ThreadIdentifier createThreadInternal(ThreadFunction entryPoint, void* data, const char* threadName)
    unsigned threadIdentifier = 0;
    ThreadIdentifier threadID = 0;
    ThreadFunctionInvocation* invocation = new ThreadFunctionInvocation(entryPoint, data);
    // This is safe on WINCE, since CRT is in the core and innately multithreaded.
    // On desktop Windows, need to use _beginthreadex (not available on WinCE) if using any CRT functions
    HANDLE threadHandle = CreateThread(0, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)wtfThreadEntryPoint, invocation, 0, (LPDWORD)&threadIdentifier);
    HANDLE threadHandle = reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(_beginthreadex(0, 0, wtfThreadEntryPoint, invocation, 0, &threadIdentifier));
    if (!threadHandle) {
        LOG_ERROR("Failed to create thread at entry point %p with data %p: %ld", entryPoint, data, ::GetLastError());
#elif defined(NO_ERRNO)
        LOG_ERROR("Failed to create thread at entry point %p with data %p.", entryPoint, data);
        LOG_ERROR("Failed to create thread at entry point %p with data %p: %ld", entryPoint, data, errno);
        return 0;

    threadID = static_cast<ThreadIdentifier>(threadIdentifier);
    storeThreadHandleByIdentifier(threadIdentifier, threadHandle);

    return threadID;
Example #2
ThreadIdentifier createThread(ThreadFunction entryPoint, void* data)
    unsigned threadIdentifier = 0;
    ThreadIdentifier threadID = 0;
    ThreadFunctionInvocation* invocation = new ThreadFunctionInvocation(entryPoint, data);
    HANDLE threadHandle = reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(_beginthreadex(0, 0, wtfThreadEntryPoint, invocation, 0, &threadIdentifier));
    if (!threadHandle) {
        LOG_ERROR("Failed to create thread at entry point %p with data %p: %ld", entryPoint, data, errno);
        return 0;

    threadID = static_cast<ThreadIdentifier>(threadIdentifier);
    storeThreadHandleByIdentifier(threadIdentifier, threadHandle);

    return threadID;
Example #3
ThreadIdentifier createThreadInternal(ThreadFunction entryPoint, void* data, const char* threadName)
    unsigned threadIdentifier = 0;
    ThreadIdentifier threadID = 0;
    OwnPtr<ThreadFunctionInvocation> invocation = adoptPtr(new ThreadFunctionInvocation(entryPoint, data));
    HANDLE threadHandle = reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(_beginthreadex(0, 0, wtfThreadEntryPoint, invocation.get(), 0, &threadIdentifier));
    if (!threadHandle) {
        WTF_LOG_ERROR("Failed to create thread at entry point %p with data %p: %ld", entryPoint, data, errno);
        return 0;

    // The thread will take ownership of invocation.
    ThreadFunctionInvocation* leakedInvocation ALLOW_UNUSED = invocation.leakPtr();

    threadID = static_cast<ThreadIdentifier>(threadIdentifier);
    storeThreadHandleByIdentifier(threadIdentifier, threadHandle);

    return threadID;
Example #4
ThreadIdentifier createThreadInternal(ThreadFunction entryPoint, void* data, const char* threadName)
    unsigned threadIdentifier = 0;
    ThreadIdentifier threadID = 0;
    auto invocation = std::make_unique<ThreadFunctionInvocation>(entryPoint, data);
    HANDLE threadHandle = reinterpret_cast<HANDLE>(_beginthreadex(0, 0, wtfThreadEntryPoint, invocation.get(), 0, &threadIdentifier));
    if (!threadHandle) {
        LOG_ERROR("Failed to create thread at entry point %p with data %p.", entryPoint, data);
        LOG_ERROR("Failed to create thread at entry point %p with data %p: %ld", entryPoint, data, errno);
        return 0;

    // The thread will take ownership of invocation.
    ThreadFunctionInvocation* leakedInvocation = invocation.release();

    threadID = static_cast<ThreadIdentifier>(threadIdentifier);
    storeThreadHandleByIdentifier(threadIdentifier, threadHandle);

    return threadID;