Example #1
char* path_base_file_name( const char* path )
	unsigned int start, end;
	if( !path )
		return string_allocate( 0 );
	start = string_find_last_of( path, "/\\", STRING_NPOS );
	end = string_find( path, '.', ( start != STRING_NPOS ) ? start : 0 );
	//For "dot" files, i.e files with names like "/path/to/.file", return the dot name ".file"
	if( !end || ( end == ( start + 1 ) ) )
		end = STRING_NPOS;
	if( start != STRING_NPOS )
		return string_substr( path, start + 1, ( end != STRING_NPOS ) ? ( end - start - 1 ) : STRING_NPOS );
	return string_substr( path, 0, end );
Example #2
char* path_file_name( const char* path )
	unsigned int end = string_find_last_of( path, "/\\", STRING_NPOS );
	if( end == STRING_NPOS )
		return string_clone( path );
	return string_substr( path, end + 1, STRING_NPOS );
Example #3
char* path_protocol( const char* uri )
	unsigned int end = string_find_string( uri, "://", 0 );
	if( end == STRING_NPOS )
		return string_allocate( 0 );
	return string_substr( uri, 0, end );
Example #4
char* path_file_extension( const char* path )
	unsigned int start = string_find_last_of( path, "/\\", STRING_NPOS );
	unsigned int end = string_rfind( path, '.', STRING_NPOS );
	if( ( end != STRING_NPOS ) && ( ( start == STRING_NPOS ) || ( end > start ) ) )
		return string_substr( path, end + 1, STRING_NPOS );
	return string_clone( "" );
Example #5
void config_parse_commandline( const char* const* cmdline, unsigned int num )
	//TODO: Implement, format --section:key=value
	unsigned int arg;
	for( arg = 0; arg < num; ++arg )
		if( string_match_pattern( cmdline[arg], "--*:*=*" ) )
			unsigned int first_sep = string_find( cmdline[arg], ':', 0 );
			unsigned int second_sep = string_find( cmdline[arg], '=', 0 );
			if( ( first_sep != STRING_NPOS ) && ( second_sep != STRING_NPOS ) && ( first_sep < second_sep ) )
				unsigned int section_length = first_sep - 2;
				unsigned int end_pos = first_sep + 1;
				unsigned int key_length = second_sep - end_pos;

				const char* section_str = cmdline[arg] + 2;
				const char* key_str = pointer_offset_const( cmdline[arg], end_pos );
				hash_t section = hash( section_str, section_length );
				hash_t key = hash( key_str, key_length );
				char* value = string_substr( cmdline[arg], second_sep + 1, STRING_NPOS );
				char* set_value = value;
				unsigned int value_length = string_length( value );
				if( !value_length )
					config_set_string( section, key, "" );
				else if( string_equal( value, "false" ) )
					config_set_bool( section, key, false );
				else if( string_equal( value, "true" ) )
					config_set_bool( section, key, true );
				else if( ( string_find( value, '.', 0 ) != STRING_NPOS ) && ( string_find_first_not_of( value, "0123456789.", 0 ) == STRING_NPOS ) && ( string_find( value, '.', string_find( value, '.', 0 ) + 1 ) == STRING_NPOS ) ) //Exactly one "."
					config_set_real( section, key, string_to_real( value ) );
				else if( string_find_first_not_of( value, "0123456789", 0 ) == STRING_NPOS )
					config_set_int( section, key, string_to_int64( value ) );
					if( ( value_length > 1 ) && ( value[0] == '"' ) && ( value[ value_length - 1 ] == '"' ) )
						value[ value_length - 1 ] = 0;
						set_value = value + 1;
						config_set_string( section, key, set_value );
						config_set_string( section, key, value );

				log_infof( HASH_CONFIG, "Config value from command line: %.*s:%.*s = %s", section_length, section_str, key_length, key_str, set_value );
				string_deallocate( value );
String String::substr(int start, int length /* = 0x7FFFFFFF */,
                      bool nullable /* = false */) const {
  int len = size();
  char *ret = string_substr(data(), len, start, length, nullable);
  if (ret) {
    return String(ret, len, AttachString);
  return String();
Example #7
static int
glsl_dim_from_token(const string_const_t token) {
	string_const_t dim;
	size_t ofs = string_find(STRING_ARGS(token), '[', 0);
	if (ofs == STRING_NPOS)
		return 1;
	dim = string_substr(STRING_ARGS(token), ofs, string_find(STRING_ARGS(token), ']', ofs) - ofs);
	return string_to_int(STRING_ARGS(dim));
Example #8
static NOINLINE char* _expand_string( hash_t section_current, char* str )
	char* expanded;
	char* variable;
	unsigned int var_pos, var_end_pos, variable_length, separator, var_offset;
	hash_t section, key;

	expanded = str;
	var_pos = string_find_string( expanded, "$(", 0 );

	while( var_pos != STRING_NPOS )
		var_end_pos = string_find( expanded, ')', var_pos + 2 );
		FOUNDATION_ASSERT_MSG( var_end_pos != STRING_NPOS, "Malformed config variable statement" );
		variable = string_substr( expanded, var_pos, ( var_end_pos != STRING_NPOS ) ? ( 1 + var_end_pos - var_pos ) : STRING_NPOS );

		section = section_current;
		key = 0;
		variable_length = string_length( variable );
		separator = string_find( variable, ':', 0 );
		if( separator != STRING_NPOS )
			if( separator != 2 )
				section = hash( variable + 2, separator - 2 );
			var_offset = separator + 1;
			var_offset = 2;
		key = hash( variable + var_offset, variable_length - ( var_offset + ( variable[ variable_length - 1 ] == ')' ? 1 : 0 ) ) );

		if( expanded == str )
			expanded = string_clone( str );

		if( section != HASH_ENVIRONMENT )
			expanded = string_replace( expanded, variable, config_string( section, key ), false );
			expanded = string_replace( expanded, variable, _expand_environment( key, variable + var_offset ), false );
		string_deallocate( variable );

		var_pos = string_find_string( expanded, "$(", 0 );
	if( str != expanded )
		log_debugf( HASH_CONFIG, "Expanded config value \"%s\" to \"%s\"", str, expanded );

	return expanded;
Example #9
char* path_base_file_name_with_path( const char* path )
	unsigned int start, end;
	char* base;
	if( !path )
		return string_allocate( 0 );
	start = string_find_last_of( path, "/\\", STRING_NPOS );
	end = string_rfind( path, '.', STRING_NPOS );
	//For "dot" files, i.e files with names like "/path/to/.file", return the dot name ".file"
	if( !end || ( end == ( start + 1 ) ) || ( ( start != STRING_NPOS ) && ( end < start ) ) )
		end = STRING_NPOS;
	base = string_substr( path, 0, ( end != STRING_NPOS ) ? end : STRING_NPOS );
	base = path_clean( base, path_is_absolute( base ) );
	return base;
Example #10
char* path_directory_name( const char* path )
	char* pathname;
	unsigned int pathprotocol;
	unsigned int pathstart = 0;
	unsigned int end = string_find_last_of( path , "/\\", STRING_NPOS );
	if( end == 0 )
		return string_clone( "/" );
	if( end == STRING_NPOS )
		return string_allocate( 0 );
	pathprotocol = string_find_string( path, "://", 0 );
	if( pathprotocol != STRING_NPOS )
		pathstart = pathprotocol +=2; // add two to treat as absolute path
	pathname = string_substr( path, pathstart, end - pathstart );
	pathname = path_clean( pathname, path_is_absolute( pathname ) );
	return pathname;
Example #11
char* path_subdirectory_name( const char* path, const char* root )
	char* subpath;
	char* testpath;
	char* testroot;
	char* pathofpath;
	unsigned int pathprotocol, rootprotocol;
	char* cpath = string_clone( path );
	char* croot = string_clone( root );

	cpath = path_clean( cpath, path_is_absolute( cpath ) );
	croot = path_clean( croot, path_is_absolute( croot ) );

	pathofpath = path_directory_name( cpath );

	testpath = pathofpath;
	pathprotocol = string_find_string( testpath, "://", 0 );
	if( pathprotocol != STRING_NPOS )
		testpath += pathprotocol + 2; // add two to treat as absolute path

	testroot = croot;
	rootprotocol = string_find_string( testroot, "://", 0 );
	if( rootprotocol != STRING_NPOS )
		testroot += rootprotocol + 2;

	if( ( rootprotocol != STRING_NPOS ) && ( ( pathprotocol == STRING_NPOS ) || ( pathprotocol != rootprotocol ) || !string_equal_substr( cpath, croot, rootprotocol ) ) )
		subpath = string_allocate( 0 );
	else if( !string_equal_substr( testpath, testroot, string_length( testroot ) ) )
		subpath = string_allocate( 0 );
		char* filename = path_file_name( cpath );

		subpath = string_substr( testpath, string_length( testroot ), STRING_NPOS );
		subpath = path_clean( path_append( subpath, filename ), false );

		string_deallocate( filename );
	string_deallocate( pathofpath );
	string_deallocate( cpath );
	string_deallocate( croot );

	return subpath;
Example #12
void config_load( const char* name, hash_t filter_section, bool built_in, bool overwrite )
	/*lint --e{838} Safety null assign all pointers for all preprocessor paths */
	/*lint --e{750} Unused macros in some paths */
	char* sub_exe_path = 0;
	char* exe_parent_path = 0;
	char* exe_processed_path = 0;
	char* abs_exe_parent_path = 0;
	char* abs_exe_processed_path = 0;
	char* bundle_path = 0;
	char* home_dir = 0;
	char* cmdline_path = 0;
	char* cwd_config_path = 0;
	const char* paths[NUM_SEARCH_PATHS];
	const char* const* cmd_line;
	int icl, clsize;
	int start_path, i, j;

	const char buildsuffix[4][9] = { "/debug", "/release", "/profile", "/deploy" };
	const char platformsuffix[7][14] = { "/win32", "/win64", "/osx", "/ios", "/android", "/raspberrypi", "/unknown" };
	const char binsuffix[1][5] = { "/bin" };


	sub_exe_path = path_merge( environment_executable_directory(), "config" );
	exe_parent_path = path_merge( environment_executable_directory(), "../config" );
	abs_exe_parent_path = path_make_absolute( exe_parent_path );

	exe_processed_path = string_clone( environment_executable_directory() );
	for( i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
		if( string_ends_with( exe_processed_path, buildsuffix[i] ) )
			exe_processed_path[ string_length( exe_processed_path ) - string_length( buildsuffix[i] ) ] = 0;
	for( i = 0; i < 7; ++i )
		if( string_ends_with( exe_processed_path, platformsuffix[i] ) )
			exe_processed_path[ string_length( exe_processed_path ) - string_length( platformsuffix[i] ) ] = 0;
	for( i = 0; i < 1; ++i )
		if( string_ends_with( exe_processed_path, binsuffix[i] ) )
			exe_processed_path[ string_length( exe_processed_path ) - string_length( binsuffix[i] ) ] = 0;
	exe_processed_path = path_append( exe_processed_path, "config" );
	abs_exe_processed_path = path_make_absolute( exe_processed_path );
	paths[0] = environment_executable_directory();
	paths[1] = sub_exe_path;
	paths[2] = abs_exe_parent_path;
	paths[3] = abs_exe_processed_path;

	paths[4] = environment_initial_working_directory();
	paths[4] = 0;

	bundle_path = path_merge( environment_executable_directory(), "../Resources/config" );
	paths[5] = bundle_path;
	paths[5] = "/config";
	paths[5] = 0;

	paths[6] = environment_current_working_directory();
	paths[6] = 0;

	paths[7] = 0;
	paths[8] = 0;

	string_deallocate( exe_parent_path );
	string_deallocate( exe_processed_path );

	cwd_config_path = path_merge( environment_current_working_directory(), "config" );
	paths[7] = cwd_config_path;

