Example #1
void ProcessAction( Action a){
//	printf("process action, players %d\n",race.players.size());
	Race::PlayersIterator pli;
	pli = race.FindPlayer(a.first);

	Player & pl = (*pli);

	// reset action state:
	pl.state &= ~Player::BRAKING;
	pl.state &= ~Player::BOOSTING;

		case COMMAND_INCREASE_SPEED: acc(10,pl); break;
		case COMMAND_DECREASE_SPEED: acc(-10,pl); break;
		case COMMAND_TURN_LEFT: steer(0.1f,pl); break;
		case COMMAND_TURN_RIGHT: steer(-0.1f,pl); break;
		case COMMAND_BRAKE: brake(pl); break;
		case COMMAND_RESTART: restart(pl); break;

Example #2
void moveships(void)
   register int n,i,p;
   int target;

   target = goodbogey(0);
   if (target != 0)
      for (n=0; amtable[n] < MAXSHIPS; n++)
         if (amtable[n] != player)
            shiplist[amtable[n]].course = intercept(amtable[n], target -1);
   target = goodbogey(JAPANESE);
   if (target != 0)
      for (n=0; japtable[n] < MAXSHIPS; n++)
         if (japtable[n] != player)
            shiplist[japtable[n]].course = intercept(japtable[n], target -1);
   for (n=0; n < MAXSHIPS; n++) {
      firedflack[n] = 0;
      firedguns[n] = 0;
      if (shiplist[n].torps && shiplist[n].hits && n != player && n != MIDWAY)
         drdc((shiplist[n].course = shiplist[shiplist[n].flagship].course), &shiplist[n].row, &shiplist[n].col);
   if (player != MIDWAY)
      drdc(shiplist[player].course, &shiplist[player].row, &shiplist[player].col);
   if (automatic >= 0)

   for (n=0; amtable[n] < MAXSHIPS; n++) {
      if (shiplist[amtable[n]].hits && shiplist[amtable[n]].torps) {
         for (i = 0; japtable[i] < MAXSHIPS; i++) {
            if (shiplist[japtable[i]].hits && shiplist[japtable[i]].torps) {
               if (range(shiplist[amtable[n]].row, shiplist[amtable[n]].col, shiplist[japtable[i]].row, shiplist[japtable[i]].col) < 25) {   /* within sight */
                  for (p=japtable[i]; p < MAXSHIPS && shiplist[p].flagship == japtable[i]; p++)
                     if (p != player)
                        fireguns(p, amtable[n]);
                  for (p=amtable[n]; p < MAXSHIPS && shiplist[p].flagship == amtable[n]; p++)
                     if (p != player)
                        fireguns(p, japtable[i]);
   if (automatic >= 0)
Example #3
static void think(void)
	float dir;
	int wantedAngle;

	if (--self->aiActionTime <= 0)

	wantedAngle = steer();

	if (fabs(wantedAngle - self->angle) > TURN_THRESHOLD)
		dir = ((int)(wantedAngle - self->angle + 360)) % 360 > 180 ? -1 : 1;

		dir *= TURN_SPEED;

		self->angle += dir;

		self->angle = mod(self->angle, 360);

Example #4
b2Vec2 Enemy::pursue(b2Vec2 target, b2Vec2 tVel, float dist)
	b2Vec2 between = target - getPosition();
	float distance = between.Length();
	float speed = body_->GetLinearVelocity().Length();
	int maxTimePrediction = 1000;
	int timePrediction = 1000;

	b2Vec2 steer(0, 0);

	if (speed <= distance / maxTimePrediction) {
		timePrediction = maxTimePrediction;
		steer = arrive(target, dist);

		timePrediction = distance / speed;
		b2Vec2 newTarget(tVel);
		newTarget *= timePrediction;
		newTarget += target;
		steer = arrive(newTarget, dist);
	return steer;
Example #5
//float* Boid2d::cohesion(vector<Boid2d*>* b, float *vec) {
float* Boid2d::cohesion( float *vec) {
	float cohesiondist = flockPtr->distCohesion;
//	float vec[] = {0.f, 0.f};//new float[2];
	int count = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < flockPtr->boids.size(); i++) {
		Boid2d * other = flockPtr->boids.at(i);
		float dx = other->x - x;
		float dy = other->y - y;
		float d = ABS(dx) + ABS(dy);
		if (d > 0 && d < cohesiondist) {
			vec[0] += other->x;// dx;
			vec[1] += other->y;// dy;
	if (count > 0) {
		float invCount = 1.f / count;
		vec[0] *= invCount;
		vec[1] *= invCount;
		steer(vec, 1);
	return vec;
Example #6
// Function that checks and modifies the distance
// of a boid if it breaks the law of separation.
Pvector Boid::Separation(std::vector<Boid> boids)
	// If the boid we're looking at is a predator, do not run the separation
	// algorithm

