Example #1
int fputs (const char *s, FILE *stream)
	if (stream == (FILE*)stdout)
		return stream_puts (to_stream (stdout), s);
	else if (stream == (FILE*)stderr)
		return stream_puts (to_stream (stderr), s);
	return 0;
Example #2
/* Write a UniqueID and/or XUID. */
static void
write_uid(stream *s, const gs_uid *puid)
    if (uid_is_UniqueID(puid))
	pprintld1(s, "/UniqueID %ld def\n", puid->id);
    else if (uid_is_XUID(puid)) {
	uint i, n = uid_XUID_size(puid);

	stream_puts(s, "/XUID [");
	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
	    pprintld1(s, "%ld ", uid_XUID_values(puid)[i]);
	stream_puts(s, "] readonly def\n");
Example #3
/* Write one CIDSystemInfo dictionary. */
static void
cmap_put_system_info(stream *s, const gs_cid_system_info_t *pcidsi)
    if (cid_system_info_is_null(pcidsi)) {
	stream_puts(s, " null ");
    } else {
	stream_puts(s, " 3 dict dup begin\n");
	stream_puts(s, "/Registry ");
	s_write_ps_string(s, pcidsi->Registry.data, pcidsi->Registry.size, 0);
	stream_puts(s, " def\n/Ordering ");
	s_write_ps_string(s, pcidsi->Ordering.data, pcidsi->Ordering.size, 0);
	pprintd1(s, " def\n/Supplement %d def\nend ", pcidsi->Supplement);
Example #4
/* Write a list of code space ranges. */
static void
cmap_put_ranges(stream *s, const gx_code_space_range_t *pcsr, int count)
    int i;

    pprintd1(s, "%d begincodespacerange\n", count);
    for (i = 0; i < count; ++i, ++pcsr) {
	stream_puts(s, "<");
	pput_hex(s, pcsr->first, pcsr->size);
	stream_puts(s, "><");
	pput_hex(s, pcsr->last, pcsr->size);
	stream_puts(s, ">\n");
    stream_puts(s, "endcodespacerange\n");
Example #5
s_release_param_printer(printer_param_list_t *prlist)
    if (prlist) {
        if (prlist->any && prlist->params.suffix)
            stream_puts(prlist->strm, prlist->params.suffix);
Example #6
 * Write a string in its shortest form ( () or <> ).  Note that
 * this form is different depending on whether binary data are allowed.
 * Currently we don't support ASCII85 strings ( <~ ~> ).
s_write_ps_string(stream * s, const byte * str, uint size, int print_ok)
    uint added = 0;
    uint i;
    const stream_template *template;
    stream_AXE_state state;
    stream_state *st = NULL;

    if (print_ok & PRINT_BINARY_OK) {
	/* Only need to escape (, ), \, CR, EOL. */
	stream_putc(s, '(');
	for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
	    byte ch = str[i];

	    switch (ch) {
		case char_CR:
		    stream_puts(s, "\\r");
		case char_EOL:
		    stream_puts(s, "\\n");
		case '(':
		case ')':
		case '\\':
		    stream_putc(s, '\\');
	    stream_putc(s, ch);
	stream_putc(s, ')');
    for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
	byte ch = str[i];

	if (ch == 0 || ch >= 127)
	    added += 3;
	else if (strchr("()\\\n\r\t\b\f", ch) != 0)
	else if (ch < 32)
	    added += 3;

    if (added < size || (print_ok & PRINT_HEX_NOT_OK)) {
Example #7
/* Write one FontInfo entry. */
static void
write_font_info(stream *s, const char *key, const gs_const_string *pvalue,
		int do_write)
    if (do_write) {
	pprints1(s, "\n/%s ", key);
	s_write_ps_string(s, pvalue->data, pvalue->size, PRINT_HEX_NOT_OK);
	stream_puts(s, " def");
Example #8
result_t rm_name_action(cli_t *context, const char * name_)
  result_t result;
  if(failed(result = reg_delete_value(get_context(context), name_)))
    stream_puts(context->cfg.console_err, "Error when deleting value\r\n");
    return result;
  return s_ok;
Example #9
 *  Flush text from buffer.
static int
flush_text_buffer(gx_device_pdf *pdev)
    pdf_text_state_t *pts = pdev->text->text_state;
    stream *s = pdev->strm;

    if (pts->buffer.count_chars != 0) {
        pdf_font_resource_t *pdfont = pts->in.pdfont;
        int code = pdf_assign_font_object_id(pdev, pdfont);

        if (code < 0)
            return code;
        code = pdf_add_resource(pdev, pdev->substream_Resources, "/Font", (pdf_resource_t *)pdfont);
        if (code < 0)
            return code;
    if (pts->buffer.count_moves > 0) {
        int i, cur = 0;

        if (pts->use_leading)
            stream_puts(s, "T*");
        stream_puts(s, "[");
        for (i = 0; i < pts->buffer.count_moves; ++i) {
            int next = pts->buffer.moves[i].index;

