Example #1
Json::Value SkJSONCanvas::makePaint(const SkPaint& paint) {
    Json::Value result(Json::objectValue);
    store_scalar(&result, SKJSONCANVAS_ATTRIBUTE_STROKEWIDTH, paint.getStrokeWidth(), 0.0f);
    store_scalar(&result, SKJSONCANVAS_ATTRIBUTE_STROKEMITER, paint.getStrokeMiter(), 
    store_bool(&result, SKJSONCANVAS_ATTRIBUTE_ANTIALIAS, paint.isAntiAlias(), false);
    store_scalar(&result, SKJSONCANVAS_ATTRIBUTE_TEXTSIZE, paint.getTextSize(), 
    store_scalar(&result, SKJSONCANVAS_ATTRIBUTE_TEXTSCALEX, paint.getTextScaleX(), SK_Scalar1);
    store_scalar(&result, SKJSONCANVAS_ATTRIBUTE_TEXTSCALEX, paint.getTextSkewX(), 0.0f);
    apply_paint_color(paint, &result);
    apply_paint_style(paint, &result);
    apply_paint_cap(paint, &result);
    apply_paint_textalign(paint, &result);
    apply_paint_patheffect(paint, &result, fSendBinaries);
    apply_paint_maskfilter(paint, &result, fSendBinaries);
    apply_paint_shader(paint, &result, fSendBinaries);
    apply_paint_xfermode(paint, &result, fSendBinaries);
    apply_paint_imagefilter(paint, &result, fSendBinaries);
    apply_paint_colorfilter(paint, &result, fSendBinaries);
    apply_paint_typeface(paint, &result, fSendBinaries);
    return result;
Example #2

 * @brief Returns the global state object.  If called for the first time,
 * initializes the user-settable values in the global state, but does not
 * initialize the rest of the structure.
global_state_t* cilkg_get_user_settable_values()
    // Environment variable value.  More than big enough for a 64-bit signed
    // integer.
    char envstr[24];

    // Abbreviating &global_state_singleton as g is not only shorter, it also
    // facilitates grepping for the string "g->", which appears ubiquitously
    // in the runtime code.
    global_state_t* g = &global_state_singleton;

    // TBD: We need synchronization around this loop to prevent
    // multiple threads from initializing this data.
    if (! cilkg_user_settable_values_initialized)
        size_t len;

        // Preserve stealing disabled since it may have been set by the
        // debugger
        int stealing_disabled = g->stealing_disabled;

        // All fields will be zero until set.  In particular
        std::memset(g, 0, sizeof(global_state_t));

        // Fetch the number of cores.  There must be at last 1, since we're
        // executing on *something*, aren't we!?
        int hardware_cpu_count = __cilkrts_hardware_cpu_count();
        CILK_ASSERT(hardware_cpu_count > 0);

        bool under_ptool = __cilkrts_running_under_sequential_ptool();
        if (under_ptool)
            hardware_cpu_count = 1;

        g->stealing_disabled        = stealing_disabled;
        g->under_ptool              = under_ptool;
        g->force_reduce             = 0;   // Default Off
        g->P                        = hardware_cpu_count;   // Defaults to hardware CPU count
        g->max_user_workers         = 0;   // 0 unless set by user
        g->fiber_pool_size          = 7;   // Arbitrary default
        g->global_fiber_pool_size   = 3 * 3* g->P;  // Arbitrary default
        // 3*P was the default size of the worker array (including
        // space for extra user workers).  This parameter was chosen
        // to match previous versions of the runtime.

        if (4 == sizeof(void *))
            g->max_stacks           = 1200; // Only 1GB on 32-bit machines
            g->max_stacks           = 2400; // 2GB on 64-bit machines

        // If we have 2400 1MB stacks, that is 2 gb.  If we reach this
        // limit on a single-socket machine, we may have other
        // problems.  Is 2400 too small for large multicore machines?

        // TBD(jsukha, 11/27/2012): I set this limit on stacks to be a
        // value independent of P.  When running on a Xeon Phi with
        // small values of P, I recall seeing a few microbenchmarks
        // (e.g., fib) where a limit of 10*P seemed to be
        // unnecessarily slowing things down.
        // That being said, the code has changed sufficiently that
        // this observation may no longer be true.
        // Note: in general, the worst-case number of stacks required
        // for a Cilk computation with spawn depth "d" on P workers is
        // O(Pd).  Code with unbalanced recursion may run into issues
        // with this stack usage.

        g->max_steal_failures       = 128; // TBD: depend on max_workers?
        g->stack_size               = 0;   // 0 unless set by the user

        // Assume no record or replay log for now
        g->record_replay_file_name  = NULL;
        g->record_or_replay         = RECORD_REPLAY_NONE;  // set by user

        if (always_force_reduce())
            g->force_reduce = true;
        else if (cilkos_getenv(envstr, sizeof(envstr), "CILK_FORCE_REDUCE"))
            store_bool(&g->force_reduce, envstr);

        if (under_ptool)
            g->P = 1;  // Ignore environment variable if under cilkscreen
        else if (cilkos_getenv(envstr, sizeof(envstr), "CILK_NWORKERS"))
            // Set P to environment variable, but limit to no less than 1
            // and no more than 16 times the number of hardware threads.
            store_int(&g->P, envstr, 1, 16 * hardware_cpu_count);

        if (cilkos_getenv(envstr, sizeof(envstr), "CILK_MAX_USER_WORKERS"))
            // Set max_user_workers to environment variable, but limit to no
            // less than 1 and no more 16 times the number of hardware
            // threads.  If not specified, defaults (somewhat arbitrarily) to
            // the larger of 3 and twice the number of hardware threads.
            store_int(&g->max_user_workers, envstr, 1, 16*hardware_cpu_count);

        if (cilkos_getenv(envstr, sizeof(envstr), "CILK_STEAL_FAILURES"))
            // Set the number of times a worker should fail to steal before
            // it looks to see whether it should suspend itself.
            store_int<unsigned>(&g->max_steal_failures, envstr, 1, INT_MAX);

