Example #1
void parse_mf_daq_msg(void)
    mf_daq.nb = dl_buffer[2];
    if (mf_daq.nb > 0) {
        if (mf_daq.nb > MF_DAQ_SIZE) {
            mf_daq.nb = MF_DAQ_SIZE;
        // Store data struct directly from dl_buffer
        float *buf = (float*)(dl_buffer+3);
        memcpy(mf_daq.values, buf, mf_daq.nb * sizeof(float));
        // Log on SD card
        if (log_started) {
            DOWNLINK_SEND_PAYLOAD_FLOAT(pprzlog_tp, chibios_sdlog, mf_daq.nb, mf_daq.values);
            DOWNLINK_SEND_MF_DAQ_STATE(pprzlog_tp, chibios_sdlog,
Example #2
static inline void v_ctl_set_pitch ( void ) {
  static float last_err = 0.;

  if (pprz_mode == PPRZ_MODE_MANUAL || launch == 0)
    v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err = 0;

  // Compute errors
  float err = v_ctl_climb_setpoint - stateGetSpeedEnu_f()->z;
  float d_err = err - last_err;
  last_err = err;

  if (v_ctl_auto_pitch_igain > 0.) {
    v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err += err*(1./60.);
    BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_PITCH_MAX_SUM_ERR / v_ctl_auto_pitch_igain);

  // PI loop + feedforward ctl
  v_ctl_pitch_setpoint = nav_pitch
    + v_ctl_pitch_trim
    + v_ctl_auto_throttle_pitch_of_vz_pgain * v_ctl_climb_setpoint
    + v_ctl_auto_pitch_pgain * err
    + v_ctl_auto_pitch_dgain * d_err
    + v_ctl_auto_pitch_igain * v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err;

Example #3
static void ac_char_update(float throttle, float pitch, float climb, float accelerate)
  if ((accelerate > -0.02) && (accelerate < 0.02)) {
    if (throttle >= 1.0f) {
      ac_char_average(&ac_char_climb_pitch, pitch * 57.6f,            ac_char_climb_count);
      ac_char_average(&ac_char_climb_max ,  stateGetSpeedEnu_f()->z,  ac_char_climb_count);
    } else if (throttle <= 0.0f) {
      ac_char_average(&ac_char_descend_pitch, pitch * 57.6f ,           ac_char_descend_count);
      ac_char_average(&ac_char_descend_max ,  stateGetSpeedEnu_f()->z , ac_char_descend_count);
    } else if ((climb > -0.125) && (climb < 0.125)) {
      ac_char_average(&ac_char_cruise_throttle , throttle , ac_char_cruise_count);
      ac_char_average(&ac_char_cruise_pitch    , pitch * 57.6f  ,   ac_char_cruise_count);
Example #4
inline static void v_ctl_climb_auto_pitch_loop(void)
  float err  = stateGetSpeedEnu_f()->z - v_ctl_climb_setpoint;
  v_ctl_throttle_setpoint = nav_throttle_setpoint;
  v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err += err;
  BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_PITCH_MAX_SUM_ERR);
  v_ctl_pitch_setpoint = v_ctl_pitch_trim - v_ctl_auto_pitch_pgain *
                         (err + v_ctl_auto_pitch_igain * v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err);
  Bound(v_ctl_pitch_setpoint, V_CTL_AUTO_PITCH_MIN_PITCH, V_CTL_AUTO_PITCH_MAX_PITCH);
Example #5
void mf_daq_send_state(void)
    // Send aircraft state to DAQ board
Example #6
inline static void v_ctl_climb_auto_throttle_loop(void)
  float f_throttle = 0;
  float controlled_throttle;
  float v_ctl_pitch_of_vz;

  // Limit rate of change of climb setpoint (to ensure that airspeed loop can catch-up)
  static float v_ctl_climb_setpoint_last = 0;
  float diff_climb = v_ctl_climb_setpoint - v_ctl_climb_setpoint_last;
  v_ctl_climb_setpoint = v_ctl_climb_setpoint_last + diff_climb;
  v_ctl_climb_setpoint_last = v_ctl_climb_setpoint;

  // Pitch control (input: rate of climb error, output: pitch setpoint)
  float err  = stateGetSpeedEnu_f()->z - v_ctl_climb_setpoint;
  v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err += err;
  BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_PITCH_MAX_SUM_ERR);
  v_ctl_pitch_of_vz = -v_ctl_auto_pitch_pgain *
                      (err + v_ctl_auto_pitch_igain * v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err);

  // Ground speed control loop (input: groundspeed error, output: airspeed controlled)
  float err_groundspeed = (v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_setpoint - *stateGetHorizontalSpeedNorm_f());
  v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_sum_err += err_groundspeed;
  BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_GROUNDSPEED_MAX_SUM_ERR);
  v_ctl_auto_airspeed_controlled = (err_groundspeed + v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_sum_err * v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_igain) *

