void TriangleMesh::write_ascii(char* output_file) { stl_write_ascii(&this->stl, output_file, ""); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { stl_file stl_in; float tolerance = 0; float increment = 0; float x_trans; float y_trans; float z_trans; float scale_factor = 0; float rotate_x_angle = 0; float rotate_y_angle = 0; float rotate_z_angle = 0; int c; char *program_name; char *binary_name = NULL; char *ascii_name = NULL; char *merge_name = NULL; char *off_name = NULL; char *dxf_name = NULL; char *vrml_name = NULL; int fixall_flag = 1; /* Default behavior is to fix all. */ int exact_flag = 0; /* All checks turned off by default. */ int tolerance_flag = 0; /* Is tolerance specified on cmdline */ int nearby_flag = 0; int remove_unconnected_flag = 0; int fill_holes_flag = 0; int normal_directions_flag = 0; int normal_values_flag = 0; int reverse_all_flag = 0; int write_binary_stl_flag = 0; int write_ascii_stl_flag = 0; int generate_shared_vertices_flag = 0; int write_off_flag = 0; int write_dxf_flag = 0; int write_vrml_flag = 0; int translate_flag = 0; int scale_flag = 0; int rotate_x_flag = 0; int rotate_y_flag = 0; int rotate_z_flag = 0; int mirror_xy_flag = 0; int mirror_yz_flag = 0; int mirror_xz_flag = 0; int merge_flag = 0; int help_flag = 0; int version_flag = 0; int iterations = 2; /* Default number of iterations. */ int increment_flag = 0; char *input_file = NULL; int ret = 0; enum {rotate_x = 1000, rotate_y, rotate_z, merge, help, version, mirror_xy, mirror_yz, mirror_xz, scale, translate, reverse_all, off_file, dxf_file, vrml_file }; struct option long_options[] = { {"exact", no_argument, NULL, 'e'}, {"nearby", no_argument, NULL, 'n'}, {"tolerance", required_argument, NULL, 't'}, {"iterations", required_argument, NULL, 'i'}, {"increment", required_argument, NULL, 'm'}, {"remove-unconnected", no_argument, NULL, 'u'}, {"fill-holes", no_argument, NULL, 'f'}, {"normal-directions", no_argument, NULL, 'd'}, {"normal-values", no_argument, NULL, 'v'}, {"no-check", no_argument, NULL, 'c'}, {"reverse-all", no_argument, NULL, reverse_all}, {"write-binary-stl", required_argument, NULL, 'b'}, {"write-ascii-stl", required_argument, NULL, 'a'}, {"write-off", required_argument, NULL, off_file}, {"write-dxf", required_argument, NULL, dxf_file}, {"write-vrml", required_argument, NULL, vrml_file}, {"translate", required_argument, NULL, translate}, {"scale", required_argument, NULL, scale}, {"x-rotate", required_argument, NULL, rotate_x}, {"y-rotate", required_argument, NULL, rotate_y}, {"z-rotate", required_argument, NULL, rotate_z}, {"xy-mirror", no_argument, NULL, mirror_xy}, {"yz-mirror", no_argument, NULL, mirror_yz}, {"xz-mirror", no_argument, NULL, mirror_xz}, {"merge", required_argument, NULL, merge}, {"help", no_argument, NULL, help}, {"version", no_argument, NULL, version}, {NULL, 0, NULL, 0} }; program_name = argv[0]; while((c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "et:i:m:nufdcvb:a:", long_options, (int *) 0)) != EOF) { switch(c) { case 0: /* If *flag is not null */ break; case 'e': exact_flag = 1; fixall_flag = 0; break; case 'n': nearby_flag = 1; fixall_flag = 0; break; case 't': tolerance_flag = 1; tolerance = atof(optarg); break; case 'i': iterations = atoi(optarg); break; case 'm': increment_flag = 1; increment = atof(optarg); break; case 'u': remove_unconnected_flag = 1; fixall_flag = 0; break; case 'f': fill_holes_flag = 1; fixall_flag = 0; break; case 'd': normal_directions_flag = 1; fixall_flag = 0; break; case 'v': normal_values_flag = 1; fixall_flag = 0; break; case 'c': fixall_flag = 0; break; case reverse_all: reverse_all_flag = 1; fixall_flag = 0; break; case 'b': write_binary_stl_flag = 1; binary_name = optarg; /* I'm not sure if this is safe. */ break; case 'a': write_ascii_stl_flag = 1; ascii_name = optarg; /* I'm not sure if this is safe. */ break; case off_file: generate_shared_vertices_flag = 1; write_off_flag = 1; off_name = optarg; break; case vrml_file: generate_shared_vertices_flag = 1; write_vrml_flag = 1; vrml_name = optarg; break; case dxf_file: write_dxf_flag = 1; dxf_name = optarg; break; case translate: translate_flag = 1; sscanf(optarg, "%f,%f,%f", &x_trans, &y_trans, &z_trans); break; case scale: scale_flag = 1; scale_factor = atof(optarg); break; case rotate_x: rotate_x_flag = 1; rotate_x_angle = atof(optarg); break; case rotate_y: rotate_y_flag = 1; rotate_y_angle = atof(optarg); break; case rotate_z: rotate_z_flag = 1; rotate_z_angle = atof(optarg); break; case mirror_xy: mirror_xy_flag = 1; break; case mirror_yz: mirror_yz_flag = 1; break; case mirror_xz: mirror_xz_flag = 1; break; case merge: merge_flag = 1; merge_name = optarg; break; case help: help_flag = 1; break; case version: version_flag = 1; break; default: usage(1, program_name); return 1; } } if(help_flag) { usage(0, program_name); return 0; } if(version_flag) { printf("ADMesh - version " VERSION "\n"); return 0; } if(optind == argc) { printf("No input file name given.\n"); usage(1, program_name); return 1; } else { input_file = argv[optind]; } printf("\ ADMesh version " VERSION ", Copyright (C) 1995, 1996 Anthony D. Martin\n\ ADMesh comes with NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to\n\ redistribute it under certain conditions. See the file COPYING for details.\n"); printf("Opening %s\n", input_file); stl_open(&stl_in, input_file); stl_exit_on_error(&stl_in); if(rotate_x_flag) { printf("Rotating about the x axis by %f degrees...\n", rotate_x_angle); stl_rotate_x(&stl_in, rotate_x_angle); } if(rotate_y_flag) { printf("Rotating about the y axis by %f degrees...\n", rotate_y_angle); stl_rotate_y(&stl_in, rotate_y_angle); } if(rotate_z_flag) { printf("Rotating about the z axis by %f degrees...\n", rotate_z_angle); stl_rotate_z(&stl_in, rotate_z_angle); } if(mirror_xy_flag) { printf("Mirroring about the xy plane...\n"); stl_mirror_xy(&stl_in); } if(mirror_yz_flag) { printf("Mirroring about the yz plane...\n"); stl_mirror_yz(&stl_in); } if(mirror_xz_flag) { printf("Mirroring about the xz plane...\n"); stl_mirror_xz(&stl_in); } if(scale_flag) { printf("Scaling by factor %f...\n", scale_factor); stl_scale(&stl_in, scale_factor); } if(translate_flag) { printf("Translating to %f, %f, %f ...\n", x_trans, y_trans, z_trans); stl_translate(&stl_in, x_trans, y_trans, z_trans); } if(merge_flag) { printf("Merging %s with %s\n", input_file, merge_name); /* Open the file and add the contents to stl_in: */ stl_open_merge(&stl_in, merge_name); } stl_repair(&stl_in, fixall_flag, exact_flag, tolerance_flag, tolerance, increment_flag, increment, nearby_flag, iterations, remove_unconnected_flag, fill_holes_flag, normal_directions_flag, normal_values_flag, reverse_all_flag, 1); if(generate_shared_vertices_flag) { printf("Generating shared vertices...\n"); stl_generate_shared_vertices(&stl_in); } if(write_off_flag) { printf("Writing OFF file %s\n", off_name); stl_write_off(&stl_in, off_name); if (stl_in.error) { stl_clear_error(&stl_in); ret = 1; } } if(write_dxf_flag) { printf("Writing DXF file %s\n", dxf_name); stl_write_dxf(&stl_in, dxf_name, "Created by ADMesh version " VERSION); if (stl_in.error) { stl_clear_error(&stl_in); ret = 1; } } if(write_vrml_flag) { printf("Writing VRML file %s\n", vrml_name); stl_write_vrml(&stl_in, vrml_name); if (stl_in.error) { stl_clear_error(&stl_in); ret = 1; } } if(write_ascii_stl_flag) { printf("Writing ascii file %s\n", ascii_name); stl_write_ascii(&stl_in, ascii_name, "Processed by ADMesh version " VERSION); if (stl_in.error) { stl_clear_error(&stl_in); ret = 1; } } if(write_binary_stl_flag) { printf("Writing binary file %s\n", binary_name); stl_write_binary(&stl_in, binary_name, "Processed by ADMesh version " VERSION); if (stl_in.error) { stl_clear_error(&stl_in); ret = 1; } } stl_stats_out(&stl_in, stdout, input_file); stl_close(&stl_in); if (ret) fprintf(stderr, "Some part of the procedure failed, see the above log for more information about what happened.\n"); return ret; }