Example #1
uavsar_polsar *
read_uavsar_polsar_params(const char *dataFile, uavsar_type_t type)
  uavsar_polsar *params = (uavsar_polsar *) MALLOC(sizeof(uavsar_polsar));

  // Determine ID
  char *dirName = (char *) MALLOC(sizeof(char) * 1024);
  char *fileName = (char *) MALLOC(sizeof(char) * 1024);
  split_dir_and_file(dataFile, dirName, fileName);
  sprintf(params->id, "%s", stripExt(fileName));

  // Read annotation file
  char line[MAX_LINE], key[MAX_LINE], value[MAX_LINE];
  FILE *fp = FOPEN(dataFile, "r");
  while (fgets(line, MAX_LINE, fp)) {
    if(!parse_annotation_line(line, key, value)) {
      asfPrintWarning("Unable to parse line in annotation file: %s", line);
    if (!strcmp(key, ""))
    if (!strcmp(key, "Site Description"))
      strcpy(params->site, value);
    if (!strcmp(key, "Acquisition Mode"))
      strcpy(params->acquisition_mode, value);
    if (type == POLSAR_SLC) {
      params->type = POLSAR_SLC;
      if (!strcmp(key, "slc_mag.set_rows"))
        params->row_count = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "slc_mag.set_cols"))
        params->column_count = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "slc_mag.set_proj"))
        strcpy(params->projection, value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "slc_mag.row_addr"))
        params->along_track_offset = atof(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "slc_mag.col_addr"))
        params->cross_track_offset = atof(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "slc_mag.row_mult"))
        params->azimuth_pixel_spacing = atof(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "slc_mag.col_mult"))
        params->range_pixel_spacing = atof(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "slc_mag.val_size"))
        params->bytes_per_pixel = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "slc_mag.val_frmt"))
        strcpy(params->value_format, value);
      params->range_look_count = 1;
      params->azimuth_look_count = 1;
      if (!strcmp(key, "SLC Data Units"))
        strcpy(params->data_units, value);
    else if (type == POLSAR_MLC) {
      params->type = POLSAR_MLC;
      if (!strcmp(key, "mlc_pwr.set_rows"))
        params->row_count = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "mlc_pwr.set_cols"))
        params->column_count = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "mlc_pwr.set_proj"))
        strcpy(params->projection, value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "mlc_pwr.row_addr"))
        params->along_track_offset = atof(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "mlc_pwr.col_addr"))
        params->cross_track_offset = atof(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "mlc_pwr.row_mult"))
        params->azimuth_pixel_spacing = atof(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "mlc_pwr.col_mult"))
        params->range_pixel_spacing = atof(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "mlc_pwr.val_size"))
        params->bytes_per_pixel = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "mlc_pwr.val_frmt"))
        strcpy(params->value_format, value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Number of Range Looks in MLC"))
        params->range_look_count = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Number of Azimuth Looks in MLC"))
        params->azimuth_look_count = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "MLC Data Units"))
        strcpy(params->data_units, value);
      params->range_look_count = 1;
      params->azimuth_look_count = 1;
    else if (type == POLSAR_DAT) {
      params->type = POLSAR_DAT;
      if (!strcmp(key, "dat.set_rows"))
        params->row_count = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "dat.set_cols"))
        params->column_count = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "dat.set_proj"))
        strcpy(params->projection, value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "dat.row_addr"))
        params->along_track_offset = atof(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "dat.col_addr"))
        params->cross_track_offset = atof(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "dat.row_mult"))
        params->azimuth_pixel_spacing = atof(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "dat.col_mult"))
        params->range_pixel_spacing = atof(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "dat.val_size"))
        params->bytes_per_pixel = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "dat.val_frmt"))
        strcpy(params->value_format, value);
      params->range_look_count = 1;
      params->azimuth_look_count = 1;
      strcpy(params->data_units, MAGIC_UNSET_STRING);
    else if (type == POLSAR_GRD) {
      params->type = POLSAR_GRD;
      if (!strcmp(key, "grd_pwr.set_rows"))
        params->row_count = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "grd_pwr.set_cols"))
        params->column_count = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "grd_pwr.set_proj"))
        strcpy(params->projection, value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "grd_pwr.row_addr"))
        params->along_track_offset = atof(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "grd_pwr.col_addr"))
        params->cross_track_offset = atof(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "grd_pwr.row_mult"))
        params->azimuth_pixel_spacing = atof(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "grd_pwr.col_mult"))
        params->range_pixel_spacing = atof(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "grd_pwr.val_size"))