  // Do not allow controlled airspeed below the setpoint
  if (v_ctl_auto_airspeed_controlled < v_ctl_auto_airspeed_setpoint) {
    v_ctl_auto_airspeed_controlled = v_ctl_auto_airspeed_setpoint;
    v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_sum_err = v_ctl_auto_airspeed_controlled / (v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_pgain *
                                     v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_igain); // reset integrator of ground speed loop

  // Airspeed control loop (input: airspeed controlled, output: throttle controlled)
  float err_airspeed = (v_ctl_auto_airspeed_controlled - *stateGetAirspeed_f());
  v_ctl_auto_airspeed_sum_err += err_airspeed;
  BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_airspeed_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_AIRSPEED_MAX_SUM_ERR);
  controlled_throttle = (err_airspeed + v_ctl_auto_airspeed_sum_err * v_ctl_auto_airspeed_igain) *

  // Done, set outputs
  Bound(controlled_throttle, 0, v_ctl_auto_throttle_max_cruise_throttle);
  f_throttle = controlled_throttle;
  v_ctl_pitch_setpoint = v_ctl_pitch_of_vz + v_ctl_pitch_trim;
  v_ctl_throttle_setpoint = TRIM_UPPRZ(f_throttle * MAX_PPRZ);
  Bound(v_ctl_pitch_setpoint, V_CTL_AUTO_PITCH_MIN_PITCH, V_CTL_AUTO_PITCH_MAX_PITCH);
Example #7
static inline void v_ctl_set_throttle( void ) {
  static float last_err = 0.;

  if (pprz_mode == PPRZ_MODE_MANUAL || launch == 0)
    v_ctl_auto_throttle_sum_err = 0;

  // Compute errors
  float err =  v_ctl_climb_setpoint - stateGetSpeedEnu_f()->z;
  float d_err = err - last_err;
  last_err = err;

  if (v_ctl_auto_throttle_igain > 0.) {
    v_ctl_auto_throttle_sum_err += err*(1./60.);
    BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_throttle_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_THROTTLE_MAX_SUM_ERR / v_ctl_auto_throttle_igain);

  // PID loop + feedforward ctl
  controlled_throttle = v_ctl_auto_throttle_cruise_throttle
    + v_ctl_auto_throttle_climb_throttle_increment * v_ctl_climb_setpoint
    + v_ctl_auto_throttle_pgain * err
    + v_ctl_auto_throttle_dgain * d_err
    + v_ctl_auto_throttle_igain * v_ctl_auto_throttle_sum_err;

Example #8
 * Auto-throttle inner loop
 * \brief
void v_ctl_climb_loop(void)
  // Airspeed setpoint rate limiter:
  // AIRSPEED_SETPOINT_SLEW in m/s/s - a change from 15m/s to 18m/s takes 3s with the default value of 1
  float airspeed_incr = v_ctl_auto_airspeed_setpoint - v_ctl_auto_airspeed_setpoint_slew;
  BoundAbs(airspeed_incr, AIRSPEED_SETPOINT_SLEW * dt_attidude);
  v_ctl_auto_airspeed_setpoint_slew += airspeed_incr;

// Ground speed control loop (input: groundspeed error, output: airspeed controlled)
  float err_groundspeed = (v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_setpoint - stateGetHorizontalSpeedNorm_f());
  v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_sum_err += err_groundspeed;
  BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_GROUNDSPEED_MAX_SUM_ERR);
  v_ctl_auto_airspeed_controlled = (err_groundspeed + v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_sum_err * v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_igain) *

  // Do not allow controlled airspeed below the setpoint
  if (v_ctl_auto_airspeed_controlled < v_ctl_auto_airspeed_setpoint_slew) {
    v_ctl_auto_airspeed_controlled = v_ctl_auto_airspeed_setpoint_slew;
    // reset integrator of ground speed loop
    v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_sum_err = v_ctl_auto_airspeed_controlled / (v_ctl_auto_groundspeed_pgain *
  v_ctl_auto_airspeed_controlled = v_ctl_auto_airspeed_setpoint_slew;

  // Airspeed outerloop: positive means we need to accelerate
  float speed_error = v_ctl_auto_airspeed_controlled - stateGetAirspeed_f();

  // Speed Controller to PseudoControl: gain 1 -> 5m/s error = 0.5g acceleration
  v_ctl_desired_acceleration = speed_error * v_ctl_airspeed_pgain / 9.81f;
  BoundAbs(v_ctl_desired_acceleration, v_ctl_max_acceleration);

  // Actual Acceleration from IMU: attempt to reconstruct the actual kinematic acceleration
#ifndef SITL
  struct Int32Vect3 accel_meas_body;
  struct Int32RMat *body_to_imu_rmat = orientationGetRMat_i(&imu.body_to_imu);
  int32_rmat_transp_vmult(&accel_meas_body, body_to_imu_rmat, &imu.accel);
  float vdot = ACCEL_FLOAT_OF_BFP(accel_meas_body.x) / 9.81f - sinf(stateGetNedToBodyEulers_f()->theta);
  float vdot = 0;