            pdf_put_string(pdev, pts->buffer.chars + cur, next - cur);
            pprintg1(s, "%g", pts->buffer.moves[i].amount);
            cur = next;
        if (pts->buffer.count_chars > cur)
            pdf_put_string(pdev, pts->buffer.chars + cur,
                           pts->buffer.count_chars - cur);
        stream_puts(s, "]TJ\n");
    } else {
        pdf_put_string(pdev, pts->buffer.chars, pts->buffer.count_chars);
        stream_puts(s, (pts->use_leading ? "'\n" : "Tj\n"));
    pts->buffer.count_chars = 0;
    pts->buffer.count_moves = 0;
    pts->use_leading = false;
    return 0;
Example #10
UINT32 stream_printf(imgtool_stream *stream, const char *fmt, ...)
    va_list va;
    char buf[256];

    va_start(va, fmt);
    vsprintf(buf, fmt, va);

    return stream_puts(stream, buf);
Example #11
 * Write the Encoding array.  This is a separate procedure only for
 * readability.
static int
write_Encoding(stream *s, gs_font_type1 *pfont, int options,
	      gs_glyph *subset_glyphs, uint subset_size, gs_glyph notdef)
    stream_puts(s, "/Encoding ");
    switch (pfont->encoding_index) {
	    stream_puts(s, "StandardEncoding");
	    /* ATM only recognizes StandardEncoding. */
	    if (options & WRITE_TYPE1_POSTSCRIPT) {
		stream_puts(s, "ISOLatin1Encoding");
		gs_char i;

		stream_puts(s, "256 array\n");
		stream_puts(s, "0 1 255 {1 index exch /.notdef put} for\n");
		for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) {
		    gs_glyph glyph =
			((gs_font *)pfont, (gs_char)i, GLYPH_SPACE_NAME);
		    gs_const_string namestr;

		    if (subset_glyphs && subset_size) {
			 * Only write Encoding entries for glyphs in the
			 * subset.  Use binary search to check each glyph,
			 * since subset_glyphs are sorted.
			if (!psf_sorted_glyphs_include(subset_glyphs,
							subset_size, glyph))
		    if (glyph != gs_no_glyph && glyph != notdef &&
			pfont->procs.glyph_name((gs_font *)pfont, glyph,
						&namestr) >= 0
			) {
			pprintd1(s, "dup %d /", (int)i);
			stream_write(s, namestr.data, namestr.size);
			stream_puts(s, " put\n");
		stream_puts(s, "readonly");
    stream_puts(s, " def\n");
    return 0;
Example #12
result_t rmdir_path_action(cli_t *context, const char * name_)
  result_t result;
  memid_t key;

  if(failed(result = open_key(get_context(context), name_, false, &key)) ||
      failed(result = reg_delete_key(key)))
    stream_puts(context->cfg.console_err, "Error when deleting key\r\n");
    return result;
  return s_ok;
Example #13
/* Write the font name. */
static void
write_font_name(stream *s, const gs_font_type1 *pfont,
		const gs_const_string *alt_font_name, bool as_name)
    const byte *c;
    const byte *name = (alt_font_name ? alt_font_name->data : pfont->font_name.chars);
    int         n    = (alt_font_name ? alt_font_name->size : pfont->font_name.size);

    if (n == 0)
	/* empty name, may need to write it as empty string */
	stream_puts(s, (as_name ? "/" : "()"));
    else {
	for (c = (byte *)"()<>[]{}/% \n\r\t\b\f\004\033"; *c; c++)
	    if (memchr(name, *c, n))
	if (*c || memchr(name, 0, n)) {
	    /* name contains whitespace (NUL included) or a PostScript separator */
	    byte pssebuf[1 + 4 * gs_font_name_max + 1]; /* "(" + "\ooo" * gs_font_name_max + ")" */
	    stream_cursor_read  r;
	    stream_cursor_write w;

	    pssebuf[0] = '(';
	    r.limit = (r.ptr = name - 1) + n;
	    w.limit = (w.ptr = pssebuf) + sizeof pssebuf - 1;
	    s_PSSE_template.process(NULL, &r, &w, true);
	    stream_write(s, pssebuf, w.ptr - pssebuf + 1);
	    if (as_name)
		stream_puts(s, " cvn");
	} else {
	    /* name without any special characters */
	    if (as_name)
		stream_putc(s, '/');
	    stream_write(s, name, n);
Example #14
void trace(uint16_t level, const char *msg, ...)
  va_list args;
  va_start(args, msg);

  if (trace_stream != 0 && trace_level <= level)
    // send the timestamp
    stream_printf(trace_stream, "%ld %s ", ticks(), levels[level]);
    // send the level
    stream_vprintf(trace_stream, msg, args);
    stream_puts(trace_stream, "\r\n");

  platform_trace(level, msg, args);
Example #15
result_t cat_name_action(cli_t *context, const char * name)
  result_t result;

  if(name == 0)
    return e_bad_parameter;

  handle_t stream;

  if(failed(result = stream_open(get_context(context), name, &stream)))
    return result;

  stream_copy(stream, context->cfg.console_out);


  stream_puts(context->cfg.console_out, "\r\n");

  return result;
Example #16
result_t cd_path_action(cli_t *context, const char * name_)
  // open a sub-key
  result_t result;
  memid_t memid = 0;
  if(failed(result = open_key(get_context(context), name_, false, &memid)))
    stream_puts(context->cfg.console_err, "Error when creating key\r\n");
    return result;

