Example #1
ClassInfo Thing_classFromClassName (const char32 *klas, int *p_formatVersion) {
	static char32 buffer [1+100];
	str32ncpy (buffer, klas ? klas : U"", 100);
	char32 *space = str32chr (buffer, U' ');
	if (space) {
		*space = U'\0';   // strip version number
		if (p_formatVersion) *p_formatVersion = Melder_atoi (space + 1);
	} else {
		if (p_formatVersion) *p_formatVersion = 0;

	 * First try the class names that were registered with Thing_recognizeClassesByName.
	for (int i = 1; i <= theNumberOfReadableClasses; i ++) {
		ClassInfo classInfo = theReadableClasses [i];
		if (str32equ (buffer, classInfo -> className)) {
			return classInfo;

	 * Then try the aliases that were registered with Thing_recognizeClassByOtherName.
	for (int i = 1; i <= theNumberOfAliases; i ++) {
		if (str32equ (buffer, theAliases [i]. otherName)) {
			ClassInfo classInfo = theAliases [i]. readableClass;
			return classInfo;

	Melder_throw (U"Class \"", buffer, U"\" not recognized.");
Example #2
char32 * SpellingChecker_nextNotAllowedWord (SpellingChecker me, const char32 *sentence, long *start) {
	const char32 *p = sentence + *start;
	for (;;) {
		if (*p == U'\0') {
			return NULL;   // all words allowed
		} else if (*p == U'(' && my allowAllParenthesized) {
			p ++;
			for (;;) {
				if (*p == U'\0') {
					return NULL;   // everything is parenthesized...
				} else if (*p == U')') {
					p ++;
				} else {
					p ++;
		} else if (*p == U' ' || (my separatingCharacters && str32chr (my separatingCharacters, *p))) {
			p ++;
		} else {
			static char32 word [100];
			char32 *q = & word [0];
			*start = p - sentence;
			for (;;) {
				if (*p == U'\0' || *p == U' ' || (my separatingCharacters && str32chr (my separatingCharacters, *p))) {
					*q ++ = U'\0';
					if (SpellingChecker_isWordAllowed (me, word)) {
						/* Don't increment p (may contain a zero or a parenthesis). */
					} else {
						return word;
				} else {
					*q ++ = *p ++;
	return NULL;   // all words allowed
void praat_statistics_prefsChanged () {
	if (! statistics.dateOfFirstSession [0]) {
		time_t today = time (nullptr);
		char32 *newLine;
		str32cpy (statistics.dateOfFirstSession, Melder_peek8to32 (ctime (& today)));
		newLine = str32chr (statistics.dateOfFirstSession, U'\n');
		if (newLine) *newLine = '\0';
	if (theCurrentPraatApplication -> batch)
		statistics.batchSessions += 1;
		statistics.interactiveSessions += 1;
Example #4
static void menu_cb_printRange (Manual me, EDITOR_ARGS_FORM) {
	EDITOR_FORM (U"Print range", 0)
		SENTENCE (U"Left or inside header", U"")
		SENTENCE (U"Middle header", U"")
		SENTENCE (U"Right or outside header", U"Manual")
		SENTENCE (U"Left or inside footer", U"")
		SENTENCE (U"Middle footer", U"")
		SENTENCE (U"Right or outside footer", U"")
		BOOLEAN (U"Mirror even/odd headers", true)
		LABEL (U"", U"Print all pages whose title starts with:")
		TEXTFIELD (U"Print pages starting with", U"Intro")
		INTEGER (U"First page number", U"1")
		BOOLEAN (U"Suppress \"Links to this page\"", false)
		ManPages manPages = (ManPages) my data;
		time_t today = time (nullptr);
		char dateA [50];
		#ifdef UNIX