  // Acceleration Error: positive means UAV needs to accelerate: needs extra energy
  float vdot_err = low_pass_vdot(v_ctl_desired_acceleration - vdot);

  // Flight Path Outerloop: positive means needs to climb more: needs extra energy
  float gamma_err  = (v_ctl_climb_setpoint - stateGetSpeedEnu_f()->z) / v_ctl_auto_airspeed_controlled;

  // Total Energy Error: positive means energy should be added
  float en_tot_err = gamma_err + vdot_err;

  // Energy Distribution Error: positive means energy should go from overspeed to altitude = pitch up
  float en_dis_err = gamma_err - vdot_err;

  // Auto Cruise Throttle
  if (launch && (v_ctl_mode >= V_CTL_MODE_AUTO_CLIMB)) {
    v_ctl_auto_throttle_nominal_cruise_throttle +=
      v_ctl_auto_throttle_of_airspeed_igain * speed_error * dt_attidude
      + en_tot_err * v_ctl_energy_total_igain * dt_attidude;
    Bound(v_ctl_auto_throttle_nominal_cruise_throttle, 0.0f, 1.0f);

  // Total Controller
  float controlled_throttle = v_ctl_auto_throttle_nominal_cruise_throttle
                              + v_ctl_auto_throttle_climb_throttle_increment * v_ctl_climb_setpoint
                              + v_ctl_auto_throttle_of_airspeed_pgain * speed_error
                              + v_ctl_energy_total_pgain * en_tot_err;

  if ((controlled_throttle >= 1.0f) || (controlled_throttle <= 0.0f) || (kill_throttle == 1)) {
    // If your energy supply is not sufficient, then neglect the climb requirement
    en_dis_err = -vdot_err;

    // adjust climb_setpoint to maintain airspeed in case of an engine failure or an unrestriced climb
    if (v_ctl_climb_setpoint > 0) { v_ctl_climb_setpoint += - 30. * dt_attidude; }
    if (v_ctl_climb_setpoint < 0) { v_ctl_climb_setpoint +=   30. * dt_attidude; }

  /* pitch pre-command */
  if (launch && (v_ctl_mode >= V_CTL_MODE_AUTO_CLIMB)) {
    v_ctl_auto_throttle_nominal_cruise_pitch +=  v_ctl_auto_pitch_of_airspeed_igain * (-speed_error) * dt_attidude
        + v_ctl_energy_diff_igain * en_dis_err * dt_attidude;
    Bound(v_ctl_auto_throttle_nominal_cruise_pitch, H_CTL_PITCH_MIN_SETPOINT, H_CTL_PITCH_MAX_SETPOINT);
  float v_ctl_pitch_of_vz =
    + (v_ctl_climb_setpoint /*+ d_err * v_ctl_auto_throttle_pitch_of_vz_dgain*/) * v_ctl_auto_throttle_pitch_of_vz_pgain
    - v_ctl_auto_pitch_of_airspeed_pgain * speed_error
    + v_ctl_auto_pitch_of_airspeed_dgain * vdot
    + v_ctl_energy_diff_pgain * en_dis_err
    + v_ctl_auto_throttle_nominal_cruise_pitch;
  if (kill_throttle) { v_ctl_pitch_of_vz = v_ctl_pitch_of_vz - 1 / V_CTL_GLIDE_RATIO; }

  v_ctl_pitch_setpoint = v_ctl_pitch_of_vz + nav_pitch;

  ac_char_update(controlled_throttle, v_ctl_pitch_of_vz, v_ctl_climb_setpoint, v_ctl_desired_acceleration);

  v_ctl_throttle_setpoint = TRIM_UPPRZ(controlled_throttle * MAX_PPRZ);
Example #9
int formation_flight(void)

  static uint8_t _1Hz   = 0;
  uint8_t nb = 0, i;
  float hspeed_dir = stateGetHorizontalSpeedDir_f();
  float ch = cosf(hspeed_dir);
  float sh = sinf(hspeed_dir);
  form_n = 0.;
  form_e = 0.;
  form_a = 0.;
  form_speed = stateGetHorizontalSpeedNorm_f();
  form_speed_n = form_speed * ch;
  form_speed_e = form_speed * sh;

  if (AC_ID == leader_id) {
    stateGetPositionEnu_f()->x += formation[the_acs_id[AC_ID]].east;
    stateGetPositionEnu_f()->y += formation[the_acs_id[AC_ID]].north;
  // set info for this AC
  set_ac_info(AC_ID, stateGetPositionEnu_f()->x, stateGetPositionEnu_f()->y, hspeed_dir,
            stateGetPositionUtm_f()->alt, form_speed, stateGetSpeedEnu_f()->z, gps.tow);

