ActionWidget::ActionWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::Action) { ui->setupUi(this); QString path = PRO_FILE_PWD; QDir dir(path + "/actionFiles"); QStringList filter; filter.append("*.act"); QStringList list = dir.entryList(filter, QDir::Files); connect(ui->startLoadButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(startLoad())); connect(ui->stopLoadButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(stopLoad())); connect(ui->startSaveButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(startSave())); connect(ui->stopSaveButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(stopSave())); ui->comboBox->addItems(list); }
bool Cursynth::textInput(int key) { if (state_ == PATCH_LOADING) { int num_patches = patches_.size(); switch(key) { case '\n': // Finish loading patches. state_ = STANDARD; gui_.clearPatches(); return true; case KEY_UP: // Go to previous patch. patch_load_index_ = CLAMP(patch_load_index_ - 1, 0, num_patches - 1); gui_.drawPatchLoading(patches_, patch_load_index_); loadFromFile(patches_[patch_load_index_]); return true; case KEY_DOWN: // Go to next patch. patch_load_index_ = CLAMP(patch_load_index_ + 1, 0, num_patches - 1); gui_.drawPatchLoading(patches_, patch_load_index_); loadFromFile(patches_[patch_load_index_]); return true; } } std::string current_control = gui_.getCurrentControl(); Control* control =; bool should_redraw_control = false; lock(); switch(key) { case 'H': case KEY_F(1): startHelp(); break; case 'S': startSave(); break; case 'L': startLoad(); break; case 'M': case 'm': if (state_ != MIDI_LEARN) state_ = MIDI_LEARN; else state_ = STANDARD; should_redraw_control = true; break; case 'C': case 'c': eraseMidiLearn(control); state_ = STANDARD; should_redraw_control = true; break; case KEY_UP: current_control = gui_.getPrevControl(); state_ = STANDARD; gui_.drawControl(control, false); should_redraw_control = true; break; case KEY_DOWN: current_control = gui_.getNextControl(); state_ = STANDARD; gui_.drawControl(control, false); should_redraw_control = true; break; case KEY_RIGHT: control->increment(); should_redraw_control = true; break; case KEY_LEFT: control->decrement(); should_redraw_control = true; break; default: // Check if they pressed the slider keys and change the current value. size_t slider_size = strlen(SLIDER) - 1; for (size_t i = 0; i <= slider_size; ++i) { if (SLIDER[i] == key) { control->setPercentage((1.0 * i) / slider_size); should_redraw_control = true; break; } } // Check if they pressed note keys and play the corresponding note. for (size_t i = 0; i < strlen(KEYBOARD); ++i) { if (KEYBOARD[i] == key) { synth_.noteOn(48 + i); break; } } } if (should_redraw_control) { control =; gui_.drawControl(control, true); gui_.drawControlStatus(control, state_ == MIDI_LEARN); } unlock(); return true; }
void Actor::save() { startSave("Actor"); Creature::save(); endSave(); }
void ClientWindow::menuAction(int id,Point point) { switch( id ) { case MenuFileNew : { if( editor.isModified() ) { askSave(ContinueNew); } else { editor.blank(); } } break; case MenuFileOpen : { if( editor.isModified() ) { file_point=point; askSave(ContinueStartOpen); } else { startOpen(point); } } break; case MenuFileSave : { if( ! ) startSave(point); } break; case MenuFileSaveAs : { startSave(point); } break; case MenuFileExit : { askFrameClose(); } break; case MenuOptionsUserPref : { doUserPref.assert(point); } break; case MenuOptionsAppPref : { doAppPref.assert(point); } break; } }