  // update the submode
  const char * dirname = get_full_path(memid);

  char prompt[MAX_PROMPT_LENGTH];
  snprintf(prompt, MAX_PROMPT_LENGTH, "%s %s ", node_name, dirname);
  neutron_free((void *)dirname);

  strncpy(context->prompt[context->root_level], prompt, MAX_PROMPT_LENGTH);
  context->current[context->root_level] = memid;

  return s_ok;
Example #17
/* Write a FontDescriptor. */
pdf_write_FontDescriptor(gx_device_pdf *pdev, pdf_resource_t *pres)
    pdf_font_descriptor_t *pfd = (pdf_font_descriptor_t *)pres;
    font_type ftype = pfd->FontType;
    long cidset_id = 0;
    int code = 0;
    stream *s;

    if (pfd->common.object->written)
        return 0;
    if (pfd->common.object->id == -1)
        return 0;

    /* If this is a CIDFont subset, write the CIDSet now. */
    switch (ftype) {
    case ft_CID_encrypted:
    case ft_CID_TrueType:
        if (pdf_do_subset_font(pdev, pfd->base_font, pfd->common.rid)) {
            if (pdev->PDFA < 2) {
                code = pdf_write_CIDSet(pdev, pfd->base_font, &cidset_id);
                if (code < 0)
                    return code;

         * Hack: make all embedded TrueType fonts "symbolic" to
         * work around undocumented assumptions in Acrobat Reader.
        pdf_font_descriptor_common_t fd;

        fd = pfd->common;
        if (pfd->embed && pfd->FontType == ft_TrueType)
            fd.values.Flags =
                (fd.values.Flags & ~(FONT_IS_ADOBE_ROMAN)) | FONT_IS_SYMBOLIC;
        code = write_FontDescriptor_common(pdev, &fd, pfd->embed);
    if (code < 0)
        return code;
    s = pdev->strm;
    if (cidset_id != 0)
        pprintld1(s, "/CIDSet %ld 0 R\n", cidset_id);
    else if (pdf_do_subset_font(pdev, pfd->base_font, pfd->common.rid) &&
             (ftype == ft_encrypted || ftype == ft_encrypted2)
             ) {
        stream_puts(s, "/CharSet");
        code = pdf_write_CharSet(pdev, pfd->base_font);
        if (code < 0)
            return code;
    if (pfd->embed && pfd->base_font->FontFile) {
        code = pdf_write_FontFile_entry(pdev, pfd->base_font);
        if (code < 0)
            return code;
    if (pfd->cid.Style) {
        stream_puts(s, "/Style");
        COS_WRITE(pfd->cid.Style, pdev);
    if (pfd->cid.Lang[0]) {
        pprints1(s, "/Lang(%s)", pfd->cid.Lang);
    if (pfd->cid.FD) {
        stream_puts(s, "/FD");
        COS_WRITE(pfd->cid.FD, pdev);
    stream_puts(s, ">>\n");
    pdf_end_separate(pdev, resourceFontDescriptor);
    pfd->common.object->written = true;
    {	const cos_object_t *pco = (const cos_object_t *)pdf_get_FontFile_object(pfd->base_font);
        if (pco != NULL) {
            code = COS_WRITE_OBJECT(pco, pdev, resourceFontFile);
            if (code < 0)
                return code;
    return 0;
Example #18
/* Write one code map. */
static int
cmap_put_code_map(const gs_memory_t *mem,
		  stream *s, int which, const gs_cmap_t *pcmap,
		  const cmap_operators_t *pcmo,
		  psf_put_name_chars_proc_t put_name_chars, 
		  int font_index_only)
    /* For simplicity, produce one entry for each lookup range. */
    gs_cmap_lookups_enum_t lenum;
    int font_index = (pcmap->num_fonts <= 1 ? 0 : -1);
    int code;

    for (gs_cmap_lookups_enum_init(pcmap, which, &lenum);
	 (code = gs_cmap_enum_next_lookup(&lenum)) == 0; ) {
	gs_cmap_lookups_enum_t counter;
	int num_entries = 0;
	int gi;

	if (font_index_only >= 0 && lenum.entry.font_index != font_index_only)
	if (font_index_only < 0 && lenum.entry.font_index != font_index) {
	    pprintd1(s, "%d usefont\n", lenum.entry.font_index);
	    font_index = lenum.entry.font_index;
	/* Count the number of entries in this lookup range. */
	counter = lenum;
	while (gs_cmap_enum_next_entry(&counter) == 0)
	for (gi = 0; gi < num_entries; gi += 100) {
	    int i = gi, ni = min(i + 100, num_entries);
	    const char *end;

	    pprintd1(s, "%d ", ni - i);
	    if (lenum.entry.key_is_range) {
		if (lenum.entry.value_type == CODE_VALUE_CID || lenum.entry.value_type == CODE_VALUE_NOTDEF) {
		    stream_puts(s, pcmo->beginrange);
		    end = pcmo->endrange;
		} else {	/* must be def, not notdef */
		    stream_puts(s, "beginbfrange\n");
		    end = "endbfrange\n";
	    } else {
		if (lenum.entry.value_type == CODE_VALUE_CID || lenum.entry.value_type == CODE_VALUE_NOTDEF) {
		    stream_puts(s, pcmo->beginchar);
		    end = pcmo->endchar;
		} else {	/* must be def, not notdef */
		    stream_puts(s, "beginbfchar\n");
		    end = "endbfchar\n";
	    for (; i < ni; ++i) {
		int j;
		long value;
		int value_size;