  // broadcast info
  uint8_t ac_id = AC_ID;
  uint8_t status = formation[the_acs_id[AC_ID]].status;
  DOWNLINK_SEND_FORMATION_STATUS_TM(DefaultChannel, DefaultDevice, &ac_id, &leader_id, &status);
  if (++_1Hz >= 4) {
    _1Hz = 0;
    DOWNLINK_SEND_FORMATION_SLOT_TM(DefaultChannel, DefaultDevice, &ac_id, &form_mode,
  if (formation[the_acs_id[AC_ID]].status != ACTIVE) { return FALSE; } // AC not ready

  // get leader info
  struct ac_info_ * leader = get_ac_info(leader_id);
  if (formation[the_acs_id[leader_id]].status == UNSET ||
      formation[the_acs_id[leader_id]].status == IDLE) {
    // leader not ready or not in formation
    return FALSE;

  // compute slots in the right reference frame
  struct slot_ form[NB_ACS];
  float cr = 0., sr = 1.;
  if (form_mode == FORM_MODE_COURSE) {
    cr = cosf(leader->course);
    sr = sinf(leader->course);
  for (i = 0; i < NB_ACS; ++i) {
    if (formation[i].status == UNSET) { continue; }
    form[i].east  = formation[i].east * sr - formation[i].north * cr;
    form[i].north = formation[i].east * cr + formation[i].north * sr;
    form[i].alt = formation[i].alt;

  // compute control forces
  for (i = 0; i < NB_ACS; ++i) {
    if (the_acs[i].ac_id == AC_ID) { continue; }
    struct ac_info_ * ac = get_ac_info(the_acs[i].ac_id);
    float delta_t = Max((int)(gps.tow - ac->itow) / 1000., 0.);
    if (delta_t > FORM_CARROT) {
      // if AC not responding for too long
      formation[i].status = LOST;
    } else {
      // compute control if AC is ACTIVE and around the same altitude (maybe not so usefull)
      formation[i].status = ACTIVE;
      if (ac->alt > 0 && fabs(stateGetPositionUtm_f()->alt - ac->alt) < form_prox) {
        form_e += (ac->east  + ac->gspeed * sinf(ac->course) * delta_t - stateGetPositionEnu_f()->x)
          - (form[i].east - form[the_acs_id[AC_ID]].east);
        form_n += (ac->north + ac->gspeed * cosf(ac->course) * delta_t - stateGetPositionEnu_f()->y)
          - (form[i].north - form[the_acs_id[AC_ID]].north);
        form_a += (ac->alt - stateGetPositionUtm_f()->alt) - (formation[i].alt - formation[the_acs_id[AC_ID]].alt);
        form_speed += ac->gspeed;
        //form_speed_e += ac->gspeed * sinf(ac->course);
        //form_speed_n += ac->gspeed * cosf(ac->course);
  uint8_t _nb = Max(1, nb);
  form_n /= _nb;
  form_e /= _nb;
  form_a /= _nb;
  form_speed = form_speed / (nb + 1) - stateGetHorizontalSpeedNorm_f();
  //form_speed_e = form_speed_e / (nb+1) - stateGetHorizontalSpeedNorm_f() * sh;
  //form_speed_n = form_speed_n / (nb+1) - stateGetHorizontalSpeedNorm_f() * ch;

  // set commands

  // altitude loop
  float alt = 0.;
  if (AC_ID == leader_id) {
    alt = nav_altitude;
  } else {
    alt = leader->alt - form[the_acs_id[leader_id]].alt;
  alt += formation[the_acs_id[AC_ID]].alt + coef_form_alt * form_a;
  flight_altitude = Max(alt, ground_alt + SECURITY_HEIGHT);

  // carrot
  if (AC_ID != leader_id) {
    float dx = form[the_acs_id[AC_ID]].east - form[the_acs_id[leader_id]].east;
    float dy = form[the_acs_id[AC_ID]].north - form[the_acs_id[leader_id]].north;
    desired_x = leader->east  + NOMINAL_AIRSPEED * form_carrot * sinf(leader->course) + dx;
    desired_y = leader->north + NOMINAL_AIRSPEED * form_carrot * cosf(leader->course) + dy;
    // fly to desired
    fly_to_xy(desired_x, desired_y);
    desired_x = leader->east  + dx;
    desired_y = leader->north + dy;
    // lateral correction
    //float diff_heading = asin((dx*ch - dy*sh) / sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy));
    //float diff_course = leader->course - hspeed_dir;
    //h_ctl_roll_setpoint += coef_form_course * diff_course;
    //h_ctl_roll_setpoint += coef_form_course * diff_heading;
  //BoundAbs(h_ctl_roll_setpoint, h_ctl_roll_max_setpoint);

