Example #1
rt_public void failure(void)
	/* A fatal Eiffel exception has occurred. The stack of exceptions is dumped
	 * and the memory is cleaned up, if possible.

  		/* When we arrive at this location, the Eiffel call stack is theoratically
		 * empty, but `loc_set' still points to the location where the last Eiffel
		 * call has been made. Since now `loc_set' records address of C local variable
		 * which are usually located on the C call stack. Any addition to the C call
		 * stack (like the call to `trapsig' below) will corrupt the information
		 * stored in `loc_set' since it will replace a location by another.
		 * To prevent this, we have to manually empty `loc_set'. It does not matter
		 * at this point that the GC forgets about all objects referenced through
		 * a local variable since all Eiffel calls have been executed.
		 * Doing so, enables a safe `reclaim' that will not traverse `loc_set'
		 * objects.
		 * We then create an empty `loc_set' as most of the run-time macros for stack
		 * management expect `loc_set' to have at least one chunk.
#ifdef ISE_GC
	st_reset (&loc_set);
	st_alloc (&loc_set, eif_stack_chunk);

	trapsig(emergency);					/* Weird signals are trapped */
	esfail(MTC_NOARG);							/* Dump the execution stack trace */

	reclaim();							/* Reclaim all the objects */
	exit(1);							/* Abnormal termination */

Example #2
int main(void)
  //  rotazione1();
  // Initialize system upon power-up.
  serial_init();   // Setup serial baud rate and interrupts

  /*while(true) {
  //settings_init(); // Load grbl settings from EEPROM
  stepper_init();  // Configure stepper pins and interrupt timers
  system_init();   // Configure pinout pins and pin-change interrupt
  memset(&sys, 0, sizeof(sys));  // Clear all system variables
  sys.abort = true;   // Set abort to complete initialization
  //sei(); // Enable interrupts

  // Check for power-up and set system alarm if homing is enabled to force homing cycle
  // by setting Grbl's alarm state. Alarm locks out all g-code commands, including the
  // startup scripts, but allows access to settings and internal commands. Only a homing
  // cycle '$H' or kill alarm locks '$X' will disable the alarm.
  // NOTE: The startup script will run after successful completion of the homing cycle, but
  // not after disabling the alarm locks. Prevents motion startup blocks from crashing into
  // things uncontrollably. Very bad.
    if (bit_istrue(settings.flags,BITFLAG_HOMING_ENABLE)) { sys.state = STATE_ALARM; }

  // Grbl initialization loop upon power-up or a system abort. For the latter, all processes
  // will return to this loop to be cleanly re-initialized.
  for(;;) {

    // TODO: Separate configure task that require interrupts to be disabled, especially upon
    // a system abort and ensuring any active interrupts are cleanly reset.
    // Reset Grbl primary systems.
    serial_reset_read_buffer(); // Clear serial read buffer
    st_reset(); // Clear stepper subsystem variables.

    // Reset system variables.
    sys.abort = false;
    sys.execute = 0;
    // Start Grbl main loop. Processes program inputs and executes them.
  return 0;   /* Never reached */
Example #3
void umcwriter_planner_set_position(double X, double Y, double A)
  double pos[3];
  pos[settings.x_axes] = X * settings.x_dir;
  pos[settings.y_axes] = Y * settings.y_dir;
  pos[2] = A;
Example #4
void tg_application_reset(void) 
	cli();					// disable global interrupts
	st_reset(); 			// reset stepper subsystem
	mp_init();				// motion planning subsystem
	cm_init();				// canonical machine
	gc_init();				// gcode-parser

	PMIC_SetVectorLocationToApplication();  // as opposed to boot ROM
	PMIC_EnableHighLevel();	// all levels are used, so don't bother to abstract them
	sei();					// enable global interrupts
	tg_ready();				// (LAST) announce app is online
int startGrbl(void)
  // Initialize system
  serial_init(); // Setup serial baud rate and interrupts
  settings_init(); // Load grbl settings from EEPROM
  st_init(); // Setup stepper pins and interrupt timers
  sei(); // Enable interrupts
  memset(&sys, 0, sizeof(sys));  // Clear all system variables
  sys.abort = true;   // Set abort to complete initialization
  sys.state = STATE_INIT;  // Set alarm state to indicate unknown initial position
//  Wire.begin();

  for(;;) {

    // Execute system reset upon a system abort, where the main program will return to this loop.
    // Once here, it is safe to re-initialize the system. At startup, the system will automatically
    // reset to finish the initialization process.
    if (sys.abort) {
      // Reset system.
      serial_reset_read_buffer(); // Clear serial read buffer
      plan_init(); // Clear block buffer and planner variables
      gc_init(); // Set g-code parser to default state
      protocol_init(); // Clear incoming line data and execute startup lines
      st_reset(); // Clear stepper subsystem variables.
      // Sync cleared gcode and planner positions to current system position, which is only
      // cleared upon startup, not a reset/abort. 
      // Reset system variables.
      sys.abort = false;
      sys.execute = 0;
      if (bit_istrue(settings.flags,BITFLAG_AUTO_START)) { sys.auto_start = true; }
      // Check for power-up and set system alarm if homing is enabled to force homing cycle
      // by setting Grbl's alarm state. Alarm locks out all g-code commands, including the
      // startup scripts, but allows access to settings and internal commands. Only a homing
      // cycle '$H' or kill alarm locks '$X' will disable the alarm.
      // NOTE: The startup script will run after successful completion of the homing cycle, but
      // not after disabling the alarm locks. Prevents motion startup blocks from crashing into
      // things uncontrollably. Very bad.
      #ifdef HOMING_INIT_LOCK
        if (sys.state == STATE_INIT && bit_istrue(settings.flags,BITFLAG_HOMING_ENABLE)) { sys.state = STATE_ALARM; }
      // Check for and report alarm state after a reset, error, or an initial power up.
      if (sys.state == STATE_ALARM) {
      } else {
        // All systems go. Set system to ready and execute startup script.
        sys.state = STATE_IDLE;