	cmd_line = environment_command_line();
	/*lint -e{850} We modify loop var to skip extra arg */
	for( icl = 0, clsize = array_size( cmd_line ); icl < clsize; ++icl )
		/*lint -e{613} array_size( cmd_line ) in loop condition does the null pointer guard */
		if( string_equal_substr( cmd_line[icl], "--configdir", 11 ) )
			if( string_equal_substr( cmd_line[icl], "--configdir=", 12 ) )
				paths[8] = cmdline_path = string_substr( cmd_line[icl], 12, STRING_NPOS );
			else if( icl < ( clsize - 1 ) )
				paths[8] = cmdline_path = string_clone( cmd_line[++icl] );
	start_path = 0;
	if( !built_in )
		home_dir = path_merge( environment_home_directory(), environment_application()->config_dir );
		home_dir = path_prepend( string_concat( ".", environment_application()->config_dir ), environment_home_directory() );
		if( home_dir )
			paths[9] = home_dir;
		start_path = 9;
		paths[9] = 0;

	for( i = start_path; i < NUM_SEARCH_PATHS; ++i )
		char* filename;
		stream_t* istream;
		bool path_already_searched = false;

		if( !paths[i] )

		for( j = start_path; j < i; ++j )
			if( paths[j] && string_equal( paths[j], paths[i] ) )
				path_already_searched = true;
		if( path_already_searched )
		//TODO: Support loading configs from virtual file system (i.e in zip/other packages)
		filename = string_append( path_merge( paths[i], name ), ".ini" );
		istream = 0;
			istream = asset_stream_open( filename, STREAM_IN );
		istream = stream_open( filename, STREAM_IN );
		if( istream )
			config_parse( istream, filter_section, overwrite );
			stream_deallocate( istream );
		string_deallocate( filename );

		if( built_in )
			const char* FOUNDATION_PLATFORM_name =
#  error Insert platform name
			filename = string_append( path_append( path_merge( paths[i], FOUNDATION_PLATFORM_name ), name ), ".ini" );
				istream = asset_stream_open( filename, STREAM_IN );
			istream = stream_open( filename, STREAM_IN );
			if( istream )
				config_parse( istream, filter_section, overwrite );
				stream_deallocate( istream );
			string_deallocate( filename );

	string_deallocate( home_dir );
	string_deallocate( cmdline_path );
	string_deallocate( sub_exe_path );
	string_deallocate( abs_exe_processed_path );
	string_deallocate( abs_exe_parent_path );
	string_deallocate( bundle_path );
	string_deallocate( cwd_config_path );
Example #13
int main_run( void* main_arg )
	const char* pattern = 0;
	char** exe_paths = 0;
	unsigned int iexe, exesize;
	process_t* process = 0;
	char* process_path = 0;
	unsigned int* exe_flags = 0;
	int remain_counter = 0;
	const char* build_name = "debug";
	const char* build_name = "release";
	const char* build_name = "profile";
	const char* build_name = "deploy";
	int process_result = 0;
	object_t thread = 0;
	FOUNDATION_UNUSED( build_name );

	log_set_suppress( HASH_TEST, ERRORLEVEL_DEBUG );

	log_infof( HASH_TEST, "Foundation library v%s built for %s using %s (%s)", string_from_version_static( foundation_version() ), FOUNDATION_PLATFORM_DESCRIPTION, FOUNDATION_COMPILER_DESCRIPTION, build_name );

	thread = thread_create( event_thread, "event_thread", THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0 );
	thread_start( thread, 0 );
	while( !thread_is_running( thread ) )
		thread_sleep( 10 );

	while( !_test_should_start )
		thread_sleep( 100 );

	fs_remove_directory( environment_temporary_directory() );


	test_run_fn tests[] = {
		test_stream_run, //stream test closes stdin


	object_t test_thread = thread_create( test_runner, "test_runner", THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0 );
	thread_start( test_thread, tests );

	log_debug( HASH_TEST, "Starting test runner thread" );

	while( !thread_is_running( test_thread ) )
		thread_sleep( 10 );

	while( thread_is_running( test_thread ) )
		thread_sleep( 10 );

	process_result = (int)(intptr_t)thread_result( test_thread );
	thread_destroy( test_thread );

	while( thread_is_thread( test_thread ) )
		thread_sleep( 10 );


	process_result = (int)(intptr_t)test_runner( 0, tests );


	if( process_result != 0 )
		log_warnf( HASH_TEST, WARNING_SUSPICIOUS, "Tests failed with exit code %d", process_result );


	while( !_test_should_terminate && _test_have_focus && ( remain_counter < 50 ) )
		thread_sleep( 100 );


	log_debug( HASH_TEST, "Exiting main loop" );


	//Find all test executables in the current executable directory
	pattern = "^test-.*\\.exe$";
	pattern = "^test-.*$";
	pattern = "^test-.*$";
#  error Not implemented
	exe_paths = fs_matching_files( environment_executable_directory(), pattern, false );
	array_resize( exe_flags, array_size( exe_paths ) );
	memset( exe_flags, 0, sizeof( unsigned int ) * array_size( exe_flags ) );
	//Also search for test applications
	const char* app_pattern = "^test-.*\\.app$";
	regex_t* app_regex = regex_compile( app_pattern );
	char** subdirs = fs_subdirs( environment_executable_directory() );
	for( int idir = 0, dirsize = array_size( subdirs ); idir < dirsize; ++idir )
		if( regex_match( app_regex, subdirs[idir], string_length( subdirs[idir] ), 0, 0 ) )
			array_push( exe_paths, string_substr( subdirs[idir], 0, string_length( subdirs[idir] ) - 4 ) );
			array_push( exe_flags, PROCESS_MACOSX_USE_OPENAPPLICATION );
	string_array_deallocate( subdirs );
	regex_deallocate( app_regex );
	for( iexe = 0, exesize = array_size( exe_paths ); iexe < exesize; ++iexe )
		bool is_self = false;
		char* exe_file_name = path_base_file_name( exe_paths[iexe] );
		if( string_equal( exe_file_name, environment_executable_name() ) )
			is_self = true;
		string_deallocate( exe_file_name );
		if( is_self )
			continue; //Don't run self

		process_path = path_merge( environment_executable_directory(), exe_paths[iexe] );

		process = process_allocate();

		process_set_executable_path( process, process_path );
		process_set_working_directory( process, environment_executable_directory() );
		process_set_flags( process, PROCESS_ATTACHED | exe_flags[iexe] );

		log_infof( HASH_TEST, "Running test executable: %s", exe_paths[iexe] );

		process_result = process_spawn( process );
		while( process_result == PROCESS_WAIT_INTERRUPTED )
			thread_sleep( 10 );
			process_result = process_wait( process );
		process_deallocate( process );

		string_deallocate( process_path );

		if( process_result != 0 )
			if( process_result >= PROCESS_INVALID_ARGS )
				log_warnf( HASH_TEST, WARNING_SUSPICIOUS, "Tests failed, process terminated with error %x", process_result );
				log_warnf( HASH_TEST, WARNING_SUSPICIOUS, "Tests failed with exit code %d", process_result );
			process_set_exit_code( -1 );
			goto exit;

		log_infof( HASH_TEST, "All tests from %s passed (%d)", exe_paths[iexe], process_result );

	log_info( HASH_TEST, "All tests passed" );


	if( exe_paths )
		string_array_deallocate( exe_paths );
	array_deallocate( exe_flags );


	thread_terminate( thread );
	thread_destroy( thread );
	while( thread_is_running( thread ) )
		thread_sleep( 10 );
	while( thread_is_thread( thread ) )
		thread_sleep( 10 );

	log_infof( HASH_TEST, "Tests exiting: %d", process_result );

	return process_result;
Example #14
int process_spawn( process_t* proc )
	static char unescaped[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_.:/\\";
	int i, num_args;
	int size;
	wchar_t* wcmdline;
	wchar_t* wwd;
	char* cmdline = 0;

	if( !proc )

	if( !string_length( proc->path ) )
		return proc->code;

	//Always escape path on Windows platforms
	if( string_find_first_not_of( proc->path, unescaped, 0 ) != STRING_NPOS )
		if( proc->path[0] != '"' )
			proc->path = string_prepend( proc->path, "\"" );
		if( proc->path[ string_length( proc->path ) - 1 ] != '"' )
			proc->path = string_append( proc->path, "\"" );

	size = array_size( proc->args );
	for( i = 0, num_args = 0; i < size; ++i )
		char* arg = proc->args[i];
		if( !string_length( arg ) )
		if( string_find_first_not_of( arg, unescaped, 0 ) != STRING_NPOS )
			if( arg[0] != '"' )
				//Check if we need to escape " characters
				unsigned int pos = string_find( arg, '"', 0 );
				while( pos != STRING_NPOS )
					if( arg[ pos - 1 ] != '\\' )
						char* escarg = string_substr( arg, 0, pos );
						char* left = string_substr( arg, pos, STRING_NPOS );
						escarg = string_append( escarg, "\\" );
						escarg = string_append( escarg, left );
						string_deallocate( left );
						string_deallocate( arg );
						arg = escarg;
					pos = string_find( arg, '"', pos + 2 );
				arg = string_prepend( arg, "\"" );
				arg = string_append( arg, "\"" );

				proc->args[i] = arg;


#    define SEE_MASK_NOASYNC           0x00000100
#  endif

	if( !( proc->flags & PROCESS_WINDOWS_USE_SHELLEXECUTE ) ) //Don't prepend exe path to parameters if using ShellExecute
		cmdline = string_clone( proc->path );
	//Build command line string
	for( i = 0; i < size; ++i )
		char* arg = proc->args[i];
		if( !string_length( arg ) )

		if( cmdline )
			cmdline = string_append( cmdline, " " );
		cmdline = string_append( cmdline, arg );
	if( !string_length( proc->wd ) )
		proc->wd = string_clone( environment_current_working_directory() );

	wcmdline = wstring_allocate_from_string( cmdline, 0 );
	wwd = wstring_allocate_from_string( proc->wd, 0 );
		wchar_t* wverb;
		wchar_t* wpath;

		wverb = ( proc->verb && string_length( proc->verb ) ) ? wstring_allocate_from_string( proc->verb, 0 ) : 0;
		wpath = wstring_allocate_from_string( proc->path, 0 );

		ZeroMemory( &sei, sizeof( sei ) );

		sei.cbSize          = sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFOW);
		sei.hwnd            = 0;
		sei.lpVerb          = wverb;
		sei.lpFile          = wpath;
		sei.lpParameters    = wcmdline;
		sei.lpDirectory     = wwd;
		sei.nShow           = SW_SHOWNORMAL;

		if( !( proc->flags & PROCESS_CONSOLE ) )
			sei.fMask      |= SEE_MASK_NO_CONSOLE;

		if( proc->flags & PROCESS_STDSTREAMS )
			log_warnf( 0, WARNING_UNSUPPORTED, "Unable to redirect standard in/out through pipes when using ShellExecute for process spawning" );

		log_debugf( 0, "Spawn process (ShellExecute): %s %s", proc->path, cmdline );

		if( !ShellExecuteExW( &sei ) )
			log_warnf( 0, WARNING_SYSTEM_CALL_FAIL, "Unable to spawn process (ShellExecute) for executable '%s': %s", proc->path, system_error_message( GetLastError() ) );
			proc->hp   = sei.hProcess;
			proc->ht   = 0;
			proc->code = 0;

		wstring_deallocate( wverb );
		wstring_deallocate( wpath );
		BOOL inherit_handles = FALSE;

		memset( &si, 0, sizeof( si ) );
		memset( &pi, 0, sizeof( pi ) );
		si.cb = sizeof( si );

		if( proc->flags & PROCESS_STDSTREAMS )
			proc->pipeout = pipe_allocate();
			proc->pipein = pipe_allocate();

			si.hStdOutput = pipe_write_handle( proc->pipeout );
			si.hStdError = pipe_write_handle( proc->pipeout );
			si.hStdInput = pipe_read_handle( proc->pipein );