  // speed loop
  if (nb > 0) {
    cruise += coef_form_pos * (form_n * ch + form_e * sh) + coef_form_speed * form_speed;
    v_ctl_auto_throttle_cruise_throttle = cruise;
  return TRUE;
Example #10
static void send_estimator(void) {
  DOWNLINK_SEND_ESTIMATOR(DefaultChannel, DefaultDevice,
      &(stateGetPositionUtm_f()->alt), &(stateGetSpeedEnu_f()->z));
Example #11
void max7456_periodic(void) {

  float temp = 0;
//This code is executed always and checks if the "osd_enable" var has been changed by telemetry.
//If yes then it commands a reset but this time turns on or off the osd overlay, not the video.
  if (max7456_osd_status == OSD_IDLE) {
    if(osd_enable > 1)
      osd_enable = 1;
    if ((osd_enable<<3) !=  osd_enable_val) {
      osd_enable_val = (osd_enable<<3);
      max7456_osd_status = OSD_UNINIT;

  if (max7456_osd_status == OSD_UNINIT) {
    step = 0;
    max7456_trans.status = SPITransDone;
    max7456_trans.output_buf[0] = OSD_VM0_REG;
    //This operation needs at least 100us but when the periodic function will be invoked again
    //sufficient time will have elapsed even with at a periodic frequency of 1000 Hz
    max7456_trans.output_buf[1] = OSD_RESET;
    max7456_osd_status = OSD_INIT1;
    spi_submit(&(MAX7456_SPI_DEV), &max7456_trans);
  if (max7456_osd_status == OSD_INIT2) {
    max7456_trans.output_length = 1;
    max7456_trans.input_length = 1;
    max7456_trans.output_buf[0] = OSD_OSDBL_REG_R;
    max7456_osd_status = OSD_INIT3;
    spi_submit(&(MAX7456_SPI_DEV), &max7456_trans);
  if (max7456_osd_status == OSD_IDLE && osd_enable > 0) { // DRAW THE OSD SCREEN
    switch (step) {
      case (0):
           osd_put_s("HDG", FALSE, 3, 0, 13);
           step = 10;
      case (10):
        temp = ((float)electrical.vsupply)/10;
        osd_sprintf(osd_string, "%.1fV", temp );
        if (temp > LOW_BAT_LEVEL)
          osd_put_s(osd_string, FALSE, 8, 0, 2);
          osd_put_s(osd_string, BLINK|INVERT, 8, 0, 2);
        step = 20;
      case (20):
        temp = DegOfRad(MAG_Heading);
        if (temp < 0)
          temp += 360;
        temp = DegOfRad(state.h_speed_dir_f);
        if (temp < 0)
          temp += 360;
        osd_sprintf(osd_string, "%.0f", temp);
        osd_put_s(osd_string, FALSE, 8, 1, 13);
        step = 30;
      case (30):
        osd_sprintf(osd_string, "%.0fKm", (state.h_speed_norm_f*3.6));
        osd_put_s(osd_string, FALSE, 8, 0, 24);
        step = 40;
      case (40):
        osd_sprintf(osd_string, "%.0fm", GetPosAlt() );
        osd_put_s(osd_string, FALSE, 10, 13, 2);
        step = 50;
      case (50):
        osd_sprintf(osd_string, "%.1fVZ", stateGetSpeedEnu_f()->z);
        osd_put_s(osd_string, FALSE, 7, 13, 24);
        step = 10;
      default:  break;
Example #12
/* conflicts detection and monitoring */
void tcas_periodic_task_1Hz( void ) {
  // no TCAS under security_height
  if (stateGetPositionEnu_f()->z < GROUND_ALT + SECURITY_HEIGHT) {
    uint8_t i;
    for (i = 0; i < NB_ACS; i++) tcas_acs_status[i].status = TCAS_NO_ALARM;
  // test possible conflicts
  float tau_min = tcas_tau_ta;
  uint8_t ac_id_close = AC_ID;
  uint8_t i;
  float vx = (*stateGetHorizontalSpeedNorm_f()) * sinf((*stateGetHorizontalSpeedDir_f()));
  float vy = (*stateGetHorizontalSpeedNorm_f()) * cosf((*stateGetHorizontalSpeedDir_f()));
  for (i = 2; i < NB_ACS; i++) {
    if (the_acs[i].ac_id == 0) continue; // no AC data
    uint32_t dt = gps.tow - the_acs[i].itow;
    if (dt > 3*TCAS_DT_MAX) {
      tcas_acs_status[i].status = TCAS_NO_ALARM; // timeout, reset status
    if (dt > TCAS_DT_MAX) continue; // lost com but keep current status
    float dx = the_acs[i].east - stateGetPositionEnu_f()->x;
    float dy = the_acs[i].north - stateGetPositionEnu_f()->y;
    float dz = the_acs[i].alt - stateGetPositionEnu_f()->z;
    float dvx = vx - the_acs[i].gspeed * sinf(the_acs[i].course);
    float dvy = vy - the_acs[i].gspeed * cosf(the_acs[i].course);
    float dvz = stateGetSpeedEnu_f()->z - the_acs[i].climb;
    float scal = dvx*dx + dvy*dy + dvz*dz;
    float ddh = dx*dx + dy*dy;
    float ddv = dz*dz;
    float tau = TCAS_HUGE_TAU;
    if (scal > 0.) tau = (ddh + ddv) / scal;
    // monitor conflicts
    uint8_t inside = TCAS_IsInside();
    //enum tcas_resolve test_dir = RA_NONE;
    switch (tcas_acs_status[i].status) {
      case TCAS_RA:
        if (tau >= TCAS_HUGE_TAU && !inside) {
          tcas_acs_status[i].status = TCAS_NO_ALARM; // conflict is now resolved
          tcas_acs_status[i].resolve = RA_NONE;
          DOWNLINK_SEND_TCAS_RESOLVED(DefaultChannel, DefaultDevice,&(the_acs[i].ac_id));
      case TCAS_TA:
        if (tau < tcas_tau_ra || inside) {
          tcas_acs_status[i].status = TCAS_RA; // TA -> RA
          // Downlink alert
          //test_dir = tcas_test_direction(the_acs[i].ac_id);
          //DOWNLINK_SEND_TCAS_RA(DefaultChannel, DefaultDevice,&(the_acs[i].ac_id),&test_dir);// FIXME only one closest AC ???
        if (tau > tcas_tau_ta && !inside)
          tcas_acs_status[i].status = TCAS_NO_ALARM; // conflict is now resolved
          tcas_acs_status[i].resolve = RA_NONE;
          DOWNLINK_SEND_TCAS_RESOLVED(DefaultChannel, DefaultDevice,&(the_acs[i].ac_id));
      case TCAS_NO_ALARM:
        if (tau < tcas_tau_ta || inside) {
          tcas_acs_status[i].status = TCAS_TA; // NO_ALARM -> TA
          // Downlink warning
          DOWNLINK_SEND_TCAS_TA(DefaultChannel, DefaultDevice,&(the_acs[i].ac_id));
        if (tau < tcas_tau_ra || inside) {
          tcas_acs_status[i].status = TCAS_RA; // NO_ALARM -> RA = big problem ?
          // Downlink alert
          //test_dir = tcas_test_direction(the_acs[i].ac_id);
          //DOWNLINK_SEND_TCAS_RA(DefaultChannel, DefaultDevice,&(the_acs[i].ac_id),&test_dir);
    // store closest AC
    if (tau < tau_min) {
      tau_min = tau;
      ac_id_close = the_acs[i].ac_id;

