int main(int argc, char **argv){ // port number that listens for client connections int port; // check for server user input errors // server expects two command-line arguments, "ftserver" and the desired port number if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: Use ftserver <server-port>\n"); exit(1); } // port number must be a number if (!isNumber(argv[1], &port)) { fprintf(stderr, "ftserver: Server port must be a number!\n"); exit(1); } // start the server until an interrupt signal is received startServer(port); exit(0); }
int main() { // Create the mouse device int fd = createDevice(); if (fd < 0) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Start the server. The received data will be sent to the mouseHandler() // callback function if (0 != startServer(mouseHandler, (void *) &fd)) { return EXIT_FAILURE; } // Destroy the mouse device destroyDevice(fd); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
int main() { //初始化日志系统 initLogger(); //加载配置 CServer::getInstance()->getConf()->loadConf(); //启动topo管理模块 if (!CServer::getInstance()->getTopoMgr()->init()) { LOG_ERROR("topo module init failure"); return 0; } //启动服务 startServer(); return 0; }
void procMenu() { switch(ch) { case 's': case 'S': case '1': startServer(); break; case 'e': case 'E': case '2': exitProc(); break; default: defProc(); } }
void foo_server(int &a) { struct sockaddr_in clientaddr; socklen_t addrlen; char c; //Default Values PATH = ~/ and PORT=10000 char PORT[6]; ROOT = getenv("PWD"); strcpy(PORT,"55572"); strcpy(ROOT,"/home/"); int slot=0; printf("Server started at port no. %s%s%s with root directory as %s%s%s\n","\033[92m",PORT,"\033[0m","\033[92m",ROOT,"\033[0m"); // Setting all elements to -1: signifies there is no client connected int i; for (i=0; i<CONNMAX; i++) clients[i]=-1; startServer(PORT); // ACCEPT connections while (1) { addrlen = sizeof(clientaddr); clients[slot] = accept (listenfd, (struct sockaddr *) &clientaddr, &addrlen); if (clients[slot]<0) perror ("accept() error"); else { if ( fork()==0 ) { respond(slot); exit(0); } } while (clients[slot]!=-1) slot = (slot+1)%CONNMAX; } }
int main( int argc, char* argv[]) { int c; initialization(); while((c = getopt(argc, argv, "dhc:i:l:p:")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'd': dFlag = 1; lFlag = 0; break; case 'h': hFlag = 1; usage(); break; case 'c': cFlag = 1; // to do break; case 'i': iFlag = 1; server_addr = optarg; break; case 'l': lFlag = 1; dFlag = 0; // to do break; case 'p': pFlag = 1; server_port = optarg; } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; startServer(); exit(0); }
void ServerManager::serverFinish(int exitCode, QProcess::ExitStatus exitStatus) { QProcess *server = qobject_cast<QProcess *>(sender()); if (server) { //server->close(); // long blocking.. server->deleteLater(); int id = serversStatus.take(server); if (isRunning()) { if (exitCode != 127) { // 127 : for auto reloading tSystemError("Detected a server crashed. exitCode:%d exitStatus:%d", exitCode, (int)exitStatus); } startServer(id); } else { tSystemDebug("Detected normal exit of server. exitCode:%d", exitCode); if (serversStatus.count() == 0) { Tf::app()->exit(-1); } } } }
/*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- FUNCTION: main -- -- DATE: March 10, 2014 -- -- REVISIONS: -- -- DESIGNER: Robin Hsieh -- -- PROGRAMMER: Robin Hsieh -- -- INTERFACE: int main (int argc , char *argv[]) -- int argc: The number of the arguments put in from the command line. -- char *argv[]: The array of char* of the arguments -- -- RETURNS: int -- Returns an int when program terminates. -- -- NOTES: -- This function is to start the server program to be able to allow clients to connect, and act as a echo server -- that will send message from 1 client, to the rest of other clients connected. This program can also star the -- client program that will be able to connect to a server, and send messages to that server. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char username[128]; char ip[128]; int port; if(argc == 3) { if(strcmp(argv[1], "server") == 0) { port = atoi(argv[2]); startServer(port); } else { exit_message(); } } else if(argc == 5) { if(strcmp(argv[1], "client") == 0) { strcpy(username, argv[2]); strcpy(ip, argv[3]); port = atoi(argv[4]); startClient(username, ip, port); } else { exit_message(); } } else { exit_message(); } return 0; }
void FakeAdapter::start() { USES_CONVERSION; HRESULT hr; // NOTE start should return in atimely fashion //hResult = CoCreateInstance( clsid, // NULL, // CLSCTX_SERVER, // IID_IOPCServer, // (void**)&_pIOPCServer // ); // Only works for local thread ... _appdispatch.CoCreateInstance(L"PCDLRN.Application"); //pSinkObj->DispEventAdvise(_appdispatch); // look at for name invoking with parameter // I'm going to need an override enter and exit thread loop for ComInitialize - thread issue startServer(); }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]){ if(argc != 2){ fprintf(stderr, "USAGE : %s portnumber\n",argv[0]); return 1; } signal(SIGINT,sighandler); signal(SIGCHLD,sigChldHandler); gPid_server = getpid(); gI_serverPortNum = atoi(argv[1]); gettimeofday(&startTime,NULL); startServer(gI_serverPortNum); gettimeofday(&endTime,NULL); diffTime=getTimeDif(startTime,endTime); printf("[%ld] server closed in %ld ms\n",(long)gPid_server,diffTime); return 0; }