			//Don't inherit wrong ends of pipes
			SetHandleInformation( pipe_read_handle( proc->pipeout ), HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0 );
			SetHandleInformation( pipe_write_handle( proc->pipein ), HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0 );

			inherit_handles = TRUE;

		log_debugf( 0, "Spawn process (CreateProcess): %s %s", proc->path, cmdline );

		if( !CreateProcessW( 0/*wpath*/, wcmdline, 0, 0, inherit_handles, ( proc->flags & PROCESS_CONSOLE ) ? CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE : 0, 0, wwd, &si, &pi ) )
			log_warnf( 0, WARNING_SYSTEM_CALL_FAIL, "Unable to spawn process (CreateProcess) for executable '%s': %s", proc->path, system_error_message( GetLastError() ) );

			stream_deallocate( proc->pipeout );
			stream_deallocate( proc->pipein );

			proc->pipeout = 0;
			proc->pipein = 0;
			proc->hp = pi.hProcess;
			proc->ht = pi.hThread;
			proc->code = 0;

		if( proc->pipeout )
			pipe_close_write( proc->pipeout );
		if( proc->pipein )
			pipe_close_read( proc->pipein );

	wstring_deallocate( wcmdline );
	wstring_deallocate( wwd );
	string_deallocate( cmdline );
	if( proc->code < 0 )
		return proc->code; //Error


		proc->pid = 0;
		LSApplicationParameters params;
		ProcessSerialNumber psn;
		FSRef* fsref = memory_allocate( 0, sizeof( FSRef ), 0, MEMORY_TEMPORARY | MEMORY_ZERO_INITIALIZED );
		memset( &params, 0, sizeof( LSApplicationParameters ) );
		memset( &psn, 0, sizeof( ProcessSerialNumber ) );
		char* pathstripped = string_strip( string_clone( proc->path ), "\"" );
		OSStatus status = 0;
		status = FSPathMakeRef( (uint8_t*)pathstripped, fsref, 0 );
		if( status < 0 )
			pathstripped = string_append( pathstripped, ".app" );
			status = FSPathMakeRef( (uint8_t*)pathstripped, fsref, 0 );
		CFStringRef* args = 0;
		for( i = 0, size = array_size( proc->args ); i < size; ++i ) //App gets executable path automatically, don't include
			array_push( args, CFStringCreateWithCString( 0, proc->args[i], kCFStringEncodingUTF8 ) );
		CFArrayRef argvref = CFArrayCreate( 0, (const void**)args, (CFIndex)array_size( args ), 0 );
		params.flags = kLSLaunchDefaults;
		params.application = fsref;
		params.argv = argvref;

		log_debugf( 0, "Spawn process (LSOpenApplication): %s", pathstripped );
		status = LSOpenApplication( &params, &psn );
		if( status != 0 )
			proc->code = status;
			log_warnf( 0, WARNING_BAD_DATA, "Unable to spawn process for executable '%s': %s", proc->path, system_error_message( status ) );
		CFRelease( argvref );
		for( i = 0, size = array_size( args ); i < size; ++i )
			CFRelease( args[i] );
		memory_deallocate( fsref );
		string_deallocate( pathstripped );
		if( status == 0 )
			pid_t pid = 0;
			GetProcessPID( &psn, &pid );
			proc->pid = pid;

			//Always "detached" with LSOpenApplication, not a child process at all
			//Setup a kqueue to watch when process terminates so we can emulate a wait
			proc->kq = kqueue();
			if( proc->kq < 0 )
				log_warnf( 0, WARNING_SYSTEM_CALL_FAIL, "Unable to create kqueue for process watch: %s (%d)", proc->kq, system_error_message( proc->kq ) );
				proc->kq = 0;
				struct kevent changes;
				EV_SET( &changes, (pid_t)pid, EVFILT_PROC, EV_ADD | EV_RECEIPT, NOTE_EXIT, 0, 0 );
				int ret = kevent( proc->kq, &changes, 1, &changes, 1, 0 );
				if( ret != 1 )
					log_warnf( 0, WARNING_SYSTEM_CALL_FAIL, "Unable to setup kqueue for process watch, failed to add event to kqueue (%d)", ret );
					close( proc->kq );
					proc->kq = 0;
		goto exit;


	//Insert executable arg at start and null ptr at end
	int argc = array_size( proc->args ) + 1;
	array_grow( proc->args, 2 );
	for( int arg = argc - 1; arg > 0; --arg )
		proc->args[arg] = proc->args[arg-1];
	proc->args[0] = string_clone( proc->path );
	proc->args[argc] = 0;

	if( proc->flags & PROCESS_STDSTREAMS )
		proc->pipeout = pipe_allocate();
		proc->pipein = pipe_allocate();
	proc->pid = 0;	
	pid_t pid = fork();

	if( pid == 0 )
		if( string_length( proc->wd ) )
			log_debugf( 0, "Spawned child process, setting working directory to %s", proc->wd );
			environment_set_current_working_directory( proc->wd );

		log_debugf( 0, "Child process executing: %s", proc->path );

		if( proc->flags & PROCESS_STDSTREAMS )
			pipe_close_read( proc->pipeout );
			dup2( pipe_write_fd( proc->pipeout ), STDOUT_FILENO );

			pipe_close_write( proc->pipein );
			dup2( pipe_read_fd( proc->pipein ), STDIN_FILENO );

		int code = execv( proc->path, proc->args );
		if( code < 0 ) //Will always be true since this point will never be reached if execve() is successful
			log_warnf( 0, WARNING_BAD_DATA, "Child process failed execve() : %s : %s", proc->path, system_error_message( errno ) );
		process_exit( -1 );

	if( pid > 0 )
		log_debugf( 0, "Child process forked, pid %d", pid );

		proc->pid = pid;

		if( proc->pipeout )
			pipe_close_write( proc->pipeout );
		if( proc->pipein )
			pipe_close_read( proc->pipein );
		if( proc->flags & PROCESS_DETACHED )
			int cstatus = 0;
			pid_t err = waitpid( pid, &cstatus, WNOHANG );
			if( err == 0 )
				//TODO: Ugly wait to make sure process spawned correctly
				thread_sleep( 500 );
				err = waitpid( pid, &cstatus, WNOHANG );
			if( err > 0 )
				//Process exited, check code
				proc->code = (int)((char)WEXITSTATUS( cstatus ));
				log_debugf( 0, "Child process returned: %d", proc->code );
				return proc->code;
		proc->code = errno;
		log_warnf( 0, WARNING_BAD_DATA, "Unable to spawn process: %s : %s", proc->path, system_error_message( proc->code ) );

		if( proc->pipeout )
			stream_deallocate( proc->pipeout );
		if( proc->pipein )
			stream_deallocate( proc->pipein );

		proc->pipeout = 0;
		proc->pipein = 0;
		return proc->code;


	FOUNDATION_ASSERT_FAIL( "Process spawning not supported on platform" );

	if( proc->flags & PROCESS_DETACHED )

	return process_wait( proc );
Example #15
DECLARE_TEST( string, utility )
		char* path1 = string_clone( "" );
		char* path2 = string_clone( "/" );
		char* path3 = string_clone( "/." );
		char* path4 = string_clone( "./" );
		char* path5 = string_clone( "./." );
		char* path6 = string_clone( "././" );
		char* path7 = string_clone( "././//" );
		char* path8 = string_clone( "././//./////././////.//////.//." );
		char* path9 = string_clone( "http://././//./////././////.//////.//." );
		char* path10 = string_clone( "" );
		char* path11 = string_clone( "\\" );
		char* path12 = string_clone( "/\\." );
		char* path13 = string_clone( ".\\/" );
		char* path14 = string_clone( "./\\." );
		char* path15 = string_clone( ".\\.//\\" );
		char* path16 = string_clone( ".\\.\\\\\\" );
		char* path17 = string_clone( ".\\.\\\\\\.\\\\////\\///\\\\.\\.\\\\\\\\\\.\\\\\\\\\\\\.\\\\." );
		char* path18 = string_clone( "http://\\.\\.\\\\\\.\\\\\\\\//\\.\\.\\\\\\\\//\\.\\\\\\\\\\\\.\\\\." );
		char* path19 = string_clone( "testing/path/ext" );
		char* path20 = string_clone( "testing/path/extend" );
		char* path21 = string_clone( "testing/path/extend/dyn" );
		char* path22 = string_clone( "testing/./\\\\/\\/./path/././//./extend/\\\\" );

		path1 = path_clean( path1, true );
		path2 = path_clean( path2, true );
		path3 = path_clean( path3, true );
		path4 = path_clean( path4, true );
		path5 = path_clean( path5, true );
		path6 = path_clean( path6, true );
		path7 = path_clean( path7, true );
		path8 = path_clean( path8, true );
		path9 = path_clean( path9, true );
		path10 = path_clean( path10, true );
		path11 = path_clean( path11, true );
		path12 = path_clean( path12, true );
		path13 = path_clean( path13, true );
		path14 = path_clean( path14, true );
		path15 = path_clean( path15, true );
		path16 = path_clean( path16, true );
		path17 = path_clean( path17, true );
		path18 = path_clean( path18, true );
		path19 = path_clean( path19, true );
		path20 = path_clean( path20, true );
		path21 = path_clean( path21, true );
		path22 = path_clean( path22, true );

		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( path1, "/" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( path2, "/" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( path3, "/" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( path4, "/" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( path5, "/" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( path6, "/" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( path7, "/" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( path8, "/" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( path9, "http://" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( path10, "/" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( path11, "/" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( path12, "/" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( path13, "/" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( path14, "/" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( path15, "/" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( path16, "/" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( path17, "/" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( path18, "http://" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( path19, "/testing/path/ext" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( path20, "/testing/path/extend" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( path21, "/testing/path/extend/dyn" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( path22, "/testing/path/extend" ) );

		string_deallocate( path1 );
		string_deallocate( path2 );
		string_deallocate( path3 );
		string_deallocate( path4 );
		string_deallocate( path5 );
		string_deallocate( path6 );
		string_deallocate( path7 );
		string_deallocate( path8 );
		string_deallocate( path9 );
		string_deallocate( path10 );
		string_deallocate( path11 );
		string_deallocate( path12 );
		string_deallocate( path13 );
		string_deallocate( path14 );
		string_deallocate( path15 );
		string_deallocate( path16 );
		string_deallocate( path17 );
		string_deallocate( path18 );
		string_deallocate( path19 );
		string_deallocate( path20 );
		string_deallocate( path21 );
		string_deallocate( path22 );
		char** explodearr = 0;
		char* explodestr = string_clone( "  .,testing,    .,utility.,string  methods ..., like,,,finds  split..merge     .,.explode.and. .., ., similar   .,,,. " );
		char* mergestr = string_clone( "    testing   merge string   " );
		char* mergestr2 = string_clone( " ., testing, .merge.string,. " );
		char* merged = 0;
		char** mergearr, **mergearr2, **mergearr3;

		char* splitstr = string_clone( " testing split" );
		char* splitright = 0, *splitleft = 0;
		char* splitright2 = 0, *splitleft2 = 0;

		char* substrtest = string_clone( "testing substr" );
		char* substr = 0;
		explodearr = string_explode( explodestr, " ,.", false );
		mergearr = string_explode( mergestr, " .,", true );
		mergearr2 = string_explode( mergestr, " .,", false );
		mergearr3 = string_explode( mergestr, " .,", true );
		merged = string_merge( (const char* const*)mergearr, array_size( mergearr ), " " );

		string_split( splitstr, " ", &splitleft, &splitright, false );
		string_split( splitstr, " ", &splitleft2, &splitright2, true );
		EXPECT_EQ( array_size( explodearr ), 11 );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( explodearr[0], "testing" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( explodearr[1], "utility" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( explodearr[2], "string" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( explodearr[3], "methods" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( explodearr[4], "like" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( explodearr[5], "finds" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( explodearr[6], "split" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( explodearr[7], "merge" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( explodearr[8], "explode" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( explodearr[9], "and" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( explodearr[10], "similar" ) );

		EXPECT_EQ( array_size( mergearr ), 12 );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr[0], "" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr[1], "" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr[2], "" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr[3], "" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr[4], "testing" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr[5], "" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr[6], "" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr[7], "merge" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr[8], "string" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr[9], "" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr[10], "" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr[11], "" ) );

		EXPECT_EQ( array_size( mergearr2 ), 3 );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr2[0], "testing" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr2[1], "merge" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr2[2], "string" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( merged, mergestr ) );

		EXPECT_EQ( array_size( mergearr3 ), 12 );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr3[0], "" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr3[1], "" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr3[2], "" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr3[3], "" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr3[4], "testing" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr3[5], "" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr3[6], "" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr3[7], "merge" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr3[8], "string" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr3[9], "" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr3[10], "" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( mergearr3[11], "" ) );

