Example #1
	/// \brief Fonction qui sépare une ligne autour d'une string (voir split dans Java ou autres langage)
	/// \param[in]		strSource Source à splitter
	/// \param[in]		strSplitString String utilisé pour splitter
	/// \return			UN tableau des string splitter
	StringArray String::Split(const std::string &strSource, std::string strSplitString, unsigned int nPosStart)
		StringArray strReturnArray;
			unsigned int nPosEnd=strSource.find(strSplitString, nPosStart);
			unsigned int countSplit = Utils::String::Count(strSource,strSplitString, nPosStart);
			while (nPosEnd!=std::string::npos && nPosStart!=std::string::npos)
				std::string strWord(strSource.substr(nPosStart, nPosEnd-nPosStart));
				//if(strWord!="") //Ceci n'est pas acceptable car nous ne pouvons parser convenablement des strings comme: "Sainte-Thérèse,60,3,,CITLA,,,60"

				nPosEnd=strSource.find(strSplitString, nPosStart);
			//On ramasse la dernière séquence si elle finit pas par le string split...
				strReturnArray.push_back(strSource.substr(nPosStart, strSource.size()-nPosStart));
				assert(strSource.substr(strSource.size()-strSplitString.size(), strSplitString.size()) == strSplitString);
				strReturnArray.push_back(""); //Séquence fini par string split

		return strReturnArray;

Example #2
int CHighScoreList::AddEntry (const CGameRecord &NewEntry)

//	AddEntry
//	Add another entry to the high score

	int i, j;

	//	Score of 0 doesn't count

	if (NewEntry.GetScore() == 0)
		return -1;

	//	Modify the epitaph in the entry

	CGameRecord ModifiedEntry = NewEntry;
	if (strEquals(strWord(ModifiedEntry.GetEndGameEpitaph(), 0), CONSTLIT("was")))
		ModifiedEntry.SetEndGameEpitaph(strSubString(ModifiedEntry.GetEndGameEpitaph(), 4, -1));

	//	Find a spot on the list

	for (i = 0; i < m_iCount; i++)
		if (ModifiedEntry.GetScore() > m_List[i].GetScore())

	//	If we are the end of the list, then we didn't make the
	//	high score list.

	if (i == MAX_SCORES)
		return -1;

	//	Otherwise, move all scores below us by one

	m_bModified = true;

	if (m_iCount < MAX_SCORES)

	for (j = m_iCount-2; j >= i; j--)
		m_List[j+1] = m_List[j];

	m_List[i] = ModifiedEntry;

	//	Player name

	m_sMostRecentPlayerName = ModifiedEntry.GetPlayerName();
	m_iMostRecentPlayerGenome = ModifiedEntry.GetPlayerGenome();

	return i;
Example #3
void CGameSession::OnPlayerDestroyed (SDestroyCtx &Ctx, const CString &sEpitaph)

//  OnPlayerDestroyed
//  Player was destroyed


	//	Clean up

	g_pTrans->m_CurrentPicker = CTranscendenceWnd::pickNone;
	g_pTrans->m_CurrentMenu = CTranscendenceWnd::menuNone;
	g_pTrans->m_bAutopilot = false;
	m_bShowingSystemMap = false;
	if (g_pTrans->m_State == CTranscendenceWnd::gsDocked)

	//	Update display

	CString sMsg = sEpitaph;
	if (strEquals(strWord(sMsg, 0), CONSTLIT("was")))
		sMsg = strSubString(sMsg, 4, -1);

	//	If we are insured, then set our state so that we come back to life
	if (Ctx.bResurrectPending)
		//	Prepare resurrect

		g_pTrans->m_State = CTranscendenceWnd::gsDestroyed;
		g_pTrans->m_iCountdown = TICKS_AFTER_DESTROYED;

	//	Otherwise, proceed with destruction

		//	Done with ship screens


		//	Player destroyed

		g_pTrans->m_State = CTranscendenceWnd::gsDestroyed;
		g_pTrans->m_iCountdown = TICKS_AFTER_DESTROYED;

void CTranscendenceWnd::PlayerDestroyed (const CString &sText, bool bResurrectionPending)

//	PlayerDestroyed
//	This method gets called when the player is destroyed

	//	Clean up

	m_CurrentPicker = pickNone;
	m_CurrentMenu = menuNone;
	m_bAutopilot = false;
	m_bShowingMap = false;
	if (m_State == gsDocked)

	//	Update display

	CString sMsg = sText;
	if (strEquals(strWord(sMsg, 0), CONSTLIT("was")))
		sMsg = strSubString(sMsg, 4, -1);