 //   syspos(&encdr_x,&encdr_y);
    protocol_process(); // ... process the serial protocol
  return 0;   /* never reached */
Example #6
  void mc_probe_cycle(float *target, float feed_rate, uint8_t invert_feed_rate, uint8_t is_probe_away,
    uint8_t is_no_error)
  // TODO: Need to update this cycle so it obeys a non-auto cycle start.
  if (sys.state == STATE_CHECK_MODE) { return; }

  // Finish all queued commands and empty planner buffer before starting probe cycle.

  // Initialize probing control variables
  sys.probe_succeeded = false; // Re-initialize probe history before beginning cycle.  
  // After syncing, check if probe is already triggered. If so, halt and issue alarm.
  // NOTE: This probe initialization error applies to all probing cycles.
  if ( probe_get_state() ) { // Check probe pin state.
    bit_true_atomic(sys_rt_exec_alarm, EXEC_ALARM_PROBE_FAIL);
  if (sys.abort) { return; } // Return if system reset has been issued.

  // Setup and queue probing motion. Auto cycle-start should not start the cycle.
    mc_line(target, feed_rate, invert_feed_rate, line_number);
    mc_line(target, feed_rate, invert_feed_rate);
  // Activate the probing state monitor in the stepper module.
  sys_probe_state = PROBE_ACTIVE;

  // Perform probing cycle. Wait here until probe is triggered or motion completes.
  bit_true_atomic(sys_rt_exec_state, EXEC_CYCLE_START);
  do {
    if (sys.abort) { return; } // Check for system abort
  } while (sys.state != STATE_IDLE);
  // Probing cycle complete!
  // Set state variables and error out, if the probe failed and cycle with error is enabled.
  if (sys_probe_state == PROBE_ACTIVE) {
    if (is_no_error) { memcpy(sys.probe_position, sys.position, sizeof(float)*N_AXIS); }
    else { bit_true_atomic(sys_rt_exec_alarm, EXEC_ALARM_PROBE_FAIL); }
  } else { 
    sys.probe_succeeded = true; // Indicate to system the probing cycle completed successfully.
  sys_probe_state = PROBE_OFF; // Ensure probe state monitor is disabled.
  protocol_execute_realtime();   // Check and execute run-time commands
  if (sys.abort) { return; } // Check for system abort

  // Reset the stepper and planner buffers to remove the remainder of the probe motion.
  st_reset(); // Reest step segment buffer.
  plan_reset(); // Reset planner buffer. Zero planner positions. Ensure probing motion is cleared.
  plan_sync_position(); // Sync planner position to current machine position.

  // TODO: Update the g-code parser code to not require this target calculation but uses a gc_sync_position() call.
  // NOTE: The target[] variable updated here will be sent back and synced with the g-code parser.
  system_convert_array_steps_to_mpos(target, sys.position);

    // All done! Output the probe position as message.
Example #7
File: main.c Project: MrSurly/grbl
int main(void)
  // Initialize system upon power-up.
  serial_init();   // Setup serial baud rate and interrupts
  settings_init(); // Load Grbl settings from EEPROM
  stepper_init();  // Configure stepper pins and interrupt timers
  system_init();   // Configure pinout pins and pin-change interrupt

  memset(sys_position,0,sizeof(sys_position)); // Clear machine position.
  sei(); // Enable interrupts

  // Initialize system state.
    // Force Grbl into an ALARM state upon a power-cycle or hard reset.
    sys.state = STATE_ALARM;
    sys.state = STATE_IDLE;
  // Check for power-up and set system alarm if homing is enabled to force homing cycle
  // by setting Grbl's alarm state. Alarm locks out all g-code commands, including the
  // startup scripts, but allows access to settings and internal commands. Only a homing
  // cycle '$H' or kill alarm locks '$X' will disable the alarm.
  // NOTE: The startup script will run after successful completion of the homing cycle, but
  // not after disabling the alarm locks. Prevents motion startup blocks from crashing into
  // things uncontrollably. Very bad.
    if (bit_istrue(settings.flags,BITFLAG_HOMING_ENABLE)) { sys.state = STATE_ALARM; }

  // Grbl initialization loop upon power-up or a system abort. For the latter, all processes
  // will return to this loop to be cleanly re-initialized.
  for(;;) {

    // Reset system variables.
    uint8_t prior_state = sys.state;
    memset(&sys, 0, sizeof(system_t)); // Clear system struct variable.
    sys.state = prior_state;
    sys.f_override = DEFAULT_FEED_OVERRIDE;  // Set to 100%
    sys.r_override = DEFAULT_RAPID_OVERRIDE; // Set to 100%
    sys.spindle_speed_ovr = DEFAULT_SPINDLE_SPEED_OVERRIDE; // Set to 100%
		memset(sys_probe_position,0,sizeof(sys_probe_position)); // Clear probe position.
    sys_probe_state = 0;
    sys_rt_exec_state = 0;
    sys_rt_exec_alarm = 0;
    sys_rt_exec_motion_override = 0;
    sys_rt_exec_accessory_override = 0;

    // Reset Grbl primary systems.
    serial_reset_read_buffer(); // Clear serial read buffer
    gc_init(); // Set g-code parser to default state
    plan_reset(); // Clear block buffer and planner variables
    st_reset(); // Clear stepper subsystem variables.