		DISCARD(gs_cmap_enum_next_entry(&lenum)); /* can't fail */
		value_size = lenum.entry.value.size;
		for (j = 0; j <= lenum.entry.key_is_range; ++j) {
		    stream_putc(s, '<');
		    pput_hex(s, lenum.entry.key[j], lenum.entry.key_size);
		    stream_putc(s, '>');
		for (j = 0, value = 0; j < value_size; ++j)
		    value = (value << 8) + lenum.entry.value.data[j];
		switch (lenum.entry.value_type) {
		    pprintld1(s, "%ld", value);
		    stream_putc(s, '<');
		    pput_hex(s, lenum.entry.value.data, value_size);
		    stream_putc(s, '>');
		    gs_const_string str;
		    int code = pcmap->glyph_name(mem, (gs_glyph)value, &str,

		    if (code < 0)
			return code;
		    stream_putc(s, '/');
		    code = put_name_chars(s, str.data, str.size);
		    if (code < 0)
			return code;
		default:	/* not possible */
		stream_putc(s, '\n');
	    stream_puts(s, end);
    return code;
Example #19
result_t ls_path_recursive_action(cli_t *context, const char * path)
  uint16_t indent = 0;
  result_t result;
  memid_t key;
  handle_t matches = 0;

  bool recursive = strlen(context->tokens[2].token_buffer) != 0;

  if (strlen(path) == 0)
    show_key(context->cfg.console_out, get_context(context), true, false, &indent);
    return s_ok;

  // expand wildcards
  if (failed(result = match_path(context, path, true, &key, &matches)))
    return result;

  // work over each one.
  field_datatype dt = 0;
  memid_t child = 0;
  uint16_t i;
  char name[REG_NAME_MAX + 1];

  if (matches == 0)
    // this is the case when a directory is given and no search
    show_key(context->cfg.console_out, key, false, recursive, &indent);
    // decide what to do
    uint16_t len;
    if (failed(result = vector_count(matches, &len)))
      return result;

    for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
      const char * name;
      if (failed(result = vector_at(matches, i, &name)))
        return result;

      if (failed(result = reg_query_child(key, name, &child, &dt, 0)))
        if (result == e_not_found)
          continue;      // very weird!

        return result;

      if (dt > field_key)
        show_value(context->cfg.console_out, child, dt, name, &indent, 0);

    bool needs_newline = true;

    // now the directories
    for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
      const char * name;
      if (failed(result = vector_at(matches, i, &name)))
        return result;

      if (failed(result = reg_query_child(key, name, &child, &dt, 0)))
        if (result == e_not_found)
          continue;      // very weird!

        return result;

      if (dt == field_key)
        if (needs_newline)
          stream_puts(context->cfg.console_out, cr_lf);
          stream_printf(context->cfg.console_out, "dir %s\r\n", name);
        indent += 2;
        show_key(context->cfg.console_out, child, false, recursive, &indent);

  return s_ok;
Example #20
/* Write a gs_string with a prefix. */
static void
pput_string_entry(stream *s, const char *prefix, const gs_const_string *pstr)
    stream_puts(s, prefix);
    stream_write(s, pstr->data, pstr->size);
Example #21
/* Write a CMap in its standard (source) format. */
psf_write_cmap(const gs_memory_t *mem, 
	       stream *s, const gs_cmap_t *pcmap,
	       psf_put_name_chars_proc_t put_name_chars,
	       const gs_const_string *alt_cmap_name, int font_index_only)
    const gs_const_string *const cmap_name =
	(alt_cmap_name ? alt_cmap_name : &pcmap->CMapName);
    const gs_cid_system_info_t *const pcidsi = pcmap->CIDSystemInfo;

    switch (pcmap->CMapType) {
    case 0: case 1: case 2:

    /* Write the header. */

    if (!pcmap->ToUnicode) {
	stream_puts(s, "%!PS-Adobe-3.0 Resource-CMap\n");
	stream_puts(s, "%%DocumentNeededResources: ProcSet (CIDInit)\n");
	stream_puts(s, "%%IncludeResource: ProcSet (CIDInit)\n");
	pput_string_entry(s, "%%BeginResource: CMap (", cmap_name);
	pput_string_entry(s, ")\n%%Title: (", cmap_name);
	pput_string_entry(s, " ", &pcidsi->Registry);
	pput_string_entry(s, " ", &pcidsi->Ordering);
	pprintd1(s, " %d)\n", pcidsi->Supplement);
	pprintg1(s, "%%%%Version: %g\n", pcmap->CMapVersion);
    stream_puts(s, "/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin\n");
    stream_puts(s, "12 dict begin\nbegincmap\n");