			struct tm *tm = localtime (& today);
			strftime (dateA, 50, "%B %e, %Y", tm);
			strcpy (dateA, ctime (& today));
		char32 *date = Melder_peek8to32 (dateA), *newline;
		newline = str32chr (date, U'\n'); if (newline) *newline = U'\0';
		SET_STRING (U"Left or inside header", date)
		SET_STRING (U"Right or outside header", my name)
		if (my d_printingPageNumber) SET_INTEGER (U"First page number", my d_printingPageNumber + 1)
		if (my path >= 1 && my path <= manPages -> pages.size) {
			ManPage page = manPages -> pages.at [my path];
			SET_STRING (U"Print pages starting with", page -> title);
		my insideHeader = GET_STRING (U"Left or inside header");
		my middleHeader = GET_STRING (U"Middle header");
		my outsideHeader = GET_STRING (U"Right or outside header");
		my insideFooter = GET_STRING (U"Left or inside footer");
		my middleFooter = GET_STRING (U"Middle footer");
		my outsideFooter = GET_STRING (U"Right or outside footer");
		my mirror = GET_INTEGER (U"Mirror even/odd headers");
		my printPagesStartingWith = GET_STRING (U"Print pages starting with");
		my d_printingPageNumber = GET_INTEGER (U"First page number");
		my suppressLinksHither = GET_INTEGER (U"Suppress \"Links to this page\"");
		Printer_print (print, me);
Example #5
autoResultsMFC ExperimentMFC_extractResults (ExperimentMFC me) {
	try {
		if (my trial == 0 || my trial <= my numberOfTrials)
			Melder_warning (U"The experiment was not finished. Only the first ", my trial - 1 + my pausing, U" responses are valid.");
		autoResultsMFC thee = ResultsMFC_create (my numberOfTrials);
		for (long trial = 1; trial <= my numberOfTrials; trial ++) {
			char32 *pipe = my stimulus [my stimuli [trial]]. visibleText ?
				str32chr (my stimulus [my stimuli [trial]]. visibleText, U'|') : nullptr;
			thy result [trial]. stimulus = Melder_dup (Melder_cat (my stimulus [my stimuli [trial]]. name, pipe));
			//if (my responses [trial] < 1) Melder_throw (U"No response for trial ", trial, U".")
			thy result [trial]. response = Melder_dup (my responses [trial] ? my response [my responses [trial]]. name : U"");
			thy result [trial]. goodness = my goodnesses [trial];
			thy result [trial]. reactionTime = my reactionTimes [trial];
		return thee;
	} catch (MelderError) {
		Melder_throw (me, U": results not extracted.");
Example #6
static void search (Manual me, const char32 *query) {
	ManPages manPages = (ManPages) my data;
	long numberOfPages = manPages -> pages.size;
	static MelderString searchText { 0 };
	MelderString_copy (& searchText, query);
	for (char32 *p = & searchText.string [0]; *p != U'\0'; p ++) {
		if (*p == U'\n') *p = U' ';
		*p = towlower ((int) *p);
	if (! goodnessOfMatch)
		goodnessOfMatch = NUMvector <double> (1, numberOfPages);
	for (long ipage = 1; ipage <= numberOfPages; ipage ++) {
		char32 *token = searchText.string;
		goodnessOfMatch [ipage] = 1.0;
		for (;;) {
			char32 *space = str32chr (token, U' ');
			if (space) *space = U'\0';
			goodnessOfMatch [ipage] *= searchToken (manPages, ipage, token);
			if (! space) break;
			*space = U' ';   // restore
			token = space + 1;
	 * Find the 20 best matches.