    // Sync cleared gcode and planner positions to current system position.

    // Print welcome message. Indicates an initialization has occured at power-up or with a reset.

    // Start Grbl main loop. Processes program inputs and executes them.

  return 0;   /* Never reached */
// Perform tool length probe cycle. Requires probe switch.
// NOTE: Upon probe failure, the program will be stopped and placed into ALARM state.
uint8_t mc_probe_cycle(float *target, plan_line_data_t *pl_data, uint8_t parser_flags)
  // TODO: Need to update this cycle so it obeys a non-auto cycle start.
  if (sys.state == STATE_CHECK_MODE) { return(GC_PROBE_CHECK_MODE); }

  // Finish all queued commands and empty planner buffer before starting probe cycle.
  if (sys.abort) { return(GC_PROBE_ABORT); } // Return if system reset has been issued.

  // Initialize probing control variables
  uint8_t is_probe_away = bit_istrue(parser_flags,GC_PARSER_PROBE_IS_AWAY);
  uint8_t is_no_error = bit_istrue(parser_flags,GC_PARSER_PROBE_IS_NO_ERROR);
  sys.probe_succeeded = false; // Re-initialize probe history before beginning cycle.

  // After syncing, check if probe is already triggered. If so, halt and issue alarm.
  // NOTE: This probe initialization error applies to all probing cycles.
  if ( probe_get_state() ) { // Check probe pin state.
    probe_configure_invert_mask(false); // Re-initialize invert mask before returning.
    return(GC_PROBE_FAIL_INIT); // Nothing else to do but bail.

  // Setup and queue probing motion. Auto cycle-start should not start the cycle.
  mc_line(target, pl_data);

  // Activate the probing state monitor in the stepper module.
  sys_probe_state = PROBE_ACTIVE;

  // Perform probing cycle. Wait here until probe is triggered or motion completes.
  do {
    if (sys.abort) { return(GC_PROBE_ABORT); } // Check for system abort
  } while (sys.state != STATE_IDLE);

  // Probing cycle complete!

  // Set state variables and error out, if the probe failed and cycle with error is enabled.
  if (sys_probe_state == PROBE_ACTIVE) {
    if (is_no_error) { memcpy(sys_probe_position, sys_position, sizeof(sys_position)); }
    else { system_set_exec_alarm(EXEC_ALARM_PROBE_FAIL_CONTACT); }
  } else {
    sys.probe_succeeded = true; // Indicate to system the probing cycle completed successfully.
  sys_probe_state = PROBE_OFF; // Ensure probe state monitor is disabled.
  probe_configure_invert_mask(false); // Re-initialize invert mask.
  protocol_execute_realtime();   // Check and execute run-time commands

  // Reset the stepper and planner buffers to remove the remainder of the probe motion.
  st_reset(); // Reset step segment buffer.
  plan_reset(); // Reset planner buffer. Zero planner positions. Ensure probing motion is cleared.
  plan_sync_position(); // Sync planner position to current machine position.

    // All done! Output the probe position as message.

  if (sys.probe_succeeded) { return(GC_PROBE_FOUND); } // Successful probe cycle.
  else { return(GC_PROBE_FAIL_END); } // Failed to trigger probe within travel. With or without error.
Example #9
int main(void)
  // Initialize system
  serial_init(BAUD_RATE); // Setup serial baud rate and interrupts
  st_init(); // Setup stepper pins and interrupt timers
  sei(); // Enable interrupts

  memset(&sys, 0, sizeof(sys));  // Clear all system variables
  sys.abort = true;   // Set abort to complete initialization

  for(;;) {

    // Execute system reset upon a system abort, where the main program will return to this loop.
    // Once here, it is safe to re-initialize the system. At startup, the system will automatically
    // reset to finish the initialization process.
    if (sys.abort) {

      // Retain last known machine position and work coordinate offset(s). If the system abort
      // occurred while in motion, machine position is not guaranteed, since a hard stop can cause
      // the steppers to lose steps. Always perform a feedhold before an abort, if maintaining
      // accurate machine position is required.
      // TODO: Report last position and coordinate offset to users to help relocate origins. Future
      // releases will auto-reset the machine position back to [0,0,0] if an abort is used while
      // grbl is moving the machine.
/// by LETARTARE 3-> 4
      int32_t last_position[4];
      double last_coord_system[N_COORDINATE_SYSTEM][3];
      memcpy(last_position, sys.position, sizeof(sys.position)); // last_position[] = sys.position[]
      memcpy(last_coord_system, sys.coord_system, sizeof(sys.coord_system)); // last_coord_system[] = sys.coord_system[]

      // Reset system.
      memset(&sys, 0, sizeof(sys)); // Clear all system variables
      serial_reset_read_buffer(); // Clear serial read buffer
      settings_init(); // Load grbl settings from EEPROM
      protocol_init(); // Clear incoming line data
      plan_init(); // Clear block buffer and planner variables
      gc_init(); // Set g-code parser to default state
      st_reset(); // Clear stepper subsystem variables.