		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( substr = string_substr( substrtest, 0, 4 ), "test" ) ); string_deallocate( substr );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( substr = string_substr( substrtest, 0, 14 ), "testing substr" ) ); string_deallocate( substr );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( substr = string_substr( substrtest, 0, 20 ), "testing substr" ) ); string_deallocate( substr );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( substr = string_substr( substrtest, 3, 20 ), "ting substr" ) ); string_deallocate( substr );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( substr = string_substr( substrtest, 3, 11 ), "ting substr" ) ); string_deallocate( substr );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( substr = string_substr( substrtest, 3, 1 ), "t" ) ); string_deallocate( substr );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( substr = string_substr( substrtest, 3, 0 ), "" ) ); string_deallocate( substr );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( substr = string_substr( substrtest, 20, 0 ), "" ) ); string_deallocate( substr );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( substr = string_substr( substrtest, 20, 20 ), "" ) ); string_deallocate( substr );

		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( splitleft, "testing" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( splitright, "split" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( splitleft2, "" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( splitright2, "testing split" ) );
			char* replacestr = string_clone( "testing replace" );
			char* replacestr2 = string_clone( "testing replace" );
			char* replacestr3 = string_clone( "testing replacelace" );
			char* replacestr4 = string_clone( "" );
			char* replacestr5 = string_clone( "repppppppppp" );

			replacestr = string_replace( replacestr, "rep", "testrep", false );
			replacestr2 = string_replace( replacestr2, "rep", "testrep", true );
			replacestr3 = string_replace( replacestr3, "replace", "testrep", true );
			replacestr4 = string_replace( replacestr4, "foo", "bar", true );
			replacestr5 = string_replace( replacestr5, "rep", "re", true );
			EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( replacestr, "testing testreplace" ) );
			EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( replacestr2, "testing testreplace" ) );
			EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( replacestr3, "testing testtestrep" ) );
			EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( replacestr4, "" ) );
			EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( replacestr5, "re" ) );

			string_deallocate( replacestr );
			string_deallocate( replacestr2 );
			string_deallocate( replacestr3 );
			string_deallocate( replacestr4 );
			string_deallocate( replacestr5 );
			char* stripstr = string_clone( "   testing strip :   " );
			char* stripstr2 = string_clone( "   testing strip :   " );
			char* stripstr3 = string_clone( "   testing strip :   " );

			stripstr = string_strip( stripstr, " tp:   " );
			stripstr2 = string_strip( stripstr2, "" );
			stripstr3 = string_strip( stripstr3, " tesingrp:" );
			EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( stripstr, "esting stri" ) );
			EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( stripstr2, "   testing strip :   " ) );
			EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( stripstr3, "" ) );

			string_deallocate( stripstr );
			string_deallocate( stripstr2 );
			string_deallocate( stripstr3 );
		string_array_deallocate( explodearr );
		string_deallocate( explodestr );
		string_deallocate( mergestr );
		string_deallocate( mergestr2 );
		string_deallocate( merged );
		string_array_deallocate( mergearr );
		string_array_deallocate( mergearr2 );
		string_array_deallocate( mergearr3 );

		string_deallocate( splitstr );
		string_deallocate( splitright );
		string_deallocate( splitleft );
		string_deallocate( splitright2 );
		string_deallocate( splitleft2 );

		string_deallocate( substrtest );
		#define SHORTSTRING "short"
		#define LONGSTRING  "long string with dynamic buffer storage but with no real useful data"
		char* clonestr = string_clone( "" );
		char* clonestr2 = string_clone( SHORTSTRING );
		char* clonestr3 = string_clone( LONGSTRING );

		char* teststr = string_clone( clonestr );
		char* teststr2 = string_clone( clonestr2 );
		char* teststr3 = string_clone( clonestr3 );

		char* concatstr = string_concat( clonestr, teststr );
		char* concatstr2 = string_concat( clonestr, teststr2 );
		char* concatstr3 = string_concat( teststr2, clonestr );
		char* concatstr4 = string_concat( clonestr2, teststr2 );
		char* concatstr5 = string_concat( clonestr, teststr3 );
		char* concatstr6 = string_concat( teststr3, clonestr );
		char* concatstr7 = string_concat( clonestr2, teststr3 );
		char* concatstr8 = string_concat( teststr3, clonestr2 );
		char* concatstr9 = string_concat( clonestr3, teststr3 );
		char* concatstr10 = string_concat( teststr3, clonestr3 );
		EXPECT_NE( teststr, clonestr );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( teststr, clonestr ) );
		EXPECT_NE( teststr2, clonestr2 );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( teststr2, clonestr2 ) );

		EXPECT_NE( teststr3, clonestr3 );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( teststr3, clonestr3 ) );

		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( concatstr, "" ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( concatstr2, SHORTSTRING ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( concatstr3, SHORTSTRING ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( concatstr4, SHORTSTRING SHORTSTRING ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( concatstr5, LONGSTRING ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( concatstr6, LONGSTRING ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( concatstr7, SHORTSTRING LONGSTRING ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( concatstr8, LONGSTRING SHORTSTRING ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( concatstr9, LONGSTRING LONGSTRING ) );
		EXPECT_TRUE( string_equal( concatstr10, LONGSTRING LONGSTRING ) );
		string_deallocate( teststr );
		string_deallocate( clonestr );
		string_deallocate( teststr2 );
		string_deallocate( clonestr2 );
		string_deallocate( teststr3 );
		string_deallocate( clonestr3 );
		string_deallocate( concatstr );
		string_deallocate( concatstr2 );
		string_deallocate( concatstr3 );
		string_deallocate( concatstr4 );
		string_deallocate( concatstr5 );
		string_deallocate( concatstr6 );
		string_deallocate( concatstr7 );
		string_deallocate( concatstr8 );
		string_deallocate( concatstr9 );
		string_deallocate( concatstr10 );
	return 0;
Example #16
DECLARE_TEST( string, initialize )
		char* nullstr1 = string_allocate( 0 );
		char* nullstr2 = string_allocate( 1 );
		char* nullstr3 = string_allocate( 10 );

		EXPECT_EQ( 0U, string_length( nullstr1 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0U, string_length( nullstr2 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0U, string_length( nullstr3 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, strcmp( nullstr1, "" ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, strcmp( nullstr2, "" ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, strcmp( nullstr3, "" ) );	

		string_deallocate( nullstr1 );
		string_deallocate( nullstr2 );
		string_deallocate( nullstr3 );
		char teststr1[] = "test";
		char teststr2[] = "testing long string with more than 16 characters";
		char teststr3[] = "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x90\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x90\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x90\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x90\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x90\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x09";

		char* str1 = string_clone( teststr1 );
		char* str2 = string_substr( teststr1, 0, 3 );
		char* str3 = string_substr( teststr1, 0, 4 );
		char* str4 = string_substr( teststr1, 0, 32 );
		char* str5 = string_substr( teststr1, 0, STRING_NPOS );

		char* str6 = string_clone( teststr2 );
		char* str7 = string_substr( teststr2, 0, 3 );
		char* str8 = string_substr( teststr2, 0, 20 );
		char* str9 = string_substr( teststr2, 0, STRING_NPOS );

		char* str10 = string_clone( teststr3 );
		char* str11 = string_substr( teststr3, 0, 3 );
		char* str12 = string_substr( teststr3, 0, 20 );
		char* str13 = string_substr( teststr3, 0, STRING_NPOS );

		EXPECT_EQ( 0, strcmp( str1, teststr1 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, strcmp( str2, "tes" ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, strcmp( str3, teststr1 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, strcmp( str4, teststr1 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, strcmp( str5, teststr1 ) );

		EXPECT_EQ( 0, strcmp( str6, teststr2 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, strcmp( str7, "tes" ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, strcmp( str8, "testing long string " ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, strcmp( str9, teststr2 ) );

		EXPECT_EQ( 0, strcmp( str10, teststr3 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, strcmp( str11, "\x01\x02\x03" ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, strcmp( str12, "\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x90\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06\x07\x08\x90\x01\x02" ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, strcmp( str13, teststr3 ) );

		string_deallocate( str1 );
		string_deallocate( str2 );
		string_deallocate( str3 );
		string_deallocate( str4 );
		string_deallocate( str5 );
		string_deallocate( str6 );
		string_deallocate( str7 );
		string_deallocate( str8 );
		string_deallocate( str9 );
		string_deallocate( str10 );
		string_deallocate( str11 );
		string_deallocate( str12 );
		string_deallocate( str13 );
		wchar_t teststr1[] = L"test";
		wchar_t teststr2[] = L"testing long string with more than 16 characters";
		wchar_t teststr3[] = L"0\x0001\x0002\x0003\x0004\x0005\x0006\x0007\x0008\x0009\x0030\x0001\x0002\x0003\x0004\x0005\x0006\x0007\x0008\x0009\x0030\x0001\x0002\x0003\x0004\x0005\x0006\x0007\x0008\x0009\x0030\x0001\x0002\x0003\x0004\x0005\x0006\x0007\x0008\x0009\x0030\x0001\x0002\x0003\x0004\x0005\x0006\x0007\x0008\x0009\x0030\x0001\x0002\x0003\x0004\x0005\x0006\x0007\x0008\x0009";
		wchar_t teststr4[] = L"Wide-char string with some strange characters: åäöÅÄÖ_________ (test utf-8 conversions with long strings)";
		//char utfteststr4[] = "Wide-char string with some strange characters: \xC3\xA5\xC3\xA4\xC3\xB6\xC3\x85\xC3\x84\xC3\x96\xEF\xB7\xB2\xDA\x81\xED\x80\x83\xEC\x99\xA7\xEB\x96\xAF\xE7\xBF\xB3\xE5\xA1\x8C\xE1\xA7\xBC\xE1\xA7\xAD (test utf-8 conversions with long strings)";

		char *str1, *str2, *str3, *str4, *str5, *str6, *str7, *str8, *str9, *str10, *str11, *str12, *str13, *str14, *str15, *str16, *str17;
		wchar_t *wstr1, *wstr2, *wstr3, *wstr4, *wstr5, *wstr6, *wstr7, *wstr8, *wstr9, *wstr10, *wstr11, *wstr12, *wstr13, *wstr14, *wstr15, *wstr16, *wstr17;

		teststr4[53] = (wchar_t)0x602f;//L'ﷲ';
		teststr4[54] = (wchar_t)0xf045;//L'ځ';
		teststr4[55] = (wchar_t)0x1d30;//L'퀃';
		teststr4[56] = (wchar_t)0x0378;//L'왧';
		teststr4[57] = (wchar_t)0x0ffe;//L'떯';
		teststr4[58] = (wchar_t)0xffe0;//L'翳';
		teststr4[59] = (wchar_t)0x1234;//L'塌';
		teststr4[60] = (wchar_t)0x4321;//L'᧼';
		teststr4[61] = (wchar_t)0x0f0f;//L'᧭';

		str1 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr1, 0 );
		str2 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr1, 3 );
		str3 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr1, 4 );
		str4 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr1, 32 );
		str5 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr1, STRING_NPOS );

		str6 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr2, 0 );
		str7 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr2, 3 );
		str8 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr2, 20 );
		str9 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr2, STRING_NPOS );

		str10 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr3, 0 );
		str11 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr3, 3 );
		str12 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr3, 20 );
		str13 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr3, STRING_NPOS );

		str14 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr4, 0 );
		str15 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr4, 3 );
		str16 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr4, 63 );
		str17 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr4, STRING_NPOS );

		wstr1 = wstring_allocate_from_string( str1, 0 );
		wstr2 = wstring_allocate_from_string( str2, 0 );
		wstr3 = wstring_allocate_from_string( str3, 0 );
		wstr4 = wstring_allocate_from_string( str4, 0 );
		wstr5 = wstring_allocate_from_string( str5, 0 );

		wstr6 = wstring_allocate_from_string( str6, 0 );
		wstr7 = wstring_allocate_from_string( str7, 0 );
		wstr8 = wstring_allocate_from_string( str8, 0 );
		wstr9 = wstring_allocate_from_string( str9, 0 );

		wstr10 = wstring_allocate_from_string( str10, 0 );
		wstr11 = wstring_allocate_from_string( str11, 0 );
		wstr12 = wstring_allocate_from_string( str12, 0 );
		wstr13 = wstring_allocate_from_string( str13, 0 );

		wstr14 = wstring_allocate_from_string( str14, 0 );
		wstr15 = wstring_allocate_from_string( str15, 0 );
		wstr16 = wstring_allocate_from_string( str16, 0 );
		wstr17 = wstring_allocate_from_string( str17, 0 );