//--------Mainline--------// int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int numberServedCounter; int serverSocket; //check that these store 1, 2 & 4 bytes as required assert (sizeof(bits8) == 1); assert (sizeof(bits16) == 2); assert (sizeof(bits32) == 4); serverSocket = startServer(); numberServedCounter = 0; while (numberServedCounter < NUMBER_OF_PAGES_TO_SERVE){ servePage(numberServedCounter, serverSocket); numberServedCounter++; } // close the server connection after we are done close (serverSocket); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
/* PURPOSE: To secure port 'PORT_NUMBER' to listen to clients, to make * 'NUM_CLIENTS' POSIX threads to handle that number of clients, to * display the number of chars processed by either thread as they are * processed, and to close windowing, mutex locking and the socket when * finished. Returns EXIT_SUCCESS on succes or EXIT_FAILURE otherwise. */ int main () { int socketDs; int clientIn; int clientIn1; pthread_t clientThread[NUM_CLIENTS]; if ( (socketDs = startServer()) == -1 ) { fprintf(stderr,"Error connecting to socket.\n"); return(EXIT_FAILURE); } startWindow(); int connectDs = accept(socketDs,NULL,NULL); doServer(connectDs); stopWindow(); stopServer(socketDs); return(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
void *runMasterSlave(char* myAddress){ //Hier gaan we een rij van laadpalen bijhouden en tegelijk een server runnen waarop nieuwe laadpalen zich kunnen "aanmelden". //Verder moeten de clients zich met deze server connecteren waarna de maser de clients verbindt met de auto. char* tekst=malloc(tekstlengte*sizeof(char*)); char* buffer=malloc(bufferlengte*sizeof(char*)); struct sockaddr_storage client_addr; socklen_t clilen; int socket2, error; struct arg input=startServer(poort-2,myAddress); IPAdressen=malloc(max_laadpalen*sizeof(char*)); aantal=1; IPAdressen[0]=malloc(IPLengte); sprintf(IPAdressen[0],"%s",myAddress); while(1){ //We nemen aan dat de client/andere laadpaal maar 1 boodschap verzend en ontvangt, zodat we hiervoor geen nieuwe thread gaan aanmaken input.hints.ai_flags=AI_PASSIVE; memset(&client_addr, 0, sizeof(client_addr)); clilen=16; socket2=accept(input.socket1, (struct sockaddr *)&client_addr, &clilen); if(socket2<0){ printf("problemen bij accept, error nummer %i, boodschap: %s\n",socket2, gai_strerror(socket2)); return NULL; } printf("de clilen is %i\n",clilen); //Hier moeten we het tekstobject omvormen tot een json object en dit json object vervolgens uitlezen en verwerken. error=read(socket2,buffer,255); tekst=setVariables(buffer); error=send(socket2,tekst,strlen(tekst)*sizeof(char),input.hints.ai_flags); if(error<0){ printf("problemen bij verzenden van hetpakket\n"); } close(socket2); } }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct hostent *he; int i = 0; pthread_t exitThread; int rc; //int sockfd; /*struct sockaddr_in their_addr; // connector's address information //int numbytes; */ // status vars int startServerStatus; int stopServerStatus; /* // parameters unsigned int serverPort; unsigned long serverIp;*/ /* printf("\n############################\n"); printf("UDP client for TechGI 4 2014\n"); printf("############################\n\n"); if (argc != 3) { fprintf(stderr,"Required: serverName|serverIp serverPort\n"); exit(1); } //Resolv hostname to IP Address if ((he=gethostbyname(argv[1])) == NULL) { // get the host info herror("gethostbyname"); exit(1); } // assign parameters serverPort = atoi(argv[2]); memcpy(&serverIp, he->h_addr_list[0], he->h_length); // assign serverIp // prepare vars buffer = malloc(0);*/ /* ****************************************************************** TEST ******************************************************************* */ // setup servers he = gethostbyname(""); // server 1 servers[0].id = 42; memcpy(&servers[0].address, he->h_addr_list[0], he->h_length); servers[0].port = 20010; // server 2 servers[1].id = 106; memcpy(&servers[1].address, he->h_addr_list[0], he->h_length); servers[1].port = 20011; // server 3 servers[2].id = 170; memcpy(&servers[2].address, he->h_addr_list[0], he->h_length); servers[2].port = 20012; // server 4 servers[3].id = 234; memcpy(&servers[3].address, he->h_addr_list[0], he->h_length); servers[3].port = 20013; // start all servers for(i=0;i<4;i++) { startServerStatus = startServer(servers[i], ((i==0)?servers[4]:servers[i-1]), (i==(4-1))?servers[0]:servers[i+1]); printf("Start server: %d - %s\n", servers[i].id, (startServerStatus>0)?"success":"fail"); } /* int startServerStatus = startServer(newOne, prev, next); printf("startServerStatus: %d\n", startServerStatus); int stopServerStatus = stopServer(); printf("stopServerStatus: %d\n", stopServerStatus);*/ /* ****************************************************************** TO BE DONE: Create socket ******************************************************************* */ //setup transport address /*their_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; their_addr.sin_port = htons(serverPort); their_addr.