      // Reload last known machine position and work systems. G92 coordinate offsets are reset.
      memcpy(sys.position, last_position, sizeof(last_position)); // sys.position[] = last_position[]
      memcpy(sys.coord_system, last_coord_system, sizeof(last_coord_system)); // sys.coord_system[] = last_coord_system[]

      // Set system runtime defaults
      // TODO: Eventual move to EEPROM from config.h when all of the new settings are worked out.
      // Mainly to avoid having to maintain several different versions.
      #ifdef CYCLE_AUTO_START
        sys.auto_start = true;
      // TODO: Install G20/G21 unit default into settings and load appropriate settings.

    protocol_process(); // ... process the serial protocol

  return 0;   /* never reached */
Example #10
// Homes the specified cycle axes, sets the machine position, and performs a pull-off motion after
// completing. Homing is a special motion case, which involves rapid uncontrolled stops to locate
// the trigger point of the limit switches. The rapid stops are handled by a system level axis lock 
// mask, which prevents the stepper algorithm from executing step pulses. Homing motions typically 
// circumvent the processes for executing motions in normal operation.
// NOTE: Only the abort realtime command can interrupt this process.
// TODO: Move limit pin-specific calls to a general function for portability.
void limits_go_home(uint8_t cycle_mask) 
  if (sys.abort) { return; } // Block if system reset has been issued.

  // Initialize
  uint8_t n_cycle = (2*N_HOMING_LOCATE_CYCLE+1);
  uint8_t step_pin[N_AXIS];
  float target[N_AXIS];
  float max_travel = 0.0;
  uint8_t idx;
  for (idx=0; idx<N_AXIS; idx++) {  
    // Initialize step pin masks
    step_pin[idx] = get_step_pin_mask(idx);
    #ifdef COREXY    
      if ((idx==A_MOTOR)||(idx==B_MOTOR)) { step_pin[idx] = (get_step_pin_mask(X_AXIS)|get_step_pin_mask(Y_AXIS)); } 

    if (bit_istrue(cycle_mask,bit(idx))) { 
      // Set target based on max_travel setting. Ensure homing switches engaged with search scalar.
      // NOTE: settings.max_travel[] is stored as a negative value.
      max_travel = max(max_travel,(-HOMING_AXIS_SEARCH_SCALAR)*settings.max_travel[idx]);

  // Set search mode with approach at seek rate to quickly engage the specified cycle_mask limit switches.
  bool approach = true;
  float homing_rate = settings.homing_seek_rate;

  uint8_t limit_state, axislock, n_active_axis;
  do {


    // Initialize and declare variables needed for homing routine.
    axislock = 0;
    n_active_axis = 0;
    for (idx=0; idx<N_AXIS; idx++) {
      // Set target location for active axes and setup computation for homing rate.
      if (bit_istrue(cycle_mask,bit(idx))) {
        sys.position[idx] = 0;
        // Set target direction based on cycle mask and homing cycle approach state.
        // NOTE: This happens to compile smaller than any other implementation tried.
        if (bit_istrue(settings.homing_dir_mask,bit(idx))) {
          if (approach) { target[idx] = -max_travel; }
          else { target[idx] = max_travel; }
        } else { 
          if (approach) { target[idx] = max_travel; }
          else { target[idx] = -max_travel; }
        // Apply axislock to the step port pins active in this cycle.
        axislock |= step_pin[idx];

    homing_rate *= sqrt(n_active_axis); // [sqrt(N_AXIS)] Adjust so individual axes all move at homing rate.
    sys.homing_axis_lock = axislock;

    plan_sync_position(); // Sync planner position to current machine position.
    // Perform homing cycle. Planner buffer should be empty, as required to initiate the homing cycle.
      plan_buffer_line(target, homing_rate, false, false, HOMING_CYCLE_LINE_NUMBER); // Bypass mc_line(). Directly plan homing motion.
      plan_buffer_line(target, homing_rate, false, false); // Bypass mc_line(). Directly plan homing motion.
    st_prep_buffer(); // Prep and fill segment buffer from newly planned block.
    st_wake_up(); // Initiate motion
    do {
      if (approach) {
        // Check limit state. Lock out cycle axes when they change.
        limit_state = limits_get_state();
        for (idx=0; idx<N_AXIS; idx++) {
          if (axislock & step_pin[idx]) {
            if (limit_state & (1 << idx)) { axislock &= ~(step_pin[idx]); }
        sys.homing_axis_lock = axislock;

      st_prep_buffer(); // Check and prep segment buffer. NOTE: Should take no longer than 200us.

      // Exit routines: No time to run protocol_execute_realtime() in this loop.
      if (sys_rt_exec_state & (EXEC_SAFETY_DOOR | EXEC_RESET | EXEC_CYCLE_STOP)) {
        // Homing failure: Limit switches are still engaged after pull-off motion
        if ( (sys_rt_exec_state & (EXEC_SAFETY_DOOR | EXEC_RESET)) ||  // Safety door or reset issued
           (!approach && (limits_get_state() & cycle_mask)) ||  // Limit switch still engaged after pull-off motion
           ( approach && (sys_rt_exec_state & EXEC_CYCLE_STOP)) ) { // Limit switch not found during approach.
          mc_reset(); // Stop motors, if they are running.
        } else {
          // Pull-off motion complete. Disable CYCLE_STOP from executing.

    } while (STEP_MASK & axislock);

    st_reset(); // Immediately force kill steppers and reset step segment buffer.
    plan_reset(); // Reset planner buffer to zero planner current position and to clear previous motions.

    delay_ms(settings.homing_debounce_delay); // Delay to allow transient dynamics to dissipate.