		EXPECT_EQ( 0, wcscmp( wstr1, teststr1 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, wcscmp( wstr2, L"tes" ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, wcscmp( wstr3, teststr1 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, wcscmp( wstr4, teststr1 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, wcscmp( wstr5, teststr1 ) );

		EXPECT_EQ( 0, wcscmp( wstr6, teststr2 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, wcscmp( wstr7, L"tes" ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, wcscmp( wstr8, L"testing long string " ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, wcscmp( wstr9, teststr2 ) );

		EXPECT_EQ( 0, wcscmp( wstr10, teststr3 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, wcscmp( wstr11, L"0\x0001\x0002" ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, wcscmp( wstr12, L"0\x0001\x0002\x0003\x0004\x0005\x0006\x0007\x0008\x0009\x0030\x0001\x0002\x0003\x0004\x0005\x0006\x0007\x0008\x0009" ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, wcscmp( wstr13, teststr3 ) );

		EXPECT_EQ( 0, wcscmp( wstr14, teststr4 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, wcscmp( wstr15, L"Wid" ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, wcscmp( wstr17, teststr4 ) );
		teststr4[63] = 0;
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, wcscmp( wstr16, teststr4 ) );

			wchar_t wteststr[] = { 0x0100, 0x078f, 0x1234, 0xFF03, 0xD854, 0xDC53, 0x0032, 0 };
			char* utf8_teststr = string_allocate_from_wstring( wteststr, 0 );
			wchar_t* wchar_teststr = wstring_allocate_from_string( utf8_teststr, 0 );
			EXPECT_EQ( 0, wcscmp( wteststr, wchar_teststr ) );
			wstring_deallocate( wchar_teststr );
			string_deallocate( utf8_teststr );

			uint16_t wteststr[] = { 0xFEFF, 0x0100, 0x078f, 0x1234, 0xFF03, 0xDB02, 0xDC54, 0x0032, 0xFFFE, 0x1234, 0xFF03, 0 };
			wchar_t wtestcmpstr[] = { 0x0100, 0x078f, 0x1234, 0xFF03, 0x000D0854, 0x0032, 0x3412, 0x03FF, 0 };
			wchar_t wtestcmpstr[] = { 0x0100, 0x078f, 0x1234, 0xFF03, 0xDB02, 0xDC54, 0x0032, 0x3412, 0x03FF, 0 };
			char* utf8_teststr = string_allocate_from_utf16( wteststr, 0 );
			wchar_t* wchar_teststr = wstring_allocate_from_string( utf8_teststr, 0 );
			EXPECT_EQ( 0, wcscmp( wtestcmpstr, wchar_teststr ) );
			wstring_deallocate( wchar_teststr );
			string_deallocate( utf8_teststr );

			uint32_t wteststr[] = { 0x0000FEFF, 0x00000100, 0x0000078f, 0x00001234, 0x0000FF03, 0x000D0854, 0x000D0C53, 0x00000032, 0xFFFE0000, 0x12340000, 0xFF030000, 0 };
			wchar_t wtestcmpstr[] = { 0x0100, 0x078f, 0x1234, 0xFF03, 0x000D0854, 0x000D0C53, 0x0032, 0x3412, 0x03FF, 0 };
			wchar_t wtestcmpstr[] = { 0x0100, 0x078f, 0x1234, 0xFF03, 0xDB02, 0xDC54, 0xDB03, 0xDC53, 0x0032, 0x3412, 0x03FF, 0 };
			char* utf8_teststr = string_allocate_from_utf32( wteststr, 0 );
			wchar_t* wchar_teststr = wstring_allocate_from_string( utf8_teststr, 0 );
			EXPECT_EQ( 0, wcscmp( wtestcmpstr, wchar_teststr ) );
			wstring_deallocate( wchar_teststr );
			string_deallocate( utf8_teststr );

		string_deallocate( str1 );
		string_deallocate( str2 );
		string_deallocate( str3 );
		string_deallocate( str4 );
		string_deallocate( str5 );
		string_deallocate( str6 );
		string_deallocate( str7 );
		string_deallocate( str8 );
		string_deallocate( str9 );
		string_deallocate( str10 );
		string_deallocate( str11 );
		string_deallocate( str12 );
		string_deallocate( str13 );
		string_deallocate( str14 );
		string_deallocate( str15 );
		string_deallocate( str16 );
		string_deallocate( str17 );

		wstring_deallocate( wstr1 );
		wstring_deallocate( wstr2 );
		wstring_deallocate( wstr3 );
		wstring_deallocate( wstr4 );
		wstring_deallocate( wstr5 );
		wstring_deallocate( wstr6 );
		wstring_deallocate( wstr7 );
		wstring_deallocate( wstr8 );
		wstring_deallocate( wstr9 );
		wstring_deallocate( wstr10 );
		wstring_deallocate( wstr11 );
		wstring_deallocate( wstr12 );
		wstring_deallocate( wstr13 );
		wstring_deallocate( wstr14 );
		wstring_deallocate( wstr15 );
		wstring_deallocate( wstr16 );
		wstring_deallocate( wstr17 );
	return 0;
Example #17
DECLARE_TEST( string, queries )
		char teststr[]  = "";
		char teststr2[] = "test";
		char teststr3[] = "testing long string with more than 16 characters";
		char teststr4[] = "01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789";

		char* str1 = string_substr( teststr, 0, 0 );
		char* str2 = string_substr( teststr2, 0, 4 );
		char* str3 = string_substr( teststr2, 0, 20 );
		char* str4 = string_substr( teststr3, 0, 0 );
		char* str5 = string_substr( teststr3, 0, 10 );
		char* str6 = string_substr( teststr3, 0, STRING_NPOS );
		char* str7 = string_substr( teststr4, 0, 0 );
		char* str8 = string_substr( teststr4, 0, 20 );
		char* str9 = string_substr( teststr4, 0, STRING_NPOS );

		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str1[0] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str2[ string_length( str2 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str3[ string_length( str3 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str4[ string_length( str4 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str5[ string_length( str5 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str6[ string_length( str6 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str7[ string_length( str7 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str8[ string_length( str8 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str9[ string_length( str9 ) ] );

		EXPECT_EQ( strlen( teststr ), string_length( str1 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( strlen( teststr2 ), string_length( str2 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( strlen( teststr2 ), string_length( str3 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0U, string_length( str4 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 10U, string_length( str5 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( strlen( teststr3 ), string_length( str6 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0U, string_length( str7 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 20U, string_length( str8 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( strlen( teststr4 ), string_length( str9 ) );

		string_deallocate( str1 );
		string_deallocate( str2 );
		string_deallocate( str3 );
		string_deallocate( str4 );
		string_deallocate( str5 );
		string_deallocate( str6 );
		string_deallocate( str7 );
		string_deallocate( str8 );
		string_deallocate( str9 );
		//Only ASCII characters, so wstring->string conversion should not introduce any extra UTF-8 sequences
		wchar_t teststr[]  = L"";
		wchar_t teststr2[] = L"test";
		wchar_t teststr3[] = L"testing long string with more than 16 characters";
		wchar_t teststr4[] = L"01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789";

		char* str1 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr, 0 );
		char* str2 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr2, 0 );
		char* str3 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr2, 20 );
		char* str4 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr3, 0 );
		char* str5 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr3, 10 );
		char* str6 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr3, STRING_NPOS );
		char* str7 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr4, 0 );
		char* str8 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr4, 20 );
		char* str9 = string_allocate_from_wstring( teststr4, STRING_NPOS );

		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str1[0] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str2[ string_length( str2 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str3[ string_length( str3 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str4[ string_length( str4 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str5[ string_length( str5 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str6[ string_length( str6 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str7[ string_length( str7 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str8[ string_length( str8 ) ] );
		EXPECT_EQ( 0, str9[ string_length( str9 ) ] );

		EXPECT_EQ( wcslen( teststr ), string_length( str1 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( wcslen( teststr2 ), string_length( str2 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( wcslen( teststr2 ), string_length( str3 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( wcslen( teststr3 ), string_length( str4 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 10U, string_length( str5 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( wcslen( teststr3 ), string_length( str6 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( wcslen( teststr4 ), string_length( str7 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( 20U, string_length( str8 ) );
		EXPECT_EQ( wcslen( teststr4 ), string_length( str9 ) );

		string_deallocate( str1 );
		string_deallocate( str2 );
		string_deallocate( str3 );
		string_deallocate( str4 );
		string_deallocate( str5 );
		string_deallocate( str6 );
		string_deallocate( str7 );
		string_deallocate( str8 );
		string_deallocate( str9 );
		char* emptystr = string_allocate( 0 );
		char* shortstr = string_clone( "short string" );
		char* longstr  = string_clone( "testing utility string methods like finds, split, merge, explode and similar." );
			unsigned int find     = string_find( longstr, ' ', 0 );
			unsigned int find2    = string_find( longstr, 12, 0 );
			unsigned int find3    = string_find( emptystr, ' ', 0 );
			unsigned int find4    = string_find( shortstr, ' ', 0 );
			unsigned int find5    = string_find( shortstr, 'z', 0 );
			unsigned int findofs  = string_find( longstr, ' ', find );
			unsigned int findofs2 = string_find( longstr, ' ', find + 1 );
			unsigned int findofs3 = string_find( longstr, 'z', 10 );
			unsigned int findofs4 = string_find( emptystr, 'z', STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findofs5 = string_find( shortstr, 's', 10 );
			unsigned int findofs6 = string_find( shortstr, 's', findofs5 );
			unsigned int findofs7 = string_find( shortstr, 't', 0 );
			unsigned int findofs8 = string_find( shortstr, ' ', 5 );
			unsigned int findofs9 = string_find( longstr, ' ', STRING_NPOS );

			EXPECT_EQ( find, 7U );
			EXPECT_EQ( find4, 5U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofs, find );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofs2, 15U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofs3, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofs4, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofs5, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofs6, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofs7, 4U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofs8, 5U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofs9, STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int rfind     = string_rfind( longstr, ' ', STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int rfind2    = string_rfind( longstr, ';', STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int rfind3    = string_rfind( emptystr, ';', STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int rfind4    = string_rfind( shortstr, 's', STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int rfind5    = string_rfind( shortstr, 'z', STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int rfindofs  = string_rfind( longstr, ' ', rfind );
			unsigned int rfindofs2 = string_rfind( longstr, ' ', rfind - 1 );
			unsigned int rfindofs3 = string_rfind( longstr, ' ', string_length( longstr ) - 1 );
			unsigned int rfindofs4 = string_rfind( emptystr, ' ', 0 );
			unsigned int rfindofs5 = string_rfind( longstr, ' ', 0 );
			unsigned int rfindofs6 = string_rfind( shortstr, 's', 5 );
			unsigned int rfindofs7 = string_rfind( shortstr, 's', 0 );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfind, 68U );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfind2, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfind3, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfind4, 6U );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfind5, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindofs, rfind );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindofs2, 64U );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindofs3, rfind );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindofs4, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindofs5, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindofs6, 0U );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindofs7, 0U );
			unsigned int findstr     = string_find_string( longstr, "st", 0 );
			unsigned int findstr2    = string_find_string( longstr, "xwqz", 0 );
			unsigned int findstr3    = string_find_string( emptystr, "xwqz", 0 );
			unsigned int findstr4    = string_find_string( longstr, "", 0 );
			unsigned int findstr5    = string_find_string( longstr, "dslike", 0 );
			unsigned int findstr6    = string_find_string( shortstr, "rt", 0 );
			unsigned int findstr7    = string_find_string( shortstr, "long key that does not exist", 0 );
			unsigned int findstr8    = string_find_string( shortstr, "so", 0 );
			unsigned int findstrofs   = string_find_string( longstr, "st", findstr );
			unsigned int findstrofs2  = string_find_string( longstr, "st", findstr + 1 );
			unsigned int findstrofs3  = string_find_string( longstr, "xwqz", string_length( longstr ) );
			unsigned int findstrofs4  = string_find_string( emptystr, "xwqz", string_length( emptystr ) );
			unsigned int findstrofs5  = string_find_string( shortstr, "", 5 );
			unsigned int findstrofs6  = string_find_string( shortstr, "string", 0 );
			unsigned int findstrofs7  = string_find_string( shortstr, "string", 7 );
			unsigned int findstrofs8  = string_find_string( longstr, "utility", 14 );
			unsigned int findstrofs9  = string_find_string( longstr, "", string_length( longstr ) );
			unsigned int findstrofs10 = string_find_string( longstr, "", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findstrofs11 = string_find_string( longstr, "string", STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstr, 2U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstr2, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstr3, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstr4, 0U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstr5, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstr6, 3U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstr7, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstr8, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstrofs, findstr );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstrofs2, 16U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstrofs3, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstrofs4, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstrofs5, 5U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstrofs6, 6U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstrofs7, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstrofs8, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstrofs9, strlen( longstr ) );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstrofs10, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findstrofs11, STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int rfindstr     = string_rfind_string( longstr, ", ", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int rfindstr2    = string_rfind_string( longstr, ":;", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int rfindstr3    = string_rfind_string( emptystr, ":;", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int rfindstr4    = string_rfind_string( longstr, "", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int rfindstr5    = string_rfind_string( shortstr, "string", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int rfindstr6    = string_rfind_string( shortstr, " tring", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int rfindstrofs  = string_rfind_string( longstr, ", ", rfindstr );
			unsigned int rfindstrofs2 = string_rfind_string( longstr, ", ", rfindstr - 1 );
			unsigned int rfindstrofs3 = string_rfind_string( longstr, ":;", 0 );
			unsigned int rfindstrofs4 = string_rfind_string( emptystr, ":;", 0 );
			unsigned int rfindstrofs5 = string_rfind_string( longstr, "", 5 );
			unsigned int rfindstrofs6 = string_rfind_string( shortstr, "ort str", 6 );
			unsigned int rfindstrofs7 = string_rfind_string( shortstr, "ort str", 1 );