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)he->h_addr); memset(their_addr.sin_zero, '\0', sizeof their_addr.sin_zero);*/ /* ****************************************************************** TO BE DONE: Binding ******************************************************************* */ rc = pthread_create(&exitThread, NULL, &listenInput, NULL ); if( rc != 0 ) { printf("Couldn't create exitThread.\n"); return EXIT_FAILURE; } pthread_join(exitThread, NULL ); for(i=0;i<4;i++) { stopServerStatus = stopServer(servers[i]); printf("Stop server: %d - %s\n", servers[i].id, (stopServerStatus>0)?"success":"fail"); } /* ****************************************************************** TO BE DONE: Send data ******************************************************************* */ /* ****************************************************************** TO BE DONE: Close socket ******************************************************************* */ // free mem cleanUp(); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { enum kCommand command = kReadCommand; static struct option longopts[] = { {"server", no_argument, NULL, 'S'}, {"version", no_argument, NULL, 'V'}, {"help", no_argument, NULL, 'h'}, {"readonly", no_argument, NULL, kReadCommand}, {"readwrite", no_argument, NULL, kReadWriteCommand}, {"savereadwrite", no_argument, NULL, kSaveReadWriteCommand}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0} }; longopts[3].flag = &command; longopts[4].flag = &command; longopts[5].flag = &command; char server_flag = 0; char ch; while ((ch = getopt_long(argc, argv, "Vh", longopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'S': server_flag = 1; break; case 'V': printVersion(); exit(0); break; case 'h': printHelp(); exit(0); break; default: printUsage(); exit(0); break; } } if (server_flag) { // try to connect to launchd int socket; if ((socket = getSocketFromLaunchd()) != -1) { atexit(sleepBeforeQuit); startServer(socket); CFRunLoopRun(); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Could not connect to launchd, exiting.\n"); exit(-1); } } else { /* non-server mode */ if (argc <= optind) { fprintf(stderr, "No device given.\n"); exit(-1); } char *path = argv[optind]; switch (command) { case kReadCommand: readOnlySurfaceScan(path, fileno(stdout)); break; case kSaveReadWriteCommand: break; case kReadWriteCommand: break; } } }
void FakeAdapter::start() { startServer(); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { struct sockaddr_in clientaddr; socklen_t addrlen; char c; //Default Values PATH = ~/ and PORT=10000 int slot=0; //Parsing the command line arguments while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "p:r:")) != -1) switch (c) { case 'r': ROOT = malloc(strlen(optarg)); strcpy(ROOT,optarg); break; case 'p': PORT = malloc(strlen(optarg)); strcpy(PORT,optarg); break; case '?': fprintf(stderr,"Wrong arguments given!!!\n"); exit(1); default: exit(1); } printf("Server started at port no. %s%s%s with root directory as %s%s%s\n","\033[92m",PORT,"\033[0m","\033[92m",ROOT,"\033[0m"); // Setting all elements to -1: signifies there is no client connected int i; for (i=0; i<CONNMAX; i++) clients[i]=-1; startServer(PORT); pid_t pid; pid_t chpid; int statusch; while(1) { addrlen = sizeof(clientaddr); clients[slot] = accept (listenfd, (struct sockaddr *) &clientaddr, &addrlen); if (clients[slot]<0) { error ("accept() error"); break; } else if((pid = fork())<0) { printf("fork error \n"); //All further send and recieve operations are DISABLED... close(clients[slot]); clients[slot]=-1; continue; } else if(pid==0) { respond(slot); //wait } else { //All further send and recieve operations are DISABLED... close(clients[slot]); clients[slot]=-1; continue; } } return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { register char **sptr = server; register char **cptr = client; register char **ptr; int pid; int client_given = 0, server_given = 0; int client_args_given = 0, server_args_given = 0; int start_of_client_args, start_of_server_args; struct sigaction sa, si; #ifdef __APPLE__ #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= 1060 vproc_transaction_t vt; #endif #endif program = *argv++; argc--; /* * copy the client args. */ if (argc == 0 || (**argv != '/' && **argv != '.')) { for (ptr = default_client; *ptr; ) *cptr++ = *ptr++; } else { client_given = 1; } start_of_client_args = (cptr - client); while (argc && strcmp(*argv, "--")) { client_args_given++; *cptr++ = *argv++; argc--; } *cptr = NULL; if (argc) { argv++; argc--; } /* * Copy the server args. */ if (argc == 0 || (**argv != '/' && **argv != '.')) { *sptr++ = default_server; } else { server_given = 1; *sptr++ = *argv++; argc--; } if (argc > 0 && (argv[0][0] == ':' && isdigit(argv[0][1]))) displayNum = *argv; else displayNum = *sptr++ = default_display; start_of_server_args = (sptr - server); while (--argc >= 0) { server_args_given++; *sptr++ = *argv++; } *sptr = NULL; /* * if no client arguments given, check for a startup file and copy * that into the argument list */ if (!client_given) { char *cp; Bool required = False; xinitrcbuf[0] = '\0'; if ((cp = getenv("XINITRC")) != NULL) { snprintf(xinitrcbuf, sizeof(xinitrcbuf), "%s", cp); required = True; } else if ((cp = getenv("HOME")) != NULL) { snprintf(xinitrcbuf, sizeof(xinitrcbuf), "%s/%s", cp, XINITRC); } if (xinitrcbuf[0]) { if (access(xinitrcbuf, F_OK) == 0) { client += start_of_client_args - 1; client[0] = xinitrcbuf; } else if (required) { Error("warning, no client init file \"%s\"", xinitrcbuf); } } } /* * if no server arguments given, check for a startup file and copy * that into the argument list */ if (!server_given) { char *cp; Bool required = False; xserverrcbuf[0] = '\0'; if ((cp = getenv("XSERVERRC")) != NULL) { snprintf(xserverrcbuf, sizeof(xserverrcbuf), "%s", cp); required = True; } else if ((cp = getenv("HOME")) != NULL) { snprintf(xserverrcbuf, sizeof(xserverrcbuf), "%s/%s", cp, XSERVERRC); } if (xserverrcbuf[0]) { if (access(xserverrcbuf, F_OK) == 0) { server += start_of_server_args - 1; server[0] = xserverrcbuf; } else if (required) { Error("warning, no server init file \"%s\"", xserverrcbuf); } } } /* * Start the server and client. */ signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_DFL); /* Insurance */ /* Let those signal interrupt the wait() call in the main loop */ memset(&sa, 0, sizeof sa); sa.sa_handler = sigCatch; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = 0; /* do not set SA_RESTART */ sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGQUIT, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGHUP, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGPIPE, &sa, NULL); memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si)); si.sa_handler = sigIgnore; sigemptyset(&si.sa_mask); si.sa_flags = SA_RESTART; sigaction(SIGALRM, &si, NULL); sigaction(SIGUSR1, &si, NULL); #ifdef __APPLE__ #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= 1060 vt = vproc_transaction_begin(NULL); #endif #endif if (startServer(server) > 0 && startClient(client) > 0) { pid = -1; while (pid != clientpid && pid != serverpid && gotSignal == 0 ) pid = wait(NULL); } #ifdef __APPLE__ #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED >= 1060 vproc_transaction_end(NULL, vt); #endif #endif signal(SIGTERM, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); shutdown(); if (gotSignal != 0) { Errorx("unexpected signal %d", gotSignal); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if (serverpid < 0) Fatalx("server error"); if (clientpid < 0) Fatalx("client error"); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }
int main (int ac, char *ag[]) { int index; Queue < Server * >server; Server *s; Layer2Interface *l2; Layer3 *l3; #ifdef HAVE_EIBNETIPSERVER EIBnetServer *serv = 0; #endif memset (&arg, 0, sizeof (arg)); arg.addr = 0x0001; arg.errorlevel = LEVEL_WARNING; argp_parse (&argp, ac, ag, 0, &index, &arg); if (index > ac - 1) die ("url expected"); if (index < ac - 1) die ("unexpected parameter"); if (arg.port == 0 && == 0 && arg.serverip == 0) die ("No listen-address given"); signal (SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); pth_init (); Trace t; t.SetTraceLevel (arg.tracelevel); t.SetErrorLevel (arg.errorlevel); /* if (getuid () == 0) ERRORPRINTF (&t, 0x37000001, 0, "EIBD should not run as root"); */ if(arg.eibnetname) { if(arg.eibnetname[0] == '=') arg.eibnetname++; if(strlen(arg.eibnetname) >= 30) die("EIBnetServer/IP name can't be longer then 30 char"); } if (arg.daemon) { int fd = open (arg.daemon, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT, FILE_MODE); if (fd == -1) die ("Can not open file %s", arg.daemon); int i = fork (); if (i < 0) die ("fork failed"); if (i > 0) exit (0); close (1); close (2); close (0); dup2 (fd, 1); dup2 (fd, 2); close (fd); setsid (); } FILE *pidf; if (arg.pidfile) if ((pidf = fopen (arg.pidfile, "w")) != NULL) { fprintf (pidf, "%d", getpid ()); fclose (pidf); } l2 = Create (ag[index], arg.backendflags, &t); if (!l2 || !l2->init ()) die ("initialisation of the backend failed"); l3 = new Layer3 (l2, &t); if (arg.port) { s = new InetServer (l3, &t, arg.port); if (!s->init ()) die ("initialisation of the knxd inet protocol failed"); server.put (s); } if ( { s = new LocalServer (l3, &t,; if (!s->init ()) die ("initialisation of the knxd unix protocol failed"); server.put (s); } #ifdef