    // Reverse direction and reset homing rate for locate cycle(s).
    approach = !approach;

    // After first cycle, homing enters locating phase. Shorten search to pull-off distance.
    if (approach) { 
      max_travel = settings.homing_pulloff*HOMING_AXIS_LOCATE_SCALAR; 
      homing_rate = settings.homing_feed_rate;
    } else {
      max_travel = settings.homing_pulloff;    
      homing_rate = settings.homing_seek_rate;
  } while (n_cycle-- > 0);
  // The active cycle axes should now be homed and machine limits have been located. By 
  // default, Grbl defines machine space as all negative, as do most CNCs. Since limit switches
  // can be on either side of an axes, check and set axes machine zero appropriately. Also,
  // set up pull-off maneuver from axes limit switches that have been homed. This provides
  // some initial clearance off the switches and should also help prevent them from falsely
  // triggering when hard limits are enabled or when more than one axes shares a limit pin.
  #ifdef COREXY
    int32_t off_axis_position = 0;
  int32_t set_axis_position;
  // Set machine positions for homed limit switches. Don't update non-homed axes.
  for (idx=0; idx<N_AXIS; idx++) {
    // NOTE: settings.max_travel[] is stored as a negative value.
    if (cycle_mask & bit(idx)) {
        set_axis_position = 0;
        if ( bit_istrue(settings.homing_dir_mask,bit(idx)) ) {
          set_axis_position = lround((settings.max_travel[idx]+settings.homing_pulloff)*settings.steps_per_mm[idx]);
        } else {
          set_axis_position = lround(-settings.homing_pulloff*settings.steps_per_mm[idx]);
      #ifdef COREXY
        if (idx==X_AXIS) { 
          off_axis_position = (sys.position[B_MOTOR] - sys.position[A_MOTOR])/2;
          sys.position[A_MOTOR] = set_axis_position - off_axis_position;
          sys.position[B_MOTOR] = set_axis_position + off_axis_position;          
        } else if (idx==Y_AXIS) {
          off_axis_position = (sys.position[A_MOTOR] + sys.position[B_MOTOR])/2;
          sys.position[A_MOTOR] = off_axis_position - set_axis_position;
          sys.position[B_MOTOR] = off_axis_position + set_axis_position;
        } else {
          sys.position[idx] = set_axis_position;
        sys.position[idx] = set_axis_position;

  plan_sync_position(); // Sync planner position to homed machine position.
  // sys.state = STATE_HOMING; // Ensure system state set as homing before returning. 
Example #11
// Homes the specified cycle axes, sets the machine position, and performs a pull-off motion after
// completing. Homing is a special motion case, which involves rapid uncontrolled stops to locate
// the trigger point of the limit switches. The rapid stops are handled by a system level axis lock 
// mask, which prevents the stepper algorithm from executing step pulses. Homing motions typically 
// circumvent the processes for executing motions in normal operation.
// NOTE: Only the abort runtime command can interrupt this process.
void limits_go_home(uint8_t cycle_mask) 
  if (sys.abort) { return; } // Block if system reset has been issued.

  // Initialize homing in search mode to quickly engage the specified cycle_mask limit switches.
  bool approach = true;
  float homing_rate = settings.homing_seek_rate;
  uint8_t invert_pin, idx;
  uint8_t n_cycle = (2*N_HOMING_LOCATE_CYCLE+1);  ///***5
  float target[N_AXIS];
  uint8_t limit_pin[N_AXIS], step_pin[N_AXIS];
  float max_travel = 0.0;
  for (idx=0; idx<N_AXIS; idx++) {  
    // Initialize limit and step pin masks
    limit_pin[idx] = get_limit_pin_mask(idx);    ///////****get the Pin  of  limit min x, y ,z ,  Limit OK
    step_pin[idx] = get_step_pin_mask(idx);       ///////****get the Pin  of  limit min x, y ,z   now I let it 0, 1, 2

    // Determine travel distance to the furthest homing switch based on user max travel settings.
    // NOTE: settings.max_travel[] is stored as a negative value.
    if (max_travel > settings.max_travel[idx]) { max_travel = settings.max_travel[idx]; }
  max_travel *= -HOMING_AXIS_SEARCH_SCALAR; // Ensure homing switches engaged by over-estimating max travel.
  plan_reset(); // Reset planner buffer to zero planner current position and to clear previous motions.
  do {
    // Initialize invert_pin boolean based on approach and invert pin user setting.
    if (bit_isfalse(settings.flags,BITFLAG_INVERT_LIMIT_PINS)) { invert_pin = approach; }
    else { invert_pin = !approach; }

    // Initialize and declare variables needed for homing routine.
    uint8_t n_active_axis = 0;
    uint8_t axislock = 0;
    for (idx=0; idx<N_AXIS; idx++) {
      // Set target location for active axes and setup computation for homing rate.
      if (bit_istrue(cycle_mask,bit(idx))) { 
        if (!approach) { target[idx] = -max_travel; }
        else { target[idx] = max_travel; }
      } else {
        target[idx] = 0.0;