	// Distance of field of vision for separation between boids
	float desiredseparation = 20;

	Pvector steer(0, 0);
	int count = 0;
	// For every boid in the system, check if it's too close
	for (int i = 0; i < boids.size(); i++)
		// Calculate distance from current boid to boid we're looking at
		float d = location.distance(boids[i].location);
		// If this is a fellow boid and it's too close, move away from it
		if ((d > 0) && (d < desiredseparation))
			Pvector diff(0, 0);
			diff = diff.subTwoVector(location, boids[i].location);
			diff.divScalar(d);      // Weight by distance
		// If current boid is a predator and the boid we're looking at is also
		// a predator, then separate only slightly 
		if ((d > 0) && (d < desiredseparation) && predator == true && boids[i].predator == true)
			Pvector pred2pred(0, 0);
			pred2pred = pred2pred.subTwoVector(location, boids[i].location);
		// If current boid is not a predator, but the boid we're looking at is
		// a predator, then create a large separation Pvector
		else if ((d > 0) && (d < desiredseparation + 70) && boids[i].predator == true)
			Pvector pred(0, 0);
			pred = pred.subTwoVector(location, boids[i].location);
	// Adds average difference of location to acceleration
	if (count > 0)
	if (steer.magnitude() > 0)
		// Steering = Desired - Velocity
	return steer;
Example #7
b2Vec2 Enemy::evade(b2Vec2 pursuer, b2Vec2 pVel, float dist)
	b2Vec2 between = pursuer - getPosition();
	float distance = between.Length();
	float speed = body_->GetLinearVelocity().Length();
	int maxTimePrediction = 1000;
	int timePrediction = 1000;

	b2Vec2 steer(0, 0);

	if (speed <= distance / maxTimePrediction) {
		timePrediction = maxTimePrediction;
		steer = arrive(pursuer, dist);

		timePrediction = distance / speed;
		b2Vec2 newPursuer(pVel);
		newPursuer *= timePrediction;
		newPursuer += pursuer;
		steer = flee(newPursuer, dist);

	return steer;
Example #8
void CarSuspension::SetSteering(const btScalar & value)
	btScalar alpha = -value * info.steering_angle * M_PI / 180.0;
	steering_angle = 0.0;
	if (alpha != 0.0)
		steering_angle = atan(1.0 / (1.0 / tan(alpha) - tan(info.ackermann * M_PI / 180.0)));
	btQuaternion steer(steering_axis, steering_angle);
	orientation = steer * orientation_ext;
Example #9
//Idle flocking
b2Vec2 Enemy::idleFlock()
	b2Vec2 sum(0, 0);
	//Swarm to shapes, similar or no
	int count = 0;
	for (Enemy* v : swarm_)
		if (v != this)
			b2Vec2 myPos = getPosition();
			b2Vec2 theirPos = v->getPosition();
			b2Vec2 between = theirPos - myPos;
			float minDist = v->getSize() + size_;
			float dist = between.Length();

			//Don't flock to cowards, and only those in range
			if (v->getStateOfMind() != FLEE && between.Length() < flockRange_)
				b2Vec2 steer(0, 0);

				//If we're same, attract
				if (v->getVertices() == vertices_)
					LJVal val(flockSameLJ);
					val.attrAtten *= flockN_[brainStem_.friendliness];
					steer = LJP(theirPos, val); //*//Friendliness 
				//Otherwise just separate
				else steer = LJP(theirPos, sepOnlyLJ); 

				if (steer.x != 0 && steer.y != 0)
					sum += steer;

	//get average
	if (count > 0)
		sum.x /= static_cast<float>(count);
		sum.y /= static_cast<float>(count);

	else sum = b2Vec2_zero;

