 *  Name        : ssd_progress_msg_dialog_set_text
 *  Purpose     :  change the text of the progress dialog
 *  Params		: [in] dlg_text - the text to be displayed in message
 *  			:
 *  			:
 *				:
 *  Returns 	: void
void ssd_progress_msg_dialog_set_text( const char* dlg_text )

   if ( !gProgressMsgDlg  )
       // Create the dialog. Return in case of failure
      if ( !( gProgressMsgDlg = ssd_progress_msg_dialog_new() ) )

   ssd_dialog_set_value( SSD_PROGRESS_MSG_TEXT_FLD, dlg_text );


 *  Name        : ssd_progress_msg_dialog_show
 *  Purpose     :  Shows the dialog with the given name. Creates the new one if not exists
 *  Params		: [in] dlg_text - the text to be displayed in message
 *  			:
 *				:
 *  Returns 	: void
void ssd_progress_msg_dialog_show( const char* dlg_text )

	if ( !gProgressMsgDlg  )
       // Create the dialog. Return in case of failure
	   if ( !( gProgressMsgDlg = ssd_progress_msg_dialog_new() ) )

	ssd_dialog_activate( SSD_PROGRESS_MSG_DLG_NAME, NULL );

	ssd_dialog_set_value( SSD_PROGRESS_MSG_TEXT_FLD, dlg_text );


 *  Name        : ssd_progress_msg_dialog_show
 *  Purpose     :  Shows the dialog with the given name. Creates the new one if not exists
 *  Params		: [in] dlg_text - the text to be displayed in message
 *  			:
 *				:
 *  Returns 	: void
void ssd_progress_msg_dialog_show( const char* dlg_text )

	if ( !gProgressMsgDlg  )
       // Create the dialog. Return in case of failure
	   if ( !( gProgressMsgDlg = ssd_progress_msg_dialog_new() ) )
	ssd_widget_show(ssd_widget_get(gProgressMsgDlg, "Hide Button" ));
	ssd_dialog_activate( SSD_PROGRESS_MSG_DLG_NAME, NULL );

	ssd_dialog_set_value( SSD_PROGRESS_MSG_TEXT_FLD, dlg_text );

