Example #1
static inline isc_result_t
totext_uri(ARGS_TOTEXT) {
	isc_region_t region;
	unsigned short priority, weight;
	char buf[sizeof("65000 ")];


	REQUIRE(rdata->type == 256);
	REQUIRE(rdata->length != 0);

	dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &region);

	 * Priority
	priority = uint16_fromregion(&region);
	isc_region_consume(&region, 2);
	sprintf(buf, "%u ", priority);
	RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));

	 * Weight
	weight = uint16_fromregion(&region);
	isc_region_consume(&region, 2);
	sprintf(buf, "%u ", weight);
	RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));

	 * Target URI
	RETERR(multitxt_totext(&region, target));
	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
Example #2
static inline isc_result_t
totext_ch_a(ARGS_TOTEXT) {
	isc_region_t region;
	dns_name_t name;
	dns_name_t prefix;
	isc_boolean_t sub;
	char buf[sizeof("0177777")];
	isc_uint16_t addr;

	REQUIRE(rdata->type == 1);
	REQUIRE(rdata->rdclass == dns_rdataclass_ch); /* 3 */
	REQUIRE(rdata->length != 0);

	dns_name_init(&name, NULL);
	dns_name_init(&prefix, NULL);

	dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &region);
	dns_name_fromregion(&name, &region);
	isc_region_consume(&region, name_length(&name));
	addr = uint16_fromregion(&region);

	sub = name_prefix(&name, tctx->origin, &prefix);
	RETERR(dns_name_totext(&prefix, sub, target));

	sprintf(buf, "%o", addr); /* note octal */
	RETERR(str_totext(" ", target));
	return (str_totext(buf, target));
Example #3
static inline isc_result_t
totext_openpgpkey(ARGS_TOTEXT) {
	isc_region_t sr;

	REQUIRE(rdata->type == dns_rdatatype_openpgpkey);
	REQUIRE(rdata->length != 0);

	dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &sr);

	 * Keyring
	if ((tctx->flags & DNS_STYLEFLAG_MULTILINE) != 0)
		RETERR(str_totext("( ", target));

	if ((tctx->flags & DNS_STYLEFLAG_NOCRYPTO) == 0) {
		if (tctx->width == 0)   /* No splitting */
			RETERR(isc_base64_totext(&sr, 60, "", target));
			RETERR(isc_base64_totext(&sr, tctx->width - 2,
						 tctx->linebreak, target));
	} else
		RETERR(str_totext("[omitted]", target));

	if ((tctx->flags & DNS_STYLEFLAG_MULTILINE) != 0)
		RETERR(str_totext(" )", target));

	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
Example #4
isc_hex_totext(isc_region_t *source, int wordlength,
	       const char *wordbreak, isc_buffer_t *target)
	char buf[3];
	unsigned int loops = 0;

	if (wordlength < 2)
		wordlength = 2;

	memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
	while (source->length > 0) {
		buf[0] = hex[(source->base[0] >> 4) & 0xf];
		buf[1] = hex[(source->base[0]) & 0xf];
		RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));
		isc_region_consume(source, 1);

		if (source->length != 0 &&
		    (int)((loops + 1) * 2) >= wordlength)
			loops = 0;
			RETERR(str_totext(wordbreak, target));
	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
Example #5
static inline isc_result_t
totext_lp(ARGS_TOTEXT) {
	isc_region_t region;
	dns_name_t name;
	dns_name_t prefix;
	isc_boolean_t sub;
	char buf[sizeof("64000")];
	unsigned short num;

	REQUIRE(rdata->type == dns_rdatatype_lp);
	REQUIRE(rdata->length != 0);

	dns_name_init(&name, NULL);
	dns_name_init(&prefix, NULL);

	dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &region);
	num = uint16_fromregion(&region);
	isc_region_consume(&region, 2);
	sprintf(buf, "%u", num);
	RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));

	RETERR(str_totext(" ", target));

	dns_name_fromregion(&name, &region);
	sub = name_prefix(&name, tctx->origin, &prefix);
	return (dns_name_totext(&prefix, sub, target));
Example #6
static inline isc_result_t
totext_caa(ARGS_TOTEXT) {
	isc_region_t region;
	isc_uint8_t flags;
	char buf[256];


	REQUIRE(rdata->type == 257);
	REQUIRE(rdata->length >= 3U);
	REQUIRE(rdata->data != NULL);

	dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &region);

	 * Flags
	flags = uint8_consume_fromregion(&region);
	sprintf(buf, "%u ", flags);
	RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));

