static int xmp_readdir(const char *path, void *buf, fuse_fill_dir_t filler, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi) { fprintf(stderr, "in readdir\n"); DIR *dp; struct dirent *de; char fullPath[PATH_MAX]; stopPath(fullPath, path); (void) offset; (void) fi; dp = opendir(fullPath); if (dp == NULL) return -errno; while ((de = readdir(dp)) != NULL) { struct stat st; memset(&st, 0, sizeof(st)); st.st_ino = de->d_ino; st.st_mode = de->d_type << 12; if (filler(buf, de->d_name, &st, 0)) break; } closedir(dp); return 0; }
static int xmp_listxattr(const char *path, char *list, size_t size) { char fullPath[PATH_MAX]; stopPath(fullPath, path); int res = llistxattr(fullPath, list, size); if (res == -1) return -errno; return res; }
static int xmp_removexattr(const char *path, const char *name) { char fullPath[PATH_MAX]; stopPath(fullPath, path); int res = lremovexattr(fullPath, name); if (res == -1) return -errno; return 0; }
static int xmp_setxattr(const char *path, const char *name, const char *value, size_t size, int flags) { char fullPath[PATH_MAX]; stopPath(fullPath, path); int res = lsetxattr(fullPath, name, value, size, flags); if (res == -1) return -errno; return 0; }
static int xmp_access(const char *path, int mask) { int res; fprintf(stderr, "in access\n"); char fullPath[PATH_MAX]; stopPath(fullPath, path); res = access(fullPath, mask); if (res == -1) return -errno; return 0; }
static int xmp_statfs(const char *path, struct statvfs *stbuf) { char fullPath[PATH_MAX]; stopPath(fullPath, path); int res; res = statvfs(fullPath, stbuf); if (res == -1) return -errno; return 0; }
static int xmp_unlink(const char *path) { char fullPath[PATH_MAX]; stopPath(fullPath, path); int res; res = unlink(fullPath); if (res == -1) return -errno; return 0; }
static int xmp_mkdir(const char *path, mode_t mode) { fprintf(stderr, "in mkdir\n"); int res; char fullPath[PATH_MAX]; stopPath(fullPath, path); res = mkdir(fullPath, mode); if (res == -1) return -errno; return 0; }
static int xmp_open(const char *path, struct fuse_file_info *fi) { fprintf(stderr, "in get open\n"); int res; char fullPath[PATH_MAX]; stopPath(fullPath, path); res = open(fullPath, fi->flags); if (res == -1) return -errno; close(res); return 0; }
static int xmp_truncate(const char *path, off_t size) { fprintf(stderr, "in truncate\n"); int res; char fullPath[PATH_MAX]; stopPath(fullPath, path); res = truncate(fullPath, size); if (res == -1) return -errno; return 0; }
static int xmp_chown(const char *path, uid_t uid, gid_t gid) { fprintf(stderr, "in get chown\n"); int res; char fullPath[PATH_MAX]; stopPath(fullPath, path); res = lchown(fullPath, uid, gid); if (res == -1) return -errno; return 0; }
static int xmp_readlink(const char *path, char *buf, size_t size) { fprintf(stderr, "in get readlink\n"); int res; char fullPath[PATH_MAX]; stopPath(fullPath, path); res = readlink(fullPath, buf, size - 1);//place fullPath into buf and gets rid of the null character if (res == -1) return -errno; buf[res] = '\0'; return 0; }
static int xmp_getxattr(const char *path, const char *name, char *value, size_t size) { fprintf(stderr, "in get xattr\n"); char fullPath[PATH_MAX]; stopPath(fullPath, path); int res = lgetxattr(fullPath, name, value, size); if (res == -1) return -errno; fprintf(stderr, "leaving get xattr\n"); return res; }
void InterpolatedVector::updatePath(float dt) { InterpolatedVectorData *data = ensureData(); if (data->pathTimer > data->pathTime) { Vector value = data->path.getPathNode(data->path.getNumPathNodes()-1)->value; this->x = value.x; this->y = value.y; this->z = value.z; if (data->loopType != 0) { if (data->loopType > 0) data->loopType -= 1; int oldLoopType = data->loopType; if (data->pingPong) { // flip path data->path.flip(); startPath(data->pathTime); data->loopType = oldLoopType; } else { startPath(data->pathTime); data->loopType = oldLoopType; } } else { stopPath(); } } else { data->pathTimer += dt * data->pathTimeMultiplier; float perc = data->pathTimer/data->pathTime; Vector value = data->path.getValue(perc); this->x = value.x; this->y = value.y; this->z = value.z; } }