	my numberOfMatches = 0;
	for (long imatch = 1; imatch <= 20; imatch ++) {
		long imax = 0;
		double max = 0.0;
		for (long ipage = 1; ipage <= numberOfPages; ipage ++) {
			if (goodnessOfMatch [ipage] > max) {
				max = goodnessOfMatch [ipage];
				imax = ipage;
		if (! imax) break;
		my matches [++ my numberOfMatches] = imax;
		goodnessOfMatch [imax] = 0.0;   // skip next time
	HyperPage_goToPage_i (me, SEARCH_PAGE);
Example #7
const char32 * Melder_float (const char32 *number) {
	if (++ ibuffer == NUMBER_OF_BUFFERS) ibuffer = 0;
	if (! str32chr (number, 'e')) {
		str32cpy (buffers32 [ibuffer], number);
	} else {
		char32 *b = buffers32 [ibuffer];
		const char32 *n = number;
		while (*n != U'e') *(b++) = *(n++); *b = U'\0';
		if (number [0] == '1' && number [1] == 'e') {
			str32cpy (buffers32 [ibuffer], U"10^^"); b = buffers32 [ibuffer] + 4;
		} else {
			str32cpy (buffers32 [ibuffer] + str32len (buffers32 [ibuffer]), U"ยท10^^"); b += 5;
		Melder_assert (*n == U'e');
		if (*++n == U'+') n ++;   // ignore leading plus sign in exponent
		if (*n == U'-') *(b++) = *(n++);   // copy sign of negative exponent
		while (*n == U'0') n ++;   // ignore leading zeroes in exponent
		while (*n >= U'0' && *n <= U'9') *(b++) = *(n++);
		*(b++) = U'^';
		while (*n != U'\0') *(b++) = *(n++);
		*b = U'\0';
	return buffers32 [ibuffer];
Example #8
static void readSound (ExperimentMFC me, const char32 *fileNameHead, const char32 *fileNameTail,
	double medialSilenceDuration, char32 **name, autoSound *sound)
	char32 fileNameBuffer [256], *fileNames = & fileNameBuffer [0];
	Melder_sprint (fileNameBuffer,256, *name);
	structMelderFile file = { 0 };
	 * The following conversion is needed when fileNameHead is an absolute path,
	 * and the stimulus names contain slashes for relative paths.
	 * An ugly case, but allowed.
	#if defined (_WIN32)
		for (;;) { char32 *slash = str32chr (fileNames, U'/'); if (! slash) break; *slash = U'\\'; }
	char32 pathName [kMelder_MAXPATH+1];
	 * 'fileNames' can contain commas, which separate partial file names.
	 * The separate files should be concatenated.
	for (;;) {
		 * Determine partial file name.
		char32 *comma = str32chr (fileNames, U',');
		if (comma) *comma = '\0';
		 * Determine complete (relative) file name.
		Melder_sprint (pathName,kMelder_MAXPATH+1, fileNameHead, fileNames, fileNameTail);
		 * Make sure we are in the correct directory.
		if (MelderDir_isNull (& my rootDirectory)) {
			 * Absolute file name.
			Melder_pathToFile (pathName, & file);
		} else {
			 * Relative or absolute file name.
			MelderDir_relativePathToFile (& my rootDirectory, pathName, & file);
			if (Melder_debug == 32) {
				MelderInfo_open ();
				MelderInfo_writeLine (U"Path name <", pathName, U">");
				MelderInfo_writeLine (U"Root directory <", my rootDirectory.path, U">");
				MelderInfo_writeLine (U"Full path name <", file.path, U">");
				MelderInfo_close ();
		 * Read the substimulus.
		autoSound substimulus = Data_readFromFile (& file). static_cast_move<structSound>();
		if (substimulus -> classInfo != classSound)
			Melder_throw (U"File ", & file, U" contains a ", Thing_className (substimulus.get()), U" instead of a sound.");
		 * Check whether all sounds have the same number of channels.
		if (my numberOfChannels == 0) {
			my numberOfChannels = substimulus -> ny;
		} else if (substimulus -> ny != my numberOfChannels) {
			Melder_throw (U"The sound in file ", & file, U" has a different number of channels than some other sound.");
		 * Check whether all sounds have the same sampling frequency.
		if (my samplePeriod == 0.0) {
			my samplePeriod = substimulus -> dx;   /* This must be the first sound read. */
		} else if (substimulus -> dx != my samplePeriod) {
			Melder_throw (U"The sound in file ", & file, U" has a different sampling frequency than some other sound.");
		 * Append the substimuli, perhaps with silent intervals.
		if (*sound) {
			*sound = Sounds_append (sound->get(), medialSilenceDuration, substimulus.get());
		} else {
			*sound = substimulus.move();
		 * Cycle.
		if (! comma) break;
		fileNames = & comma [1];
Example #9
static void gui_drawingarea_cb_expose (I, GuiDrawingAreaExposeEvent event) {
	iam (RunnerMFC);
	Melder_assert (event -> widget == my d_drawingArea);
	if (my graphics == NULL) return;   // Could be the case in the very beginning.