	 * Tag
	RETERR(txt_totext(&region, ISC_FALSE, target));
	RETERR(str_totext(" ", target));

	 * Value
	RETERR(multitxt_totext(&region, target));
	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
Example #7
static inline isc_result_t totext_in_dhcid (ARGS_TOTEXT)
    isc_region_t sr;

    char buf[sizeof (" ; 64000 255 64000")];

    size_t n;

    REQUIRE (rdata->type == 49);
    REQUIRE (rdata->rdclass == 1);
    REQUIRE (rdata->length != 0);

    dns_rdata_toregion (rdata, &sr);

    if ((tctx->flags & DNS_STYLEFLAG_MULTILINE) != 0)
        RETERR (str_totext ("( " /*) */ , target));
    RETERR (isc_base64_totext (&sr, tctx->width - 2, tctx->linebreak, target));
    if ((tctx->flags & DNS_STYLEFLAG_MULTILINE) != 0)
        RETERR (str_totext ( /* ( */ " )", target));
        if (rdata->length > 2)
            n = snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf), " ; %u %u %u",
                          sr.base[0] * 256 + sr.base[1], sr.base[2], rdata->length - 3);
            INSIST (n < sizeof (buf));
            RETERR (str_totext (buf, target));
    return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
Example #8
static inline isc_result_t
totext_l64(ARGS_TOTEXT) {
	isc_region_t region;
	char buf[sizeof("xxxx:xxxx:xxxx:xxxx")];
	unsigned short num;

	REQUIRE(rdata->type == 106);
	REQUIRE(rdata->length == 10);


	dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &region);
	num = uint16_fromregion(&region);
	isc_region_consume(&region, 2);
	sprintf(buf, "%u", num);
	RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));

	RETERR(str_totext(" ", target));

	sprintf(buf, "%x:%x:%x:%x",
		region.base[0]<<8 | region.base[1],
		region.base[2]<<8 | region.base[3],
		region.base[4]<<8 | region.base[5],
		region.base[6]<<8 | region.base[7]);
	return (str_totext(buf, target));
Example #9
static inline isc_result_t
totext_cert(ARGS_TOTEXT) {
	isc_region_t sr;
	char buf[sizeof("64000 ")];
	unsigned int n;

	REQUIRE(rdata->type == 37);
	REQUIRE(rdata->length != 0);


	dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &sr);

	 * Type.
	n = uint16_fromregion(&sr);
	isc_region_consume(&sr, 2);
	RETERR(dns_cert_totext((dns_cert_t)n, target));
	RETERR(str_totext(" ", target));

	 * Key tag.
	n = uint16_fromregion(&sr);
	isc_region_consume(&sr, 2);
	sprintf(buf, "%u ", n);
	RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));

	 * Algorithm.
	RETERR(dns_secalg_totext(sr.base[0], target));
	isc_region_consume(&sr, 1);

	 * Cert.
	if ((tctx->flags & DNS_STYLEFLAG_MULTILINE) != 0)
		RETERR(str_totext(" (", target));
	RETERR(str_totext(tctx->linebreak, target));
	if (tctx->width == 0)   /* No splitting */
		RETERR(isc_base64_totext(&sr, 60, "", target));
		RETERR(isc_base64_totext(&sr, tctx->width - 2,
					 tctx->linebreak, target));
	if ((tctx->flags & DNS_STYLEFLAG_MULTILINE) != 0)
		RETERR(str_totext(" )", target));
	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
Example #10
static isc_result_t
dns_mnemonic_totext(unsigned int value, isc_buffer_t *target,
		    struct tbl *table)
	int i = 0;
	char buf[sizeof("4294967296")];
	while (table[i].name != NULL) {
		if (table[i].value == value) {
			return (str_totext(table[i].name, target));
	snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%u", value);
	return (str_totext(buf, target));
Example #11
static inline isc_result_t
totext_nsec3param(ARGS_TOTEXT) {
	isc_region_t sr;
	unsigned int i, j;
	unsigned char hash;
	unsigned char flags;
	char buf[sizeof("65535 ")];
	isc_uint32_t iterations;