static int xmp_utimens(const char *path, const struct timespec ts[2]) { fprintf(stderr, "in utimes\n"); char fullPath[PATH_MAX]; stopPath(fullPath, path); int res; struct timeval tv[2]; tv[0].tv_sec = ts[0].tv_sec; tv[0].tv_usec = ts[0].tv_nsec / 1000; tv[1].tv_sec = ts[1].tv_sec; tv[1].tv_usec = ts[1].tv_nsec / 1000; res = utimes(fullPath, tv); if (res == -1) return -errno; return 0; }
static int xmp_mknod(const char *path, mode_t mode, dev_t rdev) { fprintf(stderr, "in mknod\n"); int res; char fullPath[PATH_MAX]; stopPath(fullPath, path); /* On Linux this could just be 'mknod(path, mode, rdev)' but this is more portable */ if (S_ISREG(mode)) { res = open(fullPath, O_CREAT | O_EXCL | O_WRONLY, mode); if (res >= 0) res = close(res); } else if (S_ISFIFO(mode)) res = mkfifo(path, mode); else res = mknod(path, mode, rdev); if (res == -1) return -errno; return 0; }
static int xmp_create(const char* path, mode_t mode, struct fuse_file_info* fi) { fprintf(stderr, "in create\n"); FILE *newFile; char fullPath[PATH_MAX]; stopPath(fullPath, path); //FILE* outFile; //char *outFileText; //size_t outFileSize; (void)mode; (void) fi; // int res; //outFile=open_memstream(&outFileText,&outFileSize); newFile=fopen(fullPath,"w"); fprintf(stderr, "do_crypts is happening\n\n\n\n"); if(!do_crypt(newFile, newFile, ENC,key)){ fprintf(stderr, "do_cryptfailedd\n\n\n\n"); } /* if(res == -1){ return -errno; }*/ fclose(newFile); if(setxattr(fullPath,NAME,"true",strlen("true"),0)){ fprintf(stderr, "error in xpm create\n\n\n\n\n"); } fprintf(stderr, "leaving create\n"); //sets attributeds cnositnet name is encrypted failes if the attribute alreads excists could be XATTR_REPLACE should really matter excpeted for maybe deaper security reasons return 0; }
void InterpolatedVector::updatePath(float dt) { if (!speedPath) { if (pathTimer > pathTime) { Vector value = path.getPathNode(path.getNumPathNodes()-1)->value; this->x = value.x; this->y = value.y; this->z = value.z; if (loopType != 0) { if (loopType > 0) loopType -= 1; int oldLoopType = loopType; if (pingPong) { // flip path path.flip(); startPath(pathTime); loopType = oldLoopType; } else { startPath(pathTime); loopType = oldLoopType; } } else { stopPath();; } } else { pathTimer += dt * pathTimeMultiplier; // ;//dt*timeSpeedMultiplier; float perc = pathTimer/pathTime; Vector value = path.getValue(perc); this->x = value.x; this->y = value.y; this->z = value.z; /* std::ostringstream os; os << "nodes: " << path.getNumPathNodes() << " pathTimer: " << pathTimer << " pathTime: " << pathTime << " perc: " << perc << " p(" << x << ", " << y << ")"; debugLog(os.str()); */ /* float diff = pathTime - pathTimer; if (timeSpeedEase > 0) { float secs = 1.0/timeSpeedEase; if (diff <= secs) { timeSpeedMultiplier -= dt*timeSpeedEase; if (timeSpeedMultiplier < 0.1) timeSpeedMultiplier = 0.1; } } if (timeSpeedMultiplier < 1) { timeSpeedMultiplier += dt*timeSpeedEase; if (timeSpeedMultiplier >= 1) timeSpeedMultiplier = 1; } */ } } else { if (!isInterpolating()) { currentPathNode++; VectorPathNode *node = path.getPathNode(currentPathNode); /* if (node) { } else { stopPath();; } */ if (node) { interpolateTo(node->value, (node->value - Vector(this->x, this->y, this->z)).getLength3D()*(1.0/pathSpeed)); } else { // handle looping etc stopPath();; } } } }
static int xmp_getattr(const char *path, struct stat *stbuf) { struct stat *tmpFileStats; tmpFileStats=(struct stat *) malloc(sizeof(struct stat)); fprintf(stderr, "in getattr\n"); FILE* posEnc; FILE* decrypedFile; int action; ssize_t size; int res; char fullPath[PATH_MAX]; stopPath(fullPath, path); fprintf(stderr, "full path %s\n",fullPath); res = lstat(fullPath, stbuf); if(res==-1){ return -errno; } //for now do with a tmparary file there has got to be a better way char tPath[PATH_MAX]; stopPath(tPath,"/tFile.txt"); if (res == -1){ fprintf(stderr, "leaving getattr with error\n"); return -errno; } if(S_ISREG(stbuf->st_mode)){ //size=getxattr(fullPath, NAME,NULL,0); size=getxattr(fullPath,NAME,NULL,0); char *attr; if(size<0){ if(errno==ENODATA){ return 0; }else{ fprintf(stderr,"major issure here ////////////////////////////////////\n"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } attr= malloc(sizeof(*attr)*(size+1)); //char