	ExperimentMFC experiment = (ExperimentMFC) my data;
	long iresponse;
	if (my data == NULL) return;
	Graphics_setGrey (my graphics, 0.8);
	Graphics_fillRectangle (my graphics, 0, 1, 0, 1);
	Graphics_setGrey (my graphics, 0.0);
	if (experiment -> trial == 0) {
		Graphics_setTextAlignment (my graphics, Graphics_CENTRE, Graphics_HALF);
		Graphics_setFontSize (my graphics, 24);
		Graphics_text (my graphics, 0.5, 0.5, experiment -> startText);
	} else if (experiment -> pausing) {
		Graphics_setTextAlignment (my graphics, Graphics_CENTRE, Graphics_HALF);
		Graphics_setFontSize (my graphics, 24);
		Graphics_text (my graphics, 0.5, 0.5, experiment -> pauseText);
		if (experiment -> oops_right > experiment -> oops_left && experiment -> trial > 1) {
			drawControlButton (me,
				experiment -> oops_left, experiment -> oops_right, experiment -> oops_bottom, experiment -> oops_top,
				experiment -> oops_label);
	} else if (experiment -> trial <= experiment -> numberOfTrials) {
		const char32 *visibleText = experiment -> stimulus [experiment -> stimuli [experiment -> trial]]. visibleText;
		autostring32 visibleText_dup = Melder_dup_f (visibleText ? visibleText : U"");
		char32 *visibleText_p = visibleText_dup.peek();
		Graphics_setFont (my graphics, kGraphics_font_TIMES);
		Graphics_setFontSize (my graphics, 10);
		Graphics_setColour (my graphics, Graphics_BLACK);
		Graphics_setTextAlignment (my graphics, Graphics_LEFT, Graphics_TOP);
		Graphics_text (my graphics, 0, 1,   experiment -> trial, U" / ", experiment -> numberOfTrials);
		Graphics_setTextAlignment (my graphics, Graphics_CENTRE, Graphics_TOP);
		Graphics_setFontSize (my graphics, 24);
		 * The run text.
		if (visibleText_p [0] != U'\0') {
			char32 *visibleText_q = str32chr (visibleText_p, U'|');
			if (visibleText_q) *visibleText_q = '\0';
			Graphics_text (my graphics, 0.5, 1.0, visibleText_p [0] != '\0' ? visibleText_p : experiment -> runText);
			if (visibleText_q) visibleText_p = visibleText_q + 1; else visibleText_p += str32len (visibleText_p);
		} else {
			Graphics_text (my graphics, 0.5, 1.0, experiment -> runText);
		Graphics_setTextAlignment (my graphics, Graphics_CENTRE, Graphics_HALF);
		for (iresponse = 1; iresponse <= experiment -> numberOfDifferentResponses; iresponse ++) {
			ResponseMFC response = & experiment -> response [iresponse];
			char32 *textToDraw = response -> label;   // can be overridden
			if (visibleText_p [0] != U'\0') {
				char32 *visibleText_q = str32chr (visibleText_p, U'|');
				if (visibleText_q) *visibleText_q = U'\0';
				textToDraw = visibleText_p;   // override
				if (visibleText_q) visibleText_p = visibleText_q + 1; else visibleText_p += str32len (visibleText_p);
			if (str32nequ (textToDraw, U"\\FI", 3)) {
				structMelderFile file = { 0 };
				MelderDir_relativePathToFile (& experiment -> rootDirectory, textToDraw + 3, & file);
				Graphics_imageFromFile (my graphics, Melder_fileToPath (& file), response -> left, response -> right, response -> bottom, response -> top);
			} else {
				Graphics_setColour (my graphics,
					response -> name [0] == U'\0' ? Graphics_SILVER :
					experiment -> responses [experiment -> trial] == iresponse ? Graphics_RED :
					experiment -> ok_right > experiment -> ok_left || experiment -> responses [experiment -> trial] == 0 ?