    /* Write the fixed entries. */

    pprintd1(s, "/CMapType %d def\n", pcmap->CMapType);
    stream_puts(s, "/CMapName/");
    put_name_chars(s, cmap_name->data, cmap_name->size);
    stream_puts(s, " def\n");
    if (!pcmap->ToUnicode) {
	pprintg1(s, "/CMapVersion %g def\n", pcmap->CMapVersion);
	stream_puts(s, "/CIDSystemInfo");
	if (font_index_only >= 0 && font_index_only < pcmap->num_fonts) {
	    cmap_put_system_info(s, pcidsi + font_index_only);
	} else if (pcmap->num_fonts == 1) {
	    cmap_put_system_info(s, pcidsi);
	} else {
	    int i;

	    pprintd1(s, " %d array\n", pcmap->num_fonts);
	    for (i = 0; i < pcmap->num_fonts; ++i) {
		pprintd1(s, "dup %d", i);
		cmap_put_system_info(s, pcidsi + i);
		stream_puts(s, "put\n");
	stream_puts(s, " def\n");
	if (uid_is_XUID(&pcmap->uid)) {
	    uint i, n = uid_XUID_size(&pcmap->uid);
	    const long *values = uid_XUID_values(&pcmap->uid);

	    stream_puts(s, "/XUID [");
	    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
		pprintld1(s, " %ld", values[i]);
	    stream_puts(s, "] def\n");
	pprintld1(s, "/UIDOffset %ld def\n", pcmap->UIDOffset);
	pprintd1(s, "/WMode %d def\n", pcmap->WMode);

    /* Write the code space ranges. */

	gs_cmap_ranges_enum_t renum;
#define MAX_RANGES 100
	gx_code_space_range_t ranges[MAX_RANGES];
	int code, count = 0;

	for (gs_cmap_ranges_enum_init(pcmap, &renum);
	     (code = gs_cmap_enum_next_range(&renum)) == 0; ) {
	    if (count == MAX_RANGES) {
		cmap_put_ranges(s, ranges, count);
		count = 0;
	    ranges[count++] = renum.range;
	if (code < 0)
	    return code;
	if (count)
	    cmap_put_ranges(s, ranges, count);

    /* Write the code and notdef data. */

	int code;

	code = cmap_put_code_map(mem, s, 1, pcmap, &cmap_notdef_operators,
			         put_name_chars, font_index_only);
	if (code < 0)
	    return code;
	code = cmap_put_code_map(mem, s, 0, pcmap, &cmap_cid_operators,
			         put_name_chars, font_index_only);
	if (code < 0)
	    return code;

    /* Write the trailer. */

    stream_puts(s, "endcmap\n");
    stream_puts(s, "CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop\nend end\n");
    if (!pcmap->ToUnicode) {
	stream_puts(s, "%%EndResource\n");
	stream_puts(s, "%%EOF\n");

    return 0;
Example #22
 * Write the Private dictionary.  This is a separate procedure only for
 * readability.  write_CharString is a parameter so that we can encrypt
 * Subrs and CharStrings when the font's lenIV == -1 but we are writing
 * the font with lenIV = 0.
static int
write_Private(stream *s, gs_font_type1 *pfont,
	      gs_glyph *subset_glyphs, uint subset_size,
	      gs_glyph notdef, int lenIV,
	      int (*write_CharString)(stream *, const void *, uint),
	      const param_printer_params_t *ppp)
    const gs_type1_data *const pdata = &pfont->data;
    printer_param_list_t rlist;
    gs_param_list *const plist = (gs_param_list *)&rlist;
    int code = s_init_param_printer(&rlist, ppp, s);

    if (code < 0)
	return 0;
    stream_puts(s, "dup /Private 17 dict dup begin\n");
    stream_puts(s, "/-|{string currentfile exch readstring pop}executeonly def\n");
    stream_puts(s, "/|-{noaccess def}executeonly def\n");
    stream_puts(s, "/|{noaccess put}executeonly def\n");
	static const gs_param_item_t private_items[] = {
	    {"BlueFuzz", gs_param_type_int,
	     offset_of(gs_type1_data, BlueFuzz)},
	    {"BlueScale", gs_param_type_float,
	     offset_of(gs_type1_data, BlueScale)},
	    {"BlueShift", gs_param_type_float,
	     offset_of(gs_type1_data, BlueShift)},
	    {"ExpansionFactor", gs_param_type_float,
	     offset_of(gs_type1_data, ExpansionFactor)},
	    {"ForceBold", gs_param_type_bool,
	     offset_of(gs_type1_data, ForceBold)},
	    {"LanguageGroup", gs_param_type_int,
	     offset_of(gs_type1_data, LanguageGroup)},
	    {"RndStemUp", gs_param_type_bool,
	     offset_of(gs_type1_data, RndStemUp)},
	gs_type1_data defaults;

	defaults.BlueFuzz = 1;
	defaults.BlueScale = (float)0.039625;
	defaults.BlueShift = 7.0;
	defaults.ExpansionFactor = (float)0.06;
	defaults.ForceBold = false;
	defaults.LanguageGroup = 0;
	defaults.RndStemUp = true;
	code = gs_param_write_items(plist, pdata, &defaults, private_items);
	if (code < 0)
	    return code;
	if (lenIV != 4) {
	    code = param_write_int(plist, "lenIV", &lenIV);
	    if (code < 0)
		return code;
	write_float_array(plist, "BlueValues", pdata->BlueValues.values,
	write_float_array(plist, "OtherBlues", pdata->OtherBlues.values,
	write_float_array(plist, "FamilyBlues", pdata->FamilyBlues.values,
	write_float_array(plist, "FamilyOtherBlues", pdata->FamilyOtherBlues.values,
	write_float_array(plist, "StdHW", pdata->StdHW.values,
	write_float_array(plist, "StdVW", pdata->StdVW.values,
	write_float_array(plist, "StemSnapH", pdata->StemSnapH.values,
	write_float_array(plist, "StemSnapV", pdata->StemSnapV.values,
    write_uid(s, &pfont->UID);
    stream_puts(s, "/MinFeature{16 16} def\n");
    stream_puts(s, "/password 5839 def\n");

