Example #1
Pix* timePixFunc(Pix* pix, PIX_FUNC pixFunc) {
    L_TIMER totalTimer = startTimerNested();
    Pix* result = pixFunc(pix);
    l_float32 passedTime = stopTimerNested(totalTimer);
    L_INFO("func time %.2f\n", procName, passedTime);
    return result;
Example #2
 *  regTestSetup()
 *      Input:  argc (from invocation; can be either 1 or 2)
 *              argv (to regtest: @argv[1] is one of these:
 *                    "generate", "compare", "display")
 *              &rp (<return> all regression params)
 *      Return: 0 if OK, 1 on error
 *  Notes:
 *      (1) Call this function with the args to the reg test.
 *          There are three cases:
 *          Case 1:
 *              There is either only one arg, or the second arg is "compare".
 *              This is the mode in which you run a regression test
 *              (or a set of them), looking for failures and logging
 *              the results to a file.  The output, which includes
 *              logging of all reg test failures plus a SUCCESS or
 *              FAILURE summary for each test, is appended to the file
 *              "/tmp/reg_results.txt.  For this case, as in Case 2,
 *              the display field in rp is set to FALSE, preventing
 *              image display.
 *          Case 2:
 *              The second arg is "generate".  This will cause
 *              generation of new golden files for the reg test.
 *              The results of the reg test are not recorded, and
 *              the display field in rp is set to FALSE.
 *          Case 3:
 *              The second arg is "display".  The test will run and
 *              files will be written.  Comparisons with golden files
 *              will not be carried out, so the only notion of success
 *              or failure is with tests that do not involve golden files.
 *              The display field in rp is TRUE, and this is used by
 *              pixDisplayWithTitle().
 *      (2) See regutils.h for examples of usage.
regTestSetup(l_int32 argc,
             char **argv,
             L_REGPARAMS **prp) {
    char *testname, *vers;
    char errormsg[64];
    L_REGPARAMS *rp;


    if (argc != 1 && argc != 2) {
        snprintf(errormsg, sizeof(errormsg),
                 "Syntax: %s [ [generate] | compare | display ]", argv[0]);
        return ERROR_INT(errormsg, procName, 1);

    if ((testname = getRootNameFromArgv0(argv[0])) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("invalid root", procName, 1);

    if ((rp = (L_REGPARAMS *) CALLOC(1, sizeof(L_REGPARAMS))) == NULL)
        return ERROR_INT("rp not made", procName, 1);
    *prp = rp;
    rp->testname = testname;
    rp->index = -1;  /* increment before each test */

    /* Initialize to true.  A failure in any test is registered
     * as a failure of the regression test. */
    rp->success = TRUE;

    /* Make sure the regout subdirectory exists */

    /* Only open a stream to a temp file for the 'compare' case */
    if (argc == 1 || !strcmp(argv[1], "compare")) {
        rp->mode = L_REG_COMPARE;
        rp->tempfile = genPathname("/tmp/regout", "regtest_output.txt");
        rp->fp = fopenWriteStream(rp->tempfile, "wb");
        if (rp->fp == NULL) {
            rp->success = FALSE;
            return ERROR_INT("stream not opened for tempfile", procName, 1);
    } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "generate")) {
        rp->mode = L_REG_GENERATE;
    } else if (!strcmp(argv[1], "display")) {
        rp->mode = L_REG_DISPLAY;
        rp->display = TRUE;
    } else {
        snprintf(errormsg, sizeof(errormsg),
                 "Syntax: %s [ [generate] | compare | display ]", argv[0]);
        return ERROR_INT(errormsg, procName, 1);

    /* Print out test name and both the leptonica and
     * image libarary versions */
    fprintf(stderr, "\n################   %s_reg   ###############\n",
    vers = getLeptonicaVersion();
    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", vers);
    vers = getImagelibVersions();
    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", vers);

    rp->tstart = startTimerNested();
    return 0;