	return sum;
Example #10
void NawlzBlahParticle :: wander()
	wanderTheta += ofRandom( -wanderChange, wanderChange );     // Randomly change wander theta
	circle = vel;				// Start with velocity
	circle.normalize();			// Normalize to get heading
	circle *= wanderDistance;	// Multiply by distance
	circle += loc;				// Make it relative to boid's location
	circleOffSet	= ofxVec2f( wanderRadius * cos( wanderTheta ), wanderRadius * sin( wanderTheta ) );
	circleTarget	= circle + circleOffSet;
	acc				+= steer( circleTarget );
Example #11
void Boid::wander(){
	float wanderR = 16.0f;         // Radius for our "wander circle"
    float wanderD = 60.0f;         // Distance for our "wander circle"
    float change = 0.25f;
    wanderTheta += ofRandom(-change,change);     // Randomly change wander theta
    // Now we have to calculate the new location to steer towards on the wander circle
    ofVec3f circleloc = vel;			// Start with velocity
    circleloc.normalize();          // Normalize to get heading
    circleloc *= wanderD;			// Multiply by distance
    circleloc += *this;				// Make it relative to boid's location
    ofVec3f circleOffSet = ofVec3f(wanderR*cos(wanderTheta),0,wanderR*sin(wanderTheta));
    ofVec3f target = circleloc + circleOffSet;
    acc += steer(target,false);		// Steer towards it
Example #12
//Flee flocking
b2Vec2 Enemy::fleeFlock()
	b2Vec2 sum(0, 0);
	//Swarm to shapes, similar or no
	int count = 0;
	for (Enemy* v : swarm_)
		if (v != this)
			b2Vec2 myPos = getPosition();
			b2Vec2 theirPos = v->getPosition();
			b2Vec2 between = theirPos - myPos;
			float minDist = v->getSize() + size_;
			float dist = between.Length();

			if (between.Length() < flockRange_)
				b2Vec2 steer(0, 0);

				//If we're same, attract
				if (v->getVertices() == vertices_)
					steer = LJP(theirPos, fleeSameLJ); //*//Friendliness 

				//Otherwise just separate
				else steer = LJP(theirPos, fleeOtherLJ); //*//personal space?

				if (steer.x != 0 && steer.y != 0)
					sum += steer;

	//get average
	if (count > 0)
		sum.x /= static_cast<float>(count);
		sum.y /= static_cast<float>(count);

	else sum = b2Vec2_zero;

	return sum;
Example #13
 *	Function called from main block of code
 *  Returns true (1) if sucessful, 0, if unsucessful
int Controller()	{
	// Robot will turn this angle in this timestep
	// DEFAULT = no change in current heading
	double angleOfTurn = 0;	


	// Checks for that remode control option is disabled
	if (rcDisabled) {		  	
		return false;

	// Set ERROR flag when updating values
	int ERROR = updateVar();			

	// Runs linear controller w/Control Law (calculates next step)
	linearAngle = linearController();
	// Checks/updates computer model to see if robot is on 
	// desired trajectory
	modelAngle = modelController();	
	int c1 = 1;
	int c2 = 0;
	if (ERROR == true)
		c1 = 0; c2 = 1;

	angleOfTurn = c1 * linearAngle + c2 * modelAngle;
	// Send commands to steering board (set values of enums)							
	// Update robot model of location
	return ERROR;
Example #14
//Chase flocking
b2Vec2 Enemy::chaseFlock()
	b2Vec2 sum(0, 0);

	//Swarm to shapes
	int count = 0;
	for (Enemy* v : swarm_)
		if (v != this)
			b2Vec2 myPos = getPosition();
			b2Vec2 theirPos = v->getPosition();
			b2Vec2 between = theirPos - myPos;
			float minDist = v->getSize() + size_;
			float dist = between.Length();

			if (between.Length() < flockRange_)
				b2Vec2 steer(0, 0);

				if (v->getVertices() == vertices_)
					steer = LJP(theirPos, sepOnlyLJ); //*//friendliness?

				else steer = LJP(theirPos, sepOnlyLJ); //*// personal space?

				if (steer.x != 0 && steer.y != 0)
					sum += steer;

	//get average
	if (count > 0)
		sum.x /= static_cast<float>(count);
		sum.y /= static_cast<float>(count);

	else sum = b2Vec2_zero;

	return sum;
Example #15
/** Updates the player kart, called once each timestep.
void PlayerController::update(float dt)
    // Don't do steering if it's replay. In position only replay it doesn't
    // matter, but if it's physics replay the gradual steering causes
    // incorrect results, since the stored values are already adjusted.
    if (!history->replayHistory())
        steer(dt, m_steer_val);

    if (World::getWorld()->isStartPhase())
        if (m_controls->m_accel || m_controls->m_brake ||
            m_controls->m_fire  || m_controls->m_nitro)
            // Only give penalty time in SET_PHASE.
            // Penalty time check makes sure it doesn't get rendered on every
            // update.
            if (m_penalty_time == 0.0 &&
                World::getWorld()->getPhase() == WorldStatus::SET_PHASE)
                m_penalty_time = stk_config->m_penalty_time;
            }   // if penalty_time = 0

            m_controls->m_brake = false;
            m_controls->m_accel = 0.0f;
        }   // if key pressed

    }   // if isStartPhase

    if (m_penalty_time>0.0)