					Graphics_YELLOW : Graphics_SILVER);
				Graphics_setLineWidth (my graphics, 3.0);
				Graphics_fillRectangle (my graphics, response -> left, response -> right, response -> bottom, response -> top);
				Graphics_setColour (my graphics, Graphics_MAROON);
				Graphics_rectangle (my graphics, response -> left, response -> right, response -> bottom, response -> top);
				Graphics_setFontSize (my graphics, response -> fontSize ? response -> fontSize : 24);
				Graphics_text (my graphics, 0.5 * (response -> left + response -> right),
					0.5 * (response -> bottom + response -> top), textToDraw);
			Graphics_setFontSize (my graphics, 24);
		for (iresponse = 1; iresponse <= experiment -> numberOfGoodnessCategories; iresponse ++) {
			GoodnessMFC goodness = & experiment -> goodness [iresponse];
			Graphics_setColour (my graphics, experiment -> responses [experiment -> trial] == 0 ? Graphics_SILVER :
				experiment -> goodnesses [experiment -> trial] == iresponse ? Graphics_RED : Graphics_YELLOW);
			Graphics_setLineWidth (my graphics, 3.0);
			Graphics_fillRectangle (my graphics, goodness -> left, goodness -> right, goodness -> bottom, goodness -> top);
			Graphics_setColour (my graphics, Graphics_MAROON);
			Graphics_rectangle (my graphics, goodness -> left, goodness -> right, goodness -> bottom, goodness -> top);
			Graphics_text (my graphics, 0.5 * (goodness -> left + goodness -> right), 0.5 * (goodness -> bottom + goodness -> top), goodness -> label);
		if (experiment -> replay_right > experiment -> replay_left && my numberOfReplays < experiment -> maximumNumberOfReplays) {
			drawControlButton (me,
				experiment -> replay_left, experiment -> replay_right, experiment -> replay_bottom, experiment -> replay_top,
				experiment -> replay_label);
		if (experiment -> ok_right > experiment -> ok_left &&
		    experiment -> responses [experiment -> trial] != 0 &&
		    (experiment -> numberOfGoodnessCategories == 0 || experiment -> goodnesses [experiment -> trial] != 0))
			drawControlButton (me,
				experiment -> ok_left, experiment -> ok_right, experiment -> ok_bottom, experiment -> ok_top,
				experiment -> ok_label);
		if (experiment -> oops_right > experiment -> oops_left && experiment -> trial > 1) {
			drawControlButton (me,
				experiment -> oops_left, experiment -> oops_right, experiment -> oops_bottom, experiment -> oops_top,
				experiment -> oops_label);
	} else {
		Graphics_setTextAlignment (my graphics, Graphics_CENTRE, Graphics_HALF);
		Graphics_setFontSize (my graphics, 24);
		Graphics_text (my graphics, 0.5, 0.5, experiment -> endText);
		if (experiment -> oops_right > experiment -> oops_left && experiment -> trial > 1) {
			drawControlButton (me,
				experiment -> oops_left, experiment -> oops_right, experiment -> oops_bottom, experiment -> oops_top,
				experiment -> oops_label);
Example #10
static autoStrings Strings_createAsFileOrDirectoryList (const char32 *path /* cattable */, int type) {
		 * Initialize.
		DIR *d = nullptr;
		try {
			autoMelderString filePath, searchDirectory, left, right;
			 * Parse the path.
			 * Example: in /Users/paul/sounds/h*.wav",
			 * the search directory is "/Users/paul/sounds",
			 * the left environment is "h", and the right environment is ".wav".