     * Write the Subrs.  We always write them all, even for subsets.
     * (We will fix this someday.)

	int n, i;
	gs_glyph_data_t gdata;
	int code;

	gdata.memory = pfont->memory;
	for (n = 0;
	     (code = pdata->procs.subr_data(pfont, n, false, &gdata)) !=
	     ) {
	    if (code >= 0)
		gs_glyph_data_free(&gdata, "write_Private(Subrs)");
	pprintd1(s, "/Subrs %d array\n", n);
	for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
	    if ((code = pdata->procs.subr_data(pfont, i, false, &gdata)) >= 0) {
		char buf[50];

		if (gdata.bits.size) {
		    sprintf(buf, "dup %d %u -| ", i, gdata.bits.size);
		    stream_puts(s, buf);
		    write_CharString(s, gdata.bits.data, gdata.bits.size);
		    stream_puts(s, " |\n");
		gs_glyph_data_free(&gdata, "write_Private(Subrs)");
	stream_puts(s, "|-\n");

    /* We don't write OtherSubrs -- there had better not be any! */

    /* Write the CharStrings. */

	int num_chars = 0;
	gs_glyph glyph;
	psf_glyph_enum_t genum;
	gs_glyph_data_t gdata;
	int code;

	gdata.memory = pfont->memory;
	psf_enumerate_glyphs_begin(&genum, (gs_font *)pfont, subset_glyphs,
				    (subset_glyphs ? subset_size : 0),
	for (glyph = gs_no_glyph;
	     (code = psf_enumerate_glyphs_next(&genum, &glyph)) != 1;
	    if (code == 0 &&
		(code = pdata->procs.glyph_data(pfont, glyph, &gdata)) >= 0
		) {
		gs_glyph_data_free(&gdata, "write_Private(CharStrings)");
	pprintd1(s, "2 index /CharStrings %d dict dup begin\n", num_chars);
	for (glyph = gs_no_glyph;
	     (code = psf_enumerate_glyphs_next(&genum, &glyph)) != 1;
	    if (code == 0 &&
		(code = pdata->procs.glyph_data(pfont, glyph, &gdata)) >= 0
		) {
		gs_const_string gstr;
		int code;

		code = pfont->procs.glyph_name((gs_font *)pfont, glyph, &gstr);
		if (code < 0)
		    return code;
		stream_puts(s, "/");
		stream_write(s, gstr.data, gstr.size);
		pprintd1(s, " %d -| ", gdata.bits.size);
		write_CharString(s, gdata.bits.data, gdata.bits.size);
		stream_puts(s, " |-\n");
		gs_glyph_data_free(&gdata, "write_Private(CharStrings)");

    /* Wrap up. */

    stream_puts(s, "end\nend\nreadonly put\nnoaccess put\n");
    return 0;
Example #23
 * Write a string in its shortest form ( () or <> ).  Note that
 * this form is different depending on whether binary data are allowed.
 * Currently we don't support ASCII85 strings ( <~ ~> ).
s_write_ps_string(stream * s, const byte * str, uint size, int print_ok)
    uint added = 0;
    uint i;
    const stream_template *templat;
    stream_AXE_state state;
    stream_state *st = NULL;

    if (print_ok & PRINT_BINARY_OK) {
        /* Only need to escape (, ), \, CR, EOL. */
        stream_putc(s, '(');
        for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
            byte ch = str[i];

            switch (ch) {
                case char_CR:
                    stream_puts(s, "\\r");
                case char_EOL:
                    stream_puts(s, "\\n");
                case '(':
                case ')':
                case '\\':
                    stream_putc(s, '\\');
            stream_putc(s, ch);
        stream_putc(s, ')');
    for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
        byte ch = str[i];

        if (ch == 0 || ch >= 127)
            added += 3;
        else if (strchr("()\\\n\r\t\b\f", ch) != 0)
        else if (ch < 32)
            added += 3;

    if (added < size || (print_ok & PRINT_HEX_NOT_OK)) {
        /* More efficient, or mandatory, to represent as PostScript string. */
        templat = &s_PSSE_template;
        stream_putc(s, '(');
    } else {
        /* More efficient, and permitted, to represent as hex string. */
        templat = &s_AXE_template;
        st = (stream_state *) & state;
        stream_putc(s, '<');

        byte buf[100];		/* size is arbitrary */
        stream_cursor_read r;
        stream_cursor_write w;
        int status;

        r.ptr = str - 1;
        r.limit = r.ptr + size;
        w.limit = buf + sizeof(buf) - 1;
        do {
            /* One picky compiler complains if we initialize to buf - 1. */
            w.ptr = buf;  w.ptr--;
            status = (*templat->process) (st, &r, &w, true);
            stream_write(s, buf, (uint) (w.ptr + 1 - buf));
        while (status == 1);
Example #24
static int
param_print_typed(gs_param_list * plist, gs_param_name pkey,
                  gs_param_typed_value * pvalue)
    printer_param_list_t *const prlist = (printer_param_list_t *)plist;
    stream *s = prlist->strm;