        params->bytes_per_pixel = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "grd_pwr.val_frmt"))
        strcpy(params->value_format, value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Number of Range Looks in MLC"))
        params->range_look_count = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Number of Azimuth Looks in MLC"))
        params->azimuth_look_count = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "GRD Data Units"))
        strcpy(params->data_units, value);
    else if (type == POLSAR_HGT) {
      params->type = POLSAR_HGT;
      if (!strcmp(key, "hgt.set_rows"))
        params->row_count = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "hgt.set_cols"))
        params->column_count = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "hgt.set_proj"))
        strcpy(params->projection, value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "hgt.row_addr"))
        params->along_track_offset = atof(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "hgt.col_addr"))
        params->cross_track_offset = atof(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "hgt.row_mult"))
        params->azimuth_pixel_spacing = atof(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "hgt.col_mult"))
        params->range_pixel_spacing = atof(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "hgt.val_size"))
        params->bytes_per_pixel = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "hgt.val_frmt"))
        strcpy(params->value_format, value);
      params->range_look_count = 1;
      params->azimuth_look_count = 1;
      if (!strcmp(key, "HGT Data Units"))
        strcpy(params->data_units, value);
    if (!strcmp(key, "set_hddr"))
      params->header_bytes = atoi(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "set_tail"))
      params->tail_bytes = atoi(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "set_plat"))
      params->lat_peg_point = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "set_plon"))
      params->lon_peg_point = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "set_phdg"))
      params->head_peg_point = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "val_endi"))
      strcpy(params->endianess, value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "val_mult"))
      params->data_scale = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "val_addr"))
      params->data_shift = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "val_minv"))
      params->min_value = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "val_maxv"))
      params->max_value = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Center Wavelength"))
      params->wavelength = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Ellipsoid Semi-major Axis"))
      params->semi_major = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Ellipsoid Eccentricity Squared"))
      params->eccentricity = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Look Direction"))
      strcpy(params->look_direction, value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Range Spacing per Bin"))
      params->range_spacing = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Azimuth Spacing"))
      params->azimuth_spacing = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Image Starting Range"))
      params->slant_range_first_pixel = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Global Average Yaw"))
      params->yaw = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Global Average Pitch"))
      params->pitch = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Global Average Roll"))
      params->roll = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Global Average ESA"))
      params->steering_angle = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Global Average Altitude"))
      params->altitude = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Average GPS Altitude"))
      params->altitude = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Global Average Terrain Height"))
      params->terrain_height = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Global Average Squint Angle"))
      params->squint_angle = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Pulse Length"))
      params->pulse_length = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Bandwidth"))
      params->bandwidth = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Approximate Upper Left Latitude"))
      params->lat_upper_left = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Approximate Upper Left Longitude"))
      params->lon_upper_left = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Approximate Upper Right Latitude"))
      params->lat_upper_right = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Approximate Upper Right Longitude"))
      params->lon_upper_right = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Approximate Lower Left Latitude"))
      params->lat_lower_left = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Approximate Lower Left Longitude"))
      params->lon_lower_left = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Approximate Lower Right Latitude"))
      params->lat_lower_right = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Approximate Lower Right Longitude"))
      params->lon_lower_right = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Date of Acquisition"))
      strcpy(params->acquisition_date, value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Processor Version Number"))
      strcpy(params->processor, value);