    // Only accept rescue if there is no kart animation is already playing
    // (e.g. if an explosion happens, wait till the explosion is over before
    // starting any other animation).
    if ( m_controls->m_rescue && !m_kart->getKartAnimation() )
        new RescueAnimation(m_kart);
}   // update
Example #16
motorVels SwerveDrive::doVelTranslation(const geometry_msgs::Twist * velMsg) {
    motorVels output;
    double velMagnitude = getVelMagnitude(velMsg);
    //santity check, if the magnitude is close to zero stop
    if (velMagnitude < VEL_ERROR) {
        output = stop(output);
     //account for the special case where y=0
    } else if(fabs(velMsg->linear.y) >= VEL_ERROR) {
        const double turnAngle = atan2(velMsg->linear.y,velMsg->linear.x);
        direction = getDir(velMsg->linear.x);
        output = steer(output, velMagnitude, turnAngle);
    } else {
        ROS_INFO("drive straight");
        output.frontLeftMotorV = output.backLeftMotorV = output.frontRightMotorV = output.backRightMotorV = velMsg->linear.x;
        output.frontRightAng = output.frontLeftAng = 0;
    return output;
Example #17
// Cohesion
// For the average location (i.e. center) of all nearby boids, calculate steering vector towards that location
Vec2f Boid::cohesion(vector<Boid> &boids) {
    float neighbordist = 15.0;
    Vec2f sum;   // Start with empty vector to accumulate all locations
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < boids.size(); i++) {
		Boid &other = boids[i];
		float d = loc.distance(other.loc);
		if ((d > 0) && (d < neighbordist)) {
			sum += other.loc; // Add location
    if (count > 0) {
		sum /= (float)count;
		return steer(sum);  // Steer towards the location
    return sum;
Example #18
// Cohesion
// For the average location (i.e. center) of all nearby boids, calculate steering vector towards that location
ofPoint Boid::cohesion(vector<Boid*> boids) {
    float neighbordist = 50.0;
    ofPoint sum;   // Start with empty vector to accumulate all locations
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < boids.size(); i++) {
		Boid& other = *boids[i];
		float d = ofDist(loc.x, loc.y, other.loc.x, other.loc.y);
		if ((d > 0) && (d < neighbordist)) {
			sum += other.loc; // Add location
    if (count > 0) {
		sum /= (float)count;
		return steer(sum, false);  // Steer towards the location
    return sum;
Example #19
// Cohesion
// For the average location (i.e. center) of all nearby boids, calculate steering vector towards that location
ADDAC_PVector ADDAC_Boid::cohesion(ADDAC_Boid boids[4]) {
    float neighbordist = cohesionV;
    ADDAC_PVector sum;   // Start with empty vector to accumulate all locations
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0 ; i < 4; i++) {
		ADDAC_Boid other = boids[i];
		float d = dist(pos, other.pos);
		if ((d > 0) && (d < neighbordist)) {
			// Add location
    if (count > 0) {
		return steer(sum, false);  // Steer towards the location
    return sum;
Example #20
osg::Vec3 Flake::cohesion() {
	// for every flake, calc vector to steer to the center of nearby flakes
    float neighbordist = 100.0;
    osg::Vec3 sum = osg::Vec3(0,0,0);
    int count = 0;
    for (unsigned int i=0; i<_storm->flakes.size(); i++) {
		Flake* other = _storm->flakes[i];
        float d = (_loc-(other->_loc)).length();  //distance
      	if ((d > 0) && (d < neighbordist)) {
        	sum += other->_loc; // Add location
    if (count > 0) {
      sum /= (float)count;
      return steer(sum,false);  // Steer towards the location
    return sum;
Example #21
File: Boid.cpp Project: jamtot/CPP
Vector Boid::separate(vector<Boid*>& boids)
    float desiredseparation = 50.0f;
    Vector steer(0, 0);
    int count = 0;

    vector<Boid*>::iterator it;
    for (it = boids.begin(); it!=boids.end(); ++it)
        float d = Vector::dist(*m_pos, (*it)->getPos());
        // 0 means it's the same boid
        if ((d > 0) && (d < desiredseparation))
            // Calculate vector pointing away from neighbor
            Vector diff = Vector::sub(*m_pos, (*it)->getPos());
            diff.div(d);        // Weight by distance
            count++;            // Keep track of how many

    // Average -- divide by how many
    if (count > 0)

    // As long as the vector is greater than 0
    if (steer.mag() > 0)