HAVE_EIBNETIPSERVER serv = startServer (l3, &t, arg.eibnetname); #endif #ifdef HAVE_GROUPCACHE if (!CreateGroupCache (l3, &t, arg.groupcache)) die ("initialisation of the group cache failed"); #endif signal (SIGINT, SIG_IGN); signal (SIGTERM, SIG_IGN); int sig; do { sigset_t t1; sigemptyset (&t1); sigaddset (&t1, SIGINT); sigaddset (&t1, SIGHUP); sigaddset (&t1, SIGTERM); pth_sigwait (&t1, &sig); if (sig == SIGHUP && arg.daemon) { int fd = open (arg.daemon, O_WRONLY | O_APPEND | O_CREAT, FILE_MODE); if (fd == -1) { ERRORPRINTF (&t, 0x27000002, 0, "can't open log file %s", arg.daemon); continue; } close (1); close (2); dup2 (fd, 1); dup2 (fd, 2); close (fd); } } while (sig == SIGHUP); signal (SIGINT, SIG_DFL); signal (SIGTERM, SIG_DFL); while (!server.isempty ()) delete server.get (); #ifdef HAVE_EIBNETIPSERVER if (serv) delete serv; #endif #ifdef HAVE_GROUPCACHE DeleteGroupCache (); #endif delete l3; if (Cleanup) Cleanup (); if (arg.pidfile) unlink (arg.pidfile); pth_exit (0); return 0; }
void JobViewServer::init() { setupUi(); readConfiguration(); startServer(); }
void DialogManager::operator()() throw(Socket::ResolveException,Socket::WrongPortException) { startServer(); }
void HttpServer::runOrExitProcess() { auto startupFailure = [] (const std::string& msg) { Logger::Error(msg); Logger::Error("Shutting down due to failure(s) to bind in " "HttpServer::runAndExitProcess"); // Logger flushes itself---we don't need to run any atexit handlers // (historically we've mostly just SEGV'd while trying) ... _Exit(1); }; if (!RuntimeOption::InstanceId.empty()) { std::string msg = "Starting instance " + RuntimeOption::InstanceId; if (!RuntimeOption::DeploymentId.empty()) { msg += " from deployment " + RuntimeOption::DeploymentId; } Logger::Info(msg); } m_watchDog.start(); if (RuntimeOption::ServerPort) { if (!startServer(true)) { startupFailure("Unable to start page server"); not_reached(); } Logger::Info("page server started"); } StartTime = time(nullptr); if (RuntimeOption::AdminServerPort) { if (!startServer(false)) { startupFailure("Unable to start admin server"); not_reached(); } Logger::Info("admin server started"); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_satellites.size(); i++) { std::string name = m_satellites[i]->getName(); try { m_satellites[i]->start(); Logger::Info("satellite server %s started", name.c_str()); } catch (Exception &e) { startupFailure( folly::format("Unable to start satellite server {}: {}", name, e.getMessage()).str() ); not_reached(); } } if (!Eval::Debugger::StartServer()) { startupFailure("Unable to start debugger server"); not_reached(); } else if (RuntimeOption::EnableDebuggerServer) { Logger::Info("debugger server started"); } InitFiniNode::ServerInit(); { BootStats::mark("servers started"); Logger::Info("all servers started"); createPid(); Lock lock(this); BootStats::done(); // continously running until /stop is received on admin server, or // takeover is requested. while (!m_stopped) { wait(); } if (m_stopReason) { Logger::Warning("Server stopping with reason: %s\n", m_stopReason); } // if we were killed, bail out immediately if (m_killed) { Logger::Info("page server killed"); return; } } if (RuntimeOption::ServerPort) { Logger::Info("stopping page server"); m_pageServer->stop(); } onServerShutdown(); EvictFileCache(); waitForServers(); m_watchDog.waitForEnd(); playShutdownRequest(RuntimeOption::ServerCleanupRequest); hphp_process_exit(); Logger::Info("all servers stopped"); }
void main(void){ started = 0; receive = 1; next_move = DIR_STAY; mode = MODE_INIT; player_joined = 0; lcdClear(); lcdPrintln("Up: server"); lcdPrintln("Down: client"); lcdPrintln("Enter: exit"); lcdRefresh(); int8_t priv = GLOBAL(privacy); GLOBAL(privacy) = 3; uint8_t btn; uint8_t cycles_wait; cycles_wait = 0; struct packet announce; do{ btn = getInputRaw(); if(mode == MODE_INIT){ if(btn == BTN_UP){ startServer(); } else { if(btn == BTN_DOWN){ startClient(); } } } if(!started){ if(mode == MODE_SERVER && !player_joined){ memset((void*)&announce, 0, sizeof(announce)); announce.gameid = gameid; announce.type = PKT_ANNOUNCE; memcpy(announce.c.announce.nick, GLOBAL(nickname), 16); announce.seq = 0; nrf_snd_pkt_crc(sizeof(announce), (uint8_t *)&announce); struct packet p; if(nrf_rcv_pkt_time(1000, sizeof(p), (uint8_t *)&p) == sizeof(p)){ handle_packet(&p); } } else if (mode == MODE_CLIENT){ struct packet p; if(nrf_rcv_pkt_time(100, sizeof(p), (uint8_t *)&p) == sizeof(p)){ handle_packet(&p); } } } else { if(receive){ struct packet p; if(nrf_rcv_pkt_time(50, sizeof(p), (uint8_t *)&p) == sizeof(p)){ cycles_wait = 0; handle_packet(&p); } else { cycles_wait++; } if(cycles_wait >= 3){ nrf_snd_pkt_crc(sizeof(latest_packet), (uint8_t *)&latest_packet); cycles_wait = 0; } } else { delayms(50); } next_move = btn; } }while(btn != BTN_ENTER); struct packet p; p.type = PKT_EXIT; for(uint8_t i = 0; i < 3; i++){ delayms(50); nrf_snd_pkt_crc(sizeof(p), (uint8_t *)&p); } GLOBAL(privacy) = priv; }