  return params;
Example #2
static void
process_item(GtkTreeIter *iter, Settings *user_settings, gboolean skip_done,
             int is_first)
    gchar *in_file, *out_full, *ancillary_file, *meta_file,
      *status, *polsarpro_aux_info, *interferogram_file,
      *coherence_file, *slave_metadata_file, *baseline_file,
    int pid, isPolSARPro = FALSE;

    pid = getpid();

    gtk_tree_model_get(GTK_TREE_MODEL(list_store), iter,
		       COL_INPUT_FILE, &in_file,
		       COL_ANCILLARY_FILE, &ancillary_file,
		       COL_METADATA_FILE, &meta_file,
		       COL_OUTPUT_FILE, &out_full,
		       COL_STATUS, &status,
		       COL_POLSARPRO_INFO, &polsarpro_aux_info,
		       COL_INTERFEROGRAM, &interferogram_file,
		       COL_COHERENCE, &coherence_file,
		       COL_SLAVE_METADATA, &slave_metadata_file,
		       COL_BASELINE, &baseline_file,
           COL_UAVSAR_TYPE, &uavsar_type,

    int image_data_type = extract_image_data_type(polsarpro_aux_info);
    if (image_data_type >= 0 && image_data_type < 3)
      isPolSARPro = TRUE;

    if (strcmp(status, "Done") != 0 || !skip_done)
        //char *in_basename = stripExt(in_file);
        char *out_basename = stripExt(out_full);
        char *out_nameonly = get_basename(out_full);
        char *output_dir = getPath(out_full);
        char *config_file, *cmd_output, *tmp_dir, *intermediates_file;
        gchar *err_string;

        /* Ensure we have access to the output directory */
        if (!have_access_to_dir(output_dir, &err_string))
            /* We don't -- issue a message in the "Status" column. */
            gtk_list_store_set(list_store, iter, COL_STATUS, err_string, -1);



        tmp_dir = MALLOC(sizeof(char)*
        if (strlen(output_dir) > 0) {
          sprintf(tmp_dir, "%s%c%s-%s", output_dir, DIR_SEPARATOR,
                  out_nameonly, time_stamp_dir());
        else {
          sprintf(tmp_dir, "%s-%s", out_nameonly, time_stamp_dir());


        config_file =
                                    in_file, ancillary_file, meta_file,
                                    out_full, output_dir,
                                    tmp_dir, polsarpro_aux_info,
				    interferogram_file, coherence_file,
				    slave_metadata_file, baseline_file, uavsar_type);
        if (!config_file) {
            err_string = "Error creating configuration file.";
            gtk_list_store_set(list_store, iter, COL_STATUS, err_string, -1);


        cmd_output = do_convert(pid, iter, config_file, TRUE,
            user_settings->keep_files, &intermediates_file);
        err_string = check_for_error(cmd_output);
        if (err_string) {
            // unsuccessful
            gtk_list_store_set(list_store, iter, COL_STATUS, err_string,
                COL_LOG, cmd_output, -1);
        else {
            // successful -- move to "completed" list
            GtkTreeIter completed_iter;
            move_to_completed_files_list(iter, &completed_iter, cmd_output,
            set_thumbnail(&completed_iter, tmp_dir, out_full, isPolSARPro);

        // for subsequent runs, save the imported dem & mask
        settings_update_dem(user_settings, output_dir);
        settings_update_mask(user_settings, output_dir);


        if (!user_settings->keep_files)


Example #3
uavsar_insar *
read_uavsar_insar_params(const char *dataFile, uavsar_type_t type)
  uavsar_insar *params = (uavsar_insar *) MALLOC(sizeof(uavsar_insar));
  char time1[50]="", time2[50]="";

  // Determine ID
  char *dirName = (char *) MALLOC(sizeof(char) * 1024);
  char *fileName = (char *) MALLOC(sizeof(char) * 1024);
  split_dir_and_file(dataFile, dirName, fileName);
  sprintf(params->id, "%s", stripExt(fileName));