    if (!prlist->any) {
        if (prlist->params.prefix)
            stream_puts(s, prlist->params.prefix);
        prlist->any = true;
    if (prlist->params.item_prefix)
        stream_puts(s, prlist->params.item_prefix);
    pprints1(s, "/%s", pkey);
    switch (pvalue->type) {
        case gs_param_type_null:
            stream_puts(s, " null");
        case gs_param_type_bool:
            stream_puts(s, (pvalue->value.b ? " true" : " false"));
        case gs_param_type_int:
            pprintd1(s, " %d", pvalue->value.i);
        case gs_param_type_long:
            pprintld1(s, " %l", pvalue->value.l);
        case gs_param_type_float:
            pprintg1(s, " %g", pvalue->value.f);
        case gs_param_type_string:
            s_write_ps_string(s, pvalue->value.s.data, pvalue->value.s.size,
        case gs_param_type_name:
            /****** SHOULD USE #-ESCAPES FOR PDF ******/
            stream_putc(s, '/');
            stream_write(s, pvalue->value.n.data, pvalue->value.n.size);
        case gs_param_type_int_array:
                uint i;
                char sepr = (pvalue->value.ia.size <= 10 ? ' ' : '\n');

                stream_putc(s, '[');
                for (i = 0; i < pvalue->value.ia.size; ++i) {
                    pprintd1(s, "%d", pvalue->value.ia.data[i]);
                    stream_putc(s, sepr);
                stream_putc(s, ']');
        case gs_param_type_float_array:
                uint i;
                char sepr = (pvalue->value.fa.size <= 10 ? ' ' : '\n');

                stream_putc(s, '[');
                for (i = 0; i < pvalue->value.fa.size; ++i) {
                    pprintg1(s, "%g", pvalue->value.fa.data[i]);
                    stream_putc(s, sepr);
                stream_putc(s, ']');
            /*case gs_param_type_string_array: */
            /*case gs_param_type_name_array: */
    if (prlist->params.item_suffix)
        stream_puts(s, prlist->params.item_suffix);
    return 0;
Example #25
/* Write the definition of a Type 1 font. */
psf_write_type1_font(stream *s, gs_font_type1 *pfont, int options,
		      gs_glyph *orig_subset_glyphs, uint orig_subset_size,
		      const gs_const_string *alt_font_name, int lengths[3])
    stream *es = s;
    long start = stell(s);
    param_printer_params_t ppp;
    printer_param_list_t rlist;
    gs_param_list *const plist = (gs_param_list *)&rlist;
    stream AXE_stream;
    stream_AXE_state AXE_state;
    byte AXE_buf[200];		/* arbitrary */
    stream exE_stream;
    stream_exE_state exE_state;
    byte exE_buf[200];		/* arbitrary */
    psf_outline_glyphs_t glyphs;
    int lenIV = pfont->data.lenIV;
    int (*write_CharString)(stream *, const void *, uint) = stream_write;
    int code = psf_get_type1_glyphs(&glyphs, pfont, orig_subset_glyphs,

    if (code < 0)
	return code;

    /* Initialize the parameter printer. */

    ppp = param_printer_params_default;
    ppp.item_suffix = " def\n";
    ppp.print_ok =
    code = s_init_param_printer(&rlist, &ppp, s);
    if (code < 0)
	return code;

    /* Write the font header. */

    stream_puts(s, "%!FontType1-1.0: ");
    write_font_name(s, pfont, alt_font_name, false);
    stream_puts(s, "\n11 dict begin\n");

    /* Write FontInfo. */

    stream_puts(s, "/FontInfo 5 dict dup begin");
	gs_font_info_t info;
	int code = pfont->procs.font_info((gs_font *)pfont, NULL,

	if (code >= 0) {
	    write_font_info(s, "Copyright", &info.Copyright,
			    info.members & FONT_INFO_COPYRIGHT);
	    write_font_info(s, "Notice", &info.Notice,
			    info.members & FONT_INFO_NOTICE);
	    write_font_info(s, "FamilyName", &info.FamilyName,
			    info.members & FONT_INFO_FAMILY_NAME);
	    write_font_info(s, "FullName", &info.FullName,
			    info.members & FONT_INFO_FULL_NAME);
    stream_puts(s, "\nend readonly def\n");

    /* Write the main font dictionary. */

    stream_puts(s, "/FontName ");
    write_font_name(s, pfont, alt_font_name, true);
    stream_puts(s, " def\n");
    code = write_Encoding(s, pfont, options, glyphs.subset_glyphs,
			  glyphs.subset_size, glyphs.notdef);
    if (code < 0)
	return code;
    pprintg6(s, "/FontMatrix [%g %g %g %g %g %g] readonly def\n",
	     pfont->FontMatrix.xx, pfont->FontMatrix.xy,
	     pfont->FontMatrix.yx, pfont->FontMatrix.yy,
	     pfont->FontMatrix.tx, pfont->FontMatrix.ty);
    write_uid(s, &pfont->UID);
    pprintg4(s, "/FontBBox {%g %g %g %g} readonly def\n",
	     pfont->FontBBox.p.x, pfont->FontBBox.p.y,
	     pfont->FontBBox.q.x, pfont->FontBBox.q.y);
	static const gs_param_item_t font_items[] = {
	    {"FontType", gs_param_type_int,
	     offset_of(gs_font_type1, FontType)},
	    {"PaintType", gs_param_type_int,
	     offset_of(gs_font_type1, PaintType)},
	    {"StrokeWidth", gs_param_type_float,
	     offset_of(gs_font_type1, StrokeWidth)},

	code = gs_param_write_items(plist, pfont, NULL, font_items);
	if (code < 0)
	    return code;
	const gs_type1_data *const pdata = &pfont->data;

	write_float_array(plist, "WeightVector", pdata->WeightVector.values,
    stream_puts(s, "currentdict end\n");