	//	If we are insured, then set our state so that we come back to life
	if (bResurrectionPending)
		//	Prepare resurrect

		m_State = gsDestroyed;

	//	Otherwise, proceed with destruction

		//	Done with ship screens


		//	Player destroyed

		m_State = gsDestroyed;
Example #5
CFileList* CLibraryDictionary::Search(const CQuerySearch* pSearch, const int nMaximum, const bool bLocal,	const bool bAvailableOnly)
	ASSUME_LOCK( Library.m_pSection );

	if ( ! m_bValid )
		if ( ! m_bValid )
			return NULL;

	// Only check the hash when a search comes from other client.
	if ( ! bLocal && ! m_pTable->Check( pSearch ) )
		return NULL;

	CLibraryFile* pHit = NULL;

	CQuerySearch::const_iterator pWordEntry = pSearch->begin();
	const CQuerySearch::const_iterator pLastWordEntry = pSearch->end();
	for ( ; pWordEntry != pLastWordEntry; ++pWordEntry )
		if ( pWordEntry->first[ 0 ] == L'-' )

		CString strWord( pWordEntry->first, static_cast< int >( pWordEntry->second ) );
		CFileList* pList = NULL;
		if ( m_oWordMap.Lookup( strWord, pList ) )
			for ( POSITION pos = pList->GetHeadPosition(); pos; )
				CLibraryFile* pFile = pList->GetNext( pos );

				if ( bAvailableOnly && ! pFile->IsAvailable() )

				if ( ! bLocal && ! pFile->IsShared() )

				if ( pFile->m_nSearchCookie == m_nSearchCookie )
					pFile->m_nSearchCookie	= m_nSearchCookie;
					pFile->m_nSearchWords	= 1;
					pFile->m_pNextHit		= pHit;
					pHit = pFile;

	size_t nLowerBound = ( pSearch->tableSize() >= 3 ) ?
		( pSearch->tableSize() * 2 / 3 ) : pSearch->tableSize();

	CFileList* pHits = NULL;
	for ( ; pHit; pHit = pHit->m_pNextHit )
		ASSERT( pHit->m_nSearchCookie == m_nSearchCookie );

		if ( pHit->m_nSearchWords < nLowerBound )

		if ( pSearch->Match( pHit->GetSearchName(),
			pHit->m_pSchema ? (LPCTSTR)pHit->m_pSchema->GetURI() : NULL,
			pHit->m_pMetadata, pHit ) )
			if ( ! pHits )
				pHits = new CFileList;

			pHits->AddTail( pHit );

			if ( ! bLocal )
				pHit->m_nHitsToday ++;
				pHit->m_nHitsTotal ++;

			if ( pHit->m_nCollIndex )
				CLibraryFile* pCollection = LibraryMaps.LookupFile( pHit->m_nCollIndex, ! bLocal, bAvailableOnly );

				if ( pCollection )
					if ( pCollection->m_nSearchCookie != m_nSearchCookie )
						pCollection->m_nSearchCookie = m_nSearchCookie;
						pHits->AddHead( pCollection );
					// Collection removed without deleting indexes
					pHit->m_nCollIndex = 0ul;

			if ( nMaximum > 0 && pHits->GetCount() >= nMaximum )

	return pHits;
Example #6
void CMessageFilter::Load()
	CFile pFile;
	CString strFilteredPhrases, strED2KSpamPhrases;
	const CString strFile = Settings.General.Path + _T("\\Data\\MessageFilter.dat");

	// Delete current filter (if present)
	if ( m_pszFilteredPhrases ) delete [] m_pszFilteredPhrases;
	m_pszFilteredPhrases = NULL;

	// Load the message filter from disk
	if ( pFile.Open( strFile, CFile::modeRead ) )
			CBuffer pBuffer;
			DWORD nLen = (DWORD)pFile.GetLength();
			if ( ! pBuffer.EnsureBuffer( nLen ) )

			pBuffer.m_nLength = nLen;
			pFile.Read( pBuffer.m_pBuffer, pBuffer.m_nLength );

			pBuffer.ReadLine( strED2KSpamPhrases );
			pBuffer.ReadLine( strFilteredPhrases );
		catch ( CException* pException )
			if ( pFile.m_hFile != CFile::hFileNull )
				pFile.Close();		// If file is still open close it

	// Insert some defaults if there was a read error

	if ( strED2KSpamPhrases.IsEmpty() )
		strED2KSpamPhrases = _T("Your client is connecting too fast|Join the L33cher Team|PeerFactor|Your client is making too many connections|ZamBoR 2|AUTOMATED MESSAGE:|eMule FX the BEST eMule ever|DI-Emule");

	if ( strFilteredPhrases.IsEmpty() )
		strFilteredPhrases = _T("");