  // Read annotation file
  char line[MAX_LINE], key[MAX_LINE], value[MAX_LINE];
  FILE *fp = FOPEN(dataFile, "r");
  while (fgets(line, MAX_LINE, fp)) {
    if(!parse_annotation_line(line, key, value)) {
      asfPrintWarning("Unable to parse line in annotation file: %s", line);
    if(!strcmp(key, ""))
    if (!strcmp(key, "Site Description"))
      strcpy(params->site, value);
    if (!strcmp(key, "Processing Mode"))
      strcpy(params->processing_mode, value);
    if (!strcmp(key, "Polarization"))
      strcpy(params->polarization, value);
    if (!strcmp(key, "Number of Looks in Range"))
      params->range_look_count = atoi(value);
    if (!strcmp(key, "Number of Looks in Azimuth"))
      params->azimuth_look_count = atoi(value);
    if (type == INSAR_INT) {
      params->type = INSAR_INT;
      if (!strcmp(key, "Interferogram Bytes Per Pixel"))
        params->bytes_per_pixel = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Interferogram Pixel Format"))
        strcpy(params->value_format, value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Interferogram Units"))
        strcpy(params->data_units, value);
    else if (type == INSAR_UNW) {
      params->type = INSAR_UNW;
      if (!strcmp(key, "Unwrapped Phase Bytes Per Pixel"))
        params->bytes_per_pixel = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Unwrapped Phase Pixel Format"))
        strcpy(params->value_format, value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Unwrapped Phase Units"))
        strcpy(params->data_units, value);
    else if (type == INSAR_COR) {
      params->type = INSAR_COR;
      if (!strcmp(key, "Correlation Bytes Per Pixel"))
        params->bytes_per_pixel = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Correlation Pixel Format"))
        strcpy(params->value_format, value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Correlation Units"))
        strcpy(params->data_units, value);
    else if (type == INSAR_AMP) {
      params->type = INSAR_AMP;
      if (!strcmp(key, "Amplitude Bytes Per Pixel"))
        params->bytes_per_pixel = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Amplitude Pixel Format"))
        strcpy(params->value_format, value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Amplitude Units"))
        strcpy(params->data_units, value);
    if (type >= INSAR_AMP && type <= INSAR_COR) {
      if (!strcmp(key, "Slant Range Data Azimuth Lines"))
        params->row_count = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Slant Range Data Range Samples"))
        params->column_count = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "slt.set_proj"))
        strcpy(params->projection, value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "slt.row_addr"))
        params->along_track_offset = atof(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "slt.col_addr"))
        params->cross_track_offset = atof(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Slant Range Data at Near Range")) {
        params->slant_range_first_pixel = atof(value);
        params->slant_range_first_pixel /= 1000.0;
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Slant Range Data Azimuth Spacing"))
        params->azimuth_pixel_spacing = atof(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Slant Range Data Range Spacing"))
        params->range_pixel_spacing = atof(value);
    else if (type >= INSAR_AMP_GRD && type <= INSAR_HGT_GRD) {
      if (!strcmp(key, "Ground Range Data Latitude Lines"))
        params->row_count = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Ground Range Data Longitude Samples"))
        params->column_count = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "grd.set_proj"))
        strcpy(params->projection, value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "grd.row_addr"))
        params->along_track_offset = atof(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "grd.col_addr"))
        params->cross_track_offset = atof(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Ground Range Data Latitude Spacing"))
        params->azimuth_pixel_spacing = atof(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Ground Range Data Longitude Spacing"))
        params->range_pixel_spacing = atof(value);
    if (type == INSAR_INT_GRD) {
      params->type = INSAR_INT_GRD;
      if (!strcmp(key, "Interferogram Bytes Per Pixel"))
        params->bytes_per_pixel = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Interferogram Pixel Format"))
        strcpy(params->value_format, value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Interferogram Units"))
        strcpy(params->data_units, value);
    else if (type == INSAR_UNW_GRD) {
      params->type = INSAR_UNW_GRD;
      if (!strcmp(key, "Unwrapped Phase Bytes Per Pixel"))
        params->bytes_per_pixel = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Unwrapped Phase Pixel Format"))
        strcpy(params->value_format, value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Unwrapped Phase Units"))
        strcpy(params->data_units, value);
    else if (type == INSAR_COR_GRD) {
      params->type = INSAR_COR_GRD;
      if (!strcmp(key, "Correlation Bytes Per Pixel"))
        params->bytes_per_pixel = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Correlation Pixel Format"))
        strcpy(params->value_format, value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Correlation Units"))
        strcpy(params->data_units, value);
    else if (type == INSAR_AMP_GRD) {
      params->type = INSAR_AMP_GRD;
      if (!strcmp(key, "Amplitude Bytes Per Pixel"))