    /* Write the Private dictionary. */

    if (lenIV < 0 && (options & WRITE_TYPE1_WITH_LENIV)) {
	/* We'll have to encrypt the CharStrings. */
	lenIV = 0;
	write_CharString = stream_write_encrypted;
    if (options & WRITE_TYPE1_EEXEC) {
	stream_puts(s, "currentfile eexec\n");
	lengths[0] = stell(s) - start;
	start = stell(s);
	if (options & WRITE_TYPE1_ASCIIHEX) {
	    s_init(&AXE_stream, s->memory);
	    s_init_state((stream_state *)&AXE_state, &s_AXE_template, NULL);
	    AXE_state.EndOfData = false;
	    s_init_filter(&AXE_stream, (stream_state *)&AXE_state,
			  AXE_buf, sizeof(AXE_buf), es);
	    es = &AXE_stream;
	s_init(&exE_stream, s->memory);
	s_init_state((stream_state *)&exE_state, &s_exE_template, NULL);
	exE_state.cstate = 55665;
	s_init_filter(&exE_stream, (stream_state *)&exE_state,
		      exE_buf, sizeof(exE_buf), es);
	es = &exE_stream;
	 * Note: eexec encryption always writes/skips 4 initial bytes, not
	 * the number of initial bytes given by pdata->lenIV.
	stream_puts(es, "****");
    code = write_Private(es, pfont, glyphs.subset_glyphs, glyphs.subset_size,
			 glyphs.notdef, lenIV, write_CharString, &ppp);
    if (code < 0)
	return code;
    stream_puts(es, "dup/FontName get exch definefont pop\n");
    if (options & WRITE_TYPE1_EEXEC) {
	    stream_puts(es, "mark ");
	stream_puts(es, "currentfile closefile\n");
	s_close_filters(&es, s);
	lengths[1] = stell(s) - start;
	start = stell(s);
	if (options & WRITE_TYPE1_EEXEC_PAD) {
	    int i;

	    for (i = 0; i < 8; ++i)
		stream_puts(s, "\n0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000");
	    stream_puts(s, "\ncleartomark\n");
	lengths[2] = stell(s) - start;
    } else {
	lengths[0] = stell(s) - start;
	lengths[1] = lengths[2] = 0;

    /* Wrap up. */

    return 0;
Example #26
/* Write the common part of a FontDescriptor, aside from the final >>. */
static int
write_FontDescriptor_common(gx_device_pdf *pdev,
                            const pdf_font_descriptor_common_t *pfd, bool embed)
    stream *s;
    int code;
    param_printer_params_t params;
    printer_param_list_t rlist;
    gs_param_list *const plist = (gs_param_list *)&rlist;
    char *base14_name = NULL;

    pdf_open_separate(pdev, pdf_font_descriptor_common_id(pfd), resourceFontDescriptor);
    s = pdev->strm;
    stream_puts(s, "<</Type/FontDescriptor/FontName");
    if (!embed) {
        base14_name = (char *)pdf_find_base14_name(pfd->values.FontName.data, pfd->values.FontName.size);
            pdf_put_name(pdev, (byte *)base14_name, strlen(base14_name));
            pdf_put_name(pdev, pfd->values.FontName.data, pfd->values.FontName.size);
    } else
        pdf_put_name(pdev, pfd->values.FontName.data, pfd->values.FontName.size);

    pdf_write_font_bbox(pdev, &pfd->values.FontBBox);
    params = param_printer_params_default;
    code = s_init_param_printer(&rlist, &params, s);
    if (code >= 0) {
#define DESC_INT(str, memb)\
 {str, gs_param_type_int, offset_of(pdf_font_descriptor_common_t, values.memb)}
        static const gs_param_item_t required_items[] = {
            DESC_INT("Ascent", Ascent),
            DESC_INT("CapHeight", CapHeight),
            DESC_INT("Descent", Descent),
            DESC_INT("ItalicAngle", ItalicAngle),
            DESC_INT("StemV", StemV),
        static const gs_param_item_t optional_items[] = {
            DESC_INT("AvgWidth", AvgWidth),
            DESC_INT("Leading", Leading),
            DESC_INT("MaxWidth", MaxWidth),
            DESC_INT("MissingWidth", MissingWidth),
            DESC_INT("StemH", StemH),
            DESC_INT("XHeight", XHeight),
#undef DESC_INT
        int Flags = pfd->values.Flags;
        pdf_font_descriptor_t defaults;

        if (base14_name)

        code = param_write_int(plist, "Flags", &Flags);
        if (code < 0)
            return code;
        code = gs_param_write_items(plist, pfd, NULL, required_items);
        if (code < 0)
            return code;
        memset(&defaults, 0, sizeof(defaults));
        code = gs_param_write_items(plist, pfd, &defaults, optional_items);
        if (code < 0)
            return code;
    return 0;