  // set current conflict mode
  if (tcas_status == TCAS_RA && tcas_ac_RA != AC_ID && tcas_acs_status[the_acs_id[tcas_ac_RA]].status == TCAS_RA) {
    ac_id_close = tcas_ac_RA; // keep RA until resolved
  tcas_status = tcas_acs_status[the_acs_id[ac_id_close]].status;
  // at least one in conflict, deal with closest one
  if (tcas_status == TCAS_RA) {
    tcas_ac_RA = ac_id_close;
    tcas_resolve = tcas_test_direction(tcas_ac_RA);
    uint8_t ac_resolve = tcas_acs_status[the_acs_id[tcas_ac_RA]].resolve;
    if (ac_resolve != RA_NONE) { // first resolution, no message received
      if (ac_resolve == tcas_resolve) { // same direction, lowest id go down
        if (AC_ID < tcas_ac_RA) tcas_resolve = RA_DESCEND;
        else tcas_resolve = RA_CLIMB;
      tcas_acs_status[the_acs_id[tcas_ac_RA]].resolve = RA_LEVEL; // assuming level flight for now
    else { // second resolution or message received
      if (ac_resolve != RA_LEVEL) { // message received
        if (ac_resolve == tcas_resolve) { // same direction, lowest id go down
          if (AC_ID < tcas_ac_RA) tcas_resolve = RA_DESCEND;
          else tcas_resolve = RA_CLIMB;
      else { // no message
        if (tcas_resolve == RA_CLIMB && the_acs[the_acs_id[tcas_ac_RA]].climb > 1.0) tcas_resolve = RA_DESCEND; // revert resolve
        else if (tcas_resolve == RA_DESCEND && the_acs[the_acs_id[tcas_ac_RA]].climb < -1.0) tcas_resolve = RA_CLIMB; // revert resolve
    // Downlink alert
    DOWNLINK_SEND_TCAS_RA(DefaultChannel, DefaultDevice,&tcas_ac_RA,&tcas_resolve);
  else tcas_ac_RA = AC_ID; // no conflict
  if (tcas_status == TCAS_RA) DOWNLINK_SEND_TCAS_DEBUG(DefaultChannel, DefaultDevice,&ac_id_close,&tau_min);
Example #13
inline static void v_ctl_climb_auto_throttle_loop(void)
  static float last_err;

  float f_throttle = 0;
  float err  = stateGetSpeedEnu_f()->z - v_ctl_climb_setpoint;
  float d_err = err - last_err;
  last_err = err;
  float controlled_throttle = v_ctl_auto_throttle_cruise_throttle
                              + v_ctl_auto_throttle_climb_throttle_increment * v_ctl_climb_setpoint
                              - v_ctl_auto_throttle_pgain *
                              (err + v_ctl_auto_throttle_igain * v_ctl_auto_throttle_sum_err
                               + v_ctl_auto_throttle_dgain * d_err);