att[4];//might have to malloc size=getxattr(fullPath,NAME,attr,size); attr[size]='\0'; if(strcmp(attr, "true")){ fprintf(stderr,"why have the attirbute equal to anything but true/////////////\n\n\n\n"); action=-1; }else{ action =DEC; } posEnc=fopen(fullPath,"r"); decrypedFile=fopen(tPath,"w"); if(!do_crypt(posEnc,decrypedFile,action,key)){ fprintf(stderr,"do crypt failed in getattr////////////////\n"); } fclose(posEnc); fclose(decrypedFile); free(attr); int tmpres=lstat(tPath,tmpFileStats); if(tmpres==-1){ fprintf(stderr,"tmppres in getattr was -1\n"); return -errno; stbuf->st_size=tmpFileStats->st_size; stbuf->st_blocks=tmpFileStats->st_blocks; stbuf->st_blksize=tmpFileStats->st_blksize; } } remove(tPath); //free(tmpFileStats);//do i need this? fprintf(stderr, "leaving getattr\n"); return 0; }
static int xmp_read(const char *path, char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi) { fprintf(stderr, "In read\n"); int fd; int res; //int action=DEC; FILE* inFile; //char* outFileStart; //size_t outFileSize; //FILE* outFile; //findif better way to do this char pathT[PATH_MAX]; stopPath(pathT,"/tmpreadfile.txt"); FILE *fileT; char fullPath[PATH_MAX]; stopPath(fullPath, path); (void) fi; if(isEncrypted(fullPath)){ //action=DEC; inFile=fopen(fullPath, "r"); fileT=fopen(pathT,"w"); do_crypt(inFile,fileT,DEC,key); fclose(inFile); fclose(fileT); fd=open(pathT,O_RDONLY); res=pread(fd,buf,size,offset); if(res==-1){ res=-errno; } close(fd); remove(pathT); return res; }else{ fd=open(fullPath,O_RDONLY); res=pread(fd,buf,size,offset); if(res==-1){ res=-errno; } close(fd); remove(pathT); return res; } /* inFile = fopen(fullPath, "r"); fileT=fopen(pathT,"w"); //outFile=open_memstream(&outFileStart,&outFileSize);//opens stream to be written t fprintf(stderr, "do_crypts is happening\n\n\n\n"); if(!do_crypt(inFile,fileT,action,key)){ fprintf(stderr, "do_cryptfailrd\n\n\n\n"); }//come back to fclose(inFile); fclose(fileT); fd=open(tmpPath,O_RDONLY); //if (fd == -1) //return -errno; //fseek(fd,offset,SEEK_SET); res = pread(fd,buf,size,offset); if (res == -1) res = -errno; close(fd); remove(tmpPath); return res;//return number of bytes written*/ }
static int xmp_write(const char *path, const char *buf, size_t size, off_t offset, struct fuse_file_info *fi) { fprintf(stderr, "in Write\n"); int fd; int res; //size_t inFileSize; char fullPath[PATH_MAX]; stopPath(fullPath, path); //int action=0; //int revAction=1; //char* inFileStart; FILE* inFile; //FILE* outFile; FILE* fileT; char pathT[PATH_MAX]; stopPath(pathT,"/tmpFile"); (void) fi; //inFile=fopen(fullPath,"r"); //fileT=fopen(pathT,"w"); //outFile=fopen(fullPath,"r"); //fd = open(path, O_WRONLY); //inFile=open_memstream(&inFileStart,&inFileSize); //fwrite(buf,size,sizeof(char),inFile);//write to the infile //outFile= fopen(fullPath,"r"); //res = pwrite(fd, buf, size, offset); if(isEncrypted(fullPath)){ //action=DEC; //revAction=ENC; inFile = fopen(fullPath,"r"); fileT = fopen(pathT,"w"); do_crypt(inFile,fileT,DEC,key); //do_crypt(outFile,inFile,0,key);//come back to latter fclose(inFile); fclose(fileT); fd=open(pathT,O_WRONLY); //fd=open(fullPath,O_WRONLY); res = pwrite(fd, buf, size, offset); close(fd); inFile = fopen(fullPath,"w"); fileT = fopen(pathT,"r"); do_crypt(fileT,inFile,ENC,key); fclose(inFile); fclose(fileT); remove(pathT); return res; //fd=open(fullPath,O_WRONLY); }else{ fd=open(fullPath,O_WRONLY); //fd=open(pathT,O_WRONLY); res =pwrite(fd,buf,size,offset); close(fd); remove(pathT); return res; //fd=open(fullPath, O_WRONLY); } fprintf(stderr, "do_crypts is happening\n\n\n\n"); fclose(inFile); fclose(fileT); fd=open(pathT, O_WRONLY); //fseek(inFile,offset,SEEK_SET); //res=pwrite(fd,buf,size,offset); //res=fwrite(buf,1,size,inFile); //close(outFile); if (fd == -1) return -errno; //res=pwrite(fd,buf,size,offset); close(fd); //apend to doc inFile=fopen(fullPath,"w"); fileT=fopen(pathT,"r"); if (res == -1) res = -errno; //fflush(inFile); //outFile=fopen(fullPath,"w"); //fseek(inFile,0,SEEK_SET); fprintf(stderr, "do_crypts is happening\n\n\n\n"); do_crypt(fileT,inFile,ENC, key); //fclose(outFile); fclose(inFile); fclose(fileT); remove(pathT); return res; }