Example #1
void LegacyCharacter::Load( moPropBagRef propBag )
	moPropStringRef	name			( g_name		);		// name of character
	moPropIntRef	monster			( g_monster		);		// is this character a monster or pc? (bool value)
	moPropIntRef	status			( g_status		);		// normal, delayed or readied action (Character::Status)
	moPropIntRef	maxHP			( g_maxHP		);		// Maximum hitpoints the character has
	moPropIntRef	damage			( g_damage		);		// Current damage
	moPropIntRef	stabilized		( g_stabilized	);		// Applies to dying character
	moPropIntRef	justdropped		( g_justdropped );		// True if character just dropped this round
	moPropIntRef	init			( g_init		);		// init modifier
	moPropIntRef	spot			( g_spot		);		// spot modifier
	moPropIntRef	listen			( g_listen		);		// listen modifier
	moPropIntRef	will			( g_will		);		// will modifier
	moPropIntRef	position		( g_position	);		// the initiative position
	moPropIntRef	initRoll		( g_initRoll	);		// the actual rolls
	moPropIntRef	spotRoll		( g_spotRoll	);
	moPropIntRef	listenRoll		( g_listenRoll	);
	moPropIntRef	willRoll		( g_willRoll	);

	name        .Link( propBag );
	monster     .Link( propBag );
	status      .Link( propBag );
	maxHP       .Link( propBag );
	damage      .Link( propBag );
	stabilized  .Link( propBag );
	justdropped .Link( propBag );
	init        .Link( propBag );
	spot        .Link( propBag );
	listen      .Link( propBag );
	will        .Link( propBag );
	position    .Link( propBag );
	initRoll    .Link( propBag );
	spotRoll    .Link( propBag );
	listenRoll  .Link( propBag );
	willRoll    .Link( propBag );

	if( name.HasProp()        ) f_name        = static_cast<moWCString>(name).c_str();
	if( status.HasProp()      ) f_status      = static_cast<InternalStatus>( static_cast<int>(status) );
	if( monster.HasProp()     ) f_monster     = monster?        true: false;
	if( maxHP.HasProp()       ) f_maxHP       = maxHP;
	if( damage.HasProp()      ) f_damage      = damage;
	if( stabilized.HasProp()  ) f_stabilized  = stabilized?     true: false;
	if( justdropped.HasProp() ) f_justdropped = justdropped?    true: false;
	if( init.HasProp()        ) f_init        = init;
	if( spot.HasProp()        ) f_spot        = spot;
	if( listen.HasProp()      ) f_listen      = listen;
	if( will.HasProp()        ) f_will        = will;
	if( position.HasProp()    ) f_position    = position;
	if( initRoll.HasProp()    ) f_initRoll    = initRoll;
	if( spotRoll.HasProp()    ) f_spotRoll    = spotRoll;
	if( listenRoll.HasProp()  ) f_listenRoll  = listenRoll;
	if( willRoll.HasProp()    ) f_willRoll    = willRoll;
Example #2
int main() {
    const bool echo = true;

    const int topic_number = 5;
    const double gamma = 0.01;
    const std::string prefix("d:\\base\\Aleksander_texts_final\\text ");
    const std::string suffix(".txt");
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");

    const int begin_doc = 1;
    const int middle_doc = 2000;
    const int last_doc = 2200;
    const int update_freq = 5000;
    const int stab_freq_on_training = 20;
    const int total_iterations = 100;

    std::stringstream answer_filename;
    answer_filename << "PLSA_ROBx1_t" << middle_doc - begin_doc + 1 << "c" << last_doc - middle_doc << "_t" << topic_number << "_u";
    answer_filename << update_freq;
    answer_filename << "_s" << stab_freq_on_training << "_i" << total_iterations;
    answer_filename << "_gam" << (int)(gamma * 1000);
    answer_filename << ".txt";
    std::ofstream answer_file;
    answer_file << std::unitbuf; // forse write to file

    FileHandler learning_files(prefix, suffix, begin_doc , middle_doc);
    FileHandler  control_files(prefix, suffix, middle_doc + 1 , last_doc);
    Map dictionary;
    DocsWords docs_words(dictionary, learning_files);
    if (echo) {
        long long word_count = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < docs_words.docs_number(); ++i) {
            //std::cout << i << " " << docs_words.total_words_number(i) << " " << docs_words.unique_words_number(i) << std::endl;
            word_count += docs_words.total_words_number(i);
        std::cout << "Dictionary size: " << dictionary.size() << std::endl;
        std::cout << "Total word number:" << word_count << std::endl;
    std::pair<DocsWords, DocsWords> control(docs_words.build_control(dictionary , control_files));
    DocsWords train = control.first, test = control.second;

    const double param = 1.2; // 1 - for PLSA.
    std::vector<double> alpha(docs_words.unique_words_number(), param);
    std::vector<double> beta(topic_number, param);
    PhiTheta phi_theta(docs_words, KullbackLeibler(), alpha, beta);

    //Hidden_Collection hidden = PLSA_hidden(docs_words, topic_number);
    Hidden_Collection hidden = LDA_hidden_limited(docs_words, 6);
    //Hidden_Collection hidden = PLSA_robust(docs_words, topic_number, gamma);

    for (int i = 0; i < total_iterations; ++i) {
        double time;
            //PLSA_prepare prepare;   PLSA_GetDelta get_delta;
            LDA_prepare prepare;    LDA_GetDelta get_delta;
            update_every update(update_freq);
            //update_after_document update(0);
            //update_after_collection update(0);
            stabilized_after stabilized(1);
            time = perform_algorithm(docs_words, phi_theta, hidden, prepare, get_delta, update, stabilized, gamma);

        PhiTheta train_phi_theta(phi_theta.save_phi(train));
            //Hidden_Collection hidden_train = PLSA_hidden(train, topic_number);
            //Hidden_Collection hidden_train = PLSA_robust(train, topic_number, gamma);
            //PLSA_prepare prepare;   PLSA_GetDelta get_delta;
            Hidden_Collection hidden_train = LDA_hidden_limited(train, 6);                     LDA_prepare prepare;    LDA_GetDelta get_delta;
            update_every update(update_freq);
            //update_after_document update(0);
            //update_after_collection update(0);
            stabilized_after stabilized(stab_freq_on_training);
            perform_algorithm(train, train_phi_theta, hidden_train, prepare, get_delta, update, stabilized, gamma); // LOOK: gamma is 0
        std::cout << "i = " << i << std::endl;
        answer_file << "============================================================" << std::endl
                    << time
                    << " " << count_quality(test, train_phi_theta, KullbackLeibler())
                    << " " << count_quality(test, train_phi_theta, Chi_squared())
                    << " " << count_quality(test, train_phi_theta, Hellinger())
                    << std::endl
                    << "============================================================" << std::endl
    std::cout << std::endl;