      // Set target direction based on cycle mask
      if (bit_istrue(settings.homing_dir_mask,bit(idx))) { target[idx] = -target[idx]; }
      // Apply axislock to the step port pins active in this cycle.
      if (bit_istrue(cycle_mask,bit(idx))) { axislock |= step_pin[idx]; }
    homing_rate *= sqrt(n_active_axis); // [sqrt(N_AXIS)] Adjust so individual axes all move at homing rate.
    sys.homing_axis_lock = axislock;
    // Perform homing cycle. Planner buffer should be empty, as required to initiate the homing cycle.
    uint8_t limit_state;
      plan_buffer_line(target, homing_rate, false, HOMING_CYCLE_LINE_NUMBER); // Bypass mc_line(). Directly plan homing motion.
      plan_buffer_line(target, homing_rate, false); // Bypass mc_line(). Directly plan homing motion.
    st_prep_buffer(); // Prep and fill segment buffer from newly planned block.
    st_wake_up(); // Initiate motion
    do {
      // Check limit state. Lock out cycle axes when they change.
#if MotherBoard==3 /////**MB==3  
#ifdef limit_int_style
		  limit_state = LIMIT_PIN;
	      if (invert_pin) { limit_state ^= LIMIT_MASK; }
	  //************Get Limit Pin State.	 PiBot get limit/endstop mask same with the step mask.
		  if(isXMinEndstopHit()) { limit_state^= MASK(X_LIMIT_BIT);}   ////***read X_endstop then write into limite_state
		  if(isYMinEndstopHit()) { limit_state^= MASK(Y_LIMIT_BIT);} 
		  if(isZMinEndstopHit()) { limit_state^= MASK(Z_LIMIT_BIT);}   ////*****add MAX limit
		  if(isXMaxEndstopHit()) { limit_state^= MASK(X_LIMIT_MAX_BIT);}   ////***read X_endstop then write into limite_state
		  if(isYMaxEndstopHit()) { limit_state^= MASK(Y_LIMIT_MAX_BIT);} 
		  if(isZMaxEndstopHit()) { limit_state^= MASK(Z_LIMIT_MAX_BIT);}   ////*****add MAX limit
		  if(isXMinEndstopHit()) { limit_state^= MASK(X_MASK);} ////***read X_endstop then write into limite_state
		  if(isYMinEndstopHit()) { limit_state^= MASK(Y_MASK);} 
		  if(isZMinEndstopHit()) { limit_state^= MASK(Z_MASK);} ////*****add MAX limit
#else  /////**MB!=3   ////////#################################################
      limit_state = LIMIT_PIN;
      if (invert_pin) { limit_state ^= LIMIT_MASK; }
#endif   /////**MB==3

      for (idx=0; idx<N_AXIS; idx++) {
        if (axislock & step_pin[idx]) {
          if (limit_state & limit_pin[idx]) { axislock &= ~(step_pin[idx]); }
      sys.homing_axis_lock = axislock;
      st_prep_buffer(); // Check and prep segment buffer. NOTE: Should take no longer than 200us.
      // Check only for user reset. No time to run protocol_execute_runtime() in this loop.
      if (sys.execute & EXEC_RESET) { protocol_execute_runtime(); return; }
    } while (STEP_MASK & axislock);
    st_reset(); // Immediately force kill steppers and reset step segment buffer.
    plan_reset(); // Reset planner buffer. Zero planner positions. Ensure homing motion is cleared.

    delay_ms(settings.homing_debounce_delay); // Delay to allow transient dynamics to dissipate.

    // Reverse direction and reset homing rate for locate cycle(s).
    homing_rate = settings.homing_feed_rate;
    approach = !approach;
  } while (n_cycle-- > 0);
  // The active cycle axes should now be homed and machine limits have been located. By 
  // default, grbl defines machine space as all negative, as do most CNCs. Since limit switches
  // can be on either side of an axes, check and set axes machine zero appropriately. Also,
  // set up pull-off maneuver from axes limit switches that have been homed. This provides
  // some initial clearance off the switches and should also help prevent them from falsely
  // triggering when hard limits are enabled or when more than one axes shares a limit pin.
  for (idx=0; idx<N_AXIS; idx++) {
    // Set up pull off targets and machine positions for limit switches homed in the negative
    // direction, rather than the traditional positive. Leave non-homed positions as zero and
    // do not move them.
    // NOTE: settings.max_travel[] is stored as a negative value.
    if (cycle_mask & bit(idx)) {
        sys.position[idx] = 0;  // Set axis homed location as axis origin
        target[idx] = settings.homing_pulloff;  
        if ( bit_isfalse(settings.homing_dir_mask,bit(idx)) ) { target[idx] = -target[idx]; }     
        if ( bit_istrue(settings.homing_dir_mask,bit(idx)) ) {
          target[idx] = settings.homing_pulloff+settings.max_travel[idx];
          sys.position[idx] = lround(settings.max_travel[idx]*settings.steps_per_mm[idx]);
        } else {
          target[idx] = -settings.homing_pulloff;
          sys.position[idx] = 0;
    } else { // Non-active cycle axis. Set target to not move during pull-off. 
      target[idx] = (float)sys.position[idx]/settings.steps_per_mm[idx];
  plan_sync_position(); // Sync planner position to current machine position for pull-off move.
    plan_buffer_line(target, settings.homing_seek_rate, false, HOMING_CYCLE_LINE_NUMBER); // Bypass mc_line(). Directly plan motion.
    plan_buffer_line(target, settings.homing_seek_rate, false); // Bypass mc_line(). Directly plan motion.
  // Initiate pull-off using main motion control routines. 
  // TODO : Clean up state routines so that this motion still shows homing state.
  sys.state = STATE_QUEUED;
  bit_true_atomic(sys.execute, EXEC_CYCLE_START);
  protocol_buffer_synchronize(); // Complete pull-off motion.
  // Set system state to homing before returning. 
  sys.state = STATE_HOMING; 
Example #12
  void mc_probe_cycle(float *target, float feed_rate, uint8_t invert_feed_rate)
  // TODO: Need to update this cycle so it obeys a non-auto cycle start.
  if (sys.state == STATE_CHECK_MODE) { return; }

  // Finish all queued commands and empty planner buffer before starting probe cycle.
  uint8_t auto_start_state = sys.auto_start; // Store run state
  // After syncing, check if probe is already triggered. If so, halt and issue alarm.
  if (probe_get_state()) { 
    bit_true_atomic(sys.execute, EXEC_CRIT_EVENT);
  if (sys.abort) { return; } // Return if system reset has been issued.