	REQUIRE(rdata->type == dns_rdatatype_nsec3param);
	REQUIRE(rdata->length != 0);


	dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &sr);

	hash = uint8_fromregion(&sr);
	isc_region_consume(&sr, 1);

	flags = uint8_fromregion(&sr);
	isc_region_consume(&sr, 1);

	iterations = uint16_fromregion(&sr);
	isc_region_consume(&sr, 2);

	sprintf(buf, "%u ", hash);
	RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));

	sprintf(buf, "%u ", flags);
	RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));

	sprintf(buf, "%u ", iterations);
	RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));

	j = uint8_fromregion(&sr);
	isc_region_consume(&sr, 1);
	INSIST(j <= sr.length);

	if (j != 0) {
		i = sr.length;
		sr.length = j;
		RETERR(isc_hex_totext(&sr, 1, "", target));
		sr.length = i - j;
	} else
		RETERR(str_totext("-", target));

	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
Example #12
dns_rdataclass_tounknowntext(dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, isc_buffer_t *target) {
	char buf[sizeof("CLASS65535")];

	snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "CLASS%u", rdclass);
	return (str_totext(buf, target));
Example #13
static inline isc_result_t
totext_rp(ARGS_TOTEXT) {
	isc_region_t region;
	dns_name_t rmail;
	dns_name_t email;
	dns_name_t prefix;
	isc_boolean_t sub;

	REQUIRE(rdata->type == dns_rdatatype_rp);
	REQUIRE(rdata->length != 0);

	dns_name_init(&rmail, NULL);
	dns_name_init(&email, NULL);
	dns_name_init(&prefix, NULL);

	dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &region);

	dns_name_fromregion(&rmail, &region);
	isc_region_consume(&region, rmail.length);

	dns_name_fromregion(&email, &region);
	isc_region_consume(&region, email.length);

	sub = name_prefix(&rmail, tctx->origin, &prefix);
	RETERR(dns_name_totext(&prefix, sub, target));

	RETERR(str_totext(" ", target));

	sub = name_prefix(&email, tctx->origin, &prefix);
	return (dns_name_totext(&prefix, sub, target));
Example #14
static inline isc_result_t
totext_naptr(ARGS_TOTEXT) {
	isc_region_t region;
	dns_name_t name;
	dns_name_t prefix;
	isc_boolean_t sub;
	char buf[sizeof("64000")];
	unsigned short num;

	REQUIRE(rdata->type == dns_rdatatype_naptr);
	REQUIRE(rdata->length != 0);

	dns_name_init(&name, NULL);
	dns_name_init(&prefix, NULL);

	dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &region);

	 * Order.
	num = uint16_fromregion(&region);
	isc_region_consume(&region, 2);
	sprintf(buf, "%u", num);
	RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));
	RETERR(str_totext(" ", target));

	 * Preference.
	num = uint16_fromregion(&region);
	isc_region_consume(&region, 2);
	sprintf(buf, "%u", num);
	RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));
	RETERR(str_totext(" ", target));

	 * Flags.
	RETERR(txt_totext(&region, ISC_TRUE, target));
	RETERR(str_totext(" ", target));

	 * Service.
	RETERR(txt_totext(&region, ISC_TRUE, target));
	RETERR(str_totext(" ", target));

	 * Regexp.
	RETERR(txt_totext(&region, ISC_TRUE, target));
	RETERR(str_totext(" ", target));

	 * Replacement.
	dns_name_fromregion(&name, &region);
	sub = name_prefix(&name, tctx->origin, &prefix);
	return (dns_name_totext(&prefix, sub, target));
Example #15
static inline isc_result_t
totext_opt(ARGS_TOTEXT) {
	isc_region_t r;
	isc_region_t or;
	isc_uint16_t option;
	isc_uint16_t length;
	char buf[sizeof("64000 64000")];

	 * OPT records do not have a text format.

	REQUIRE(rdata->type == 41);

	dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &r);
	while (r.length > 0) {
		option = uint16_fromregion(&r);
		isc_region_consume(&r, 2);
		length = uint16_fromregion(&r);
		isc_region_consume(&r, 2);
		sprintf(buf, "%u %u", option, length);
		RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));
		INSIST(r.length >= length);
		if (length > 0) {
			if ((tctx->flags & DNS_STYLEFLAG_MULTILINE) != 0)
				RETERR(str_totext(" (", target));
			RETERR(str_totext(tctx->linebreak, target));
			or = r;
			or.length = length;
			if (tctx->width == 0)   /* No splitting */
				RETERR(isc_base64_totext(&or, 60, "", target));
				RETERR(isc_base64_totext(&or, tctx->width - 2,
			isc_region_consume(&r, length);
			if ((tctx->flags & DNS_STYLEFLAG_MULTILINE) != 0)
				RETERR(str_totext(" )", target));
		if (r.length > 0)
			RETERR(str_totext(" ", target));