        // Implement Reynolds: Steering = Desired - Velocity
    return steer;
Example #22
ofPoint vehicle::slopes(ofVec2f* gradient){
    ofPoint desired;
    // Predict location 5 (arbitrary choice) frames ahead
    ofPoint predict(velocity);
    predict *= 10;
    ofPoint futureLocation(location);
    futureLocation += predict;
    ofPoint leave(location);
    if (futureLocation.x < border)
        leave.x = screenWidth;
    if (futureLocation.y < border)
        leave.y = screenHeight;
    if (futureLocation.x > screenWidth-border)
        leave.x = 0;
    if (futureLocation.y > screenHeight-border)
        leave.y = 0;
    leave -= location;
    leave *= velocity.length();
    leave += velocity;
    desired *= topSpeed;
    ofPoint steer(desired);
    if (desired.length() != 0) {
        steer -= velocity;
        //            PVector steer = PVector.sub(desired, velocity);
    return steer;
Example #23
float* Boid2d::flockfull(const float amount, float *vec) {
//	float * vec = new float[2];
	float *sep = new float[2];
	float *ali = new float[2];
	float *coh = new float[2];
	float *attrForce = new float[2];
	sep[0] = 0.0f;
	sep[1] = 0.0f;
	ali[0] = 0.0f;
	ali[1] = 0.0f;
	coh[0] = 0.0f;
	coh[1] = 0.0f;
	attrForce[0] = 0.0f;
	attrForce[1] = 0.0f;
//	float attrForce[] = {0.f, 0.f}; //new float[2];
	int countsep = 0, countali = 0, countcoh = 0;
	float separatedist = flockPtr->distSeparation;
	float aligndist = flockPtr->distAlign;
	float cohesiondist = flockPtr->distCohesion;
	float invD = 0;
	// boolean hasAttractionPoints = flock.hasAttractionPoints();
	// main full loop track all forces boid other boids
	for (int i = 0; i < flockPtr->boids.size(); i++) {
		Boid2d * other = flockPtr->boids.at(i);
		float dx = other->x - x;
		float dy = other->y - y;
		float d = ABS(dx) + ABS(dy);
		if (d <= 1e-7)
		// sep
		if (d < separatedist) {
			invD = 1.f / d;
			sep[0] -= dx * invD;
			sep[1] -= dy * invD;
		// coh
		if (d < cohesiondist) {
			coh[0] += other->x;
			coh[1] += other->y;
		// ali
		if (d < aligndist) {
			ali[0] += other->vx;
			ali[1] += other->vy;
	if (countsep > 0) {
		const float invForSep = flockPtr->separate / (float) countsep;
		sep[0] *= invForSep;
		sep[1] *= invForSep;
	if (countali > 0) {
		// final float invForAli = 1f / (float) countali;
		const float invForAli = flockPtr->align / (float) countali;
		ali[0] *= invForAli;
		ali[1] *= invForAli;
	if (countcoh > 0) {
		const float invForCoh = flockPtr->cohesion / (float) countcoh;
		coh[0] *= invForCoh;
		coh[1] *= invForCoh;
		coh = steer(coh, 1);
	// if using extra forces, place here
	// sep[0] *= flock.separate;
	// sep[1] *= flock.separate;
	// ali[0] *= flock.align;
	// ali[1] *= flock.align;
	// coh[0] *= flock.cohesion;
	// coh[1] *= flock.cohesion;
	// other forces
	if (flockPtr->hasAttractionPoints()) {
		for (int i = 0; i < flockPtr->attractionPoints.size(); i++) {
			AttractionPoint2d * point = flockPtr->attractionPoints.at(i);
			float dx = point->x - x;
			float dy = point->y - y;
			float d = ABS(dx) + ABS(dy);
			if (d <= 1e-7)
			if (d > point->sensorDist)
			// inbounds, calc
			float invForce = point->force  / d  * attr;// newww   ////flockPtr->attraction     ; // neww
			dx *= invForce;
			dy *= invForce;
			attrForce[0] += dx;
			attrForce[1] += dy;
	vec[0] = sep[0] + ali[0] + coh[0] + attrForce[0];
	vec[1] = sep[1] + ali[1] + coh[1] + attrForce[1];
	const float d = ABS(vec[0]) + ABS(vec[1]);
	if (d > 0) {
		float invDist = amount / d;
		vec[0] *= invDist;
		vec[1] *= invDist;
	vec[0] *= amount;
	vec[1] *= amount;
	delete[] sep;
	delete[] ali;
	delete[] coh;	
	delete[] attrForce;
	return vec;
Example #24
void Squid::seek(float $x, float $y) {
	steer(ofxVec3f($x, $y), false);
Example #25
int main(int argc, char** argv) {

  if( argc<2 ) {
     std::cout << " storehist_fullmc:     " << std::endl ;
     std::cout << " Author : Hengne Li @ LPSC 2010 " << std::endl ;
     std::cout << " Functionality: store hists for track match efficiency."  << std::endl;
     std::cout << "                 "  << std::endl;
     std::cout << " usage: storehist storehist.config" << std::endl ;
     exit(1) ;

  std::cout << " storehist:     " << std::endl ;
  std::cout << " Author : Hengne Li @ LPSC 2010 " << std::endl ;