  // Setup and queue probing motion. Auto cycle-start should not start the cycle.
    mc_line(target, feed_rate, invert_feed_rate, line_number);
    mc_line(target, feed_rate, invert_feed_rate);
  // Activate the probing monitor in the stepper module.
  sys.probe_state = PROBE_ACTIVE;

  // Perform probing cycle. Wait here until probe is triggered or motion completes.
  bit_true_atomic(sys.execute, EXEC_CYCLE_START);
  do {
    if (sys.abort) { return; } // Check for system abort
  } while ((sys.state != STATE_IDLE) && (sys.state != STATE_QUEUED));

  // Probing motion complete. If the probe has not been triggered, error out.
  if (sys.probe_state == PROBE_ACTIVE) { bit_true_atomic(sys.execute, EXEC_CRIT_EVENT); }
  protocol_execute_runtime();   // Check and execute run-time commands
  if (sys.abort) { return; } // Check for system abort

  // Reset the stepper and planner buffers to remove the remainder of the probe motion.
  st_reset(); // Reest step segment buffer.
  plan_reset(); // Reset planner buffer. Zero planner positions. Ensure probing motion is cleared.
  plan_sync_position(); // Sync planner position to current machine position.
  // Pull-off triggered probe to the trigger location since we had to decelerate a little beyond
  // it to stop the machine in a controlled manner. 
  uint8_t idx;
  for(idx=0; idx<N_AXIS; idx++){
    // NOTE: The target[] variable updated here will be sent back and synced with the g-code parser.
    target[idx] = (float)sys.probe_position[idx]/settings.steps_per_deg[idx];
    mc_line(target, feed_rate, invert_feed_rate, line_number);
    mc_line(target, feed_rate, invert_feed_rate);

  // Execute pull-off motion and wait until it completes.
  bit_true_atomic(sys.execute, EXEC_CYCLE_START);
  if (sys.abort) { return; } // Return if system reset has been issued.

  sys.auto_start = auto_start_state; // Restore run state before returning

    // All done! Output the probe position as message.
Example #13
int main(void)
#ifdef PART_LM4F120H5QR // ARM code
  SysCtlClockSet( SYSCTL_SYSDIV_4 | SYSCTL_USE_PLL | SYSCTL_XTAL_16MHZ | SYSCTL_OSC_MAIN ); //set system clock to 80 MHz
  FPUEnable(); //enable the Floating Point Unit
//  FPULazyStackingEnable(); // Enable stacking for interrupt handlers

  // Initialize system
  serial_init(); // Setup serial baud rate and interrupts
  settings_init(); // Load grbl settings from EEPROM
  st_init(); // Setup stepper pins and interrupt timers

#ifdef PART_LM4F120H5QR // ARM code
#else // AVR code
  sei(); // Enable interrupts
  memset(&sys, 0, sizeof(sys));  // Clear all system variables
  sys.abort = true;   // Set abort to complete initialization
  sys.state = STATE_INIT;  // Set alarm state to indicate unknown initial position
  for(;;) {
    // Execute system reset upon a system abort, where the main program will return to this loop.
    // Once here, it is safe to re-initialize the system. At startup, the system will automatically
    // reset to finish the initialization process.
    if (sys.abort) {
      // Reset system.
      serial_reset_read_buffer(); // Clear serial read buffer
      plan_init(); // Clear block buffer and planner variables
      gc_init(); // Set g-code parser to default state
      protocol_init(); // Clear incoming line data and execute startup lines
      st_reset(); // Clear stepper subsystem variables.

      // Sync cleared gcode and planner positions to current system position, which is only
      // cleared upon startup, not a reset/abort. 

      // Reset system variables.
      sys.abort = false;
      sys.execute = 0;
      if (bit_istrue(settings.flags,BITFLAG_AUTO_START)) { sys.auto_start = true; }
      // Check for power-up and set system alarm if homing is enabled to force homing cycle
      // by setting Grbl's alarm state. Alarm locks out all g-code commands, including the
      // startup scripts, but allows access to settings and internal commands. Only a homing
      // cycle '$H' or kill alarm locks '$X' will disable the alarm.
      // NOTE: The startup script will run after successful completion of the homing cycle, but
      // not after disabling the alarm locks. Prevents motion startup blocks from crashing into
      // things uncontrollably. Very bad.
      #ifdef HOMING_INIT_LOCK
        if (sys.state == STATE_INIT && bit_istrue(settings.flags,BITFLAG_HOMING_ENABLE)) { sys.state = STATE_ALARM; }
      // Check for and report alarm state after a reset, error, or an initial power up.
      if (sys.state == STATE_ALARM) {
      } else {
        // All systems go. Set system to ready and execute startup script.
        sys.state = STATE_IDLE;
    protocol_process(); // ... process the serial protocol
    // When the serial protocol returns, there are no more characters in the serial read buffer to
    // be processed and executed. This indicates that individual commands are being issued or 
    // streaming is finished. In either case, auto-cycle start, if enabled, any queued moves.
    if (sys.auto_start) { st_cycle_start(); }
  // return 0;   /* never reached */
Example #14
bool umcwriter_init(const char* filename, const double heightZ, const char machine_type)
  umcwriter_Z = 0;
  umcwriter_Z_height = heightZ;
  umcwriter_print_time = 0;
  umcwriter_machine_type = machine_type;
  umcwriter_bed_temp = 0;


  umcwriter_file = fopen(filename,"wb+");
  if( !umcwriter_file )
    return false;

  umcwriter_set_report_data( 0, 0 );