	// Load the ED2K spam into the filter
	if ( strED2KSpamPhrases.GetLength() > 3 )
		LPCTSTR pszPtr = strED2KSpamPhrases;
		int nWordLen = 3;
		CList< CString > pWords;

		int nStart = 0, nPos = 0;
		for ( ; *pszPtr ; nPos++, pszPtr++ )
			if ( *pszPtr == '|' )
				if ( nStart < nPos )
					pWords.AddTail( strED2KSpamPhrases.Mid( nStart, nPos - nStart ) );
					nWordLen += ( nPos - nStart ) + 1;
				nStart = nPos + 1;

		if ( nStart < nPos )
			pWords.AddTail( strED2KSpamPhrases.Mid( nStart, nPos - nStart ) );
			nWordLen += ( nPos - nStart ) + 1;

		m_pszED2KSpam = new TCHAR[ nWordLen ];
		LPTSTR pszFilter = m_pszED2KSpam;

		for ( POSITION pos = pWords.GetHeadPosition() ; pos ; )
			CString strWord( pWords.GetNext( pos ) );
			ToLower( strWord );

			CopyMemory( pszFilter, (LPCTSTR)strWord, sizeof( TCHAR ) * ( strWord.GetLength() + 1 ) );
			pszFilter += strWord.GetLength() + 1;

		*pszFilter++ = 0;
		*pszFilter++ = 0;

	// Load the blocked strings into the filter
	if ( strFilteredPhrases.GetLength() > 3 )
		LPCTSTR pszPtr = strFilteredPhrases;
		int nWordLen = 3;
		CList< CString > pWords;

		int nStart = 0, nPos = 0;
		for ( ; *pszPtr ; nPos++, pszPtr++ )
			if ( *pszPtr == '|' )
				if ( nStart < nPos )
					pWords.AddTail( strFilteredPhrases.Mid( nStart, nPos - nStart ) );
					nWordLen += ( nPos - nStart ) + 1;
				nStart = nPos + 1;

		if ( nStart < nPos )
			pWords.AddTail( strFilteredPhrases.Mid( nStart, nPos - nStart ) );
			nWordLen += ( nPos - nStart ) + 1;

		m_pszFilteredPhrases = new TCHAR[ nWordLen ];
		LPTSTR pszFilter = m_pszFilteredPhrases;

		for ( POSITION pos = pWords.GetHeadPosition() ; pos ; )
			CString strWord( pWords.GetNext( pos ) );
			ToLower( strWord );

			CopyMemory( pszFilter, (LPCTSTR)strWord, sizeof( TCHAR ) * ( strWord.GetLength() + 1 ) );
			pszFilter += strWord.GetLength() + 1;

		*pszFilter++ = 0;
		*pszFilter++ = 0;
Example #7
void CAdultFilter::Load()
	CFile pFile;
	CString strBlockedWords, strDubiousWords, strChildWords;
	const CString strFile = Settings.General.Path + _T("\\Data\\AdultFilter.dat");	// Settings.General.DataPath ?

	// Delete current adult filters (if present)
	if ( m_pszBlockedWords ) delete [] m_pszBlockedWords;
	m_pszBlockedWords = NULL;

	if ( m_pszDubiousWords ) delete [] m_pszDubiousWords;
	m_pszDubiousWords = NULL;

	if ( m_pszChildWords ) delete [] m_pszChildWords;
	m_pszChildWords = NULL;

	// Load the adult filter from disk
	if ( pFile.Open( strFile, CFile::modeRead ) )
			CBuffer pBuffer;
			const DWORD nLen = (DWORD)pFile.GetLength();
			if ( ! pBuffer.EnsureBuffer( nLen ) )

			pBuffer.m_nLength = nLen;
			pFile.Read( pBuffer.m_pBuffer, pBuffer.m_nLength );

			pBuffer.ReadLine( strBlockedWords );	// Line 1: words that are blocked
			if ( ! strBlockedWords.IsEmpty() && strBlockedWords.GetAt( 0 ) == '#' )
			pBuffer.ReadLine( strDubiousWords );	// Line 2: words that may be okay
			if ( ! strDubiousWords.IsEmpty() && strDubiousWords.GetAt( 0 ) == '#' )
			pBuffer.ReadLine( strChildWords );		// Line 3: words for child pornography
			if ( ! strChildWords.IsEmpty() && strChildWords.GetAt( 0 ) == '#' )
		catch ( CException* pException )
			if ( pFile.m_hFile != CFile::hFileNull )
				pFile.Close();	// File is still open so close it