        params->bytes_per_pixel = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Amplitude Pixel Format"))
        strcpy(params->value_format, value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "Amplitude Units"))
        strcpy(params->data_units, value);
    else if (type == INSAR_HGT_GRD) {
      params->type = INSAR_HGT_GRD;
      if (!strcmp(key, "DEM Bytes Per Pixel"))
        params->bytes_per_pixel = atoi(value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "DEM Pixel Format"))
        strcpy(params->value_format, value);
      else if (!strcmp(key, "DEM Units"))
        strcpy(params->data_units, value);
    if (!strcmp(key, "set_hddr"))
      params->header_bytes = atoi(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "set_tail"))
      params->tail_bytes = atoi(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "set_plat"))
      params->lat_peg_point = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "set_plon"))
      params->lon_peg_point = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "set_phdg"))
      params->head_peg_point = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "val_endi"))
      strcpy(params->endianess, value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "val_mult"))
      params->data_scale = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "val_addr"))
      params->data_shift = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "val_minv"))
      params->min_value = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "val_maxv"))
      params->max_value = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Center Wavelength"))
      params->wavelength = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Ellipsoid Semi-major Axis"))
      params->semi_major = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Ellipsoid Eccentricity Squared"))
      params->eccentricity = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Look Direction"))
      strcpy(params->look_direction, value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Range Spacing per Bin"))
      params->range_spacing = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Azimuth Spacing"))
      params->azimuth_spacing = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Image Starting Range"))
      params->slant_range_first_pixel = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Global Average Yaw"))
      params->yaw = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Global Average Pitch"))
      params->pitch = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Global Average Roll"))
      params->roll = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Global Average ESA"))
      params->steering_angle = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Global Average Altitude"))
      params->altitude = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Average GPS Altitude"))
      params->altitude = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Global Average Terrain Height"))
      params->terrain_height = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Global Average Squint Angle"))
      params->squint_angle = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Pulse Length"))
      params->pulse_length = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Bandwidth"))
      params->bandwidth = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Approximate Upper Left Latitude")) {
      if (strcmp_case(value, "N/A") == 0)
        params->lat_upper_left = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
        params->lat_upper_left = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Approximate Upper Left Longitude")) {
      if (strcmp_case(value, "N/A") == 0)
        params->lon_upper_left = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
        params->lon_upper_left = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Approximate Upper Right Latitude")) {
      if (strcmp_case(value, "N/A") == 0)
        params->lat_upper_right = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
        params->lat_upper_right = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Approximate Upper Right Longitude")) {
      if (strcmp_case(value, "N/A") == 0)
        params->lon_upper_right = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
        params->lon_upper_right = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Approximate Lower Left Latitude")) {
      if (strcmp_case(value, "N/A") == 0)
        params->lat_lower_left = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
        params->lat_lower_left = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Approximate Lower Left Longitude")) {
      if (strcmp_case(value, "N/A") == 0)
        params->lon_lower_left = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
        params->lon_lower_left = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Approximate Lower Right Latitude")) {
      if (strcmp_case(value, "N/A") == 0)
        params->lat_lower_right = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
        params->lat_lower_right = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Approximate Lower Right Longitude")) {
      if (strcmp_case(value, "N/A") == 0)
        params->lon_lower_right = MAGIC_UNSET_DOUBLE;
        params->lon_lower_right = atof(value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Time of Acquisition for Pass 1"))
      strcpy(time1, value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Time of Acquisition for Pass 2"))
      strcpy(time2, value);
    else if (!strcmp(key, "Processor Version Number"))
      strcpy(params->processor, value);