  // readme:

  // open steering file names
  config  steer(std::string((const char*)argv[1]));
  // output root file name
  std::string OutRootFile = steer.getString("OutRootFile");
  // input file name
  std::string InRootFile = steer.getString("InRootFile");
  // Electron Basis, if true, it will draw twice for each electron
  bool ElectronBasis = steer.getBool("ElectronBasis");
  // Dimension of efficiency dependece vars: e.g. elecPt 1D , SET-Lumi 2D
  int DepVarDimension = steer.getInt("DepVarDimension");
  if (DepVarDimension>3) {
    std::cout << " Error:: DepVarDimension maximum to be 3 dimintion, no more, modify me if needed! " << std::endl;
  if (DepVarDimension==0) {
    std::cout << " Warning:: DepVarDimension should at least be 1 -- set it to be 1 " << std::endl;
    DepVarDimension = 1;

  // Dependence Variable is of electrons?  
  //  For SET or Lumi these Event based variable, it should be set to false, binning
  //   will be written as "set>0&&set<20" ;
  //  For elecPt these electron based variable, it should be set to true, because the binning should be written as 
  //   "elecPt[0]>0&&elecPt[0]<20".
  bool ElectronDepVar1(false), ElectronDepVar2(false), ElectronDepVar3(false);
  ElectronDepVar1 = steer.getBool("ElectronDepVar");
  // only if DepVarDimension above 1, the following will be read 
  if (DepVarDimension>1) ElectronDepVar2 = steer.getBool("ElectronDepVar2");
  // Tree name
  std::string TreeName = steer.getString("TreeName");
  // histogram names : e.g. hnum hdeno or htrk0, htrk1, htrk2
  std::vector<std::string> HistNames = steer.getStringArray("HistNames");
  // efficiency dependence variable name
  std::string DepVarName1, DepVarName2, DepVarName3;
  DepVarName1 = steer.getString("DepVarName");
  // only if DepVarDimension above 1, the following will be read 
  if (DepVarDimension>1) DepVarName2 = steer.getString("DepVarName2");
  if (DepVarDimension>2) DepVarName3 = steer.getString("DepVarName3");
  // dependence variable bins
  std::vector<double> DepVarBins1, DepVarBins2, DepVarBins3;
  DepVarBins1 = steer.getDoubleArray("DepVarBins");
  // only if DepVarDimension above 1, the following will be read 
  if (DepVarDimension>1) DepVarBins2 = steer.getDoubleArray("DepVarBins2");
  if (DepVarDimension>2) DepVarBins3 = steer.getDoubleArray("DepVarBins3");
  // base selection string to be applied everywhere 
  std::string BaseSelection = steer.getString("BaseSelection");
  // First electron selection array for the corresponding histnames 
  std::vector<std::string> SelectionVecE1 = steer.getStringArray("SelectionVecE1");
  // Second electron selection array for the corresponding histnames 
  std::vector<std::string> SelectionVecE2 = steer.getStringArray("SelectionVecE2");

  // initialize
  // root files
  TFile* finput = new TFile(InRootFile.c_str());
  TFile* foutput = new TFile(OutRootFile.c_str(), "recreate");

  // tree
  TTree* tree = (TTree*)finput->Get(TreeName.c_str());

  // Dep variable binning
  int Nbins1 = DepVarBins1.size()-1;
  int Nbins2(1), Nbins3(1);
  if (DepVarDimension>1) Nbins2 = DepVarBins2.size()-1;
  if (DepVarDimension>2) Nbins3 = DepVarBins3.size()-1;

  double Bins1[ (const int)(Nbins1+1) ];
  double Bins2[ (const int)(Nbins2+1) ];
  double Bins3[ (const int)(Nbins3+1) ];

  for (int i=0; i<(int)DepVarBins1.size(); i++){
    Bins1[i] = DepVarBins1.at(i);
  if (DepVarDimension>1) {
    for (int i=0; i<(int)DepVarBins2.size(); i++){
      Bins2[i] = DepVarBins2.at(i);
  if (DepVarDimension>2) {
    for (int i=0; i<(int)DepVarBins3.size(); i++){
      Bins3[i] = DepVarBins3.at(i);