	// Insert some defaults if the load failed
	if ( strBlockedWords.IsEmpty() )
		strBlockedWords = L"xxx p**n f**k c**k c**t v****a pussy nude naked boobs breast hentai "
						  L"lesbian w***e shit rape preteen hardcore lolita playboy penthouse "
						  L"topless r-rated x-rated d***o pr0n erotic sexy o****m nipple fetish "
						  L"upskirt beastiality bestiality pedofil necrofil t**s lolicon shemale fisting";
	if ( strDubiousWords.IsEmpty() )
		strDubiousWords = L"ass sex anal gay teen thong babe bikini viagra dick cum s***s";

	if ( strChildWords.IsEmpty() )
		strChildWords = L"child preteen";

	// Load the blocked words into the Adult Filter
	if ( strBlockedWords.GetLength() > 3 )
		LPCTSTR pszPtr = strBlockedWords;
		int nWordLen = 3;
		CList< CString > pWords;

		int nStart = 0, nPos = 0;
		for ( ; *pszPtr ; nPos++, pszPtr++ )
			if ( *pszPtr == ' ' )
				if ( nStart < nPos )
					pWords.AddTail( strBlockedWords.Mid( nStart, nPos - nStart ) );
					nWordLen += ( nPos - nStart ) + 1;
				nStart = nPos + 1;

		if ( nStart < nPos )
			pWords.AddTail( strBlockedWords.Mid( nStart, nPos - nStart ) );
			nWordLen += ( nPos - nStart ) + 1;

		m_pszBlockedWords = new TCHAR[ nWordLen ];
		LPTSTR pszFilter = m_pszBlockedWords;

		for ( POSITION pos = pWords.GetHeadPosition() ; pos ; )
			CString strWord( pWords.GetNext( pos ) );
			ToLower( strWord );

			CopyMemory( pszFilter, (LPCTSTR)strWord, sizeof( TCHAR ) * ( strWord.GetLength() + 1 ) );
			pszFilter += strWord.GetLength() + 1;

		*pszFilter++ = 0;
		*pszFilter++ = 0;

	// Load the possibly blocked words into the Adult Filter
	if ( strDubiousWords.GetLength() > 3 )
		LPCTSTR pszPtr = strDubiousWords;
		int nWordLen = 3;
		CList< CString > pWords;

		int nStart = 0, nPos = 0;
		for ( ; *pszPtr ; nPos++, pszPtr++ )
			if ( *pszPtr == ' ' )
				if ( nStart < nPos )
					pWords.AddTail( strDubiousWords.Mid( nStart, nPos - nStart ) );
					nWordLen += ( nPos - nStart ) + 1;
				nStart = nPos + 1;

		if ( nStart < nPos )
			pWords.AddTail( strDubiousWords.Mid( nStart, nPos - nStart ) );
			nWordLen += ( nPos - nStart ) + 1;

		m_pszDubiousWords = new TCHAR[ nWordLen ];
		LPTSTR pszFilter = m_pszDubiousWords;

		for ( POSITION pos = pWords.GetHeadPosition() ; pos ; )
			CString strWord( pWords.GetNext( pos ) );
			ToLower( strWord );

			CopyMemory( pszFilter, (LPCTSTR)strWord, sizeof( TCHAR ) * ( strWord.GetLength() + 1 ) );
			pszFilter += strWord.GetLength() + 1;

		*pszFilter++ = 0;
		*pszFilter++ = 0;

	// Load child pornography words into the Adult Filter
	if ( strChildWords.GetLength() > 3 )
		LPCTSTR pszPtr = strChildWords;
		int nWordLen = 3;
		CList< CString > pWords;

		int nStart = 0, nPos = 0;
		for ( ; *pszPtr ; nPos++, pszPtr++ )
			if ( *pszPtr == ' ' )
				if ( nStart < nPos )
					pWords.AddTail( strChildWords.Mid( nStart, nPos - nStart ) );
					nWordLen += ( nPos - nStart ) + 1;
				nStart = nPos + 1;

		if ( nStart < nPos )
			pWords.AddTail( strChildWords.Mid( nStart, nPos - nStart ) );
			nWordLen += ( nPos - nStart ) + 1;

		m_pszChildWords = new TCHAR[ nWordLen ];
		LPTSTR pszFilter = m_pszChildWords;

		for ( POSITION pos = pWords.GetHeadPosition() ; pos ; )
			CString strWord( pWords.GetNext( pos ) );
			ToLower( strWord );

			CopyMemory( pszFilter, (LPCTSTR)strWord, sizeof( TCHAR ) * ( strWord.GetLength() + 1 ) );
			pszFilter += strWord.GetLength() + 1;

		*pszFilter++ = 0;
		*pszFilter++ = 0;