vector<float> PhraseDictionaryMultiModel::Optimize(OptimizationObjective *ObjectiveFunction, size_t numModels)

  dlib::matrix<double,0,1> starting_point;
  starting_point = 1.0;

  try {
                          2*numModels+1,    // number of interpolation points
                          dlib::uniform_matrix<double>(numModels,1, 1e-09),  // lower bound constraint
                          dlib::uniform_matrix<double>(numModels,1, 1e100),   // upper bound constraint
                          1.0,    // initial trust region radius
                          1e-5,  // stopping trust region radius
                          10000    // max number of objective function evaluations
  } catch (dlib::bobyqa_failure& e) {
    cerr << e.what() << endl;

  vector<float> weight_vector (numModels);

  for (int i=0; i <; i++) {
    weight_vector[i] = starting_point(i);

  cerr << "Cross-entropy: " << (*ObjectiveFunction)(starting_point) << endl;
  return weight_vector;
Example #2
bool connexify (Solution* sol) {
  /** 0. Define Data structure */
  Composantes composantes; // Vector of set of point that will store the composants
  Point father, son;
  /** 1. Find connex composants */
  VLOG(3) << "Finding connex composantes";
  for (int i = 0; i < sol->data_.m; ++i)
  for (int j = 0; j < sol->data_.n; ++j) {
    if (sol->x_[i][j] == 1 
        && find_in_composantes(std::make_pair(i,j), composantes) == -1) {
      Point starting_point(i,j);
      if (not(add_composants(*sol, &composantes, starting_point)))
        LOG(FATAL) << "We failed at adding composantes";
  // Debug
  for (int i = 0; i < composantes.size(); ++i)
    VLOG(3) << "La composante " << i << " a " << composantes[i].size() << " éléments";

  /** 2. Reduce the number of composants */
  VLOG(3) << "Reducing the number of composants";
  while (composantes.size() > 1) {
    // We select a composant (here the last)
    int comp_id = composantes.size()-1;
    VLOG(3) << "Removing composant number " << comp_id;

    // We expand the set artificially, and we try to find an intersection with
    // the others. We first copy the set inside a working set
    std::set<Point> set_expanded = composantes[comp_id];
    std::map<Point,Point> ancestors;
    std::pair<int,Point> bridge(-1,std::make_pair(-1,-1));

    VLOG(3) << "Expanding the solution";
    while (bridge.first == -1) { // No intersection
      expand(*sol, &set_expanded, &ancestors);
      bridge = intersection(set_expanded, composantes);

    VLOG(3) << "Reconstructing the solution";
    // We construct a path inside the solution, and we update the composants.
    son = bridge.second;
    father = ancestors[son];

    while (composantes[comp_id].find(father) == composantes[comp_id].end()) {
      // We add the father
      sol->x_[father.first][father.second] = 1;
      son = father;
      father = ancestors[son];

    VLOG(3) << "Mergin the two composants";
    // We merge the last composant into bridge.first and we remove the last

  return true;
void maxLikelihoodTwoHyperLogLogEstimation(const TwoHyperLogLogStatistic& jointStatistic, double& cardinalityA, double& cardinalityB, double& cardinalityX, std::size_t& numFunctionEvaluations, std::size_t& numGradientEvaluations) {

    const double eps = 1e-2;

    const int m = jointStatistic.getNumRegisters();
    const double relativeErrorLimit = eps/(sqrt(m));

    const double zeroPhi = 2 * std::log(std::numeric_limits<double>::min());
    assert(std::exp(zeroPhi) == 0);

    bool isOptimum;
    estimateInitialCardinalities(jointStatistic, cardinalityA, cardinalityB, cardinalityX, isOptimum);
    if (isOptimum) {
        numFunctionEvaluations = 0;
        numGradientEvaluations = 0;

    double phiA = (cardinalityA > 0)?std::log(cardinalityA):zeroPhi;
    double phiB = (cardinalityB > 0)?std::log(cardinalityB):zeroPhi;
    double phiX = (cardinalityX > 0)?std::log(cardinalityX):zeroPhi;

    JointLogLikelihoodFunction logLikelihoodFunction(jointStatistic);

    LogLikelihoodFunctionForDlib logLikelihoodFunctionForDlib(logLikelihoodFunction);

    dlib::matrix<double,3,1> starting_point = {phiA, phiB, phiX};
        dlib::bfgs_search_strategy(),  // Use BFGS search algorithm
        std::bind(&LogLikelihoodFunctionForDlib::value, std::ref(logLikelihoodFunctionForDlib), std::placeholders::_1),
        std::bind(&LogLikelihoodFunctionForDlib::derivative, std::ref(logLikelihoodFunctionForDlib), std::placeholders::_1),

    cardinalityA = std::exp(starting_point(0));
    cardinalityB = std::exp(starting_point(1));
    cardinalityX = std::exp(starting_point(2));
    numFunctionEvaluations = logLikelihoodFunction.getNumFunctionEvaluations();
    numGradientEvaluations = logLikelihoodFunction.getNumGradientEvaluations();