			EXPECT_EQ( rfindstr, 55U );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindstr2, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindstr3, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindstr4, strlen( longstr ) );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindstr5, 6U );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindstr6, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindstrofs, rfindstr );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindstrofs2, 48U );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindstrofs3, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindstrofs4, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindstrofs5, 5U );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindstrofs6, 2U );
			EXPECT_EQ( rfindstrofs7, STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findof        = string_find_first_of( longstr, "ui", 0 );
			unsigned int findof2       = string_find_first_of( longstr, ";:", 0 );
			unsigned int findof3       = string_find_first_of( emptystr, "", 0 );
			unsigned int findof4       = string_find_first_of( emptystr, " ", 0 );
			unsigned int findof5       = string_find_first_of( shortstr, "", 0 );
			unsigned int findofofs     = string_find_first_of( longstr, "ui", findof );
			unsigned int findofofs2    = string_find_first_of( longstr, "ui", findof - 1 );
			unsigned int findofofs3    = string_find_first_of( longstr, "ui", findof + 1 );
			unsigned int findofofs4    = string_find_first_of( longstr, "ui", string_length( longstr ) );
			unsigned int findofofs5    = string_find_first_of( emptystr, "", string_length( emptystr ) );
			unsigned int findofofs6    = string_find_first_of( shortstr, "string", 6 );
			unsigned int findofofs7    = string_find_first_of( shortstr, "", 6 );
			unsigned int findofofs8    = string_find_first_of( longstr, "", 10 );
			unsigned int findofofs9    = string_find_first_of( longstr, "", string_length( longstr ) );

			EXPECT_EQ( findof, 4U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findof2, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findof3, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findof4, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findof5, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofofs, 4U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofofs2, 4U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofofs3, 8U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofofs4, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofofs5, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofofs6, 6U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofofs7, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofofs8, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findofofs9, STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findnotof     = string_find_first_not_of( longstr, "testing ", 0 );
			unsigned int findnotof2    = string_find_first_not_of( longstr, longstr, 0 );
			unsigned int findnotof3    = string_find_first_not_of( shortstr, "", 0 );
			unsigned int findnotofofs  = string_find_first_not_of( longstr, "testing ", findnotof );
			unsigned int findnotofofs2 = string_find_first_not_of( longstr, "testing ", findnotof + 1 );
			unsigned int findnotofofs3 = string_find_first_not_of( longstr, "testing ", string_length( longstr ) );
			unsigned int findnotofofs4 = string_find_first_not_of( shortstr, "", string_length( shortstr ) );

			EXPECT_EQ( findnotof, 8U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findnotof2, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findnotof3, 0U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findnotofofs, 8U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findnotofofs2, 11U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findnotofofs3, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findnotofofs4, STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findlastof        = string_find_last_of( longstr, "xp", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findlastof2       = string_find_last_of( longstr, ";:", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findlastof3       = string_find_last_of( emptystr, "", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findlastof4       = string_find_last_of( shortstr, "", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findlastofofs     = string_find_last_of( longstr, "xp", findlastof );
			unsigned int findlastofofs2    = string_find_last_of( longstr, "xp", findlastof - 2 );
			unsigned int findlastofofs3    = string_find_last_of( longstr, "xp", 0 );
			unsigned int findlastofofs4    = string_find_last_of( emptystr, "", 0 );
			unsigned int findlastofofs5    = string_find_last_of( shortstr, "", 5 );
			unsigned int findlastofofs6    = string_find_last_of( shortstr, "", string_length( shortstr ) );
			unsigned int findlastofofs7    = string_find_last_of( shortstr, "short", 5 );

			EXPECT_EQ( findlastof, 59U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastof2, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastof3, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastof4, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastofofs, 59U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastofofs2, 44U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastofofs3, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastofofs4, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastofofs5, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastofofs6, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastofofs7, 4U );
			unsigned int findlastnotof     = string_find_last_not_of( longstr, " similar.", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findlastnotof2    = string_find_last_not_of( longstr, longstr, STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findlastnotof3    = string_find_last_not_of( emptystr, "", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findlastnotof4    = string_find_last_not_of( shortstr, "", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findlastnotof5    = string_find_last_not_of( longstr, " similar", STRING_NPOS );
			unsigned int findlastnotofofs  = string_find_last_not_of( longstr, " similar.", findlastnotof );
			unsigned int findlastnotofofs2 = string_find_last_not_of( longstr, " and similar.", findlastnotof - 1 );
			unsigned int findlastnotofofs3 = string_find_last_not_of( longstr, longstr, 0 );
			unsigned int findlastnotofofs4 = string_find_last_not_of( emptystr, "", 0 );
			unsigned int findlastnotofofs5 = string_find_last_not_of( shortstr, "string", 5 );
			unsigned int findlastnotofofs6 = string_find_last_not_of( shortstr, "string ", 5 );
			unsigned int findlastnotofofs7 = string_find_last_not_of( shortstr, "", 5 );
			unsigned int findlastnotofofs8 = string_find_last_not_of( longstr, "", string_length( longstr ) );

			EXPECT_EQ( findlastnotof, 67U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastnotof2, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastnotof3, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastnotof4, 11U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastnotof5, 76U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastnotofofs, 67U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastnotofofs2, 63U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastnotofofs3, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastnotofofs4, STRING_NPOS );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastnotofofs5, 5U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastnotofofs6, 2U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastnotofofs7, 5U );
			EXPECT_EQ( findlastnotofofs8, strlen( longstr ) - 1 );
		string_deallocate( emptystr );
		string_deallocate( shortstr );
		string_deallocate( longstr );
	return 0;
Example #18
String String::substr(int start, int length /* = 0x7FFFFFFF */) const {
  int len = size();
  char *ret = string_substr(data(), len, start, length);
  return String(ret, len, AttachString);
Example #19
process_spawn(process_t* proc) {
	static const string_const_t unescaped = { STRING_CONST("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-_.:/\\") };
	size_t i, num_args;
	size_t size;
	wchar_t* wcmdline;
	wchar_t* wwd;
	string_t cmdline;
	size_t capacity;

	if (!proc->path.length)
		return proc->code;

	//Always escape path on Windows platforms
	if (string_find_first_not_of(STRING_ARGS(proc->path), STRING_ARGS(unescaped), 0) != STRING_NPOS)
		bool preesc = (proc->path.str[0] != '"');
		bool postesc = (proc->path.str[ proc->path.length - 1 ] != '"');
		if (preesc || postesc) {
			char* buffer = memory_allocate(HASH_STRING, proc->path.length + 4, 0, MEMORY_PERSISTENT);
			string_t pathesc = string_concat_varg(buffer, proc->path.length + 4,
			                                      "\"", (size_t)(preesc ? 1 : 0),
			                                      "\"", (size_t)(postesc ? 1 : 0),
			proc->path = pathesc;

	size = array_size(proc->args);
	for (i = 0, num_args = 0; i < size; ++i) {
		string_t arg = proc->args[i];

		if (!arg.length)


		if (string_find_first_not_of(arg.str, arg.length,
		                             unescaped.str, unescaped.length, 0) != STRING_NPOS) {
			if (arg.str[0] != '"') {
				//Check if we need to escape " characters
				string_t escarg;
				size_t pos = string_find(arg.str, arg.length, '"', 0);
				while (pos != STRING_NPOS) {
					if (arg.str[ pos - 1 ] != '\\') {
						string_const_t right = string_substr(STRING_ARGS(arg), 0, pos);
						string_const_t left = string_substr(STRING_ARGS(arg), pos, STRING_NPOS);
						capacity = arg.length + 2;
						escarg = string_allocate(0, capacity);
						escarg = string_concat(escarg.str, capacity, STRING_ARGS(right), STRING_CONST("\\"));
						escarg = string_append(STRING_ARGS(escarg), capacity, STRING_ARGS(left));
						arg = escarg;
					pos = string_find(STRING_ARGS(arg), '"', pos + 2);
				escarg = string_allocate_concat_varg(STRING_CONST("\""), STRING_ARGS(arg),
				                                     STRING_CONST("\""), nullptr);
				proc->args[i] = escarg;


#    define SEE_MASK_NOASYNC 0x00000100
#  endif

	capacity = BUILD_MAX_PATHLEN;
	cmdline = string_allocate(0, capacity);

	//Don't prepend exe path to parameters if using ShellExecute
		cmdline = string_copy(cmdline.str, capacity, STRING_ARGS(proc->path));

	//Build command line string
	for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
		string_t arg = proc->args[i];

		if (!arg.length)
		if (cmdline.length + arg.length + 2 >= capacity) {
			string_t newline;
			capacity *= 2;
			newline = string_allocate(0, capacity);
			newline = string_copy(newline.str, capacity, STRING_ARGS(cmdline));
		if (cmdline.length)
			cmdline = string_append(STRING_ARGS(cmdline), capacity, STRING_CONST(" "));
		cmdline = string_append(STRING_ARGS(cmdline), capacity, STRING_ARGS(arg));

	if (!proc->wd.length)
		proc->wd = string_clone(STRING_ARGS(environment_current_working_directory()));

	wcmdline = wstring_allocate_from_string(STRING_ARGS(cmdline));
	wwd = wstring_allocate_from_string(STRING_ARGS(proc->wd));

		wchar_t* wverb;
		wchar_t* wpath;

		wverb = (proc->verb.length ? wstring_allocate_from_string(STRING_ARGS(proc->verb)) : 0);
		wpath = wstring_allocate_from_string(STRING_ARGS(proc->path));

		ZeroMemory(&sei, sizeof(sei));

		sei.cbSize          = sizeof(SHELLEXECUTEINFOW);
		sei.hwnd            = 0;
		sei.lpVerb          = wverb;
		sei.lpFile          = wpath;
		sei.lpParameters    = wcmdline;
		sei.lpDirectory     = wwd;
		sei.nShow           = SW_SHOWNORMAL;

		if (!(proc->flags & PROCESS_CONSOLE))
			sei.fMask      |= SEE_MASK_NO_CONSOLE;

		if (proc->flags & PROCESS_STDSTREAMS)
			log_warn(0, WARNING_UNSUPPORTED, STRING_CONST("Unable to redirect standard in/out"
			                                              " through pipes when using ShellExecute for process spawning"));

		log_debugf(0, STRING_CONST("Spawn process (ShellExecute): %.*s %.*s"),
		           STRING_FORMAT(proc->path), STRING_FORMAT(cmdline));

		if (!ShellExecuteExW(&sei)) {
			string_const_t errstr = system_error_message(0);
			          STRING_CONST("Unable to spawn process (ShellExecute) for executable '%.*s': %s"),
			          STRING_FORMAT(proc->path), STRING_FORMAT(errstr));
		else {
			proc->hp   = sei.hProcess;
			proc->ht   = 0;
			proc->code = 0;

	else {
		BOOL inherit_handles = FALSE;

		memset(&si, 0, sizeof(si));
		memset(&pi, 0, sizeof(pi));
		si.cb = sizeof(si);

		if (proc->flags & PROCESS_STDSTREAMS) {
			proc->pipeout = pipe_allocate();
			proc->pipein = pipe_allocate();

			si.hStdOutput = pipe_write_handle(proc->pipeout);
			si.hStdInput = pipe_read_handle(proc->pipein);
			si.hStdError = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE);