	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
Example #16
static inline isc_result_t
totext_sshfp(ARGS_TOTEXT) {
	isc_region_t sr;
	char buf[sizeof("64000 ")];
	unsigned int n;

	REQUIRE(rdata->type == 44);
	REQUIRE(rdata->length != 0);


	dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &sr);

	 * Algorithm.
	n = uint8_fromregion(&sr);
	isc_region_consume(&sr, 1);
	sprintf(buf, "%u ", n);
	RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));

	 * Digest type.
	n = uint8_fromregion(&sr);
	isc_region_consume(&sr, 1);
	sprintf(buf, "%u", n);
	RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));

	 * Digest.
	if ((tctx->flags & DNS_STYLEFLAG_MULTILINE) != 0)
		RETERR(str_totext(" (", target));
	RETERR(str_totext(tctx->linebreak, target));
	if (tctx->width == 0) /* No splitting */
		RETERR(isc_hex_totext(&sr, 0, "", target));
		RETERR(isc_hex_totext(&sr, tctx->width - 2,
				      tctx->linebreak, target));
	if ((tctx->flags & DNS_STYLEFLAG_MULTILINE) != 0)
		RETERR(str_totext(" )", target));
	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
static inline isc_result_t
totext_in_nsap(ARGS_TOTEXT) {
	isc_region_t region;
	char buf[sizeof("xx")];

	REQUIRE(rdata->type == 22);
	REQUIRE(rdata->rdclass == 1);
	REQUIRE(rdata->length != 0);


	dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &region);
	RETERR(str_totext("0x", target));
	while (region.length != 0) {
		sprintf(buf, "%02x", region.base[0]);
		isc_region_consume(&region, 1);
		RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));
	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
Example #18
static inline isc_result_t
totext_l32(ARGS_TOTEXT) {
	isc_region_t region;
	char buf[sizeof("65000")];
	unsigned short num;

	REQUIRE(rdata->type == 105);
	REQUIRE(rdata->length == 6);


	dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &region);
	num = uint16_fromregion(&region);
	isc_region_consume(&region, 2);
	sprintf(buf, "%u", num);
	RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));

	RETERR(str_totext(" ", target));

	return (inet_totext(AF_INET, &region, target));
Example #19
isc_base64_totext(isc_region_t *source, int wordlength,
		  const char *wordbreak, isc_buffer_t *target)
	char buf[5];
	unsigned int loops = 0;

	if (wordlength < 4)
		wordlength = 4;

	memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf));
	while (source->length > 2) {
		buf[0] = base64[(source->base[0]>>2)&0x3f];
		buf[1] = base64[((source->base[0]<<4)&0x30)|
		buf[2] = base64[((source->base[1]<<2)&0x3c)|
		buf[3] = base64[source->base[2]&0x3f];
		RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));
		isc_region_consume(source, 3);

		if (source->length != 0 &&
		    (int)((loops + 1) * 4) >= wordlength)
			loops = 0;
			RETERR(str_totext(wordbreak, target));
	if (source->length == 2) {
		buf[0] = base64[(source->base[0]>>2)&0x3f];
		buf[1] = base64[((source->base[0]<<4)&0x30)|
		buf[2] = base64[((source->base[1]<<2)&0x3c)];
		buf[3] = '=';
		RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));
		isc_region_consume(source, 2);
	} else if (source->length == 1) {
Example #20
static inline isc_result_t
totext_hinfo(ARGS_TOTEXT) {
	isc_region_t region;


	REQUIRE(rdata->type == 13);
	REQUIRE(rdata->length != 0);

	dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &region);
	RETERR(txt_totext(&region, ISC_TRUE, target));
	RETERR(str_totext(" ", target));
	return (txt_totext(&region, ISC_TRUE, target));
Example #21
static inline isc_result_t
generic_totext_txt(ARGS_TOTEXT) {
	isc_region_t region;


	dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &region);

	while (region.length > 0) {
		RETERR(txt_totext(&region, ISC_TRUE, target));
		if (region.length > 0)
			RETERR(str_totext(" ", target));

	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
Example #22
static inline isc_result_t
totext_isdn(ARGS_TOTEXT) {
	isc_region_t region;

	REQUIRE(rdata->type == 20);
	REQUIRE(rdata->length != 0);


	dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &region);
	RETERR(txt_totext(&region, target));
	if (region.length == 0)
		return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
	RETERR(str_totext(" ", target));
	return (txt_totext(&region, target));
static inline isc_result_t
totext_eui64(ARGS_TOTEXT) {
	char buf[sizeof("xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx")];