  /* pitch pre-command */
  float v_ctl_pitch_of_vz = (v_ctl_climb_setpoint + d_err * v_ctl_auto_throttle_pitch_of_vz_dgain) *

#if defined AGR_CLIMB
  switch (v_ctl_auto_throttle_submode) {
      if (v_ctl_climb_setpoint > 0) { /* Climbing */
        f_throttle =  AGR_CLIMB_THROTTLE;
        v_ctl_pitch_setpoint = AGR_CLIMB_PITCH;
      } else { /* Going down */
        f_throttle =  AGR_DESCENT_THROTTLE;
        v_ctl_pitch_setpoint = AGR_DESCENT_PITCH;

      float ratio = (fabs(v_ctl_altitude_error) - AGR_BLEND_END)
                    / (AGR_BLEND_START - AGR_BLEND_END);
      f_throttle = (1 - ratio) * controlled_throttle;
      v_ctl_pitch_setpoint = (1 - ratio) * (v_ctl_pitch_of_vz + v_ctl_pitch_trim);
      v_ctl_auto_throttle_sum_err += (1 - ratio) * err;
      BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_throttle_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_THROTTLE_MAX_SUM_ERR);
      /* positive error -> too low */
      if (v_ctl_altitude_error > 0) {
        f_throttle +=  ratio * AGR_CLIMB_THROTTLE;
        v_ctl_pitch_setpoint += ratio * AGR_CLIMB_PITCH;
      } else {
        f_throttle += ratio * AGR_DESCENT_THROTTLE;
        v_ctl_pitch_setpoint += ratio * AGR_DESCENT_PITCH;

      f_throttle = controlled_throttle;
      v_ctl_auto_throttle_sum_err += err;
      BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_throttle_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_THROTTLE_MAX_SUM_ERR);
      v_ctl_pitch_setpoint = v_ctl_pitch_of_vz + v_ctl_pitch_trim + nav_pitch;
#if defined AGR_CLIMB
  } /* switch submode */

  v_ctl_throttle_setpoint = TRIM_UPPRZ(f_throttle * MAX_PPRZ);
Example #14
// Airspeed control loop (input: [airspeed controlled, climb_setpoint], output: [throttle controlled, pitch setpoint])
static inline void v_ctl_set_airspeed( void ) {
  static float last_err_vz = 0.;
  static float last_err_as = 0.;

  // Bound airspeed setpoint
  Bound(v_ctl_auto_airspeed_setpoint, V_CTL_AIRSPEED_MIN, V_CTL_AIRSPEED_MAX);

  // Compute errors
  float err_vz = v_ctl_climb_setpoint - stateGetSpeedEnu_f()->z;
  float d_err_vz = (err_vz - last_err_vz)*AIRSPEED_LOOP_PERIOD;
  last_err_vz = err_vz;
  if (v_ctl_auto_throttle_igain > 0.) {
    v_ctl_auto_throttle_sum_err += err_vz*AIRSPEED_LOOP_PERIOD;
    BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_throttle_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_THROTTLE_MAX_SUM_ERR / v_ctl_auto_throttle_igain);
  if (v_ctl_auto_pitch_igain > 0.) {
    v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err += err_vz*AIRSPEED_LOOP_PERIOD;
    BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_PITCH_MAX_SUM_ERR / v_ctl_auto_pitch_igain);

  float err_airspeed = v_ctl_auto_airspeed_setpoint - *stateGetAirspeed_f();
  float d_err_airspeed = (err_airspeed - last_err_as)*AIRSPEED_LOOP_PERIOD;
  last_err_as = err_airspeed;
  if (v_ctl_auto_airspeed_throttle_igain > 0.) {
    v_ctl_auto_airspeed_throttle_sum_err += err_airspeed*AIRSPEED_LOOP_PERIOD;
    BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_airspeed_throttle_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_AIRSPEED_THROTTLE_MAX_SUM_ERR / v_ctl_auto_airspeed_throttle_igain);
  if (v_ctl_auto_airspeed_pitch_igain > 0.) {
    v_ctl_auto_airspeed_pitch_sum_err += err_airspeed*AIRSPEED_LOOP_PERIOD;
    BoundAbs(v_ctl_auto_airspeed_pitch_sum_err, V_CTL_AUTO_AIRSPEED_PITCH_MAX_SUM_ERR / v_ctl_auto_airspeed_pitch_igain);

  // Reset integrators in manual or before flight
  if (pprz_mode == PPRZ_MODE_MANUAL || launch == 0) {
    v_ctl_auto_throttle_sum_err = 0.;
    v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err = 0.;
    v_ctl_auto_airspeed_throttle_sum_err = 0.;
    v_ctl_auto_airspeed_pitch_sum_err = 0.;