  sprintf(params->acquisition_date, "%s, %s", time1, time2);

  return params;
Example #4
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  int extentFlag = FALSE, multiband = FALSE;
  char *extent = (char *) MALLOC(sizeof(char)*1024);
  char *outfile = (char *) MALLOC(sizeof(char)*1024);
    handle_common_asf_args(&argc, &argv, ASF_NAME_STRING);
    if (argc>1 && (strcmp(argv[1], "-help")==0 || strcmp(argv[1],"--help")==0))
    if (argc<2) usage();

    double background_val=0;
    extract_double_options(&argc, &argv, &background_val, "-background",
                           "--background", "-b", NULL);
    if (extract_string_options(&argc, &argv, extent, "-extent", "--extent", 
      extentFlag = TRUE;
    if (extract_string_options(&argc, &argv, outfile, "-output", "--output",
      multiband = TRUE;
    int no_blackfill = 
      extract_flag_options(&argc, &argv, "-no_blackfill", "--no_blackfill",
    char *infile = argv[1];

    int i, size_x, size_y, n_inputs=0, start=0, n_bands;
    double start_x, start_y;
    double per_x, per_y;

    asfSplashScreen(argc, argv);
    char *line = (char *) MALLOC(sizeof(char)*512);
    FILE *fpList = FOPEN(infile, "r");
    while (fgets(line, 512, fpList))
      if (strlen(line) > 0)
    if (extentFlag) {
      start = 1;
    char **infiles = (char **) MALLOC(sizeof(char *)*n_inputs);
    if (extentFlag) {
      infiles[0] = (char *) MALLOC(sizeof(char)*512);
      strcpy(infiles[0], extent);
    fpList = FOPEN(infile, "r");
    for (i=start; i<n_inputs; i++) {
      fgets(line, 512, fpList);
      infiles[i] = (char *) MALLOC(sizeof(char)*512);
      strcpy(infiles[i], line);

    if (multiband)
      asfPrintStatus("Stacking %d files to produce: %s\n", n_inputs, outfile);
      asfPrintStatus("Putting %d files in image stack\n", n_inputs);

    asfPrintStatus("Input files:\n");
    for (i=start; i<n_inputs; ++i)
      asfPrintStatus("   %d: %s%s\n", i+1, infiles[i], i==0 ? " (reference)" : "");

    determine_extents(infiles, n_inputs, &size_x, &size_y, &n_bands,
		      &start_x, &start_y, &per_x, &per_y, extentFlag,

    asfPrintStatus("\nStacked image size: %dx%d LxS\n", size_y, size_x);
    asfPrintStatus("  Start X,Y: %f,%f\n", start_x, start_y);
    asfPrintStatus("    Per X,Y: %.2f,%.2f\n", per_x, per_y);

    meta_parameters *meta_out = meta_read(infiles[0]);
    if (multiband)
      meta_out->general->image_data_type = IMAGE_LAYER_STACK;
    meta_out->projection->startX = start_x;
    meta_out->projection->startY = start_y;
    meta_out->general->line_count = size_y;
    meta_out->general->sample_count = size_x;
    meta_out->general->no_data = background_val;

    char *outfile_full = (char *) MALLOC(sizeof(char)*1024);

    if (multiband) {
      sprintf(outfile_full, "%s.img", stripExt(outfile));
      meta_write(meta_out, outfile_full);
    for (i=start; i<n_inputs; i++) {
      asfPrintStatus("\nProcessing band %d (%s) ... \n", i, infiles[i]);
      if (!multiband) {
	sprintf(outfile_full, "%s_stack.img", stripExt(infiles[i]));
	meta_write(meta_out, outfile_full);
      add_to_stack(outfile_full, i, infiles[i], size_x, size_y, 
                   start_x, start_y, per_x, per_y, multiband);

    for (i=0; i<n_inputs; i++)

    return 0;