	REQUIRE(rdata->type == 109);
	REQUIRE(rdata->length == 8);


	(void)snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf),
		       rdata->data[0], rdata->data[1],
		       rdata->data[2], rdata->data[3],
		       rdata->data[4], rdata->data[5],
		       rdata->data[6], rdata->data[7]);
	return (str_totext(buf, target));
Example #24
static inline isc_result_t
totext_spf(ARGS_TOTEXT) {
	isc_region_t region;


	REQUIRE(rdata->type == 99);

	dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &region);

	while (region.length > 0) {
		RETERR(txt_totext(&region, target));
		if (region.length > 0)
			RETERR(str_totext(" ", target));

	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
Example #25
static inline isc_result_t
totext_tlsa(ARGS_TOTEXT) {
	isc_region_t sr;
	char buf[sizeof("64000 ")];
	unsigned int n;

	REQUIRE(rdata->type == dns_rdatatype_tlsa);
	REQUIRE(rdata->length != 0);


	dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &sr);

	 * Certificate Usage.
	n = uint8_fromregion(&sr);
	isc_region_consume(&sr, 1);
	sprintf(buf, "%u ", n);
	RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));

	 * Selector.
	n = uint8_fromregion(&sr);
	isc_region_consume(&sr, 1);
	sprintf(buf, "%u ", n);
	RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));

	 * Matching type.
	n = uint8_fromregion(&sr);
	isc_region_consume(&sr, 1);
	sprintf(buf, "%u", n);
	RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));

	 * Certificate Association Data.
	if ((tctx->flags & DNS_STYLEFLAG_MULTILINE) != 0)
		RETERR(str_totext(" (", target));
	RETERR(str_totext(tctx->linebreak, target));
	if (tctx->width == 0) /* No splitting */
		RETERR(isc_hex_totext(&sr, 0, "", target));
		RETERR(isc_hex_totext(&sr, tctx->width - 2,
				      tctx->linebreak, target));
	if ((tctx->flags & DNS_STYLEFLAG_MULTILINE) != 0)
		RETERR(str_totext(" )", target));
	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
Example #26
static inline isc_result_t
totext_gpos(ARGS_TOTEXT) {
	isc_region_t region;
	int i;

	REQUIRE(rdata->type == dns_rdatatype_gpos);
	REQUIRE(rdata->length != 0);


	dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &region);

	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		RETERR(txt_totext(&region, ISC_TRUE, target));
		if (i != 2)
			RETERR(str_totext(" ", target));

	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
Example #27
dns_rdataclass_totext(dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, isc_buffer_t *target) {
	char buf[sizeof("CLASS65535")];

	switch (rdclass) {
	case dns_rdataclass_any:
		return (str_totext("ANY", target));
	case dns_rdataclass_chaos:
		return (str_totext("CH", target));
	case dns_rdataclass_hs:
		return (str_totext("HS", target));
	case dns_rdataclass_in:
		return (str_totext("IN", target));
	case dns_rdataclass_none:
		return (str_totext("NONE", target));
	case dns_rdataclass_reserved0:
		return (str_totext("RESERVED0", target));
		snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "CLASS%u", rdclass);
		return (str_totext(buf, target));
Example #28
dns_rdataclass_totext(dns_rdataclass_t rdclass, isc_buffer_t *target) {
	switch (rdclass) {
	case dns_rdataclass_any:
		return (str_totext("ANY", target));
	case dns_rdataclass_chaos:
		return (str_totext("CH", target));
	case dns_rdataclass_hs:
		return (str_totext("HS", target));
	case dns_rdataclass_in:
		return (str_totext("IN", target));
	case dns_rdataclass_none:
		return (str_totext("NONE", target));
	case dns_rdataclass_reserved0:
		return (str_totext("RESERVED0", target));
		return (dns_rdataclass_tounknowntext(rdclass, target));
Example #29
static inline isc_result_t
totext_keydata(ARGS_TOTEXT) {
	isc_region_t sr;
	char buf[sizeof("64000")];
	unsigned int flags;
	unsigned char algorithm;
	unsigned long when;

	REQUIRE(rdata->type == 65533);
	REQUIRE(rdata->length != 0);

	dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &sr);

	/* refresh timer */
	when = uint32_fromregion(&sr);
	isc_region_consume(&sr, 4);
	RETERR(dns_time32_totext(when, target));
	RETERR(str_totext(" ", target));