ServerWindow::ServerWindow(QWidget* parent) :QWidget(parent) { setWindowTitle("Qt TasServer Ui"); monitor = new ServerMonitor(); statusButton = new QPushButton("Check status"); stopButton = new QPushButton("Stop"); startButton = new QPushButton("Start"); resetButton = new QPushButton ("Reset server"); loadPluginsButton = new QPushButton("Load Plugins"); #ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN pluginButton = new QPushButton ("Enable tas"); autoStart = new QCheckBox("Autostart"); autoStart->setTristate(false); if(monitor->autostartState()){ autoStart->setCheckState(Qt::Checked); } connect(autoStart, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), monitor, SLOT(setAutoStart(bool))); #endif QLabel* stateLabel = new QLabel("Server state:"); QLabel* versionLabel = new QLabel("Server version:"); QLabel* stateValue = new QLabel("Unknown"); QLabel* versionValue = new QLabel(TAS_VERSION); QLabel* hostBindingLabel = new QLabel("Server Address Binding:"); anyBindRadioButton = new QRadioButton("Any"); localBindRadioButton = new QRadioButton("Localhost"); anyBindRadioButton->setDisabled(true); localBindRadioButton->setDisabled(true); connect(monitor, SIGNAL(serverState(const QString&)), stateValue, SLOT(setText(const QString&))); connect(monitor, SIGNAL(beginMonitor()), this, SLOT(disableButtons())); connect(monitor, SIGNAL(stopMonitor()), this, SLOT(enableButtons())); connect(monitor, SIGNAL(disableReBinding()), this, SLOT(disableRadioButtons())); connect(monitor, SIGNAL(enableReBinding(const QString&)), this, SLOT(enableRadioButtons(const QString&))); QTextEdit* editField = new QTextEdit(); editField->setReadOnly(true); connect(monitor, SIGNAL(serverDebug(const QString&)), editField, SLOT(append(const QString&))); connect(startButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), editField, SLOT(clear())); connect(stopButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), editField, SLOT(clear())); connect(resetButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), editField, SLOT(clear())); connect(statusButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), editField, SLOT(clear())); connect(loadPluginsButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), editField, SLOT(clear())); connect(anyBindRadioButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), editField, SLOT(clear())); connect(localBindRadioButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), editField, SLOT(clear())); connect(anyBindRadioButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), monitor, SLOT(setAnyBinding())); connect(localBindRadioButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), monitor, SLOT(setLocalBinding())); #ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN connect(pluginButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), editField, SLOT(clear())); connect(pluginButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), monitor, SLOT(enablePluginLoad())); #endif connect(statusButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), monitor, SLOT(serverState())); connect(stopButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), monitor, SLOT(stopServer())); connect(startButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), monitor, SLOT(startServer())); connect(resetButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), monitor, SLOT(restartServer())); connect(loadPluginsButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),monitor, SLOT(loadPlugins())); QPushButton* quitButton = new QPushButton("Quit"); connect(quitButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), qApp, SLOT(quit())); QGridLayout* mainLayout = new QGridLayout(); mainLayout->addWidget(stateLabel, 0, 0, 1, 1); mainLayout->addWidget(stateValue, 0, 1, 1, 1); mainLayout->addWidget(versionLabel, 1, 0); mainLayout->addWidget(versionValue, 1, 1); // Server binding Radio mainLayout->addWidget(hostBindingLabel, 2, 0); mainLayout->addWidget(anyBindRadioButton, 2, 1); mainLayout->addWidget(localBindRadioButton, 3, 1); mainLayout->addWidget(editField, 4,0, 1, 2); #ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN mainLayout->addWidget(statusButton, 5, 0); mainLayout->addWidget(pluginButton, 5, 1); #else mainLayout->addWidget(statusButton, 5, 0); mainLayout->addWidget(loadPluginsButton, 5, 1); #endif mainLayout->addWidget(stopButton, 6, 0); mainLayout->addWidget(startButton, 6, 1); mainLayout->addWidget(resetButton, 7, 0); mainLayout->addWidget(quitButton, 7, 1); #ifdef Q_OS_SYMBIAN mainLayout->addWidget(autoStart, 8, 0); mainLayout->addWidget(loadPluginsButton, 8, 1); #endif setLayout(mainLayout); // QRect rect = qApp->desktop()->screenGeometry(); // if(rect.width() > 864) // setFixedSize(350,600); // else{ // showFullScreen(); // } }