			//Don't inherit wrong ends of pipes
			SetHandleInformation(pipe_read_handle(proc->pipeout), HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);
			SetHandleInformation(pipe_write_handle(proc->pipein), HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0);

			inherit_handles = TRUE;

		log_debugf(0, STRING_CONST("Spawn process (CreateProcess): %.*s %.*s"),
		           STRING_FORMAT(proc->path), STRING_FORMAT(cmdline));

		if (!CreateProcessW(0, wcmdline, 0, 0, inherit_handles,
		                    (proc->flags & PROCESS_CONSOLE) ? CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE : 0, 0, wwd, &si, &pi)) {
			string_const_t errstr = system_error_message(0);
			          STRING_CONST("Unable to spawn process (CreateProcess) for executable '%.*s': %.*s"),
			          STRING_FORMAT(proc->path), STRING_FORMAT(errstr));


			proc->pipeout = 0;
			proc->pipein = 0;
		else {
			proc->hp = pi.hProcess;
			proc->ht = pi.hThread;
			proc->code = 0;

		if (proc->pipeout)
		if (proc->pipein)


	if (proc->code < 0)
		return proc->code; //Error



		proc->pid = 0;

		LSApplicationParameters params;
		ProcessSerialNumber psn;
		FSRef* fsref = memory_allocate(0, sizeof(FSRef), 0, MEMORY_TEMPORARY | MEMORY_ZERO_INITIALIZED);

		memset(&params, 0, sizeof(LSApplicationParameters));
		memset(&psn, 0, sizeof(ProcessSerialNumber));

		string_const_t pathstripped = string_strip(proc->path.str, proc->path.length, STRING_CONST("\""));
		size_t localcap = pathstripped.length + 5;
		string_t localpath = string_allocate(0, localcap - 1);
		localpath = string_copy(localpath.str, localcap,
		                        STRING_ARGS(pathstripped));     //Need it zero terminated

		OSStatus status = 0;
		status = FSPathMakeRef((uint8_t*)localpath.str, fsref, 0);
		if (status < 0) {
			localpath = string_append(localpath.str, localpath.length, localcap, STRING_CONST(".app"));
			status = FSPathMakeRef((uint8_t*)localpath.str, fsref, 0);

		CFStringRef* args = 0;
		for (i = 0, size = array_size(proc->args); i < size;
		        ++i)    //App gets executable path automatically, don't include
			array_push(args, CFStringCreateWithCString(0, proc->args[i].str, kCFStringEncodingUTF8));

		CFArrayRef argvref = CFArrayCreate(0, (const void**)args, (CFIndex)array_size(args), 0);

		params.flags = kLSLaunchDefaults;
		params.application = fsref;
		params.argv = argvref;

		log_debugf(0, STRING_CONST("Spawn process (LSOpenApplication): %.*s"), STRING_FORMAT(localpath));

		status = LSOpenApplication(&params, &psn);
		if (status != 0) {
			int err = status;
			string_const_t errmsg = system_error_message(err);
			proc->code = status;
			log_errorf(0, ERROR_SYSTEM_CALL_FAIL,
			           STRING_CONST("Unable to spawn process for executable '%.*s': %.*s (%d)"),
			           STRING_FORMAT(localpath), STRING_FORMAT(errmsg), err);

		for (i = 0, size = array_size(args); i < size; ++i)


		if (status == 0) {
			pid_t pid = 0;
			GetProcessPID(&psn, &pid);

			proc->pid = pid;

			//Always "detached" with LSOpenApplication, not a child process at all
			//Setup a kqueue to watch when process terminates so we can emulate a wait
			proc->kq = kqueue();
			if (proc->kq < 0) {
				string_const_t errmsg = system_error_message(proc->kq);
				log_errorf(0, ERROR_SYSTEM_CALL_FAIL,
				           STRING_CONST("Unable to create kqueue for process watch: %.*s (%d)"),
				           STRING_FORMAT(errmsg), proc->kq);
				proc->kq = 0;
			else {
				struct kevent changes;
				EV_SET(&changes, (pid_t)pid, EVFILT_PROC, EV_ADD | EV_RECEIPT, NOTE_EXIT, 0, 0);
				int ret = kevent(proc->kq, &changes, 1, &changes, 1, 0);
				if (ret != 1) {
					int err = errno;
					string_const_t errmsg = system_error_message(err);
					log_errorf(0, ERROR_SYSTEM_CALL_FAIL,
					           STRING_CONST("Unable to setup kqueue for process watch, failed to add event to kqueue: %.*s (%d)"),
					           STRING_FORMAT(errmsg), err);
					proc->kq = 0;

		goto exit;


	//Insert executable arg at start and null ptr at end
	size_t arg;
	size_t argc = array_size(proc->args) + 1;
	array_grow(proc->args, 2);
	for (arg = argc - 1; arg > 0; --arg)
		proc->args[arg] = proc->args[arg - 1];
	proc->args[0] = string_clone(STRING_ARGS(proc->path));
	proc->args[argc] = (string_t) { 0, 0 };

	char** argv = memory_allocate(0, sizeof(char*) * (argc + 1), 0, MEMORY_PERSISTENT);
	for (arg = 0; arg < argc; ++arg)
		argv[arg] = proc->args[arg].str;
	argv[argc] = 0;

	if (proc->flags & PROCESS_STDSTREAMS) {
		proc->pipeout = pipe_allocate();
		proc->pipein = pipe_allocate();

	proc->pid = 0;
	pid_t pid = fork();

	if (pid == 0) {
		if (proc->wd.length) {
			log_debugf(0, STRING_CONST("Spawned child process, setting working directory to %.*s"),

		log_debugf(0, STRING_CONST("Child process executing: %.*s"), STRING_FORMAT(proc->path));

		if (proc->flags & PROCESS_STDSTREAMS) {
			dup2(pipe_write_handle(proc->pipeout), STDOUT_FILENO);

			dup2(pipe_read_handle(proc->pipein), STDIN_FILENO);

		int code = execv(proc->path.str, (char* const*)argv);

		int err = errno;
		string_const_t errmsg = system_error_message(err);
		log_errorf(0, ERROR_SYSTEM_CALL_FAIL,
		           STRING_CONST("Child process failed execve() '%.*s': %.*s (%d) (%d)"),
			       STRING_FORMAT(proc->path), STRING_FORMAT(errmsg), err, code);


	if (pid > 0) {
		log_debugf(0, STRING_CONST("Child process forked, pid %d"), pid);

		proc->pid = pid;

		if (proc->pipeout)
		if (proc->pipein)

		/*if (proc->flags & PROCESS_DETACHED) {
			int cstatus = 0;
			pid_t err = waitpid(pid, &cstatus, WNOHANG);
			if (err == 0) {
				//TODO: Ugly wait to make sure process spawned correctly
				err = waitpid(pid, &cstatus, WNOHANG);
			if (err > 0) {
				//Process exited, check code
				proc->pid = 0;
				proc->code = (int)((char)WEXITSTATUS(cstatus));
				log_debugf(0, STRING_CONST("Child process returned: %d"), proc->code);
				return proc->code;
	else {
		string_const_t errmsg;
		errmsg = system_error_message(proc->code);
		log_errorf(0, ERROR_SYSTEM_CALL_FAIL, STRING_CONST("Unable to spawn process '%.*s': %.*s (%d)"),
		           STRING_FORMAT(proc->path), STRING_FORMAT(errmsg), proc->code);

		if (proc->pipeout)
		if (proc->pipein)

		proc->pipeout = 0;
		proc->pipein = 0;
		proc->code = PROCESS_INVALID_ARGS;

		return proc->code;


	FOUNDATION_ASSERT_FAIL("Process spawning not supported on platform");


	if (proc->flags & PROCESS_DETACHED)

	return process_wait(proc);
Example #20
void TokenStream::getNextStr(Value* value, int lookahead)
    int startPos = next(lookahead).start;
    int length = next(lookahead).length();
    string_substr(&_sourceText, startPos, length, value);
Example #21
main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  string *s = NULL;
  string *s2 = NULL;
  string *s3 = NULL;

  s = string_append(s, "Hello There");
  test(s, "Hello There");

  s = string_append(s, "123");
  test(s, "Hello There123");

  s = string_insert(s, 1, "<new>");
  test(s, "H<new>ello There123");

  s = string_insert(s, 23, "<new>");
  test(s, "H<new>ello There123<new>");

  s = string_remove(s, 11, 5);
  test(s, "H<new>ello 123<new>");

  s = string_replace(s, "<new>", "<nothing>");
  test(s, "H<nothing>ello 123<nothing>");

  s = string_remove(s, 0, 30);
  test(s, "");
  s = string_append(s, "H<nothing>ello 123<nothing>");
  test(s, "H<nothing>ello 123<nothing>");
  s = string_trunc(s);
  test(s, "");

  s = string_append_int(s, 1);
  test(s, "1");
  s = string_append_int(s, 10);
  test(s, "110");
  s = string_append_int(s, 100);
  test(s, "110100");
  s = string_append_int(s, 1000000000);
  test(s, "1101001000000000");
  s = string_append_int(s, -2);
  test(s, "1101001000000000-2");
  s = string_append_int(s, -345);
  test(s, "1101001000000000-2-345");
  s = string_append_int(s, -3.45);
  test(s, "1101001000000000-2-345-3");
  s = string_trunc(s);

  s = string_prepend_int(s, 1);
  test(s, "1");
  s = string_prepend_int(s, 10);
  test(s, "101");
  s = string_prepend_int(s, 100);
  test(s, "100101");
  s = string_prepend_int(s, 1000000000);
  test(s, "1000000000100101");
  s = string_prepend_int(s, -2);
  test(s, "-21000000000100101");
  s = string_prepend_int(s, -345);
  test(s, "-345-21000000000100101");
  s = string_prepend_int(s, -3.45);
  test(s, "-3-345-21000000000100101");
  s = string_trunc(s);


  s = string_new("\"Quoted String\"");
  test(s, "\"Quoted String\"");

  s = string_replace(s, "\"", "");
  test(s, "Quoted String");


  s = string_prepend(s, "Nothing");
  test(s, "Nothing");
  s = string_prepend(s, "12345678901234567890");
  test(s, "12345678901234567890Nothing");
  s = string_prepend(s, "123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890");
  test(s, "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890Nothing");

  s = string_append(s, "Nothing");
  test(s, "Nothing");
  s = string_append(s, "12345678901234567890");
  test(s, "Nothing12345678901234567890");
  s = string_append(s, "123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890");
  test(s, "Nothing12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890");

  s = string_new("printf_append");
  test(s, "printf_append");
  s = string_printf_append(s, "%8s %3d %10.6f", "string", 20, 3.4);
  test(s, "printf_append  string  20   3.400000");

  s = string_new("");
  s = string_printf(s, "%8s %3d %10.6f", "string", 20, 3.4);
  test(s, "  string  20   3.400000");

  s2 = string_copy(s);
  test(s2, "  string  20   3.400000");

  testi(string_equal_char(s, string_string(s2)), 1);
  testi(string_equal(s, s2), 1);

  testi(string_equal_char(s, " string  20   3.40"), 0);
  s3 = string_new(" string  20   3.40");
  testi(string_equal(s, s3), 0);
  s = string_remove(s, 100000, 20);
  test(s, "  string  20   3.400000");

  s = string_remove(s, 15, 20);
  test(s, "  string  20   ");