	/* add hold-down */
	when = uint32_fromregion(&sr);
	isc_region_consume(&sr, 4);
	RETERR(dns_time32_totext(when, target));
	RETERR(str_totext(" ", target));

	/* remove hold-down */
	when = uint32_fromregion(&sr);
	isc_region_consume(&sr, 4);
	RETERR(dns_time32_totext(when, target));
	RETERR(str_totext(" ", target));

	/* flags */
	flags = uint16_fromregion(&sr);
	isc_region_consume(&sr, 2);
	sprintf(buf, "%u", flags);
	RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));
	RETERR(str_totext(" ", target));

	/* protocol */
	sprintf(buf, "%u", sr.base[0]);
	isc_region_consume(&sr, 1);
	RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));
	RETERR(str_totext(" ", target));

	/* algorithm */
	algorithm = sr.base[0];
	sprintf(buf, "%u", algorithm);
	isc_region_consume(&sr, 1);
	RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));

	/* No Key? */
	if ((flags & 0xc000) == 0xc000)
		return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);

	/* key */
	if ((tctx->flags & DNS_STYLEFLAG_MULTILINE) != 0)
		RETERR(str_totext(" (", target));
	RETERR(str_totext(tctx->linebreak, target));
	RETERR(isc_base64_totext(&sr, tctx->width - 2,
				 tctx->linebreak, target));

	if ((tctx->flags & DNS_STYLEFLAG_COMMENT) != 0)
		RETERR(str_totext(tctx->linebreak, target));
	else if ((tctx->flags & DNS_STYLEFLAG_MULTILINE) != 0)
		RETERR(str_totext(" ", target));

	if ((tctx->flags & DNS_STYLEFLAG_MULTILINE) != 0)
		RETERR(str_totext(")", target));

	if ((tctx->flags & DNS_STYLEFLAG_COMMENT) != 0) {
		isc_region_t tmpr;

		RETERR(str_totext(" ; key id = ", target));
		dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &tmpr);
		/* Skip over refresh, addhd, and removehd */
		isc_region_consume(&tmpr, 12);
		sprintf(buf, "%u", dst_region_computeid(&tmpr, algorithm));
		RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));
	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);
Example #30
static inline isc_result_t
totext_nsec3(ARGS_TOTEXT) {
	isc_region_t sr;
	unsigned int i, j;
	unsigned char hash;
	unsigned char flags;
	char buf[sizeof("TYPE65535")];
	isc_uint32_t iterations;

	REQUIRE(rdata->type == dns_rdatatype_nsec3);
	REQUIRE(rdata->length != 0);

	dns_rdata_toregion(rdata, &sr);

	/* Hash */
	hash = uint8_fromregion(&sr);
	isc_region_consume(&sr, 1);
	sprintf(buf, "%u ", hash);
	RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));

	/* Flags */
	flags = uint8_fromregion(&sr);
	isc_region_consume(&sr, 1);
	sprintf(buf, "%u ", flags);
	RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));

	/* Iterations */
	iterations = uint16_fromregion(&sr);
	isc_region_consume(&sr, 2);
	sprintf(buf, "%u ", iterations);
	RETERR(str_totext(buf, target));

	/* Salt */
	j = uint8_fromregion(&sr);
	isc_region_consume(&sr, 1);
	INSIST(j <= sr.length);

	if (j != 0) {
		i = sr.length;
		sr.length = j;
		RETERR(isc_hex_totext(&sr, 1, "", target));
		sr.length = i - j;
	} else
		RETERR(str_totext("-", target));

	if ((tctx->flags & DNS_STYLEFLAG_MULTILINE) != 0)
		RETERR(str_totext(" (", target));
	RETERR(str_totext(tctx->linebreak, target));

	/* Next hash */
	j = uint8_fromregion(&sr);
	isc_region_consume(&sr, 1);
	INSIST(j <= sr.length);

	i = sr.length;
	sr.length = j;
	RETERR(isc_base32hexnp_totext(&sr, 1, "", target));
	sr.length = i - j;

	if ((tctx->flags & DNS_STYLEFLAG_MULTILINE) == 0)
		RETERR(str_totext(" ", target));

	RETERR(typemap_totext(&sr, tctx, target));

	if ((tctx->flags & DNS_STYLEFLAG_MULTILINE) != 0)
		RETERR(str_totext(" )", target));

	return (ISC_R_SUCCESS);