			MelderString_copy (& searchDirectory, path);
			char32 *asterisk = str32rchr (searchDirectory. string, '*');
			if (asterisk) {
				*asterisk = '\0';
				searchDirectory. length = asterisk - searchDirectory. string;   // probably superfluous, but correct
				char32 *lastSlash = str32rchr (searchDirectory. string, Melder_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
				if (lastSlash) {
					*lastSlash = '\0';   // This fixes searchDirectory.
					searchDirectory. length = lastSlash - searchDirectory. string;   // probably superfluous, but correct
					MelderString_copy (& left, lastSlash + 1);
				} else {
					MelderString_copy (& left, searchDirectory. string);   // quickly save...
					MelderString_empty (& searchDirectory);   // ...before destruction
				MelderString_copy (& right, asterisk + 1);
			char buffer8 [kMelder_MAXPATH+1];
			Melder_str32To8bitFileRepresentation_inline (searchDirectory. string, buffer8);
			d = opendir (buffer8 [0] ? buffer8 : ".");
			if (! d)
				Melder_throw (U"Cannot open directory ", searchDirectory. string, U".");
			//Melder_casual (U"opened");
			autoStrings me = Thing_new (Strings);
			my strings = NUMvector <char32 *> (1, 1000000);
			struct dirent *entry;
			while (!! (entry = readdir (d))) {
				MelderString_copy (& filePath, searchDirectory. string [0] ? searchDirectory. string : U".");
				MelderString_appendCharacter (& filePath, Melder_DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
				char32 buffer32 [kMelder_MAXPATH+1];
				Melder_8bitFileRepresentationToStr32_inline (entry -> d_name, buffer32);
				MelderString_append (& filePath, buffer32);
				//Melder_casual (U"read ", filePath. string);
				Melder_str32To8bitFileRepresentation_inline (filePath. string, buffer8);
				struct stat stats;
				if (stat (buffer8, & stats) != 0) {
					//Melder_throw (U"Cannot look at file ", filePath. string, U".");
					//stats. st_mode = -1L;
				//Melder_casual (U"statted ", filePath. string);
				//Melder_casual (U"file ", filePath. string, U" mode ", stats. st_mode / 4096);
				if ((type == Strings_createAsFileOrDirectoryList_TYPE_FILE && S_ISREG (stats. st_mode)) ||
					(type == Strings_createAsFileOrDirectoryList_TYPE_DIRECTORY && S_ISDIR (stats. st_mode)))
					Melder_8bitFileRepresentationToStr32_inline (entry -> d_name, buffer32);
					int64 length = str32len (buffer32);
					if (buffer32 [0] != U'.' &&
						(left. length == 0 || str32nequ (buffer32, left. string, left. length)) &&
						(right. length == 0 || (length >= right. length && str32equ (buffer32 + (length - right. length), right. string))))
						my strings [++ my numberOfStrings] = Melder_dup (buffer32);
			closedir (d);
			Strings_sort (me.get());
			return me;
		} catch (MelderError) {
			if (d) closedir (d);   // "finally"
	#elif defined (_WIN32)
		try {
			char32 searchPath [kMelder_MAXPATH+1];
			int len = str32len (path);
			bool hasAsterisk = !! str32chr (path, U'*');
			bool endsInSeparator = ( len != 0 && path [len - 1] == U'\\' );
			autoStrings me = Thing_new (Strings);
			my strings = NUMvector <char32 *> (1, 1000000);
			Melder_sprint (searchPath, kMelder_MAXPATH+1, path, hasAsterisk || endsInSeparator ? U"" : U"\\", hasAsterisk ? U"" : U"*");
			WIN32_FIND_DATAW findData;
			HANDLE searchHandle = FindFirstFileW (Melder_peek32toW (searchPath), & findData);
			if (searchHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
				do {
					if ((type == Strings_createAsFileOrDirectoryList_TYPE_FILE &&
							(findData. dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0)
					 || (type == Strings_createAsFileOrDirectoryList_TYPE_DIRECTORY && 
							(findData. dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) != 0))
						if (findData. cFileName [0] != L'.') {
							my strings [++ my numberOfStrings] = Melder_dup (Melder_peekWto32 (findData. cFileName));
				} while (FindNextFileW (searchHandle, & findData));
				FindClose (searchHandle);
			Strings_sort (me.get());
			return me;
		} catch (MelderError) {