int InitServer() { char ErrBuff[256] = {0}; FILE* fileLogTmp; //############## CONFIGURATE SERVER ############### // Read parameters from 'conf/httpd.conf' to list List *lstConf = initList(); if (0 != getParamsFromFile("conf/httpd.conf", lstConf, '=')) { puts("Could not read configuration file..."); return 1; } // Apply parameters from list (or set to default, if they are absent) int port = getParamInt(lstConf, "portListen", 80); int maxConn = getParamInt(lstConf, "maxConnection", 100); char *logAccessPath = getParamS(lstConf, "logAccess", "log/access.log"); char *logErrorPath = getParamS(lstConf, "logError", "log/error.log"); defaultPage = getParamS(lstConf, "defaultPage", "/index.htm"); rootFolder = getParamS(lstConf, "rootFolder", "www/"); char *interface = getParamS(lstConf, "interfaceToListen", ""); // Open new log files if ( initErrorLog(logErrorPath) == 0 ) { return 1; } if ( !( fileLogAccess = fopen(logAccessPath, "a") ) ) { snprintf(ErrBuff, sizeof(ErrBuff), "Could not open '%s'!", logAccessPath); puts(ErrBuff); logError(ErrBuff); return 1; } // Check if default page exists char *fullPath = malloc(strlen(rootFolder)+strlen(defaultPage)+1); strcpy(fullPath, rootFolder); strcat(fullPath, defaultPage); if (fileExists(fullPath) != 0) { snprintf(ErrBuff, sizeof(ErrBuff), "Could not find default page following next path: '%s'!", fullPath); puts(ErrBuff); logError(ErrBuff); } // Free data with configuration from memory removeAll(lstConf); //############# START SERVER ############### struct sockaddr_in saddr; // used for getting IP _ socklen_t len = sizeof( saddr );// of incomming connection _ char IP_Buff[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; // defined in <netinet/in.h> . int listenSocket = 0, connSocket = 0; pid_t child_pid; // Try to start server listenSocket = startServer(interface, port, maxConn); if (listenSocket > 0) { #ifndef __DEBUG_MODE__ logError("#Server started Successfully!"); #endif printf("\n\nServer started Successfully!\n\n"); //############# MAIN PROCESSING LOOP ############### while(1) { // Wait few second, if there's no connections - continue if (wait4Socket(listenSocket, ACCEPT_TIMEOUT) > 0) { connSocket = accept( listenSocket, ( struct sockaddr* )&saddr, &len ); if ( listenSocket < 0 ) { logError("Accept Error..."); break; } child_pid = fork (); if (child_pid == 0) //#### child thread #### { #ifndef __DEBUG_MODE__ close (STDIN_FILENO); //child don't need to print anything, close (STDOUT_FILENO); // so close input/output streams #endif close (listenSocket); //close a child-copy of listening port if ( inet_ntop( AF_INET, &saddr.sin_addr, IP_Buff, INET_ADDRSTRLEN ) == NULL ) { logError("Can't convert IP addr"); close(connSocket); exit(1); } procConn(IP_Buff, connSocket); exit (0); // close child process } else if (child_pid > 0) // #### parent thread #### { close (connSocket); #ifdef __DEBUG_MODE__ if (getComm() == 0) { break; } #endif } else logError("Can't fork"); // if can't create child } } close(listenSocket); // close parent listenSocket #ifndef __DEBUG_MODE__ logError("#Server closed Successfully!"); #endif printf("\n\nServer closed Successfully!\n\n"); return 0; } logError("#Server was not started!"); printf("\n\nServer was not started! See error.log to get more information!\n\n"); return 1; }
int main(void){ startServer(); return 0; }
virtual void SetUp() { startServer(); connectClient(); }
int attackResProtocol(char* backupserver1_host, char* backupserver2_host, char* backupserver3_host, char* backupserver4_host, char* backupserver_port, char* num_of_attack, char* num_of_pdcs, int num_attack, int sockfd, Logger* fLogger) { time_t now_time; struct tm * tm_info; char timebuffer[25]; log_debug(fLogger,"Something wrong with the connection of old server. Disconnecting."); shutdown(sockfd, SHUT_RDWR); close(sockfd); log_debug(fLogger,"Attack Number %d", num_attack); char* backupserver_host; if (num_attack==1) { backupserver_host = backupserver1_host; } if (num_attack==2) { backupserver_host = backupserver2_host; } if (num_attack==3) { backupserver_host = backupserver3_host; } if (num_attack==4) { backupserver_host = backupserver4_host; } log_debug(fLogger,"Backup Server Host: %s", backupserver_host); if (atoi(num_of_attack) == num_attack) { //Strategy 1: run server source code in the fourth backup Client 4 VM background log_debug(fLogger, "This node itself is the next backup server"); log_debug(fLogger,"Starting ADMM Server"); startServer(num_of_pdcs, backupserver_port); log_debug(fLogger,"New ADMM Server started at PDC"); } struct sockaddr_in new_serv_addr; memset(&new_serv_addr, '0', sizeof(new_serv_addr)); new_serv_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; //Strategy 0&1: backup server or run a server side at client1 // Create a socket and connection with predefined new server struct hostent *he1; struct in_addr **addr_list1; char* bkpsvr_ip; if ((he1 = gethostbyname(backupserver_host)) == NULL) { // get the host info exit(1); } addr_list1 = (struct in_addr **)he1->h_addr_list; for(int i = 0; addr_list1[i] != NULL; i++) { bkpsvr_ip = inet_ntoa(*addr_list1[i]); } log_debug(fLogger, "Connecting to Backup Server"); log_debug(fLogger, "Server Host: %s, IP: %s, Port:%s", backupserver_host, bkpsvr_ip, backupserver_port); new_serv_addr.sin_port = htons(atoi(backupserver_port)); if(inet_pton(AF_INET, bkpsvr_ip, &new_serv_addr.sin_addr)<=0){ log_error(fLogger,"inet_pton error occurred"); return 1; } int new_sockfd; if((new_sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0){ log_error(fLogger,"Could not create socket."); return 1; } log_debug(fLogger,"Socket created"); while (1){ if(connect(new_sockfd, (struct sockaddr *)&new_serv_addr, sizeof(new_serv_addr)) < 0){ //log_debug(fLogger,"Connect failed. Will try again."); continue; } else { log_debug(fLogger,"New TCP connection setup successfully."); break; } } //end-while return new_sockfd; }
void HttpServer::run() { StartTime = time(0); m_watchDog.start(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_serviceThreads.size(); i++) { m_serviceThreads[i]->start(); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_serviceThreads.size(); i++) { m_serviceThreads[i]->waitForStarted(); } if (RuntimeOption::ServerPort) { if (!startServer(true)) { Logger::Error("Unable to start page server"); return; } Logger::Info("page server started"); } if (RuntimeOption::AdminServerPort) { if (!startServer(false)) { Logger::Error("Unable to start admin server"); abortServers(); return; } Logger::Info("admin server started"); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_satellites.size(); i++) { string name = m_satellites[i]->getName(); try { m_satellites[i]->start(); Logger::Info("satellite server %s started", name.c_str()); } catch (Exception &e) { Logger::Error("Unable to start satellite server %s: %s", name.c_str(), e.getMessage().c_str()); abortServers(); return; } } if (!Eval::Debugger::StartServer()) { Logger::Error("Unable to start debugger server"); abortServers(); return; } else if (RuntimeOption::EnableDebuggerServer) { Logger::Info("debugger server started"); } for (InitFiniNode *in = extra_server_init; in; in = in->next) { in->func(); } { Logger::Info("all servers started"); createPid(); Lock lock(this); // continously running until /stop is received on admin server while (!m_stopped) { wait(); } if (m_stopReason) { Logger::Warning("Server stopping with reason: %s\n", m_stopReason); } removePid(); Logger::Info("page server stopped"); } onServerShutdown(); // dangling server already started here time_t t0 = time(0); if (RuntimeOption::ServerPort) { m_pageServer->stop(); } time_t t1 = time(0); if (!m_danglings.empty() && RuntimeOption::ServerDanglingWait > 0) { int elapsed = t1 - t0; if (RuntimeOption::ServerDanglingWait > elapsed) { sleep(RuntimeOption::ServerDanglingWait - elapsed); } } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_danglings.size(); i++) { m_danglings[i]->stop(); Logger::Info("dangling server %s stopped", m_danglings[i]->getName().c_str()); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_serviceThreads.size(); i++) { m_serviceThreads[i]->notifyStopped(); } for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_serviceThreads.size(); i++) { m_serviceThreads[i]->waitForEnd(); } hphp_process_exit(); m_watchDog.waitForEnd(); Logger::Info("all servers stopped"); }
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { struct sockaddr_in clientaddr; socklen_t addrlen; char c; int tmp=0; while(tmp<5){ pthread_mutex_init(&lock[tmp],NULL); pthread_mutex_lock(&lock[tmp]); createThread(tmp); tmp++; } //дефолтные значения char PORT[6]; ROOT = getenv("PWD");//возвращает значение переменной окружения strcpy(PORT,"10000"); //копирование из второй строки в первую. возвращает указатель на результирующую строку int slot=0; //парсим аргументы while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "p:r:h")) != -1) switch (c) { case 'r': ROOT = malloc(strlen(optarg));//распределяет байты в памяти и возвращает указатель на память. strlen - длина строки, optarg - строковое значение параметра strcpy(ROOT,optarg); break; case 'p': strcpy(PORT,optarg); break; case 'h': helping(); case '?': fprintf(stderr,"Wrong arguments given!!!\n"); exit(1); default: exit(1); } //установка всех элементов в -1 int i; for (i=0; i<CLIENTMAX; i++) clients[i]=-1; startServer(PORT); printf("Server started at port no. %s%s%s with root directory as %s%s%s\n","\033[92m",PORT,"\033[0m","\033[92m",ROOT,"\033[0m"); int j=0; // прием соединений while (1) { addrlen = sizeof(clientaddr); clients[slot] = accept (listenfd, (struct sockaddr *) &clientaddr, &addrlen);//принять соединение на сокете (сокет, адрес другой стороны, длина адреса в байтах) if(j>4) { j=0; int k=0; int coeff=slot/5; while(k<5) { if(pthread_mutex_trylock(&lock[k])==0) createThread(k+5*coeff); k++; } } if (clients[slot]<0) error ("accept() error"); else { pthread_mutex_unlock(&lock[j]); } j++; while (clients[slot]!=-1) slot = (slot+1)%CLIENTMAX; } return 0; }