  UP3D_BLK blk;
  _umcwriter_write_file(&blk, 1);

  umcwriter_pause(4000); //wait for power on complete and temperature measurement to stabilize

  UP3D_PROG_BLK_SetParameter(&blk,0x41,0);              //TEMP FOR NOZZLE1 TEMP REACHED
  _umcwriter_write_file(&blk, 1);
  UP3D_PROG_BLK_SetParameter(&blk,0x42,0);              //TEMP FOR NOZZLE2 TEMP REACHED
  _umcwriter_write_file(&blk, 1);
  UP3D_PROG_BLK_SetParameter(&blk,0x43,0);              //TEMP FOR BED TEMP REACHED
  _umcwriter_write_file(&blk, 1);

  UP3D_PROG_BLK_SetParameter(&blk,0x46,13);               //?
  _umcwriter_write_file(&blk, 1);

  if( 'm' == umcwriter_machine_type )
    UP3D_PROG_BLK_SetParameter(&blk,0x49,80);           //? for up mini only!
    _umcwriter_write_file(&blk, 1);

  //home all axis (needed for correct print status

  UP3D_PROG_BLK_SetParameter(&blk,PARA_PRINT_STATUS,1); //initialized
  _umcwriter_write_file(&blk, 1);
  UP3D_PROG_BLK_SetParameter(&blk,0x11,0);              //no support
  _umcwriter_write_file(&blk, 1);

  UP3D_PROG_BLK_SetParameter(&blk,0x35,0);              //needed for heat bed!
  _umcwriter_write_file(&blk, 1);
//  UP3D_PROG_BLK_SetParameter(&blk,0x36,103);            //feedback length ?
//  _umcwriter_write_file(&blk, 1);

//  UP3D_PROG_BLK_SetParameter(&blk,0x2A,5000);           //change nozzle time
//  _umcwriter_write_file(&blk, 1);
//  UP3D_PROG_BLK_SetParameter(&blk,0x2B,0);              //jump time
//  _umcwriter_write_file(&blk, 1);

  UP3D_PROG_BLK_SetParameter(&blk,0x17,0);              //nozzle #1 not open
  _umcwriter_write_file(&blk, 1);

//  UP3D_PROG_BLK_SetParameter(&blk,PARA_PRINT_STATUS,2); //running ==> PAUSED ???
//  _umcwriter_write_file(&blk, 1);

  UP3D_PROG_BLK_SetParameter(&blk,0x82,255);            //?
  _umcwriter_write_file(&blk, 1);
  UP3D_PROG_BLK_SetParameter(&blk,0x83,255);            //?
  _umcwriter_write_file(&blk, 1);
  //DEL UP3D_PROG_BLK_SetParameter(&blk,0x1D,100000);         //feed error length
  //DEL _umcwriter_write_file(&blk, 1);

  UP3D_PROG_BLK_SetParameter(&blk,0x1C,1);              //printing...
  _umcwriter_write_file(&blk, 1);
  return true;
Example #15
File: main.c Project: sebbra/grbl
int main(void)
  // Initialize system upon power-up.
  serial_init();   // Setup serial baud rate and interrupts
  settings_init(); // Load Grbl settings from EEPROM
  stepper_init();  // Configure stepper pins and interrupt timers
  system_init();   // Configure pinout pins and pin-change interrupt

  #ifdef CPU_MAP_CUSTOM_1284p
  memset(&sys, 0, sizeof(sys));  // Clear all system variables
  sys.abort = true;   // Set abort to complete initialization
  sei(); // Enable interrupts

  // Check for power-up and set system alarm if homing is enabled to force homing cycle
  // by setting Grbl's alarm state. Alarm locks out all g-code commands, including the
  // startup scripts, but allows access to settings and internal commands. Only a homing
  // cycle '$H' or kill alarm locks '$X' will disable the alarm.
  // NOTE: The startup script will run after successful completion of the homing cycle, but
  // not after disabling the alarm locks. Prevents motion startup blocks from crashing into
  // things uncontrollably. Very bad.
    if (bit_istrue(settings.flags,BITFLAG_HOMING_ENABLE)) { sys.state = STATE_ALARM; }
  // Force Grbl into an ALARM state upon a power-cycle or hard reset.
    sys.state = STATE_ALARM;
  // Grbl initialization loop upon power-up or a system abort. For the latter, all processes
  // will return to this loop to be cleanly re-initialized.
  for(;;) {

    // TODO: Separate configure task that require interrupts to be disabled, especially upon
    // a system abort and ensuring any active interrupts are cleanly reset.
    // Reset Grbl primary systems.
    serial_reset_read_buffer(); // Clear serial read buffer
    gc_init(); // Set g-code parser to default state
    plan_reset(); // Clear block buffer and planner variables
    st_reset(); // Clear stepper subsystem variables.

    // Sync cleared gcode and planner positions to current system position.

    // Reset system variables.
    sys.abort = false;
    sys_rt_exec_state = 0;
    sys_rt_exec_alarm = 0;
    sys.suspend = false;
    // Start Grbl main loop. Processes program inputs and executes them.
  return 0;   /* Never reached */