  // dependence histograms
  const int Nhists = HistNames.size();
  std::vector<TH1*> Hists;
  for (int i=0; i<Nhists; i++){
      char hname[100];
      TH1* hist;
      sprintf(hname, "%s", HistNames.at(i).c_str());
      if (DepVarDimension==1) {
        hist = new TH1D(hname, hname, Nbins1, Bins1);
      else if (DepVarDimension==2) {
        hist = new TH2D(hname, hname, Nbins1, Bins1, Nbins2, Bins2);
      else if (DepVarDimension==3) {
        hist = new TH3D(hname, hname, Nbins1, Bins1, Nbins2, Bins2, Nbins3, Bins3);
        std::cout << "Error:: DepVarDimension can be 1 to 3, no more. Modify me if needed!" << std::endl;

  // Draw hists
  for (int i=0; i<Nhists; i++){
    char draw[100], sele[500];
    // if variables are of electrons
    char str_elecdep1[5], str_elecdep2[5], str_elecdep3[5];
    sprintf(str_elecdep1, "");
    sprintf(str_elecdep2, "");
    sprintf(str_elecdep3, "");

    if (ElectronDepVar1) sprintf(str_elecdep1, "[0]");
    if (DepVarDimension>1 && ElectronDepVar2) sprintf(str_elecdep2, "[0]");
    if (DepVarDimension>2 && ElectronDepVar3) sprintf(str_elecdep2, "[0]");

    // print draw string
    if (DepVarDimension==1) {
      sprintf(draw, "%s%s>>%s", DepVarName1.c_str(), str_elecdep1, HistNames.at(i).c_str());
    else if (DepVarDimension==2) {
      sprintf(draw, "%s%s:%s%s>>%s", DepVarName2.c_str(), str_elecdep2, DepVarName1.c_str(), str_elecdep1, HistNames.at(i).c_str());
    else if (DepVarDimension==3) {
      sprintf(draw, "%s%s:%s%s:%s%s>>%s", DepVarName3.c_str(), str_elecdep3, DepVarName2.c_str(), str_elecdep2, DepVarName1.c_str(), str_elecdep1, HistNames.at(i).c_str());
    else {
      std::cout << " Error::  DepVarDimension can be 1 to 3, no more. Modify me if needed!" << std::endl;

    // print sele string
    sprintf(sele, "(%s)&&(%s)", BaseSelection.c_str(), SelectionVecE1.at(i).c_str());
    std::cout << " -- draw = "  << draw << std::endl;
    std::cout << " -- sele = "  << sele << std::endl;
    // draw
    tree->Draw(draw, sele);

    // if electron basis, draw for the 2nd electron
    if (ElectronBasis) {

      // if variables are of electrons
      sprintf(str_elecdep1, "");
      sprintf(str_elecdep2, "");
      sprintf(str_elecdep3, "");
      if (ElectronDepVar1) sprintf(str_elecdep1, "[1]");
      if (DepVarDimension>1 && ElectronDepVar2) sprintf(str_elecdep2, "[1]");
      if (DepVarDimension>2 && ElectronDepVar3) sprintf(str_elecdep2, "[1]");

      // print draw string
      if (DepVarDimension==1) {
        sprintf(draw, "%s%s>>+%s", DepVarName1.c_str(), str_elecdep1, HistNames.at(i).c_str());
      else if (DepVarDimension==2) {
        sprintf(draw, "%s%s:%s%s>>+%s", DepVarName2.c_str(), str_elecdep2, DepVarName1.c_str(), str_elecdep1, HistNames.at(i).c_str());
      else if (DepVarDimension==3) {
        sprintf(draw, "%s%s:%s%s:%s%s>>+%s", DepVarName3.c_str(), str_elecdep3, DepVarName2.c_str(), str_elecdep2, DepVarName1.c_str(), str_elecdep1, HistNames.at(i).c_str());
      else {
        std::cout << " Error::  DepVarDimension can be 1 to 3, no more. Modify me if needed!" << std::endl;

      // print sele string
      sprintf(sele, "(%s)&&(%s)", BaseSelection.c_str(), SelectionVecE2.at(i).c_str());    
      std::cout << " -- draw = "  << draw << std::endl;
      std::cout << " -- sele = "  << sele << std::endl;

      // draw
      tree->Draw(draw, sele);    

  for (int i=0; i<Nhists; i++){
  return 0;
Example #26
void Boid::seek(ofPoint target) {
    acc += steer(target, false);
Example #27
//Lennard-Jones based AI
void Enemy::ljpTest()
	b2Vec2 sum(0, 0);
	b2Vec2 flock(0, 0);
	b2Vec2 chase(0, 0);
	b2Vec2 fire(0, 0);