        // Compute the total number of workers to allocate.  Subtract one from
        // nworkers and user workers so that the first user worker isn't
        // factored in twice.
        // total_workers must be computed now to support __cilkrts_get_total_workers
        g->total_workers = g->P + calc_max_user_workers(g) - 1;

        // RecordReplay: See if we've been asked to replay a log
        len = cilkos_getenv(envstr, 0, "CILK_REPLAY_LOG");
        if (len > 0)
            len += 1;    // Allow for trailing NUL
            g->record_or_replay = REPLAY_LOG;
            g->record_replay_file_name = (char *)__cilkrts_malloc(len);
            cilkos_getenv(g->record_replay_file_name, len, "CILK_REPLAY_LOG");

        // RecordReplay: See if we've been asked to record a log
        len = cilkos_getenv(envstr, 0, "CILK_RECORD_LOG");
        if (len > 0)
            if (RECORD_REPLAY_NONE != g->record_or_replay)
                cilkos_warning("CILK_RECORD_LOG ignored since CILK_REPLAY_LOG is defined.\n");
                len += 1;    // Allow for trailing NUL
                g->record_or_replay = RECORD_LOG;
                g->record_replay_file_name = (char *)__cilkrts_malloc(len);
                cilkos_getenv(g->record_replay_file_name, len, "CILK_RECORD_LOG");
        cilkg_user_settable_values_initialized = true;

    return g;
Example #3
static int
opt_set(void *opts, const struct opt_def *def, const char **val,
	struct region *region, uint32_t errcode, uint32_t field_no)
	int64_t ival;
	uint64_t uval;
	char *errmsg = tt_static_buf();
	double dval;
	uint32_t str_len;
	const char *str;
	char *ptr;
	char *opt = ((char *) opts) + def->offset;
	switch (def->type) {
	case OPT_BOOL:
		if (mp_typeof(**val) != MP_BOOL)
			goto type_mismatch_err;
		store_bool(opt, mp_decode_bool(val));
	case OPT_UINT32:
		if (mp_typeof(**val) != MP_UINT)
			goto type_mismatch_err;
		uval = mp_decode_uint(val);
		if (uval > UINT32_MAX)
			goto type_mismatch_err;
		store_u32(opt, uval);
	case OPT_INT64:
		if (mp_read_int64(val, &ival) != 0)
			goto type_mismatch_err;
		store_u64(opt, ival);
	case OPT_FLOAT:
		if (mp_read_double(val, &dval) != 0)
			goto type_mismatch_err;
		store_double(opt, dval);
	case OPT_STR:
		if (mp_typeof(**val) != MP_STR)
			goto type_mismatch_err;
		str = mp_decode_str(val, &str_len);
		str_len = MIN(str_len, def->len - 1);
		memcpy(opt, str, str_len);
		opt[str_len] = '\0';
		if (mp_typeof(**val) != MP_STR)
			goto type_mismatch_err;
		str = mp_decode_str(val, &str_len);
		if (str_len > 0) {
			ptr = (char *) region_alloc(region, str_len + 1);
			if (ptr == NULL) {
				diag_set(OutOfMemory, str_len + 1, "region",
					 "opt string");
				return -1;
			memcpy(ptr, str, str_len);
			ptr[str_len] = '\0';
			assert (strlen(ptr) == str_len);
		} else {
			ptr = NULL;
		*(const char **)opt = ptr;
	case OPT_ENUM:
		if (mp_typeof(**val) != MP_STR)
			goto type_mismatch_err;
		str = mp_decode_str(val, &str_len);
		if (def->to_enum == NULL) {
			ival = strnindex(def->enum_strs, str, str_len,
		} else {
			ival = def->to_enum(str, str_len);
		switch(def->enum_size) {
		case sizeof(uint8_t):
			store_u8(opt, (uint8_t)ival);
		case sizeof(uint16_t):
			store_u16(opt, (uint16_t)ival);
		case sizeof(uint32_t):
			store_u32(opt, (uint32_t)ival);
		case sizeof(uint64_t):
			store_u64(opt, (uint64_t)ival);
	case OPT_ARRAY:
		if (mp_typeof(**val) != MP_ARRAY)
			goto type_mismatch_err;
		ival = mp_decode_array(val);
		assert(def->to_array != NULL);
		if (def->to_array(val, ival, opt, errcode, field_no) != 0)
			return -1;
	return 0;

	snprintf(errmsg, TT_STATIC_BUF_LEN, "'%s' must be %s", def->name,
	diag_set(ClientError, errcode, field_no, errmsg);
	return -1;
Example #4
STORAGE_SET *persistentDataStore(PERSISTENT_DATA *data) {
  STORAGE_SET *set = new_storage_set();
  store_bool(set, "persistent", data->persistent);
  store_int(set,  "activity",   data->activity);
  return set;