  s = string_remove(s, 13, -1);
  test(s, "  string  20 ");

  s = string_remove(s, 1, 1);
  test(s, " string  20 ");

  s = string_remove(s, 7, 2);
  test(s, " string20 ");

  s = string_remove(s, 9, 1);
  test(s, " string20");

  s = string_remove(s, -1, -1);
  test(s, "");

  s = string_insert(s, -1, " string20");
  test(s, " string20");

  s = string_insert(s, 9, " ");
  test(s, " string20 ");

  s = string_insert(s, 7, " ");
  test(s, " string 20 ");

  s = string_insert(s, 1, " ");
  test(s, "  string 20 ");

  s = string_insert(s, 13, "  ");
  test(s, "  string 20   ");

  s = string_insert(s, 15, "3.400000");
  test(s, "  string 20   3.400000");
  s = string_insert(s, 10000, " morestuff");
  test(s, "  string 20   3.400000 morestuff");

  s = string_insert(s, -1, " morestuff");
  test(s, " morestuff  string 20   3.400000 morestuff");

  s2 = string_substr(s, 1, 4);
  test(s2, "more");

  s2 = string_substr(s, 5, 7);
  test(s2, "stuff  ");

  return retval;
Example #22
static string_const_t
glsl_name_from_token(const string_const_t token) {
	size_t ofs = string_find_first_of(STRING_ARGS(token), STRING_CONST(GLSL_TOKEN_DELIM "[]"), 0);
	return string_substr(STRING_ARGS(token), 0, ofs);
Example #23
char* path_make_absolute( const char* path )
	unsigned int up, last, length, protocollen;
	char* abspath = string_clone( path );
	if( !path_is_absolute( abspath ) )
		abspath = string_prepend( abspath, "/" );
		abspath = string_prepend( abspath, environment_current_working_directory() );
		abspath = path_clean( abspath, true );
		abspath = path_clean( abspath, true );

	protocollen = string_find_string( abspath, "://", 0 );
	if( protocollen != STRING_NPOS )
		protocollen += 3; //Also skip the "://" separator
		protocollen = 0;

	//Deal with .. references
	while( ( up = string_find_string( abspath, "/../", 0 ) ) != STRING_NPOS )
		char* subpath;
		if( ( protocollen && ( up == ( protocollen - 1 ) ) ) || ( !protocollen && ( up == 0 ) ) )
			//This moves mem so "prot://../path" ends up as "prot://path"
			memmove( abspath + protocollen, abspath + 3 + protocollen, string_length( abspath ) + 1 - ( 3 + protocollen ) );
		last = string_rfind( abspath, '/', up - 1 );
		if( last == STRING_NPOS )
			//Must be a path like C:/../something since other absolute paths
			last = up;
		subpath = string_substr( abspath, 0, last );
		subpath = string_append( subpath, abspath + up + 3 ); // +3 will include the / of the later part of the path
		string_deallocate( abspath );
		abspath = subpath;

	length = string_length( abspath );
	if( length >= 3 )
		while( ( length >= 3 ) && ( abspath[length-3] == '/' ) && ( abspath[length-2] == '.' ) && ( abspath[length-1] == L'.' ) )
			//Step up
			if( length == 3 )
				abspath[1] = 0;
				length = 1;
				length = string_rfind( abspath, '/', length - 4 );
				abspath[length] = 0;

	return abspath;
Example #24
static int
render_import_glsl_shader(stream_t* stream, const uuid_t uuid, const char* type,
                          size_t type_length) {
	resource_source_t source;
	void* blob = 0;
	size_t size;
	size_t read;
	size_t begin;
	size_t next;
	hash_t checksum;
	tick_t timestamp;
	uint64_t platform;
	size_t maxtokens;
	size_t parameter;
	string_const_t* token = 0;
	string_const_t valstr;
	char buffer[128];
	int ret = 0;
	resource_platform_t platformdecl = { -1, -1, RENDERAPIGROUP_OPENGL, -1, -1, -1};

	resource_source_read(&source, uuid);

	read = 0;
	size = stream_size(stream);
	blob = memory_allocate(HASH_RESOURCE, size, 0, MEMORY_PERSISTENT);

	size = stream_read(stream, blob, size);

	platform = resource_platform(platformdecl);
	timestamp = time_system();
	checksum = hash(blob, size);
	if (resource_source_write_blob(uuid, timestamp, HASH_SOURCE,
	                               platform, checksum, blob, size)) {
		resource_source_set_blob(&source, timestamp, HASH_SOURCE,
		                         platform, checksum, size);
	else {
		ret = -1;
		goto finalize;

	//Parse source and set parameters
	maxtokens = 256;
	token = memory_allocate(HASH_RESOURCE, sizeof(string_const_t) * maxtokens, 0, MEMORY_PERSISTENT);
	begin = 0;
	parameter = 0;
	do {
		string_const_t tokens[64], line;
		size_t itok, ntokens;

		next = string_find_first_of(blob, size, STRING_CONST("\n\r"), begin);
		line = string_substr(blob, size, begin, next - begin);
		ntokens = string_explode(STRING_ARGS(line), STRING_CONST(GLSL_TOKEN_DELIM),
		                        tokens, maxtokens, false);

		for (itok = 0; itok < ntokens; ++itok) {
			if ((string_equal(STRING_ARGS(tokens[itok]), STRING_CONST("attribute")) ||
			        string_equal(STRING_ARGS(tokens[itok]), STRING_CONST("uniform"))) &&
			        (itok + 2 < ntokens)) {
				char typebuf[16], dimbuf[16];
				string_const_t typestr = tokens[itok + 1];
				string_const_t namestr = tokens[itok + 2];
				string_const_t dimstr;

				int parameter_type = glsl_type_to_parameter_type(typestr);
				if (parameter_type < 0)

				int parameter_dim = glsl_dim_from_token(typestr);
				if (parameter_dim == 1)
					parameter_dim = glsl_dim_from_token(namestr);

				namestr = glsl_name_from_token(namestr);
				typestr = string_to_const(string_from_uint(typebuf, sizeof(typebuf), (unsigned int)parameter_type, false, 0, 0));
				dimstr = string_to_const(string_from_uint(dimbuf, sizeof(dimbuf), (unsigned int)parameter_dim, false, 0, 0));

				log_debugf(HASH_RESOURCE, STRING_CONST("parameter: %.*s type %.*s dim %.*s"),
				           STRING_FORMAT(namestr), STRING_FORMAT(typestr), STRING_FORMAT(dimstr));

				string_t param = string_format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), STRING_CONST("parameter_type_%" PRIsize),
				resource_source_set(&source, timestamp, hash(STRING_ARGS(param)),
				                    platform, STRING_ARGS(typestr));

				param = string_format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), STRING_CONST("parameter_name_%" PRIsize),
				resource_source_set(&source, timestamp, hash(STRING_ARGS(param)),
				                    platform, STRING_ARGS(namestr));

				param = string_format(buffer, sizeof(buffer), STRING_CONST("parameter_dim_%" PRIsize),
				resource_source_set(&source, timestamp, hash(STRING_ARGS(param)),
				                    platform, STRING_ARGS(dimstr));

		begin = string_find_first_not_of(blob, size, STRING_CONST(STRING_WHITESPACE), next);
	while (next != STRING_NPOS);

	valstr = string_from_uint_static(parameter, false, 0, 0);
	resource_source_set(&source, timestamp, HASH_PARAMETER_COUNT,
	                    platform, STRING_ARGS(valstr));

	resource_source_set(&source, timestamp, HASH_RESOURCE_TYPE,
	                    0, type, type_length);

	if (!resource_source_write(&source, uuid, false)) {
		string_const_t uuidstr = string_from_uuid_static(uuid);
		log_warnf(HASH_RESOURCE, WARNING_SUSPICIOUS, STRING_CONST("Failed writing imported GLSL shader: %.*s"),
		ret = -1;
		goto finalize;
	else {
		string_const_t uuidstr = string_from_uuid_static(uuid);
		log_infof(HASH_RESOURCE, STRING_CONST("Wrote imported GLSL shader: %.*s"),


	return ret;
Example #25
int main_run( void* main_arg )
	const char* pattern = 0;
	char** exe_paths = 0;
	unsigned int iexe, exesize;
	process_t* process = 0;
	char* process_path = 0;
	unsigned int* exe_flags = 0;
	int process_result = 0;
	object_t thread = 0;
	log_set_suppress( HASH_TEST, ERRORLEVEL_DEBUG );
	thread = thread_create( event_thread, "event_thread", THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0 );
	thread_start( thread, 0 );
	while( !thread_is_running( thread ) )
		thread_sleep( 10 );
	while( !_test_should_start )
		thread_sleep( 10 );
	test_run_fn tests[] = {
	object_t test_thread = thread_create( test_runner, "test_runner", THREAD_PRIORITY_NORMAL, 0 );
	thread_start( test_thread, tests );
	while( !thread_is_running( test_thread ) )
		thread_sleep( 10 );
	while( thread_is_running( test_thread ) )
		thread_sleep( 10 );
	process_result = (int)(intptr_t)thread_result( test_thread );
	thread_destroy( test_thread );
	while( thread_is_thread( test_thread ) )
		thread_sleep( 10 );
	process_result = (int)(intptr_t)test_runner( 0, tests );
	if( process_result != 0 )
		log_warnf( HASH_TEST, WARNING_SUSPICIOUS, "Tests failed with exit code %d", process_result );
	while( !_test_should_terminate )
		thread_sleep( 100 );
	log_debug( HASH_TEST, "Exiting main loop" );
	//Find all test executables in the current executable directory
	pattern = "test-*.exe";
	pattern = "test-*";
	pattern = "test-*";
#  error Not implemented
	exe_paths = fs_matching_files( environment_executable_directory(), pattern, false );
	array_resize( exe_flags, array_size( exe_paths ) );
	memset( exe_flags, 0, sizeof( unsigned int ) * array_size( exe_flags ) );
	//Also search for test-*.app
	const char* app_pattern = "test-*.app";
	char** subdirs = fs_subdirs( environment_executable_directory() );
	for( int idir = 0, dirsize = array_size( subdirs ); idir < dirsize; ++idir )
		if( string_match_pattern( subdirs[idir], app_pattern ) )
			array_push( exe_paths, string_substr( subdirs[idir], 0, string_length( subdirs[idir] ) - 4 ) );
			array_push( exe_flags, PROCESS_OSX_USE_OPENAPPLICATION );
	string_array_deallocate( subdirs );
	for( iexe = 0, exesize = array_size( exe_paths ); iexe < exesize; ++iexe )
		bool is_self = false;
		char* exe_file_name = path_base_file_name( exe_paths[iexe] );
		if( string_equal( exe_file_name, environment_executable_name() ) )
			is_self = true;
		string_deallocate( exe_file_name );
		if( is_self )
			continue; //Don't run self
		process_path = path_merge( environment_executable_directory(), exe_paths[iexe] );
		process = process_allocate();
		process_set_executable_path( process, process_path );
		process_set_working_directory( process, environment_executable_directory() );
		process_set_flags( process, PROCESS_ATTACHED | exe_flags[iexe] );
		log_infof( HASH_TEST, "Running test executable: %s", exe_paths[iexe] );
		process_result = process_spawn( process );
		while( process_result == PROCESS_WAIT_INTERRUPTED )
			thread_sleep( 10 );
			process_result = process_wait( process );
		process_deallocate( process );
		string_deallocate( process_path );
		if( process_result != 0 )
			if( process_result >= PROCESS_INVALID_ARGS )
				log_warnf( HASH_TEST, WARNING_SUSPICIOUS, "Tests failed, process terminated with error %x", process_result );
				log_warnf( HASH_TEST, WARNING_SUSPICIOUS, "Tests failed with exit code %d", process_result );
			process_set_exit_code( -1 );
			goto exit;
		log_infof( HASH_TEST, "All tests from %s passed (%d)", exe_paths[iexe], process_result );
	log_info( HASH_TEST, "All tests passed" );
	if( exe_paths )
		string_array_deallocate( exe_paths );
	array_deallocate( exe_flags );
	thread_terminate( thread );
	thread_destroy( thread );
	while( thread_is_running( thread ) )
		thread_sleep( 10 );
	while( thread_is_thread( thread ) )
		thread_sleep( 10 );
	return process_result;