	//Chase and fire at player?
	Shape* player = getPlayer_();
	if (player)
		b2Vec2 myPos = getPosition();
		b2Vec2 pPos = player->getPosition();
		b2Vec2 between = (pPos - myPos);
		float dist = between.Length();

		if (!chasing_ && dist < chaseRange_[3])
			chasing_ = true;

		if (chasing_ && dist < chaseRangeMAX_[4])
			chase = LJP(pPos, 100.f, 200.f, 1.0, 1.8);

		else chasing_ = false;

		//Fire if in visible range
		if (dist < visRange_[3])
			fire = LJP(pPos, 100, 0, 2.0, 0);

	if (chasing_) orient(chase);

	//Swarm to shapes
	int count = 0;
	for (Enemy* v : swarm_)
		if (v != this)
			b2Vec2 myPos = getPosition();
			b2Vec2 theirPos = v->getPosition();
			b2Vec2 between = theirPos - myPos;
			float minDist = v->getSize() + size_;
			float dist = between.Length();

			if (between.Length() < flockRange_)
				b2Vec2 steer(0, 0);
				if (!chasing_) steer = LJP(theirPos, 75.f, 300.f, 1.0f, 1.8f);

				else if (v->getVertices() == vertices_) 
					 steer = LJP(theirPos, 0, 100.f, 0, 1.8f);

				else steer = LJP(theirPos, 0, 100.f, 0, 1.8f);

				if (steer.x != 0 && steer.y != 0)
					sum += steer;

	//get average
	if (count > 0)
		sum.x /= static_cast<float>(count);
		sum.y /= static_cast<float>(count);

	else sum = b2Vec2_zero;

	//If we didn't want to fire
	float seePlayer = fire.Length();
	if (seePlayer == 0)
		angry_ -= angryMAX_ / triggerSatisfaction_[4];

		chill_ = 0;
		angry_ += seePlayer;

	//If we're mad enough
	float ammo = (float)getWeaponBar() / (float)getWeaponBarMAX();
	if (angry_ > angryMAX_ && seePlayer != 0)
		if (fireAt(fire, 0.2f))
			angry_ -= triggerSatisfaction_[4];
		else release();

		if (ammo< 0.1f)
	angry_ = fmax(angry_, 0);

	//Chill out when idle
	if (angry_ == 0 && seePlayer == 0)
		chill_ -= 1;

		if (chill_ <= chillMIN_)
			if (ammo < 1.f)

	chill_ = fmax(chill_, chillMIN_);

	move(chase + sum);
void wParticle::applyGravityForce(float _pct) {
    acc += steer(*this,true)*_pct;
//    addAttractionForce(*this, 100, _pct);
Example #29
void Boid::arrive(ofPoint target) {
    acc += steer(target, true);
/** Updates the player kart, called once each timestep.
void NetworkPlayerController::update(float dt)
    if (UserConfigParams::m_gamepad_debug)
        // Print a dividing line so that it's easier to see which events
        // get received in which order in the one frame.
        Log::debug("PlayerController", "irr_driver", "-------------------------------------");

    // Don't do steering if it's replay. In position only replay it doesn't
    // matter, but if it's physics replay the gradual steering causes
    // incorrect results, since the stored values are already adjusted.
    if (!history->replayHistory())
        steer(dt, m_steer_val);

    if (World::getWorld()->isStartPhase())
        if (m_controls->m_accel || m_controls->m_brake ||
            m_controls->m_fire  || m_controls->m_nitro)
            // Only give penalty time in SET_PHASE.
            // Penalty time check makes sure it doesn't get rendered on every
            // update.
            if (m_penalty_time == 0.0 &&
                World::getWorld()->getPhase() == WorldStatus::SET_PHASE)
                RaceGUIBase* m=World::getWorld()->getRaceGUI();
                if (m)
                    m->addMessage(_("Penalty time!!"), m_kart, 2.0f,
                                  video::SColor(255, 255, 128, 0));
                    m->addMessage(_("Don't accelerate before go"), m_kart, 2.0f,
                                  video::SColor(255, 210, 100, 50));

                m_penalty_time = stk_config->m_penalty_time;
            }   // if penalty_time = 0

            m_controls->m_brake = false;
            m_controls->m_accel = 0.0f;
        }   // if key pressed

    }   // if isStartPhase

    if (m_penalty_time>0.0)

    // We can't restrict rescue to fulfil isOnGround() (which would be more like
    // MK), since e.g. in the City track it is possible for the kart to end
    // up sitting on a brick wall, with all wheels in the air :((
    // Only accept rescue if there is no kart animation is already playing
    // (e.g. if an explosion happens, wait till the explosion is over before
    // starting any other animation).
    if ( m_controls->m_rescue && !m_kart->getKartAnimation() )
        new RescueAnimation(m_kart);
}   // update