdlInfo -> genericFcn != ( NULL ) && ssGetSimMode ( S ) !=
SS_SIMMODE_SIZES_CALL_ONLY ) { int_T retVal = 1 ;
mr_EV_Pwr_Manager_MdlInfoRegFcn ( S , "EV_Pwr_Manager" , & retVal ) ; if ( !
retVal ) return ; }
ssSetNumDWork ( S , 0 ) ; slmrSetHasNonVirtualConstantTs ( S , true ) ;
ssSetNeedAbsoluteTime ( S , 1 ) ; ssSetModelRefHasEnablePort ( S , 0 ) ; }
Example #3
/* Function: mdlInitializeSizes ===============================================
 * Abstract:
 *    The sizes information is used by Simulink to determine the S-function
 *    block's characteristics (number of inputs, outputs, states, etc.).
static void mdlInitializeSizes(SimStruct *S)
    int_T nInputPorts  = 1;  /* number of input ports  */
    int_T nOutputPorts = 1;  /* number of output ports */
    int_T needsInput   = 1;  /* direct feed through    */

    int_T inputPortIdx  = 0;
    int_T outputPortIdx = 0;

    ssSetNumSFcnParams(S, 0);  /* Number of expected parameters */
    if (ssGetNumSFcnParams(S) != ssGetSFcnParamsCount(S)) {

    if (ssGetErrorStatus(S) != NULL) return;

    /* Register the number and type of states the S-Function uses */

    ssSetNumContStates(    S, 0);   /* number of continuous states           */
    ssSetNumDiscStates(    S, 0);   /* number of discrete states             */

     * Configure the input ports. First set the number of input ports. 
    if (!ssSetNumInputPorts(S, nInputPorts)) return;   
    if(!ssSetInputPortDimensionInfo(S, inputPortIdx, DYNAMIC_DIMENSION)) return; 

    ssSetInputPortWidth(S, inputPortIdx, DYNAMICALLY_SIZED);
    ssSetInputPortRequiredContiguous(S, inputPortIdx, TRUE); /*direct input signal access*/ 

    ssSetInputPortDataType(S, inputPortIdx,DYNAMICALLY_TYPED);
    ssSetInputPortDirectFeedThrough(S, inputPortIdx,TRUE);
    ssSetInputPortOverWritable(S, inputPortIdx, FALSE);
    ssSetInputPortReusable(S, inputPortIdx,TRUE);
    ssSetInputPortComplexSignal( S, inputPortIdx, COMPLEX_INHERITED);

     * Configure the output ports. First set the number of output ports.
    if (!ssSetNumOutputPorts(S, nOutputPorts)) return;
    if(!ssSetOutputPortDimensionInfo(S,outputPortIdx,DYNAMIC_DIMENSION)) return;

    ssSetOutputPortWidth(S, outputPortIdx, DYNAMICALLY_SIZED);

    /* register data type

    ssSetOutputPortDataType( S, outputPortIdx, DYNAMICALLY_TYPED );
    ssSetOutputPortReusable(            S, outputPortIdx, TRUE);
    ssSetOutputPortComplexSignal(S, outputPortIdx, COMPLEX_INHERITED );

    ssSetNumSampleTimes(   S, 1);   /* number of sample times                */

     * Set size of the work vectors.
    ssSetNumRWork(         S, 0);   /* number of real work vector elements   */
    ssSetNumIWork(         S, 0);   /* number of integer work vector elements*/
    ssSetNumPWork(         S, 0);   /* number of pointer work vector elements*/
    ssSetNumModes(         S, 0);   /* number of mode work vector elements   */
    ssSetNumNonsampledZCs( S, 0);   /* number of nonsampled zero crossings   */

    ssSetOptions(          S, 0);   /* general options (SS_OPTION_xx)        */
    ssFxpSetU32BitRegionCompliant(S, 1);

} /* end mdlInitializeSizes */