  // Pitch loop
  v_ctl_pitch_setpoint =
    v_ctl_auto_throttle_pitch_of_vz_pgain * v_ctl_climb_setpoint
    + v_ctl_pitch_trim
    + v_ctl_auto_pitch_pgain * err_vz
    + v_ctl_auto_pitch_dgain * d_err_vz
    + v_ctl_auto_pitch_igain * v_ctl_auto_pitch_sum_err
    - v_ctl_auto_airspeed_pitch_pgain * err_airspeed
    - v_ctl_auto_airspeed_pitch_dgain * d_err_airspeed
    - v_ctl_auto_airspeed_pitch_igain * v_ctl_auto_airspeed_pitch_sum_err;

  // Throttle loop
  controlled_throttle = v_ctl_auto_throttle_cruise_throttle
    + v_ctl_auto_throttle_climb_throttle_increment * v_ctl_climb_setpoint
    + v_ctl_auto_throttle_pgain * err_vz
    + v_ctl_auto_throttle_dgain * d_err_vz
    + v_ctl_auto_throttle_igain * v_ctl_auto_throttle_sum_err
    + v_ctl_auto_airspeed_throttle_pgain * err_airspeed
    + v_ctl_auto_airspeed_throttle_dgain * d_err_airspeed
    + v_ctl_auto_airspeed_throttle_igain * v_ctl_auto_airspeed_throttle_sum_err;

Example #15
int potential_task(void)

  uint8_t i;

  float ch = cosf(stateGetHorizontalSpeedDir_f());
  float sh = sinf(stateGetHorizontalSpeedDir_f());
  potential_force.east = 0.;
  potential_force.north = 0.;
  potential_force.alt = 0.;

  // compute control forces
  int8_t nb = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < NB_ACS; ++i) {
    if (the_acs[i].ac_id == AC_ID) { continue; }
    struct ac_info_ * ac = get_ac_info(the_acs[i].ac_id);
    float delta_t = Max((int)(gps.tow - ac->itow) / 1000., 0.);
    // if AC not responding for too long, continue, else compute force
    if (delta_t > CARROT) { continue; }
    else {
      float sha = sinf(ac->course);
      float cha = cosf(ac->course);
      float de = ac->east  + sha * delta_t - stateGetPositionEnu_f()->x;
      if (de > FORCE_MAX_DIST || de < -FORCE_MAX_DIST) { continue; }
      float dn = ac->north + cha * delta_t - stateGetPositionEnu_f()->y;
      if (dn > FORCE_MAX_DIST || dn < -FORCE_MAX_DIST) { continue; }
      float da = ac->alt + ac->climb * delta_t - stateGetPositionUtm_f()->alt;
      if (da > FORCE_MAX_DIST || da < -FORCE_MAX_DIST) { continue; }
      float dist = sqrtf(de * de + dn * dn + da * da);
      if (dist == 0.) { continue; }
      float dve = stateGetHorizontalSpeedNorm_f() * sh - ac->gspeed * sha;
      float dvn = stateGetHorizontalSpeedNorm_f() * ch - ac->gspeed * cha;
      float dva = stateGetSpeedEnu_f()->z - the_acs[i].climb;
      float scal = dve * de + dvn * dn + dva * da;
      if (scal < 0.) { continue; } // No risk of collision
      float d3 = dist * dist * dist;
      potential_force.east += scal * de / d3;
      potential_force.north += scal * dn / d3;
      potential_force.alt += scal * da / d3;
  if (nb == 0) { return true; }
  //potential_force.east /= nb;
  //potential_force.north /= nb;
  //potential_force.alt /= nb;

  // set commands

  // carrot
  float dx = -force_pos_gain * potential_force.east;
  float dy = -force_pos_gain * potential_force.north;
  desired_x += dx;
  desired_y += dy;
  // fly to desired
  fly_to_xy(desired_x, desired_y);

  // speed loop
  cruise += -force_speed_gain * (potential_force.north * ch + potential_force.east * sh);
  potential_force.speed = cruise;
  v_ctl_auto_throttle_cruise_throttle = cruise;

  // climb loop
  potential_force.climb = -force_climb_gain * potential_force.alt;
  BoundAbs(potential_force.climb, V_CTL_ALTITUDE_MAX_CLIMB);

  DOWNLINK_SEND_POTENTIAL(DefaultChannel, DefaultDevice, &potential_force.east, &potential_force.north,
                          &potential_force.alt, &potential_force.speed, &potential_force.climb);

  return true;
Example #16
static void send_estimator(struct transport_tx *trans, struct link_device *dev)
  pprz_msg_send_ESTIMATOR(trans, dev, AC_ID,
                          &(stateGetPositionUtm_f()->alt), &(stateGetSpeedEnu_f()->z));